Top 20 Tools Every Man Should Have

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welcome back friends to the shop we are in the clutches of a major winter storm and I thought what better way to spend the day than to come out to the wood shop and being a YouTube creator it is a treadmill so I feel like a modern-day Sisyphus sometimes you got to keep the content rolling so this is number one we're gonna do three videos of a row of putting together the common man's toolkit for basic all-around tools now today's kit is going to be 20 tools to get started now let's say for example that you've just moved out of your out of your parents house you're a young guy getting started or maybe you don't have a good collection it's going to be the way you the way you acquire tools and the way you put together a good set is in stages I broke this into three stages so this is going to be everything fits in this box not only does it fit in the box it barely makes a dent in this box but what's 20 tools kind of geared towards the apartment or condo dweller you want to be able to have a well rounded set of tools there you can solve any problem funny story I had a good friend that grew up in the country it was a very hands-on guy really handy guy he wanted to be an actor and he moved down to Hollywood and he took his tools you know and took his skills down there that he that he had that he had that was just kind of commonplace where we grew up and he told me down in Hollywood he was like a god he said his friends and the men down there had absolutely nothing they couldn't do basic repairs they couldn't fix anything he said that he had all the women he could possibly want because women want men that can take care of business women want men that have skills and capabilities not men that wax their chests not when men that shaved their legs or where the latest trends women want men that are capable and can do things and can take care of a family I don't care what anyone tells you it's the truth so let's get into it so these are going to be this is stage one of three stages of putting together your kit and as I said about 20 things so let's jump into it I'll talk about I'm going to get into specific tools now when you're buying your tools by the best you can afford hammer for example if you buy a hammer and you buy the very best hammer you can buy that's a lifetime tool you're never going to have to buy that again and ultimately you're gonna save money if you buy cheap hammers and you buy a three for five over a course of a lifetime you're not saving any money and you're also not having a very good user experience using these poor quality tools so when I'm showing you these things get the very best that you can alright so number one I think it's 20 it's somewhere around there number one you need a saw so I would recommend if I can only have one saw it would be this one this is the Japanese saw this is the guy couch Oh guy couch Oh Japanese pole saw now the difference between the Japanese saws and the American saws is the Japanese saws of course they cut on the pole where the American saws cut on the push so this particular one the one that I like and I'll put links to these down in the in the description as well I like this because you've got a crosscut tooth pattern and you've got a ripping tooth pattern and what that means is that you can cut with the green or against it so essentially you get two saws in one and one of your first projects would be a really good thing for you to do is to build yourself a nice little wood sheath for this to protect the teeth but this is number one you want a good all-around multi-purpose saw number two a hammer you know I've had I almost have a hammer fetish I've done did a video where I was calling some of my hammers and I had grief I had a bunch of them so I asked myself if you had to get rid of all of them which one would you choose and my very favorite hammer I've ever used is the is this hammer right here this is a stiletto titanium or titanium 14-ounce now I don't know if these are still being made I'll do a little research on this but I absolutely love this hammer you know are you do you need a big framing hammer like this well what I find is I don't use finish hammers I don't use anything any other hammer than this one I use it for everything it is a lifetime hammer you can it's got a wood handle it's gonna be very nice to use if you have to use it for extended period of time it's gonna be comfortable it's not going to give you the tennis elbow it's just a beautifully designed hammer expensive yes but are you ever going to have to buy another one probably not if you take care of it so my very favorite hammer for all-around general purpose is that is this one right here the stiletto Ruger all right why don't we got next here screwdrivers you're gonna need a cut you're gonna need two screwdrivers you're gonna be a number two Phillips and you're going to use a regular standard slotted I would just go ahead and buy yourself electrician screwdrivers electrician screwdrivers these are ideals these have been pretty good I like these because they've got the insulation on them so ultimately you're you know eventually you're going to be doing some electrical work you're gonna have to be replacing plugs or different things and it can be used for anything you can use this to you know tighten anything you want to it doesn't have to be just for electrical but if you do need it for electrical you have it and you don't have to buy multiples I just haven't found the need I what I've found is I put these two guys in my tool it might in my tool bags and I just don't use anything else right here you can see on the back the other nice thing about them is that they have the they identify which ones which so when they're