#1 Tip To Maximize Your Pepper Harvest | Morning Farm Chores

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[Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you gotta go eat with your sister [Music] well good morning friends that is morning chores done and we have a big day final push in the garden to get all my peppers planted and the last of my cucumbers and squashes and maybe some pumpkins and then i'm gonna be done done done for the first summer push and uh so i gotta go up to the house back again and get the flats of trays but hopefully you guys enjoyed just seeing the animals this morning how they're doing we moved in the big mama chickens with the new uh teenage chickens last night so that was their first night sleeping over seems like everything went well garden's going great got some roses blooming you guys haven't seen the oh these are so dark for some reason i don't know why um got the flower beds doing great roses are blooming you can see all the pretty color down there hopefully you can see it it's way early in the morning todd's not even up yet but it's going to be really hot today so i want to get as much as i can done before the heat of the day so i need to go put on some bug spray first so i'll see you guys back out here in the garden after i have everything moved out here [Music] wow i'll show you guys all these mushrooms crazy okay i think that's a pretty good indication that we have life that is some amazing amazing life growing all in here everything's looking good that was transplanted pretty sure things even look bigger my little cucumbers down here doing good but over here i have my flats of peppers and they are going all down this bed [Music] so par for the course i have no clue which peppers are which peppers we have jalapenos banana peppers and bell peppers like a california wonder and they've been hardening off outside for over two weeks now just randomly here and there increasing time you are going to notice in a few of them a little bit of sun scald on a couple of them it's really hard to avoid that with peppers they're just sissies when it comes to getting exposed for the first time outside so this is my first time growing peppers from seed just like tomatoes and i can't believe i did it again so hopefully they don't go through too much stress getting transplanted out today it is going to be quite overcast until later this afternoon and then it'll be partially sunny so there's like no direct sun in the sky this morning all right i have been um you're gonna notice some of them have baby flowers on them i have been plucking those off while they've been inside and these were only ever up potted once so hopefully they're not too oh no they're not bad at all i was hoping that their roots weren't too intertwined okay oh i need my to each one of them i'm just adding some bio-live all-purpose fertilizer so i think i'm going to do about a foot on diagonal so yeah because we've got a lot of peppers here if you're new here welcome my name's rachel and you're at that 1870s homestead and um if you're not haven't been following along and don't know the methods that we choose to garden with it's either raised bed gardening with stout gardening or what i'm planning these peppers in this year is um oh so many worms um one of my no dig earth beds and as you can see there's lots of happy life in there and this has only ever been it started with cardboard and straw like a ruth stout bed and then over the years i've just added compost and barn clean out every year to it in the fall a deep layer of grass clippings and leaf mulch and that breaks down over the years i've never grown peppers yet in one of my earth beds i always grow them in my raised beds so i'll be interested to see how they perform this year i have no reason to believe that they won't do well oops i forgot to give you some fertilizer [Music] so [Music] almost done um i have four more three cell packs so i'll probably fit one more here and then i'll go back through and fill in between the marigolds but i was doing something along the way that i thought i would share with you and it's with respect to chopping peppers so if you guys followed me in the house when i was starting seeds i was showing you how i topped the peppers to get a bushier plant and you get a higher yield of peppers that way some people have had great success with it i know i have others you know kind of didn't either notice a difference or had less of a yield so i think it depends a little bit on the region and the type of pepper you're growing but here is kind of where one of the major offshoots came when i did that original topping and here you can see another one growing out so i'm going to snip that baby leaf off there's another one here trying to grow out so i'm going to snip that lower leaf off and i'm going to keep doing that around anywhere that i see what you would consider like a tomato sucker on tomato plants i'm going to just take off the under leaves so all the nourishment goes to these little offshoots that are coming off [Music] so what i look for when i am going to plant pepper stems hopefully you guys can see this let me get some of that soil all the way see those little white nubs those will root so i'm going to go up to at least here when i plant them because all those little white nubs will turn into roots so anything above that probably not probably above that first leaf growth but all of those will root out hopefully that showed up on camera well enough for you guys and i keep misplacing my shovel [Music] honestly so this one i've already taken all the under leaves off where the shoots were coming out um so all of these will make a much bushier leaf plant so i'll try to keep that out of the way so there's those little white nubs oh my goodness is that not the fattest earthworm wow dang go back in buddy [Music] i'm stealing some of my barn clean out mulch because i really put a lot on this bed so i can put it on my strawbell garden behind me that didn't have it i'm probably going to ruin my experiment doing that but it's just such good stuff i don't want to waste it it's not wasted but you know i'd like to put it to use i guess is what i mean all right well that was something like 32 pepper plants i know that's the most i've ever grown but we fell in love with all the different ways of preserving peppers last year um and definitely want to do it again and bigger so i want to make all kinds of preserved peppers more pickled peppers like pickled banana peppers i fell in love with those and i went through them super fast because i didn't have enough so i have my tray here this is the final straw bell gardening planting out so these beds were standardly conditioned doing the high