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[Music] hmm interesting do you remember how we unboxed pikmi pups uh-huh and a little surprise boys and hair goals yep and mighty beans yes sam i don't remember having problems with memory and baby secrets poor lost kitties okay sammy what's going on wait wait last question do you remember adorables and hairdorables of course keep calm stay cool i'll see them what's wrong what's going on promise not to get mad at me sam i won't disclose yes promise so from each unboxing i kept a couple a couple a couple of toys i wanted to open them myself but it's so [Music] that's it that's no big deal well there's just something else i'll have to show you sam i'm speechless [Music] oh sam i hope that we'll do it before tomorrow choose the first one um let's first recite what we have here lol surprise hair goals lol surprise boys hello surprise lilz adorables hairdorables mighty beans baby secrets lost kitties kit twins pikmi pop surprise and we'll start let's do baby secrets uh yeah that was my idea too of course sammy i read your mind it's from [Music] series two but whether it's a boy or a girl we'll find out using water and open up huh what do we have here it's the collector's guide we'll check it later and this is the birth certificate here we'll write the name gender date of birth and the parent's name who's that cutie here oh look at the basketball player such a stylish child with a cute headband and a sweet four lock and also yes check out the arms and even the legs move there's also a stylish bib with a ball check out these bright sneakers with white socks and now it's time for water party yeah in a blue diaper so it's time to fill out your birth certificate we'll name you gina and you're a boy what about that guy let's see oh look our boy jamie is ultra special eeny meeny miny moe these are mighty beans bunny seeds there are eight of them inside and all that we need to do is unwrap slam and burst it hurry up and open it perfect we'll unwrap it oh check out this cute drawing we'll keep opening so oh read before opening let's check it so the first point is done second i got it and the third says see it grow and burst keep face away thanks for the warning but there's one more thing here we already have one bean it's m80 20 hungry eater mighty bean look how funny it is and now comes the main thing [Music] oh how i love this thing we need it to burst the package but it's so cool i'll attach it to the backpack and the next thing is the collector's guide we'll examine it we'll need this later and the actual guide is very very very very long and here oh look these are the games we can play with our beans we'll defo play one of these and who do we have it's beach crab it has something interesting in the claws oh a shovel and a star on its head oh what's up with the eye well we urgently need a doctor oh the doctor's sick i guess this doctor needs help too yeah right he has such a funny hairdo and black boots down there and the next one is lost penguin he's so adorable with these paws and a hat plus he has a map and a bag i hope you'll find your way little one and who are you an astronaut look everything is floating on his ship but why because there's no gravity so who comes next oh zapped rabbit check out how he bit the wire so his fur got all shaggy and next in line is clown fish look at these cute flippers and here's his team this is kooky clown so funny in this hat and boots [Music] sue you promised me a game sure sammy on your marks get set go go your turn too i'm aiming and bam oh sammy look it's a direct hit so shall we continue i think it's time to continue the unboxing sammy don't be sad you'll have a chance for a rematch maybe next time i didn't quite like this game it's a new portion of mighty beans so much fun naughty slime learn how to lose [Music] by the way it's series two of mighty beans and here we have a witch with bats and a green potion and a purple hat and funny boots let's check out the others right now and who's in here it's a wacky scientist he is kind of wacky look how many cans and jars he has his hair's on fire and there's a big stain on his boots and this is oh a hot guitar player come show your face oh you're really hot oh your instruments are smoking careful who's landed here whoa let's have a look at you how did you ruin everything why are you so mean and who's hiding here oh it's a predator and the prey look it's a super rare toothpaste bean a sheep and a wolf two characters in one and who are you oh it's a firefly whoa why are you burning careful actually you have the fire extinguisher extinguish it urgently who's here it's a sheep look at what she's doing she's knitting oh so cute [Music] and the last bean in our collection it's a blob fish why are you so sad look you have so many friends don't be sad and this package can be used as a case to store the beans the rubber band will hold the two parts together [Music] let's store all our beans [Music] and done so it's not all we have two more beans thanks sammy i couldn't do without you here we have two beans from series one perfect as always who's speaking in from here let's open it oops well we'll speed it up there's someone very bright here it's a toothy octopus and who's here oh a diver i guess he got stuck so funny and here the ships got tangled in tentacles and here oh the collector's guide let's have a look at our beans it's a sumo wrestler let's check out his power he eats rice and donuts that's right he has to gain weight the second bean let's check it out it's a basketballer wow so cool he plays under number 13. here we see some balls and also a small helmet on his head well you we're already falling behind next comes lost kitties aye aye sir such an appetizing cup just like ice cream by the way it's the second series of kit twins so we'll check that later and now let's roll and what's here oh i love this cute package i wonder what's inside let's hurry up and open our tasty ice cream and da da da see there's blue clay there ah i see the backy we'll take it out and the clay as well here come the surprises two in total the first one is the spoon yum yum so cool and here there's a stand with delicious cakes here comes the main surprise we'll deal with the clay later and now we'll open the baggie whoa check out this cutie he has a bow tie and he looks so serious a real gentleman cat meow and the most pleasant part this clay is just awesome and so stretchy cool [Music] so there's more look my sweet helper and the second scoop we'll open it oh check it out guys this looks like lemon sorbet guys i love ice cream so much hey baggie come here do you like ice cream if yes give a thumbs up we'll start with the cat i can't wait to see who's the twin brother of our cutie oh what a sweet girl look she has a flower in her paw oh maybe these two are newlyweds now it's time for clay and accessories let's check what's here it's an ice cream cone so appetizing and here we have a purple banana not bad and my favorite clay ice cream you can also use it as a soft stand for your toy cats see check it out awesome the banana will also fit in here and the other items too let's take off the kitties and these are carl and judy a perfect pair and now finally we'll find out the story of carl and judy and wedding and carl you're in trouble it's time for the lol family and we'll start from the biggest package so what do we have here it's l surprise hair goals makeover series off we go let's pull carefully and open whoa what is that bright thing color me fabulous definitely beautiful one but first we'll open some more oops okay another try um well let's use something more radical let's see what's here these are the instructions and here a magical mirror very cool as always these are some hints for us what do you think it is it's pixie cut plus very bright hair clip shaped stickers super stylish so we'll continue drum roll we're opening it and here's our first baggie we'll open it right away and check out the content oh it's a chain okay so this is meant for the bag and has this red hair clip handle let's try it on it works like this back and forth and now open it up okay we'll need the collector's guide a bit later so we opened these dolls not so long ago and i want to keep the intrigue until the end will we get a twin or someone new well here's the first baggie we'll open it and get closer to our answer inside we found boots with golden laces and blue and yellow paint stains very cool and here's the next baggie i can feel that there's something bright inside look i was right it's a color explosion and i don't remember a dress like this [Music] another hint in the baggie we'll open it and check the contents okay it's a hairband with a bow and ultra trendy paint patches awesome we also have these curlers with surprises so we keep opening here we have a bottle of course we'll take it out and examine it it's so bright just like the other accessories it also has paint patches just amazing and what's hiding in here it's another surprise before we open the doll let's check it out it's a comb look how bright it is with a yellow bow now comes our main surprise let's find out who's hiding behind this outfit we'll open the second sleeve and here's one leg and the second one oh what a cool dress we've got now we'll take it off and reveal the biggest secret the hairdo look the paint stains are the same as on the outfit so cute and the hairdo is awesome such a bold coloring this doll is a color explosion check out this bright and shiny hair shoe bath time what do i always have to remind you you're just in time as always we'll dive in oh she changed so much look she's wearing a denim jumpsuit with pockets cool and what about warm water and bloop ah she's back to normal time to get dressed [Music] and the last touch check out this bright and beautiful look awesome it's high