1 Corinthians 7:1 to 40

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welcome back the club Church I'm rubber breaker mysterious in Spanish and even speaking people and we're continuing our verse-by-verse Bible study through the epistles of Paul in order of when they're written and we finished that last time in first Corinthians chapter 6 and we looked at fornication how chapter 5 in chapter 6 had a lot to do with fornication and the reason is according to chapter 5 and verse 1 that it had been reported to Paul that there is a lot of fornication going on at this church in Corinth so Paul deals with the issue in detail and in chapter 6 he tells them outright in verse 18 flee fornication well the idea is whenever a person comes and wants to fornicate you with you instead of talking to them and letting them charm you into doing it run away flee means go away get away from so flee fornication if you ever just get tempted just go away and so don't fornicate well now in Chapter 7 Paul tells us what to do because there is within every human being the desire to have sex it cannot be denied men want to have sex with women they have hormones women at certain times during the month want to have sex with men and so it's important to realize that those desires do come from God but God gave you the desires not so that you'll go out and sin fornicate adults right they're wrong he gave you this desire so that you would put him first and do things the way God said so you could give in to those desires and those needs within the bounds of holy matrimony and that's what God wants his men and women to get married and stay married and partake of those delights so chapter 7 and verse 1 the Apostle Paul says now concerning the things were if you wrote it to me it's good for a man not to touch a woman now what does that mean does it mean it's good for a man to not go and touch a woman one time I was in Mexico and I was sitting in a church van it was next to this young lady and I was single she was single and she was just staring out the window and I thought myself a masker question so I went like this and touched her shoulder like this to get her attention and she turned around looked at me she goes the Bible says it's not good for a man to touch a woman and I was like I was about to ask a question I went I just sent there like this and it's quiet the whole rest of the way I was like well what was she thinking I don't know she was thinking that don't touch me which is fine I don't want to go around touching women indiscriminately so it's not good to touch a woman but in the context of what he's talking about here this touching a woman is touch a woman in any act of fornication or adultery or intercourse he says it's not good for a man to touch a woman if they're not married that's the idea that's why in verse 2 he said nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband so this not good for man to touch a woman well of course the touch is talking about not good to have fornication but also we got to remember this that's why I like the word touch a One Touch usually leads to another and another it all starts by touching so that's why if you are coming together to people with the intent of getting married don't touch each other until you're married the rule that I knew of when I was young was always have a chaperone there's nothing wrong with that no kissing before you're married no holding hands before you man people say oh you're just so old-fashioned well you're not gonna fornicate if you don't do that and if you love God you don't wanna fornicate then you just make up your mind I'm not gonna do anything I'm not gonna touch her she's not gonna touch me until I'm married and then you won't have any problems so now concerning the things whereof you wrote unto me it is good for me and not to touch a woman now Paul is writing it Paul was never married so he's saying it's good for a man not to touch a woman why is he saying that because Paul knew that if you start touching one you going to touch again again and again and touching leads to more touching it leads to more which leads to kissing which leads to fornication so it's best to control your body but then he says verse 2 nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every one have her own husband nevertheless to avoid fornication so it's not good for a man to touch a woman unless they're married and then it's really good to touch a woman now there's so many different things I'd like to say here as a 40 year old man I've learned a lot over the years I wish that when I was 16 17 year old someone would explain some things to me so I'm gonna mention some things here because the Bible talks about this and I hope this will be a blessing to you God made men and women in a different way men have a desire when they're younger to touch women to kiss women to do other things with women and in the Bible we're told that that's okay as long as you're married and in the Bible the Bible tells us that the younger you are the better when you get married nowadays people go oh that's stupid you shouldn't get married until you're 28 years old you're not a young they got married in the Bible a lot of Bible commentaries that come in commentators believe that married was about thirteen years old when she gave birth to Jesus Christ you see they were young the Bible tells us and we're gonna read it in this chapter in chapter 7 and they're saying that woman can get married when she reaches the flower of her age what does that mean the flower of rage well when a woman reaches her first period that means that she can get pregnant so when a woman reaches the ability in her body to get pregnant then Paul's saying well that's what she's ready to get married well that's about 13 12 13 years old I know my grandmother married when she was about 14 years old and the old days they got married a lot younger than today but now in the world today hogs shouldn't get married to hear 35 I think they try to put it off well let's go to to this verse let's go to Timothy make sure I figured out first Timothy or second Timothy and there's a verse and at first Timothy 5:14 here's what the Bible teaches now you might like this you might not well this is what the Bible teaches the Bible teaches in first Timothy 5:14 I will therefore that the younger women marry bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully for some are already turned aside after Satan if any man or woman oh well it goes on and on there I'll stop right there but it says I would therefore that the younger