nitrogen fertilizer every other day for basically 10 days on and off and watering thoroughly every day last night was day 11 so charging kind of ends on day 10. day 11 i came out here and i sprinkled on probably half a five gallon bucket of compost and just watered that in really well um and now we're going to plant in them and i am going to mulch them with some of my barn clean out just to kind of help reduce some of the amount of evaporation that you can have during uh or while straw bell gardening so um let's get to planting and see what we're planting in there okay with respect to planting like technique or whatever i'm not going to do it any differently than i did the front straw bells i'm just going to chop a hole and plant so these are yellow straight next zucchini so or squash whatever you want to call them and i'm going to chop a hole and put these in and they will run out over this end i'm not going to be back filling with compost like i did the last one i want to just plant these straight and the strawbell and see how they go pinch off the bottom leaves the same way i did before see there's lots of the starts of flower buds on here and my product that i was waiting on to i'm just going to push that straw around the product that i was waiting on to protect my vines from squash borer beetles did come yesterday but i do want to do a separate video on that so come back for that to see all right grow well friend oh i forgot your fertilizer this is again just that bio live from down to earth just an all-purpose once i water that in it'll go in well now over my trellis i have sugar pie pumpkins and cinderella pumpkins i think i'm gonna do the cinderellas over and do the sugar pies over this way that's what i'll do because cinderellas will definitely be much heavier and could use the extra support [Applause] so just like last time these have two in each cell so i'm just gonna snip one off if i can [Music] [Applause] break off the baby leaves [Music] all righty and then we'll plant our sugar pie pumpkins and move on to our cucumbers hmm i kept some of that extra barn clean out so i'm going to mulch around all of my plants up here i'll go get more when i'm done but let's head down here and plant our cucumber so these are stonewall cucumbers unfortunately i only had one come up or survive at least in this batch so i'm gonna do just like i did the uh last ones put it down here where it's nice and moist and i'm actually gonna go harvest some compost for him so i'll be right back not really compost i just went and got some out of my beds where i just planted the peppers so put some soil down there for them heavy [Music] [Applause] pretty go do the other cucumbers and then we'll mulch and we'll basically be done i did bring out some something else to plant in the section of my last strawbells that was a little bit vacant and then we'll wrap it up for the day get out of my garden you all right well that feels good all right so you guys are back at the straw bales that i planted the first time um and remember i had these two big open spaces because those super moon pumpkins are going to go that way and these are it's a set of five peppers way too close together but they look almost even better than the peppers that we're growing individually so we're just gonna plant them as a bunch as a fun experiment to say do they do okay um what happens maybe some will die off maybe some will be epic so i'm just cleaning these up like i would if i was planting them in the garden down to their little suckers and we're gonna just plop them in here together and see if we just don't get a wonderful surprise there you go buddy i'm gonna go get some uh backfill just to fill around him a little bit okay grow well my friend what a fantastic morning in the garden it's been you guys didn't see this spot but uh that's last year's kale that came back that is bolting i'm just leaving it for the bees it'll self seed itself and i'll have kale for the fall lettuce salad greens are growing in rows right there here's where i planted those for tomato plants i told you i just need to see them grow up i just need to see them so there's two here there's two behind the kale a marigold in between and would you believe it i still have three pepper plants so we're gonna put pepper plants in there i purchased some basil that i can split out into it looks like three or four or two or three plants each so we're gonna get some peppers planted in there and um then lastly i brought out a bag of alaska peas and i think i'm going to just plug them all through the strawbell gardens and just see what happens but thanks for coming out in the garden with me um here soon so the last thing left to plant is probably tomorrow we are going to be planting our sweet potato slips and the garden will be 100 done um i definitely want to do um a separate video on that just because it is my end-to-end journey of teaching myself to grow my own sweet potato starts and i want to show people how i'm planting those and it's just worth its own video so after that is said and done we will be bringing probably the first of june our first full garden tour of the season and we'll just sit back and watch it grow together i'm excited all right but if you're not doing this with your pepper plants give it a try on just one of them um you know if you want to just try it for the first time this year experiment and you're just looking for where those little baby leaves are just starting to come off and then snip right below it and you're going to get a nice big bushy plant and have a much larger harvest so let's it's actually sprinkling and i don't even care it feels nice it's so humid though we're already like if you didn't know michigan is very humid not like louisiana texas humid but for a northern state very very humid it's 86 humidity today and we're just at the end of may it gets so much worse in the middle of the summer um but happy gardening where you are and thanks for coming out in the garden with me bye guys [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: That 1870's Homestead
Views: 115,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michigan, homestead, farming, organic, growing peppers, how to grow peppers, organic gardening tips and tricks, vegetable gardening, growing vegetables in raised beds, vegetable gardening for beginners, vegetable gardening in small spaces, grow your own food, homestead living, grow your own food at home, homesteading for beginners, how to top pepper plants, top peppers to grow, top peppers, pruning pepper plants, pruning peppers for maximum production, straw bale gardening
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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