1 Million Subscribers Sharptooth Special 🦖| 3 Hour Compilation | Full Episode | The Land Before Time

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[Music] oh Sky water oh now I'll never get to sleep [Music] don't worry Trisha it's okay oops [Music] [Music] me sorry look Spike the sky water makes the groundwater dance thank you wow Ruby there sure is a lot of Sky water coming down that's skywater Chomper it just keeps coming down until it doesn't well at least the secret Caverns keep us safe from red cloth which is good since I promised your mom and dad I'd keep us safe from redclaw yeah and tonight they're keeping us dry too huh look the stone teeth are dripping let's see dear now your tail is dripping I gotta make it Chopper [Music] oh no I will never get to sleep all I see is the day in front of us [Music] before [Music] [Music] that skywater lasted a long time last night it did it did well me might like skywater if it's not so wet well Petri the bright circle is out now so it'll dry everything up right Sarah it better little foot my tree stars are soggy [Music] those tree stars are not yours to eat Dome heads no no no no hmm what [Music] hey now those tree stars that aren't yours aren't yours [Music] thank you Ruby your big voice scared of those Dome heads it did thank you for the thank you ducky [Music] having tree stars to share is always good yep yep yep hello my friends my friends hello hi Ruby [Music] hi hey Chomper what's wrong not much I guess I just need to find a new cave to live in hmm there is always something wrong with chomper's cave yup yup yup not always Ruby and me are really happy our families let us stay in the secret Caverns especially with red claw and his fast biters scaring everyone in the mysterious Beyond okay so what's wrong with your cave this time it's leaky it's a cave how bad can it be come on I'll show you the Water started coming in during the Big Sky water last night I could not sleep with a dripping sound either no no no it was worse last night yes um there might have been less water if Chomper hadn't made those holes ah yeah so I thought we could go exploring and look for a new cave explore the the secret Caverns I don't know Chomper it'll be fun an adventure [Music] I want to go adventuring adventuring adventuring I want to go adventuring and find a brand new cave things with glowing eyes that use the dark as a disguise and try catch feed Tree by surprise I don't think so look through games [Music] [Music] hello you're gonna have to take a song [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I think we should try this way okay but the air is fresher this way I think we should go the way we can see best friends [Music] hey Spike nice job yeah great going the way we can see will let us see the way we're going Sarah I suppose okay then let's go this way Ruby you said what I said but bickerer and everyone listened if I could talk big everyone would listen to me too that would be good as long as the big isn't so big that you scare everyone Mike redclaw yeah like red claw [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] don't give up yet I'm sure we can find a good cave good cave is such a thing hey guys you have to see this this is what we have to see I think we can all fit follow me [Music] what is this place it's a cave of many voices listen foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow that was some Roar ducky yeah even I'm impressed oh now yes yes yes [Music] talk big in here Ruby can you show me how to talk big in the Great Valley you just think I talk big because I'm bigger than you but if you were bigger than you you'd talk bigger too but then it wouldn't be big to you then can you try to help me talk big please I guess I can try [Music] me great flyer flyer flyer [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] you know all the shouting is making me thirsty [Music] don't look at me out in Great Valley Mesa nest full of stinkly buzzing things you might like that sounds great then let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks Petrie those stinky Buzzy things were spicy but good I'm not sure we want to hear details but you're welcome so who's ready who's ready to go explore the caverns some more we're still eating Chomper you flat teeth sure take a long time to eat say Chomper why don't you go on ahead and we'll catch up with you great idea Little Foot uh where Ruby and ducky [Music] ducky I've thought about it and here's what I think to talk big you need to feel big inside so if you can think big you can talk big too I can think of big things like that tree it is big good now be the tree I cannot be a tree no no no but you can pretend to be as big as the tree right oh pretend I am a tree okay now that you're feeling big let's talk big like this feel your body big with air [Music] and you let it go from there [Music] open wide so you can say that you're feeling big today I'm talking big like a big big tree [Music] I am talking big let's give it one more try [Music] stand up straight now don't be shy [Music] your big voice will make you proud let it sing out loud I am talking below [Music] thank you Ruby hello my friends my friends hello hi Ruby ER ducky may I have some tree Stars oh yeah sure here hey are you trying to talk differently ducky oh yes I am oh yes yes I mean yes Sarah since I feel big now I am going to talk big too oh well it might be more convincing if you are a little taller she 'll be taller one day guys guess what I found a new cave to live in come on you gotta see it [Music] uh g-chomper it's pretty nice yeah for a cave don't you just love it and best of all no stone teeth [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] s well there's only one way to find out who it is [Music] like me it seems a lot bigger that's the mysterious Beyond haunted oh no try claw and fat spiders [Music] let's go we don't want them to see us up here we cannot let those sharp teeth stay in here no no no no don't talk big now ducky oh Sarah [Music] hi [Music] foreign [Music] how are we gonna get the shirt teeth out of the secret Caverns well we can't lead them into the Great Valley so we have to get them to leave the way they came right Spike then we can use the vines to pull rocks down and seal off the opening all right [Music] [Music] now what maybe Ruby and I could hold off Red Claw while you guys get help hold him off like an appetizer oh listen we gotta stick together if only the cave of many voices could make our bodies as big as it makes our voices duck duck remember how your big TalkBack scared Petrie oh you may remember that if we lead red claw and his fast spiders toward the cave of many voices we can go inside and make it sound like there are more of us and bigger of us uh we roar like we big and angry no problem not problem for you [Music] [Applause] this way [Music] don't move Red Claw can't see you if you're still yeah but he can still smell us foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] she did it sharp teeth all confused now's your chance [Applause] your big Roars are scaring the sharp teeth I may be little but I can pretend big now we can all work together foreign [Music] ERS run away Chomper you can speak sharp tooth tell redclaw to leave because a big and angry herd is on its way okay [Music] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah [Music] run away [Music] come on we still have to close up that hole foreign [Music] thank you now that red claw's not here this will make a great cave thanks for being so