younger women marry according to the Bible the younger women should marry so what does that mean she does that mean a woman should marry at 13 years old no but that also doesn't mean you shouldn't wait to your 28 or 30 so when is a good time to get married well about 18 years old legally you can get married when you're 18 like I told you earlier my grandmother was 14 years old when she got married now why is it better to get married when you're younger well the younger you are the more agile you are the more stamina you have also the more kids you can have a few marry younger you'll be able to have more children and God says be fruitful and multiply if you wait till you're 28 or 30 you're not gonna have as many kids as you could have had if you got married when you're 17 or 18 so in the Bible God wants people to get married when they're younger now in the case of women the younger they are the more in submission they are to their husbands or they will be if a woman gets out and gets a job and goes to college and does all these things and gets married later well she's lived an independent life and when she gets married she's gonna have problems in her marriage because she's used to be an independent and she'll say who's this guy telling me what to do well if you look at Ephesians chapter 5 the man is the type of Christ and as we obey Christ the wife is supposed to obey her husband so there's gonna be problems so the younger she is the less problems we'll have but according to the Bible God set it up to where men and women should come together and get married and stay together for life so a lot of Christians today are trying to go against the Bible a lot of them don't want their kids to get married but the younger they are the sooner they should get married accord a lot of people don't want to hear that but that's what the Bible says why to avoid fornication chapter 7 verse 2 says nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and every woman have her own husband well today you send them off to secular school and there's kids having sex in secular schools 12 13 14 years old and you say yeah but at least they're not married yeah but that's sin so nevertheless to avoid that sin let them get married I don't condone a 12 13 14 you're all getting married but I'll tell you what if you want to get married when you get out of high school do it and when you're married if you stick together you're not out fornicating the problem with the world today is the fornication fornication leads to disease it leads to bastard children that are unloved it breathes it breeds evil and leads to the downfall of society so if people would just simply follow the Bible things would be a lot better so wait Paul wanted it and the way Paul wrote down which by the way is what God wrote for us today was that for a man and a woman to come together to avoid fornication so that when they get married that's their first and their last that they sleep with now men have that desire to want to have sex now women have that desire but not all the time a lot of women only once or twice a month did they ever have desire to have sex because of their ovulation period that makes a woman almost uncontrollable in her hormones or what she really wants to go out and do things like that now she was married then you wouldn't worry about it but in the world there are a lot of women that do that and because of that they can't say no and they give in fornication so in the Bible God wants them to get married to avoid fornication and that's very clear in verse 2 nevertheless to avoid fornication but every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband man you have to decide when you get married it to who in the old days especially in the days of the church the parents decided who the daughter and his son married as you go back to the book of Genesis you see that they already had chosen for them for their sons their wives and so we live in a different day a little bit different where we can choose a mate and not have them chosen for us but the reason God set up marriage is to avoid fornication the older a person gets without marrying the more temptation will come across their way and more likely they will be to do the sin of fornication so I would that the younger women marry it's better to marry young and stay together do not get divorced as we'll see in this chapter so 10 now concerning the things were aware of you wrote unto me so obviously the Church of Corinth wrote on to Paul and said look there's a lot of fornication going on and they must have asked them about being married and so Paul he deals with the fornication and now he deals with what they wrote about it says now let me talk about marriage as we go through here we'll see what he's talking about he says where have you wrote unto me it is good for a man not to touch a woman so the less a man touches the woman the better until they're married and there's a thing that I don't know what the term is according to scientific but if a man is unmarried and he goes around holding women's hands and rubbing their bags and they he can get a condition in which is very painful for him to walk around if you know what I'm talking about I don't want to say with a slang term but men are built to procreate God made them that way so if they're going to because their body is almost forcing them to they should do it within marriage and not outside of marriage it's so frustrating to me for Christians to go around and say oh you shouldn't get married you see them get married till you're older oh yeah okay will you keep saying that all you're doing is pushing them away to go fornicate how about going around telling people you shaking fornication fornicate you should in fornication well then the person will say well I sure won't have sex so maybe I'll get married you see how I'm not preaching the Bible pushes people away so instead of go around saying wait until you're older to get married go around say hey whatever you do don't fornicate and wait till marriage that's what they should be preaching nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every woman have our own husband this is the only verse that says you're to have one mate you should have one mate now that's for life so if your mate dies and we'll deal with that in that shape chapter then you can remarry let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband benevolence that means being good to each other so when you get married you're good to each other be good to one mother verse 4 says the wife hath not power of her