g-339 Covid 19 Mothers Day 05-10-2020

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good afternoon everybody welcome to our 12 o'clock service we're glad you're with us Mother's Day we is our fourth and final service the team has been working hard since last night honestly cranking out these services and but we rejoice and being able to do this multiple times you know it's it's great to be able to keep moving in that direction you know and just worshiping the Lord you know this Mother's Day I'm reminded of Lois and Eunice do you remember them as second Timothy chapter 1 verse 5 talks about how Paul says Timothy I see a in you that this unfeigned or unfaith and he says it was in you but it was first seen in your mother Lois and also your grandmother Eunice these are women of faith that that rubbed off on to Timothy and and they were really responsible for his faith and I I think of so many of our mothers how they led us to Christ and pointed us to Jesus and I know that that's my story my mom is the one who actually led me to confess Christ as my savior and so I'm so thankful for moms and you know so we're here on Mother's Day we're going to talk about some other stuff in the Bible and but we're also here to worship the father in heaven you know and give Him glory and that's what we're here to do so let's just pray blessing on this time let's rejoice together and worship the Lord and father we thank you so much that we get to come together this forth service at 12 o'clock here today and pray that you just bless each person tuning in Lord would you just put your peace that passes understanding in each room each car wherever this is being piped in lord I pray that you just use this service for your glory and for your purpose so bless the congregation we sing now into you and worship you in Jesus name Amen let's worship Lord together [Music] [Music] [Music] I know they're empty but with these four beauties are perfect Oh [Music] I know they stumble but here is the humble supreme Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sit Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my soul O my soul worship his holy name Oh [Music] single F the Lord again [Music] merci [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] I will ship your [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to make you love me there's no place I can run today you won't be right by my side [Music] it's great yeah [Music] this dopey Jackie [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] we No [Music] here in Oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my is torn asunder my world just Moses or you put me back together if me whew there is hope beyond to me [Music] Oh [Music] I last Oh [Music] sorry [Music] they come [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] of death is over [Music] I'll be there the son must see this is our dream [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you brought news [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you with me now oh you're witness now [Music] we see if voices - you you are [Music] we were left and to you you are yes [Music] [Applause] the king [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to be in your presence Lord standing here knowing that the King of Kings the Lord of lords is right here with us Lord we count that as a privilege and honor Lord that you're not just the King of Kings but you're also a father which is in heaven and you care about us your kids Lord and and that you love us personally individually Lord we're not just multitudes of people that are a sea of people that are unknown but Lord you care about each person each life Lord your word tells us that if you haven't a little sparrow falls from the sky you know about that and how much more that you would care for us Lord and we're just thankful for that and it's for that reason we want to sing these praises as your word says that you as the king are enthroned upon the praises of your people so we pray you'd be seated upon your throne Lord that we would allow you to have full-course whatever actions you want to take in our lives Lord we just lay our lives before you and pray your will be done we pray you bless this time as we look to the scriptures for wisdom we commit this now in Jesus name Amen amen and again thank you guys thanks David Brooke and the Yang's great to have you guys leading us in song hey a few announcements for you don't forget prophecy update coming up Friday night 7 o'clock p.m. there's a lot of fun stuff to talk about about the the end you say well but that's not fun the end of the world but you got to remember as Christians we look forward to the return of Christ because man that's the beginning that's where everything starts and it's great I'm not into doom and zoom I'm into boom and zoom the rapture of the church where we're taking up to be with the Lord forever and it's gonna be a great time to be with the Lord but what do we do you know prophecy is not so that we can get bunkers and guns and all that stuff and Preppers you know that's all that's that's up to you whatever you do for you know your life but for us as Christians we're called to be all about Jesus the spirit of prophecy is Jesus Christ the Bible says in the book of Revelation and we should be all about Jesus and I think that as you will see this that will we'll see how we need to be all about Jesus and these days we're living so we'll talk about that also don't forget normally we'd have a Sunday night worship tonight but as it is Mother's Day we're gonna take a little hiatus from that and we'll be back in our next time for that and then also don't forget online giving if you want to give your tithe and offering it's helpful to keep things up and running with the church and so we sure appreciate you guys doing that you go to our website in the upper right hand corner the giving button and that's easy to do and we're