brave ducky yeah we never make it into cave without you sneaking in first [Music] being little is better than talking big but I know I will always be big in here yep yep [Music] thank you [Music] foreign 's like a big Hopper that doesn't look like a hopper you must use your imagination Sarah yep yep yep it won't look like what it's supposed to look like unless you can't imagine it I still don't see a hopper okay ducky your turn one looks like sweet bubbles [Music] oh I am sorry spike it only looks like sweet bubbles but it is not no no no but maybe you can find some in the trees [Music] hey look at that one Chomper and he is eating the sweet bubbles but I don't even like sweet bubbles oh Petri Spike spike what you do oh no [Music] all I see is the day in front of us [Music] [Music] Spike [Music] Spike what is wrong no it's too horrible to say me not believe it Spike [Music] are you sick inside oh you just ate it red tree Stars he eats tickly red tree Stars and everyone know you know eat tickly tree Stars tickly tree Stars bad luck everyone know that no one knows that it's before it's rare and very sweet but it doesn't bring bad luck Spike no give me bad luck three stars see me not fall if Spike not eat three stars [Music] that's not why you fell look Petrie if Spike doesn't eat any more tickly tree Stars will you stop talking about bad luck no it's not okay me Uncle Toronto no leaf eater who know leaf eater who eat it and get bad luck Uncle Toronto that guy's full of crazy stories me no it may not stop thinking about them so try to think about something you're not thinking about like what what about a different story Ruby is a good Storyteller yup yup yup sure how about one that takes place in the mysterious Beyond Chomper and I were on our way to the Great Valley and the red claw was trying to stop us [Music] [Music] ew what is that smell I don't smell anything but your sniffer does smell more smells than mine ew it's awful more awful than getting caught by Red Claw then follow me while I lead [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful and he was so surprised because he wasn't expecting it a minute you're telling me water just jumped out of the ground you have some imagination Ruby but I saw it too yeah right well maybe it's something you have to see yourself to know you saw it huh you want us to go to the mysterious Beyond just to see Waters jump no Sarah though it's really not that far into the mysterious Beyond yeah it's just beyond the Sheltering grass we would like to see the waters that jump into the sky yep yep yep [Music] I'd like to see it too I don't believe you guys are serious about this you'll believe it when you see it [Music] adventuring [Music] Water Place you really thinks that water jumps how about rocks or big tree stumps and what if bad luck come with us don't make a fuss [Music] so if we go adventuring we all agree [Music] sure you read right now we're gonna go adventuring out okay fine let's go see this water that supposedly jumps [Music] I cannot wait to see water that jumps yup yup yup [Music] [Music] hmm what's wrong Ruby um nothing just this tree isn't as familiar as I remembered it we lost we lost this bike's fault he ate bad luck three stars [Music] how can we be lost when we're going somewhere that doesn't even exist oh wait we just go this way and we're on our way see Petrie nothing bad has happened there's no reason to be scared of bad luck it have been good trips so far Maybe bad lost instead of us maybe we have a good trip it's okay it's probably just [Music] [Music] get away from the fire hurry [Music] you know thinking bad luck now maybe we should go back Sky fire happens all the time but if any of you scaredy eggs want to go back that's okay with us we do [Music] well I'm not a scaredy egg peachy big scaredy egg [Music] too big a scary egg to go back alone but for sure hey wait for me [Music] oh no something bad happened no everything's fine let's go thank you [Music] little foot you're not walking the way you usually do don't don't worry about it [Music] we wouldn't have to worry if we knew what not to worry about oh no no no no it it doesn't hurt that bad but if Petrie finds out he'll think it's bad luck that brought you bad luck all right okay me feel bad Spike so hungry yeah and whose fault is that you weren't so afraid of bad luck maybe he could eat [Music] Spike maybe you'll find delicious no bad luck tree star there [Music] [Music] Spike what are you doing [Music] Spike why do you have a log on her head because Spike have bad luck and because me think they're three stars in luck careful Spike up down [Music] see Spike never should eat bad luck plant no Petri you're saying that he has bad luck is the problem huh oh it's up Fry's Sky water happens all the all the and the sky puppies we saw earlier usually mean Sky water later but still uh could we talk about this somewhere drier look the water's jumping if Ruby says there is water that jumped then I know there is and I want to see it well we're not going anywhere with all this Sky water hey the bright circle is coming out from behind the sky poppies [Music] and we will go see the waters that jump yup yup yup [Music] oh you still don't believe in bad luck of course not but nothing else better happened Skye water caused running mud that's all but what caused the sky water and Sky Fire Sky fireband look and you got a ground prickly in your foot ground prickly all that very bad luck thanks ducky well we're not having all bad luck the running mud slid us all the way to the end of the Sheltering grass [Music] okay everybody ready no let's get this over with everything's going to be fine everything fine everything fine everything fine everything's fine everything's fine everything fine [Music] thank you [Music] we're almost where we're going [Music] I think she's right because I can smell something it's not so bad once you get past the stinky pools remember that sure smells bad yup yup yup I still don't see jumping water wow yes yes yes just wait you still have to see what you haven't seen yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] now do you believe the jumping Waters exist Sarah [Music] baby baby [Music] [Music] good friends glad we had this time to spend good times good friends [Music] hey hey [Music] Spike okay you are covered in mud but I am glad you were okay yup yup yup the stinky pools have made you stinky worse than usual see bad luck oh this day doomed from the start let's just get him cleaned up laughs [Music] stay there [Music] does he still smell bad we get the mud off oh no he still smell bad luck well we have to go home now anyway [Music] that I can still smell him from now on everybody listen to Petri Petrie Wright Spike make bad luck when he eat tickly red tree Stars you know Petrie eyes [Music] follow me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yeah yeah Spike bike no [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] they're gone why I don't know I think you do Chomper sharp teeth like you can smell things much better than we do so if we don't like the smell Red Claw must hate it [Music] oh thank you thank you thank you thank you Mike [Music] it's good luck you fell in mud and smell so bad wait [Music] first it was bad luck now it's good luck it wasn't good luck it was good thinking right Spike first time for everything good luck bad luck me no care as long as we safe thank you spike [Music] mm-hmm you smell is not so bad no no no no [Music] what kind of Adventure is it if we don't explore