own body but the husband and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body but the wife now what are we talking about in the context we're talking about sexual intercourse and a lot of people might not like this but this verse says that when you're married you don't have power over your own body and vice-versa that means if that man wants to come to his wife and have sex she can't say no her body is his because when you're married you no longer your own your one flesh so when you're married your body's not yours it's your wife's and your wife's bodies not yours it's her husband so a lot of women say well I don't like that who does he think he is to come and just do whatever he wants anytime he wants to well did you read the verse it also says but the husband and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body but the wife so it's supposed to work both ways if the wife wants her husband he can't say no he can't say I'm sorry I got a headache he has to say okay honey I'm yours that's the way God set it up verse 5 says defraud ye says defraud ye not one the other except it be with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency so if you're married your body's not your own whenever your wife wants to have sex with you you have to say yes whenever you want to have to say have sex with your wife she's to say yes and you give in to each other because you have given your body to that other you're no longer yours you belong to them and vice versa and you're not to defraud one another the fraud in the context of say no I don't want to know or oh I have a headache no why because if you do that then Satan will tempt you there have been many of men and I've talked to a lot of them that have divorced their wives because they say well she never puts out and I just so you know what and so and they go to bars and they find they destroy their own marriage well who destroyed it was probably the woman who claimed to be a Christian but wasn't following the Word of God marriage is so simple and yet so complicated because people want to complicate it and they don't understand what marriage is it's a type of Christ in the church so look at it like this okay let's go to Ephesians since we're looking at marriage let's go to Ephesians real quick Ephesians chapter 5 this is probably the best way to understand the marriage relationship and it's so important that people understand Ephesians chapter 5 let's begin in verse 22 wives submit yourselves unto your own husband's as unto the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church okay so here's Christ and Christ at the head of the church and says the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church so the husband is a type of Christ and the wife is a type of the church well does the church tell Christ what to do no so does the wife tell her husband what to do shouldn't she should be submitting to him as the Bible says and what is the church to the Church of Christ did Christ loves the church and gave himself for him so Christ he sacrificed for the church he actually sacrificed his own life and all he asked is that the church submit to him so in the marriage relationship the man's supposed to sacrifice for his wife and the wife is supposed to submit to her husband that's marriage and yet today that's not what they teach is it it says therefore as the church is subject to Christ so let the wives be to their own husband's and everything we are supposed to obey Christ in everything don't backtalk don't put them down don't be mean to and a wife because it's a type of Christ in the church it's supposed to submit to her husband and everything and it says husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it by the washing of the water by the word they might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holding without blemish so what men to love their wives as their own bodies see that love with his wife looked himself for no man ever hated his own flesh but north and charrisse's nourishes it and cherishes it even as the lord of the church he says for no man will see verse 30 former members of his body of his flesh of his bones for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and should be joined as a wife and they too shall be one flesh this is a great mystery but I speak concerning Christ in the church never last let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband so marriage is something that God set up and he said about to be a type of himself in his church and in marriage he made the man the head and the woman is the help in the book of Genesis when God created Adam and Eve he said that he made a help meat for her need so the husband is the head of the relationship and the woman is to help to the husband that's the way that God set it up now today it's been perverted there are many people a lot of them claim to be Christians not just lost people that don't know what marriage is and so they they fight each other man having a lot of men that let the women run the thing but yet God says the man is supposed to be in charge and by the way when they come together and they have children what are the children the children are the hope so a Christian man and the Christian woman should come together to have Christian children that are the hope of Christianity who were to go out and teach the truth well today we live in a day and age of apostasy where many have fallen away from the truth that's why we see so many broken homes so many divorces it's because they choose to go against the scripture the Lord of God so in Chapter 7 verse 5 it says defraud ye not one the other except that we be with consent for a time it be that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer come together again that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency so when you're married if one wants the other sexually they should give it that's what the Bible is teaching and it says if there's something going on where you can't come together then you're supposed to give yourself to prayer and fasting that's Satan tempt you not for your incontinency I've had to go several times since I've been married on a trip where I was away from my wife for a little while when I did that I literally fasted I didn't eat and when we came back and I pray we call each other we pray on the phone do you know how many ministers preachers evangelists big-name pastors that I've met and every other week it seems like they're away from their wife preaching in another pulpit and I've always asked him I said well well brother are you