Our Cabin in the Woods | What's For Dinner?

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[Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay [Music] love steak and eggs for breakfast maybe welcome back to another week of what's for dinner this version will be at the cabin our off good crack cabin up in northern michigan uh western michigan barely northern sure middle middle west michigan if you're not from michigan just so you know the reason todd says that no matter where your cabin is so a lot of people in michigan have recreational cabins everyone says i'm going up north even if it's like an hour and a half west i'm going up north for the weekend that's just insane it is but there is an actual michigander technical definition of once you get up north and it's once you cross a certain street and i don't remember what it is whether it's like i don't remember we'll have to look it up come back and tell you is it yeah i don't remember there there is an actual is there a real i never knew that well at least made up that people have made up some our dinner tonight is new york strip steaks that i put into a vacuum seal bag with marinade i don't remember what kind of marinade i used this time something store-bought um then i just vacuum seal them in there we toss them in our in our cooler and we bring them up here we do that a lot with our meats that we when we bring things here we'll we'll pre-season them and then vacuum seal them and bring them up here that way it's a lot easier to cook when we don't have yes all the normal anemities right and i did bring a lot of things from home with it being garden season and stuff to cook for side dishes but tonight todd picked up some macaroni salad and coleslaw from the um grocer so that's what we're having for our sides tonight but i'm excited to stay tuned because we'll throw together some yummy side dishes with some garden harvest yeah yeah you definitely brought some today we we just kind of wanted quick we it's rainy we spent most of the day today working on our our cell phone booster if you if you follow us regularly last fall or winter we tested one of those units here to see if it actually worked and it seemed to work pretty well so today we actually did like the permanent install which ended up taking like all day all day crawling through the attic and yeah kind of a pain and then by the time we get done we're like okay what are we gonna do next it started raining like downpoured for like three hours and rachel was like well it's like it's time to take a nap so we both played down and by the time we got up she was like hey it's six o'clock yeah that's why my stomach's growling i'm hungry i'm ready for dinner so what a wonderful though time like it's just we needed to get away for a lot of reasons and get away and you know what to just he's like we're really going to take a real nap i'm like yes like in the bed and just not on the couch she's like yes just like when you were little and your mom said go go lay down and take a nap you had to go to your bed so i'm like all right the steak looked like it turned out good yeah is it good so the rest of our our trip that we have planned for this weekend i think tomorrow we're gonna go maybe stock swing by the amish store you need to pick up some supplies and i think we're gonna do a bike a biking thing we're gonna go a little explore a little bit more on our on our e-bikes that we have yeah i'm excited about that no falling this time yeah that turned out good you guys see this bowl of cherries the biggest sweetest yummiest cherries is just ending cherry season here in michigan and i picked those up from the local grocer and i was like yes give me all the cherries so we'll see you guys tomorrow when we cook again [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] when we first [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] painful painful dinner tonight was a bit of a challenge we had but how long did it rain yesterday like six hours no it felt like all day so all of our wood that we normally burn it for our campfire when we cook over the campfire was wet and so i got a nice fire going put the food on and i didn't put more wood on and it died so we transported our stuffed pork chops to the gas grill and finish it off there because it's getting late it's almost seven i think that really it's almost seven my stomach was growling and growling i'm like i'm hungry rachel um our pork chops are just stuffed pork chops we bought we bought them that way the zucchini is from our garden rachel harvested that before we left the house and brought it with us and what'd you do you chopped it up and put it in the butter garlic and that farm seasoning farm dust or whatever it's called cool but we had a a busy day a packed day today so fun we left early this morning around 10 o'clock this morning we left the cabin we went to uh town near fremont michigan to the whispering pines country store it's an amish bulk food store so fun to go in there and look around and look at all the stuff rachel knew she needed a few things i was thinking she's gonna buy a bunch of stuff and we'll do like an amish haul video oh i'm sorry but it wasn't it was just like i