1 Hour of SpongeBob SquarePants to Fall Asleep To

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[Music] this is not a video about new SpongeBob being bad this is not a video about older SpongeBob being good this is just a video about SpongeBob a cartoon character who canot see hear or feel real emotions I remember being about 15 or show when I logged onto Twitter one day and was presented with this clip from one of the newest episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants this sir is penerus I demand restitution I hadn't watched this show since I was a kid my only method of consuming the series in my teen years was through Mr interance about how bad the newer seasons were so when I saw this my mind was blown this looks spectacular when did SpongeBob's animation get so good no in 2023 when someone posts a clip from a recent SpongeBob episode their replies are bombarded with folks ripping apart its visuals saying that the animation is way too distracting that it takes away from the comedy is the wacky thesis of become a crutch for its poor riding and that the old Seasons method was better and which the characters would be expressive sure but they seldom used those money shots the moments where a character would go way off model to elevate a certain joke and surprise you and with that it seemed that every time a new episode released we'd have to go through this same song and dance again and again which is met with said SpongeBob fans trying to reiterate time and time again that the animation of SpongeBob is isn't the problem you are that the show is the exact same as it's always been and the only reason it doesn't appeal to you anymore is because you're not in its Target demographic and so of course you wouldn't enjoy it and just to nip this in the bud because for some reason I've become The Unofficial spokesperson for the new SpongeBob has bad animation cried even in my videos most negative towards the guy I don't think I've ever said the animation was bad one thing I would like to complement the show on is the animation SpongeBob is consistently one of the most impressive ones I've seen with how expressive it can be and the backgrounds in this series are Stellar I really love the colors I can't speak for everyone but my views have never been about whether or not this animation style is good it's always been about whether or not it fits SpongeBob and what the series was aing to do in its beginning but I guess that's the issue with voicing your opinion on the internet the game of telephone goes further and further to the point where expressing how you think sometimes the gags can go a bit overboard turns into you thinking that the animation itself is bad and that you don't care about the medium when that was never my argument if you go back and watch my ranking video in retrospect I feel like I praise the animation more often than not my issues instead came from the feeling that the animation was being prioritized over the writing that the wacky faces and expressions were simply substitutes for the snappy clever dialogue of its early years an opinion I held after trying out some episodes of the modern era and noticing how gag driven the series appeared to be I always remembered SpongeBob for its witty dialogue an occasional out there moment that would catch you off guard and stick in your mind for years whereas the newer ones I'd watch all seem to be doing the same repetitive jokes over and over again and the humor deriving from a character just repeating the same thing endlessly with the joke being they said the thing that they always say my leg my leg my leg my leg my leg my leg everything is so amazing amazing amazing amazing and because of that it made me put all of that blame on the animation that they'd rather show you a funny Feast than tell an actual joke but that's not fair for one I can't get mad at folks for not getting 5 hours into a video like that to hear what I think of the animation it's much more accessible to watch a 45 second short where I try to Su up these thoughts within a single statement but also it's not constructive to imply that these things have any relation with each other that the staff would intentionally try to focus more on the animation than good writing I've also said before that sometimes it feels as if the artists are trying too hard to come up with the next big SpongeBob Meme instead of reeling it back and knowing when to hit the audience with those exaggerated Fe is when again that's not really fair in the artists it's impossible to assume the thought process behind this shift but to implies for any other reason then they wanted to draw a funny fast is a pretty cynical mindset to have and for that I apologize truly see every time I see this discussion I feel like chiming in with my own two cents but find it incredibly difficult to articulate my actual thoughts in a quick and easy to understand manner like I'm walking on eggshells because I'm no animator I've never worked in the industry and so for me to assume the intentions behind certain decisions is obviously going to be biased in some towards my thoughts on current SpongeBob but what knowledge I do have is what I think of this I may not have the perspective of being a fly in the wall to have overseen how the series got to this point but I do have the perspective of a longtime SpongeBob fan someone who watched the first seven or eight seasons as they aired and then came back years later to see what they had missed so if you don't want to hear that then that's okay no really it's fine you can leave you don't need to listen to me it's not like I have any Authority in the matter SpongeBob ain't going anywhere or you could stick around listen to what I have to say as an uneducated Average Joe talking about a series that played an important part in my childhood and if you disagree G leave a comment let's have a discussion even if just to say [ __ ] you you have no idea what you're talking about you clone no no really it's fine honestly so with all that let's get into it what I think is SpongeBob's animation Evolution over the years the pros and cons of each era and to check out some of the brand new episodes that have come out since I last kept up with the series people have been telling me they've started to strike a better balance between well-written stories and off walls animation so I'm curious to see if I'll come out of this having a new find appreciation for the recent episodes who knows originally I was going to spend some time focusing on this weird as [ __ ] animation purist thing I've seen popping up more where people become infuriated at someone for liking newer media without having enough appreciation for de Classics I said that when talking about a show I like to do more than just focus on the animation and that there's other aspects I care to discuss more and these people cried a [ __ ] River like I just shot their dog like dude I just watched the dang cartoon and said what I thought about it it's not that deep Bro make your own video about why adult party cartoon is actually an underrated hidden Jem cuz I sure as hell ain't going to make it but I'm going to tune all of that art and just focus on The Bob when SpongeBob first began its run back in 1999 they had adopted a method of Storytelling that its creator Steven hillenberg had quite the fondest for that being it was storyboard driven with a small group of artists getting together and boarding an entire episode based off just a short artline containing the premise the major beats were all L art and they knew where they wanted the characters to start next and but how they got there was completely up to the artists which I believe truly allowed them to let loose and undoubtedly is the main contributing factor for many of the show's most iconic moments I read a lot of testimonies from staff who had worked on the series in these early days who attribute this to its high quality the fact that they were able to create these really funny pieces for episodes and then punch up the story in dialogue later on there's a time in a place for a script driven show there's a time in a place for uh an artist driven show and I think Spongebob works best because it's a cartoonist driven show we got do a lot of cartoon gags exploited animation as much as possible now the opposite to this would have been a script driven Series where a writer or a group of writers sit down and create a script for an entire episode which is then handed off to artists to storyboard art for the animators the advantages to this are obviously that when writing out an entire script you're able to focus on the stories and the characters more cohesively while the artists can then focus on well the art letting them go crazy and do whatever they want within the confines of what the script calls for you know they don't have to worry about also writing and making sure the story is still progressing as all of that has already been L eye I think it's interesting to talk about as funnily enough both of these eras pre-movie SpongeBob and post sequel SpongeBob use the opposite method you would initially expect them to early SpongeBob you know the one with more stiff animation and more focused on dialogue was board driven it starts with the artists or his more recent SpongeBob basically everything after the second movie switched to being