fasting today and they go no what would you say I said well your wife's not here you know first Corinthians 7:5 says defraud ye not one another except it be with consent for a time I send up what are you doing eating and usually they go to eat after church and they're probably a lot of them are really big which you can tell I've eaten a lot well obviously somebody is not following the Word of God I like to take my wife with me everywhere I go sometimes that's not possible when it's not I try to obey this verse and we give ourselves to fasting and prayer that's Satan come tempt us not for our incontinency so something to throw out there if you're a preacher to think about have you been obeying this verse verse 6 but this I speak by permission and not of commandment for I would that all men were even as myself so Paul says I wish everybody was like me Paul had a gift his gift was not needing a wife but he says for I wish that all men or even as myself but every one hath his proper gift of God one after this manner another after that well a little bit later we're gonna read in this passage where he said that he is married cares about the things of the world how men cleese his wife and he that is not married careth more about the things of God so the reason Paul remained unmarried is so that he could serve God without any distractions he said that was a gift that God gave him not everyone has that gift matter of fact it's hard to find a man that has that gift but I've met a lot of women that have never gotten married they're older years 60 70 years old never got married sometimes it's easier for a woman not to get married and then I mean but Paul is saying you know if you can do that great he says I think therefore to the unmarried and widows it is good for them if they even if they abide even as I so Paul is saying now if you're unmarried that means you've never gotten married it's great if you don't get married he says if you're a widow it's good that you go get married he says if they can abide but then a verse 9 he says but if they cannot contain let them marry for it is better to marry than to burn now what does that mean if they cannot contain they cannot contain themselves they want so bad to be married so that they can have that relationship with another person and of course then they need to get married if they can't contain and he says let them marry for it is better to marry than to burn what does it mean burn burn in hell no no it's better to marry than to burn means better marry and have sex within the confines of marriage than to burn in your lusts that's what the burn is talking about Romans 1:27 talks about some people burning in their lusts so that desire is like a fire policy and to quench that fire it's only through marriage that's why God set up the institution of marriage so that a man and a woman can come together and have their needs met in that area he says first hand unto the married I command yet not i but the Lord let not the wife depart from her husband so what does that say no divorce God does not want divorce that is a command from the Apostle Paul do not depart from your husband and yet today there are so many women leaving their husbands they claim to be Christians and what are they doing they're going to the secular world a bunch of unbelieving people and saying I'm gonna divorce for my husband hmm somebody has not read the Word of God and into the married I command yet not i but the Lord let not the wife depart from her husband and that's something he doesn't say let not the husband leave her wife he says wives don't leave your husband he he tells the wife first if any talks in the million verse 11 he says said 11 it was verse 10 let not the wife depart from her husband don't leave your husband first in verse 11 by the NIF she depart let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband and let not the husband put away his wife so if a woman has to leave her husband which I don't believe she has to the Bible says they should stay together if she does she has to be unmarried for the rest of her life so these are the rules of marriage first of all and get married if you can contain don't get married if you can't contain get married but once you're married do not get divorced do not leave do not depart from one another if the woman departs she must remain unmarried and then what be reconciled to her husband so the husband's got to come back or she's got to come back to her husband he said let not the husband put away his wife no man who's a Christian should ever divorce his wife and no woman who's a Christian should ever divorce her husband we're reading that right here in the scriptures and yet today divorce is so common among people to claim to be Christians that it's actually higher than in the secular lost world Christians are getting divorced why because they're disobeying the Word of God so verse 10 let me start a verse saying unto the married I command yet not i but the Lord so it's not just Paul telling us this is commands from God let not the wife depart from her husband but if she depart let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband and let not the husband put away his wife but to the receipe guy not the Lord if any brother have the wife that believeth not and she be pleased to dwell of him let him not put away put her away so see when we first started reading verses 10 and 11 that's talking about two Christians a believer a man believer and a woman believer they should not depart but then he switches from two Christians to a man believer any woman unbeliever and vice versa and look what it says to them okay so make sure that you get this just right in your mind okay if you're married and you're both Christian you're both safe do not leave if you believe you have to remain unmarried and you should reconcile and come back together you don't get a divorce and go shack up with somebody else or go marry someone else God wants Christians to stay together now what if a guy is saved and his wife's not what should he do well that's what we're beginning to read here he says in verse 12 any brother half a wife that believeth not so the wife is lost and she be played pleased to dwell with him let him not put her away so stay together so don't depart if she will stay with them stay but if she's lost and she's not a Christian and she's leaves then what does that mean for him well let's find out and the woman which had the husband that believeth not if he'd be pleased to dwell with her let her not leave him so don't get divorced for