020 m1-649 Revelation 6 06-05-2013

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if you've been going with us uh there's a bit of a timeline that i'd like to remind you of just that there are different views about the way this is all going to come down that is the end and the way that it's going to happen so there's differing views amongst christians that is an in-house debate about all these things but you know as i read the bible as just kind of a simple guy as a simple person which i believe the bible was written for that person uh i see a very easy uh order of events of what the bible speaks of and it's largely due to the order of the book of revelation we've learned that already haven't we revelation 1 19 is the divine outline given to us by god and john was told to write the things which he had seen past and that was the vision of jesus chapter one then he said write the things which are and that was the church age chapters two and three and then he said write the things which shall be hereafter after that church age then he said uh hereafter remember the greek word metatauta where uh we saw john taken up into heaven right there in chapter four so uh that i believe is a beautiful picture of the rapture of the church really and you see the church in the heavenly scene those that were redeemed by the blood of the lamb are there in the heavenly scene uh meanwhile back on earth we start tonight that period that's called the tribulation period we looked a bit at that at sunday the different names the time of jacob's trouble or the time of the wrath of the lamb or the time of great tribulation as jesus would call it and i believe he was referring specifically to the last three and a half years of the seven year period that's coming called the tribulation there's other names that we'll bump into of the the time period the seven years but we'll uh we'll look at those as we get into it but one of the things about the order of these events i believe the next thing for for me i i look for jesus that's really all i do i look for jesus christ i don't look for the antichrist i don't look for the abomination of desolation coming soon to a theater near you which by the way uh have you noticed how many movies there are about disappearances of people and space aliens coming and taking people and the end of the earth in the apocalypse i mean the world is extremely like crazy level interested in the end of the earth and the apocalypse and all that the funny thing is they won't go to the book of revelation which is the one place where they'll get the true source although they sure borrow they borrow from the themes of the book of revelation just to be interesting and what have you but i believe that interest in all the movies that we're seeing in my opinion uh and others as well i believe uh that that's just a conditioning that's been going on a conditioning for the earth to sort of not be that shocked by things that the book of revelation is going to tell us about even even the idea of an asteroid hitting the earth and causing a great earthquake and stuff i mean how many movies have been made about that and we're going to actually see perhaps a mention of something like that tonight uh in the in chapter six and so there's this kind of conditioning that's going on in the world but i believe the next event uh that's gonna happen in my opinion is the rapture of the church and i love that because we look for jesus we look for him he's not going to come and uh be here on this earth the bible says the rapture is where we meet him in the sky it's it's uh not the second coming of christ don't be confused that the rapture of the church some people get those things confused but we don't know the day or the hour the bible says of christ's return he said of that day knoweth no man the hour not even the angels of heaven but my father only in matthew 24 36 he said that but here's the deal the even though we don't know the day of the hour uh the signs there's many signs that the bible tells us will show the coming of christ and that it would be nearer and nearer we're rapidly approaching i think what is the climax of history and the return of jesus christ but the return of christ is going to happen i believe at the end of the tribulation period at the end of those seven years so if you're following the timeline you've got the rapture of the church which leaves room for us to not know when it could happen by the way if the rapture of the church were to be at the end of the tribulation there's a problem because there are some days that are given within that seven year period for example at the very middle day we'll see in the book of revelation it talks about the very day the middle day of those seven years um what we're going to find out is there's going to be an event that will happen called the abomination of desolation uh where this coming world leader will set himself up to be worshipped as god uh we'll talk about that uh later but uh that day is gonna happen at the three and a half year mark to the day the bible says so the problem is at the end of the tribulation uh the completion if people believe the rapture of the church is going to happen then the problem with that is well uh we know the day in the hour when that's going to happen because it's exactly three and a half years at the end of that tribulation period so i think that's a bit of a problem but right now a pre-tribber that is a person who believes the rapture is going to happen before the tribulation we really don't know the day or the hour not even close but we do know the times and the seasons that's what we're i think to look at um and so there's some a little list i'd like to give you just things to observe because how many times does jesus tell us to watch be vigilant be sober looking for the lord and by the way sadly um it's current hip hip right now in churches to not be looking to blow off uh end times theology to blow off things like the rapture of the church and uh don't worry about it's all gonna happen so forget about it that's what people say but the bible over and over jesus even says be sober be vigilant be watching for the days coming and what are some of those signs that the bible talks about if you're a quick note taker i'm going to give you some fast ones in fact six things that i'll give you first of all uh some of the signs number one signs of nature jesus said that in matthew 24 7 and it includes things that have to do with weather and what have you famine earthquakes and even plagues will come very much in a biblical proportion did you see uh even this year we had a plague of locusts that was huge that went through uh egypt and the uh uh israel even parts of israel uh these locusts came through a huge form destroying a lot of things almost like the bible days but uh plagues like that or even earthquakes and famines um those signs would would increase as it gets closer to the end weather events and stuff like that tornadoes anybody hear about tornadoes or earthquakes or tsunamis i mean these are the kind of things jesus said these these things will get more frequent and more intense as the time gets closer to the end uh that's number one signs of nature number two we'd see negative spiritual signs negative spiritual signs for example uh false christs or false prophets jesus warned about in matthew 24 24 and the word apostasy that's a fancy word for just those who would fall away from the truth or follow bad teaching that would be more widespread in the churches in the last days second timothy chapter 3 verse 5 tells us about that and also chapter 4 of second timothy verses 1 through 4 talks about how there'd be uh apostasy that would happen or the people falling away from the truth and that we see in the church today the church is becoming so open-minded that our brains are falling out we are leaving good solid biblical doctrine and kind of saying it's god to me i think god is this i think god is that i think god is the other thing when god says no this is what i am and he writes about it in his in his word it always kind of is sad to me to hear people i kind of like to think of god as sort of a uh just a puff of cosmo energy that's neither male nor female well that's beautiful in your little brain but that's not what god is uh you made that up in your brain uh but that's not who god is and you can think of whatever you want but it's god to me which is a false god uh and i think god's gonna have something to say about it when you stand before him uh so these negative spiritual signs will be false prophets false teaching and apostasy literally the church people will fall away from true teaching and and another thing negative spiritual signs there'll be a religious ecumenical movement that is where religion around the world will start to