anything but we are exploring the caves well I'm bored with the caves [Music] better oh the bright circle is much brighter out here well we have been in the caves longer than we have been out of them hey [Applause] [Music] do you want some help perhaps some help would help you it's not too high there you go [Music] I've never been here before that's the point of having an adventure [Music] say this place reminds me of some place maybe you've been here before maybe but everywhere I've been in the Great Valley you've been too it's does not look familiar to me no no no [Music] all I see is the day in front of us [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you see something can't it wait no follow Petrie Petri let's go oh is that a good idea it looks very scary and narrow exactly it's too narrow for Red Claw [Music] what's slowing us down [Music] whoa that was close we're safe for now [Music] I think now might end sooner than we think [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I do not think they can see us here but thought and Screech are really good sniffers we'll be okay as long as we stick together right together so they can eat us together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wonder where they are now I'll check be careful thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] guys where are you neither [Music] Chopper ducky over here what are you doing way up there are you okay I think so are you all unhurted too a little shaken by the Earth shake but we're okay I think we lost thud that's good except well we're up here there is no way off no no no no there must be another way around to that ledge there is always another way unless that is the only way don't worry we'll find a way I do not like being up so high no no no no I think it's kind of neat uh besides our friends will help us foreign [Music] [Applause] don't look [Music] [Music] it's not eating us [Music] oh he is stuck under many rocks safe as long as we stay away from his claws and and very much room for us and fun and the cheese oh I do not like being this close to a shark tooth oh well this close to a mean one I mean [Music] I thought we just we just that dumbled our Shake changed everything that Earth shake also helped us Escape fud you have to take the good with the bad otherwise you won't get to take anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] the way we came oh I think the way back behind us is worse [Applause] [Music] oh my God [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] watch The Edge ducky [Applause] [Music] what did he say uh he said I was little [Music] now what did he say he doesn't believe we're friends oh [Music] look Rebecca restarted great we're running in circles that good but Chopper and ducky know here we know go back not without our friends [Music] but they aren't high in Rocky ledge me no know how to help them neither do I but we'll find a way that rich that leads back towards them might help us reach them then let's go [Music] oh wow [Applause] I know I should not but I wish I could help him if we do he'll just eat us sooner he's a sharp tooth that's what they do you are also a sharp tooth and that is not what you do oh he sounds more herded well he does have rocks on his tail camera [Music] all right [Music] we're all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Just Hold On Tight it will be all right what if we are stuck here all night that nasty thud gave me a fright and he is much too big to fight ducky don't be afraid I'm sure our friends are on the way stay close to me and you will see everything will be okay we will be okay [Music] [Music] there those roots and branches it's too Tangled for Red Claws you know [Music] [Music] me worried about you back there little foot I'm sorry but when I saw Screech using the trees I had an idea that's a good reason to get eaten we can use trees to rescue Chomper and ducky still not a very good reason to get eaten [Music] I hope they get here soon [Applause] [Music] is he calling you little again yeah and he doesn't believe our friends will rescue us [Music] [Applause] but they are our friends is that not what friends do I guess not in the mysterious Beyond [Music] [Applause] [Music] this why Petri no like Adventures [Music] wish me not go adventuring adventuring adventuring we not go adventuring me not be here right now could you please while we still have our friends [Music] now follow me I think I know another way that we can go to get where we have got to be we have to go adventuring when our good friends need rescuing do it even if we don't know how we're gonna go adventuring right now [Music] look Tangled Trees lead us back to cliffs nice work ruby don't thank me yet we still have to save ducky and Chomper [Music] oh I am sorry you are in pain but I am not sorry you cannot reach us and then eat us no no no send them too little and he's right if he gets loose I'm too little to protect us [Applause] or help us get out of here [Applause] for little to do anything you're sad about being little but that is only on the outside today you've been big enough on the inside to make me feel safe you have you have hey are you all right [Music] don't worry God won't hurt us maybe it's a different thought he cannot get to us he is stuck [Applause] just in case and we will rescue you [Music] know just in case [Music] [Music] stand back you guys tree make way across yay we have shouted that thud who is big [Music] maybe littler than red claw but they always help us because they are big inside [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign what are you doing being the bigger shark tooth [Music] [Music] you're welcome we're okay [Music] oh I am very glad to be here with you all of you yup yup yup I think we will all be gladder together when we are someplace else together like home thank you [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] I thought redclon futhead is for sure me too [Music] the place we left right where we left it [Music] little hatchlings first that's me yep yep yep [Music] [Music] little foot over to you [Music] me open pass to me okay over to you Petri we got it [Music] way to go Pete That's What I Call teamwork huh I caught a lucky shot okay score is tied but remember the game's not over till it's over [Music] whoa [Music] all right [Applause] that didn't sound right yeah where did it go [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] to the left [Music] ah I didn't know this was here I cannot see where it goes it is all twisty and turned I wonder how far it goes well there's only one way to find out come on wow would you look at that oh go [Music] sh this place isn't very big at all me like in our special little hidden place [Music] I'd never seen this kind of tree hmm it smells good [Music] oh you leaf eater sure have a strange sense of smell I think the tree sweets smell yummy I think they do too I do I do [Music] your sniffers must be broken it smells so bad it makes my head hurts I'm gonna go [Music] wait for me Chomper I can't keep an eye on you if I can't see you we'll meet up with you after we're through exploring [Music] [Music] Hey look look Spike thinks the tree sweets taste as good as it smells [Music] this is good [Music] I think I'll have another then another and another um [Music] good times good friends take a look at what we found good times good friends lots of tree sweets all [Music] this food to eat fresh and sweet what a treat think we're having fun good times good friends glad we had this time