the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband elsewhere your children clean but now are they holy I've seen people that were Christians that say well my husband's a non-believer that's why I divorced him or my wife wasn't a Christian so that's why I divorced them well guess what you just sinned against the Word of God because the Bible said stay together if they want to stay together and they did the man was a believer his woman wasn't I'm thinking of two cases right now and the man says well she's not a Christian it's all in the moisture and the woman said I've been wonderful she said shut up woman and he went and married a Christian woman because he wanted her more than her well I don't care when you're married you made a bond to stay together so you shouldn't have disobeyed the Word of God verse 15 now it says but if the unbelieving depart let him depart a brother or sister is not under bondage in such cases but God hath called us to peace now what's this if the man is saved and the woman is not and the woman leaves they guess what the man is not under bondage that means he is free to get remarried if she divorced him so there's a lot of things wrong with divorce God does not want divorce but if someone who's not saved divorces a saved person the same person can get remarried according to the Bible I say that because there's a lot of divorce in the world today a lot of people that they go around and say well I don't know if I can get remarried or not you see my my wife was lost and she ran off and I'm afraid if I get remarried I'll be committing adultery oh really let's go to mark chapter 10 see they get that from these verses so mark chapter 10 well if it's mark 10 9 10 let me see if I got that right yeah let's start enough verse 4 mark 10 4 and they said Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement and to put her away and jesus answered ascended them for the hardness of your heart he wrote to you this precept but from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother to cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh so then they then are no more Twain but one flesh so then they are no more Twain but one flesh well therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder and then it says look in verse 10 and in the house his disciples asked him again of the same manner in verse 11 he saith unto them whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery against her so there are a lot of people out there especially preachers and if a person in their church is a believer and they were married to an unbeliever and the unbeliever leaves the pastor tells that person well you can never get remarried otherwise you're an adulterer they told my dad that other people I know they told them that my dad has to just read the Bible and after reading first Corinthians 7 he goes you know what I can remarry and he did some can you remarry let's go to Matthew chapter 19 verse 9 this is the same passage but we have more information matthew 19:9 matthew 19:9 says well let me start at verse 7 they say to him what did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away and he said to Moses because the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives but from the beginning it was not so so God says I don't want you to have divorce Moses allowed it but it's not something that I want and I say to you who serves will put away his wife except it be for fornication and shall marry another committeth adultery and whosoever marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery a notice what that verse says you're a believer let's say you're a man who's a believer in your wife's not and she leaves you and she commits adultery you're no longer married to her so you can marry whoever you want same thing with a woman a woman's a believer and the woman believer her husband's an unbeliever and he goes out and commits adultery guess what she can get married to someone else who's never been married well what if he divorces her and she wants to remarry but she wants to marry someone who has left their wife or left her yeah left their wife well she marries him she's an adulterer because if he had no reason to leave his wife they shouldn't see how complicated it is so why not just stay married don't depart stay together now if you're both saved stay together there's no reason ever to the problem comes when a man who save is married a woman who's not saved so what does the Bible say go back to 1st Corinthians chapter 7 if she will stay with them then stay married if she leaves and she shacks up with somebody else and she divorces him that he has every right to remarry so it says verse 14 if the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife the unbelieving wife is sanctified the husband elsewhere your children unclean but now are they holy but if the unbelieving depart let him depart a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases but God has called us to peace for what Noah's now what life whether thou shalt save thy husband or how knowest Thou O man whether thou shalt save thy wife so see that question is let's say you're a believer in Christ and you're a man and your wife isn't saved so you're saved and your wife isn't why would you want to leave her what do you want to see her get saved so she says yeah I'll stay with you then all you do is witness to her and hope that some day she gets saved and if she goes get saved and guess what she should never depart from him and he should never depart from her but let's say she never gets saved and this man's a Christian that she's not and she just finding one day says I'm done I'm leaving that she goes and marries somebody else and divorces him well this hit mean he can never get married again well according to verse yes he's not under bondage in such cases so she leaves marry someone else then he's free to marry whomsoever he will let's continue it's verse 16 for what no style wife whether thou shalt save thy husband or how knowest that old man whether thou shalt save thy wife but as God hath distributed to every man as the LORD hath called everyone so let him walk and so ordained I in all churches is any man called being circumcised let him not become uncircumcised and he called an uncircumcision let him not be circumcised circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing but the keeping of the commandments of God so here he switched topics from being married to being circumcised well what is circumcision it's cutting the the foreskin and in the Old Testament that was done that's the