just needed oatmeal and flour really yeah um i don't think we bought much i bought a couple bars of soap yeah from there and we left there we traveled northwest from fremont to a disc golf course and i took rachel disc golfing for her first time properly properly without just practicing in the backyard and it was so fun and it was like somebody's like property like it wasn't like a public land or anything like that it was somebody's they owned a bunch of property and they made this disc golf course through it and really really fun i'm interested to find out how my shoulder and elbow feel tomorrow yeah but i didn't do too bad like for my first time she powered a couple holes which was good yeah didn't keep she didn't keep a proper score yeah i said don't score me today because i just that adds pressure her first time getting out but the course was beautiful hilly all through the woods yes towards the end you get into a little bit of a meadowy area but then right back into the woods if you guys don't know what disc golfing is or frisbee golf they call it it's basically smaller size frisbees different weights and things like that and they different i don't know bearings in them i don't know like you know tilts and stuff but you basically are throwing frisbees into a basket kind of like golf but so it's a golf but with frisbees and it's really really fun and we came home and rachel immediately said where's my chainsaw we need to go get that and show them when we were at home depot what was it three months ago four months ago they have a tiny little battery powered chainsaw with like a five inch blade on the front and rachel saw it and she immediately said i'm buying it and she brought it to the cabin this weekend and she must have cut down like 75 little baby dead pine trees yes you guys have seen me out there with my little pocket knife saw type thing what they call those yeah little silky sauce yeah silky sauce and i went to town i'm like oh my gosh i could clear this entire forest in a day but i did run out of energy because i was exhausted i was just hot and sweaty and cut up and bit up and but i got a lot done and so i said just leave me here and i'll keep getting it done for you it doesn't look really good while she was working on that i got our grass mug we don't really have much of a lawn to mow properly but it was what we did have was like tall and weedy and then the entire driveway was all like overgrown again so got that mowed down and we're just going to relax tonight yeah yeah just fun day not too hot lots of bugs that's all yeah if i could make one thing go away it would be all bugs but we're in nature so gotta live with them yep so we'll see you guys tomorrow for our final meal at the cabin stillwoods for dinner but we're gonna go on an adventure real quick yep day number three we brought our e-bikes with us this weekend and we went on one little trip yesterday today it's just about dinner time we're getting ready to cook we want to go to one more place we're going to bring you guys along and there's two little stories once we get there we want to share with you guys one is something cool that we found today yes and then the other one is something cool that we were talking to our neighbor yesterday and he told us the story and i want to share with you guys so we'll see you there in a little bit in a couple minutes [Music] what speed you got your set on today what are you doing um one two would you want to do two or three [Music] [Music] so this is where we wanted to take you guys because it's absolutely beautiful here see that little creek down there that's different than the river by our house we're going to go down there and then we'll tell you that those cool little stories that we have to share with you guys as long as we don't fall fall down why are you goosebumps don't know because it's chilly over here kinda i got it's just like got chills or something that way okay so we spent a lot of time oh look animal print we spent a lot of time today cleaning up our property at the cabin finished a little bit more grass mowing rachel cut down a lot more trees and we had a lot of bush like um beetle kill pine trees that we had cut a while ago and they were just kind of piled up by the campfire pit really close to the campfire pit and i was like you know what i don't really feel too comfortable having these just this close to our fire pit let's try to burn it all today so we were burning it and mika went after it yeah our dog the little black dog mika she started going after a snake and we're like okay snakes that live here aren't the same as the snakes that live at our house at home we basically have gardener snakes that's it here is ouch man deer flies this one was black it was probably close to five feet long and it was rattling and it was rattling the tail was rattling and we're like oh crap that's uh what is it the masa saga saga saga rattlesnake which is native to michigan keep the dogs away keep myself away i tried to get it out of our wood pile and i wasn't having much luck so we finally were like you know what let's just leave it be yeah cover it up we got out our phone we started researching to figure out what it is and we think