1 Corinthians 3:1-23 sermon by Dr. Bob Utley

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this chapter is going to have a discussion of carnal Christianity that I think is one of the few places in the Bible that it will be discussed and there are many themes here that are very important and it's a long chapter I hope you will follow me in your notes and that will explain and a lot of the things I'm trying to do quickly here so I myself brothers could not deal with you as spiritual persons but as creatures of human clay as mere baby Christians now I've mentioned to you in your notes that this word for my translation has human clay it's translated in many different ways it has a special ending that's I n OS and whenever that's used on a Greek word it seems to mean made of now a little bit later than in verse three we're going to have that you are steel unspiritual and this is the same word it's word Sark's but instead of i n OS it has ICAO s which in Greek would mean characterized by now at first they're made of flesh and the second their fleshly now the first one is not a negative statement all of us begin the Christian life as baby Christians I don't care how old we are they'll care how highly educated we are we all begin the Christian life as baby Christians that's why it's called being born again and all of us need this care of a new baby and so he's saying to them I wanted to tell you more I wanted to tell you deeper things but I couldn't when I was there preaching among you you were new Christians I treated you as new Christians there was nothing wrong with you being a flesh II Christian in the sense of made of flesh that's all of us start mere baby Christians I fed you milk I think that's a beautiful kind of expression of being new born in God we even have some early church fathers primarily Tertullian Hippolyta's that recorded for us in their writings that the early church gave new believers a glass of milk to drink and that a beautiful picture of becoming a new child in Jesus Christ you might want to see Hebrews chapter 5 verse 12 through 14 in 1st Peter 2:2 for this same allusion to milk a meaning something that new Christians need a place to start I fed you milk Paul says not solid food because you could not take it why you cannot take it even now now here's the problem you know I look at American Christianity today I wonder what to say about it I feel like it is so I feel like it is so immature and ineffective and powerless and I wonder what is the problem with the Christianity as its developed in modern America and I think what I would say is that I think the church is filled Billy Graham says that 60% of the visible church needs to be saved I don't agree with that I do believe that a large percent of the visible Church are saved but baby Christians and they like it that way they want just enough information to feel good when they're sick and they're going to go to heaven when they're died but they don't want anymore information about how God wants them to run their daily lives and so what Paul is saying it was a time when being a baby Christian was good but can you think of anything more ridiculous than a 40 year old person drinking out of a bottle there's a picture of modern American Christianity right there by this time oh I can tell you yet he says for you are still unspiritual characterized by flesh being fleshly not lost just worldly for when there is jealousy and wranglings among you jealousy is one of those fruits of the unbeliever mentioned in Galatians 5 20 says I'll show you a good evidence apply your baby Christians you're fighting with one another your factious into groups perfect evidence that there is still a immaturity here are you not still unspiritual and living by human standard and that's the real essence I think of this immature Christianity is we live by human standard that's exactly what Romans 8 1 through 11 that I preached on this morning was talking about it's this having the standard of the world the mind of the world instead of the mind of Christ looking what what about me what's in it for me instead of the Heart of Jesus that lays down our life for others notice it continues in verse 4 for when one says I belong to Paul's party and another I belong to a pollicis party are you not acting as mere human creatures now my verse 5 says for what is Apollo's and what is Paul that you would think it be the word who is Apollo's and who is Paul the better manuscripts do not have who some old ones do one of the papyri does but the majority of older manuscripts have what and the point is Paul does not want them focusing on individuals that's been the whole problem he wants them focusing on what kind of a person is a Paul or what kind of a person is Apollo's their mere servants now the word servant here is the word that we get the word Deacon from originally the word Deacon I think the etymology some say it's used of serving tables and it is in acts 6 but I don't think that's the oldest etymology I think it's a word that came out of a domestic servant and as a domestic servant would sweep the floor rapidly trying to get the house clean as you know when you sweep in the middle of dust the dust just rises up I think the word Beacon means one who raises dust not saying dust and I think in modern America there is a real problem in that deacons have turned into executive boards instead of those who where servant towels I do not think you can proof text ax6 as the work of a deacon if you're going to do that need to go to first Timothy three I would say to you the word deacon is usually translated servant and never takes on the technical aspect until something like Philippians chapter one verse one or the two offices in the church are said to be pastor and deacon and I think we always need to remember that the one who is the most spiritual among us will be