10 Times Where The Glass Was Almost Not Strong Enough

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there's one thing I know for sure a lot if not all of our subscribers love animals and I'm sure most of us will do whatever it takes to get as close to them as possible I know many of you have dogs cats and other friendly pets at home just like me but some of us want more I mean who wouldn't like to spend some time with the big cats or some elephants or heck even a bear but of course getting close to wild animals is not that simple you could go on safaris or dive into the deep ocean to get a closer experience and the most adventurous ones might not for a time in the jungle hoping to find all of those wild animals that you can't see in the city but honestly the safest place to see these beasts is at the zoo unfortunately there have been certain occasions in which some incidents have happened these moments made us realize that the zoo is not always as safe as we thought it was today we're going to be looking at ten times where the glass was almost not strong enough you'll see how some lucky people were hanging out way too close to the glass that separated them from the enclosure of some wild and dangerous animals number 10 the bear in the car all right not all of the animals on this list were found at the zoo the next story took place in the Sequoia National Park in California this is when a man and his dog found a unique but not uncommon obstacle in the middle of the road it was a bear which is a very common find in this park and just like any other visitor at the park they were amazed at the sight of it so they decided to start the car to admire the wild ferocious animal hoping it would eventually go away however the bear just got closer to them to the point that it started to climb the car and even jumped on the trunk good thing the car had windows though because this bear looked hungry and perhaps it was hoping to make a meal out of those two the bear finally gave up and went back into the woods away from the road the car suffered a few scratches but I'm sure the owner is glad of those scratches were not on him or his precious pooch number 9 the silverback gorilla visits of the zoo are meant to be educational and fun while bringing us closer to the animals we love the most but some visits can turn a bit violent after all we're talking about animals so you can't just expect him to behave in any way that we want their behavior is unpredictable and this video is a clear example of that this silverback gorilla at a zoo in Nebraska was not thrilled when visitors showed up you can see that everyone around was amazed of the looks of the gorilla but the animal was not happy about it whatsoever and in just the blink of an eye the wild beast charged and hit one of the windows and made a crack luckily the glass didn't break but I wonder if things would have been different if the gorilla had continued hitting it gorillas are very strong animals and male gorillas are known to have the strength of many men the people at the zoo say that the glass is enough to protect the people who are watching from the outside but after watching this video I don't know if I fully agree with them number 8 lion at the Safari one of the most unique experiences and the African continent is the visit to a safari riding through the wild and seeing some of those animals is one thing you must do while you're there but for some of us Africa is a bit too far and expensive so we go to local safaris that try to recreate the experience for us the next video on this list is from a visit to the guatemalan safari in which a line attached himself to a spare tire that was on the back of the car the car began to drive away and the line just kept chewing on it I'm not sure if the line just wanted to play or review is actually just training his tea to have a proper meal later on one thing is for sure though those guys also spare tire they have but I'm sure they're thankful it was just a tire and not their lives number seven lying at the zoo and here's another story about lions they're so wild and sometimes aggressive so it makes sense that I have more than one story about them the next story takes place at a zoo you can see on this video how an innocent toddler was just weighed in her hands of the Lions hoping they would notice her and they actually did we're glad though that there's a strong glass between the little girl and the beasts because that lion was ready to eat in just a matter of seconds the wild animal jump from where it was and slammed right into the glass the toddler of course began to cry because she probably realized that Lions are not the kind of animal she would ever want to mess with number 6 the polar bear and the girl it looks like the zoo is the place where a lot of children come to realize that a lot of wild animals are not necessarily friendly beasts even though they can look pretty dang cute in this video you can see how a little girl got all excited when she saw a polar bear at the st. Louis Zoo the girl pulled out one of her toys and began to show it to her new friend of the polar bear unfortunately things probably looked a bit different from the polar bears perspective when the animals are the toy she slammed her head against the glass which shows that it was probably hoping to make a meal out of what was on the other side the parents pulled the little girl aside and decided to move on we're glad there was a thick layer of glass between them and the bear but still it's pretty scary to see the Bears reaction number 