1 Month Mewing at Age 28, My Experience So Far (短下巴,长下巴,无术矫正)

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hi guys the topic that we're talking about today is mooing and what mooing is is a set of habits or techniques that basically anyone can implement in their life in order to guide the development of their face so basically if you have an overbite or underbite or a recessed chin like I do or a protruding chin moving can actually correct these kind of problems done surgically but how exactly does mooing do that well the whole premise is that the bones in our face and I guess the rest of our body are not really set in place yet they're still moving in a way that is reinforced by our daily habits and in the process of adopting a set of new postures and happens in our life our faith in I guess the rest of our body is going to develop in a way that is healthier and more functional in the case of milling the change in facial structure can give you benefits like an easier time shutting down your food easier time breathing in and out from your nose and as a side effect it can give you a more attractive face so for me because I have a recession it might look something like a forward growth in the bottom half of my face even though I'm 28 years old so I'm past the age where you can see the most rapid change I have been doing doing for exactly one month so there is not a huge amount of change in I have experienced some of the functional benefits of doing so number one we want to do is to stand up straight and make sure that your neck is in alignment with your back so usually when we're using our foam work we're on the computer where you tend to lean forward and to counteract that you want to kind of lean backward now step number two is not only you want to stand up straight you also want to do what is called the chin tuck and this can be a nightmare for something like me because like as you can see there's a lot of extra time here but obviously I don't think anyone cares no one is looking at my double chin and I don't think anyone is looking yours either so just do the chin tuck and chin tuck is actually going to help you with the first step because automatically when you do the chin hug you're kind of pushing your neck backwards so you're reinforcing the first step which is to stand up straight the benefit of the chin hack and having a good standing posture is that you're putting less stress on your neck so this might bring you back to high school physics you know this Center private people say our company is our neck and the masses are heaven and the head is like far away from his infirmity so it's amount is far away visitor body there's going to be more for these artists but if we are sending up fully straight then there's no distance between the mass Center body which means there's no force it's not even those two steps you are not exerting any extra force on your neck which i think is how if you're in my children and I think it's very important that you do the first two steps before you do the third step because the third step is I quite difficult which is having the correct tongue posture to be fine the Oba Mui I don't think anyone has ever told me about some culture I just feel like in our society like no one really knows about this because we our mouth is closed no one knows where your tongue is the most optimal place for you to rest your tongue is actually the top of your mouth and this is something that I have never done in my life but now I know this is actually the optimal position so I'll just talk about my experience with Tom posture so at first I thought it's just the tip of your tongue like as long as like a part of your tongue is touching the top amount and your front but actually you're supposed to lift up your whole town even though I found that to be extremely difficult actually when I first heard it I thought that was impossible because my kind of face structure really doesn't support that position so watched up on her videos and I found one video by Ashley Scott and he motioned mind body connection and that's when it all clicked for me so basically what I did was I was sitting in back and I kind of closed my eyes and I tried to imagine with like my entire being what it feels like to lift up the entire top and I was like really focused really trying hard and for maybe a brief second I was for just one second and that's all my name is the second time still took a lot of effort and as I say now it's been the month but I still can't just like casually have my tongue rest up there all the time I still have to make a conscious effort to left off my tongue but it's gotten a lot easier so it's actually really just about Zoe and you have to keep working at it and last but not least there is a introductory step that I did before I come into mooing which is nasal breathing basically you know there is mouth breathing and there's our breathing and mouth breathing is the bad and we want to do is to breathe in and out from your nose exclusively and this step I've been doing for a few months before I got into meeting and as been really helpful as well so as I mentioned in the past month since I have adopted this better standing posture was - chin tuck I found that I no longer suffer from the back and shoulder pain that I used to so that has been a huge benefit to me and the second benefit I've experienced it is better breathing a few years ago I used to be a long-distance runner and in the past I always breathe in from my nose and then breathe out from my mouth and when I started exercising again this year I found it to be really difficult to only breathe in and out from my nose and another is that in the past for the first five minutes usually I experience some kind of congestion and I will have to carry a lot of tissue paper with me to pull my nose throughout a run but now since I've been more diligent when it comes to nose breathing even during exercises and also implementing the posture and for the past few weeks I actually found that I have no problem breathing in and out from my nose I actually don't need to open my mouth at all I no longer have that kind of congestion that I used to do so I no longer need to carry a bunch of tissue paper with me when I run and it's just a little bit less messy than there used to be and the last benefit I experienced from nasal breathing is that in the morning I don't have morning breath anymore and I don't feel as thirsty in the morning as I used to be I don't think there's a huge difference when it comes to the way that my face looks most of the changes are functional and I think one thing worth mentioning is that I am 28 so I'm past the age of where you can see rapid growth but I think it's okay like I have a lot of patience and I'm not in a rush another variable in my situation is that I have had Invisalign four years ago so I did the treatment for eight months then I got the wire behind both my top and bottom teeth and also I have a nicely retainer that I wear currently every day so I feel like because I have retainers I might slow down my mooing progress but I just don't feel comfortable completely taking off all my retainers and that's everything I have to report on viewing the next update is going to be a six-month mark and this video is really just to serve as 84 and I will be very interested to see what changes can happen in six months and compare that to what I have today so I hope you found this video to be somewhat informative like to come in and subscribe and I will see you in the next video bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tina Tomato
Views: 2,449,912
Rating: 4.8738351 out of 5
Keywords: Mewing, Mewing before and after, nasal breathing, mouth breathing, mewing 1 month, 1 month mewing, one month mewing, tongue posture, overbite, recessive chin, receding chin, Astro Sky, Mike Mew
Id: tk0RQ7cnyLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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