join together and be more united and you think oh that's a wonderful thing it's really not and the reason is because the bible says they will sacrifice true doctrine which is the teaching of the word and just try to meld it all together and so suddenly islam christianity you know buddhism you know baha'i or whatever you want to do you can come combine it all together and it'll just be one big happy religion and we're even seeing that the the worldwide council of churches and other groups that are trying to bring it all together and we see that happening today and we see what uh churches once who were teaching solid teaching are now part of the ecumenical movement saying it's all good uh if if you believe in buddha you'll end up in the same place as the christian which the bible doesn't does not teach that um narrow is the path uh that leads to heaven and that path jesus said is him jesus is the way the truth and the life but people start to accept openness and that's that's not a good thing it sounds good but it's not so you'll see religious globalism economic globalism is another thing by the way in these negative spiritual signs but also the persecution of christians will increase according to matthew 24 verses 9 through 10 mark 13 9 talks about how the church will be persecuted in in the end days and you say well we're not being that persecuted but you got to remember many church churches around the world are being persecuted horribly today don't forget china don't forget places like iran there's a lot of christian people even in iran right now who are being killed and hung on cranes in the streets you know those big construction cranes it's not that unusual to be driving down the street in iran and see a body hanging on a crane because they found a guy was preaching the gospel of jesus now that happens all over the world really not here in america as much so number one signs of nature number two uh negative spiritual signs false christ false teaching uh religious globalism persecution of christians number three we'll see also positive spiritual signs not only negative spiritual signs but the last days will bring positive spiritual science like for example worldwide evangelism that is that the gospel will reach the corners of the earth uh we read about that in matthew 24 14 mark 13 10 and also that our another positive spiritual sign was that people will start to understand bible prophecy better as time unfolds bible prophecy is sort of a time release doctrine uh it's the only doctrine by the way that's like that you've heard me say it many times but i want you to know this all doctrine of the bible uh you gotta remember if it's new it's not true if somebody comes up with some new teaching that's just not something that's been taught by the church uh for centuries and even millennia uh or if it's something new that's not seen in the book of acts or the epistles or what have you you got to dump it it's not true but if it's true it's also not new that's very important the one area that the bible says would be unsealed as time unfolds and that our understanding and knowledge will increase in is the area of the end times so even daniel when he wrote his book you understand daniel writing the book of daniel he received some of the most powerful prophecies about the last days in all the scripture but daniel didn't understand a word of his own prophecy he was astonished and he just almost like passed out every time he'd get a word from the lord he'd write it down and says i didn't understand what i wrote and the lord just said just go about the king's business and it's not for you and even at the end of his book said he said seal up the words of this book until when till the time of the end the end would be when that book of daniel would start to be understood and unsealed uh and it's interesting because in john's prophecy of the book of revelation he said seal not the words of this book at the end of the book of revelation so uh that is as we get closer to the end understanding of how it's going to unfold would increase and we're seeing that uh very much so in fact it's interesting to see the chess pieces being put in place just like the bible said if you were trying to figure out for example the gog magog war of ezekiel 38 and 39 which is where gog magog which is russia the war that's predicted by ezekiel where russia would be drawn like a bear with a hook in her jaw drawn down into israel to fight against the jews if you lived in say even 1900 what would you do with that prophecy what would you think about that well you've got to remember there's no country called israel at that time all the jews had been scattered since 70 a.d jews lived all over the world so the idea of russia coming down and attacking israel that's ridiculous who would ever believe that but what happened was an amazing thing the bible predicted that the lord would scatter the jews but then the lord also told us in his word that he would regather the jews no other nation in the world has ever done that where they've been scattered all over the world only to be regathered and and be given back their own nation it's interesting that the world sits there and looks at israel says you guys are occupiers you guys are in that land that is not yours it's the palestinians and this big argument but man i just want to before you take your your strong opinion and listen to wolf blitzer and cnn and all those guys they do not listen they do not know history at all uh there's a huge re rewriting of history there's a great book if you're interested if you want to be knowledgeable about israel and their history uh it's the best book out there it's a book called from time immemorial from time immemorial does anybody remember the author she's uh what's her name somebody's gonna look up on their ipad uh from time immemorial look it up uh you can get it probably from amazon or whatever but she just runs through the whole history of the regathering of the jews and and how the uh the british mandates and the balfour declaration all these things where arabs rejected that land over and over again but um then the world out of guilt because of the holocaust and the nazis and all that the league of nations made a decision to give the jews back their land that abraham had millennia earlier i mean what country in the world can say the world gave us this land can the americans say that if anybody's occupying land it's us and if if we're going to say you need to give that land back to the palestinians what a hypocrite america is we should be giving back all the land to the indians if we really were honest but not only did the jews oh i'm getting way off course i'm going to not get into this all that to say uh israel regroup grouping uh so um what happened in 1948 israel declares themselves a nation again and the very day well the next day that they became a nation the arab nations surrounding little tiny israel a brand new nation with no military to speak of uh they had pitchforks and pickup trucks basically uh and they were attacked by all the surrounding arab nations because they said we will not allow israel to be a nation they were attacked and man one of the most biblically proportioned modern day wars study the the war of independence there in israel because it's it's there's in almost unspeakable miraculous victory that the jews had over all the arab nations around why is that i'll tell you it's real simple it's not because the jews are perfect or sinless or any of that is in fact a lot of jews are even atheists and godless to this day but god has a plan for those jews and he's and he still loves those people and he also has a purpose for jerusalem and so now that israel is re-gathered just like the bible says uh what's happening well we're seeing bible prophecy unfold and it all makes sense now when you realize russia really hey here's a question will russia maybe come down and mess with israel you know even 20 years ago people say nah that's just dumb no why would russia be interested in israel but right now today with this whole syrian conflict you can see how it would be very easy because see did you see what happened this last week uh last week uh the russians said we're going to give assad uh some anti-aircraft missiles now these missiles by the way are really high-tech and they're a real problem for israel if these uh if the syrians get these missiles so what's interesting is the syrians said we have those missiles now that russia was going to give us and what israel did is they got on the news and said no you don't i mean i mean what nation says to another day says we have those missiles and they say we really we know you don't they called their bluff see and the reason they said is because if you had those missiles we would bomb you now you say that's so