sitting in your tool belt you can look down and see I need to regular I need the Phillips and I've really liked these ideals they've been really tough and durable and I feel good about doing you know poking around electrical stuff to have that insulation on there so two screwdrivers a number two Phillips and a standard you're gonna want a tape measure I would recommend you go with I here's how you tell who makes the best tape measure so if you go to Home Depot or you go to Lowe's or your lumber yard the main thing is stand out length how far will the thing go out and so when I but I just bought this tape measure this is the first Dewalt that i've ever bought at Home Depot I was going to get the stanley fat max because those are my favorites I love the 25 s stay away from the 30s unless you need to eat it for like specialized work like you're an estimator or something because they often well I don't know if they still do this but they used to put the 25 of the 30 in the same case as a 25 in it it seems like it wouldn't want to go back in after got dirty so the 25 is really the sweet spot this has an amazing stand out meaning that if you need to measure something by yourself this will go all the way out this Dewalt too it broke at 12 feet so that was to sheet further than the Stanley the thing that I really loved about this tape measure is it's got the way that it's laid out if you look here and see it's got the sixteenths marked here for you because if you don't do this all the time you know and you're counting those little hashes or you're older and your eyesight's not really good those things could be kind of tedious so having them marked out for you on one side is really dwight delightful this is the best tape measure i've ever used this is the DeWalt 25 if i were going to open only have one this is the one that I would get next off you're going to want to get yourself a this is a tool a rasp or file called a for at hand this is a wonderful little tool what you get here is four tools in one you get a wood rasp that's flat you get a wood rasp that's concave or convex convex Cuse me and then you get a round file a convex file and then a flat file you can make ax handles with this you can shape wood with this you can have if you have something that's got a metal bolt that's got a burr something that sharp on it it needs just needs round-the-clock small investment and just super super handy you're gonna want a paintbrush you a paintbrush if I could only have one my very favorite one the one that I go to for everything for just an all-around now is the Purdy clear cut this is a two and a half inch paint brush and you can you know it's not going to hold a ton of paint if you're if you're slop and paint on you know Tom Sawyer style and and you need to you know paint lots of stuff or siding your fence with a brush this is not the one you want but if you're just doing repairs and you may need to be cutting in next to a window or or doing some detail work for an all arounder this is really really a great paint brush the pretty clear cut and the nylon don't keep keep these little guys these little packages that they come in they're really nice they they have a Velcro on them here and you can fold them up and they protect you can throw them in your toolbox and they'll protect it really well so the pretty clear-cut in nylon polyester it is it'll be rated for all paints is a good all-around err next you're gonna want a set of basic set of drill bits get yourself buy quality buy something that has a really nice box I like the DeWalt boxes because they're well-designed and they have a simple latch and they hold the bits very securely what you're going to want is you're going to want to go from 1/16 of an inch to a half inch that's a really good starter kit that you build to drill anything and make sure whatever bits you get that you get the bits that will drill in not only wood but metal as well and all-around kind of a universal drill bit this will do pretty much anything you need to do around your apartment or home speaking of drill bits I think that the most essential tool of the first power tool that I buy would be a cordless drill you could make the argument about an impact wrench your cordless impact wrench II oh pretty nice to have both but I would if I had one I would choose the drill it's more it's more Universal if you need to hook on a stir stick for stirring drywall or paint or you need to grasp bits or it's it's just a lot more versatile what brand that I can't tell you but I can tell you this stick with one pick one brand and stick with it and buy quality whether that be Dewalt or Makita or Milwaukee what I've tended to do in the past is let's say I needed a tool and I go to Home Depot and I have like I'll just buy what's on sale will you what I've ended up doing is now I've got four battery chargers with four different batteries and it is horrible so you don't save money in the long run by buying something that is twenty or thirty dollars less than the competition decide what it is that you want for tools and stick with that brand and make sure that the batteries go across all platforms what I like about these I'm switching over to all the DeWalt flex volts is that I can run small batteries I can run big batteries I don't have to and if I want to buy an additional tool I don't have to spend the money on extra chargers I mean if you buy one charger and you've got a couple batteries with it you can buy now just the bear tool and you don't have to spend the extra money and then you can also change the batteries back and forth if I need something lightweight and I'm doing drywall work I can use the small battery that came with it if I want to have something it's going to be a little bit more robust or I'm gonna I'm gonna take the