016 m1-647 Revelation 4:5-11 05-22-2013

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tonight Revelation chapter 4 here's a question does God speak through the weather now it's interesting because people ask about that on the news and all the blogs are lighting up you know and what is God doing and why did Oklahoma have a tornado that was so deadly along with the other tornadoes in 1999 there was a tornado in that same area that hit that town of Moore Oklahoma and just this past week so devastating it's so tragic and our hearts go out to those folks for sure and we pray for them and and and we also you know know that the Lord can use all things in our lives whether it be a tornado or a raise or a job promotion or a death in the family or a birth in the family so the Lord can use all things his voice the Bible says this is the sound of many waters and it comes in different forms and Sandri times in various ways the Bible teaches us that the Lord does use really many things to speak to us and if you don't believe God uses the weather remember the Lord never changes he never changes did the Lord use the weather well what about a flood did he ever use a flood to speak to humanity well more than just speak the flood of the book of Genesis is an obvious weather event that took place that in fact God spoke loud and clear and the rainbow itself is a sign from God that he would never flood the earth entirely like that ever again so for a rainbow to take place it takes rain God speaks through the rain so we at Portland should hear the Lord all the time all the time and-and-and-and you know we could go on and on about weather events and how God used those things even Jonah the Lord used the the storm there to drive Noah God said go to Nineveh and when God said go Jonah said no and he went the opposite direction and he got in the ship and started to sail the opposite direction away from the assyrian city of Nineveh where he was supposed to go and beefed the word of repentance to that city but he goes the opposite way the Lord sends a massive storm so much so that the sailors there were thinking man what's what's going on why are we in big trouble even the non-believing pagan sailors are saying there must be something that has happened that has made God really mad and they you know there's there's times in the Bible even where Paul the Apostle or if it's Jonah or Paul where sailors said God is mad so let's draw some you know straws or you know cast lots about who's the guilty party and stuff like that it all throughout history we see people seeing that God uses the weather now let me just say there is a difference between using the weather and and sending the weather and I think there is a little bit difference in that God can send weather but at the same time I think God gets perhaps blamed for things that he shouldn't if God is love then why would people die in a tornado in Oklahoma well tornadoes are deadly you say but Brentwood what about God well you gotta remember before humanity sinned before we sold out to sin and if you think Adam and Eve were the guilty party we joined them real quickly the day you were born you added to the sins on the earth and because of the sin and the fallen state of man and the fallen state of the earth we see deadly things it's really according to the Bible the fallen state of man and the fallen state of this earth and because of our sin and the Bible the Lord tried to warn humanity the day you eat of that fruit you will surely die well she didn't die she didn't die she ate the fruit and then Adam ate some of the fruit and they lived oh but death man death was ushered in a death that it really would go on really eternity because the wages of sin is really death and so when we see these cataclysmic events that your insurance company will call an act of God well you might even call it an act of man or even maybe an act of Satan himself Lucifer was there in the garden who enticed Adam and Eve to eat of the fruit but when God gets all the blame remember God created the heavens and the earth with humanity in a beautiful place the Garden of Eden things were perhaps even in a sort of tropical perfect setting but when man sinned according the Bible we assured sin and death into the world by our own sovereign free will in so doing we brought it upon ourselves really now I don't believe God is judging the people of Oklahoma specifically you'll hear sometimes pastors say that and I understand maybe you saw a May 15th of this you know a week ago did you see that the Oklahoma schools school board system voted to remove all the ten commandments of all their schools and most of the schools in Oklahoma had the Ten Commandments on the wall and that was the 15th so just days later they have a couple tornadoes in a row they even had did you see the hailstorm that took place in Oklahoma one of the hail storms produced a football sized and shaped hail that hit the hit the ground there so some people saying see God is judging the Oklahomans for removing the well what about Portland if you're gonna judge Oklahoma shouldn't Portland be like way up even higher than the Oklahoma list of things to do for God we are a sinful wicked city that's just the truth of the matter how sinful how wicked oh man Oregon often times sad to say leads the way you know we are the most unchurched city along with Seattle we contend with Seattle for the least churched people in America did you know that we also Portland hold the record of the worst human trafficking in in the in the nation not only that maybe you saw this this came out a few years ago heartbreaker for me if you ask me Oregon Supreme Court ruled very quietly quietly not too many people heard this but the Oregon Supreme Court rules that simply viewing child pornography on the internet isn't illegal and January 6 of 2011 The Oregonian McClatchy wrote this whole story the Oregon Supreme Court ruled today that is not a crime to look at child pornography while surfing Internet if none of the images are purposefully downloaded printed or paid for like one of those things actually makes it okay or wrong whether you pay for it or whatever the high court said that while some states have specifically outlawed viewing child pornography Oregon lawmakers only did so if someone pays for it what's more the court ruled that simply looking at photos on a website does not mean the person actually possessed the photos now you know the story goes on the court's ruling by the way stems from a 2008 case in which Barry Lowell Barr Jers wife told police that there were some quote weird unquote material on the couple's home computer police were already investigating a report that Barger had sexually abused a child Barger who's now 39 was convinced of eight counts of second-degree encouraging a child's into sexual abuse he was sentenced in Lane County Circuit Court to 16 months in prison which was to run at the same time as a 25 year prison sentence that he received for sexually abusing two children who were younger than 12 the Oregon Court of Appeals affirmed the lower court's ruling today the Supreme Court this is back in 2011 the Supreme Court reversed those decisions and instruction the curt of the circuit joint court to a quick Barger of the pornography charges Barger still remains in private prison but however for sexually abusing the two children so he went to prison for sexually abusing but he's okay on the child pornography charges and the weird stuff that was on their home computer I hate to be right about these things but I told you it's where things are going now child pornography in the state of Oregon is no longer considered just viewing it considered illegal I think it's a horrific and and sad state that we live in really when we start saying that that's going to be okay so the question is why doesn't God send lightnings and thunderings and tornadoes and earthquakes to Portland well see the the the question is did God judge Oklahoma but what I believe those things maybe should do is remind us that men there is in fact weather events that are promised that are coming and we know for sure they're gonna be parts of God's wrath and his judgment you can't say for sure why Oklahoma gets hit or why the city of Moore Oklahoma gets gets hit you can't say that we don't know how do you really know what what God is allowing and what God actually has done or what just the fall of man and the sinfulness of man and sate we don't really know for sure and for people to speculate I say this is why the tornado hit in Oklahoma they they're really perhaps I believe