PART 2 - How to create 3D BUILDING VIEW in QGIS using Qgis2threejs(+INTERSECTION & BUFFERED FEATURE)

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hi guys welcome back to my channel so this video is a continuation of the previous video that i have shared which is uh on how to use this qgis23js plugin in qgis to create this 2d map view so if you want to see how i get this model you can go to that video and i will link that in the description box below so in this video we will go from here and i will show you one more cool tricks that we can utilize from this plugin so let's get started so to start with the transact map i'm going to go back to the cuties layer here and have my favorite one ready as you can see from the previous video and then i'm going to use the ptv tram route to um to take the lines from here and here and then create the buffer from there so here the first thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to click the toggle editing and then i'm also going to select this select feature by selection and then i'm going to select the lines that i want to use as a buffer so i'm going to select these two lines here and then i'm going to press ctrl c to copy the lines and then from there i'm going to create a new shape file so here is the new shapefile layer um selection and then i can go to the folder where i want to save my shapefile as well then i can give it a name and then i can change this uh so don't forget to change this geometry type to line and then the projection as well i'm going to use the projection that i i have here in the qgis and then i'm going to select okay so here i have um create a shape file in the line type and then i can again select the total editing and then i can press ctrl c to paste the lines that we have copied from this pdf triangle layer so if i just select this and then i hide that as you can see um i have the new lines only on the lines that i want to create the buffer so if i just like this as well click save now from here we can go to factor and then in the geoprocessing tools um you see this buffer selection so select that so essentially what i'm good what i want to do here is from these two lines that i have selected i want to create a buffer that catch the buildings up to this area so if you can see my mouse here i'm going to create a buffer that catch these buildings from here so essentially around two blocks each side so here i have um tried that so to be able to catch the two blocks of the building's either side i would have to have a distance of to around 210 meters so this also depends on the map that you have in my case the distance is around here and then if i click run as you can see this buffer is um catching um on those blocks that i want to select here so what i'm going to do here um so if you see this pink buffer essentially what i'm going to do is i'm going to select the buildings only within this buffer so it's going to ignore all that buildings that is outside of these buffer lines so to do that um after we have this buffer layer i can go to factor again and then in the geoprocessing tools um we have this intersections feature so in here we can select the input layer as the building layer that we have and then we can click run so as you can see i have successfully have the intersection layer so this process have successfully been executed but if you see here it has a notification that one of my geometry is invalid so i have uh changed the settings but if you haven't it won't allow you to complete this process and if you find that problems you can go to settings and then go to options and under general you see this invalid feature filtering and then i have set that to ignore features with involution at least so the default setting is usually the stop algorithm execution when a geometry is invalid and when it's selected it won't allow me to complete the execution because my geometry has invalid geometries so after i change this setting then it allow me to um finish the execution so now if we hide the buildings now you can see that this in the this new intersection layer is showing only the buildings within this buffer and that's exactly what i want to do with this layer so after we have these two layers that we have created the intersection and the buffered layer you can see that there is a symbol at the end of it and this symbol means that these two layers is only a temporary layer so when you close qgs you won't be able to open this layer again so and we don't want to do that so in order to be able to still have this file when we open our qgis we have to make this layer as a permanent layer to do that we have we can right click on the layer and then we can see this option make permanent and then we can click here and then we can um like the way we create the shape file we can just have a name on it so i'll just create a buffer buffered layer here and then i can click save and then i can click ok and then we can do the same with the intersection as well make command and then we can also give it a name and then we can click ok so always be careful with that because in kuchies each layer that you have here always have to be linked into your computer because this qgis is work with shapefile and if you you don't have that shape file saved into your folder then the next time that you open qgis you won't be able to open that again because youtube's cannot read your file from your computer so after we make that layers permanent now we can go to our plugin here the qgis 2 3 js and then here we can um check the intersection layer which is the one that we want to show in our map also um this background the background here um if you have the default setting it will show like a blue white background as um i have also shown in the previous video and i have changed that to this white color and i did that by selecting the scene settings and then if you go down you can see the background and in the default setting it's usually selecting the sky so you can see this is the default setting and i have changed that to solid color and i can also change the color for whatever color that you want in this case i want to i want it to be white so i have changed that and then i click apply so it changed the background color to give these buildings head like we did before as well in the part one we can select extruded and then in the height we can select hit average and then we can click apply so as you can see here we have created the 2d map view for the building within the buffett line and if we show the buildings the 2d map view that we have created of the whole melbourne of the whole cbd area and then we show only the buffered line um it kind of created a focus of the area that you probably want to analyze so this is one way of using this buffered line also another thing that i want to show you um for this profit line here in this um in the color selection here it shows only one color but you can actually do something for that color because um so in my case in the frequent file that i have here it has a land use data so in that land use data um i can utilize that and then and change the color of this 3d map view here based on the land use that it has so here in the symbology if i go to categorize and then in the column section here i can select land use and then if i click classify it will create all these colors based on the zone based on the land use that it has here so in your case if you have a trigger crown from other open source map that is not from orin it might not have land use so in that case you can either create a land use or you can utilize other things that it has um from from your file from your data you can use that and then you can do the same by creating this categorized symbology so if i click apply as you can see um here it shows the colors based on the language that it has so for example this color is showing the capital citizen one and then this color is showing the capital city soon too and then this red color is showing the mix you soon so that's how you can utilize um the data that you have and then also by using these layer properties changing the color of that based on the data that you have in here so if i click ok and then again i enable the previous model that we have created now you can see that it has four queues down on this area but now we also have that land use feature that we can show in our diagram here and then again i can probably select that flat line and then selecting the google satellite and then we can probably hide the buffered and the transect line so that's it this is our final diagram here um in this part two where i show you how to create that intersection the buffer and also utilize the data that you have and create this classify color to show in your map so this is how you can explore with this plugin and and also explore the intersection and buffer feature from qgis as well i hope that this video can help you and thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: Jessica Lupita
Views: 11,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EmPTQnN1Pf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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