script driven ironically SpongeBob's animation at its most expressive starts with a rider but the more you think about it the more it makes sense but without having to worry about writing the story and figuring out where the characters are going to end up the artists have a pre-existing piece to work off allowing them to put all their attention on pushing the characters to their extreme posing and expression wise something worth noting is that the series Creator Steven hillenberg wasn't much of an animator in his early days instead famously starting out as a mere marine biologist going to the California art institute also known as the dreaded Cal Arts where he befriended Joe Murray who would later enlist hillenburg's help making him a director on his new show for Nickelodeon Rocco's Modern Life Rocco was also a board- driven show meaning it's what Steven would end up having the most experience with so it makes sense that when given the chance to make his own series for Nickelodeon he would adopt that same method along with his General love for old Looney Tunes and the like I think this is why if you look at season one of SpongeBob the closest thing I'd compare it to would be Rocco where the character's expressions are pushed and emphasized but the animation itself remains rather simple aside from a few select scenes with how hard it was producing quality animation on cells with a TV budget in the 9s it made sense that when you're not able to afford to do a whole lot with your animation that you try your best to ensure that the show at least looked consistently good with characters more often than not standing around in their base model sheet layouts cycling through select mods which allowed them to allocate that extra time and budget that saved on scenes that were more visually interesting really in its early years there wasn't that much special about SpongeBob's animation it wasn't bad by any means but it sure wasn't pushing any boundaries if you want that then just check out Ren and Stimpy where the artists were encouraged against using model sheets so that each pose each Feast every single drawing could look entirely different doing just about everything in Heist oras other shows were Outsourcing their animation to different countries so they could cut costs sacrificing quality in the process but as a result of its much more ambitious animation and Incredibly high standards from its creator John cric fushi Rand and Stimpy became an infamously hard show to produce and work on with everyone and their mother knowing about John K's eventual firing from Nickelodeon there is Merit to the idea that the an justifies the means that if it weren't for all the dozens and dozens of scrap drunks that never saw the lie to death because they just weren't up to Snuff that we wouldn't have a show that blue people o like those early red and Stimpy did but with that series Crash and Burn I think it became apparent to everyone that that kind of ambition wasn't feasible with why animated series were produced at the time and that's why I believe that pre-movie SpongeBob find this perfect Middle Ground between the two and knew when to show off its visual chops and because of that those moments stand out more in comparison to the rest of an episode where characters just stand around talking even adopting a couple techniques uh not started by but at least popularized by the r and nippy crew such as having these static shots of the character but y hand painted in a way to emphasize something whether it be an object or a Fus the thought process being that if they're not going to animate it you're at least looking at something that's so well done that you want to look at it for a prolonged period of time funnily enough quite a few artists who worked on red Stimpy back in the day eventually wind up working on SpongeBob a couple notable ones even remaining on the series to this death such as Vincent Waller so there's no denying that some of that influence has wiggled its way into the sponge although I find that quite ironic as post sequel SpongeBob shift to a method of producing a cartoon that John K notoriously hated believing that the only way to truly make a cartoon was through artists not writers taking shots whenever he could I hear these cartoon shows have 25 writers each Harvard graduate probably I'll make five grand a week to come up with this Preposterous stuff I have no idea what the reasoning was for the switch to scripts and SpongeBob's Kus although based on a couple tweets from artists who currently are previously worked at Nick it seems to suggest that overall having a board driven show is just too much work to put on the artists with the pain not reflecting the fact that not only are there storyboarding the entire show but also writing it I think it also just highlights how different the industry is these days especially after covid with so many jobs being freelanced and done remotely it probably wouldn't be wise to rely on people who potentially aren't even in the same room together to write all the dialogue for an episode it must be cheaper and overall simpler to provide them with an already completed script again that's just if I'd have to guess though who knows I focused a lot on how hillenberg really wanted to do a show that was board driven but that's not to say he would have hated how it was handled these days is quite the contrary actually with the release of the second film he actually made a return to the series after stepping D from the first one and while I don't believe he was attributed with writing or directing any episode he definitely oversaw production at the very least and gave his approval towards the direction they were taking the show in it has come to my attention that we are like 15 minutes into this video and I've yet to actually talk about any episode my bad so one argument I've seen pop up more frequently over the past few months is that while sure behind the scenes there have been plenty of switch ups and high episodes are me but the core of the show still feels to see him that the humor writing and characterization isn't all that different from the first couple seasons and I'm sorry I personally have to disagree because from what I've watched their approach to storytelling comes off vastly different in comparison something I immediately noticed when working on my big ranking video where I watched every episode in order was how gag driven the series was starting to Veer towards whereas early on I would argue it was driven by the characters their emotions and their conflicts P the plot instead of jokes or set pieces now obviously this isn't going to apply to every single episode you're kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place where if you don't give examples then you're not basing your argument on anything and if you do give examples it's seen as cherry-picking so I'll try my best to explain what I mean and I think the best way to go about that would just be to take you through a couple episodes from the pre movie and post sequel SpongeBobs and again just because I'm saying they're different doesn't mean I'm calling one definitively bad and one definitively good this is more so for the purpose of highlighting the slight changes in how stories are approached and how but to me at least it changes the whole vibe of the series comparing to two random episodes would be a tad unfair so to make it a little more even I'm going to use the first episode of the series you know the pilot and compare it to the first episode of the Season where I started noticing the shift season 9 with Help Wanted versus extreme spots being well a pilot Help Wanted has to make some sort of effort to establish these characters to us so we begin by seeing SpongeBob's morning routine him getting ready for the dead before bursting out the door and approaching the Crusty Crab where he wants to get their fry cook position after initially feeling like not going through with it his best friend Patrick and urges him to go ahead and apply giving a little bit of exposition as to how badly he wants the job and how qualified he is for it before he enters the cashier Squidward notices him and warns the owner Mr Krabs of white SpongeBob and so trying to get rid of him they say he can only get the position if he goes out in a wild goose chase and buys this spatula that doesn't even exist as he heads ey a massive horde of anchovies come in and wreak havoc on the restaurant and just when everything seems lost SpongeBob bursts back in Som High having find the exact spatula Mr Krabs told him to get and proves himself as being more than capable by beating the lunch rush and earning Mr Krabs a [ __ ] ton of money in the process ending with him getting the job it's simple but it's one of the best Pilots to any cartoon for a reason it perfectly sets up the characters while showing you an average day in their lives there's a clear through line SpongeBob wants the job feces adversity proves himself gets the reward each scene here is driven by the characters and them trying to achieve their respective goals in comparison let's quickly go over the plot for extreme spots we begin with SpongeBob and Patrick on the beach building sand castles before before being alerted to a group of extreme Sporter extreme sportist sporties Johnny Knoxville him and his group being super action-packed and