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good morning coming at you bright and early this morning check these lights out the previous owner put these in and they are like stadium lights and i kind of like them at first i wasn't sure how i felt about them they're kind of too bright but now i feel like they're kind of like an added security feature because you know someone's not really going to creep around a really really well illuminated house at least that's my thinking but anyways we're going to be doing a really small project we're going to be installing some handrails or some railing on some kind of faux balcony honestly i don't really even know but we're going to go knock that out this morning and then we're going to come back to the shop and do our first ever project right here in the shop should be pretty exciting so i'm excited about it just stopped at starbucks and got this little girly drink and this one is actually pretty close to where they i think this is where they practice the basketball over here something with the dallas stars or something like that but pretty cool pulling up to the house right now and you can see up there on that balcony there's no railing so that's what we're gonna try to accomplish today all right let's see what we're working with here this is something from [Music] intex millwork solutions [Applause] okay so this is the newel post i should probably put the knife down while i'm pulling on boxes what is this [Applause] now we gotta take everything right there we're gonna come through that window all right check out the view from up here pretty nice so yeah here's the post we previously installed these these i think are made from the same company who makes the railings that we just unboxed and it's like a pvc material or something so we got pretty much everything up here that we're going to need for this install i think we'll see but first thing we got to do is attach that post right there in between this post and this post because they don't make one of these rails that spans this distance so we have this kind of mid post to help support yeah it should be [Applause] so in theory i should have a perfect little box right here that kind of replicates the bottom of that newel post [Applause] all right so we got our post right here installed and plumbed up so it's good and then this thing is kind of too wide to really get a strong you know snug fit around there so they give you these little spacers and they kind of square it up and they just lock on each side and that spaces it out perfectly for the inside so then we can drop this on and you can you can already hear it and see it it's a lot more snug this is our little base cap this is our top cap and if this is good we're going to go ahead and adhesive this whole thing together but first we want to make sure that before we actually do that they were pretty well centered with the whole house so we're gonna go down and check it out oh yeah that looks really good you see it right in the middle of the so there's the post we just installed that little tiny thing right there and you can see walking in through the sidewalk you got kind of all these straight lines so you got the straight lines between the two doors and you got that little bracket right there that little core belt and then our post is right on top of that and then it goes up to that window so i think we're good to go to go ahead and install that thing so i'm going to go ahead and show you guys how we go about doing the rail system on this little section right here and once we show you this all the other sections are the same we actually already did one on the other end but i didn't really talk much about it because this is our first time doing this and i didn't really know what i was doing but it's honestly not that hard they give you the instructions they give you all the hardware once you figure out how the system kind of links together and how it works it's pretty basic so we've got these pieces right here these are the rails you got one on top and one on bottom and it's this aluminum extrusion that slides inside of this piece of pvc so that is basically the top rail and then your top hand rail but then the hand rail gets another cap you'll see that here in a second but yeah this is basically our material and then obviously our little decorative sections right here that go in those go there and that's pretty much it so let's go ahead and get started on this and we're probably going to be here a lot later than i expected because i was under the impression that these things were already built and we just have to screw them in so hey that's that's what i get for not coming out and looking at it i just kind of said hey let's we'll do it so it's really not that hard though it's just going to take quite a bit longer so anyways yeah i've got these marked right here in the middle so you know we're treating this as one section right here in the middle and then this as another portion and i've got that marked for our hardware so what i need to do i need to measure from there because that's exactly where the top of our rail bottom rail is going to be we'll go 99 and a half on that one cutting this thing at 99 and a half i can cut this section as one this pvc section but this aluminum section that goes inside of it i need to back it off a quarter of an inch because the way the hardware works it's got like an eighth on each side so instead of 99 and a half i'll go 99 and a quarter and that should be enough room for that so on the end of this extrusion right here you can see there's like four holes right here and those are actually for this bracket so this will go on like this and those are kind of countersink machined holes so it'll hide the head of the screw so i just need to screw those into the extrusion right there i'm so glad they gave us square drive for all these so now that we've got this little bracket screwed onto the end of our extrusion you can see there's two extra holes those are actually the locations where our screws will go in through our posts and this is also the reason we back off a quarter of an inch because that little bracket like i was talking about earlier is an eighth thick so eighth on each side equals that quarter so now when i slide this together it should sit flush on both sides yes sir so i'm going to set the aluminum aside for a second then i can get this one in place and it should be a snug enough fit where it can hold by itself yeah like that just like that so now i can take my little laser here so when i space these out i'm not spacing them just off this bottom rail here i'm spacing them from post to post so i got 102 let me double check that yep 102 it's like 101.98 this thing's like to the thousandth of an inch or whatever so we're going to call that 102 and then to space that i take 102 i know i'm going to fit three of these here so it'll be one two three so i take this right here it's very much like wayne scott so this is 29 and three quarters so what i need to do is 29 and three quarters times three subtracted from 102 and then divided by four because i have four spaces left in between these after that so i've got everything marked on my pvc piece i'm just dropping my aluminum piece back in making sure it's flush on both ends and then i just need to drill on the inside of that line so my lines basically represent the outer spacing of the decorative panel between each one so i need to go on the inside not the outside of that line that's going to be very important for these things to line up so now we know we're going to be screwing into this dead on where we need to be but we also need to square it up this way or center it rather i guess i should say i've got a tool right here that's going to center this it's this craig multi-mark and if i hold this on each side it's going to center our little decorative panel so our decorative panel is an inch and a quarter right there and right there that right there is an inch and a quarter thick so this will center it and i can start with this center one just make sure i'm flush over here get right on my pencil line give my little offset tool then i screw down right in those holes i just drilled and this should be good to go right here [Applause] so now that i've got my two outers screwed in and you can see they're evenly spaced what i need to do is go ahead and flip this upside down again and you can see i have a spot here where i could drive one more screw so this one i can just eyeball it once those are in and i can just drill pre-drill my aluminum so we've already got our marks center lines on our two posts so we're going to flip this thing just like this we're going to flex it into place and it's going to kind of sag down in the middle a little bit but that's completely fine because we're going to bring the middle up when we do our top rail and level it up yeah that's it right there my first stabila level freaking awesome so here's a little look at how we're shimming this thing up we're just using these little blocks they gave us in this little plastic shim that has little increments then we just shim it up in the middle and make sure everything is nice and straight across and we just got to center our top rail now so since i have a center line right here you can see it on that post right there all i have to do is line up that center line with this center line in this extrusion and then just drive my two screws in right there boom so i'll just kind of hold it in place while i screw this in make sure it doesn't wonder good to go this one needs a little bit of flexing good to go and just head on down the line like this you can see we have a nice clean reveal all the way across and we can check it with this thing so our little top cap will just pop in i'm just going to remeasure for that [Music] [Applause] so we just screwed into that so our top rail comes on and this will actually just pop on and snap in like that [Applause] kind of click in right over here over this edge dang that's nice all right guys there you have it we are done and we started this video it was dark in the morning now it's getting dark in the evening way longer than i thought it would take but once we got the hang of it it went pretty quick and we figured it out so it's a good solid install up there and you never know how long these jobs are going to take so you know thinking of a price like this i usually just tell people five grand will do it so you know i usually don't even get out of bed if it's less than five grand to be honest with you but check it out that that looks awesome then it's got the gas lanterns too just looks like a nice charming house that adds some geometry to it with the railing that's cool so another one down and we'll be back at the shop tomorrow
Channel: Finish Carpentry TV
Views: 223,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: finish, carpentry, finishcarpentry, trim, work, trimwork
Id: OIalgb1Li7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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