I Wasn't Expecting THIS!

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[Music] welcome back brothers to the shop today's video we're going to be finishing up our stab jacks stab jack what's that might be easier just to show you stab jack is basically a jack that we can lower down when unloading off the back of this trailer so the pockets are already here from the manufacturer problem is with when you're unloading like those heavy that skid steer four ton skid steer out the back all of that weight right on the back lifting up puts a lot of pressure on that trailer ball and you know it just doesn't seem i don't like it i've in the past packing these guys around and sticking them up and underneath there these are a real pain to drag along with you so that's why i'm building these right here let's come along here and mark these holes across here so we've got some adjustment now we'll use the magnetic drill to drill through this this is 3 16 steel so it's pretty thick and then we'll be able to do a hole in the bottom and then raise them up here so we can stow them with some tractor pins like these right here these are the tractor pins unfortunately the ones we got picked up were a little bit too short and they're not going to work so we'll have to order some longer ones but those will just store in there and then the spring clip will go across and then they'll be secure and they won't come out because i'm a professional homeowner i didn't think ahead to measure this distance when i had the skid steer in there so i don't know how much this trailer is going to sag we don't want these to run down flat or on the ground when it's empty obviously the trailer is going to compress under the weight so i'm going to put it on top of this or just start with two inches the worst case scenario if it's not where we want it we can pop them out and drill more holes on there but we'll start with this boy that old black trailer sure soaks up light doesn't it i think we just need to measure one of these and then we can transfer the marks and just do a just a mirror image on the other jack so we'll go up at the midway point there and allow for the thickness of the marker and it doesn't have to be perfect here but at least we'll get us some place to start we'll also want to do a hole for the stove when we're stowing it now i don't want to have this thing sticking up above the trailer and catching on stuff so we'll go down just below right about there the layout consists of five holes this is the one that we marked i went one above two below in case we're on a hill or an incline it gives you some more options and then this one over here for the storage position let's see what size drill bit we need here you see professional homeowners they don't know how to read calipers so they just measure and lock it down and just see whatever fits in between the jaws let's see what we got here that looks about right doesn't it maybe one less that's it right there what size is that half inch so yes you're having a dream you're dreaming that you wanted to click the thumbs up on this video because you enjoy this content this is the first of the seconds piece of sterit staret tool that i've ever oh that i bought the first one i bought a pair of calipers for my lathe this these tools they belong in a jeweler's case they are so beautiful this is the stair it makes measuring instruments and i mean really really fine high quality tools for for machinists that do really really excellent work this is a center punch that i bought for staking castle nuts uh for ar builds on the on the buffer tube deal uh i wanted something that was nice real good and i absolutely love love this tool it's one of my favorites this is the sterit number 264 e and if you want a good center punch man this is this one's your huckleberry mama kitty wait i mean there's slivers up here i want you to get those in your paw sometimes i listen to myself in the edit and i think goodness it must be crazy there's probably one in a million guys in the world that would even that would go on about this something like it said a center punch but it matters it does matter to me and i know that i'm not the only one out there and if it matters to you then you are my brother it matters it's a joy to work with quality tools this hammer is no slouch either shot filled hear that means it's full of steel shot so when it impacts it doesn't bounce see that normally a hammer it would bounce if it's steel but the shot as you swing it down the shot flies to the back the peen section and the moment it would bounce back on you that shot slams forward and keeps it planted i better transfer those marks before we drill the holes it's always harder to do it then to find out where the center is this is a magnetic drill press got an electromagnet here that you turn on that sucks itself down the magnet is so powerful that it will hold itself upside down if you need to drill through a girder or an i-beam or something like that and it is a beautiful tool german of course so these bits are special sluggers what they call i don't know what they call but they're you drill i'm not on the smaller ones but on the bigger ones you drill a lot less material because they're hollow in the center so you just drill a ring and then the center slug falls out so it's very straightforward it's got two flats on there and two set screws so once you put it up in there it kind of finds its home now it's got a spring-loaded center punch did i get that flat right what was that yeah there we go it's got a spring-loaded center punch on the bottom that finds your uh your divot there you know where you drilled your hole having a drill like this i notice it makes it takes a job like this that would just be