doing all these cool epic stunts amused by this SpongeBob and Patrick want to join his crew and after a bit of standing arounded making jokes about them misinterpreting a British guy saying extreme sports thinking he's really saying extreme spots they get pushed into doing some stunts like riding a motorcycle and falling off a cliff the crew who have just accepted letting them be a part of their gang was like saying it want to know what games they like to play and so sponge and Pat play jump rope then the drastical do it then they blow bubbles which is followed by the drastical doing it SpongeBob then gets in a ring and loses a fight to a pillow so Johnny comes in and beats it up then Patrick jumps in a dumpster which is followed by the drastical doing it SpongeBob and Patrick take them jellyfishing which is ironically the most extreme sport of all with the drastical all getting violently injured but they're happy about it British guy comes in and makes the same joke again and that's the end obviously this is one episode out of the dozens and dozens that have undoubtedly done more story-wise but you see what I mean right nothing feels influenced by the characters instead of each scene being driven by them and what they want it's instead driven by what gags they can do what silly scenarios we can think up for the characters to be in and there's nothing wrong with that I just can't help but prefer it the way it was done before like I don't know what if we started at Jellyfish Fields instead of the beach SpongeBob and Patrick are going about their business when the drastical come in and Shred up the place there's so many Hills and formations there what if they were using it as like a little MX shift skape Park SpongeBob and Patrick got intimidated by them and try to get them to leave as they're disrupting the piece and then the drasticals make fun of them or something then they have to prove who's more extreme loser has to leave ending with the drastical getting attacked by jellyfish like in the final not a 10 out of 10 episode or anything but there's something but at the same time I get why they feel as if that's not necessary we're at season 9 and like a million episodes in at this point in time everybody in their dog knows SpongeBob less needs to be done with the characters because you know how they act it doesn't matter that the jellyfishing comes out of nowhere at the end because this is SpongeBob you already know he likes jellyfishing and that's fine I can't stress that enough but for me personally I've always been a fan of the approach that acts like each episode tick plits within a vacuum even if there is continuity and effort is made to keer towards someone who may have never seen an episode before I only bring this example up because I was literally watching it last night so it's fresh on my mind there's probably a better one who cares but lately I've been watching through futur for the first time which has been great so far but that show does so much in regards to making things clear to a new viewer in the pilot to that show we see our main character fry in the present day where he briefly gets dumped by his girlfriend it's quick and just meant to establish that he's got a crappy life there but way later in season 2 they have an episode of refiner being released from the CM cryogenics lab he came to the Future in were they then have a plot about them reuniting it's not really relevant it would have been easy for this to be the first time we see her just assume that the viewer knows who this is if they've seen the pilot and if not the context of an ex-girlfriend is all they really need but even then during the beginning of the episode they still make an effort to establish that to a new audience it's not necessary by any means and the episode would have been fine without it but it shows an intention to tell a complete three-act story with elements introduced in the beginning that pay off later it's easy but effective in making an episode feel like a completed narrative nothing comes off like it's coming out of left field SpongeBob of course is not going to be able to do that as heavily since average episode is about half the length of futuras but something anything no matter how small goes a long way and that's not to say that no episode before the first movie was similar to season 9's approach you know you have episodes like no weenies Allied which primarily features SpongeBob in one location going back and forth with the gags getting more and more Extreme as it goes on but even then SpongeBob has a reason for wanting to get in other than he wants to his friend is going in there and he wants to join becoming offended when he's not seen he being Tough Enough which is established as something he cares about it as the entire opening to the episode is a prolonged scene of him and Sandy fighting I feel like if this episode were approached now the mindset would be well we already know SpongeBob likes karate at this point we don't need to Showcase that even the episodes between the two movies which typically are seen as the dark gates for the franchise I'd argue are more in line with pre-movie SpongeBob than the post sequel seasons are Boy I hope you're keeping up with this terminology it is a nightmare but that's not where the mean source of contention here comes from it comes from the wacky Fe is it's no secret that I've been quite public with my thoughts on current SpongeBob's animation style and while I often see my points exaggerated and pushed to extremes that I never once claimed you know it went there for a reason I did Express that I wasn't a fan but I think the writing plays such an important role in why I think that again the animation on a technical level looks great a little weightless I think when every character can squash and stretch to their heart's content it lessens the impact of their frequent slapstick but but I think it only bothered me so much because I felt it was being prioritized over the writing which I of course now understand that not to be the key but even then some might say good the animation should be prioritized because it's a cartoon but I think that feels to acknowledge where the series got its beginning and why those first few seasons were so successful and I think the dialogue and jokes played into that more than the animation did post sequel SpongeBob feels like one big apology for those middle Seasons between the first and second movie the visual was at that point had a major Focus on grite super detailed shots of a character contorting our giant vinie monsters where all the times we'd see a character's Blood and Guts and skeletons exposed it didn't work because despite all of this it looked so blend it's very strange because if you take a look at a lot of the art in the production stage mainly by Robert Ryan Corey you'll see these seam drawings when they looked great these are some phenomenal really cool and unique depictions of the characters may not be your ideal SpongeBob but you can't deny the talent here but then you take a look at these seam drawings in the finished episodes and something just feels off about them there's a charm to handrawn sketches an animation that sadly Gets Lost in Translation when done over digitally I think maybe it has to do with the line art it's trying too hard to be on model with sketches that purposfully go out of their way to be off model there's also no real variation to the line width compared to the sketches I don't say this often but I think if anything the line art is too thick not allowing you to see those subtle nuances that come with thinner sketchy art in comparison it feels like nther making an effort to allow the artists to have fun with it sprinkle in their own Touch of SpongeBob and friends it's very much one of those shows where if you're even a casual fan going to pick up on certain artists and their quirks such as Aaron Springer who had been working on episodes up until season 8 if you look at some of his original boards they were [ __ ] massacred into this lame as hell super sanitized on model version of the characters which the middle seasons were Infamous for not string too much from for a while SpongeBob was either disgusting or soulless no in between and so it feels like n at least they've started to embrace that aspect every artist's unique vision of the characters which has resulted in this SpongeBob we see not I can only ever see artists being alled to art as a good thing but I think in some regards the emphasis put on this more exaggerated style of Animation has affected the show's humor in some Les and while some may like this change it just isn't what I go to SpongeBob for SpongeBob always had a formula in its style of telling jokes but I imagine it was approached similar to a three-panel comic strip you got the setup the buildup and then the punchline not every page was like this but I'm sure at least on a psychological level working that way will bring that a you it's such a natural format for telling jokes because it was all done on paper to you had to restrict yourself when it came to how varied the characters movements could be if you wanted a character to change their expressions midwe through a sentence you had to draw something entirely new and with budgets and deadlines to consider it's most likely why when the characters are talking they're more