Giant Baby Doll vs Giant Morphle! | Cartoons for Kids | Mila and Morphle

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[Music] hi I'm Mila in my magic pet more open more into [Music] anything six more laps to go M Pap no way inro could you make that direction sign bigger [Music] please huh oh no I'd run out of power H I know animi if you could bring the go-kart to life we can keep [Music] racing giant baby doll inra Ani come back how are we going to stop those baby dolls um I have no idea but if we work together I know we'll find a way twistes let's [Music] [Applause] go a giant roller skating baby that's not something you see every day W it's things for a toy car if it wants a toy then let's give it one moreful please morph into a giant teddy bear oh no no wants to cuddle uhoh we got to get it back to the magic pet center so inran and Nene can turn it back to normal watch out [Music] anchor Ani that's a giant baby this is getting out of control don't those babies ever get tired Jordy that's it you a genius I am yeah babies need nap time so let's play the malabi to put them to sleep moreful we do a music box okay let's make these babies sleepy hey baby check this out do going to make you really sleepy inra animi zap them yeah see when we work together we're all [Applause] [Music] winners raer I for monster truck too [Music] what's that uhoh dou has double oh no that means double trouble you didn't mean to double them it was an [Music] accident monster truck oral not in my wall they're getting away faster Morel get us close to the orals so doubler can UND double them MH [Music] gotcha no gotcha don't worry doubler everything's going to be okay more or FS oh no that means double double trouble look out orful I mean orful they're out of control [Music] yeah okay the or's landed in the sea we got to save them Morel morph it to a giant [Music] robot hang on everybody I can't [Music] look Z them Doubler what your orful orful right and one orful is plenty is everybody ready for the great dinosaur race yeah you'll start here in the park then swim at the beach then whoever gets to the top of Mount petport first wins the trophy let's do it someone say trophy winon and or or as too watch out because C Rex my magic match is awesome in the water yeah we're not a magic match at all andino's way too small how can I win anything when a powers only make me sing great than you oh well we can race now the rules are dinos only but no flying dinos allowed okay yeah morph into a Triceratops too zor mimic and dinosaur a stier raptor awesome on your marks get set go no be let go that'll stop them moreful we've got to do something before everybody falls in yes yeah we're not going fast but we're having a blast oh here they come time for the swimming part of the race quick Mor into a Brachiosaurus too goer ever we make our dinosaur a Brachiosaurus Rex oh yes a wome that will stop them [Music] huh hang on mil Mor come on now you're doing great don't give up it's not too late it's the last part of the race to the top of the you can do it bful Mor is something that can fly blle a tricer aact yeah hey no flying dinos Winston haha we're going to win we have to save them keep on climbing you know where come on now we're almost there the winners are Jordan and melino you did it Jordan congratulations this is your fault a s oops I knew we could do it even at that pace cuz slow and steady wins the race this is Robo freeze version 3.0 very pleased to meet you all hello very pleased to meet you too Robo freeze version 3.0 hi everyone this is C Rex we're taking him to the beach to meet Troy his magic [Music] match according to my pep primer C Rex's magic power is controlling [Music] water wow it's okay he's still a baby so can't fully control his powers yet we'll keep that water away from Robo freeze it could make him go Haywire affirmative you're under arrest for splashing me oh no he's malfunctioned again uhoh we have to get C Rex back yeah he Joy magic match Morel help Mor stop don't worry C Rex we're here out of my way CZ hi are we going to stop them C Rex try using the water from the fountain ah I can't see this pet is going to jail keep chasing yeeh we need to get C- Rex detroy he too fast what are we going to do oh the Giant Wave Morel morph it to a kite board riding waves is not permitted w wao c Rex stay focused you can do this good job grab it n look there's Troy Troy this is C- Rex your magic match Hi C [Music] Rex wow amazing that pet is still under arrest moreful SE [Music] Rex too much water C Rex thanks for being so handy great work C Rex a ready Morel [Music] ready Mila morl meet my new improved partner Robo freeze 2.0 hello citizen uh officer freeze did it Robo freeze turn evil last time uh yes but now I've got a remote control unit that will switch him off if he turns evil again which he won't oh no he's turned evil again citizens of petport prepare to be [Music] arrested officer freeze use the remote control and switch him off I don't have it uh perhaps I left it at the cafe let's go take cover you're under arrest for eating ganks but we actually paid for that let's get the remote control Hal citizens where are you going you're under arrest for going to a cafe officer freeze grab the remote and will distract him woo you can't catch us hey let me out stop you need a permit to fly faster Mor Morel hide pH let's get back to officer freeze let me out let me out activate new upgrade ha why did I install that force field maker you're under arrest