time to drink from our cute bottle oh no no no no no and fire [Music] it's time to have some rest bye-bye i almost forgot our beauty is called splatters and she's popular from the art club show catch whoa got it so it's lol surprise wills it's the same makeover series e dragon pool and the first layer off and here hmm what is this it's makeup queen cool we're moving on i can't wait to see oh what comes next okay today i'm going hard on the wrapping whoa i love carrots and here i love my hair awesome we'll keep going and hop that's how fast we got to the finish line let's check out the surprises we got oh it's packed so nicely and here's the magic mirror here are the instructions and here are all of the main surprises so we'll need the collector's guide later and there is one big baggie left let's open it [Music] who's in there [Music] look at this baby what a sweet little bunny with one ear folded such a cute face and the hair is curly with shimmer on the ends this time i didn't forget anything water fun dive in oh look how she transformed the ears are pink and the outfit as well so adorable and now we'll try warm water and she's back to normal this was insta bunny from 24k gold let's continue we'll open the next baggie and here we'll find whoa glasses look how stylish they are with this sparkling frame of a powder shade and here's another cute accessory it's a little bigger shall we check it out what is it oh it looks like a backpack and it matches the glasses it's pink with glitter and golden inserts i'm in love with it [Music] a perfect combo and capacity but it would be nothing without a woman or a girl here we have lol surprise boys series one let's open it right away hey the zipper cooperated and oh there's a clue here fancy pants and now comes the next layer carefully we'll remove the layer completely check out what's here this is a sticker with all the toy reactions to water and here sup dude it's such a stylish boy let's open the next layer another zipper perfect aloha bro i guess he says hi to the other guy from the previous layer oh i can already see the baggie oops something went wrong here i'm afraid my skills got worse actually no it was easier than i thought hail the great tippy-dabba wanna study here's another stylish boy and here the first baggie i can't wait to check what's inside come on out boots they're blue these are lovely blue shoes with golden details and cool bows there's another accessory in this layer let's see which accessory we'll find here so interesting oh it's a bottle it's pink with a lid and measurement lines [Music] oops magic will help me one more baggie well we know what to do with it [Music] oh here's an unusual outfit check out this pattern on the jacket and the pants go separately it's high time to open the ball and up [Music] we'll come back to the guide a little later but now let's open the rest of the baggies what's it going to be what's it gonna be so interesting oh it's an accessory it's golden and it will look great with shoes and what this is we'll find out later this is the last vacuum with our main character we'll open it and meet our boy such an adorable boy with blue curls a birthmark and cute blush it's time to get dressed whoa you have such a royal outfit holy cannoli let's drink from our cute bottle [Music] oh who's crying here oh don't cry little one um here's your cozy stand we can also do this so we can take it anywhere this is his royal hiney from glam club [Music] uh let's start with the green ones we'll open them right away it's disney doorables green doors oh look how many we have here five doors in total i think i'll start with the biggest one what's inside a baggie which we will open now and it stand who's waiting for us in here let's check and ah it's nala from the lion king such a fluffy white face with green eyes which always look at you with love see and her tail is just adorable [Music] so we opened this already here comes the next cool door by the way did you notice that each door has windows [Music] here we have another baggie come on out and oh who are you oh i know you he's from zootopia and it's chief bogo right next door ah look you can open the windows here okay so peep inside and come on out open up [Music] huge intrigue is it aladdin or ah no it's prince eric from little mermaid he's so handsome and another door these doors remind me of monsters inc so who's next who are you gonna be oh is this alice yes it is so cool alice in wonderland with a cup of tea next oh it's the last green door knock knock knock who's there we have four more green doors yes sam that's correct and who is this it's aladdin prince ali you're handsome too who are we going to get now we'll open the door in it is oh it's it's prince eric another one and here we can see sheriff woody from toy story do you guys remember him if yes give a thumbs up [Music] look here we have three toys there's also a baggie left [Music] we'll open it and