often than not holding the same pie in position until they're done in compar person deny where storyboarding has never been easier want to draw a new expression just click a button and you have a blank canvas copy and past whatever doesn't need to be redone and there you go the characters can shift band and exaggerate as much as you're willing to draw there were methods like this for drawing on paper I noticed whenever they want to reuse a position but with minor changes they'll more often not just draw the silhouette with the added detail so the animator knows what needs changed but there's no denying with how sucessful these art programs are idez that storyboarding something expressive and varied has never been so simple I'm sure the amount of boards it takes to complete episode n are Monumental compared to what it was done traditionally and I think that's the main reason why we get these clip Shir around online where characters change to a different face every other word I'm sure if we had that technology when the show first started we'd be seeing something similar and it's not even really that severe there's a few select moments where it definitely goes too far in my opinion but these moments aren't as frequent as people say they are I guess I'm included in that aren't I my bad these characters have been around for so long now that people have had literal decades to learn how to draw them and add their own Spin and we've seen the show slowly adapt certain changes over time one I see folks complaining about online a lot is SpongeBob's design differences you know you've seen one of those amazing devv art drawings where it's old SpongeBob beating up new SpongeBob they're great now some people may look at these two images and go what design change he virtually looks the exact same but being a Sonic fan I'm used to arguments about Minor design differences and how they can drastically affect how your character comes off and I think these differences in his design again highlight the different approach to writing Steven hillberg claims he wanted to present SpongeBob as a bit of a nerd I mean he's a [ __ ] square just look at his artfit and remember when he used to wear those [ __ ] giant glasses he was into comics and activities that were seen as nerdy in his Universe like jellyfishing and everything about his design conve that later as the series went on that started leaning more into SpongeBob's innocence over his Nativity naiv bordering on making him a baby and therefore hard they drew him played into that the made his eyes smaller his pupils bigger they almost never had his little cheek things sticking up anymore instead starting to aim it sideways minor differences like that go a long way in changing how a character feels and I think most agreed it was for the worst now it as I think they've yet again started to drift away from the BB SpongeBob we had for many years and are instead leaning more into a SpongeBob that's a bit of a silly goofball no right that's not to say that was never a part of his character before but but now more than ever they've begun emphasizing it his eyes are back to being ovals his little cheek thing has been made way bigger in certain cases a lot of the time that push his legs together n and are way more creative when posing him he's also presented as much more of a short stack it may feel redundant but he just looks more Square this fits with the tone they're going for and on its own he looks great but I feel it's clear some of that initial simplistic charm has been lost I always loved this model sheet drawing of him where he looks like he's bursting out of his pants he had more of a curve to him initially that was quickly dropped it's just such an interesting case of how little details go along way for example I could not imagine some of these post sequel episodes working if he still had that season 1 look and a lot of season 1 probably wouldn't be as Charming if he looked the way he does not they both perfectly fit the vibe of what the director is going for which is only ped further night that the directors and storyboard artists have more freedom to do whatever they want and even then with current SpongeBob now that they're cycling through select directors the SpongeBob that present is slightly different to the last it's weird I've been stuck in the middle of this argument for so long that I had begun to feel like I needed to provide reasons for why I thought the animation style of the post sequel era didn't work I did this for so long that I genuinely started to believe that I thought the new show had bad animation only to start work on this video and realize that I've never really said that as far as I'm aware there's a thought of datic case to be made for the charm of those initial few seasons being lost over time you know when you make a show that's so wacky and balls off the walls all the time it makes those moments less and less impactful the more you do it SpongeBob's animation looking so good doesn't have the same effect as it once did back when I saw that tweet when I was 15 what folks were once amused by is not just the norm and I think that more than anything highlights why we're we're now starting to see the discussion of sure this looks good but does it fit SpongeBob I watched a few episodes from the recent season even rewatching some from my ranking video and I can definitely see them making an effort to find the perfect balance between funny visual gags and still containing a well-written story and in some cases it works pretty wonderfully like in Ma and Pa's last trra or spatula of the heavens they do a much better job than previously mixing a plot with the occasional little Montage where they can show off their creativity I'm well sure there's still the occasional BL like dude I'm so sick of NOS veratu on this dog [ __ ] little henchman I don't get why they take up so much screen time n but let's be real the original Three Seasons had its fair share of [ __ ] episodes and while I can't personally say that I've suddenly become a huge fan or anything and plan on watching every new episode release I appreciate a lot about new SpongeBob that there is a show these days that is willing to let artists just do what they want just because I personally don't get a whole lot out of it doesn't mean nobody else does because clearly these new seasons and even stuff like the petrick star show resonate with a lot of people I guess at the end of the day my main source of intention with SpongeBob was that it felt as if for a while the show became complacent too comfortable with the status quo they know you know the world they know you know the Dynamics and so why would you stray away from what people are used to I think that has resulted in some of the weakest episodes of the entire series such as the season 13 episode Sean sponge heaters Club where the whole thing consists of characters who don't like SpongeBob recounting the reasons why the they don't like Spongebob like what new are you offering here I think that's why I at the very least appreciate them finding that balance better maybe SpongeBob isn't what I remembered it as being whenever I was a kid but it's been going on for 25 years what else would you expect well that doesn't mean the new stuff is bad it's just not for me and maybe that's okay SpongeBob I feel completely neutral towards new SpongeBob again my point here isn't to say one is objectively bad more so just pointing out that these differences do exist between old and new but something I always enjoyed about early SpongeBob was that he was just a guy he had such a wide range of emotions happy sad angry sure they more often than not focused on his naivity and optimism but it was never overbearing unless the plot demanded it I really think SpongeBob is a franchise that suffered from its success when it came to fland Rising their characters like over time it bought into its hype too much his face got slapped onto everything with a massive toothy smile and wide shiny eyes so much so to where after a while that kind of became all SpongeBob is in those middle seasons they really focused on him acting like a dumb kid bordering on being a baby at times and as a kid I didn't bat an ey but I could always tell something was slightly off but you know it's SpongeBob I like SpongeBob and for most kids that's good enough but when being able to look at the series then in comparison to how it began it's night and day that issue certainly got better as they started transitioning into their modern era I guess it's called but SpongeBob still has that issue of being too happy gol Lucky from itest again he's 2 one no in a way it's like the character trats become gags in and of themselves Spongebob works at the Crusty Crab he loves Krabby petties and jellyfishing that's his character SpongeBob acting naive is no longer a character treit that is the joke in and of itself again it becomes too obsessed with itself in the early Seasons the Crusty Crab is the sort of runy not good but not bad fast food place that's usually struggling for consistent business yeah sure SpongeBob loves it and thinks it's the greatest place under the sea but that's his naivity at Play however as the series goes on and becomes so popular that every aspect of it becomes a staple and pop culture selling [ __ ] gummy Krabby Patties and crusty crab play sets