5 the monkey that tried to escape so far we focus on big wild animals but we should never underestimate the small ones the next animal on this list is a white-faced capuchin monkey that lives in a zoo in central China well the monkey has been given everything he needs for survival it seems like he still doesn't want to be there there's footage just shows the monkey sharpening one of the rocks he found inside his enclosure once it was sharp enough he used this same rock to smash it against the glass he didn't manage to break free but the people at the zoo had to replace the glass if the monkey had charged a bit strongly he would have broken the dang thing after the incident they removed all rocks from his enclosure number four the chimp at the Houston Zoo and here's another primate that shows it smarter than what most people would think back in 2018 a group of kids were on a field trip to the Houston Zoo when they found one of the most social and perhaps aggressive chimpanzees they've ever seen in the video it looks like the kids are doing all sorts of things to provoke the chimp confident that he can't do anything to them since after all the chimp is on the other side of the glass however you can see how the animal is trying hard to get to the other side of the glass you can see in charging the glass kicking it and at one point he even slams it with his hands I don't know about you but if I were part of that group I would have just let the chimp alone number three the Sharks at the mall next on this list we have a group of hungry sharks that came face-to-face with an unfortunate someone due to some human error but Before we jump into the story let me point something out these sharks are inside a mall that's right a shopping plaza that's scary that's just really scary actually on this video you can see a woman tripping and falling into the shark tank just in time for feeding time luckily like I said earlier humans are not a shark's favorite meal and the woman was rescued before things got crazy when you look at it you can see that this incident happened because someone left the tank open which made the person trip and fall inside so it has nothing to do with the glass and someone probably got in trouble for not being responsible enough to properly close that tank now it's time for the day's best Pig we've seen all sorts of animals in this video and we're surely glad that there was glass keeping people from getting closer to them personally I'm also glad that there are videos of these experiences you really got to be at the right place and at the right time to capture these unique moments the picture I chose for today shows a tiger preying on someone who's completely unaware of it good thing there's glass there but I'm not sure if that's much help let's check out a story that includes a curious tiger like the one you see here number 2 tiger photobomb sometimes it takes a lot of effort to get animals to be in our pictures let alone pose for them I mean it's kind of impossible in some cases but that was not the case for this little guy at the Dublin Zoo who was trying to get a photo taken in front of the tiger enclosure he had the perfect background as the tiger was already hanging out near the window but what the boy and his family didn't anticipate is the fact that the tiger was actually preying on them just like they would if they were in the wild the tiger quickly ran from where he was standing and jumped against the glass in an attempt to pounce against the boy instead of getting a picture the boy walked away with a video that will help him remember this frightening moment for the rest of his life before we move on I've got a little challenge for you that I'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal he does leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button hit the notification bell and you will get 25 years of amazing luck try it really works number one the Rhino and the zebra collar and we made the top of the list where we have a very strong and a fearless Rhino this wild animal was having a hard time adapting to its new environment in Germany one day a zebra car went for a ride through the Rhinos living space when the Rhino spotted it he charged against the car made it flip more than just a couple of times at the end the Rhino stopped and the driver was able to get out of live obviously there's no point in having protective windows when an animal this big could flip your car at any moment I'm just glad the person inside I got out of it alive though have you ever seen something like this at the zoo aquarium or at a safari or maybe you know about other stories in which the glass was almost not strong enough to keep people safe let us know in the comments section down below with all that said and done I'll see you all next time later everybody [Music]
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 3,640,406
Rating: 4.7821531 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education, top 10, top 5, facts, interesting facts, amazing facts, factsjunkie, lists, top, 10, top 10 animals, animals, gorilla breaks glass, when animals attack, animals breaking glass, glass animal attacks, breaks glass, breaking glass, breaks glass at zoo, breaks window, 10 times, the glass wasnt strong enough, entertainment, zoo, gorilla, times, broke glass, escape, smashes glass, top 10 people, wild animals, zoo animals break glass, zoo animals, people, bear, polar bear
Id: qghFLNO3zUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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