arrogant to try to say they even know but one thing we do know is the Lord's gonna send cataclysmic events when He pours out his wrath on a christ-rejecting sinful world see there's this false dilemma people say well if God is love then why won't he why will he allow people to die well you got to understand God is love but for him to be love there also has to be righteousness and even wrath we live in a mamby-pamby society that says oh just let your kids express themselves let the little rascals do what they're gonna do and and really wrong is right and right is wrong and we kind of you know kept those those weirdo sentiments from the 60s when really I'm glad that I had parents that said there's right and there's wrong and if you commit wrong you're gonna feel our wrath my dad showed me keep in mind my dad never raised his voice at me never yelled and screamed never cussed at me none of that stuff but his wrath was Brett it's time to go to your room and I'll be there in a few minutes that was my dad's wrath and it would come he said well go into your room that's not the words like no it's when he came with the paddle and never angry never in furor if you're spanking your children by the way because you're furious and out of control then that's sin and that's abuse but the Bible says the the mom or the dad who really spares the the rod or the paddle spoils their child he who spares the rod hates his son hates his son I just love my kids so much that I'm just not gonna spank him Brett why do you talk like that well that's the kind of person that you know so it's the person that just lets that precious little angels and and you know what's so sad about that we are mamby-pamby our way to stupidity we are being so weeks fined as parents and our kids need to have good clear direction because listen now a lot of people have grown up since the 60s to not respect any authority and not to believe there's any such thing as right and wrong Bible says God is gonna come and judge righteously before he does that however he has given every person on the planet a loving invitation to repent to acknowledge their own sin to come to him and confess and say I'm a sinner and I need salvation and the Lord is there the only time you see God pictured in a hurry in the entire pages of all the Bible is when God comes to a repentant person who says I'm a sinner and I want to come back to you so only time you see God in a hurry every other time the Lord has just seated upon the throne righteously judging but does the Lord use the weather to judge the answer is yes and in the end times jesus said the signs of his coming would include weather events earthquakes in diverse places what's interesting by the way all the different stories that come out of these things like the tornado in Oklahoma did you see the the the the story of a little old gal there that was literally buried in her houses rubble and she and her little dog were there hiding out and the house came down on top of her and and she lost her dog and and the dog was gone everything blew around she and she kind of came to and and unburied herself out of the rubble of her house and stood up and was standing there well the news cast lady came and was interviewing this little old gal and and she's talking about yeah my little dogs gone probably buried under this pile here and and she was talking to just got almost heartbreaking the whole things aren't breaking you know this poor gals all banged up and bruised up and bloodied and you know probably I'm thinking in her 80s perhaps and and then all sudden the newsroom wait and you you see the camera kind of panned down not like six feet away from her feet there's a pile of rubble and you see a little movement and it's they're a little dog under there trying to get out pinched under this and she just breaks out into tears oh thank you lord thank you Lord and she reaches down and picks up her little dog and it's it's just news stuff that you're saying wow that's amazing but but did you see the one where the the Bible was found this is a great one I like this one there was this one guy that came to help his family clean up the mess but a Bible is found among the Oklahoma tornado debris and these people returned it to the owner ironically the Bible was found laying open just in the pile of rubble it was very obvious easy to see with its white pages standing out and in the rubble but it was open to the Isaiah chapter 32 verse 2 which says this it says a man will be as a hiding place from the wind and a cover from The Tempest interesting I don't know people say I'm gonna hear from God so they flip through their Bible go and hang myself oh no there are scriptures like that I don't know about the whole you know spontaneously flipping to a passage hoping hear from God but it goes in the interesting category that they found a Bible open to Isaiah I think that's great Isaiah 30 32 to that contains some some also other my favorite scriptures right after it says it says the man shall be as a hiding place from the wind a covert from the tempest as the rivers of water in dry places as a shadow of a great lock in the weary land and it goes on the vile person so no more be called liberal what's so funny I just read the Bible here nor the churro be said to the bountiful eye not on it goes it's an interesting passage but that's where their Bible now you say Brett that's just coincidence maybe maybe it was God Owens but it is interesting because it's during these types of events weather events where people start saying man we just think Jesus have you heard how many people say that stuff when their house is blown to bits they'll say oh man we're just thankful to the Lord and and it's amazing how much to the Lord well we're at Wolf Blitzer who's not exactly a godly Christian there or whatever you know what I mean I think he's I don't know what he is but if you listen to long enough mr. CNN he's hasn't been too friendly toward Christianity to say the least but even at this he's standing in the rubble interviewing this one lady and the lady tells him the whole story and she's holding her son there and it's a big long interview but when you see it he kind of started wrap it up and she's just oh man I'm just so so happy to be alive and all this stuff and he says well Dee you must really be thankful to the Lord and I was like wow Wolf Blitzer said something like and she she kind of awkwardly sort of kind of looks down and sort of chuckles and there's kind of this awkward silence this is I'm I'm an atheist and and he very awkwardly oh well good you made a good choice and he kind of tried to change the subject it wasn't really extremely awkward you know the whole thing and it's extremely sad it's sad to me the world but one of the things that cataclysmic events and weather events have done in times past has made people to turn to the Lord that's why I think Wolfe made that mistake he would have thought here's a lady who barely lived through this thing almost died she was seconds away from being killed in her house and somehow she was safe you must be thankful to God but she wasn't because she was an atheist both things kind of sad really so what does that have to do with tonight's Eddie does God speak through the weather well where did we leave off chapter 4 verse 5 it says in chapter 4 verse 5 and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices interesting where we left off is kind of where we left off in the world with lightnings thunderings and tornadoes we'll add that one too but does the Lord speak through weather events well right here when you get to have it if you don't want to be a tourist when you get to heaven one of the things you're going to look for is the lightnings and thunderings that will proceed out of the throne it does not say like or as remember when you're reading the book of Revelation I believe it's rewarding to to take the things that are literally said and take them literally but when the words like or as metaphorically or simile we can we can there's certain things we can kind of realize that are a figurative language but I believe that there's going to be literal lightnings and thunderings from the throne when you get to heaven I remember as a little kid when it started the lightning and thunder and where I'm from in Southern Oregon the lightning and thunder is much much more dramatic than anything I've ever seen up here in Portland it's amazing I'll just you know 270 miles makes a difference but it is the big storms down there and I remember you know everybody kind of panicked because there'd always