so thankful for all of you faithful that are keeping things going and don't forget we'd love to see who's with us out there and you know worshipping and studying and so send us your pics on social media just put you put it up there and tag us at Athey Creek or at Pastor Brett matter we'd love to see who's with us even this service and I've got a special Mother's Day message I'd like to give right now and I'm gonna call it Cove it 19 Mother's Day you say oh yeah that sounds really wonderful happy Mother's Day Brett kovat 19 well you know it's interesting because I think that moms have been probably some of the greatest challenged people in these days as you know soon as the schools shut their doors and kids came home you know I mean that's uh it was at March I think March April May like that was unexpected for a lot of parents having to just you know sort of school at home or had your kids at home and it's changed everybody's schedules and people are kind of wondering what to do I don't know if you guys saw that lady on social media went viral she was praying to the Lord and it was hilarious she said O Lord I am NOT a schoolteacher you know and she went on and on about uh you know I didn't sign up for this you know and and and I don't know mathematics and my children Lord you know give me patience I I don't look good in an orange jumpsuit you know she just went on and on and I I do wonder you know does the Lord have a sense of humor when somebody like that spraying I think he does if I if I know what the Bible teaches but but you know I think there's a lot of people feeling frustration and have you but but mom's man this is a challenging time to be a mother in this world you know especially if you're one of the moms it tends to get worried about things you know and and maybe a little bit to covering or smothering maybe you know how do you protect your children in a covet 19 world what do you do and when there's so many possible problems and so many things that really could hurt your kids we live in a day that's dangerous and and some of you on this Mother's Day might be thinking man how do you live in a Cove in nineteen world as a as a mom and keep your sanity well I think we have a lady that we can look to die in the scriptures once you turn to Exodus chapter 2 and I'd like to introduce you to this great lady of the Bible by the way do you know that there's 21 million Americans will call their mothers today that's a lot of phone calls 21 million and 125 million Mother's Day cards will be sent which i think is interesting because only 75 million cards will be sent on father's day so moms get the by far much more of that attention but on this Mother's Day I've got a question for you who can recall who can say for the brownie points today who can recall the name of Moses's mother anybody well if you said Jacque Abed or yoga events you are correct that is the name of Moses another Amram and joke of it that's a Amram was Moses his father's name we learned this stuff later on and you know Exodus chapter 6 they kind of talk about that but in this narrative we're not getting the name of Moses mother but we are getting who she is and what she did and I would argue that Yaakov ed is one who did some stuff that's very 2020 you know very kovin 19 you know kind of catastrophic dangerous days where she was trying to raise a child in a very worldly place you know that's the thing I mean like I was saying what's a mom up against a when you think about it I think moms just want to throw their hands up in the air some time because she's outgunned you know the Hollywood is got movies and and and our kids are seeing movies at earlier ages and and there's an influence that those movies have and you think man how does mom compete with you know computer-generated you know graphics and and how do you add as a mom compete with the beautiful Hollywood stars and and how does mom compete with an iPhone where a child has in their hand the whole world at their fingertips and and how does mom compete with you know school districts that have wacko agendas trying to teach our kids crazy stuff and how does mom compete with you know all the the worldliness and godlessness and the way that looks like so much fun but it really leads to death and trouble you know how does mom compete with that well just ask yakov ed because she lived in a very worldly place where did she live she lived in Egypt Egypt in the Bible is a picture a type an example an illustration of the world whenever you read about Egypt in the Bible it says it's the Bible in it's multi-layered form if you read the Bible just in a one-dimensional or two-dimensional way you will be disappointed some people say I've read the Bible it's just too much Old Testament stories well that's all very one-dimensional way of looking at it but but when you realize the Bible has layer upon layer and one of the things the Bible does is the Old Testament stories mysteriously speak of New Testament truths and that's where these types come in Paul said these things were written as types or examples for us like the rock that water came out of that rock was Christ that's the type sort of thing there he talks about in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 so so in this story we have this woman who's living in Egypt and she is a slave in Egypt depend that that had that to be really bad what could be worse well not only was she a slave in Egypt but the of Egypt Pharaoh he was an insecure dude and maybe had reason to be insecure he enslaved a bunch of people that's always dangerous and the Jews had been enslaved in Egypt for over 400 years by this time one of the things that you'll find by the way in your secular universities and all these so-called historians they say the Jews were never in Egypt that's just a you know invention of the Bible the Christian Bible or whatever and there's a real hostility to that but that's not honest