1. Creating a Map using the QuickOSM Plugin in QGIS

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welcome back to my channel in this series of videos i'm going to be going over a range of urban analytics tools using a range of programs and in this tutorial i'm going to show you how to download and visualize osm data in qgis using the quick osm plugin so first we're going to install the quick rsn plug-in by by going to plugins manage and install plugins and under all we can just type in quick osm and select it install and once it's installed it will appear in the installed um section and just make sure it's checked so that the icon um appears here in your toolbar so um now we're just going to add a map to the viewport and i have quite a few here so i'm just going to select the s3 grey light and zoom into the area where i want to download osm layers um so i'm just going to zoom into melbourne's cbd and we're going to use the quick osm plugin to just download some buildings streets and also waterways so i'm just going to make sure that they all appear in the map canvas okay so um to go into the quick osm plugin just click on the icon and um here you can uh just go in the drop down menu under key and you can select the layer that you want to download so first i'm just gonna download buildings and you can even select the category of building that you want to download and if you leave it blank it downloads all buildings and that's what i'm going to do and uh if you like you can type in the name of a town that you uh where you want to download the data so i can um download buildings for the whole of melbourne um or i can just select canvas extent and that's what i'm going to do so when you're happy with the selections just click run query and it'll take a minute to download all of that data and once it's done you'll you'll see it on the map so i would also like to download um the waterways and streets so first i'm just gonna check these because we just want um these blocks for the sake of the map and i'm going to go back into the quick osm plugin and this time i'm going to search waterways again canvas and run query and as you can see um this line has been drawn where the river is and i'll just get rid of these again and we're going to go back into the quick osm plugin and this time we're going to download um highways kind of this extent and run query there are quite a few streets so this may take a little bit longer than the others here we go so um as you can see when we zoom out uh the first issue that i notice is that um as we zoom out the um you can't see the buildings and the waterways because the um the roads are increasing in width as we zoom out or they're staying the same but we're zooming out um so they're more prominent um so let's again get rid of these so uh we can fix this by uh just going into this layer here double clicking um and i'm gonna click the simple line here and uh where it says millimeters so this is the issue i'm going to change it to map units so that it doesn't change as we zoom out so i'm going to click apply and this is you know very thin now it's quite fine so see what happens when we change it to four meters apply and make it five and we'll change the color to to light gray click apply and that looks pretty good so next what i want to do is change the style of the waterway and just gonna do this by go going on symbology and again i'm gonna change it to map units and let's make it about 100 ply and that looks about the thickness of the river so let's change the color to light blue apply and that looks pretty good and finally we can change the style of the buildings um so the first thing i want to do is just remove the stroke and i'm going to make this a darker gray click apply and there you go well so when we remove that map we have a pretty good map of the melbourne cbd and there you go that's how you use the quick osm plugin to make quick maps in qgis
Channel: Urban Informatics and Modelling
Views: 36,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NqSB0DsE58I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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