mean why would they bomb those poor syrians up there uh you know which is the way the news sort of paints it but you have to understand israel it's not a big country they're surrounded by enemy countries um they know that if those countries are successful in in bombing their cities there's nothing left it's not like america where you could blow up los angeles or new york or something and you know america would still survive in fact if if new york was blown down with a missile nuclear weapon or whatever i'm pretty sure america get real mad and we would retaliate with real force israel if they get leveled like tel aviv if if they get leveled by a nuclear weapon by ahmadinejad and iran or whatever they're done there is no after that you see because they're they're smaller than new jersey um you have to understand that israel is a tiny little nation if you take all the arab nations around there and you take the jewish nation israel uh land the land area you take a football field how much of that football field is arab and how much of it is is uh is israel but the way that the cnn guys make it look it's like maybe the 50-yard line half of it's israel half of its arab right because those big israeli they're the goliath those poor little arabs they're the they're the david they're getting it all backwards because israel if you take the land of the jews in israel and you compared to the arab nations surrounding israel you take one square foot of a football field one square foot and you put it in there the rest of that football field is arab lands don't just take my word for it it's what it's what what in fact is true so you say well brett what's the deal with all that here's the deal uh the bible has predicted all these things in fact jerusalem itself is told that it's going to be divided in the last days they're going to try to divide jerusalem in half zechariah 12 zechariah 14 says in the last days they'll seek to divide jerusalem in half and by the way our president said we need to return to the 1967 borders that's what our president said and if you look at a map of the 67 borders check it out it splits jerusalem right down the middle so here's our president wanting to divide jerusalem just like zach and what does it say it says the nations that try to do this will be handling a cup of trembling it's not going to be good for that nation is the idea so you see the point that i'm making is there's there's modern day events that are fulfilling bible prophecy events that were predicted hundreds and thousands hundreds and even thousands of years ago so the point is uh bible prophecy is it's relevant it's current that's something that i think we're to be vigilant sober and watching so that's one of the things we need to understand is is uh watchful vigilant sober that's what the christian is called to be and you can see that through the world political signs rumors of wars uh jesus talked about in matthew 24 verses 6 through 7. uh the reunification of europe was even sort of mentioned in daniel chapter 2 daniel chapter 7. uh we'll probably get into some of that so those world uh political signs so you got number one sign uh signs of nature number two negative spiritual signs number three positive spiritual signs but number four world political signs watching the geopolitics and what have you in the way there'd be wars and rumors of wars and what happens with israel and what nations will go against israel it's all in the bible it's all right there uh number five accelerator signs what's that uh wouldn't that be great if there were acceleration signs on the highway go faster uh accelerate now i'd love that but um but uh no i'm talking about um the idea is acceleration of population acceleration in knowledge acceleration in violence these are the things the bible says are gonna as we get closer to the end we're gonna see an exponentially uh growing rate and intensity of these things uh just for example by the way uh we read about the earth's population in the end times uh population explosion revelation chapter 9 verses 15 and 16 and some other places daniel talks about it but are we currently in a population explosion did you know that in 1804 the earth had a population we reached finally 1 billion people now think about that that that that's i mean in history that's fairly recent wouldn't you say 1804 we reached 1 billion it was 1927 we beat we reached 2 billion it was in many of the people in this room's lifetime where we actually reached 3 billion in 1960 we reached 3 billion people it was 1975 we reached 4 billion 1987. we reached 5 billion 1999 we reached 6 billion and it would be 2011 that we reached 7 billion do you see is there a if you were to graph this out do you know how this would look if you start it uh you know even uh you know zero or whatever or one if you started it one a d and you made a graph it would just lie flat like this just lie flat until you get to the 1800s then it would start to move up and then the 1900s and after center the graph just goes off the charts because of the population explosion that we're currently seeing the earth is is being populated this is one of the things that the bible says will be a mark of the last days some believe by the way noah his day had a population explosion because of the longevity of their lives and also there was same as us there was a population explosion before the wrath came down and the flood rose up and the earth was judged there by the water second time the lord is going to judge the earth is by fire but it's interesting some scholars suggest that noah's population was very similar perhaps to the population of the earth at this time don't know it wasn't there but uh it is interesting to think of so acceleration population acceleration of knowledge man i could get into that talking about how how much technologically we have uh if you look at the graph of knowledge increasing uh and the amount of material that is written today in science and new inventions of names of things we're learning about knowledge is exponentially increasing so those are acceleration signs but also signs of israel that's number uh what are we six so number one signs of nature number two negative spiritual science number three positive spiritual signs number four world political geopolitical signs uh and number five accelerator signs those are things to watch by the way the accelerator signs uh just for you that are kind of new to bible prophecy the bible talks about this a lot but it uses a terminology that a lot of the gals in the room can appreciate and that is as a woman in travail in with childbirth uh even as the baby as it gets closer to the date you start to feel the little rumblings and the kickings then you feel the braxton and hicks is that what you call that and uh and then when the contractions start you start measuring because they get more frequent and they get more intense and then you reach that transition stage uh which is that part that makes me just glad i'm a guy but all that to say uh you guys know with that that that's the imagery that jesus used and others even the book of revelation first thessalonians talks about it as a woman in travail with child so will be the coming of the son of man so intensity and uh frequency those are the acceleration signs uh that we're to watch and then number six the signs of israel the regathering of his people isaiah 11 10-12 ezekiel 37 verses 1 through 12 all fulfilled prophecy the re-establishment of the state and the world turning against israel now these are all things to watch is the world turning against israel today see the gog magog war the stage is absolutely set for that uh um very very much uh interesting to read ezekiel chapter 30 38-39 39 but don't have time to get into that so yes we don't know the day or the hour but the signs point to the fact that he could come very soon um this much is certain jesus is coming and i believe he's coming soon now here's the thing some of you are saying brett you guys you bible prophecy dudes you weirdos you guys have been saying that i remember back in 69 when hal lindsey wrote the late great planet earth and i you guys now wait before you get too judgmental now um i even hear some some of the critics say those guys have been predicting that the lord would come back uh and they were trying to name dates and times now don't be confused there are some people who i would agree were in huge error to name a day or an hour herald camping just was that last year and others i remember in 1988 when i was a kid just a college kid at the time and uh they wrote a book 88 reasons why the lord's going to come in 1988. and it was a bestseller right until 1989. and and the reason that is a a big goof is uh you're trying to say for sure it's going to happen but most of the good bible prophecy