to spend Good Times [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] guess we better head back cannot wait to tell everyone about the tasty tree sweets but if we tell everyone will want some Sarah you know it's not right to keep food a secret but there aren't enough tree Suites here for everyone so what's the use in telling them [Music] hmm I guess you have a point of course I do no need to make a big deal about a few hidden tree sweet trees oh I eat it too much ducky Spike I was getting worried where have you been we were playing toss the seed then you must be very hungry I gather these especially for you okay [Music] oh my favorite [Music] foreign [Music] ER these tree sweets taste I'm glad you ate so much it doesn't smell so bad anymore still doesn't smell good though then we'll just have to keep eating right Spike [Music] thank you [Music] ducky Spike are you two feeling all right you haven't been eating much lately we have not been hungry you and Spike not hungry uh yes playing makes us less hungry [Music] mama there's something Spike and I should no it can't be not here fast fighters in the Great Valley [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now ducky Spike keep moving [Music] get the hedglings and the young ones to safety the rest of you fall in behind me and Grandpa Longneck time to show some fast biters that they're not welcome here hey you fast biters you all know what to do Come Away [Music] [Music] two are going home hungry and sorry tonight [Music] those sneaky fast biters got clean away who we've searched everywhere they must have found a way into the valley we don't know about it it's been a long time since any sharp teeth got into the Great Valley this is a very dangerous development we've seen those fast spiders with red claw and Ray Claus the biggest and meanest sharp truth of them all so if they're here he's not far behind then we need to find out how the fast biters are getting in and out until we know we'll have to keep an eye out day and night [Music] Spike do you want this hmm I'm not hungry [Music] what Spike what what what [Music] it's another passageway but where does this one lead [Music] no there's a second way out of our hidden place and it goes to the mysterious Beyond uh oh that's not all fast spider Prince if the fat spiders got in here then they could find their way into the Great Valley that's how they got in last night oh we leave now me scared let me do now we know how the fast spiders got into the valley we have to warn everyone but what if they get mad at us I guess that's a risk we'll just have to take [Music] mistake mistakes more than an oops eats we've got to go tell everyone what we found here even though they will be mad at us to know sharp teeth could get in it's too late now we don't have time to argue we must let the others know what we know [Music] where we are right now got to try apologize for our mistake I'll say you made a mistake no one is supposed to eat the tree sweets in the hidden Canyon say you saw footprints yeah fast spider footprints [Music] children how much of the tree sweets did you eat uh a lot what's that got to do with anything those tree Suites have a smell the sharp teeth don't like in fact it makes them sick I believe that but if there aren't many tree Suites left the smell won't stop sharp teeth from coming into the Great Valley what what oh no Grandma you warn the others Mr threehorn and I will check on the hidden Canyon at least now we know how the sharp teeth got in [Music] well there are still some tree Suites up here well you can hardly smell them no wonder it didn't keep the sharp teeth away we'll just have to find another way to keep the sharp teeth out [Applause] that Screech is Screech the fat spiders are back [Music] record [Music] s [Music] they've seen us there's no time to get away foreign you and your friends go back and get help Mr threehorn and I will make sure you get away yes and we can stop the sharp teeth at least for a while now go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] guys will never find anyone in time we gotta help them you're right they can't fight all three by themselves foreign [Music] Suites as you can if sharp teeth don't like the way the tree sweets smell let's make sure they get a snoop full how [Music] the same way we play toss the sea let's go [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good thinking you're the ones they can't stand the tree Suites [Music] okay let him have it hey that looks like fun cost me a piece right now [Music] that did it he's running away [Music] does the passage have to be blocked off Grandma yes Littlefoot we have to make sure there's no way for sharp teeth to get into the valley [Applause] [Music] we can never ever go back to our special hidden place no no no [Music] three times [Music] now that the hidden Canyon has been closed off the Great Valley is once again safe from sharp teeth my friends and I want to apologize for putting everyone in danger we didn't tell everyone about the tree Suites we found we so so sorry [Music] well you should be sorry I'm getting too old to tangle with sharp teeth but Daddy you're so brave the way you fought Red Claw [Music] oh well it was nothing really there I was face to face with red claw now the trick to fighting sharp teeth is not to let them think you're afraid so I marched right up to that big bully and I looked him right in the eye he knew foreign [Music] now you have to find ducky using only your sniffer good no getting distracted by green food [Music] now remember Spike listen to the sniffer [Music] thank you [Music] hey [Music] three two all I see is the day in front of us [Music] [Music] [Music] uh sorry Mr three horn spike thought you were ducky you're getting better at sniffing Spike at least Mr Three Horn isn't green food huh I'm not any kind of food uh right and I'd never eat you even if you were oh kids um sorry Spike you just have to keep trying I know you can do it Spike come and find Mike [Music] remember Spike listen only to the sniffer [Music] you find it me Spike yup yup yup way to go Spike [Music] thank you hi Grandma longlick have you seen Littlefoot I believe he's Gathering tree stars with Grandpa this will be chomper's very first time of great giving oh how wonderful yeah yeah what's it all about well many bright circles ago everyone in the Great Valley learned an important lesson about caring for one another and now we celebrate being able to share with each other and not having to worry about sharp teeth [Music] yeah yeah I guess sharp teeth can be a problem sometimes yes they're horrible vicious creatures uh I'm gonna go find one foot oh but I didn't mean him Chomper oh my [Music] God huh a peer Chomper we're finding the very best tree stars for the time of great giving feast wanna help nah a sharp teeth can't tell the good tree stars from the bad ones when I was a hatchling sharp teeth kept us from eating the three stars we had to eat swamp sticks ew [Music] finally yes yes hey Chomper come on you don't want to miss the feast do you I guess not [Music] foreign [Music] food chopper sit with me [Music] come along children it's not safe to play with sharp teeth [Music] maybe I should go back to the mysterious Beyond ducky nobody wants me here oh no no no no the mysterious Beyond is not safe Chomper it is full of bad sharp teeth like red claw yeah I know but I'm a sharp tooth yes but you are a nice sharp tooth and you are a friend you even teach us things you know like today you teach and Spike how