for trying to break into a cafe Morel morph into a flying robot Morel aim the lasers at the forest [Music] field yes no Mila catch he going more now mil [Music] [Applause] great work you two next time we'll make sure you don't turn evil uh-uh uh maybe there won't be a next [Music] time moreful the robots we built are awesome Rob I can control them with my tablet [Music] see I am Mot [Music] me m so [Music] cool oh this ladder is too short a little help please [Music] inra thanks incra wow daddy look at our new robots greetings father wow they're fantastic oh oh I forgot my toolbox help a thanks now I can take control of these robots what is your B Master oh this is going to be so much fun gotcha our robots got ginormous what to do I'll face this with my tablet huh it's gone work Winston he's controlling the robots with my tablet lift off the robots are flying away with the magic pet center now I have all the magic pets W MAA Morel help Morel morph into a flying fire truck um okay M what do a flying fire truck what do you plan to do with that thing now Morel what oh that need help here guys we're coming for you Daddy heavy hang on morles ink shrink it thanks Morel MAA down here Daddy incra please turn everything back to normal we did it we're Winston get me down from here you robots I command you I'm okay oh Winston I'm little baby I'm really sleepy baby baby where's my bed h [Music] thank you anemi baby SMY hey guys meet our new magic pet incra hi I'm sure you'll make her feel right at home see you later what powers do you have incra wow your power is so cool wow w [Music] woo a giant baby do on the loose follow me [Music] everybody huh wa there it is I need you to shrink the doll and I need you to stop [Music] it uhoh Morel we need to get out of here [Music] fast that dog really needs some babysitting wo watch out I'm okay that's not the kind of babysitting I [Music] meant the baby don't think they're dos too inro amimi hang on we'll save you somehow M for help yeah awesome aome inro anemi use your powers at the same time to saap the doll back to normal [Music] W gotcha yeah incra anemi your powers are really awesome too awesome yeah we'll have to be really careful with them from now on so did I miss anything while I was gone we were just playing with my dog mhm looks like you had a big [Music] day super ooh two butterflies your turn Morel huh turus good job Morel your turn Jordy um one Morel yeah there's only one Morel because you're so special yeah you're awesome one wait I know what might help you feel better huh come on maybe there are other morphles this is Daddy's special book about the magic Pet World the magic Pet World all magic pets come from here morl too yeah Morel it's a magical place called Kido [Music] [Music] beep Olly Olly [Music] [Laughter] it says when a magic pet is needed in our world a pet portal will appear oh you must have come through one to join our family I wonder how you open a pet portal W wait I've seen that star before let's go uh where are we going the star in here looks like the one on the magic pet center you're right Morel can we get a closer look morel for w wow [Music] what's happening I don't know wow wo are those baby mles oh they're so cute oh let's follow them woohooo woohoo yeah where baby up there let's [Music] go the babies are up on that roof uhoh Mar I need to have a better look good thinking morel wooe a they're so cute look oh no stay away from the edge Morel get us up there quick but don't scare them a they're really excited to beat you Morel hello look out babies [Music] woohoo cuteness overload great work Mar I want to be like you Mor [Music] look morphing makes him [Music] tired catch those babies [Music] [Laughter] [Music] here you go one ice cream a cute it looks like the baby morphles can only morph once before they have to rest uhhuh Morel morph into an airplane Mor [Music] oh woohoo hey no yes let's take them to the magic pet center daddy will know what to do no real baby morphles this is incredible I wonder what their names are Moy Lily oh that must be their names nice to meet you Moy Fifi and ly how would you like to live with us every day is a magical day with a magic pet and three magic babies I'm so excited about our science project ooh you know what would make it even better huh come on Professor Pala can we please borrow your time portal to get the one last thing we need for our science project sure I love seeing kids so interested in [Music] science be safe okay we need something that will make our diarama look perfect h Huh how about a rock that's perfect Jordy morph morph into a truck that can carry at home with us okay M wooo [Music] yeah now let's get to the science fair wee a T-Rex there's only one thing that can stop a T-Rex an even bigger T-Rex M Mo yes I know morphal morph into a tiny T-Rex it might think you're its [Music] baby [Laughter] mama wo it's not a rock it's a dinosaur our egg no wonder that T-Rex followed us we accidentally took one of our eggs sorry Mrs [Music] T-Rex that gives me an idea moreful see if the baby dinosaur will follow you back to the [Music] portal go morelo bye yeah we did it quick to the science fair Welcome to our prehistoric jungle oh I love it yay every day is a magical day with a magic [Music] pet um okay uh here you go good go go frog good gobble frog huh still hungry but you've eaten all the [Music] snacks hi Daddy uh hi MAA uh gobble frog is hungry and we run out of food we need food and we need it now how about a pizza one