06.03.2022 | Sunday | English Live Mass | Archbishop Peter Machado

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[Music] [Music] um you inspire songs of praise the rise from earth to touch your heart glorify your name [Music] your name is a strong and mindy tower [Music] your name let the nation sing cause nothing has the power to save but your name [Music] jesus in your name we pray come and fill our hearts today give us strength to live for you and glorify your name your name is a strong and mighty tower your name is a shelter like no other your name let the nation sing louder cause nothing has the power to say but your name [Music] in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with you all and with your spirit my dear brothers and sisters it's the first sunday of lent the season of lent is a season of grace is a season of reflection a season of blessings for all of us perhaps it gives us some sort of a desert experience that jesus experienced his own life and jesus was tempted and the temptations of jesus are nothing new nothing very special because all of us are part of these temptations but then as jesus one over these temptations and difficulties so also we ask god's grace to win over our own battles so that the desert experience for us becomes an experience of success after having tasted or after having trusted the lord in order to solve our problems and to conquer our temptations we ask god for a special grace for all of us in these 40 days to be especially aware of god's presence in our lives let us acknowledge our sins and prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries i confess to almighty god and to you my brothers and sisters in my thoughts and in my words in what i have done and in what i failed to do to my fault to my fault to my most grievous fault therefore all the angels came and to you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the lord our god may almighty god have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to the lasting life amen [Music] me o god [Music] according to your unfailing love according to your great compassion blow up my transgressions [Music] have mercy on me o god according to your [Music] cleanse me from my sins lord have mercy on your people o lord have mercy on us christ have mercy on your people christ have mercy on us all lord have mercy on your people [Music] o lord have mercy on us christ have mercy on your people christ have mercy on us let us pray grant almighty god through the yearly observance of holy land of the riches sin in christ and by worthy conduct pursue the effects through our lord jesus christ your son who lives and reigns with you the holy spirit one god forever and ever a reading from the book of deuteronomy moses said to the people the priest shall take the basket of first fruits from your hand and set it down before the altar of the lord your god and you shall make response before the lord your god a wandering arumin was my father and he went down into egypt and sojourned there few in number and there he became a nation great mighty and populous and the egyptians treated us harshly and humiliated us and laid on us hard labor then we cried to the lord the god of our fathers and the lord heard our voice and saw our affliction our toil and our oppression and the lord brought us out of egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm with great deeds of terror with signs and wonders and he borders into this place and gave us this land a land flowing with milk and honey and behold now i bring the first of the fruit of the ground which you o lord have given me and you shall set it down before the lord your god and worship before the lord your god the word of the lord thanks be to god your response be with me lord when i'm in trouble be with me lord when i'm in trouble he who dwells in the shelter of the most high and abides in the shade of the almighty says to the lord my refuge my stronghold my god in whom i trust response be with me lord when i'm in trouble be with me lord when i'm in trouble upon you no evil shall fall no plague approach your tent for you he has he commanded his angels to keep you in all your ways [Music] [Music] me response when i'm in trouble they shall bear you upon their hands lest you strike your foot against a stone on the lion and the wiper you will tread and trample the young lion and the serpent responds [Music] be with me lord when i'm in trouble since he clings to me in love i will free him protect him for he knows my name when he calls on me i will answer him i will be with him in distress i will deliver him and give him glory response be with me lord when i'm in trouble be with me lord when i'm in trouble [Music] we are reading from the letter of saint paul to the romans brethren what does scripture say the word is near you in your mouth and in your heart because if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved for with the heart one believes and is justified and with the mouth one confesses and is saved for the scripture says everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame for there is no distinction between jew and greek for the same lord is lord of all bestowing his riches on all who call on him for everyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved the word of the lord world cross off our savior king across erected above the world cross off our savior king [Music] the lord be with you [Music] and with your spirit a reading from the holy gospel according to you glory to you o lord at that time jesus full of the holy spirit returned from the jordan and was led by the spirit in the wilderness for 40 days being tempted by the devil and he ate nothing during those days and when they were over he was hungry the devil said to him if you are the son of god command these stones to become bread and jesus answered him it is written man shall not live by bread alone and the devil took up tukumhab and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and said to him to you i will give all these authority and their glory for it for it has been given to me and i will give it to whom i will if you then