the one who is servant of all not the one who's in control amen in Christianity servitude is the key to greatness not power you can hear that again and again and again all of us now not a mere servants through whom you came to believe apparently a policy was also an evangelist type and as it says as the Lord gave each one of us his task now in the context there could be two possibilities here see they're talking about that God called Paul and Apollo's to be evangelists of his church or it's saying that God calls every Christian he equips them and I I will I'm not sure context which one it is but I would say that first Corinthians 12:7 and 11 sets a pretty good precedent for us and ephesians 4 11 and 12 when we are all considered ministers and we are all gifted were gifted at salvation were gifted by God and were gifted for the common good not for self-aggrandizement were gifted to serve I think that spiritual gifts can best be characterized by servant towels he continues then when he's trying to downplay that the very things that the Corinthians were trying to lift up they're trying to lift up men Paul's trying to lift up God I did the planting a Polish did the watering seems to imply that Paul came first but it was God who kept the plants growing now Paul did it air his tents completed Apollo's did it Ares tents completed but God continued to do it imperfect tense on and on the focus is on the continual nature of God versus the sporadic nature of human human leaders come and go but the grace of God remains amen and I think we need to remember that on and on is never the human instrument they are always flawed and whenever you put your eyes on a human being and try to draw strength from then you will you will be disappointed he continues then in verse seven so neither the planner or the waterer counts for much but God is everything in keeping the plants growing that's not saying apostles aren't important it's not saying they're not gifts to the church it's just saying the focus of everything that spiritual belongs to God never the human frail instrument verse eight the planter and the waterer are one in aim and each of us will get his own pay in accordance with his own work now problem Paul brings in the concept of rewards rewards for Christian workers he's going to develop that in verses 10 through 15 some and I think a rather astounding way and I want to hold my comment until then and about this idea of rewards look at verse 9 for we belong to God that is the we mean Paul and Apollo's seems to or it could mean all Christians we belong to God as his fellow workers you belong to God as his field to be tilled and his building to be built now this is the picture of God using men let's say we take the agricultural metaphor he sends Paul and Apollo's into his field and there is Paul and Apollo's and they're two things either God is working alongside of them God as a fellow worker or it's God's field and he sends them to work in it and they will get a reward for that now the other side he is the church the church is used to metaphors here it is a field where God is growing or is a building that God is building both of these metaphors are very common in Paul and he uses them over and over the problem in these Greek words is they can either refer to the process of growing or to agriculture or they can refer to the process of building or they can refer to the building and we're never sure which it is I do think we could see the church as a field or we can see the church as a living building made up of living stones either way as a biblical metaphor then Paul says that he is the architect that God is using as a skilled architect and that's of course from the Greek word here it's someone who kind of a doesn't do the work necessary but supervises the work in accordance with Christ's unmerited favor given to me he brings that phrase in so nobody will think it's in Paul's own strength I laid a foundation now he's obviously speaking of the back to the big building metaphor about that he preached the gospel first in Corinth and he's saying the foundation I laid which is obvious my next verse is Jesus Christ this is a very important point I'm going to make because of what happens to the guys who are going to be mentioned next I believe this whole chapter is talking about Christians there is nothing in this chapter about someone who's not a Christian losing that this this chapter is about believers and the reason I think that is Paul says I laid the foundation and you're going to build on it he said I preached Christ to you and you responded to that but once you have Christ the free gift of Christ each one of us has to live a Christian life and how we live the Christian life how we serve God how we're open to his spirit how we're available to him is characterized by what we build on the foundation with and so he could he continues them I laid a foundation and now another is building upon it Apollo's apparently but every builder must be careful how he builds all the Christians verse 11 for no one can lay any other foundation than the one that is laid that is Jesus Christ himself now here Paul is locking it down that none of us can deny that the only possible way of being right with God is through Christ and all of us build on the free gift look at verse 12 so whether one puts into the building on the foundation gold or silver or costly stones now this speaks of precious things durable things our implication one bills and the foundation with wood or hay or straw the character of each one's work will come to light for the judgment day will show it now literally it says but the day is a metaphor going back to the Old Testament particularly to the prophets like Joel it's the day of judgment it's the day when when if I put it New Testament terms it's Matthew 25 it's what God separates the sheep from the goat