uh buffs the guys are studying the scriptures as it relates to prophecy most of them are not saying this is when it's going to happen that a lot of people are falsely accused as saying that what we are in fact saying is the lord could come back tomorrow it's possible and it is possible wouldn't you agree with that man i believe it's very possible um but if he doesn't then i can think maybe he'll help he'll come the day after tomorrow well brett that's ridiculous well isn't that what the early church did if you read your bible um they would remind each other hey the lord could come back soon they used the term maranatha which which kind of was a reminder that man the lord could come back soon they believed that the lord's return could be in their day so that just proves how stupid they were brett no it proves i believe that's how the lord wants us to live he wants us to live with that anticipation and the expectation of his return my sisters and i we were big time monopoly buffs we played monopoly but it was knocked down dragon my sister jenny she was the quiet but wise one but tammy and i were the extremely over-the-top competitive ones i'll never forget that day uh when we were playing monopoly my parents had some guests over to the house uh and we had dinner with them but then we were told to you know after dinner we could go upstairs and play in the family room while they uh fellowshipped downstairs but we were playing monopoly and tammy and i had a somewhat of a disagreement i think i found 500 hiding under the board that she had hidden uh she was also the banker you know what i'm saying and so i said tammy you know you're you're cheating no i'm not and we started going at it and and now here's the problem when i was uh like in sixth grade about this time my sisters could still beat me up now my difficulty was uh i was told by my dad you never ever uh punch or push or do anything to your sisters uh a man never never lays any violence or anything on a girl and that was the way i was raised but he told my sisters they could punch me as much as they wanted so so so pretty soon our little argument man it just turns out to this all-out fight i'm just trying to protect myself innocently someday tammy's gonna come and tell you the real story but i but this is my version and she's just she by the time you know jenny's trying to get us to stop and tammy's just punching me in the back actually i'm on the ground kind of you know defend and and she's punching me and right then the coming of my dad man in an hour when we knew not uh we were taken as a thief in the night uh those those are the kinds of language uh there are words that the lord uses don't be messing around because the lord's coming is in an hour when you think not and so in first john chapter 3 it says he who has this hope that is the hope of his coming purifies himself the church is called to live without expectation of the lord coming at any time so i believe our behavior will be different if we really believe the lord could return i you say brett they've been wrong for centuries but i'm in good company because you know there's a lot of greats in in the times past of pastors who believe the lord could come back in their day and i want to go down even if the lord doesn't return in my lifetime which i think he will but even if he doesn't i'm going to live i want to do my best to live like the lord could come back tonight that'll change the way i live and it will you as well i think that was the point that's why there's this variable that nobody knows when it's going to happen because the lord says i'm going to leave that open so that you live with that anticipation and be the wise servant of matthew 24 who watches and is waiting for his uh coming those that mock and say you guys have been talking about the rapture of the church for 20 years no we haven't for hundreds of years we've been talking about it but that's the point or to live with that expectation well i'm officially way off course for tonight's study i guess we should probably get you say okay what about chapter six well here's the thing um the rapture of the church is the next thing i believe on the agenda of the lord the church will be taken up to be with the lord call it fantasy call it weird if you want but uh i think the world is ready for it because of the conditioning of the media and hollywood and all that even new age has a description of what's going to happen in the age of aquarius they believe that millions of people who are holding back the age of aquarius are going to be disappearing and they've got even some people talking about an alien abduction and all this stuff so isn't it something that the world is kind of conditioned and even ready for an event like that i think that's just interesting but i believe it's going to happen and then that's going to kick off that period that we call biblically the time of jacob's trouble the time of the wrath of the lamb the tribulation period seven year period and it starts with the opening of the seals that we saw in chapter five who's worthy to open the scroll of the seals of the book none other than the lion of the tribe of judah where john turned around and saw the lamb that had been slain so the opening of the seals means the church has been raptured i believe and that's when the tribulation period begins right here in verse one chapter six here we go verse one it says and i saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and i heard as it were the noise of thunder one of the four beasts saying come and see and i saw and behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer now some people say oh this is jesus this is jesus coming back maybe a first read of this you know god looks like jesus to me and and really i'll give you some credit because this sort of does look like jesus but i want to show you why it's not jesus uh there's a bunch of reasons first the context every other horseman is horrible uh you're going to see that we're gonna see these next horsemen all these horsemen are bad and i think we need to see that in context and and you say but brad i heard the lord's gonna return on a white horse and he's gonna be wearing a crown look at this guy he's got a crown and he's got a white horse and all this stuff that's jesus keep your finger here and turn with me to revelation chapter 19 you'll see a very similar description we've looked at this but there's a great passage i like reading it over and over again matthew chapter 19. verse 11. remember the tribulation period is revelation 6 through 19 right so what happens in 19 to end the tribulation the return of christ and we see that in verse 11. uh there it says in verse 11 i saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and make war his eyes was a flame of fire on his head was were many crowns the word crowns there is diadema which is a plural of kingly crowns and he had on a name written that no man knew but himself was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god and the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth go with a sharp sword that uh with it he would smite the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron he and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and the wrath of almighty god and he has on his vesture on his thigh a name written king of kings and lord of lords does that look a little more like the coming of jesus that's the coming of jesus well brett why is there this uh chapter six description of a white horse coming it's real simple when you realize one of the things you really need to understand about satan is he is in fact a poser he is a duplicator he is a deceiver and he will very much like to take the truth and tweak it just a little bit um that's one of the things we see all through the bible where satan sort of duplicates things that jesus does we even see that i believe in bible prophecy and also in history where satan is a duplicator and a deceiver um so what are you saying brett you're saying chapter six is sort of a poser version of jesus coming did you know just just an interesting sideline did you know that the muslims have a eschatology that's very similar to christianity you say what's eschatology it's just the uh study of the the way the end is going to unfold the end of time and um you see they believe in in a certain sense and and you have to be careful because they don't use the same terminology that we do but it's very very similar they believe that there's one who's coming who's a relative of muhammad they believe that their own sort of messiah is coming and it's an interesting uh thing that's kind of been brought to light especially with ahmadinejad of um iran uh he you know it's gonna be interesting to see who's the president of iran but akhman ajad holds to the shiite