1 Year Mewing Before & After (Age 29)

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She looks the same. The difference is makeup, lighting, picture quality and smile.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Paulett4 📅︎︎ Feb 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't understand sometimes how ya know can do it so quick and some can't that have better structure and younger

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Hjjzjhuz 📅︎︎ Feb 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys in my previous to update videos I've gotten feedback on how the size of my heads were different in the before and after pictures and it wasn't a fair comparison so this time I was careful to use the position of my eyes my ears and also the most of my face as guidelines to produce a more precise before and after comparison a few things to note here number one is the picture quality of the Toni Toni photos are much better quality because I'm using a much better camera and also some artificial lighting so that's going to affect how my features show up for example in this frontal view my cheekbones look a lot more popping and I think that's probably due to the lighting the pictures are also photoshopped i cropped out the before and overlaid it on top of the after picture and i also smoothed out my skin and faded out my acne scars today is not going to be distracting in the comparison process but obviously the shape of my features have not been altered the difference I observed in the front of you is that other than the fact that I look more alive which i think is mostly due to the lighting I also think that my face looks whiter and I actually measure the width across my cheek bones and also my jaw line in Photoshop and it's actually the same but just somehow it looks wider and on the right side I think the tone of my head is different so I'm not going to count the reduction of my double chin here but my jawline does look more visible here and on the left side the angle of the picture was a little bit different but the tilt of my head is very similar and I do see a reduction in my double chin and looks like the hump in the back of my neck has also been reduced hey guys how's it going so around the same time last year I started my mooing journey and the reason I started making videos about it is because number one I wanted to bring more awareness on this topic and number two I just wanted to share my experience with the community in a way that is truthful in a way that you guys can trust and now it's been a year and in this video I will be talking about the changes that I have observed and also what I think of doing a year later so number one is I have removed my Lincoln wire and retainers throughout this year at first I was going to say that it's all rainbows and sunshine after removing the retainers and the lingo wire but after taking this footage I realized that my bottom two front teeth have shifted forward a little bit so I immediately put on my retainers after three months of not wearing it and the good thing is it still fits although it's a bit tight I think having retainers is not very helpful for mooing because it will just reverse any changes you try to do with mooing but I think lingo wire can be a good in-between solution that keeps your front teeth straight while allowing for changes in your back teeth this is just my speculation based on my personal experience and it's not meant to be used as prescription so the second change I have made is to shift my tongue further back in the beginning of my mooing journey my tongue used to be in contact with my front teeth and that was actually very bad because the tongue can actually put pressure on your front teeth and thereby giving you an over jetting the teeth and then halfway through the year I realized that I wasn't supposed to do that so I kind of trained my tongue to go further back and in the beginning that was definitely difficult because it took more effort to lift up the root of my tongue after some time eventually I got used to it and now the tip of my tongue would be maybe one centimeter away from my front teeth and the third changes I've made is to three months ago I started exercising more regularly and I think just by exercising regularly it really builds my back muscle which helps with my sitting and standing posture so in the past I always thought that standing up straight and sitting up straight took a lot of effort and after a while I would be very tired and now after a period of regular exercise I can really feel that my back has strengthened and it's now a lot easier for me to maintain this upright posture so if any of you guys have not been exercising I definitely highly recommend that because you know facial attractiveness is very subjective but having a hot body is universal now the last thing I want to talk about is I often get this question about how people can't breathe when they move and I have the same problem and I think I found the solution so basically when you lift up your tongue to the palate and creates almost like a vacuum with your tongue and palate so basically there's no air in between then in that case you're not going to be able to breathe but the thing that matters the most when you're moving is that the posterior third of your tongue is pushing up your soft palate so your palate consists of like a hard palate and the soft palate so what you want is the back of your tongue to be pushing up out your soft palate if anything before that you can give it some like wiggle room you can let the air to flow through it you can relax the first half of your tongue a little bit so that you can actually get air in and out that's basically how I do it just focus on the lift in the root of your tongue and let's let air go through the crevices hope that helps again I'm really not an expert if you think what I'm saying is wrong then leave a comment down below I would like to be educated all right thanks so much for watching this video I hope you found it helpful hope you enjoyed this video give it a like and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Tina Tomato
Views: 796,609
Rating: 4.81636 out of 5
Keywords: Mewing, Mewing 1 year, 1 year mewing, before and after, mewing before and after female
Id: 7XPAx-DIadc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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