Oxy Acetylene cutting torch setup

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my name is Colin MB and we here here at six day of the week we acetylene cutting here we have large bottle hot and here we have a small bottle and Isetta me always bigger bottles and the oxygen and the Kalevala can be as enemies with more oxygen than and things to know before setting up is we need to be closed while these are going to be closed when you start up oxygen not like the Green Line often make red lines upon it where's Iron Man it's not here and they come here I provoke control the oxygen there and then this one here is what is deadly you're going to have to start off by opening up with main oxygen things you want to open that one all the way betta lien is the dangerous gas and I think caused issues that you only want to open up that one about a quarter of a turn so that way if need be you can close it very quickly when you do that we've got teenagers here's a bigger gauge doesn't mean the gauge on the right side is going to be how much pressure thing is tank gauge on the left side is your meter about how much gas is letting out I like to go ahead and start by opening up my oxygen all the way whenever you check your gas is on these gauges except to have your gauges open just a little bit so you can kind of compensate for when you hit the torch and when the gas escaping how much pressure is going to be in here so got this open all the way I'm going to start with oxygen I've got this oxygen knob open all the way and I'm going to crack this one open just enough and I'm going to start turning this one this is opposite right it normally types of clothes Sonique nozzles right is actually for hoping so I'm going to go ahead going up the red numbers on the inside our psi I'm going to go up to about 20 psi maybe just a little bit more now you can find a chart online to see what you're cutting and how much oxygen to use how much acetylene to use but for what we're cutting we're going to go wet around 20 psi on the oxygen hit that trigger a couple of times see what happens drops right down between about 21 and 20 so we're perfect now I'm going to go ahead and open up the acetylene I'm going to open up that nozzle actually I'm go ahead and close that nobs another I'm done there excuse me now I'm going to crack open this is suddenly just a little bit and I'm going to go ahead and work my settling nozzle with the right to open it up now this gauge is start in the middle here I like to go up to right around 5 to 10 so we'll put it at about 7 all right and I'm gonna open up that knobs a little bit and doesn't drop much so I'll go ahead and close that now it's closed setting at about eight that's perfect now we got our gas is set up oxygen is ready to go that'll mean good to go we run around gsib we're about 7 to 8 p.m. right here now it's set up ready to go but now we got a light this is the hard part we're going to go ahead and crack first penalty is always going to be perfect option close this oxygen all the way out this one's close technically runs me oxygen-acetylene now start going to go ahead and open my seventeen first and I'm parking you don't open it enough that first time and won't like to open it up a little bit more it's going to be a very City flame lots of black smoke and nasty stuff coming off it you're going to go ahead and open up that acetylene slowly until that's it kind of yeah flame starts to feather out a little bit and then just kind of disappear it it's not as bad he goes too much it'll start hitting and all this little dip you don't want that you just wanted to start the feather and have a little bit not as much and so that's a lot of open up the feather in but it's not making as much next we're going to go ahead and open up our oxygen what we're looking for here is great play now got to now we've got three flames now we want to bring that thinner flame until it meets the first flame just like that so if I close it now we've got that that large flame now I'm going to open up the oxygen until I've just got those little fingers there now to make sure that you've got it good you can hit that gap to release the oxygen and close your oxygen give me open it so you have just those fingers when you don't put the liver and when you do push the lever so holding a lever I've got those little fingers sharp and releasing the levers I've got those little fingers in there sharp now we're ready to cut those little fingers are going to warm up the metal you need to cut and then when you pull that sugar it's going to blast through the metal first things first we're going to take those tips we're going to heat up the metal until it's scary and then once ready we really oxygen the blow through the hot metal and cut it in Google Drive close and shut off your cords always start with the acetylene settling the first on if Emily first off we're going to go ahead and close our red line down here now we just got you coming out of nothing dangerous anymore go ahead and close that office in there now we're going to set up our tanks come here I actually shut up steadily first at the dangerous gas then we'll cut off our oxygen we're still going to have some pressure left in our line so we need to get rid of that after that taste I suppose you don't want to shut any of these out too hard or open them too hard because they're soft metal and if you crush them you'll ruin the field so you just want to go until it stops and stop there don't do it too much pork you know you lift it up so after you sort of our hair in these lines you got to get it out I've got men paint clothes and this table you've got these valves open now I really got to do to get the gas out and just open up these line I'm going to go ahead and open this up I can hear the oxygen coming out but look here options all the way down at zero so now there's no oxygen left in this line and no more pressure being produced so I'm gonna close this valve make sure it stays at zero close here close here and no pressure on the line good to go on the oxygen side all right settling suppression left in the line so I'm gonna go ahead and open up this acetylene line and there goes bye-bye all right now we've got all these federally now that's close that one's down at zero now what we can do is close these out screw them left to close them just a couple nights turns they'll stop eventually but you just want to back those out all the way to the left not a lot of clothes this table as well and I got this now close this up close as well folks all the air out of the line and these go this one has a Salesman I'm gonna put that one all the way love okay let's define and we're going to go one more thing before I go you do start your line and you've got your line full of pressure and you worked your game is expensive take the soapy water source maybe even your ear feel around for leak lifting really cookie soap on the line and look for leaks one way to do that is once you've got the pressure in the line we close your valves and watch the closure bottles as well watch the piece of pressure drop as the pressure drops that means you got a leak somewhere and you got to find it never good to do anything with blame in leaking gas at the same time claim such aggeliki gas search line was everything and I mean you can have some troublesome fixing expect the leaks going on they say safety goes
Channel: Tyler Lemke
Views: 146,578
Rating: 4.831202 out of 5
Id: _8H5d6Bglh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2017
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