drill away from the home where I need it to run for a long time I can put one of these giant batteries on there these 20 volts I can take this battery I can run my chop saws I can run my table saws I can run my jig saws my sawzalls all with the same battery so make sure you just stick with one brand whatever that's going to be make sure it's got a clip on it and a light the lights very helpful but the DeWalt flex volt system is what I'm going to I'm gonna be phasing out every other brand not necessarily because that's the best I don't know what the best is but they've treated me well and I like their tools and that's what I'm going with the next tool you're gonna want to get is isn't all my granddad always called it an ice pick but what it is it's basically just a like a steel screwdriver with a point on it this is very handy for lots of things for making holes and things for lining things up if you need to get you know you've got trying to get a bolt in something you can get that in there and line it up you can scribe with it you can I can't even go into it it's one it's a tool that's probably in my hand once every week I use it for so many things I can't even list all all of the things but a good all is great if you want to start a screw in something you know or you can even use it for a center punch it's just a great universal tool you're gonna want to have an awl in your tool kit next is a crescent wrench again by quality this is a tool that will last you your whole life SNK the husky brand I've got a set of these these have been just tough as nails and the one you want is an 8-inch if you're just starting off now remember if you're an apartment dweller or you're just getting started the chances are you're going to be moving around a lot so you don't want to be weighted down with a bunch of stuff I mean there's nothing worse than moving so you want everything to be be useful and small and as efficient as possible and just the good all-around her is the eight inch size I don't know I prefer these the ones that have that black nitride coating on them I they just are just nicer to use than the Chrome and they seem to be less I don't know why I really prefer those given a chance I always grab the black nitrites they just feel better in the hand they have better grip but the eight inch and this husky is a good one to go with right here next you're gonna want a level you don't need to get into a big four-foot level yet again if you're just getting started you want to start with a small level torpedo levels I find that they're a little bit shorter than this they have their place but I they're almost sometimes a little bit too short if you need to level long things let's say that you're going over and you're helping your buddy build a shed and you're doing studs and you can you can plumb studs with this level I've done it before and it will it will work this is an empire it's probably about 12 inches long and I've really liked it it's got to you want to look for one that's got a groove in it right there the groove is really nice if you are laying it on something that's round so if you let's say that you're doing a drain field or you're doing some drainage you can use a level to predict the slope quarter inch per foot is what you need to is what you need for like a sewer line for example so let's say that you're doing a drain pipe or a French drain in your backyard and you have a ten foot stick of ABS pipe having that groove on there like that that will nest right on there and give you an accurate reading and you can actually with this if you could you can see that the bubbles if this is a quarter inch in this twelve inches that's perfect fall so you can determine how you can determine fall with a level like this it's got a magnet on it so if you're working with steel that's kind of handy there is a downside sometimes to magnets that when you put them in the toolbox they will suck up screws and stuff and you have to make sure that when you're using it you have to always clear it so I have kind of a love-hate relationship with the magnets but I don't know that it would affect it too much but I would definitely want that groove on there so a good 12-inch level you're gonna want some oil for how many how many things could we go into for that squeaky door hinges things that won't move things that just need lubricated you know we'd live in an industrial time with machinery and things that move and they need to be taking care of the maintenance and I typically default on which one has the best container that's the easiest to use what I've ended up putting in my toolbox is just the little hoe peas this is kind of marketed for guns and being univer you want we want to have things that cover as much ground as possible we can use this on your guns and you can use this on your door hinge and all those things but the little containers nice a little hope yz9 it's never leaked on me it's never the lids never come off I mean it's what's worse than having something like this come loose on your toolbox and puddle up in the bottom and make a huge mess so this has been handy and it's been kind of my go-to this is a second one I bought and that's my that's my brand from now on you're gonna want to set up liars just regular standard pliers and don't cheap out on these go ahead and get yourself a pair of snap-on pliers I know they're expensive but again this is a lifetime tool maybe an eye pecks or if you if you're really on a budget you can go with the Crescent brand you know that that's always a good brand as well and readily available but this is something that you're gonna is going to be the most used tool in your entire life and if you're looking at you know having tools and using tools for the next 50 years is it not worth it to get something