islamic view of the way the end of the world is going to happen that's the president of iran believes in the shiite eschatology you say well what does this mean listen to this ahmadinejad declared this on november 11 2005. he says and i quote we have no pardon me we have to turn iran into a modern and divine country to be a model for all nations and will which will also serve as the basis for the return of the 12th imam the 12th imam that's something that you should probably know about the 12th imam that's what the shiites call him the sunnis call him the al-mahdi or the mahdi but basically it's that they believe that sky's coming and will do a bunch of things what will this mahdi do um islam's primary awaited savior that's what islam uh eschatology believes they believe he's going to be a descendant of muhammad khalif and imam of muslims worldwide that's what they believe unparalleled political and military and religious as a world leader they believe this mahdi will be they also believe that he will be revealed after a period of great suffering and turmoil on earth now this is important for you to know what's that they believe the mahdi the return of their messiah if you would they believe that it's only going to happen after great turmoil and bloodshed on the earth is it wrong for the united states or israel to be concerned that this leader is this close to having nuclear weapons you say but yeah but the pakistanis or israel or others have even india and there's people who have nuclear weapons today yeah but none of them believe it's their sole purpose on this world to bring mass bloodshed and chaos it's ahmadinejad who believes that he alone he's been quoted as saying he is the one who's going to usher in the 12th imam or the mahdi so that's why we should be a little concerned about ah john uh and the iranians uh getting this this certain kind of weaponry i'm not making this up you can check this out he uh he even believed that when he spoke before the un he started to glow because the the imam was shining through him and what have you and even said this stuff um so the now you have to understand this islamic republic of iran was established in 1979 by ayatollah khomeini um and their whole end times belief is a construct based on the the twelfth imam uh now listen over two million um iranians believe the khomeini was the twelfth imam or the expected one but he declared that he came only to prepare the way he sort of the ayatollah khomeini said that he was sort of the john the baptist the one who prepared the way for the 12th imam article 5 of the constitution of the islamic republic of iran proclaims that the basis for the government is the authority of the 12th imam do you understand this is in their constitution this is stuff most americans don't know or think about ninety percent of the population of iran sixty percent of the population of iraq belong to the group of shia known as the twelvers or the ones who await for this twelfth imam but this figure is the awaited savior he's the last legitimate guy in line of muhammad the 12th mom disappeared they believe as a youth in ad878 this little boy falling in a cave or a well at the mosque of samara in iraq they believe he's going to come out of this well it's just a kind of a strange deal you say brett why are you telling us about this well when you start to compare what what they believe about this it becomes pretty crazy um in fact i i probably don't have time to go into all this tonight but um the the biblical antichrist um is a guy that's this coming world leader who's unparalleled in political military and religious uh leadership that that the bible says will emerge in last days in the islamic end times thing the mahdi is unparalleled in political military and religious leadership in the last days in the bible the false prophet we're going to study that when we get later into the book of revelation is a secondary prominent figure that will emerge in the last days who will support antichrist right he doesn't know about the false prophet we're going to study about him later in islam the muslim version of jesus is the secondary prominent figure that will emerge in the last days to support the mahdi okay so there's some interesting parallel uh and i can go on the bible the antichrist and the false prophet will have a powerful army the mahdi and the muslim jesus will have a powerful army that will attempt to control every nation and dominate the world and eventually turn the whole world over to islam uh the false prophet is described essentially as the dragons a dragon in a lamb's clothing in the bible in islam the muslim jesus literally becomes bearing the name of the one that the world knows as the lamb of god jesus christ that's what the muslims believe yet the muslim jesus comes to murder all of those who do not submit to islam there are some great books that have been written by this and i can't think of the names of any of them off the top of my head but you can this is not new this is just uh stuff that people don't really talk about that much and i could go on and on i've only talked about three or four of those that i've got about 50. but uh the parallels you say brett that's weird no that's satan he's a duplicator he's an imitator and he he's a deceiver and i believe it shouldn't shock us when um satan seems to sort of duplicate things by the way when you're in college you college students they'll probably have you read uh you know the epic of gilgamesh and other books and works now you say what does that have to do with anything well here's the thing in the epic of gilbert which by the way is older than the bible it predates the bible and in the epic of gilgamesh you'll see a garden and you'll see a husband and a wife and you'll see a worldwide flood uh and it's this really by the way it's kind of this grotesque uh twisted story that has some similarities to the biblical account of the beginning adam and eve and the worldwide flood so your college professors will say see the bible just borrowed from stories that were more ancient than the bible itself and they used that as proof positive that the bible is just borrowed information now what's interesting to me is you could use the same line of reasoning saying that maybe the bible got it right and the epic of gilgamesh was orally passed down as was all those stories oral tradition passed down through the generations to where when moses writes the first five books of the bible he writes the account that perhaps was true the point is i wouldn't use gilgamesh to prove the bible right but you cannot use it to prove the bible wrong in fact you might even be able to use it to say maybe there really was a worldwide flood maybe there really was a creation with uh adam and eve but their logic is flawed to say see it proves the bible wrong what i believe is satan will do that remember i told you about semoramus and tammuz and this mother of god queen mother who had a son and the whole resurrection and all that stuff remember that whole story of ancient babylonian paganism it was another attempt at duplicating what would ultimately happen uh in the person in the work of jesus christ so bill maher mr smug atheist will love to talk about stories that sort of were written in history that are similar to jesus and mary and joseph and as i see the bible just borrowed you'll hear those kinds of things what that does for me is it just shows that wow the bible was was the one that actually got it right well how do you know that because when you read those other stories by these other authors and ancient books and stuff they're they're uh they lack authenticity and they're very goofy if you read them they're like uh kind of horrible stories when you read the bible you've got this book that was written by 44 different authors over a 1500 year period three language hebrew greek and aramaic you've got this book that has withstood thousands of years of scrutiny and yet there's not one contradiction in the book these other books are full of contradictions and they're goofy stories that don't hold up and they even as they're written don't even really try to make it sound like it's even true the bible is this integrated information system that has the fingerprint of god on it and that's why the bible continues to be the best seller many of you don't even some of you have never even heard of epic of gilgamesh why because it's stupid i've read it it's it's it's i had to read it for a grade in college but it's it's a horrible story when you read the bible what you find is this radical truth that has withstood millennia of scrutiny and it continues to be the best seller wow again way off course where were we oh yes satan duplicating you see this is none other in chapter six verse one and two this rider on the white horse