be forest fires down there anybody be afraid their house would get struck by lightning but my mom would console us as children all God's just moving his furniture around up in heaven how'd you hear that like man he needs you some other movers lifts lifts don't drag you know it's like come on but but it's pretty impressive when you you know I've been in some lightning and thunderstorms that are almost oppressive ly crazy if you've been in certain places around even our country tad and I were in Vanuatu one time down in the South Pacific where I've never seen such lightening and thunder in fact right near where we were a palm tree got struck by lightning blew off the whole top of the palm tree which is pretty large and it hit a group of people standing nearby and I believe killed a couple people it was scary stuff lightning thunder it's scary but around the throne proceeds lightning and thunder ease and the thing is I believe God the lightning and thunder does imply perhaps even judgment itself another time in scripture where we see lightnings and thunderings proceeding out of God's presence is Exodus chapter 20 where we've received the law of God and the law of Moses there as Moses came down from Mount Sinai remember the people and that since chapter 20 they said Moses don't make us go up to the mountain you go up to the mountain you hear from God we're gonna go the opposite direction because we were afraid we're gonna die and so Moses goes up and he goes into that mountain where there was lightnings and thunderings what's the difference between Moses and the people Moses I believe he heard the lightning and the thundering but I believe Moses was one who believed that God had a purpose and a plan for his life and so he wasn't afraid to go up and hear from God even if it was lightning and thundering he knew that that would be better in the God whatever God wanted to have happen that would happen it was the people said oh well we might die they needed to die in fact that generation would eventually die off before they could go into the Promised Land it's an interesting thing that they'd say lest we die we're not going to go up to that mountain exodus chapter 20 but God speaks through lightnings and thunderings and oftentimes that implies judgment even as though the law was given and the law is that which shows us that we fall short and that were all sinners but the law according to Galatians as a schoolmaster to drive us to Jesus Christ Jesus is the one who is gracious and kind and and he forgives our sins and how grateful I am that we have that nature of God he's gracious and compassionate but he's still gonna speak through lightnings and thunderings don't be mistaken on that well I never hear from God I never hear his voice and all the while your Bible sits on your nightstand well I don't hear the way you know it's like the Word of God is is is right here and he speaks through his word sometimes even strong harsh words we get from the Word of God but we also can hear I think from the Lord even not only in his log us or logos as we call here and the word but also in his Rhema the word that is spoken to us specifically I think Lord still speaks to our hearts and he can guide us in our lives but all that to say when you get to heaven this heavenly scene that we began to look at last week we see from the throne the lightnings and thunderings and voices from the throne now last week if you were with us we saw that chapter four begins a kind of a new section we know that the book of Revelation is an easy book to read and to understand if you simply just follow that god given the fine divine god-given outline of Revelation chapter 1 verse 19 where it says John I want you to write the things which thou have seen the things which are and the things which shall be Hereafter and he does just that he writes the things which he has seen past tense up to that point in Revelation he'd seen a glorious vision of Jesus and that's what we see in Chapter 1 he wrote the things which he had seen Jesus then he says and then right after that write the things which are presently going on that is the church age we saw Revelation 2 and 3 where John speaks to the seven churches locally but also as we've studied that it's that panoramic view of church history where we saw in the seven churches representing time periods all throughout the present even to the present day where God through his son spoke to the church but then he says thirdly write the things which shall be Hereafter Greek word Mediterra which means after these things after what things after the church age then you got meta Tautou after that and that's where we pick up chapter four it's where we start to see the things which shall be Hereafter after the church age what's gonna end the church age the rapture of the church when the church is raptured into heaven I believe that's going to be the end of the age of the rapture you really believe in the rapture come on hang on to your hat for those of you that believe in the rapture a movies coming out called rapture Palooza don't look it up don't watch the trailer because it's it's an abomination frankly somebody sent me a leak I thought well check it out and see what they're gonna say about the rapture and oh man painful Hollywood just brutal rip on the rapture on the second coming of Christ and it's gonna be a movie that's supposed to be funny at the end they actually Jesus in a second coming these kids shoot him out of the sky with a bazooka accidentally and killed Jesus that's the way this movie's supposed to be a good laugh knee-slapper you know and part of me kind of is bummed out when you hear of the rapture Palooza movie that's coming to make fun of people who believe in the rapture I'll give it to him the rapture is kind of a crazy thing but so was the creation of all things that's pretty crazy so was Moses leading the people through the Red Sea that's pretty crazy there's a lot of crazy things that have happened throughout history biblically but I'm reminded you know the the mocking and the scoffing that we see today is encouraging when you see the the advertisement for rapture Palooza just remember second Peter chapter 3 where it says verse 3 knowing this that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the father's fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation for this they are willingly ignorant of that by the Word of God the heavens were of old the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished what's that the Lord says just like when they weren't expecting the flood during Noah's day just the same attitude that those people had when Noah was building his ark the same attitude will be present when his second coming is around and people say where is the promise and they'll scoff and they'll mock ideas that relate to the end times and the rapture of the church and the second coming of Christ so when you see that trailer for that movie rejoice because there's scoffers in the last days he says the last days know this is what's gonna happen and we see that and I like see they're fulfilling prophecy they're doing exactly what the Bible said they would and I believe that just as an indication how we are closer to that event than ever call us crazy if you want to but the Bible has proven itself right time and time again people will mock people laugh but so be here we see this weather event coming from the thrown lightnings and thunderings that are going to happen and and so last week we saw in this heavenly scene we saw a number one a door opened remember that the door of heaven and we talked about how if we open the door of our heart Revelation chapter 3 verse 20 and the Lord stands at the door and knocks and if you open that door then the Lord opens the door to heaven where you'll be taken to be with him I believe the rapture is what we saw in verse 1 of chapter 4 a picture of that as the trumpet sounds John is taken up and the doors opened in heaven and the Lord says come up hither and I will show you what must come to pass here after meted out a Greek word and there he sees an open door the number 2 thing that we studied last week is and we saw the trumpet sounding there not only a door opened but a trumpet sounding the Trump of God and we talked about the different Trump's that are talked about we talked about the Trump of God we talked about the Trump of angels we talked about the first Trump we talked about the last Trump we talked about Donald Trump and we covered all of the bases there so if you missed that study you can you can you can catch up online