that really functions well having snap-on having night packs there is a difference the way that the steel is made the way that they're cut and when you have one chance to get that stripped bolt off you're gonna forget that you save ten bucks on a cheap pair of pliers when it rounds off and you've got a big problem so buy yourself a good set of standard slip joint pliers slip joint meaning that it they kind of have two openings you can see right there there's an oval cut in there and they slip so if you need to grab something really big you can do that if you need to get something smaller you can do that as well there also you want to look for your pliers that they've got those aggressive teeth inside so if you need to grab something round like a bolt or a piece small piece of pipe and you can even in a pinch use these they'll have cut good players will have wire cutters on the inside they're not great wire cutters but they're a whole lot better than no wire cutters I'll guarantee you that next thing you're gonna have you're gonna want a sanding block this is just a standard 3m sanding block and what you'll do is you want to get yourself a good assortment of sandpaper 60 grit 150 grit and 220 so three grits of sandpaper will pretty much do you if you go to your hardware store you're gonna see sandpaper or sold in sheets I don't know if I have any here to show you we've all seen them before but these sandpaper blocks are designed to you fold it over and you tear the sandpaper and you can get two or three strips out of there how they work because they've got some teeth on the inside that you once you cut your strip you put that in there and you press that down that bikes into the into the block and now you have a good sanding block that you can sand and with those three grits you can do lots of different things and there's always something that needs sanding or repaired or fix so a good sanding block with the corresponding sandpaper next is a center putt or a nail set this is a design to kind of work with a hammer so if you have a small finish nail or something that needs to be recessed that's popping out you can do that yeah you can use this as a drift because this is designed unlike the all they all is not designed to be hammered on we've got a plastic handle there you can get away with a little bit of it but if you need to do something if you really need to wail on something you can see that this is all steel this little Dewalt one's nice because there's a rubber handle on it and I like to rubber handle for no other reason that it keeps prevents it from slipping out of my tool belt and easier to find because it's yellow so that this is nice you can if you need to take a door off you can push the pins out you can set nails you can drift things you could punch a hole in something plastic or leather if you need to with this so I would I would definitely include a nail set in the kit we got we're getting down to it we don't have very much left you want a utility knife the very best utility knife I've ever used is the oricon these are marketed and designed for carpet layer's and I like these because they have a tool that's designed for changing the blades you don't have to go and find it you want to change the blade you don't have to find us a screwdriver the little handle flips out there and it's a wonderful there ergonomic and they don't rattle that's my thing it really bug bothers me to have tools that have Radley stuff in there so I like these the downside with having a fixed blade utility knife is that it is if you drop this into a toolbox and you're digging in your tools you can cut yourself because the blade doesn't retract so there's always trade-offs for everything i I just detest those ratalie ones and it this is it worth it to me because I keep it in my tool belt it's got a pouch in there and so I've never cut myself on it but the or cons are the absolute best ones I've ever used and having that the way the shape is and the way it fits the hand is they're delightful oh there's only two things left you're gonna want a toilet plunger I mean this may not seem like it may seem like a strange thing to add but is there anything worse than having a clogged toilet and how how do you unclog a toilet without something like this I mean go ahead and break out your coat hanger I've done that before in the past and and have a good time with that yeah it might work and it might not but it's a disgusting job a good toilet plunger is something you're definitely going to want to have in your kit because I mean it really it really can repair a very embarrassing situation for sure the last thing and this was kind of controversial that I decided to put it in because I when I'm thinking about tools which of the ones that I use all the time is the little more Swedish Mora scraper a knife this is something that I started using up a couple years ago and it's found its way into my rotation and into my tool belt and I almost can't live without it what you have here is you've got a good chisel and you've got a chisel almost a blade a on the side right there I keep this in my tool belt it's even got a hard surface on there I have I have whacked on this thing hard with my framing hammer when I needed to chop a small nail or I needed to punch something out it has been it has been awesome I've used it for prying paint can lids off I've used it for scraping paint or different things off of glass I can't even tell you all the things in it and it's got a really nice little sheath I cut the little hook thing off there and I just put that in a little pouch in my tool belt and it is a great tool this is one of my favorite tools that I've bought in the last ten years is a little more chisel knife is that it that's it okay so this is number one again we're