and every man gives an account unto God including the believer 2nd Corinthians 5:10 do you not know that all of us will stand before the judgment seat of Christ and 2nd Corinthians 5 is a Christian chapter it must refer to Christians we are going to give an account as Christians it's scary to us I think we think that it is true the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin and we do believe that our sins are covered that they are washed white as snow in Jesus blood and I don't believe that the Christians will ever stand before Jesus Christ and be condemned of their sins I think he paid for their sins but that does not mean that we will not stand before Jesus in my mind Resurrection Day Judgment Day the second coming however you characterized it is going to be a day of great joy and great tears for the people of God for I believe that we will have to give an account for the people who we did not witness to the people that we did not help the people that we did not love the people that we were a barrier to Jesus the times we were provided opportunities and did not activate them the times that we should have acted and did not I think that we will give an account of how we have used this great gift of salvation and this great equipment of the Holy Spirit in the form of a spiritual gift and this is what we're talking about this is saying that a believer is going to experience God looking at his life and the tragedy of this is some believers are going to lose everything listen to this this is because the day will show itself in fire now this is a word that means a refiners fire and it continues and the fire will test the character of each one's work this word test is a very impetuous a real good to me now and this is a very positive word for tests there are two words in Greek for tests or tempter try one word is always used of Satan and used of in another word is always used of God it's to test with a view connotation not etymology connotation a view toward approval we're tested so as to make us stronger the fire is going to test each Christians life each Christians motive each Christians priority if it's a first class conditional it's a seemed to be true we're expected to stand the test if the structure which one builds upon stands the test he will get his pay and here we're back to the idea of reward would you let me and I think it's probably necessary for me to do this because I think many of you are surprised by the concept that Christians will be judged by God not judged for heaven and hell but will be judged for rewards may I give you the verses in the Bible that I think do teach Christians will be judged and there are several of them and I hope as you write them down you will look them up and see if you also think that Christians will stand before God would you look at Matthew 25 verse 31 and following Matthew 25:31 and following Matthew 12 verses 36 and 37 Matthew Matthew 12:36 and 37 Romans chapter 2 verse 16 Romans 2:16 Romans 14:12 Romans 14:12 2nd Corinthians 5:10 Hebrews 13:17 just one more thank goodness 1st Peter 4 5 I would like for you to look at those and look at the context here and see if you do believe that Christians will stand before God for what they have done in the body now in verse 14 it assumes they're going to stand the test in verse 14 is assumed they'll get their pay I must admit I'm somewhat uncomfortable talking about rewards for I know that if it hadn't been for the Spirit of God there would be nothing but destruction in my life and I assume in yours why should I get a reward for something the Holy Spirit does in me and through me I think this whole idea of rewards is somewhat nervous because if you got more than I did I'm gonna be ticked off for eternity about it amen what if you what if your wife got more than you or your son got more than you or your neighbor got more than you would you be happy in heaven no you'd be grumbling so I would say that every cup is going to be filled but there are different sized cups what I use this as if you want to be nice to me and I'm going to take me to a ballet and you just really wanted to you know beef make it a wonderful night for me I must admit to you that mens jumping about the stage and leotards does little or nothing for me and when they speak in a foreign language I know not of it means even less but for somebody who knows ballet who understands operatic voice and all this involved it could be wonderful for them I think those of us who have walked with God here are going to have a capacity to enjoy heaven more and I think that's going to be the only difference in this rewards but let me continue verse 15 first class conditional assumed to be true if the structure on which one bills is burned up there are going to be some like this there are going to be some Christians like this he will get no pay and yet he himself will be saved but just as one who goes through the fire it's like a man in the building the building catches on fire how fast would a house of hay wood and stubble burn pretty fast here's this Christian in this house built of that the fire hits he runs out of the house he's almost seen without all of his possessions or all of his clothes he's trying to run out to save himself that's the picture of a Christian who stands before God and has never lived for God the tragedy of a fruitless useless life friends the only thing that's going to go into eternity with us is what we've done for Jesus Christ revelation says that our deeds will follow after us and I think that when I get older in my life and sit on a front porch I don't want to look back with regret at how I've spent my life for God the tragedy of a church where people know Christ but refuse to live for him I also want to say this is also a verse in my opinion that shows that there is the possibility of carnal Christians our baby