or what have you thirdly we saw that he was immediately in the spirit when John was taken up to heaven he was in the spirit he was changed so too as we see him we will become like him the rapture of the church will also induce a radical change in who we are we will be different when we see him we'll be like him fourthly we saw the throne itself and we looked at that a bit last week we saw that the word throne itself is kind of a key in this chapter this chapter uses the word throne 14 times alone just right here in this chapter but we see that the word throne is used 46 times in the book of Revelation 58 times altogether in the new testament so the point is the throne is an important theme of the Bible so when you get there and you're standing before the throne I hope you're an adventurer not a tourist I hope you're a tour guide and you can say oh this is what we saw around the throne and you'll be able to explain that rainbow or halo as it were is right there around God around the throne we saw that we saw that Almighty God was seated upon the throne we saw that around the throne was the rainbow and the light shining around about and we also saw around the throne the four and twenty elders and we discussed who those guys could possibly be and so that's kind of what we looked at last week right up into verse four but now as we get to the lightning and thunder ease it really is a signal of what we're gonna see that that which comes from the throne we saw what's around the throne on the throne but we now are saying what comes from the throne the first thing we see is lightnings and thunderings the implication is that there is judgment and righteousness that will come from the throne of God at the same time there's light which light implies goodness and beauty but at the same time there's lightnings and thunderings which implies you know wrath even or judgment that's what the Bible speaks of when you speak of lightning and thundering and then it says as we get past that it says in verse five and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of God now if you've been with us we've seen the seven spirits of God mentioned this is the third mention of this idea of the seven spirits of God and we talked about that in previous studies but we you know I personally believe it's speaking of the seven fold nature or characteristics of the Spirit of God we saw that even in chapter 1 verse 4 where it says unto you peace from he which is and which was and which is to come and from the seven spirits which are before the throne of God and we looked at that passage from Isaiah that kind of talks about the Sevenfold characteristics or nature of the Holy Spirit himself okay but Brett I got a problem it's the Sevenfold Spirit and it says that the lamps there are the Sevenfold spirits but what you'll notice with me is that the always linked to the seven spirits is the is linked to that is the Church of Jesus Christ that is the nature of the holy spirit the Sevenfold spirits always were linked to the seven churches with the seven stars remember the Stars what were the stars of type of or a symbol of do we need to go back and study chapter one no remember it says in verse 20 of chapter one the mystery of the Seven Stars which you saw in my right hand and the Seven golden candlesticks or lampstands if as it were the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches remember that and the seven candlesticks which now saw are the seven churches so you see these candlesticks or it could be translated as lampstands and you see the seven stars angels and they could be angels of the church but we also talked about the word Angeles in the Greek as could be translated as just simply messenger many believe that when it says to the Angel of the Church of Ephesus he's talking about to the messenger at the church at Ephesus maybe implying the pastor of that church Brad I know pastors and they ain't no angels true but pastors are messengers and that's in essence what the word Angelo's means messenger now there are angels as we traditionally call them that are messengers from God to humanity that's why they're called uncle Oz because they have wings and angels have wings not that but they're called angels because they're messengers and we call them angels we think of celestial beings if you would but it could be any messenger on goss's the idea and so some say it's angels of churches some say it's pastors you can decide but we know the seven stars are the angels and the candlesticks are the church but then it says here but wait a minute these candlesticks are the seven spirits of God which one is it and I believe the answer is always in this situation both the seven spirits are linked to I believe inextricably linked to the Church of Jesus Christ the candlesticks the lampstands the Sevenfold Spirit I believe it's all linked together with how God moves through his church you said but I I think you're pushing it a little bit there and I can understand that you can think about this as you pray about this and I wouldn't die on this battlefield but but I do believe we see that the Church of Jesus Christ pictured here in heaven whether you take this one as the seven lamps that are the seven spirits of God that would be implying the church is in heaven right here I believe that it's possible to the church is in heaven and we see that right here in verse five but we're gonna find out in the extended part of the heavenly scene in Chapter five we're gonna see those people that are in fact the church later on when we get into the middle of chapter five next week Lord willing so whether you believe that the verse five is speaking of the church by the seven spirits or not one of the things we're gonna learn is in the heavenly scene where John has taken up we're gonna see the lampstand there I believe in the church those who were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb that's the Church of Jesus Christ but be that as it may so so around the throne we see all these things but from the throne we see the lightnings and thunders voices that are speaking but there's also these seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of God and behold the throne verse six now before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal and in the midst of the throne and round about the throne were four beasts full of eyes before and behind now pause for a second the first thing now as we see it's kind of our next glimpse at the throne we see this sea of glass three wakeboarders like yeah perfect conditions but the idea of the sea of glass in the the New Testament especially the book of Revelation we see that the sea does speak interestingly enough of the nations of the world we'll see that as we get further into the book but this is the the sea as it were that's this is pictured peacefully it's a sea of glass and so maybe you could say it's a symbol of the peace that we will see in heaven but maybe it's the nations that include all the Christians perhaps that were raptured in and they're in peace standing before the throne of God and it's calm and it's beautiful it's possible the nations of the world that were saved Christian people standing before the throne it could be but minimally this sea of glass most scholars linked that to the idea of peace around the throne that there's light thunderings and lightnings there there's these elders and there's these beasts but there's no there are there's this huge sea of glass the idea is peacefulness in the midst of the throne and verse six the round about the throne were four beasts full of eyes before and behind in front and in back to the idea my grandfather used to tell me when we'd go down during the summer and visit my grandfather you know he said Brett you know I have eyes in the back of my head and I say really grandpa and anything yep I can see everything and sure enough man he seemed to know everything I was doing it did ever wonder how your mom knew that you stole the cookie from the cookie jar how did she know that you know as a little kid and my grandpa had me convinced until I was like 18 that he had eyes in the back of his head but but these characters these creatures beasts as they're called have eyes in front of act now here's the thing that's tricky for us for you King James people like myself the word is beasts and so you're suddenly thinking Lord of the Rings and orcs and stuff you guys are all into the fantasy things beasts but what does the NIV call it I think creatures living creatures the Greek word for this word beasts is where we get our words ooh