i believe is none other than this coming world leader who's the poser the one that wants to be sort of perceived as the messiah now whether the muslim mahdi is this guy or not i have no idea i wouldn't die on that battlefield but it is interesting that the muslims are expecting a world leader that's going to come i don't know that's just an interesting it goes in the interesting category but we know this guy's going to come riding a white horse he's wearing a crown it says on his head a crown was given to him but the crown there is stefanos remember the difference he's wearing a stephanos chapter 19 is wearing a several diadema which is a plural of diadem or godly crown kingly crown out of jesus's weaponry what does jesus come with a sword what's this guy come with a bow i think it's interesting he doesn't have arrows just it says he's just got a bow uh and um uh so he comes and he goes forth to conquer and conquering is this coming world leader gonna be into conquering uh listen to this jot this down in your notes i was gonna spend a little more time on this but i'm gonna just read it really fast daniel chapter 11 speaks of the antichrist and listen to one of the things it says about him but in his estate this antichrist this coming world leader in his state he shall honor the god of forces the hebrew word can also be translated as munitions he will honor the god of munitious munitions and a god whom his fathers knew not he shall honor with gold silver with precious stones and pleasant things what's he going to do this coming world leader is going to be so into weapons and conquering and military this isn't the only place there's a lot of places where this coming world leader will come to conquer and he's going to be worshiping uh at the altar of military and weaponry now you say okay brett uh i don't know if i understand how that's going to come out well you got to understand in the first three and a half years he's going to be perceived as mr peaceful he'll probably win the nobel peace prize in fact i have a theory and a lot of other guys do too that he's going to make a peace treaty between the arab israeli conflict and maybe such that the israelis might be able to even build their temple in jerusalem again and it might just be brokered by this coming world leader there's evidence in daniel chapter 9 that this could happen but this world leader he's going to come as a peace guy but he's going to really worship at the god of military and when he steps up in the middle of the tribulation that event called the abomination of desolation then uh it's going to get real bad and he's going to make war with anybody who doesn't like him and it's going to get bloody uh we're going to see that as we get into the um the rest of the book so this guy's got a bow in his hand coming forth to conquer this is i believe this coming world leader antichrist i believe the antichrist will be revealed as not antichrist or a guy in a black cape going like that but i believe as soon as the rapture of the church happens then there's going to be this political figure that will rise up right at the beginning of the tribulation that's what i believe is going to happen and it's with the opening of this first seal so seal number one antichrist seal number two we see that in verse three when he had opened the second seal i heard the second beast say come and and there went out another horse that was red and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth and that they should kill one another and it was given unto him a great sword uh horse number two is the horse of war warfare according to this uh during the tribulation there'll be warfare now by the way uh some people say that the tribulation is going to be not so bad the first three and a half years it's going to be horrible at the end i would partially agree it is going to be horrible and it's going to be the worst of the of the bad things are going to be at the last three and a half years but i would suggest that the first three and a half years are not going to be a picnic i believe that it's very possible that these opening of these seals are included perhaps even on the first three and a half years of what's going on in those times some of the good people that i know who are very similar in belief the way this is all going to come down one of the closest views to pre-trib is probably pre-wrath and i understand it's it's a logical theory really but um one of the reasons i don't believe in a pre-wrath rapture that is before the wrath really comes down at the end of the three and a half years is because uh the order of the this book right out of the gate when that first seal is open you got antichrist coming and then you also have this red horse of warfare being unleashed where war is going to fill the earth and it's not that hard to picture i mean even in our lifetimes many of you guys remember vietnam some people in this room are old enough to remember world war ii but i'll tell you we know it can happen right i mean we know the world can get into some real horrible time of war that's going to happen according to the bible and the tribulation period and that's represented by this red horse the third horse verse five when i when when he had opened the third seal i heard the third beast say come and see and i beheld and lo a black horse and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand and i heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine um now you say okay brett sounds like uh man food's gonna you can get it out of steel get just for a penny but but that that's a problem in the translation we say penny um but uh the the the greek word there is denarii or denarius and uh you got to understand inflation and all that but the denarius in the time that john wrote this the word that's used there was equal to a day's wage okay so uh you could even write in there if you're a bible writer or a notetaker uh so what are you gonna buy for a day's wage you'll get a measure which is a small little bit of wheat a small so so what's the idea famine and maybe even you could talk about uh inflation and financial uh ruin and what have you uh because a day's wage you'll only be able to buy can you imagine uh if you work for a day what's your daily salary of the job you hold and all you get for that whole day of working is you go off to uh you know thriftway here in wilsonville and they give you just a little cup of flour that's what you get for your day's work that's the kind of inflation that is is going to be during the time of the tribulation now um you've heard the old song a piece of bread will buy a bag of gold that's that's the idea that's where this comes from is this inflation and and perhaps even famine that's in the land uh interesting by the way um we might even see some of this inflation and famine and financial ruin uh before the tribulation um america is the only country in the world that doesn't have to pay for its imports in foreign currency we get to use the american dollar and because we've been able to do that we have become even more wealthy when we buy gas from the middle east for example our oil we pay in american dollars the day that stops it's going to change a lot do you understand that if we have to pay in foreign currency there's an exchange rate that we have to pay that we don't pay right now because sort of the american dollar has been the financial uh stable unit of money that the international society has recognized but as the dollar decreases the world is saying we don't like this american dollar anymore so the value of our dollar is uh spiraling and we've seen that for the past 30 years um and so what have we done what we've done to answer the problem is we've been printing trillions of dollars that are empty dollars in fact since march of 2009 uh america has been just printing money uh like like crazy and because of that the world in fact there was a secret meeting that became not so secret between china russia and france do you guys remember this meeting that took place a couple years ago and basically they were saying how can we have the american dollar no longer be the money monetary unit used and they want to replace the dollar with another unit of money when that happens i think that in america we're going to have to rethink just about everything the way we spend money and all that stuff we america owes more money than any other country in the world we're hugely in debt by trillions of dollars um the the problem is uh the creditors might a uh completely stop accepting dollars as repayment uh or b greatly discount the value of the american dollars uh when we're trying to pay back our debts uh that could cause huge uh financial or economic problems i mean just look at greece and some of these other countries that are going down right