Christians I don't believe that you have to be mature or you're lost I think this chapter would say that is an overstatement and not true in verse 16 Paul's going to lock this down now many people try to interpret this as as the body of the Christian it is true that first corinthians used the word for temple as a way to express our individual bodies but that is in chapter 6 verse 19 that cannot mean this here and i tell you why there is no article with the word temple the word you' is plural not singular and the context demands that it is the church in 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 verse 16 the word temple is also used for the local church this is talking about the local church not the individual he's speaking to the whole congregation of Corinth when he says are you not conscience that you are the temple of God and that the Holy Spirit of God has its permanent home in you this is the word dwells it's in the present tense continues to a dwell in you the you is plural verse 17 first class conditional assumed to be true if any one implication there are some if anyone destroys God's temple God will destroy him now what does that mean there are two possibilities here one of them is that this is a reference to the false teachers in Corinth either of a judaistic nature or of a Greek nuts nature and these are the ones who are trying to tear up the church and lead the church away from Paul and Paul would say that if you tear up the church God will destroy you meaning false teachers but there's another possibility I give it to you with some reserve but I give it to you in fairness to the context I do believe that there is at least some some oblique kind of references in the New Testament that Christians who begin to drag Jesus name through the dirt with their lifestyle that God will take home early they may not be false teachers but they may by their who they are being well known in the community are having a place of power and claiming to be Christians but living a godless life I think God takes believers home early lest they destroy his church and this again refers to the local church you say well Bob I thought the church couldn't be destroyed gates of Hell can't prevail against it that's right the universal church can't be destroyed but how many of us had been a member of a church somewhere which support forever what reason was absolutely torn asunder and maybe even disbanded because the actions of some in that church yes it is possible to destroy a local church and he warns them that those who destroy God's local church God will destroy him I'm not saying they're lost the whole context demands they are saved but it's this idea of the guy who builds with wood hay and stubble the woman who lives totally apart from the will of God the young person that knows Christ but still out for self whatever it cost there's a real possibility of God taking that person home early before they do more damage then he says for God's temple is sacred to him you plural are God's temple now verse 18 let no one deceive himself this is a present imperative with a may article that in Greek means stopped an act already in process these Corinthian Christians were self duped they were deluding themselves into their own spirituality let no one deceive himself I would change that into let them stop deceiving themselves if first class conditional seemed to be true if there's any one of you there were some of these and it's obviously I think pointing toward the false teachers here if they're any one of you now King James says who's seemeth but that's not a good translation it's not that someone else seized your life and they think you're this way it's that you yourself think you're this way so the word if anyone of you fake it in his own mind that he is wise in the world's wisdom as compared with the rest of you to become really wise he must become a fool how this must have hurt the pride of Corinth were these men so steeped in the intellectual tradition of the Greek philosophers had to come to admit that all of the wisdom of all of the Greek philosophers was foolishness when compared to the simple truth of the gospel the self revelation of the one true God it's so hard for educated powerful leadership people to be humbled and yet when we think we're better than someone else in the church it's a probably a good sign that we're not we must really become a fool this is a idea of participating oneself choosing to be a fool for this world's wisdom is nonsense to God this word nonsense is one of those key words it's the Greek word Marah which we get from used back earlier for the world's wisdom is foolishness well I wonder sometimes why I feel like such a a stick in the mud when I am on an airplane with people or when I get into a conversation I think I'm just not following what these folks are saying folks there's a philosophy coming out of the world that is so different from the philosophy that's coming out of the Bible and you've got to choose which philosophy is right you pick read them together when we try we really become fools we need to believe the presuppositions that we have about one true God that created the world we don't know how exactly but he created the world that he sent his son to die for us and then whosoever will can be with him an eternity that's either the greatest truth the world has ever known or it's the greatest lie you must decide and live your life in light of what you decide but to try to live your life in both is what this is talking about you
Channel: Free Bible Commentary
Views: 13,235
Rating: 4.6239314 out of 5
Keywords: bible, bible study, bible commentary, hermeneutics, historical-grammatical, new testament, bob utley, 1corinthians, fbc-tyler
Id: rZ9VZ_AXIao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 26 2014
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