those scholars that make that claim are not being honest there have been little findings not a lot of the story of the Jews being enslaved in Egypt but here's the thing you say well Brett shouldn't there be tons of evidence if there were slaves there for 400 years well like Josephus talks about how the Jews and their presence in Egypt was sort of erased as it would be stricken from their history because talk about a black guy in your history you know there's things that we wish we could forget in our history of the United States wouldn't it be nice to not have you know slavery on our resume of our nation I mean that's something that we all really think is loathsome in our own history is how we had slavery for so long in this country in the same way the Egyptians had slavery but their slaves whupped on them and ended up destroying them and the Egyptians would wipe that from their record they didn't want that to go down in history and so that's why one reason why we don't see a lot of record there but the truth is the Jews were the ones who did all the work there in Egypt now what's interesting by the way is when I was in Rome a couple summers ago we were walking through this the Roman Colosseum there in Rome it's an amazing work and it's one of those things you kind of have to see in real life to really get the full impact of what that Rome and you know amphitheater really was but we were there this nice Italian lady very very very Catholic she was there telling us the story of the history of the Colosseum and the Romans when they built the Colosseum with its grandeur and she was kind of bragging about her people the Romans and how they built that and I and I I just had to make sure a sea creatures that were there knew the real story and I raised my hand and she said yes and I said now who built who built this I could actually did the work and and she said well slaves and I said okay and where were those slaves from and I could tell I was probably really irritating her she didn't want to say this but she said they were from Jerusalem and so what kind of people were they they were Jews you know and it's true the Jews built the Roman Colosseum the Jews did so much if you've seen the you know that that the Corinthian channel there maybe you've seen pictures of Corinthian channel it's an amazing thing we got to drive over this thing on a bridge but it's this massive engineering feat of digging this deep deep channel you know and and and you know it's just one of those things it's like a wonder of the world the Jews dug that it's funny the slaves so interesting throughout history the world doesn't want to give the Jews any credit for anything but it's amazing how they did so much even as slaves same thing in Egypt so there's Amram and Jochebed there in Egypt just trying to survive as slaves and then the the problem was the Jews were very prolific in that their children were multiplying and Pharaoh the King he's now worried about this this whole population explosion of male Jews that were growing up to be sort of warrior esque and he was thinking oh man these slaves can take us over so he came up with a stupid idea of killing all the male children and he basically told them you know kill the children if it's a male kill it well if you remember the midwives of the Jews would not let that happen and they made this a great excuse saying well the Jewish women are more strong than the Egyptian women and you know they give birth before we even get a chance to get there and that's why these boys are still alive and they gave this sort of excuse but that's where let's pick it up and in fact it's Exodus chapter 1 is where we'll actually start last verse in Exodus chapter 1 where it says there in verse 22 x2 this one 22 it says and Pharaoh charged all his people saying every son that is born you shall cast into the river and every daughter you shall save alive so now it's come down that you know the midwives weren't killing the babies so he said if there's a male child born of the Jews the Hebrew slaves drown him in the river men talk about a dark day talk about being a mom in crisis during those times and so that's where the story enters with amram and yochabel let's take a look first one of chapter 2 Exodus chapter 2 verse 1 it says in there when a man of the house of Levi and took a wife a daughter of Levi and the woman conceived and bare a son and when she saw him that he was a goodly child she hid him three months and when she could no longer hide him she took for him an ark of bulrushes and daubed it with slime and with pitch and put the child therein and she laid it in the flags by the rivers brink and the and his sister stood afar off to wit to watch you know what was gonna be done to him well goes on the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river and her maidens walked along by the riverside and when she saw the ark among the flags she sent her maid to fetch it and when she had opened it she saw the child and behold the babe wept and she had compassion on him and said this is one of the Hebrews children then said his sister that's Miriam Moses his older sister she was kind of chilling out in the in the reeds watching as this princess fine as the baby and as soon as she sees that as soon as Miriam sees the princess is sort of compassionate she comes out and says in verse 7 to Pharaoh's daughter shall I go and call to the nurse of the Hebrew women that she may nurse the child for thee and Pharaoh's daughter said to her go and the maid went and called the child's mother Moses's mother and Pharaoh's daughter said unto her take this child away and nurse it for me and I will give thee thy wages and the woman took the child and nursed it and the child grew and she brought him unto Pharaoh's daughter and he became her son and she called his name Moses and said and she said because I drew him out of the water the name Moses means of course drawn out so