now as we speak there's many that are worried that some of these nations were watching go down financially that america's next and when america goes a lot of the world will be in big trouble as well the exchange value of the dollar fell about 11 in the last seven months of 2010 but its uh rate is declining since then and even accelerating that's the sad truth um gold continues to go way up it seems i know it's kind of fluttered it seems like recently but that's an amazing thing gold has gone up because really um we're seeing the dollar devalued while gold goes up and that's that's an interesting thing that the bible does refer to here that silver and gold will be part of the deal in this thing um but we could talk about oil prices and even cotton and the inflation and all that stuff we're seeing some of that happen even right now it's going to be interesting to see if the rapture of the church happens before or if some of us will have to see our nation just totally lose it economically um there's a lot of people that are very concerned about where we are experts are all saying we're in big trouble but we'll see we'll see but during the tribulation that's going to for sure be a problem when it says don't hurt the oil and the wine at the end of verse 6 people wonder what does that mean but oil and wine in that time of the first century when john wrote this it was sort of synonymous with the rich and the wealthy so some people argue that it'll be a great gulf between those who are wealthy and those who are in poverty we'll see that gap even get further during that tribulation time and then that brings us to the fourth seal cracked open the first seal was antichrist white horse second seal broken was a red horse the symbol was war the third seal broken would be famine perhaps inflation economic ruin uh by the uh the black horse but the fourth seal verse seven when he had opened the fourth seal i heard the voice of the fourth beast say come and see and i looked and behold a pale horse the word pale there is an interesting word the greek word there's cloros which if you can picture the kind of the remember when you're a kid when you uh you blonde-haired people when you go swimming in a in a pool and your hair turned sort of a greenish color that's the color we're talking about uh bleached out greenish yellowish colored that's that's the word cloros from the greek so it's kind of a greenish palish green color uh i actually went fishing a few quite a few years ago with some ancient creek guys we all went out open sea you know and we're on this boat it was really rough seas that day and i i'd never been on a boat like that and i only remember seeing seasickness on the cartoons remember that the guys would turn green and i thought that's funny but uh that never happens people really turn green when they get seasick uh it's true uh i remember jeff young was walking around with this uh tuna fish sandwich or something and these guys were on the boat just look all sick and he'd walk up here what about my sandwich and he's like letting it kind of fall out of his mouth and he's like hey and they're like yeah they go throw up over there and then all the fish would come and the guys would fit anyway that's the whole one but but i i couldn't believe it seasick green man that's a real color it is a real color that's the color of this horse sorry i shouldn't uh so he opens up the four seals sees the pale horse and his name that sat on him was death and hell followed with him his name was death and hell was following after him and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword with hunger that's famine and with death and with the beasts of the earth what's this all about well it's just simply death death the the horse of death um so when it says that power was given to him over the fourth part of the earth it would seem that this horseman will bring death to one-fourth of the earth's population so here's the problem again if you're a pre-wrather or mid-tribber we're going to be protected the lord will keep us safe in that first part but man what a horrible thing to see one-fourth of the earth dying if you were to go through that time i believe we are not appointed under wrath wherefore it says there in first thessalonians comfort one another with these words this is not comforting if you have to go through this none of this is does anybody feel great about this that's going to be awesome man i hope i'm in the tribulation so far we haven't even we're not even halfway through the first chapter of chapter 6 through 19. it's going to get way worse and i i don't feel any comfort when i read this i'm just glad that we're that christ is going to come and pull his people out before the wrath comes down but death in hell how are people going to die with the edge of the sword that'd be warfare with famine and with the beasts of the earth the word beast there is thereon in the greek and it can be an animal you know what are lions and tigers and bears going to come after us in the tribulation no it could be a beast of any size or shape the point is it could even be microorganisms some believe that pestilence or disease is the reference here that many will die of disease over all the earth grim stuff to say the least well uh now let's go to the fifth seal verse nine and when uh he had opened the fifth seal by the way that's the end of the horseman uh you got the four horsemen of the apocalypse antichrist number one um we've got uh warfare number two famine number three and death number four pepe topics for wednesday night well verse nine he opened up the fifth seal i saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of god for the testimony which they held the word testimony there's marturia where we get our word martyr so these guys these guys are martyred because they uh have the testimony of the word of god and they cried with a loud voice verse 10 saying how long oh lord holy and true does not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell upon the earth and white robes were given unto every one of them and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season until their fellow servants also and their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled i thought we were raptured bret but you you see people in white robes here in the tribulation this this shouldn't bring confusion because as we've said before this is something that's huge i believe during the tribulation period there's going to be a massive repentance and tons of people who accept christ and believe during the tribulation and there's going to be a waiting for them they're going to be how long will these people have to go through this time of tribulation you see we're going to call them tribulation saints there's a difference the tribulation saint is a person who was not a christian and didn't believe in christ before the rapture of the church however there's going to be evidences we're going to see of the jews first and foremost repenting and seeing that jesus really is the messiah but there will also be gentiles during the tribulation we'll accept and believe in christ but what's going to happen well we already read that in verse 11 that they will be killed as they were that that will be the fulfilling of their deal they're going to be killed for their faith in the tribulation period we're even going to see how they're going to be killed later on in the book so you say brett cool this is great i don't have to believe in all this stuff i don't need to believe in jesus and if the rapture of the church happens uh and you guys all disappeared i come to aether creek and there's only four or five of you guys here left behind then we will all repent and believe in jesus praise the lord but until then i don't want to believe because i don't have any this will be proof here's the thing about that problem there's a bunch of problems with that one what if you are on your way home tonight and you get run over by a semi truck and you die then it'll be too late if you wait uh until the after the rapture of the church and you're left behind then the bible says you're gonna die for that in a brutal way there's going to come up this world leader is going to make war according to the bible against anyone who doesn't believe in him as god or worship him as god and will reject him then they will be killed brutally martyred as it says right here so why not be a christian now when it's easy then try to defer until later when it's going to cost you everything to be a christian i think that's a poor plan it's better to follow jesus right now i think uh so this um this fifth seal is persecution of the tribulation saints those that would believe uh and come to christ during the tribulation we'll see more of them as we get into the the rest of the book you'll