it becomes this weird shell of its former self now I Bikini Bottom contains a society that will quite literally collapse if the Crusty Crab isn't selling Crabby Patties SpongeBob went from this kind of nerdy guy who nobody respected to KN frequently being the seavor of the entire ocean because of his Burger making abilities I have to stress again it's not bad but it's so far removed from where we started you know what's great about being in the UK I get to see Sponge on the run before any of you Damn Yankees get to enjoy your lowquality rips while your country erupts on fire you absolute cins hope you enjoy your free trial of CBS all access next year you charlatans because I Mark got to see the new SpongeBob movie and wasn't very good aside from scrolling through through Twitter and seeing my American friends Doom posting I'm getting a lot of reactions to sponge in the run the latest SpongeBob Movie from the loins of Nickelodeon and powery mind in spite of having a good chunk of the staff from the first movie this feels way more soulless and greedy than any other piece of SpongeBob related media even this shirt what a hoax in spite of some Stellar animation which manages to capture the kinetic energy of the original cartoon and great stylized CG like look they they gave him his season one design he's even got Miss sheep and pupils and and and look at his feet and legs look look at his cute little shoes they really don't manage to craft a compelling story around it instead it's a rehash of a previous episode with about a quarter of its runtime dedicated to being a backdoor pilot for this awful looking spin-off show where SpongeBob and his friends are babies at summer camp before we go into all that though allowing me to get a little more in-depth with the plot Plankton kidnapps SpongeBob's pet Gary and hands him over to King Poseidon Thriller of the sea You know despite Neptune all was being betrayed as the ruler of the sea in the show but don't worry about that this isn't the only piece of lore that decide to step on so SpongeBob and Patrick have to SAR on an epic road trip to get to the lost city of Atlantic City so it's just like the first one right the two approach comedic sa pieces new foes and feast treacherous hardships on their way to retrieve the prize I wish I really really wish it was a Shameless reash would have been a lot better than literally nothing SpongeBob and Patrick said out in their vehicle to get to Poseidon then they get there to be fair there is some stuff that happens between them but it's later revealed to be a dream sequence a a dream sequence that goes on for 15 minutes oh boy this is the worst part of the film not only does it add nothing to the plot other than funny keano Reeves but it's just really bizarre and weird and not in the usual SpongeBob fashion the initial teaser poster for the movie was all trippy and had the tagline this movie is going to be a total trip I thought the second movie was already really weird so I wonder how they're going to top that well they don't everything in the movie is relatively standard Fair except for one random dream sequence where SpongeBob and Patrick visit an old western town and have to free the spirits of LOL random epic zombie Cowboys who dance and sing along to an epic song by Snoop Dog hi wacky I could give you a more in-depth plot synopsis but that's really all it is the only noticeable things about the plot are again the the dream sequence with the desert time and keano reev he's just he's just there the whole time after the dream sequence he tags along and it's amazing how you can wor me out on kanu Reeves but but they do it they managed to make me sick of Keanu godamn Reeves and he's probably still the best part of the movie it doesn't feel like an epic quest to find Gary one because they find out exactly where he is immediately after finding out he's missing and two they get to the lost city with 55 minutes left of the movie This film is an hour and a half and they reached their destination in about 30 minutes after this they piss about for a montage that goes on for way too long and suddenly the rest of the cast decide to jump cut to the city to help out in a scene by the way that is also a direct rehash of another older SpongeBob episode did they really not have any ideas well they did because there was a canceled third SpongeBob movie about these weird alien cat guys that come down from space and while it doesn't seem like it would have fit a SpongeBob movie it's a lot more interesting than this not even the city of Atlantis is unique to the movie since they did that in a special too and hey at least they got David Bo to voice the leader of Atlantis nut special and not the same guy who voiced bubbles the dolphin and sponge of water which is really damn noticeable I haven't watched that movie in like a year and I noticed it immediately the only other real positive about this movie's narrative is that they actually have something to do for the rest of the cast aren't shafted or sidelined the first SpongeBob movie has recently been observed through a more critical lens with more and more people bringing up its flaws with one of those being a hyp seems to ignore the me and castle characters that aren't just SpongeBob and Patrick personally I don't really agree with this complaint the movie's focus is about them and their growth as characters so I don't really mind that characters like Sandi or Squidward would get the shaft the second movie definitely did a better job at using SpongeBob's other friends that film was a lot less focused on the characters and mostly just a to be surreal and weird but sponge on the Run seems like it's trying to take both of these approaches and it doesn't really succeed it either they end the movie's First Act with SpongeBob and Patrick being genre Savvy talking about how this is a buddy road trip and eventually they're going to have a fight and brick up only to come back together even stronger like they even have SpongeBob brick character by being a massive [ __ ] to Patrick completely unprompted just to make the joke work SpongeBob can be mean at times but it always feels earned or when he's at his absolute Breaking Point that's what makes those times when he gets aggressive so funny but here he just seems to be a little prick for no reason other than a really Liam forth wall joke what makes this all worse is they attempt to subvert these troopes but then do them anyway like they get into a fight later on the line it wasn't even of any consequence they forget it in 2 minutes like literally 2 minutes it's dropped entirely there are so many instances where you can feel the writers high-fiving each other thinking they're so clever at all the jokes they make about Buddy Trope movies oh man you guys what clever little twips so silly but the rest of it is just an unfunny rehash combined with a backdoor pilot that Recons the in cast into a summercamp story each of SpongeBob's friends got a little flashback segment to how SpongeBob affected them and what a positive influence he is but it's just so roten by the numbers like Patrick is homesick and SpongeBob says he'll be his friend to help him feel better then he feels better Sandi says I want to be a scientist but thanks due to being a squirrel she can't for some reason but SpongeBob just says you can though and she's like okay it's such basic manipulative garbage I see people calling this emotional and it's not even on part of like sealess sad Disney moments I think I have a higher chance at crying watching home in the range than SpongeBob and France go to summer camp like I get what they were going for I think a scene like this could be amazing if the rest of the movie were able to back it up but the context behind it makes no sense so SpongeBob is about to be executed for trying to steal G back and it's basically in court and as a defense the gang all Rec stories about how great of a friend SpongeBob is okay what does this have to do at all with him trying to steal Gary that's what he's getting punished for I don't think him being a good person is going to relieve that there was no buildup to this at all yet for some reason I'm supposed to care about all the characters talking about the time they met SpongeBob at the beginning of the movie they hinted the fact that SpongeBob is filled with self-d and doesn't have the confidence to do that so how about have this be where SpongeBob is at his lowest point and so his friends need to build up a spirit again to give him the fortitude in order to save the day but the way they went about it just comes out of nowhere and they legit do the same thing that the first SpongeBob movie was mocking see him tone and everything it feels so forced that I realize the formula is more than just a list of ingredients and flavor capture and methods or some other third thing I'm sorry but it's hard to get emotional this sort of thing when I can't help but see it as a dumb excuse to shoehorn in these Camp segments to get kids pining for more baby SpongeBob and that's not even to mention how dumb an idea Camp Coral is but there's already thousands of videos discussing that so I'll just say that as one of the people out there who cares way too much about the lore and continuity of an episodic children's cartoon it annoys me to no end but honestly I could forgive all of this I really