first thing a person had to do to be under the law well these are Gentiles Gentiles aren't circumcised so Paul is saying you don't have to be circumcised so here we are in the day and age of grace you don't have to be circumcised if you are so what it doesn't mean anything under the age of grace now let every man abide in the same calling were with he was called art thou called being a servant care not for it but if thou made us be free to use it rather for he that has called in the Lord being a servant is the Lawrence Freeman like was also heinous call being free is Christ's servant you're bought with a price you're bought with a price III make me remember hearing that in the end of chapter 6 in the end of chapter 6 it says for you're bought with a price therefore glorify God horrify God in your body and your spirits which is God let me back up just real quick about this thing of divorce here's Christ and here's the church and the Bible says that marriage is a type of Christ in the church so the husband is a type of Christ and the wife is a type of the church well Christ jesus said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee so that means as far as God is concerned no divorce now we who are saved we are saved and we're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise so according to the Bible no divorce if we deny him he cannot deny us the Bible says so when we're saying we're always say so in the marriage relationship when the man looks at his wife he should look at her and say you know what I don't want to divorce her ever because Christ can't ever take away my salvation so I can't ever lose my salvation so why would I ever want to leave her and wondering when she looks at her husband she should see the type of Christ in the church and say you know what for me to divorce my husband is the same as saying the church can be divorced in Christ that we can lose our salvation so if a woman is a Christian she should never for any reason want to divorce her husband because that breaks the type of Christ in the church and yet there are so many women today in churches that claim to be Christians that have divorce their husbands or are divorcing their husbands they don't see the type of Christ in the church and they don't read the scriptures let not a woman depart from her husband okay so back to first corinthians verse 23 for year bob of the price but be not ye the servants of men brethren let every man wear when he is called there with abide with God so if you're married stay married if you were married as someone who's not a Christian they want to leave and they go they're gone they send you divorce papers then you can marry anyone you want as long as they're in Christian yeah verse 25 now concerning virgin virgins I have no commandment of the Lord yet I give my judgment is one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful so now he's switching to virgins what about people who've never been married never had sex he says I suppose therefore this is good for the president distress I say that it's good for man so to be so it is good for a man to be a virgin and if he can go without getting married great but don't have sex outside of marriage flee fornication he said in chapter 6 verse 27 again he goes back to marriage art thou bound unto a wife seek not to be loosed art thou loosed from a wife seek not a wife so he's saying look if you're bounded to a wife don't get divorced so he's telling a man don't depart from his wife aren't thou loosed from a wife seek not a wife if your wife has left you and she's an unbeliever don't go look for another wife well that's hard to do a man it's been married as he used to be a Mary wants to be married again so if he has to be married again what does he have to do he has to marry a Christian look in verse 28 remember I'm talking about a virgin but and if they'll marry thou has not sinned and if a virgin marry she hath not sinned nevertheless such shall have trouble the flesh but I spare you so if they'll marry the house not sinned so what is he talking about being loosed from a wife verse 27 he sounds like a guy that is getting remarried and if he's getting remarried he hasn't sin if he marries a virgin so that must have been the question that they asked when they wrote to Paul is it okay for a guy to get remarried to urgent and Paul is saying well if he's a Christian and he didn't leave his wife and he's loosed then yeah he can marry a virgin nevertheless I shall have trouble in the flesh but I spare you now what is that trouble in the flesh one anytime's you have a remarriage you're gonna have trouble I can talk firsthand at this my dad was remarried I know what it's like but if a man and a woman come together and get married and stay married until the day they die and they have children well they get married and have children you have a family tree and what a great family tree but what if that man's wife leaves him he goes marry somebody else over here well then he's gonna go get married somebody over here well let's say that he has a new wife and they have some kids well look at the problems you're gonna have these kids aren't the siblings of these they're half siblings and vice versa they're half siblings and you're gonna have people fighting especially when they die these kids are gonna say no everything he has is mine no everything he has is minded they're gonna be so many problems and complications it's like this joke I heard years ago that this Blackman in head had shacked up with for three or four different women and so one lady came over and says I got a problem and another lady comes over goes no I have a problem and then so they're telling this guy that's the father of all these kids with two or three different women my kids and your kids are fighting our kids I have to think about that for a minute your kids and my kids are fighting our kids okay and anyway you get problems we have marriage divorce and remarriage that's why staying together being married for so long it's so important because when you have a remarriage you get problems and the problem with American today is people don't just get married and remarried once it's two three four five times can you to marry imagine being married four different times all the problems you're gonna have if you have kids with all four of those women and their kids and their kids there's going to be legal problems there's going to be all sorts of problems now and talking about in the context of possibly someone dying and remarried or something to that effect some people think