never see them called the church by the way from this point on you will never see them called the church they're only called believers of the or or tribulation saints or those that believe in the word of god verse 12 i beheld almost done when he had opened the sixth field and lo there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood and the stars of heaven fell into the earth even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind and the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together and every mountain and island were moved out of their places now we don't really know for sure what this is however it sounds pretty bad to me wouldn't you agree there's going to be earthquakes a great earthquake you know we talk about the big one there's going to be a big one here in portland someday and people get all freaked out the big one uh we're going to fall off the edge of the united states with the san andreas fault and then all the way up here into portland we're going to end up in the ocean um but according to the bible there will come a big one and and what's it gonna be uh caused by well there's some just some thoughts that's all they are but did you see as uh if you shake a fig tree in a wind when when a fig tree drops or figs early because the wind shook the tree it says so will the stars of heaven or the the idea of stars from heaven it doesn't really literally mean stars as much as when you look in the original text you can almost say coming from the sky objects the idea is could it be a meteor uh that would hit the earth did you know just last week we had a how big was that meteor two miles no five miles wide does anybody remember it missed us by only a few million miles i mean it was close call you say but but brett well we do observe these these uh asteroids and whatever you're flying by the earth and and um you know in that kind of study you know a hundred thousand miles for a small meteor it makes people kind of a little nervous but could it be like all the movies uh there would be one that hits the earth during this time where it says that the earth will quake hugely the moon will turn dark as blood the the the sun's blackened but the stars of heaven fall to the earth even as a fig castor untimely figs and she will be shaken of a mighty wind and the heavens depart as a scroll rolled together in every mountain and island man maui don't don't be in maui if we get raptured don't move to maui because it says uh the islands will be moved out of their place uh that's that's gonna be bad news the idea this this uh sixth seal of seven uh the idea is uh uh earthquake or cataclysmic event that will cause great destruction on the earth even mountains will tumble and islands will disappear uh sounds like a movie but um the bible says it's going to happen so you say okay great so let's get to that seventh seal well that seventh seal is not going to be opened till chapter eight we're going to see sort of a parenthetical chapter in chapter 7 that sort of tells the narrative but sort of takes a break from that we're going to see what kind of a break it is um i told you that the book of revelation is unfolded chronologically but what you have to be careful of in chapters 6 through 19 it's all about the tribulation period but it's almost like two people on a phone telling the story of something that's going to unfold but once in a while talking taking a break and talking about the whole time period and then going back into the chronological thing we're gonna see in several of the chapters sort of a breaking of that in fact um the seals in chapter six then we're gonna see the seventh seal open and it's gonna break up in a whole new can of worms the the seven trumpets that are judgments but on the final seventh trumpet we're going to see seven bowls of wrath that are going to be poured out so there's a lot more of this bad stuff coming um and um and the idea is uh this conversation is of about the tribulation but they start to um spotlight certain events or uh or uh more overarching themes of the whole tribulation like we're gonna see in chapter seven so there's gonna be a parenthetical break in seven then we're going to open the seventh seal in verse eight chapter eight verse one and so verse 15 we looked at on sunday and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains the mighty men every bond man every free man hid themselves in the dens and the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath has come and who shall be able to stand i believe this first uh part of this chapter six is really just telling us what's going to start to happen in the tribulation period it's going to kick off with these events that's what that's my persuasion some people say no the the the first six seals are what's going to happen through the tribulation through the whole tribulation but the problem is there's a very chronological view of when the seventh seal is open then a whole nother can of worms is unfolded we'll see those trumpets and then after that the bowls will be poured out i believe there's a chronology that we need to look for in the way it's all going to unfold so so the first part of the tribulation is not going to be a cakewalk that's the point chapter six is a scary time you say brett doom and gloom man you keep talking about all this stuff how great it is but it sounds pretty bad to me but with the backdrop that we've just seen of death and war and famine and economic collapse and uh all that stuff what that should do is a make you really glad you're saved make you really happy that you're not appointed unto this wrath that will be poured out on a christ-rejecting sinful world we are not appointed to that wrath but number two or b i should say uh we should be radically sharing the lord jesus with people uh because i mean i want to see family members and friends go through this time period i think it's the study of end times should light a fire under us to go into all of portland and preach the gospel or to go into all the world and preach the gospel this isn't something to mess around with i believe this is true and it's coming it might seem like fantasy but uh according to the bible it's going to happen and the bible has been right every time in prophecy it's just that this is a radical prophecy i hope that we're ready to be raptured and i hope we've done our best when the rapture of the church comes up we've done our best to share the truth of jesus the love of christ so that people won't go through that wrath so it is something to look forward to the rapture of the church before that wrath comes down well that leaves so bad man the tribulation's horrible yes but then there'll be people saved even in the tribulation then the second coming of christ where he's going to take all the wrongs and make them right after the tribulation then the lord is going to come and rule and reign so it really will excuse me end happily ever after ultimately but before that a lot of bad stuff and we're going to be there for weeks congratulations book of revelation let's pray lord we thank you once again lord for your word even though this is a dark chapter and there's a lot of gloom and doom we do know that um that we have the joy of our salvation that you save uh people who aren't even worthy to be saved and you you pull us up out of trouble and you don't destroy the righteous with the wicked and we thank you for that but at the same time we want to be about just the good news of the gospel that you died on the cross for our sins that we are not appointed to wrath but to obtain salvation through your son jesus we thank you for that lord and and i pray that you would save many i pray you'd use this church in portland to be a light the lord people would turn to your word and turn to the truth and really repent from their sins that they might walk in your truth lord we've found that to walk with you is the best way anyway you give us so much peace and joy and life abundantly even now lord we just see that it's the way to go so we pray that we'd be bold and able to share the truth with those around us bless these folks who've come out on a wednesday night to study this challenging chapter lord i pray that we'd be encouraged and blessed like revelation 1 says that those who um are able to hear the words of this book and to keep the words that are written therein lord that we'll be blessed we look forward to that blessing that will come from this study tonight so we pray these things knowing you've heard our prayer now in jesus name amen
Channel: Lean-into-God
Views: 160
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: nf4v6YBwShM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 34sec (4534 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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