will worship me it will all be yours and jesus answered him it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only shall you serve and he took him to jerusalem and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him if you are the son of god throw yourself down from here for it is written he will command his angels concerning you to guard you and on their hands they will bear you up lest you strike your foot against a stone and jesus answered him it is said you shall not put the lord your god to test and when the devil had ended these temptations he departed from him until an opportune time [Music] the gospel of the lord praise to you lord jesus christ my dear brothers and sisters in christ [Music] the papers and media is full of the news of ukraine [Music] and what's happening there the war the bombings the threat of the nuclear weapons people fleeing and surely the ones who are outside of that country trying to return back to their own countries we are pictures of so many indians also the students that are stuck up there and trying to come back the government is trying to bring them back and they are running from one place to another perhaps finding some refuge and some support but there are a lot of tensions i was just reading a clip of one of those who have returned from ukraine and he gives a little philosophy his own life he says i went to ukraine thinking that that was a better country surely for education for medical education the fees were cheaper day but this last 15 days he says i have learned many things in life i've learned to be hungry i have learnt to be thirsty i have learned to manage on nothing at all i have also time to see the devastation that is taking place the type of greed of the people the mass wealth and it's blown off and thirdly he says perhaps that people also try to find solutions which are not human which are mechanical perhaps through gadgets through things through bombs and this is all an experience of life and when the newspapers ask him what have you learned he says east or west india is best i shall try to remain here try to do whatever is possible for me and i would like to serve the people so that people don't get into this kind of madness that we have seen outside i thought perhaps this boy is summarizing today's gospel the summarizing what for him was a desert experience we have seen that jesus at the beginning of his public life goes into this desert and there he experiences many things which remain for life for him and when he has come out he has these three temptations temptations are never considered to be good but looked at in another way there could be challenges for us in order to reorient our life and take new directions the lenten season is meant for that the lenten season is meant to go back for your own life to reflect and perhaps take corrective measures so that we don't march towards our own dome as it were and that is why the lenten season comes as a time of grace for us anyone who goes for a medical checkup the doctors can your body your mind your brains and tell you perhaps where the blocks are where the things are wrong so also the lenten season is a season in which we perhaps can scan ourselves and ask god for remedies briefly these the three temptations of jesus the first temptation is a very simple one a very obvious one that jesus is tempted because he has not eaten much in these 40 days he has fasted and he's so hungry that he would eat anything that is available in front of him and so the devil says take the stones make them into bread because you are god powerful you can do any things so therefore take these stones and make them into bread and jesus gives him the answer man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of god and so this temptation this first temptation what does it tell us it tells us about hunger it tells us about thirst it tells us about our dependence on earthly things in order to satisfy ourselves you see in hindi roti kappa makhan there are things that are basic we call it and we think that we will not be able to do without the food without the drink without the clothes without the house without the bank balance without perhaps so many gadgets in our life but god says perhaps think a little is your life dependent on these things which perhaps will just go away which perhaps will be thrown away which will be blown away does your life depend on these have you forgotten your creator your god who gave you everything man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from god he is dependent on god himself and in order to a remedy for this temptation the church gives us fasting and penance when you fast you know perhaps you're not eaten but then a time comes when you realize you don't need that much of food you don't need that much of clothes you don't need that much of things for you to survive if people who are running in who crying are going for hours together days to get out without food perhaps they have been taught a hard lesson and before we learn this hard lesson we have to learn how to perhaps limit ourself and control ourselves the second temptation jesus is taken up in a high place and the devil seemingly or claiming that everything belongs to him and says i will give you everything that you see provided you prostrate in front of me you bow before me because it's the temptation of idols you know what's an idol perhaps a stone idol a wooden idol and nowadays we call persons or perhaps a big actor is an idol a singer is an idol we worship them we want to look at them we want to keep their pictures we want to exchange perhaps certain conversation with them they are in our mind in our heart and there are some people mad after these idols we don't mind bowing before them we don't mind prostrating we don't mind doing anything provided i can get hold of my idol and today as jesus is tempted jesus himself gives the answer that you need to you need not bow before your idol but bow before your god perhaps it looks very simple i don't have any idols i am not i i adore only our christian god there's no other gods before me perhaps you can see but in our life there could