this passage is talking about a a woman who's a virgin who hasn't been married that she was promised to someone else but that somebody died he's it okay for her to marry someone else when she was supposed to have married so-and-so and that's a possibility but it says she'll have prior trouble in the flesh what is the trouble of remarriage well if you're married to somebody else and you've been married before or you've been promised to be married to someone you're gonna have problems in the flesh because that woman will always compare you to someone else for example there's been some ladies that I knew that heard their husbands died their husbands died so rightfully so they got remarried like they could but they always looked at their new husband well you're not like my husband you don't do this you don't do it he did it drove him crazy because she was always comparing him to her ex-husband so remarriage carries so many different problems that the best thing in the world is a married and do not divorce especially when it comes to kids when you get remarried your kids and the person you married their kids the lot of times they fight I won't go into that but I've seen that firsthand I step kids and step brothers and sisters now they'd always love each other and and especially one person's dying and there's a question about the will well then they go fight no that's my real dad I deserve auto clear he married my mama I deserve you know that kind of stuff goes on so in verse 28 this is but an if they'll marry that was not saying it if a virgin marry she had not sinned never less she'll have trouble in the flesh but I spare you well there's a lot of trouble that happens in remarriage but this I say brethren the time is short it remaineth that both they that have wives be as though they had none now this is an interesting verse because it sounds like the Apostle Paul is saying that the time is so short because Jesus Christ is coming back that it doesn't matter I guess what this is written about 59 eighty nineteen hundred years later we're still waiting for the Lord's return so yeah yeah you know if it's a good thing to get married today it might not matter because time is so short but Paul is giving us here in Chapter seven many of the different rules of marriage you know what to do what not to do verse 29 but this I say brother the time is short it rain at the both they that have wives be as though that they had none and then that weep as though they wept not they that rejoice as though they had rejoiced not and they that buys though they possessed not and they that used this world and not using it for the fashion in this world pass it away but I would not have you without carefulness or started to he that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord how he may please the Lord but he is married careth for the things that are of the world having me please his wife so Paul tells us look if you're married are nothing wrong with being married a man and a woman being married but when they're married they'll care they'll be more carnal because they care of other things in the world and Paul says if you remain single it's more easy to be spiritual because you can care more about God and the things of God now I saw this as a missionary to Honduras when I went as a missionary in Honduras I went as a single man I didn't have a wife or kids and I went as a single man I tell you I can do more for Jesus as a single man than when I got married while I was in Honduras I came back I got my bride I went back to Honduras and I saw women don't have as much a man as me I can go live in the dirt sleeping in dirt hut do you think wash in a river as I was going out in all these villages of preaching while my wife wives don't really like that kind of stuff they would like a nice mattress and not sleeping in the dirt hut on the floor they would like a nice shower to clean I mean there are things that women so you care more about your wife because you want your wife to have the good stuff so a call is exactly right he that is unmarried careth for the things of God but he is married carrying one of the things in the world on me it pleased his wife and rightly so you want to please your wife and vice versa so if you want to serve God stay single there's nothing wrong with getting married it sort of it's better to marry than to commit a fornication but just realize that you can do more for the Lord unmarried than if you're married that's what that's all he's saying now verse 34 there is a difference also between a wife and a virgin the unmarried woman careth for the things Oh Lord that she may be holding both in body and in spirit but she that is married cares for the things of the world how she may please her husband and that's what it's all about when you're married you're supposed to please your spouse and a lot of the context of this chapter has been sexually pleasing them sexually but it also has to do with other things caring for them take care of them you can be pleased in many other ways sometimes a good meal pleases a man and the woman should cook for her husband vice and I think such as that verse 35 and this I speak for your own profit not that I'm gonna cast a snare upon you but for that which is comely and that you may attend upon the Lord without distraction so see wives are distraction when you're married it's a distraction it's a pleasant distraction you can be pleased with your husband or your wife nothing wrong with that you can do more for the Lord if you're not married verse 36 but if any man think that he becometh himself uncomely toward his virgin if she pass the flower of her age and needs so require let him do what he will he said if not let them marry so some people think that this was the father talking to his daughter who was a virgin and for him to let her marry somewhere else someone else others think that this is a man who's a spouse to a young woman like I said earlier a lot of times the parents would choose who their kids with marry so imagine these two sets of parents and they have a son and they tell the son you're gonna marry their daughter whether you want to or not well then the son can decide when he gets married I don't know if I'll get married when I'm 18 or 28 well it sounds like this verse is talking to him if he thinking that he behaved with himself uncomely toward his virgin if she pass the flower rage and needs so required let him do what he will he sendeth not let them marry so it makes it sound like let's say he's he's twenty years old and she's 14 and he feels