could I could forget about the uninteresting new characters rehashing of previous episodes and poor pacing because this is SpongeBob after all and at the end of the day the SpongeBob is a comedy and a really funny one at that I still regularly watch through the original Three Seasons I think they're hilarious and while I wasn't a big fan of the second movie I still will St by the fact that it's really funny and I occasionally watch it again for the humor alone but this has got to be one of the most unfunny pieces of SpongeBob media and it's not because the jokes that tell are bad they're just barely are any like there are times in this film where they get away with a kind of funny joke like SpongeBob and Patrick sitting in their GE cell or the stuff with Si's robot Auto but in between that are like 10minute chunks where it's more boring and uninteresting more than anything the piecing is so so slow scenes go on forever H ditching that dumb zombie KY boy scene that went on for an eternity and split it up into smaller more random segments that show what ISU SpongeBob and Patrick face while on their travels I know that just be doing the same was the first movie but I'd honestly rather take that over whatever this is Strangely I saw a lot of people rolling the rise of the amount of licens Music used in the film such as a cover of tick on me performed by Weezer of all bines oh it's just Weezer Weezer oh my dam it it's Weezer but it didn't really bother me all that much I'll take it over an ending done by the Epic Rap Battles of History guys the only thing that was somewhat offputting to me was the mention of Ops like Skype or Feast time which felt very out of place and the original soundtrack was a major let down the original movie had Best Day Ever SpongeBob and Patrick in front the psychic wall of energy just a kid I could go on there way more then the second one has that bizarre squeeze me song which was decent what does sponge on the Run have agwa I I can't play it for obvious reasons but please look it up it is it is awful hello this is editing Mark by the way where where the hell was the the Gary Come Home Remix it was the perfect setup I won't go on for much longer mostly because this movie is so divor of subs and so I don't really know what else to say about it but also because I'd recommend checking it out for you to still form your own opinion who knows maybe you'll end up loving it it's not like I want to hit this movie sure I wasn't a fan of the Sonic movie I hated scoo and cice against the universe and okay I can see why people may think that but I really do want to like these movies and I really love SpongeBob and wanted this film to be great and I'm honestly really really disappointed that I wasn't all that into it overall sponge on the run is perfectly serviceable at best and at worst it's the weakest of the three SpongeBob movies with a rehashed story forced in Emotion poorly pierced and in the end is just not very funny amazing animation though just seriously I would I still recommend watching this for the visuals alone the topic of SpongeBob SquarePant spin-offs is very polarizing ever since the first one was announced a year or two back we saw a Twitter war erupt with a group of people denouncing said spin-offs and shaming Nickelodeon for making such a thing and others not thinking it was as big of a deal and then they could do whatever they wanted with the series I mean he more SpongeBob could only be a good thing right wrong but why were people this upset what about this sweet little fast could possibly cause such backlash well for those unaware SpongeBob Square Pants was created by a man named Steven helenberg he worked on the series for the first three seasons and very first movie but after that took a step back to focus on other projects and also he just created like the biggest thing ever I think the dude deserved a break but anyways he later returned to work on the show with the release of the second film Sponge Out of Water however this return was shortlived a Steven sadly passed away November 26th 2018 due to ALS the issues came in when just 3 months later in February of 2019 nickan n that would be creating spin-offs to try and widen the SpongeBob Universe the problem here well back in the day Steven hillenberg was very against the idea of creating spin-offs for the show even quoting you know one of these days they're going to want to make SpongeBob babies that's when I'm out of here yikes yeah so people started getting mad at Nickelodeon for going against the guy's wishes right after he had died and assumed they had been creating it behind his back or were waiting for him to die in order to finally start milking SpongeBob for all he's worth the truth I don't know nobody really does the only guy who possibly knows what Steven hillenberg thought or would have thought about these spinoffs was Steven helenberg and we sadly can't ask him to reiterate you know those quotes were from years ago who knows he had changed his mind or maybe even knew about them and helped with the development of the series but either way whato am I in with this old bacle I don't care a profit hungry Corporation did something shitty the sky is blue and I'm [ __ ] epic at arcade games it's shitty if they did go against the guy's wishes but like was sort of inevitable what I care about most in all this are the shows themselves just because Steven men out of one of them doesn't mean they're going to be bad were they bad well that's what I'm going to look at today as with the announcement of not only a fourth theatrical Spongebob movie but also the reveal of three [ __ ] spin-off powermint Plus movies I feel like this is the perfect time to go in depth through the two currently released SpongeBob SquarePants spin-offs Camp Coral and the Patrick Star Show starting with the one that ke might first Camp Coral SpongeBob's under years now Camp Coral had a huge marketing campaign behind it there were sports event promos merchandise and it was one of the bigger shows being pushed on the new streaming service pyrine plus they even decided to dedicate a huge portion of the new SpongeBob movie into promoting it now apparently the ID for the flashback sequences and sponge on the Run came before the idea of C Coral but when they green lit the project I can imagine that decided to insert many more scenes showing SpongeBob and franic Camp to get you intrigued in this new setting they've put them in the other day I decided to go back and rewatch Spong on the run for this video and by God is it even worse than I remembered despite being made by the same crew as the show for some reason it just doesn't just doesn't feel like SpongeBob everyone is written just a little bit off for the sake of conflict SpongeBob and one scene can be leaving his Heist eager for adventure cuz he's got his best friend hanging around him a wingman a friend really Patrick you'd go with me then in the next argues with Patrick over him being the only hero in this adventure like what's going on this is going to be like one of those buddy movies we're the buddies not sure that really applies Patrick but the worst thing about the film is without ad do the Ping the start is way too slow it takes 20 minutes for the actual plot to kick in then they very quickly got to their main goal in like 20 more minutes then they fumble around for the last 50 accomplishing nothing and there is no scene that exemplifies that more than the pre-climax court scene where to prove SpongeBob innocent all his friends come in and recite memories of meeting him at summer camp how this proves him innocent for kidnapping Gary I have no clue but I digress judge my client may have killed the victim and chopped up his body but he's a pretty swell guy trust me I wouldn't have minded this but with the way it's presented you know the whole movie halting this just came off as a blatant attempt at advertising their new series and with that all eyes are on the new show could it possibly live up to the hype no it's not a good sign when your show opens with a toilet flesh sign effect [Music] the this series was forgotten about in like a dad nobody really gave a [ __ ] about it except for the people praising the fact that it wasn't a train wreck and with that I guess it's time for me to throw my two cents in and discuss what I thought about it after watching a majority of the episodes It's just SpongeBob in a camp setting the story of Camp Coral is quite simple we're just seeing the deal Adventures of SpongeBob and his friends at summer camp with each main character from the normal show taking on a different role with SpongeBob Patrick and Sandy being being kids Squidward as a camp celor Mr Krabs as the camp leader Plankton as a chef etc etc what you may be asking yourself is something like hey didn't SpongeBob canonically meet Sandy for the first time in season one of the show didn't he meet Mr Krabs for the first time in the first episode 2 weren't plankton in Mr Krabs like sworn enemies from childhood but their friends not in this one the answer to all this is yes yes they were this was one of the biggest criticisms I saw for the show before and shortly after its release but honestly this is one of my least biggest concerns coming out of it because this show has much much larger issues that need to be addressed the biggest one of course being this