doing this in stages this isn't where you start so if you don't have a lot of money and you don't really know where to start trust me you can't go wrong with this you can fix a myriad of problems little do I know what it was I forgot there is one there is one more you want a little fastener a little bag of fasteners in in the fasteners that you want to put together in your kit are going to be you're going to want some 3-inch screws some three inch deck screws you're gonna want to inch and five-eighths inch and five-eighths gives you the ability to hook two three quarter-inch pieces together so if you are screwing down plywood into subfloor or into rafters or anything like that the inch and five-eighths will go through both layers and give you a good connection so three inch and inch and five-eighths you're also going to want to keep in your little little tool pouch some inch and a quarter inch and maybe I think these are inches of course some drywall screws for doing drywall repairs you're going to want to have a little small set of nails just a little galvanized nails for little repairs and little jobs these are probably I don't know what these are they're not sixteen painted probably eight-penny nails or so I'm gonna have in here also anchors some drywall anchors I've been using these these toggle anchors I found these at Home Depot and these have been really good they hold a ton of weight so if you need to hang something on drywall for example you can drill the hole and you push them through and this little thing drops and pulls back and they they hold a lot of weight so some good drywall anchors in various sizes kind of a mishmash of whenever you are like putting together some just have these little parachute bags something like this and what I like about the parachute bag is you can't tip it over it's real it's got a flat bottom on it so you can you can drop it you've got all your hardware all your screws with you you can just grab this and you can grab your drill and you can grab your drill bits or your drivers and all that and you can if you don't know what you're gonna need and you need to do a repair you've got your anchors in there so and have this around so whenever you see little loose bolts or you you know buy something from Ikea and you got leftover things or leftover screws or fastener kits just have a little pouch and put those in there and save them up they'll they'll save you from driving all the way to the hardware store for just little repairs a little job so this this is the best what I've ever found is this little guy it fits at the bottom of a five-gallon bucket and it's good to go sorry about that my camera timed out but the five gallon bucket is a good way to go some people like those bucket buddy deals where that it slips around the bucket and it gives you some pouches those are great too they're very inexpensive and it's a grab-and-go you can have your whole tool kit and one grab one thing and you can be you can be the man you can go over there and save the day you might even find yourself a good woman you know you might have a cute neighbor the girl next door that needs a little repair or a broken door or something and you grab your five-gallon bucket over there and I'll tell you what you'll be the minority because a lot of young guys are not I just don't have these skills they don't have any tools they don't even know what to do so do set yourself aside differentiation differentiate times I'm operating on four cylinders there I'm still just suffering from this flu or whatever it is I have but it doesn't take much in this day and age as a young guy just set yourself apart I tell guys all the time if you want to be outstanding and and be promoted and rise up the ladder and and and be doing really well at your job and at work all you need to do is to is to have a good attitude and to show up on time and and that's basically it that that is as a person who has hired people and had employees all my life I can't tell you how frustrating it is I would take a guy that was not as bright that was not as skilled not as capable that was reliable did I the two things that I could trust and that would always show up on time when I needed him I would take that guy over a guy with crazy skills that was unreliable or untrustworthy so if you can do that it's it'll it'll distinguish you that was the word I'm looking for from pretty much everyone else so that's it that's my I believe it was 20 tomorrow we'll jump into Phase two once you get these acquired and maybe you get a little bit more money and you'll have a lot more capabilities and then we'll go into stage three so this will be a three part series so let me know in the comments if there's anything that I left out for the apartment dweller now remember this is not a complete comprehensive kit this is how you get started and this is the best that I could think of I racked my brain all yesterday and today thinking about this and writing lists this is what I would recommend so thanks for watching click the thumbs up if you enjoy these videos and we'll see you guys on the next one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 205,220
Rating: 4.8270664 out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, tools, tools youtube, tools for sale, tools for sale youtube, tool set, tool set youtube, cordless drill, cordless drill youtube, power tools, power tools youtube, took kit, tool kit youtube, hand tools, hand tools youtube, drill, drill youtube, power drill, power drill youtube, wrench, wrench youtube, power saw, power saw youtube, tool shop, tool shop youtube, screwdriver, screwdriver youtube, power tool set, power tool set youtube
Id: q4ku7XoXfUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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