pizza coming right up hang in there daddy hurry ma excuse you here you go thank you Morel morph it to a pizza delivery band Pizza prepare to be [Music] Goble a baby piggies wait I know what you're doing this is for gobble frog oh no you don't we have to take this pizza to Daddy it's an emergency coffee and donuts are ready now that's an emergency the pizza Morel we need to get that pizza fast Pur w [Music] hi Daddy are you almost here with a pizza MAA I've nearly got it we'll be with you as soon as we can got to go almost almost gotcha bring me up [Music] great catching Morel now we need to get to Daddy Moro and some rocket boosters Let's Go Daddy hi MAA oh am I glad to see you yikes who wants some delicious [Music] pizza here com a frog catch thanks Ma and Morel you're welcome Dad daddy every day is a magical day with a magic pet moreful this flower is going to make our garden even more beautiful mm MH what's that Professor paa it's my new invention the multicolor cloner watch [Music] this t a wow oh no no no no uhoh quick Morel after them we've got to do something a vacuum cleaner good thinking [Music] Mor we need a better plan did you hear that Morel [Music] quick help don't worry Aunt Augustine we'll help you I know let them eat cake morphal morph into a flying house okay mil there's lots of cake in [Music] here trap them I cream well this didn't work either ice [Applause] cream Mor want ice cream yes that's how we'll catch them morph into a giant ice cream with legs or fools come get some ice cream ice cream moreful run not ice cream woohoo it's working keep running more H we did it Morel the clones have gone woohoo well done Mila and morl arur wanted ice cream uh every day is a magical day with a magic [Music] pet here mil look thanks Daddy H the garden looks great Daddy but I think we need more more balloons more I think you're right come on let's get some woohoo [Music] y w oh no we've got a flat tire Floy uhoh oh no stop help we'll rescue you as as soon as we can daddy but first we need to get that helium from orful you go Mila I'll stay with the van woohoo woohoo what a fun landing let's go what not in my car hey I've heard of an ice cream float but this is crazy hang on you better be quick because we're drifting towards the [Music] sea huh help uhoh April can I please use your string to stop those cars from floating away sure you better be quick thanks I know how we can get them down I Could Be a Cowgirl and you could be my horse hor yeaha yehaw gety up [Music] Morel orful P it we're not strong enough Mila help I know morph into a gorilla and grab those ribbons Pap more more too high then morph into a giant [Music] gorilla help mil pull them down moru and we'll let the air out of the [Music] tires thanks [Music] Mila thank you you for rescuing us uhoh every day is a magical day with a magic pet ready to go rescue orful ready welcome to pet port's annual hot air balloon race I've always wanted to compete in a balloon race morville yay hooray ready to by kids ready is I'll ever be I was born ready wi guaranteed to win by cheating competitors you are going to race all around the city May the best balloon win on your marks get set I know the bandits didn't wait for Daddy to say go [Music] yeah all right here's what we're going to do to win coming [Music] through we'll see about that wait for it gotcha we number one we are number one we are number one you're number one you're number one help look we have to help our friends Morel woohoo great job Mor you and are such good sports good job Morel we're gaining on them we have to go faster our balloon's too heavy you two get out wait the balloon's too light now Winston huh why am I going up go forward you City balloon the Finish Line's that way ooh we're almost at the Finish Line Winston we're so close to winning but we have to stop Winston from floating away morphal morph into an airplane Winston jump welcome aboard and the winners are April Jordy and professor [Music] [Applause] paa and a special award for choosing to do the right thing MAA and Orel wooho H every day is a magical day with a magic pet wow it's pep cleanup day let's make our beautiful Town even more beautiful we clean clean [Music] bubble bear your bubbles are making patp even [Music] prettier rainbow bues oh no what's happened his tail went in my pain bubble bear stop we're supposed to be cleaning not petp not making it Messier we need to clean the paint off your tail we have to stop it before petp becomes pain for do something Morel Let's Go the whole town is getting messed up watch out Morel spin your blades as fast as you can and blow the bubbles away what [Music] huh we need to wash that paint off but how [Music] water help me hi huh put me down please that's better pH guys we have to find bubble bear there he is let's get him yeah w [Music] time to clean you up bubble bear let's make the town cleaner than ever byebye py squat squat [Music] [Music] great job cleaning up the town thanks Daddy actually I prefer the fence with the paint [Music] Splats [Music] yay [Music] [Laughter] peekaboo peekabo having fun with we're playing peekaboo with the baby morles I wouldn't play that because I have better things to do like taking a baby Mor for [Music] myself um okay back to the game get ready babies W Baby's Gone H they're probably just playing hot to Zeke morph morph it to a giant butterfly we can find [Music] [Music] them this is my chance to get one of those babies does anyone spot them no maybe we should fly