she says I'm in a name you drawn out drawn out of the water Moses so this story is so amazing in so many ways you know I love how how the Lord intervenes in this story and he men talk about a desperate situation here's Yaakov ed and I'm around and there they give birth to a boy and so she hides him and she hides him for three months yeah man can you imagine what that must have been like you know three months is an interesting mark by the way because you know you that have had children three months is an interesting mark in that when a child is first born a new board dad you don't have a lot to say about everything you know it's all about food and and mother you know and the baby knows the mother sound and knows the mothers is feel and and and dad you're just a strange alien for the first three months newborn babies stuff deal for dad but eventually at 3 months there's just sort of click into gear where a little child's personality kicks into gear man you'll see characteristics and a 3 months old that you'll see when they're 30 years old like it's really amazing how their little personality blossoms at 3 months and they're giggling and they start to acknowledge dad more dad starts to become kind of cool at 3 months and and you can do stuff as a dad and influence which is really great 3 months but the reason that's important is because that's when they had to let him go can you imagine that three months of caring for this little baby and then saying man we try to save the life of this child we have to send him down the river what a crazy thing Yaakov ed and amrum had to do but but Jakob ed is an amazing woman and how she did this um and I think she's an example to us live in a day of crisis in the world in a worldly godless culture with all kinds of threats around us that's exactly what Yucca had had to do in in her situation and I think we can learn from her so if you want to maybe jot a few of these things down I have five things about yucca head that I'd like to think through with you first of all yucca Dead was a woman of insight she was insightful how was she insightful well I love how it says in verse two the woman conceived bear son and when she saw him that he was a goodly child oh come on Brett everybody thinks their kids a good child I mean you know everybody thinks their child is the most beautiful if you're one of those people who has a hard time seeing beauty in newborn babies you're like no that's more of a raisin than it is a baby a little shriveled-up thing what is that and and some of you've learned how to say oh now there's a baby instead of that's such a beautiful like some people just you just kind of go wow that's a face only a mother could love well you'd say well Brad every woman would feel this way but in the Hebrew text here the idea of when she says she saw that he was a goodly child the idea is she saw something different in her son unique she saw perhaps the potential even at three months old that her son was set aside for something greater something important she saw something about him that was set apart that's the idea and again you might say what every mother sees that and the answer I might say to not as I hope so isn't it great when your mom and dad you know we're encouraging to you as a little child and maybe nobody else would encourage you but there's something about mom and dad they would always say encouraging things I love that I remember as a kid you know my mom and dad would compliment and give me you know encouragement and they'd see the things that perhaps I was more gifted in and things that I was not necessarily so gifted in and they were honest but the things that they could approve they sure did and it's great because even my mom to this day she'll give me a call and say you know I listened to your sermon and it was really courage by what you shared and I'm like thinking a lot of times the worst sermons I give the ones I go home and they go I totally choked she also give me a ring so that was just such a blessing and you know you gotta love the encouragement of a mom because she has the potential or she can see the potential in in her child perhaps more than most and I love that that's exactly who Yaakov ed was she looks at Moses and she sees insightfully that he's got potential there's something unique and so she's gonna risk her own life and she's gonna do a great thing to try to save this little boy's life and I love that she was insightful will actually see more evidence of that in a minute when we go to another scripture so number one Yaakov ed was a woman of insight number two Yaakov Ned was a woman of industry man she was industrious she came up with an idea you know somebody might say Brett I don't know if I like her idea it's kind of a harebrained idea she makes a basket dumb idea number one cuz baskets don't float but then she she figures out how to make the basket float and what did she do she Dobbs it with slime and pitch she finds some slime and pits somewhere maybe you know there in that region of the world by the way JD what Rockefeller talked about that there may be oil in that region of the world because of this story there was some interesting things about that in the Rockefeller family and finding oil and the Bible but I won't go into all that but that slime was probably some kind of petroleum sort of base product product where she would sort of seal this basket and then and then put it in the river and float it down like that sounds like a dumb idea but I love that she did what she could she used the resources she had and as meager and as maybe as a bad ideas that seems isn't it cool that the Lord has a way of sort of intervening it reminds her that old Keith green song that I grew up listening to remember that song you just keep doing your best and pray that it's blessed and he'll take care of the rest I love that and that's exactly what she did rather than sitting around complaining about