it's it's the ideas a living creature a living being is the idea living being zoom in the Greek and the living being is a creature that was created by God that also is living but it's a being of some kind do we know exactly what they are I think there's hints in the Bible to what these living creatures are we'll talk about that as we get into this but they're full of eyes before man so already you're thinking that's ugly big ol eyeballs every direction out of these beasts but I I want to maybe have you think about something could it be that these beasts are actually beautiful I'll show you there's some implications that might show us that these things are beautiful Brad I don't know if I like I know what its gonna say about these beasts and I don't know if that sounds beautiful I just sounds weird but beauty is in the eye of the beholder and do you remember when you were a kid what you thought of the opposite sex I remember as a little kid I remember thinking girls were gross remember cooties what was I was I the only one who knew about cooties man if there was a girl near you or if she touched you had to spray yourself off from the cootie contamination you remember that like third grade you know second grade cooties it was horrible but then that certain change in life comes when you start to see a whole nother view a whole other perspective and no longer do the girls have cooties but there's something quite beautiful something that the Lord has created that is good and it's funny how your perspective changes a lot of women never made that change they still think guys are just cooties and stuff I don't know I've noticed that but probably rightly so but but I wonder if maybe when we read this tonight and we read about a beast with eyeballs every direction and wings and faces and all this stuff we kind of go through it sounds kind of weird but I have a hunch just just trying to plant the seed of thought here that when we get to heaven we're gonna say wow these are beings or I should say creatures created by God that are intelligent and beautiful beings of some kind and we'll talk about what and who or what they are here in a second so you got this this description of four beasts full of eyes in front and in back and verse seven the first beast was like a lion the second beast like a calf the third beast had the face or a face as a man and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle and the four beasts had of them six wings about him and they were full of eyes within not only were they in front not only were they in the back with that eyeballs within what could that mean they can see their heart and stomach and stuff like that no not to be tricky with words but it the eyes eyes in the bible does speak a vision and perhaps even wisdom but eyes within is kind of a metaphor that we don't really use but it is used to speak of not a play on words but insight wisdom eyes within speaks of kind of a wisdom and perhaps even an insight so the eyes were within and they rest not day and night saying holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come and when those beasts give glory and honor and thanks to him that sat upon the throne who liveth forever and ever okay so what do we do with these beasts why are there beasts around the throne and what is that to us there's actually several ideas of what are the four beasts or living creatures as your NIV puts it or newer translations what are the these beasts there's four possible answers that you can jot down in your notes pray about it do your own Bible study and dig into it but some would say they're a type of what we traditionally call angelic beings angelic beings and and again the term angel I've already proven it's a bit clumsy because it means messenger but when we talk about angelic beings maybe you could call them Sheriff cherubim or Seraphim maybe that rings a bell because this if you're a Bible student these ideas are not new to you when you're especially when you see the images of the lion the calf the the face of a man and the the flying eagle that should not be new because there are these angelic beings who are called Seraphim and teraphim parmi cherubim and Seraphim they're called that in Isaiah chapter 6 in fact once you keep your finger here in terms of me to Isaiah chapter 6 for you Bible students this is why the idea of a beast with wings and eyeballs and the face the lion the Tigers the bears oh my no no they got the lion the calf the human and the eagle why is that Isaiah chapter 6 this is that scripture in the year King Uzziah died Isaiah 6:1 I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne hmm what is Isaiah seeing heaven he's saying that very similar scene if not the exact same scene that John is seeing in his revelation of Jesus Christ so he says that in chapter 6 verse 1 I in the ear King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon the throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple above it stood that seraphim's each one had six wings and with twain or two he covered his face with two he covered his feet and with twain he did fly and one cried into another and said holy holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory and the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried is that some like thunder and the house was filled with smoke and then I said then said I whoa is me apparently on a horse named is me don't just just kidding a little humor there woe is me it's funny see that's the thing when we stand in before the throne of God you're not going to saying lord I got a few things I need to talk to you about you're gonna say woe is me what am i nothing I am nothing but standing before your throne that's what Isaiah says whoa that's the first thing I'm an woe is me for I am undone the word undone there interesting word but it means cut off from anything of value zero zilch zip I am nothing that's the idea it's the opposite by the way of the word holy the word here for undone is the opposite of the word holy holy means altogether perfect complete not lacking for nothing so when the the book of Revelation says these beasts these living creatures crowd holy holy holy they're saying that the Lord God is whole perfectly complete lacking for nothing is there anything that's holy in this world other than God have you thought about that remember that new-car that you're getting all that is holy it's perfect it's the very vehicle that I need and I loved that new car smell it's heavenly nobody says that about their car but that's what you're thinking it's perfect and then you get it man and yeah you know your first Taco Bell Drive - you're like it's no longer holy it sounds like Taco Bell now or that first dent in the car that first time you your car breaks down or something breaks or doesn't work my god man see there's nothing that new house that new car even that perfect holy husband that you married he became flawed even though you thought he was perfect before that holy day of matrimony but when you got to know him he leaves his socks on the floor he's not holy man what's wrong with him but when you and I when we stand before the Lord before his throne for all of eternity these living creatures who are insightful intelligent they're crying out holy holy holy they've been doing it from the Book of Isaiah all the way through to when John would see the Lord as holy and these creatures are still saying holy holy holy and they do this forever because the Lord never becomes scratched and dented he never loses that that holy fragrance that's the perfect of all things he never loses his kindness as goodness he is altogether lovely there's nothing that lacks in our God so you might be disappointed in a lot of things but I can guarantee you this you will never be disappointed in our God question why do you think they say holy holy Olli whether it's a holy anybody Father Son Holy Spirit I believe that's that's kind of implied here that we see God in His Holy Trinity holy holy holy holy is God the Father he's the perfect father you may have had a messed up father you may not even have had a father if you're like most people nowadays half of our population grows up without a dad but man that's why people need to get to know God the Father early because once you realize that he's the perfect holy father man that's great but not only that God the Father God the Son Jesus is also being God he's also holy perfect lacking for nothing he who knew no sin became sin for us he was holy so much so that he became the perfect sacrifice because he never sinned as he died on the cross