be more idols for some people the job is an idol i will do anything but i will not sacrifice this job and for that perhaps my family does not matter but i am career oriented i have to do my work i have to do my these things saturday sunday sunday i don't think i need to i can go for mass or positive spiritual thing because work is more important for me my wife and my children my family is waiting that lamb wheat for some perhaps the house is a is a idol for some perhaps their own beauty is idle or their health is idle i will do anything but lose my health for some perhaps their bank balance or perhaps something that they have earned the property is an idol one inch of it i will not see that it is taken and we become so obsessed so mad after it that nothing else remains in our mind we are blank except that idol that is there before us but god tells us today perhaps you need to bow god alone and that is why the the instrument that god gives us is pray to pray on what is pray prayer is surrendering yourself to god to say that god knows everything and god can give me everything i don't need to bow at everybody i don't bow at men i surely don't bow at things as it were and that's the result that perhaps we are called upon and the third temptation today is the temptation of what we call popularity or even the temptation of miracles miracles the devil is supposed to have been taken jesus to a pinnacle of the temple and once again he sells the whole world and the beauty of it i will give it to you but then you have to jump from here and jumping from that distance surely nothing will happen to you because your god the angels will come and lift you but on the other hand see the effect of this the effect is you would become the most popular man in the world that one who jumped from there and nothing happened and everyone will praise you and the devil also seems to remind jesus think of yourself you are a carpenter's son who will look at you who will listen to you is a carpenter anywhere made to come and sit in front and see your role that you'll be just discarded but if you do a miracle and if you do this perhaps you'll become the most popular man perhaps that's the temptation many of us also have that i need to change my life i need to change some things i need to change perhaps and ask for miracles ask for miracles who wants to be poor who wants suffering we ask god for remove these things make a miracle and this miracle will solve all my life that's what we think but god tells there is something called hard work there is something called difficulties there is something called poverty there is something called crucifix but these have meaning if it was easy for jesus to jump and redeem the whole world perhaps that was very nice there need not be any pain there needed not been his suffering why did jesus have to suffer the crucifixion and die he could have died of fever or typhoid that would have been enough for him but then he chose to suffer perhaps that's the meaning of it there are miracles we have to surely ask god for miracles when i'm sick i ask god for cure when my perhaps something is lost in my life i asked desperately god jesus himself at the in the garden of gethsemane when he was sweating blood when he was sweating he asked god take this chalice away but not my will your will be done because god knows when to remove it when to keep it and more of us or many of us have learnt lessons through life through sufferings through difficulties through poverty through hard work in english we say there is no gain without pain pain is part of our life and therefore the jesus gives answer to this devil and says that you shall not test the lord your god god knows best god knows when to give you when not to give you perhaps the easiest answers and compromise are before you instead of struggling the whole year to pass the exam you can tell the child you can copy you can take something i can whisper into your ears you can pass these are shortcuts there are many things in life for which shortcuts don't help hard work difficulties is there and therefore these cheap miracles which the devil is asking and jesus doesn't want us to do this is the answer you shall not test the lord your god but then perhaps god gives another solution that you have been popular you have been equipped you have been proficient perhaps you can share with others we call it arms giving and arms giving is not just the money that you throw to the beggars the coins that you throw perhaps your intelligence you can share with others your talent of god has given you you can share with others and surely if god has blessed you with money perhaps that's the best arms giving that you can give to the others also so my dear brothers and sisters god gives us also a desert experience perhaps god has not given everyone the war of crime we have our own wars and battles of life our own family sometimes is a battlefield our workplace the battlefield and therefore these desert experiences which are negative which are temptations are surely we have to get rid of them but they could be also challenges for us in order to improve and better our life than therefore the season of lent is a season of testing the season of audit of our life the season of examination the season of scanning our life and asking god for answers and at the same time taking the right steps in this direction i believe in god the father almighty maker of heaven and earth of all things visible and invisible i believe in one lord jesus christ the only begotten son of god born of the father before all ages god from god light from light true god from true god because consubstantial with the father to him all things were made for us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven and by the holy spirit was incarnate of the word for our sake he was crucified and upon it he suffered [Music] and his kingdom will have no end i believe in the holy spirit the lord the giver of life who proceeds from the father and the son who with the father and the son is spoken to the prophets i believe in one holy god apostolic church i confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and