closer to the [Music] ground H I wonder if there's someone behind the sand castle a let's take a closer look [Music] excavator Mo what a surprise now let's find Fifi and Lely baby morles where are you I think I heard Fifi Fifi got one baby left you're right let's find [Music] Lily I've done it Claude I finally have my own magic pet Wiston has MO Morel you know what to do it's okay I don't think I need a super suit W let go now's your chance Jordy [Music] hey wo you did it we did it wait we did it I'll get a magic pet one day y we still have to find Lily T ice cream butterfly did you hear Daddy's got a surprise for us L surprises here I am wow W it's a train who wants a ride me me [Music] me a [Music] train oh no R's taking the train on toy ride and he doesn't know how to drive it we'll get the train back Daddy be careful here's your cake officer freeze huh Watch Out [Music] w sorry sorry officer fre slow down you kids be careful ch ch [Music] ch look out Mor oh man how are we going to catch up to Oro now oh like that [Applause] one there he is wait does oral know you can't drive it sand and now he's stuck [Music] [Applause] [Music] train no train for anybody oral if you don't get it to the park orful sorry we forgive you orful come on buddy thank you I have an idea let's fly it there [Music] morl yeah wo yeah [Music] wo thanks for getting the train back yay or's train orful okay everybody's train [Music] hat hey everyone this is slushy seal he'll cool you all down watch this WOW according to the magic pet primer it can turn things into juice pops M love juice Pops I know you do Morel but eloisa can have this one because she's the youngest strong Berry my favorite thanks slushy seal there a magic match wow can you make that egg juicy pop hey and can you make that a Jersy pop ooh that's cool Yeehaw juicy pump for everyone they're going to turn everything into juice pops don't worry we'll get her back let's go be [Applause] careful this is not cool actually it's very cool let's find eloisa and flushy steal JY pops everywhere I no just orful don't worry orl we'll get you out of there but how what's eloisa's favorite juice pop flavor um strawberry well that's what you need a morph into morl have a tasty strawberry let's a huge strawberry juicy pop y we got to save [Music] them almost yes thank you you're welcome but you can't fill up petport with huge juice pops and look what you've done to oral sorry we didn't see him a for no juice pop hi daddy we're here oh that's better okay let's try this again yeah thank you slushy seal tasty juice pops I'm so glad to have my magic match wonderful would you like a juice pop a now juice pop [Music] I missed your turn Jordy I missed to pick up [Music] please thank you good thinking morle cry are you okay what I wasn't crying but I can't find my cat claw I don't know what I'd do if I'd lost more fo where did you last see CL at the animal sanctuary I was halfway through giving him a present and he ran off well let's go back and have another look I guess that makes [Music] sense where is he incra could you shrink that head to see if Claude is behind it wow he's not there could you shrink those trees please tiger morle morph into a speed boat thank you we'll be safe here this isn't the cat I wanted to find moru get us out of here we're [Music] [Music] safe did we just get sneezed up by an elephant we have to find incor and get back to normal size monkeys morle do [Applause] something quick Morel go into that [Music] cave sa us us y we're safe but we still haven't found CLA don't worry Winston we'll find him let's go back to the magic pet center to think where Claude is huh what that what God I was so worried about you would you like to rest see your present a a so cute I'm not sure CLA agrees I hope Daddy and GI are enjoying their picnic on the beach never love Beach huh mil I forgot to bring the present I got for GI we'll get it to you Daddy we have to get the special surprise for Giana to the beach mom loves special surprises special surprise got it great let's get it to the [Music] beach good job Morel I'm sure mom's going to love her present it's got to be a new magic pet present it's you [Music] B well don't you stand there go after him dwel look Winston and orle give me that present they're after mom's special surprise good going moreful thanks now let's get to the beach after that present sful go faster daddy you're here here present what present AR present what present H oh [Applause] no gotta Morel I'm open Heads Up Jordy catch [Music] oh for me I love special surprises oh look great mom present Hur is that at least a magic H H I love it thank you I'm so glad you like it I guess we'll have to try again next time awful hey I got it right okay spinon winon
Channel: Morphle TV
Views: 165,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animals, cartoon, cartoons for kids, colors, dinosaur, dinosaurs, dinosaurs for kids, fun, hero, kid show, kids adventures, kids cartoon, kids stories, kids videos, magic, mila, mila and morphle, morfal, morfol, morphle, morphle adventures, morphle and mila, morphle cartoon, morphle dinosaurs, morphle episodes, morphle t rex, morphle tv, morphle vs orphle, morphol, muffle, my magic pet morphle, neelam offer, orphle, super hero, superhero, trucks, vehicles for kids, videos for kids
Id: iJy0wVqdGoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 5sec (3725 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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