for us very unholy people the Bible says Christ came to die for the ungodly but he was holy and knew no sin came to this world and died for our sins and there was nothing lacking in Christ and the reason that's good is because since he was holy the sacrifice worked for you and for me I'm so thankful for the holiness of God the Father but I'm also thankful for the holiness of God the Son Jesus Christ but also all Ignace of the Holy Spirit Holy Ghost holy he's called the Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit why because he's whole he lacks for nothing the comforter as he's called by John's Gospel all that the same holy holy holy be careful don't be one of those people I I've heard it you know people saying tell the Lord how you really feel and I'd like to say don't you know if your math Lord tell him that's just dumb the better thing would be to do this know that if you're mad at the Lord the you're just being stupid give up your argument let it go cuz he's holy he knows everything he is all things he's omnipresent he's omniscient he's he's omnipotent he's all-powerful for you or I have a beef with God means you're just saying you're just being dumb means you're wrong right now yeah but I think I have a case you don't cuz he's holy he's perfect he knows everything and when you stepped on me though I was wrong again so why not just give it up and say okay Lord I agree with you every time because you're holy well that's what Isaiah does he stands reward and says hole a sees these creatures crying out holy holy holy and he says oh man I am unholy speaking of mine holy I'm off track let's get back to it so Isaiah chapter 6 verse 5 then he says woe is me for I am undone because I'm a man of unclean lips and I dwell him amidst of people of unclean lips where mine eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts then flew one of the seraphim's unto me having a live coal in his hands which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar he's got hands also we learned there and it says verse 7 and he laid it upon my mouth that make anybody kind of grossed out a live coal that's a red-hot coal being laid on his mouth and he says lo this has touched thy lips and thine iniquity it is taken away and thy sin is purged I also heard the voice of the Lord saying whom shall I send and who will go for us and then said I here am I send me and he said go and tell this people hear ye indeed but understand not and and see ye indeed but perceive not what's going on here this is a great great story that I'd like to get into further but I'm not going to I'm gonna resist the temptation but Isaiah he sees this and a few of the things that we see around the throne in this account in chapter 6 is we actually see these creatures flying around we don't see that the book of Revelation but would you agree that this sounds like the same creature it's got six wings as we've learned in book revelation and it's but it's called a Seraphim which we might do some study later on in the book of Revelation we're gonna talk about Seraphim perhaps even more but all that to say these Seraphim may be an angelic being as we would traditionally call it but but maybe Seraphim or cherubim ezekiel chapter 1 by the way has the same kind of description verses 5 through 11 you can study that and also chapter 10 of Ezekiel speaks of these same creatures living creatures that are called cherubim or Seraphim so that's the number one there may be this angelic beings talked about by Isaiah by Ezekiel number 2 some say maybe that's true but they also perhaps are creatures that are representative of the attributes of God that shouldn't be too foreign or hard for us to grasp and I'll tell you why because we were created in God's image now we can't say for sure that the angels were created in God's image or Seraphim or cherubim were created in his image but it is interesting that these these creatures do have some interesting ideas like the eyes that see all things would speak of in a way God's omniscience that he knows all things that he sees all things in fact Bible says everything's open and naked before him with whom we have to do Hebrews chapter 4 tells us so that these insightful beings maybe that's a reflection really of who God is maybe they represent God in a way sort of that when we see ourselves we were created in in God's image maybe some say in fact these beasts themselves could speak of God's nature the lion the king of beasts speaks of majesty and omnipotence is all power the ox could speak of God's patience and continuous labor that we read about the man could speak of Jesus in his humanity on in his human coming and living among us the eagle could speak of God's sovereignty and supremacy as the Eagles the greatest excuse me of all the birds and what have you and so some make that argument that and they represent or symbolize the attributes of God it's possible so there could be angelic beings it could be perhaps a symbol of the attributes of God but some say nope we see the aspects of the four Gospels of Jesus Christ now what's interesting about that there's a tie-in that I'll make and this is where the Bible becomes kind of exciting for me I love the Bible because we could just study it on level one and just kind of get a ton of stuff but I believe the Bible is this multi-layered perhaps even you could call it a system of information and I do see interlockings and and all kinds of mysteries in the Bible that are kind of interesting I always let the the things that are just clearly spoken on level-1 dominate and those are the rules if you come up with something new with some little mysterious link or time you got to be kind of careful about that let's just stick with the plain simple doctrines of the Bible but there are multi layers and and some of those things are quite interesting for example in the Gospels we see Jesus in the in the four Gospels presented in different ways for example in the Gospel of Matthew he's presented as the king of the Jews which would be the lion the king of the beasts in in the Gospel of Mark Jesus is portrayed as the servant the humble servant that Labor's for his people speaking of the ox perhaps in the Gospel of Luke it was written emphasizing Christ's humanity which dr. Luke makes sense he was a physician and you see that in Luke's writings he emphasizes Christ in his humanity symbolized by the man and then the fourth Gospel of John speaks of Jesus and by the way the Gospel of John was written near the end of the first century it was the last of the Gospels to be written where heresies were starting to rise up and teaching those false beginning to deny the divinity of Jesus he was emphasizing the divinity of Christ and some say the Eagle being a perfect picture of Christ and his divinity and his supremacy the greatest of birds if you would and there's other layers as well did you know that in the Old Testament that the twelve tribes of Israel they all had their banners and their standards that is they had sort of their Flags remember at Camp when you're a kid you'd make a flag and you paint your symbol whatever it was on there and you'd bring your standard everyone and your team then that was you well the same thing was true of the 12 tribes of Israel they had their standards and their banners and they all had their symbols four of the twelve were delineated for the organization of pitching your tent in the camp you say a big deal well camp order was big and here's what's interesting if you were to get in a helicopter and fly over the camp of Israel as they wandered around the wilderness there in the desert if you got a Piniella cop he looked down you'd see something that would be striking you see in the very center of the camp there was the tabernacle that was the place of the meeting of the Lord that was where God's presence was at nighttime there was a pill of fire in the daytime there was a cloud that would be there or smoke as or and if that were to move then the camp was supposed to move remember that whole thing so the tabernacle was in the center but then northward there would be a group of people southward eastward and westward each of those directions they would make a line of camping and four of the twelve tribes were sort of the centerpiece of those encampments one of them was a Judah he was in charge of three of the other tribes and they would camp under the banner of Judah's tribe then there was of course Ephraim and then Reuben and Dan Judah Reuben Ephraim and Dan were the four tribes of the twelve where people camped under those signs what's interesting