i look forward to the direction of the nation of the dead and life in the world amen dear friends as we are god's children we breathe god's own breath we are called as his own sons and daughters therefore we have every right to ask him for all our needs your response let us pray to the lord let us pray to the lord we pray for our universal church with pope francis as its head our archbishop and all the bishops priests and religious may their lives be source of renewed strength for us lay faithful let us pray to the lord we in this lent learn to follow our teacher and model jesus christ new man project of a humanity reconciled with the father let us pray to the lord lord hear our prayer let these 40 days be dedicated to prayer and meditation on the word to know what god wants from us and implement it in our lives let us pray to the lord lord hear our prayer lord we remember and pray for all the souls in purgatory may the radiance of your mercy embrace them for giving them their faults and failures so they may enjoy the heavenly gifts along with the angels and saints let us pray to the lord lord hear our prayer we pray very especially today for the women in the world and the women in our families as 8th of march we celebrate the international women's day and some of our churches are celebrating the women's day today in their churches and therefore we pray very specially for women in the world and especially in our families lord may the praise of your people be raised to your heavenly throne that we may always be protected by your holy angels and walk in the way of the lord we make this pray to christ our lord amen [Music] in bread we bring you lord you our spirits grief we do not ask you lord who [Music] oh we have gladly heard your word [Applause] our gifts we bring our selfish hearts make true our failing fake renewed pray my brothers and sisters that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to god your mighty father may the lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name for our good and the good of all his holy church give us the right disposition so lord we pray to make these offerings for with them we celebrate the beginning of this venerable and sacred time through christ our lord amen the lord be with you and with your spirit lift up your hearts we lift them up to the lord let us give thanks to the lord our god it is right and just it is truly right and just our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks lord holy father almighty eternal god through christ our lord by abstaining 40 long days from earthly food he consecrated through his fast the pattern of our lenten observance and by overturning the lawlessness of the ancient serpent taught us to cast out the heaven of malice so that celebrating worthily pascal mystery we might pass over at least to the eternal paschal feast and so with the company of angels and saints basing the hymn of your praise as without end we acclaim it [Music] holy holy lord earth is full of your glory glory fills the heavens to sing to him [Music] bless it is the one who comes bringing this great glory holy holy holy lord sing to him [Music] you are indeed holy lord the fount of all holiness make holy therefore this gifts we pray by sending down your spirit upon them that you fall so that they may become for us the body and blood of our lord jesus christ at the time he was betrayed and entered willingly into his passion he took bread and giving thanks broke it and gave it to disciples saying take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body which will be given up for you in a similar way when supper was ended he took the chalice and once more giving thanks he gave it to disciples saying take this all of you and drink from it for this is the chalice of my blood the blood of the new and eternal covenant which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins do this in memory of me the mystery of faith [Music] died you destroyed our death rising you restored our lives lord jesus lord jesus come and glory [Music] therefore as we celebrate the memorial of death and direction we all fill out the bread of life and the chalice of salvation giving thanks to developers worthy to be in your presence and minister to you humbly we pray that partaking of the body and blood of christ we may be gathered into one by the holy spirit remember lord your church spread throughout the world and bring her to the fullness of charity together francis our pope my unworthy servant and all the clergy remember also brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection and all who have died in your mercy welcome them into light of your face have mercy on us all we pray that with the blessed virgin mary mother of god with sin jews of our spouse with the blessed apostles with sin francis xavier and all the saints who have pleased you throughout the ages we may merit to be coerced to eternal life and may praise and glorify you through your son jesus christ [Music] throw him with him and in him oh god almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit all glory and honor is yours forever and ever at the savior's command and formed by divine teaching we dare to say our father in heaven holy be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth give us [Applause] forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us do not bring us to the test but deliver us from [Music] deliver us lord we pray from every evil graciously grant peace in our days that by the help of your mercy we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior jesus christ [Music] lord jesus christ you said to your apostles peace i leave you my peace i give you look not on our sins but on the fate of your church and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will who live and reign forever and ever amen the peace of the lord be with you always let us offer each other the sign of peace lamb of god you take away sins of the world have mercy on us a lamp of god you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us lamb of god you take away [Music] behold the lamb of god behold him who takes