to use his sniffer to find me yeah I guess you are a very good teacher Chomper you are you are [Music] say if I can teach Spike how to use a sniffer maybe I can teach sharp teeth how to be nice oh I do not think thanks for the great idea ducky you're really smart [Music] I am oh thank you thank you spike [Music] once I take sharp teeth how to be friends the mysterious Beyond will be as nice as the Great Valley [Music] has anyone seen Chomper I've looked everywhere I can see and I can't see him anywhere if he left the great giving early he said something about teaching sharp teeth how to be friends sharp teeth friends me no like sound of that me neither we better find him fast how are we gonna do that we can sniff for him Spike finded me with his sniffer so he can find Chomper too I don't think Spike's able to sniff out anything he can't eat oh but he can Chopper taught him hell [Music] you can sniff him Spike I know [Music] your sniffer knows the way to go like you did before [Music] and we will find him for sure go sniff him out I do not have a doubt you can't sniff Chomper out your stiffer is very smart so let us start here's where Chomper stood today [Music] you spike no sniff away [Music] you went go sniff him out you can sniff him out there you can't sniff Chomper and sniff and sniff him you can't show us how to find Chomper now go sniff him out thank you [Music] I thought I would have seen some sharp teeth by now [Music] oh well I'll find some sharp teeth to teach tomorrow [Music] after a good night's sleep [Music] all right sorry I didn't know anyone lived here but maybe we can be friends right uh you speak sharptooth uh hmm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] whoa [Music] that was close [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] mysterious Beyond is that where Chomper went Spike [Music] okay let's go [Music] a sharp tooth hey over here want to be friends wow lots of sharp teeth we can't be friends if you run away [Music] foreign [Music] I'll probably never be able to teach Red Claw to be friendly [Music] a spike did you find anything [Music] he found something all right breakfast no look Spike finded footprints [Music] hey somebody in my own age you better hi there Wanna Be Friends [Music] if we're friends we can play catch I'll throw and you catch oops that's okay you're just learning easy there we bite our food not our friends [Music] ouch hey hey wait [Music] [Music] teaching sharp teeth is harder than I thought [Applause] [Music] funny there sure are a lot of footprints but we haven't seen any sharp teeth yet oh that's not funny that great yeah I'm sure trumper's okay foreign [Music] so much for making ends [Music] a white mountain though shark kids won't chase me up there I know I wouldn't [Music] that Chomper sound sounded just like Chomper yeah come on [Music] maybe you're trying to teach sharp teeth in the mysterious Beyond wasn't such a good idea [Music] Chopper that sounds like Littlefoot hello Chomper where are you I'm uh down here I mean I I don't know where I am Spike is that you yeah Mike you can find me remember just let your sniper bear s [Music] Spike you're here how are we gonna get down there hi this is no time to eat we're trying to figure out [Music] Spike [Music] thanks Spike [Music] let's get out of here [Music] we were very worried about you Chomper we were we were we looked everywhere we could see for you but we couldn't see you so we had to smell for you instead you were right ducky you are my friends and those sharp teeth don't care about me at all and I can't teach them anything [Music] I've heard that sound before we gotta get out of here around move what do we do now well we can't stay here that's for sure everybody jumps [Music] we've got to get down this mountain fast everybody slime slime I'm not gonna slide all the way down this mountain there's gonna be a better way to oh wait for me [Music] [Music] thanks Petrie you're welcome [Music] I've had enough of this hard water to last me a lifetime well at least we're all alive to enjoy our lifetimes [Music] we better keep moving unless Chomper here can teach red clonus pal some manners oh no I don't think I'm ready to teach sharp teeth how to get along or maybe they're not ready to be taught either way I think we should head home [Music] you left the time of great giving before we could give you your Feast Chomper [Music] we found your favorite things because that's what you like wow thanks everyone [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] anyone want to share [Music] thank you [Music] I never thought I'd see him again there was all sorts of trouble the last time he was here well I hope he doesn't bring any bad luck with him this time [Music] game guys yeah next time spice on our team I do not think so oh no no no no guys guys he's who's coming back where have you guys been Doc's coming back you mean the lone dinosaur [Music] all I see is the day in front of us [Music] [Music] Before Time [Music] it wasn't that long ago everyone thought the great Valley's good luck had run out because Soros Rock had been damaged I tried to bring our luck back by taking a tooth from a dead sharp tooth the only problem was the sharp tooth wasn't dead [Music] [Music] Grandpa tried to save me but he had to fight too short that's when doc showed up [Music] never bothered anyone again thanks to Grandpa and Doc the lone dinosaur hiding now I know why everyone's so excited so where did balloon dinosaur go where has he been he never stayed in one place very long and he is always alone he is he is well yeah that's why he's the lone dinosaur but wherever there's trouble with sharp teeth she'll be there you said trouble right yep he always seems to know when sharp teeth are coming here ah you don't think don't worry Chomper I think he'd understand about you I don't know how is Doc supposed to know chomper's different I'll tell him doc doesn't seem like the kind of a long neck who likes to be told he's after me isn't he of course not could be he'd never pick on a kid but he'd always pick on a sharp tooth whatever is going to happen won't happen until it does so let's all just get a good night's sleep so we're all well rested okay you're right Ruby good night everyone [Applause] [Music] don't worry it'll be okay if Doc's as good as they think I'm sure he'll think you're good too huh don't worry it'll be okay don't worry it'll be okay [Music] don't worry it'll be okay don't worry it'll be okay don't worry it'll be okay don't worry it'll be okay [Music] [Music] don't you understand I'm good [Music] I'm never going to be a mean sharp tooth [Music] you have to believe me I'm good [Music] he's coming for me he's coming for me oh who's the he that's coming for you the long dinosaur he is where is he he was in my sleep story and he tried to crush me with his tail that does sound scary Chomper but it was a sleep story and now you're awake so you shouldn't worry unless you fall asleep again or unless he's really coming after me [Music] hmm hi everybody Chomper had a scary sleep story that the lone dinosaur was coming to get him so did I really was he trying to crush you with his tail um no he was trying to crush you he's coming thank you he's coming for me could be no he's not Sarah he only come for sharp teeth in past see so what do you want to do try to hide a chomper until Doc's gone it's a great idea then that's what we should do okay I'll try to distract dog while you guys hide Chomper she is very very big foreign [Music] [Music] dinosaurs [Music] [Music] um oops sorry hello kid how have you been [Music] you uh might want to work on that a little more sure kid by the way have you have you seen a long neck named Dara around no who's Dara uh she's my lady friend huh lady friend yep she's the prettiest long neck these tired eyes have ever seen I remember the first time I saw her [Music] blue eyes sparkled brighter than the big water itself [Music] she understands my need to roam and has been my traveling partner for a while now a lonely long neck couldn't ask for much more what how governor you're supposed to be out there alone well I was for a long time right and that's why you were able to keep an eye out for any sharp teeth causing trouble just the same kid be care to help me find Dara she's a she's a stranger to these hair parts let's hope she hasn't run into any trouble she said she'd meet me here we can't be the lone dinosaur if you're not alone anymore [Music] still no sign of Dara best we keep looking thank you [Music] what are they doing huh we think they're looking for something he's coming for me uh-huh I was right all along [Music] they coming this way he's gonna find me Littlefoot will not let doc hurt you oh no no no no littlefoot's probably too little to stop doc right that's why we better find a place to hide jumper I really don't think she's here maybe she decided not to come said she'd meet in here so unless there's a problem that's just what she'll do he's even now where would dogs not think to look for a small little sharp tooth [Music] quick everyone gather around Chomper and we'll all move together [Music] [Music] okay everyone be very quiet chomper's life is depending on it it is yes [Music] [Music] what was that uh [Music] minor Earth shake been through enough of those let's keep looking [Music] he keeps coming he's gonna get me we need another hiding place me think we have one not now I'm thinking but me really think me no good hiding place okay what is it [Music] oh good thing me family not home today your good idea was really a good idea Petrie it was it was you I can finally calm down we'll see this way up high doc not find us here not find who where [Music] hey you found me [Music] you are supposed to keep doc away I know but you promised I'm sorry Chomper but it's going to be okay Doc's not looking for you he's looking for his lady friend Dara right doc [Music] doc I can't believe you're friends with a sharp tooth what do you mean I mean there's no use being friends with them you're just gonna have to fight him someday no I'm not trumper's my friend and always will be yeah and I'll never fight my friends need trick teaching them to talk oh he learned it all on his own see he is different he is he is maybe I can even use my sniffer to help you find your friend that'll be the day what well the day I ever accept help from a sharp tooth but I'm telling you chomper's different I never had a good experience with a sharp tooth and I don't reckon I'll start having one now let's go Little Foot no I'm not helping you anymore [Music] I have a chair away kid you know I still think I could use my sniffer to help that would show Doc we want to help oh me too what do you say little foot just because you won't help doc doesn't mean you shouldn't help Dara you're right Ruby come on Chomper let's go find Dara [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can do it Chomper you can you can not with the nose full of mud this swamp is full of sneaky mud spots I hope Doc's friend is okay me too then come on we gotta find her [Music] the smell is stronger this way she's gotta be here somewhere but we've looked everywhere oh no look [Music] oh hell please ugh little ones please you must find my friend doc to help me get out Dora you know me but how [Music] we'll never find Doc in time we have to get you out of there now but Dara too big how we help her uh here we can use that triple her out bendy down to her great idea we're coming Dara thank you thank you so much [Music] thank you [Music] here I come [Music] why you're a little sharp tooth it's true but I just want to help try to grab the tree so we can get you out a cute helpful sharp tooth why as I live and breathe [Music] I can't reach her everyone slide forward a little [Music] all right oh no kids what are we going to do now [Music] we don't do anything look [Music] so is this why you were late oh and Chomper here why he risked his little life to save me sorry what for I was the one who was wrong kid you are different [Music] I hope you can find it in here to give an old long neck another chance well sure thanks Doc [Music] so doc why were you and Dara coming to the Great Valley well I don't really have any kin of my own so I wanted Dara to meet Littlefoot and his grandma and grandpa which reminds me where is Littlefoot over there excuse me feel like talking sure I'm sorry I said all those things before it was disrespectful it was the right thing to do kid [Music] no one's ever really told me when I was wrong before Little Foot do you promise to keep doing it um sure doc then we're good let's join the rest and I'll show you how to really do that tail whip I feel so happy I want everyone to see it's like the bright circle is shining inside of me when doc came back I was afraid that all his heroic ways had come to an end but you taught me your friend the shark is different and I'm so glad that we can be friends so happy I want everyone to see it's like the bright circle is shining inside of me I feel so happy I want everyone to see it's like the bright circle is shining inside of me [Music] happy [Music] Petrie get some help [Music] Sarah I'm okay guys [Music] you better have gone this way [Music] I'll put these rocks here [Music] all I see is the day in front of us [Music] [Music] Before Time [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] what you don't think the belly draggers got Sarah oh no no no no hmm [Music] poor Sarah huh Sarah what [Music] you're alive I am so happy you are okay belly draggers not get Sarah almost I was trapped in a big circle of Flat Rocks but I knocked them down you knocked the belly draggers down I knocked the Rocks down and scared the belly draggers Tara scare belly draggers you say you saved us yup yup yup I didn't exactly I'm gonna chase them away all by yourself look I okay fine Sarah scared the belly draggers all the way back to the mysterious Beyond actually I they're a very brave we must find a hole and seal it up for good yeah meanwhile you children should get safely home uh okay hmm if it weren't for you we might not have known about that opening thank you thank you Sarah Big Hero hmm oh me too everybody Sarah Big Hero oh well whatever [Music] share a hero Sarah save us from belly draggers amazing Sarah 's your belly draggers away Sarah big hero ah there she is the hero girl oh what was that tree stars but why are they falling [Music] hail the amazing three-horned girl she drove the sharp teeth all the way her Mighty courage saved the day she is our hero now would have thought a task so big could be done by one so small but now we know she's strong and brave she really has it all so hail the amazing three-horned girls [Music] because of how impressed we are she is our Shining Star the amazing three-pointers the amazing well I always knew you were amazing [Music] hey long neck you hear what my daughter did yes I was with her this morning she single-handedly far off the belly draggers [Music] yes I thought you'd like to know we blocked off the opening in the great