however is Judah was to camp on the side and Judah was the biggest of the tribes and had almost twice as many of people in their tribe as did the other tribes you say big deal well if you think about it you got these lines of people camping from the temple north south east and west in these blocks and if you got up in a helicopter and you saw it knowing the numbers of the tribes which we know from the Old Testament you would see very distinctly they're lying in the desert as 2.5 million people were camping in the wilderness you would see the beautiful perfect shape of the cross of Christ kind of interesting that's the way they were supposed to camp so what they were told to do you say well hoop he do what do you want us to do go camping well here's what's interesting the lion the lion was the symbol on the banner of who Judah had the the tribe of the lion which makes sense because who was from the the the line of Judah Jesus Jesus was the called the Lion of the tribe of Judah and that was Judas symbol Ephraim was represented by a calf or an ox head and Reuben was represented by a man's face and Dan was represented by an eagle so you have these same beasts in their encampment in their standards encamped around the tabernacle the place of meeting and by the way it gets even more crazy when we get to the tabernacle in a few weeks when we get to the book of Exodus we will see the tabernacle is this beautiful picture of Jesus Christ but also there's this neat analogy of heaven itself as we look at the tabernacle of the Old Testament the throne of heaven it's radically deep and there's so much we could get into and I've got a refrain from that tonight but we will talk more about the I on the Ox the man's face and also the Eagle we'll talk more about that because it's gonna come up again when we get into the book of Exodus be that as it may these beasts that we see maybe there's aspects of Jesus seen in the gospel and also the wilderness tribes of Israel pitching their tents in that same order with those same images all that to say I believe that these are going to be creatures that will see in heaven so when you see creatures by the way I didn't get into this but in Ezekiel's mention I told you Ezekiel chapter one there's this interesting thing this is for you people that are into the crazy stuff I love this but in in in Ezekiel's account it puts these beasts as a single being that almost seems like they're joined together where you see the face of a man the face of a lion in the face of a calf or ox and the face of an eagle all in one being interlocked together and so there's some interesting ideas that I've seen people have where maybe these beasts somehow interconnect together in some places and ways and forms meanwhile can also be separate and you say but how can that be well who knows it's outside of our laws of physics times and space in fact when you read the Book of Ezekiel there's not a lot that makes sense about physics wheels within wheels that are spinning and hovering and moving that are not moving and time to stand still and all kinds of crazy stuff interesting stuff to say the least and there's plenty for you that get into that kind of stuff to study and to learn about I would encourage you if you're into that man to dive into this if you want to find out some further information Ezekiel chapter one verses five through 11 is where you kind of begin there but you see these same characters mentioned that John sees here around the throne so when you get to heaven you'll see these creatures and you'll know that these are probably cherubim angelic beings perhaps now what are they doing they're worshipping they're worshipping I believe these beings are depicted as insightful wise but also worshipful and I believe that's something that we too will do as we stand before the throne of God we will also declare holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty these beasts as it says in our text they rested not they had no rest as the idea day or night because they were saying holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty are you a good worshipper are you one that has seen the value in spending time worshiping I found that there are two kinds of people generally and that is the Mary's and the Martha's some of you are Mary's where you know that Mary of that oven of the New Testament she's always always always seen at the feet of Jesus worshiping but Martha bless her art she's busy busy busy busy colossal eggs do come to do this has got to make something busy bees busy and I know Christians that are that way they would just as soon be out raising money they'd just as soon be out on the mission field they'd just as soon be out doing a Bible study or teaching the word or let's go go go we got to do to do but but what did Jesus say who chose the better it was Mary Mary chose the better you see I believe that worship is essential in our Christian walk and if you're one who's not really given over to that I understand some people say Brett why do you lead worship at Athey Creek sometimes I mean shouldn't you be the pastor I mean perhaps pastors should preach and not sing and singers should not preach some people have that view but I'll tell you there's a reason I like to lead worship is because one I think it's important for me personally I love to lead a congregation in worship and I always have long before I was a pastor teaching pastor I was a worship leader and so I enjoyed that and it's something I think is good and it's also a good example I think I'm and and and by the way I think that it's something I'll probably always do so so if you're coming you need to let other people do it just knock it off I'm not going to listen to it I'm gonna be greedy I'm gonna keep it for myself because I wanna I like being the kind of pastor that leads the congregation from time to time in in singing because I think it's good and also I think it's essential because see I have a propensity to love more than anything teaching the Bible and if it was just me to be God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Bible I love the Bible I love teaching the word and yet here's the problem I think it's a mistake to be the kind of Christian that's here only for the teaching yeah there's people that used to come to our church because they they liked the teaching and so they'd show up twenty or thirty minutes late purposefully because they didn't want to be a part of the worship time they just wanted to get the teaching time and I insulted them a long enough and I think they ended up leaving the church and and so that's good I understand that that many of us don't have that natural propensity to lift our hands we don't naturally want to sing out worship songs many of us are so unemotional or unable to show emotion and that's mostly our culture I mean go to other nations people are very emotional and they Americans we very much dumbed down our emotions on things that matter and things that don't matter we go crazy and nuts just watch The Price is Right you get a washer machine and then we stand before the Living God it's like that's just America you know what I'm saying we watch a football game whoo you know excited the Ducks make us go nuts but then we stand before the throne of God on a Sunday or Wednesday night and you know it's something that you and I we got to work at don't don't be the way you are don't stay the way you are God didn't save you to keep you the way you are but he transformed the Greek word for transform is metamorphosis that where you're changed the Lord wants to change us and one of the things we're to do is to worship Him in spirit and in truth so if you're not as inclined to sing out before the Lord and worship him can I challenge it to perhaps rethink that one of the things I'm excited about is in June we're beginning our Sunday night celebration once again and the reason we're bringing that back is I feel like we're missing a key part of our church worship and something that we do and that's where we just have a vertical service where it's just us worshiping the Lord looking up to heaven and we got to do that it's not just you know Wednesday nights are great where we're teaching and all that we got to do that but Sunday night celebration is something that's powerful and and if you're one who's not into that worship stuff maybe you should say okay I'm gonna be transformed I'm gonna come with the intention of saying I'm gonna I'm gonna worship God because that's really heaven practice it really is when we stand before the throne of God in heaven we will