like unless he gets married he's gonna fornicate with her that let him get married that's how I see the first saying that that let him decide one he wants to get married a minyan verse 37 nevertheless he that standeth stedfast in his heart having no necessity but hath power over his will and hath so decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin so do it so let's say he says well I want to wait two years before I get married because there's some things I want to do for God so he's leaving it up to the man to decide when he actually gets married now verse 38 so then he that giveth her in marriage doeth well but he that giveth her not in marriage do it better then verse 39 says why would it be better well so that he can serve God longer time before he gets married the wife this verse Allah is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth but if her husband be dead she is at liberty to be married to whom she will only in the Lord so here we have remarriage mentioned and when a woman is married to her husband she's bound to that man by the law she's supposed to love him and submit to him as the church submits to Christ but if he dies she's at Liberty were to remarry but she has to remarry a Christian it must be a Christian and verse 40 but she is happier if she saw bite after my judgment I think also that I have the Spirit of the Lord Oh God so Paul says in out if she's doesn't want to get married I think she'd be happier you know a lot of times when a woman 70 80 years old and her husband dies she doesn't get remarried because she doesn't have those hormonal desires and her like she used to a lot of times she's happy or not being remarried but imagine if you were married and you were 18 years old your husband died when you were 23 yeah you probably want to get remarried don't you so here's all these rules of marriage and they're all throughout chapter 7 and a lot of things to think about and so if you want to know about marriage divorce and remarriage this is the after to go to it starts out by saying to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife marriage if so that we don't fornicate then it tells us that man's supposed to have benevolence to his wife verse 3 in verse 4 that they don't have power over their own body the man's bodies the wives and the wife's is the man that means whenever they want I heard one time somebody say well my husband raped me and I thought to myself you did huh is it possible in the marriage relationship to rape somebody if your body is not your own it belongs to the other person then I don't understand that just leave it at that I just don't understand you could just go ahead and do the same to him I mean if you think your husband write to you then you just go write him and say well the Bible tells me I can do this I mean that's what the Bible says your body is not yours so whatever he wants to do your body you can but his body's not his whatever you want to do to his body you can so you know it's a two-way street there defraud you not one another and then it goes through and tells us it's better to marry than to burn verse 9 and it just goes through and tells us you know you're married right now and you got saved but your wife's an unbeliever you need to stay with her as long as she'll stay with you if she leaves and you're not under bondage you can remarry just all these rules so if you're going through a situation in your life where you've been divorced or maybe someones trying to divorce you or these the Bible has it all right there it's all in Chapter 7 and you can see and if you don't want to get married you don't have to there's no rule in the Bible says you have to get married but over the first Timothy it did say I would be younger women marry it is good for a woman to be married so that she's under the protection of a husband so that's what the Bible says about marriage divorce remarriage like I said I have a book called what the Bible says about marriage divorce remarriage which has a lot more information I just went through here as quickly as possible to try to finish this chapter and just read a few things so I would encourage you to go to cloud church dot org and go the bookstore and find that book by Robert breaker that's me what the Bible says about marriage divorce and remarriage not afraid to be a blessing to you so finally in last part of this chapter there's three warnings about remarriage the first ones down to verse 27 don't the next warning about remarriages if you do remarry make sure it's only in the Lord verse 39 and then verse three says I've seen verse 28 says if you do remarry you will have trouble in the flesh so just some things to remember if you remarry maybe your husband or your wife died certainly you can remarried maybe your husband and a wife were lost and they left and said I'm never coming back and they divorced you certainly you can remarry but only in the Lord but if you've ever divorced your husband or your wife and you're single right now the Bible says you need to reconcile with them get back together now if they've remarried and that's not impossible you probably should stay unmarried and you need to to worship God you shouldn't get married if you have a Christian spouse that's living it's all found here in the scripture so I hope this has been a blessing to you and we'll see you next time as we start chapter 8 of 1st Corinthians and in chapter 8 it talks a lot about idols so we turn from fornication to idols you know why why are idols and fornication always always attached well as we saw earlier that in Corinth there was a lot of idol worship and just about always in those pagan cities the idol what do you call it the gigantic temple of the idols was always right next to where the harlots were and so people would go worship an idol and they go from half fornication so Paul turns from fornication tells them in Chapter seven this is the rules of marriage the chapter eight says now let me tell you something about idol worship and so in chapter eight we'll look at that next time thank you again for being with us and God bless
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 19,391
Rating: 4.546392 out of 5
Keywords: Bible Study. Pauline Epistles. Verse by Verse Bible Study, 1 Corinthians. king james bible, 1 Corinthians 7, First Epistle To The Corinthians (Religious Text), Religion (TV Genre)
Id: KLDgnt9hCUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 4sec (3244 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2015
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