show has literally no reason to exist not as in Spongebob doesn't need a spin-off no matter how true that may be what I mean is that this series does almost nothing to set itself apart from the original the only difference is the setting all of the character personalities are almost the exact same it would have actually been a little interesting if some of the characters acted different then over the course of the show you you could see how they ended up the way they did but no just about every single character actually the same way as their adult counterpart the only difference to speak of is that some of the plots are more focused on childlike stuff even though all the characters are voiced by their official counterparts even though in sponge on the Run they're voiced by babies okay honestly one of the only episodes that did a good spin on the classic SpongeBob formula is the one where SpongeBob and Patrick get in trouble with Mr Krabs and have to spend their time and time might reminds me of something like wet painters where they saw him as a big threat but the difference in writing is that in that episode it's funny to see just how desperate they get in trying to cover up the fact that they got paint on his dollar because he threatened to basically kill them but here there really is no threat Patrick blames SpongeBob and therefore he gets punished but then Patrick tries to get in with him by getting in trouble then he does and they get released after a bit of bter like there's nothing there's no conflict here that's basically how I describ the majority of the episodes in this show boring and team and it's clearly not because of the demographic despite being a babyfied version of SpongeBob it's clear that the age Market is around the scene of the original it's written the same way but nothing happens in these episodes the characters are all just going through the motions like the one where SpongeBob and Patrick try to help this anchovy finds a new personality there's nothing at stick here they don't even follow their own rules Patrick pizza's not a personality yeah neither is a chef but you tried that anyway there's nothing at stick here and they don't really accomplish much by the end of it the whole show just feels like I'm watching 20 episodes of filler and with the characters all basically being the same as their main counterparts it brings up the question of why this was even an original series to begin with there seriously can't be that many UniQue Ideas you can have with the basic concept of SpongeBob at Camp so why not just have it be part of the main series for a couple episodes it's going on for like 300 episodes of this rate I think it's safe to say you can afford to switch things up a little now that's not to say that don't attempt to add some new ideas into the show however are any of them good what do you think other than a bunch of random NPCs like this ugly [ __ ] I don't want to look at her one of the mean new secondary characters they added was this girl called narlene narwhal and her brother Nai they're annoying I don't even know if this was intentional though like they do this thing I really hate where to make you like a character and think they're cool they simply just have all the characters around them call them cool in the episode she's introduced all she does is get the campers addicted to a candy syrup then when they wreak havoc in the camp she charges Mr Crabs to remove it from them basically just scamming him once again where's the [ __ ] conflict nothing is happening here but also all this does just make me think this lady is an annoying [ __ ] just having SpongeBob say w she's so cool at the end doesn't make it [ __ ] true is so cool and so funny and so funnily enough they actually brought these characters into the me and SpongeBob series for an episode where they are just as unfunny and bothersome but I guess it is a cool idea to crossover characters from each show they even actually brought back plankton's family from the early seasons of The Original Series in the same episode although I'm not sure if I want to give them props for that new SpongeBob just seems obsessed with reminding you of the old SpongeBob so that by Pro you'll think the newer ones are good too not that they're bad or anything I just think they're kind of uninteresting and I did like the brief flashback where we got to see the C Corel SpongeBob animated in 2D oh [ __ ] that's right the elephant in the room this show looks like [ __ ] I mean it's a bad sign when even the poster for the show has the characters looking unbelievably lifeless if you somehow haven't noticed by now this show is animated in 3D with CG and if you know anything about TV budget CGI animation doesn't look the best to give credit where credit is due there is a a lot to like about the way the series looks I think they mostly shine during nighttime shots where the light source is made clear and we have nice purples and oranges and they are very very ambitious when it comes to how much this stretch and morph these models but despite all the ambition I can't help but notice how much its animation is held back by the budgetary issues of TV like I couldn't help but notice how much the characters eyes clip into each other or their dimples and a big problem also has to be how much the animators are trying to match the 2D story boards the issue with this is of course how hard it is to replicate how surreal and cartoony 2D SpongeBob can get the second and third movie were able to achieve this as a simple result of them having a much bigger budget but when done for 2D it results in a lot of awkward uncanny looking fces and jokes that aren't as well conve because it's harder to get surreal animation when working with models there has to be some kind of Rhyme or Reason to everything and so I can't even appreciate the jokes they're trying to tell because I have to spend a second going oh okay that's the joke they're trying to tell ha with them focusing on CGI animation I feel like this would would have been the perfect opportunity to focus more on well-written jokes than simple slapstick or surrealist humor like I get it it's SpongeBob that's what it's always been but when you're doing a TV show using 3D animation becomes way harder to do those things so in that regard if them deciding to make the show 3D did nothing but hinder its quality then why did they do it at all well it's cheaper and boy does it look cheap it has the same issues as a lot of 3D shows where at times shots look very unrendered reminds me a lot of Sonic Boom actually where one episode could look amazing and the other look like dog [ __ ] from what the animators on it have told me it was due to time limitations so I can imagine that problem played cam Coral as well that's not to mention how ugly the overall shading is here a big problem I have with a lot of shows nowaday is that they use black to shade everything makes it look all dark and not very appealing that's a really bad issue of Cam Coral this is SpongeBob what are the bright saturated colors the cool blue sky instead we have this piss yellow color oh yeah yum seriously when lit well these characters look great I can't understand the thought process here if there's anything else about the animation I can appreciate it's definitely how much they Incorporated different types of mediums such as puppetry using liveaction footage at times and even using 2D animation sometimes such as when Sandy talks to her future self from the mean show you know that was neat but at the end of the day none of that could have saved the show by the way Sandy looks like the [ __ ] chip at from that CG album the Chipmunk show it's not relevant I just literally thought of that but at the end of the day none of that could have saved this show because all C Coral is is regular current SpongeBob in a cap setting that that's it it's nothing we had one season of the show ER last year and after looking it up it appears we're getting a second at some point soon so I can only hope that they improve upon a lot of the stuff I mentioned here but sadly a lot of the problems I have with the series's fundamental things they couldn't really change with the biggest one being H doesn't do a whole lot to stand apart from the mean series I mean what's the point in making a SpongeBob spin-off if it literally has almost the exact same staff as the other currently airing SpongeBob they really couldn't be stretching the team any thinner nonsense yep here we go one of the weirdest decisions in SpongeBob history that being giving Patrick Star his very own TV series The Patrick Star show this is my show in August of 2020 it was nice that we'd be receiving the second SpongeBob spin-off from Nick this one starring a young Patrick Star living in a house with his family mom dad grandfather and sister where he hosts a TV show to the public from his bedroom this is genuinely no exaggeration one of the worst TV shows I have ever seen in my life every episode of the Patrick Star show has the CM setup that being none things just happen in the series and there's rarely any kind of consistent theme other than Patrick Show which there's almost never any kind of plot or goal relating to it he he just does it that's all there's no he doesn't want anything out of this why why do it the idea of him having a show literally just seems like