ultimately that it was a simple little rat sink a black rat snake is what they were called and if you read about them they will rattle their tail just like a rattlesnake to try to spook people so that's our guest there's plenty of footage that i can put over top of this conversation so you guys can see it if you are a snake expert and you know what type of snake this is please let us know yeah ultimately we ended up not being fearful and tired just playing with it and stuff yeah just not playing with it but trying to get it further away further away yeah little ferns hmm there's made in here ones oh wow that's a nice cluster oh yeah so beautiful beautiful beautiful [Music] [Music] one year gymnastics still remember how the pounds mean so we got i don't know i'm not even halfway here and we stopped for a second i was like here's your gun i was like no it's too hot i'm like todd so we kind of go through modes of feeling secure and not feeling secure in the woods and sometimes we can take for granted this weekend is not one of those weekends to take for granted our safety and security because we were visiting oh that's really washing me out we were visiting our neighbors which they're you know we have tent makers they have i don't know five or so in there they were telling us the story that the neighbor across the river from them who you can see the cabin from the corner of our property was uh feeding a black bear this weekend with marshmallows flicking them off her porch yeah i'm like yeah and their neighbor said he found tracks down by the river and yeah so i it's like my lifelong dream like i live in the middle of a forest i really want to see a black bear but i just want to see it from the comfort of my car not walking or biking on the trail or from the comfort of my cabin i don't mind if he crosses through the property i just want to see him protected so no black bears around here they're far and people between they're far and people i think they're pretty they're generally quite skittish yeah yeah like if there was one down here in this ravine when he heard us come we probably would have left yeah probably but i would rather he you want to see one yeah and i want you to protect me okay i will do my best [Music] this must [Music] dear queen of hearts [Music] taking [Music] so you can learn to be kind [Music] oh what a star inside out and upside down no stress imma clean up this mess like alice hand me scissors better bring out the heavy artillery oh justice is my middle name i'm alice [Music] so you can learn [Music] there's probably another pretty short cooking montage for you guys today we decided to go light on the cooking um just beat more pete yeah we think we spent close to five hours today out of the campfire just burning all that brush that we had and rachel was like are we gonna cook over the fire tonight and i was like i think i'm done with the campfire today campfired out so back to the grill again we have pinwheel steaks tonight and the marinade we used was there's a company called kinders yeah kinders they make like different seasonings and spices it's made by kinders and all it was called was the word garlic so hopefully it's good did you try some it is good cool very juicy we had all kinds of stuff for side dishes tonight we have leftover zucchini that we were gonna cook up we have pasta that we brought from home and sausage and vegetables to go with it to make like a pasta dish neither one of us felt like cooking and we were just like we're just gonna have our macaroni salad that we bought from the grocery store tonight it's our last night here so we're just we're kind of out of energy and yes i'm just really tired and dirty and i'm gonna take a shower ready for your shower yeah yeah me too i did clean up a little bit today in the river in the freezing cold water if you guys know how much i hate that it really wasn't too bad today i told him i was so proud of him good job thanks for coming to the cabin with us again for another cabin edition what's for dinner pretty simple yeah we will be back here again at some point in august for another long weekend like this and then again in september fishing season's going to start up we'll be back for that october so yeah there'll be it'll be probably the next at least once per month over the next coming months we will be here at the cabin if there's something you want to see you want us to film when we're here let us know down in the comments we'll try to accommodate you i'm hungry later all right we'll see you guys we're going to eat
Channel: That 1870's Homestead
Views: 44,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michigan, homestead, whats for dinner, dinner ideas, whats for dinner tonight, what we eat in a week, what we ate last week, home cooked meals, meal plan, easy recipes, easy dinner ideas, cook with me, meal prep, cook with me for a week, whats for dinner my favorite, meal prep for the week, pantry challenge 2022, pantry challenge, homesteading for beginners, sous vide, dinner inspiration for tonight, blackstone grill, campfire cooking, off grid cabin
Id: -2U11sqdDB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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