wall and there was no trace of the belly draggers of course not when a three-horn chases somebody you can bet they stay gone all right Sarah I hope so I really didn't do anything special nonsense you're a hero you stood your ground while your friends just ran away good things she takes after her father a long neck oh foreign who came to hear about the amazing three-horned girl I sure would Sarah tell us Your Story come on Sarah we were just exploring out by the great wall from the Speaking Rock Sarah and speak up dear [Music] me and Littlefoot and Shop get to your part sorry Dad okay sell there I was just me and the belly draggers and she was cornered mind you right I was cornered by the belly draggers I bumped into the Rock no no she's just being modest but we want to hear the real story don't we [Applause] hurry tell us how Brave you were Sarah and how you drove those smelly belly draggers back into the mysterious Beyond you heard them Sarah they want to hear your story okay so I was surrounded by the meanest belly trackers I ever saw and they were snapping at me with their big ugly teeth they wanted to hurt my friends scary oh no no no no oh yes but I couldn't let that happen so I am so I led them into a canyon [Music] and that's where I hatched my plan [Music] if it is okay with you spike today I would like to ride on the amazing three-horned girl and if it is okay with you Sarah fine [Music] huh good idea you'll be safe if anything bad happened during game uh what would happen during the game [Music] nothing's going to happen during the game except for my team winning [Music] you may have been the hero yesterday Sarah but today you're just a regular three-horned girl so you better be ready to play [Music] what we just wanted to see the amazing three-horned girl you've seen her [Music] you driveed it away the belly draggers oh yes tell us please I just told that story yesterday oh but I didn't hear it me neither I want to hear it too it's good story and Sarah's so brave well I guess I was Brave and you saved the whole Great Valley from the belly draggers it was pretty amazing wasn't it everyone knows belly draggers are scary but I've always known how to handle them so when they were chasing my friends I knew I had to stop them I guess everywhere she goes everyone wants to hear her story I don't think she Minds talking about Sarah is one of Sarah's favorite things to talk about well I guess it's okay she did do a good thing and that's when I sprung my trap I shoved the big rocks at the belly draggers and scared them all off [Music] belly trackers on this side belly draggers on that side hello little foot Ruby you must be here to listen to Sarah's story we've already heard it unlike my friends I stayed calm I knew I thought we didn't hear that part then headbutted spotted belly dragger all the way down the path but his two friends three of them there were only two belly draggers well maybe you didn't see them because you were running away [Music] where was I oh yes belly dragger's friends showed up and they were big biggest two tree sweet trees I've never heard of a belly dragger that big but they could tell they weren't chasing me out of my Valley so they stopped their giant feet then I left right at them and told them you get out of my belly what and they ran back to the mysterious Beyond never to return thank you [Music] anyone who wants to hear the amazing three-horned girls story again can come back just before the bright Circle leaves the sky every time I hear her story I learn new things about what happened that's because every time she tells her story she tells a new story oh me no no belly dragger grows so big say maybe that's why I can still smell belly draggers they're so they're so big huh you can still smell them sure ever since the day they chased us no matter how big they were you shouldn't smell them all the way from the mysterious Beyond unless they never went back no Sarah chased belly draggers back to mysterious Beyond with all her stomping she really did do all that stomping maybe she left footprints we should go to the circle of rocks and see then we'll know what parts of Sarah's story are really real and what parts really aren't really real [Music] there's the circle of rocks this must be place where Sarah scare off belly dragger she didn't scare their smell away so that Nomine belly dragger here that mean belly dragger here over there [Music] oh that explains why I can still smell them uh oh but she scared them away did you see where they're going yes and that path leads home we have to warn everybody fast so Sarah not hero [Music] I wouldn't be surprised if they've already heard about me in the mysterious Beyond maybe they are telling the same story about the amazing three-horned girl right now but to them it's a scary story oh Nobody messes with the amazing three-horned girl maybe I'll take care of redclaw next possible didn't you hear the story yes but we saw the real story with my own eyes and petri's and little foots and Chompers and we smelled it with my nose why can't you kids just accept that Sarah's better than you she scared them off for good and that's that [Music] draggers are too afraid of Sarah to come back right Sarah are you sure they were belly draggers maybe you made a mistake [Music] you said you scared off giant belly draggers [Music] they weren't Giant but you scared them away right well they did run away but I didn't see where they went in fact I didn't do anything amazing I knocked down some rocks by accident and they ran off [Music] they didn't even chase them [Music] that means the belly draggers are still in the Great Valley that's what we've been trying to tell you is it true she lied she's not a hero it's a shame to think that we call her amazing when she's really nothing more than a fraud she kept us food by telling her story never once told anyone it was made up until danger arrived once again [Music] save our Valley anymore [Music] send her away don't let her stay [Music] everyone please calm down we should have known better than to leave the safety of the Great Valley to our children that's our job and now we should find those belly draggers and drive them out for good Stay Together [Music] you should probably stay here [Music] leave I believed it in The Amazing three-horned girl no no no why would you tell us a lie that is not true [Music] Dad I'm very disappointed in you but Dad not now Sarah I need to be alone [Music] so stupid belly dragger's fault they hadn't come now everyone's gonna be mad at me forever even dad [Music] and if they hadn't run away I would have scared them with a big roar like this [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] ground scrapers [Music] [Music] stay away from my daughter [Music] [Applause] [Music] I said stay away [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] I told you that sounded like a three-horn Ed come on everyone let's get rid of them for good I'm sorry Daddy no I'm sorry I pushed you into making up that story I'm the one who lied how I shouldn't have felt so good to be a hero oh Sarah you'll always be my amazing three-horned girl [Music] it's Dad besides no one messes with a three-horn [Music] thank you [Music] this way this way [Music] careful Chomper there are rocks there are there are well [Music] what are you waiting for [Music] I found it the other day pretty mean huh I can't believe Ruby Spike and Sarah aren't here to see this yeah me no believe they go to Mud pools and not come with us come on I saw them go this