take out [Music] whoa look daisy duck she's so cute with this pink bow she's rare oh another door it's so cool that we have so many of them here we have two toys let's examine them check it out here we have dale he's so funny with his little nut and that's alice but she's upside down for some reason and she's so glittery oh i got it alice is falling into the rabbit hole we only have two green doors left and i think that here we'll find two toys and hear three let's check it real quick knock knock knock who lives here ooh and it's two of you after all it's prince ali we already have him and the second toy is wreck it ralph you have such a funny hairdo [Music] how many is in here yes it's three toys and a baggie woody we already have and here is oh prince eric another one oh my now we have the last baggie to open let's do it now our new friend is daisy duck another twin here's your stand which fell down let's start on the blue doors first goes the main door eeny meeny miny mill we'll start with the bigger door again i wonder how many baggies i'll find here oh just like in the previous set one plus a stand we'll open the baggie so who do we have here someone with very long hair it's rapunzel she is so cute and off to the next one it's already opened let's see i want to get someone unusual and dreams come true check out this unusual kakamora from moana here's the next one oh what a beautiful door and windows with shutters so who lives in this pretty house who's here and uh it's someone purple it's celia from monsters inc a one-eyed beauty very fitting [Music] and what about this one let's take out the toy using the window okay we'll repeat our trick [Music] oh it worked let's open it quick and come on oh there's someone fluffy here and look it's donkey you're he's so soft and fluffy and he has sad eyes check out this cutie by the way it's special edition oh the last door in this box but we also have small ones left come on baggies surprise me who's gonna be here oh i wanna know where's your face um oh here it's the cheshire cat from alice in wonderland but a cool striped tail and three doors more i want to get someone fluffy let's hurry up and find out who's inside oh who's that boy check out his huge nose it's pinocchio with donkey ears so funny and also here there is oh it's grandma tala from moana check out her cool hair so pretty here's the third toy in our box we'll take out the baggie the surprise is waiting for us and it is it's pascal from rapunzel he's all covered in glitter it's an ultra rare toy we'll move to the next door and here are two toys wow another glittery toy it's nick wilde from zootopia and he's also ultra rare awesome and who's hiding here oh it's belle from beauty and the beast check out the pretty blue bow in her hair her eyelashes are just adorable [Music] it's time for the third little door we'll speed it up here a little oh look we have someone bright here another one-eyed monster he's also from monsters inc appropriate and his name is mike wazowski green cutie we also have someone orange here oh and he's also from monsters inc guys do you remember him it's george sanderson and the last baggie from our blue doors oh another ultra rare toy all covered in glitter it's cogsworth the clock from beauty and the beast next in line are hairdorables it's series 3. we'll open all 11 surprises right now what i don't get it where's number one where's the packie still i pranked you oh you little prankster i was about to panic before we open the baggie i'll check what's here there's a shelf and a plant such a beautiful interior and now we'll open the baggie check out these boots with golden bows they look very stylish and sweet hmm there's something left here it's a sticker set so bright we'll open the second door what kind of surprises are waiting for us whoa such a big baggie okay what's in here hmm inside we found a doll picture i guess it's ours and a super stylish tape shaped bag if it could play some music i bet it would be great we're moving fast to the third door what kind of surprises are here let's see oh [Music] it's another doll sticker oh but who are we gonna get in the end there's something left here it's a hair extension it's so beautiful and bright we'll try it on our doll later i want more surprises let's open the fourth door so oh what's inside okay come on get on out already [Music] whoa what a cool styler it's to curl the hair it's pink and purple awesome according to the instructions this door should be open last it's the biggest one which hides the main surprise so come to me oh what a big package let's see what's in here yep let's check it [Music] oh come on out such trendy styled bangs she's got blue eyes and her eyebrows match her hair color this hair is so awesome look the locks are green with blue highlights absolutely adorable her outfit looks quite funny just like pajamas we can see a note here and leopard print why do you walk barefoot here