some Des attempt at doing something to make it stand apart from the other one episode's going to have Patrick trying to get an ice cream from the ice cream truck having a stirring contest with his grandpa turning out into an all art war or traveling inside his cachs to try and find the lost remote it's literally just nonsense for the sake of nonsense now this was definitely an intentional decision with even the writer saying that IM to sideline story structure to free them up to be more surreal and randomly bizarre with the kinds of things they can put out there yes that they lit literally said Sideline Story structure now am I saying this couldn't work like is it impossible to just make a wacky surrealist version of SpongeBob or anything can fly no not exactly even if I do believe it simply shows a lack of understanding for what made the original so special I mean sure the old SpongeBob had surrealist elements but they were always grinded in some sense of structure some sort of reality there was a method to the madness you know but in a show like this where nothing matters I find it hard to care about anything going on Patrick lives in this Twi hermanes heist where anything can happen he has people living under his kitchen table he can open a door and have it transport him to a dungeon and it show where anything goes it's impossible to be invested in this world of the characters and despite all the insane stuff that happens in the series it results in it being incredibly boring again though this could have worked if you're going to make a new show then you might as well take a different approach and try something new but I just wish they went further with it there are times where I can see what they're trying to go for with each episode being something completely new but I think they should have entirely buckled D on this for example there are a couple times where we see this Co stop motion segment done by the seam Studio that did the Christmas and Halloween specials from a couple years back and even this neat segment at the start of one of the episodes featuring a Patrick robot and spas and that seems like the perfect idea for surrealist Patrick Show literally have it be the Patrick Star show where he's trying to do something different in every episode have it be an actual show within the universe and no I don't just mean him standing outside his [ __ ] bedroom window talking to the camera how about have each episode be something something completely different something not seen before different setting different story but the same set of SpongeBob characters to tie it all together just I know how much I bitchite them but literally just have it be an anthology show it's still not what SpongeBob is at its core but it's at least something entirely new oh yeah because then we wouldn't get introduced to all the cool new characters in this show I'm going to gloss over the fact that the original series had already established a different pair as Patrick's parents and even had a full episode later on focused on his sister Sam who's completely ignored here because again it's SpongeBob continuity is not the most important thing about the show but these characters just have nothing going on about them Patrick is definitely the one who received it the worst in terms of characterization although to be fair that isn't exactly a problem exclusive to the Patrick Star show it's something that's been happening in the me series too riding for a dumb guy must be really hard because you have to be careful to keep some kind of balance and make sure that you make it clear that them being dim doesn't equal them being Brien dead Patrick is Breen dead in the early seasons of SpongeBob Patrick was more so the guy who he turned to for advice it was implied that he was a little less naive than him and therefore SpongeBob looked up to him and the comedy came from the advice Patrick gave him often times being wrong or leading him into worse situations you know Patrick was still dumb but there was a lot more to him than that again there was like a method to the madness sadly though as the show progressed and especially in the Patrick Show this has been confused for him being Brian dead he can do or say anything he wants because he's stupid and I don't know if it's just me but I just don't find that [ __ ] funny I'm often times just left sitting there like okay am I to be shocked by this the dumb character didn't and say something dumb I I couldn't have expected that and for some [ __ ] reason they also decided to keep SpongeBob Squidward and Plankton in this show why if you're going to try and make 50,000 SpongeBob spin-offs why would you give them all largely the same cast what is the purpose Squidward is a beer boy and SpongeBob isn't a fry cook yet those are the only differences and other than that they act the exact same as they're main counterparts I seriously don't know understand the thought process here other than that Patrick's mom and dad are just carbon copies of him they're dumb and random that's the character his Grandad is delusional and often annoyed by him and his little sister is just [ __ ] Sandy who also appears in the show I don't get it one thing I would like to complement the show on is the animation although there are a couple things I'd like to note about it that I think overall is a big issue with the m and show too but on a technical level yes it is very impressive in an era where TV grid 2D animation looks very lowbudget SpongeBob is consistently one of the most impressive ones I've seen with how expressive it can be and the backgrounds in this series are Stellar I really love the colors but I don't know I feel like the new animation of SpongeBob is a little too wacky I know this is a controversial point to make and Twitter is going to have a [ __ ] fi that with it because I always see this being met with but the animation of the old show was also expressive went off model too you just you just hit new SpongeBob but my point isn't in relation to them going off model it's instead that I feel a result of them deciding to stretch these characters as much as they can makes the overall feel of the animation to be kind of weightless sure the original did this but it was very sparingly and was only ever used to emphasize certain jokes or line deliveries however now it's all the [ __ ] time and because of that I feel like a lot of the slapstick doesn't work very well because these characters come off like Silly Putty that can morph and band anywhere they want sometimes less is more again the animation is very good I just personally think it ruins a lot of the jokes they're trying to tell and that's kind of an issue in a show where 99% of the humor comes from silly slapstick again if I were to describe this show in any way it's nonsense for the sake of nonsense and I'm genuinely curious if anyone actually likes or laughs at this sort of stuff because it definitely doesn't work for me what I loved about the original SpongeBob was how they could grind these more surreal elements there were consistent rules that were followed and because of that it was funny to see how far they'd go and trying to break them the Nosferatu thing is funny because it completely comes out of nowhere and you weren't expecting it but in a show where anything can happen and they're constantly telling those level of jokes it just last the impact of all of them but in a show where anything goes in a show where anything can happen it ironically makes it boring to watch because there are no consequences for these characters so yeah SpongeBob spin-offs not off to a great start are they maybe I'm just too cynical and pessimistic but I seriously don't have any hope for the next batch of movies they have coming out the only way I think they could work is if they focus on the characters that are the stars and not of every other single SpongeBob character present unless you want to do something like Tiger's first movie don't have it be a whole new spin-off just have focus on someone other than SpongeBob have a movie in the universe of the original show but simply focus on Squidward or Plankton you know and another big thing I'd recommend is to Simply hire some new people to work on them if you're seriously this hellbent on expanding the SpongeBob universe and want to do something new then actually commit to it and do something new because having nearly the same staff working on each of these shows just causes them all to blend together and makes me wonder why they even bother doing this in the first place okay other than that reason and with that I'll leave it off there I could have gone my whole life not watching these series and nothing would have been different boy I sure I'm wasting my life here aren't I [Music]
Channel: Midnight Mark
Views: 168,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midnight Mark, LS Mark, LS Mark Compilation, SpongeBob SquarePants, SpongeBob Compilation, SpongeBob to Fall Asleep To, 1 Hour of SpongeBob SquarePants to Fall Asleep To, LS Mark SpongeBob, Ranking EVERY SpongeBob SquarePants Episode, Sponge Out of Water, SpongeBob Review, Modern SpongeBob, Kamp Koral, The patrick star show
Id: _OTYIuu4ljE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 9sec (3729 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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