away the sins of the world blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb lord i am not worthy that he should enter under my roof but only say the word and my soul shall be healed my jesus i believe that you're present in the most holy sacrament i love you above all things and i desire to receive you into my soul since i cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally please come spiritually into my heart i embrace you now as if you're already there and i unite myself holy to you never permit me to be separated from you amen prayer for the synod we stand before you holy spirit as we gather together in your name with you alone to guide us make yourself at home in our hearts teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it we are weak and sinful do not let us promote disorder do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions let us find in you our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right all this we ask a few who are at work in every place and time in the communion of the father and the son forever and ever amen [Music] i'm forgiven because you were forsaken i'm accepted you were condemned i'm alive and well your spirit is within me because you died and rose again [Music] i'm forgiven because you were forsaken i'm accepted you were condemned [Music] i'm alive and well your spirit is within me because you died and rose again amazing love how can it be for my king who died for me [Music] amazing love i know it's true [Music] it's my joy to want you amazing love how can it be [Music] for my king who died for me amazing love i know it's true it's my joy to all of you in all i do is to honor you [Music] let us pray renewed now with heavenly bread by which faith is nourished hope increased and charity strengthened we pray oh lord that we may learn to hunger for christ the true and living bread and strive to live by every word which proceeds from your mouth through christ our lord [Music] the lord be with you and with your spirit above your heads may your bountiful blessing o lord we pray come down upon your people that hope may grow in tribulation would you be strengthened in temptation and eternal redemption be assured through christ our lord amen the lord be with you and with your spirit may almighty god bless you the father the son and the holy spirit come down upon you and remain with you forever to proclaim the gospel by our lives of christ just wait for a moment for that announcement my brothers and sisters i wish you a very happy sunday it's the sunday in the lenten season but all the same it gives an occasion to meet to greet to be together and make it a family day it's only on perhaps on sundays that we meet everybody and therefore we have to make use of this occasion to eat together to sit together to talk together and perhaps even enjoy together because sunday is the day of the lord and especially the day of the families i as i said during the mass 8th of march is the day of women the international women's day and therefore we wish all the women and especially those women in our lives our mothers our brothers sisters wives we wish them a very happy day because perhaps one day in a you know the whole year we remember them all and wholesome and completely dedicated for them many of our churches are celebrating today because they wouldn't be getting the people in the weekdays so some of the churches are celebrating this sunday the women's day india parish and some perhaps will celebrate on next sunday the day of women in the parish i on my part i greet all the women in the churches in our families in our archdiocese may it be a day of blessing for all of you my second announcement is the feast of saint joseph falls on 19th of march as you know it's the day of saint joseph another solemn day also and from last year perhaps my last two years i have made it a point to say that mason joseph day be celebrated as the day of the fathers in our family if we have a day for mothers or women perhaps why not a day for the fathers many a time the fathers complain that they are taken for granted nobody wishes them everyone expects them to give gifts to the others whereas they himself are just left high and dry so therefore we remember and perhaps you can even start preparing how to celebrate the father's day in the parishes in the families in the small circles and just as men would have to take the initiative to celebrate the women's day the women may have to take the initiative to celebrate the men's day or the father's day so another 10 15 days are there so please be ready for it i also remind you about 25th of march is the day of enunciation and that day is celebrated also as day of life day of birth day of newness in our life because as mary conceived jesus in a womb we call it a pro-life day a day that is dedicated and prayed for especially for new life i wish you once again a very happy sunday [Music] light of the world you step down into darkness open my eyes let me see [Music] hope of a lifespan we do [Music] here i am to worship here i am to bow down here i am to say that you're my god you're all together lovely all together worthy all together wonderful to me [Music] king of old days oh so highly exalted glorious in heaven above [Music] oh here i am to worship here i am to bow down here i am to say that [Music] wonderful to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Bangalore Archdiocese
Views: 1,042
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Keywords: archdiocese of bangalore live streaming, live mass, dominicans mission media, redptorist mission media, archdiocese of bangalore, bangalore live mass, tamil live mass, kannada live mass, english live mass, fr cyril victor, peter machado, bombay live mass, divine word, jeevaswara songs, steven, kannada devotional songs, catholic devotional songs, madha TV, Tamil madha TV, Shivajinagar feast, st marys basilica, shivajinagar, st marys basilica shivajinagar, Feast Mass
Id: IgEN17Ar9WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 59sec (3779 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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