misery drilling all these holes with the conventional bits and turns it into something that is actually pleasurable something you enjoy doing i don't know i justify it only reason i bought this is caught me to weak moment i was at the welding shop and it was sitting by the door and it was on sale and the guy made me a deal i couldn't refuse and i came home with it and then i wondered why did i buy that i'm so glad that i did [Applause] that is 3 8 steel guys like it's wood actually easier than wood [Laughter] oh those are sharp so [Laughter] [Laughter] look at the quality of the holes they're just perfect and it gives me the fizz it gives me the fizz because i've drilled i've struggled with those old bits for so long i just oh i you know i never really knew how to sharpen them all that well so then they were dull and just hours of suffering trying to drill holes through big steel this is a big deal for me some of my more clever subscribers are asking and probably already have in the comments hey genius how are you going to get those jacks in there now well i'll show you here in a little bit i got a plan we'll figure that out well brothers that is the last hole we are look at that off we are ready for paint primer and paint and then we'll uh get these guys installed i bought a new floor jack i bought the harbor freight daytona jack i was good i've got two snap-on two-ton jacks that i bought way back in the day i was shouting at you when i was doing my jeep parts and i only reason i bought snap-on is because they were worn out when i bought them there was a guy about my age that i had my wrecking yard and across the street we were in an industrial park there was a guy that had a he was a mechanic he had a shop and a couple guys working for him and he bought two brand new jacks because his were worn out and i bought those from him and i've used them this whole time and one of them failed years ago and this one's starting to leak and get bad so i bought i was to go buy another snap-on and i got to digging around and i found out that apparently the harbor freight daytona floor jacks are the same price or the off they're not the same price they're made out the same line as the snap-on jacks and there was even a lawsuit that proved as much as far i didn't go into it real deep but i thought well good grief i looked at them they looked the same so we'll take a look at that maybe we'll do a video on that if you're interested but i bought the biggest one they had that big four ton there's the old snap on warhorse i'll tell you what this thing's paid for itself a few thousand times and here's the brand new harbor freight this is a much bigger jacket or that's what it says on the sticker anyway a four ton and i think the snap-on was maybe a 1.5 or two i don't remember but uh boy this thing is just about had it not really down with the two-piece handle but that's the way it is we'll see if we can lift this up but look how fast it goes up pretty promising so far guys seem to like him so well the harbor freight probably takes one-fourth of the hand pressure that the snap-on does that's i wasn't expecting that well maybe not one-fourth but half every professional homeowner needs to have two floor jacks that's one place place you don't want to skimp you need to have a good floor jack you can get these daytona's you get that three tonner i've seen those i think maybe if you get the coupon you should be able to get two jacks for about 400 or at least start with one and then get it later [Music] well friends i think we did pretty good here so when we're ready to unload drop that guy down right there probably got to be about where it's at when it's set settles a little bit i space these four holes on the top every three inches which is enough but that's going to be great and then when we want to transport we'll just lift them up [Music] and they'll still up there out of the way that don't that doesn't stick down there that far well that is it boys i am very happy with that looks nice and clean thanks to that drill press it really does a good job you know i know i'm going to have to cap the ends of those now so water is going to get in there i think what i'll do in the meantime i don't know if i have the material to cap that that'd be pretty nice though just i'll drill a little uh weep hole that joint's pretty tight right there drill a little tiny like a 16th of an inch hole there in the corner so any water that gets down in there just runs out and don't have to worry about that filling up with water well friends that's probably about it for the video i'm not going to bore you with the paint i think we're all pretty well squared away on that now i wanna i don't even have the words i don't know how to even say thank you to the outpouring of love that my family experienced from those of you guys who left nice comments to the personal messages that i'm wading through right now and if i haven't gotten back to you on those rest assured i will i will answer every one of those and i'll read every one of those and i appreciate that it was a it was a great comfort to me and it just speaks to the quality of the of the community that we have here and as i've always said the wrangler star subscribers are the best subscribers on youtube and there's no better and you guys showed that showed me what i already knew thanks for watching may god bless you and your families i will be praying for you we'll see you guys on the next video [Music] [Music] my own story the rise and fall
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 161,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, youtube
Id: 5aaM4bIg1BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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