way that sounds like hip no me go now me no like him no Petrie this way foreign hey wait for me hey guys who's him and why are we running from him hip and his friends Mutt and Nod are the biggest troublemakers in the Great Valley we can sometimes be very mean they can they can they can they're in here somewhere I hear [Music] I found a way out I have foreign [Music] be careful you do not want to step on any of the eggs what eggs [Music] all I see is the day in front of us [Music] [Music] thank you guys those aren't just sticks they're fast spider eggs fast biters they're sharp tooth eggs don't touch them we found the eggs so we get to decide what to do with them what makes you think that what's in those eggs won't eat you they haven't hatched yet but we can't let sharp teeth eggs hatch near the Great Valley it's too dangerous then let's move them far from the Great Valley as we can but we cannot take the eggs away from their mommy no no no no what if eggs mommy come looking for them I know we can get the fast bitter mom to run after Petrie here then the rest of us will scram there's a very mean idea hip it is it is but he can fly can he wait it might be onto something oh no I am listen a mom would always follow her eggs right [Music] oh so we can use the eggs to lure the mom away from the Great Valley make sharp to Jesus on purpose you gotta be crazy yeah crazy that shark tooth mom's gonna chase you wherever you take those eggs that's the idea sounds like a bad idea to me but you guys have fun if we're gonna move these eggs we need everyone's help you do not help these sharp teeth could hurt someone in the great valley maybe even you do you really want to take that chance [Music] ah where's my egg [Music] we need to hide the eggs in a place just like this there's a cave in that big mountain that should work okay we'll take the eggs there but that's really far away that is probably a good thing it moved is the egg hatching now not yet but we don't have much time before they do [Music] it's probably the mom coming for her eggs she sounds like she's really close then we better get going come on [Music] I told you she was close at her is that is that the eggs mom that's the mom all right and she wants her eggs back okay hip and I will distract her the rest of you head for the lake past the trees we'll meet there come on hip let's go [Music] be over here look what we've got [Music] go run for the trees [Music] we all hurry now no time to look back follow me do not let go of the eggs it would be very very bad if they break well I'm not sure this idea is a good one what if that spider mom wanted to catch us why don't we leave the eggs right here and run we are too close to home to leave them here if they should hatch they might find a way back to the cave we must be brave or are you scared scared [Music] I'm not scared hey you scared much well maybe I mean no I'm not scared right then let's move these eggs I hope little foot and hip are okay great idea we're trapped now what are we gonna do I'll think of something yeah just like you thought we should run down this Canyon be quiet hip I need to think Here's a thought we dump the egg and get out of here we're not leaving the air [Music] oh yeah [Music] thank you [Music] at least you distracted her now's my chance [Music] stay away [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God hit use this [Music] [Music] [Applause] thanks yeah well same to you laughs [Music] what that you made it you did you did it just took a little teamwork that's all [Music] [Applause] well we better keep this team moving if we break into three groups she'll have a harder time following us it's someone else's turn to be sharp tooth pain I'm through head for the canyon past the gray Meadow uh you guys can lure the sharp tooth next good idea we will see you at the canyon good luck Chomper don't worry little foot we'll be okay I know how sharp teeth think it'll be fastest if we go straight across the water ready mutt [Music] oh it'll be okay we just need something for the egg to float on ah oh we'll need something for me to float on too what do you mean I'm uh not a very good swimmer that's okay I'm not the best swimmer either now let's see should work [Music] don't worry mutt if you hold on to the edge and kick you'll be okay like me see hey Chopper oh wait for me [Music] [Music] I got it good job partner yeah good job [Music] [Applause] [Music] we made it now we have to make sure the fastball your mom follows us maybe she can't swim either I'll get her attention [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] me not sure moving egg good idea Petri it cannot hurt you it is still just an egg it is it is me no worried about egg me worried about whole mysterious Beyond [Music] that too close [Music] I am too you're lucky I'm here at all helping move sharp tooth eggs it's crazy it's the right thing to do and it's helping the Great Valley ha we wouldn't be in this mess if you'd have listened to me instead of that sharp tooth why would I listen to you Chomper might be a sharp tooth but he's my friend uh Little Foot and he's a lot nicer than you all you ever think about is what you want to do little foot the egg huh [Music] get it I'll meet you at the bottom make sure it doesn't break [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah she's right behind us [Music] [Applause] a trip ducky you're late enough to make it up I'll help you I am here I am if you guys balance on each other's backs Chomper and I can hand the eggs up to ducky [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] mud you saved me yeah well I couldn't carry this egg alone could I [Music] all right we're almost there the cave I was talking about should be right across this Meadow oh not her again she never gives up oh she loves her eggs she does enough talking run this is it [Music] over here everyone she won't see us here [Music] [Music] thank you hey mama is going to get her baby she is she is [Music] or maybe she could ask [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there really were babies in there and they no look that scary most babies don't ah now they have their mommy they do they do maybe we did do the right thing yep and now no one in the Great Valley has to worry about them [Music] yep yep yep [Music] when adventurous [Music] to see the match was such a treat I would have thought they look so sweet just remember what they eat come on let's go we did what we set out to do and help protect the valley too there is no doubt we all held down [Music] so we could all do the right thing and move those sharp tooth eggs away [Music] [Music] thanks for your help guys of course yeah sure and to think you guys wanted to just get rid of them there you go [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: The Land Before Time
Views: 1,600,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: land before time ducky, land before time sharptooth, land before time movie, land before time soundtrack, land before time ending, land before time eggs, land before time always here, land before time adventuring, land before time all songs, land before time lone dinosaur, land before time 1 million, land before time compilation, land before time sharptooth compilation, land before time live, land before time sharpteeth, land before time sharptooth fights
Id: fc8kd6ZkDCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 53sec (10913 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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