we have these for you these cool and trendy boots pop who are you harmony bedtime routine listening to classical her favorite flower is the iris she likes dance moves called the electric slide we'll place harmony on her stand hey two what do you think am i a hairdorable of course sam as always it's high time to test our styler so we'll wrap the end around it and curl all the way up be careful don't damage her hair and what's our result oh look what a beautiful lock okay let's try it on our doll right here check out her whole awesome look we have only two pikmi pop toys left let's find out what's inside [Music] okay so there were four baggies in the box i'll open them now [Applause] look at this cute pin and charm so what do we have here these are booklets about our toys and the collector's guide okay we'll check it later and here are the amazing stickers we have so many of them they're so bright just awesome and what's here [Music] oh these are colorful tattoos this is something new cool here are all of our pikmi's here's the first baggie [Music] what a soft and colorful toy it's a chameleon and these are the little balls that are inside just like an anti-stress toy we'll open our next pikmi there you go so who are you gonna be who are you gonna be who are you gonna be that's another adorable pick me he looks like a doggo by the way it matches the picture on the box mmm smells amazing let's check if the picture matches the animal inside and yes it does check out this cute mouse with stars and colorful spots sweet girl let's move on oh it's a bee check out these cool wings mmm she smells like pineapple it's the next pikmi you have so many of them [Music] oh there's someone pink with a colorful tail it's a beaver and he's winking at us sweet one and he smells like berries they are so different very cool toys what an interesting color it's a little cheetah with cute blue ears and the last pick me from this package let's see [Music] oh it's a little skunk check out his fluffy tail he smells like s'mores just like the chameleon the best thing is you can wear them on your fingers all of them it's like a party it's high time to have a look at the collector's guide sting the bee always be yourself mihi the cheetah who smells like donuts with frosting chappy the beaver have a beavery happy day today tulip the skunk i stink you're cute that's so funny there's also daisy bulldog and cheddar the mouse both of them smell like marshmallow [Music] here comes the next pikmi pops package first let's open the central part and take out all the baggies want to open all the bags at once [Music] yes i did it here we have oh tattoos they're a bit different but still colorful and cool and this is our next baggie we'll see what's inside oh there's so many things it's the guide so we'll check the passports together with the toys and the stickers we'll examine them right now they're so cool i love them look how sparkly they are i just can't stop looking at them we have two more surprises let's see come on come on come on get out get out get out here we have a pink charm like in the other package and one more pin i'll attach them to the backpack it's time for unboxing magic [Music] it worked let's check them it's goji the gorilla don't worry b i think smells like grapes so soft and it's patchy the panda bamboozi it smells like coconut and this is for the siamese cat check me out it smells like coconut too this is a hermit crab craw and coconut smell again let's shelly rate here is hartley the bunny look how colorful he is somebody loves you and he also smells like coconut and this is disco the armadillo check out his colorful scales let's roll he smells like blueberries here is splash and he's a dolphin he's so bright thanks for everything he's winking at us and smells like watermelon let's take off the ones we found patchy goji splash disco cross hartley her hmm sue it was the last package let's look at everything we got let's do it [Music] i can't believe we unboxed all this i love every toy here did you like this unboxing if yes give a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel and share this video with your friends bye bye guys bye
Channel: SLICK SLIME SAM - DIY, Comedy, Science
Views: 7,348,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slime, slick slime sam, random blind bags, blind bags, surprise, opening, mystery toys, pikmi flips, lost kitties, ugly dolls, disney doorables, lol surprise lils, littlest pet shop, shopkins, pikmi pops doughmis, unboxing toys, Mighty Beans, L.O.L. family, LOL Surprise Boys, Disney Doorables, Pikmi Pops, kids video for kids, huge unboxing, unboxing, random unboxing, UNBOX AND PLAY! Huge Mixed Toy Unboxing, random toys, ALL YOUR FAVORITE TOYS ARE HERE! Amazing Unboxing
Id: AY-6DnfEmxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 31sec (2371 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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