want to worship Him and I have a hunch like these insightful beasts than our eyes within eyes and front eyes and back intelligent beings they're singing holy holy holy for all eternity I believe we will want to worship God radically then as well be careful we don't wanna be God's chosen frozen where we know our holy battle but we're not able to express our love and our Thanksgiving and our joy to the Lord both are essential I think well we see that holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty and those beasts verse nine give glory and honor and thanks all of which we should do to him that sat upon the throne who liveth for ever and ever that's God who lives for ever and ever well verse 10 we looked at this Sunday the four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat upon the throne and worship Him that liveth forever and ever and casting their crowns before the throne we'd looked at what does it mean to have a crown how do you get crowns and who cares about crowns you will and we looked at that on Sunday if you missed that I encourage you to listen to that teaching verse 11 thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created the elder said this the elder said you are worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power and and this is a this is a key man essential mark this in your Bible because your life if you don't get this one your life will be a waste of time this is a big one for thou have created all things that includes you a theek recur jo-jo II think recur you exist for one thing you are created for one purpose and that is to bring him pleasure that's why we exist if you want to be fulfilled in life don't live for yourself you will be the most miserable person of all if you live for yourself but if you live for God's pleasure for his purpose for his glory you'll get through it even the bad things if you're saying Lord even in my trials even through tornadoes and earthquakes and sickness and trouble even if it's that Lord if my life brings your pleasure I know that I'm doing what you've called me to do Bible says whatsoever you do do heartily as unto the Lord and not unto men Colossians 3:23 tells us that so the question is are we doing what we do heartily isn't Lord to bring him pleasure if you do that I think you'll find great fulfillment in life have you ever wondered how Jeremiah did what he did you might call him in some ways the most unsuccessful profit or godly man of all the Bible maybe in all the world because in 42 years of ministry not one person listened to Jeremiah and not a word he said was taken heed of they rejected him they threw him in a dungeon and plopped him in a dungeon that had waist deep of mud and there isn't a dark damp mud and dungeon standing in mud it's my new word mudgin that's what he was in sounds like a desert I think what you're making anyway so so there he is can you imagine what was going through Jeremiah's mind when he's sitting in this mud dungeon man I all I do is share the word of the Lord to people and look where I'm at not one person there were there were moments where Jeremiah wavered in his heart he said there's one time in Jeremiah's life refuse to speak the word of the Lord ever again I'm never gonna mention God's word ever again but then he says but then there was a burning in my bones to speak the word I couldn't stop and so I just kept doing it but not one person now we don't know exactly how Jeremiah died according to the Bible but history tells us that Jeremiah was killed for his preaching God's Word in a brutal form some say it was down in Egypt is where he ended up down in that region killed for the cause of the Lord you say well what what kind of a life is that I'll tell him did you know the most successful prophet could arguably be Jonah Jonah went into a single city half-heartedly with a bad attitude said everybody repent whatever that's what he said he was like repent Assyrians I hate you repent that's pretty much what Jonah did he was like total mean prophet and all of the Ninevites repented 100% successful it's funny how if we did a prophet convention of how to preach the Word of God we would hire Jonah tell us how you were so successful in your profiting but but you know what's funny about this Jonah was never quoted by Jesus did you know that oh jesus said as Jonah was in the belly of the whale he talked about that as an illustration of what Jesus would be and when he was buried and died and rose from the grave but that's all of the press Jonah gets he was swallowed by a whale or a big fish but did you know that the most quoted prophet in the New Testament by Jesus Christ is none other than jerem I love that Jeremiah had died probably thinking it was a big failure not one person listened to him in 42 years but then years and years later Jesus who is God in the flesh comes says Jeremiah the Prophet said and he uses that over and over and over again you see I believe when we get to heaven when you see the happiest dude in heaven it just might be Jeremiah because he pleased the Lord I'm convinced of that Jeremiah's life was pleasing to God oh it wasn't pleasing to men and it might not even have been pleasing to himself but I believe in the picture of eternity Jeremiah's gonna go down as one of the greatest men of all the Bible he kind of goes down that already when you read the New Testament and it's not because he lived for himself it's because he lived for the Lord even when it came to his own suffering even when it came to his own death he said Lord as long as it's pleasing to you I'm gonna live my life the way you want me to so this verse is one that you need to quote and remember that you were created for his pleasure whatever that is say Lord with my life may I bring you pleasure for when I get to heaven somehow someway that's gonna count for crowns or I'll get to worship you even the more with greater effectiveness perhaps by bringing you pleasure with my life may the Lord give us ears to hear what the Spirit says to the church tonight let's pray together as we close Lord this little vision of heaven that we see is exciting it sounds tremendously impressive but also somewhat ominous we don't know honestly what to think about lightnings and thunderings coming from your throne we're not sure what to think about these creatures that have eyes everywhere and and yet Lord you see to to Isaiah and Ezekiel and the book of Revelation even some parts of Daniel we see that these are beings that you want us to have a little little snapshot of before we even get to heaven so our desire is to know why you've shown us these creatures if no other reason the Lord to show that when we stand before your throne we too will cry holy holy holy the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come Lord make us worshipers today may we bring pleasure to you we see that priority in your word is something that you ask of your people to sing and make a joyful noise to you to worship in song but also to worship with our very lives to give you glory and honor I pray that we wouldn't just hear this as another Bible study but as we go our way tonight that we be just filled with your spirit and even through the hard times if it brings you pleasure may we do it with joy father we take time tonight to pray for those who do live in Oklahoma and those who've lost loved ones and Lord I pray that even as Wolf Blitzer brings your name up in conversation I pray that the world who doesn't believe in you the atheists and those who think of you as someone who's causing people to die by tornadoes what I pray that somehow someway you'd use even this tragic event to to bring people's hearts to repentance where they'd follow you believe in your word but Lord we ultimately know that we get to look forward to heaven because you've saved us by your grace may that be the message that we have on our hearts as people wonder about why tornadoes happen I pray that we would be quick to show that you are a God of graciousness and kindness that you would forgive all sins to anyone who receive help us to be about the gospel and to be worshipers but also doers of what your word says by preaching your gospel to all men so bring forth good fruit tonight as we go our way we pray in our lives in your church and Jesus name we pray amen you
Channel: Lean-into-God
Views: 105
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Id: V_WL4V8cazY
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Length: 77min 12sec (4632 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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