1 Insanely Easy Torch Cutting Hack for Perfect Cuts

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everyone welcome back to welcome so last week we were hanging out at the good land fest with a guy by the name of Dale Derry he runs a YouTube channel as well called build something cool go check out his channel like subscribe but he was telling us about a segment on YouTube created by Emma's spare room machine shop and it's called tip blitz 19 so I guess this is going on for the second year and this is just little tips to make your life easier whether it's making building fabricating machining welding obviously we're gonna focus on the welding portion so today we're going to talk about oxy-fuel cutting and coupling distance and we're going to show you a little tip on how to keep the correct coupling distance why it's important and how to get cleaner cuts so coupling distance is the distance from the the cones of your flame to the top of your material why that's important is because we have mill scale on top of our steel here if we get too close we can actually pull impurities up into our torch so we want to avoid that most people when they start cutting they figure the closer they get the better it's going to cut it's quite the opposite so when we cut we want to maintain about a 3/16 to an eighth of an inch distance so what happens is this actually creates what's called a venturi effect because the pressurized oxygen is coming out it actually creates a vacuum okay so when we start burning through that mill scale it gets sucked up into the tip we don't want that so we're gonna go ahead show you a little trick as you can see I have a hose clamp on here I have a piece of angle iron and we're gonna use that kind of as a standoff guide but first I'm gonna kind of show you in real time what happens with most people that have that are new to cutting and how we can fix that okay so I'm just gonna kind of go through and kind of mimic somebody from cutting for the first time or something it's not quite proficient with it yeah everything is going along with cutting but then we start getting too close we're too far away you're still going to be able to make the cut but again you're pulling impurities up into that torch it's not gonna cut really well for you for too long just get rid of that so on this piece right here I've just put a piece I clamped a piece of angle iron to it so all we've done here is we've just placed a hose clamp around our tip and I've set the appropriate coupling distance and let the flame earlier and just kind of set that right where about where it needs to be so those cones will actually be kind of tickling the top of the surface or about 1/8 inch to 3/16 off so we have the angle iron up here I'm gonna rest the hose clamp on top of the angle iron and I'll just be able to do a slow steady pull all the way through the length of the material and get a nice clean cut maintaining a good coupling distance throughout the entire piece all right so there you have it very cheap effective way to make straighter cuts get cleaner cuts increase your productivity with a 15 cent hose clamp everybody has one of these laying around the house or the garage if not went over to the hardware store they're pretty cheap grab a couple of them but then you just need a piece of angle iron or channel or anything of the sort clamp it in there get you a straight line going check it out you know make sure everything's lined up right and then just go through and make you a nice clean cut it's that simple thanks for watching until next time make every cut better than your last
Channel: Weld.com
Views: 787,712
Rating: 4.8670778 out of 5
Keywords: welding, weld.com, mig monday, tig time, how to weld, learn how to weld
Id: mkFs0y28fcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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