what she couldn't do her limitations and how evil the Egyptians were instead of sitting around complaining about what she couldn't do she did what she could she did she used the resources she had as meager and sort of maybe even seemingly harebrained but a horrible idea I make a basket put him in the river where there's crocodiles and he could drown and an Egyptian could find him arbitrarily and just kill him right there on the spot it seems like a horrible idea but I love that she she just does something with what she has and then she leaves the rest up to the Lord and I wonder how many times people just sit around complaining about what they can't do rather than doing what they can and by the way that's one of the things that I hope that the Church of Jesus Christ is doing doing during this covet virus problem of not being able to assemble you know we can sit around complaining about not being able to meet and don't get me wrong there is a limit to churches not gathering even though you know just this week Kate Brown our governor you know said that you still no mass assembling through September that'll be over six months of no assembly I don't know if that's gonna stand I'm wondering about that because she maybe is overreaching a little bit on that possibly we'll see we'll see how that shakes out but all that to say you know what do we do sit around go you know well I guess there's nothing we can do well one of the things that we're doing is we're finding some really cool things as a church about you know counseling we're doing more counseling now you know over Xoom meetings then maybe we were doing in real life and and some really good fruit is coming from that we're connecting with people in a way that we hadn't before our kids ministry the Kids Zone and the little program they're doing kids are being blessed by that and and you know our viewership when almost doubles it's almost doubled you know we're getting over 30,000 views on our weekend services between all the platforms of Roku Apple TV our web site YouTube channel we're getting you know a lot more people tuning in to our Bible study and and the reach is is exponential and and so rather than sitting around as a theatres man I can't believe we can't go to church maybe this is a chance you know who knows you know we're praying about all kinds of things right now the leadership and a secret of what we can do and stay tuned we'll be we'll be unveiling some of those things but you know I think you know re-emphasis on home fellowships it's going to be something we're gonna need to really do here pretty soon and the pastoral team is talking about that and how you know it'd be great have home fellowships that watch services together you know 25 people or less in a house watching services I wonder if that might not just be kind of like the early church during persecution it wasn't the covet virus that made them go into the homes and small groups it was Roman persecution and I wonder if this might be one of those seasons where the church flourishes in times of crisis you know one of the things that made the church grow like wildfire was persecution maybe maybe the Lord's doing something with this and and instead of sit around moaning and groaning I wonder if we should be saying Lord we're gonna take whatever resources we have and we're gonna do what we can that's what yoga that did that's what a mom that is ruined us Trias will do you know you may not have all the fancy stuff that people have to raise kids but use what you can she had a basket that she'd made she had some slime and some pitch and she made something out of that and the Lord says you know what I can use that she just doing her best praying that it's blessed and he took care of the rest that's what the Lord does what is in your hand what do you have as resources what what is it that that is available to you you might say nothing well tell that to the little boy who only had 5 loaves and 2 fishes and there are 5,000 hungry people oh yeah remember the disciples even kind of have that attitude well all we have really Lord is five loaves and two fish but what are they among so many and the Lord is that I could use five loaves and two fishes and I'll feed 5,000 people that don't sell the Lord short yakov ed was a woman of industry and she took what she could and she used it in the Lord honored that have you ever heard the old phrase you know you can't steer a parked car it's true if you ever tried to steer a parked car you can't do it you got to start moving in order to steer it and sometimes I think that's the first problem nobody gets up and starts moving then once you start moving the Lord will Styria where you need to go and that's what she does she does what she can with a little basket some slime and some pitch and look what happened it's amazing so Yaakov ed was a woman of insight seeing the potential in her son she was a woman of industry because she could do what she could with what she had to save them but number three she was a woman of intrepid miss intrepid what well the word intrepid I like that word keeping my alliteration of eyes going here we got you know insight industry intrepid nough sit means resolute courage you know undaunted courage you know where she just totally does something that's really brave that's the idea of ya'qub ed she was not a chicken she wasn't a scaredy-cat but she was a woman of great intrepid Nespresso loot courage verse three the last part it says this is amazing she dobbed it with slime and pitch and she put the child in the basket and here's where it gets a rat radical and she laid the basket in the flags or the reeds by the river brink and you know this is like we said earlier there's crocodiles in that River there's Egyptians running around you know it seems so dangerous but I love that she's willing to put her son I mean when you think about this it's not only that there's crocodiles and Egyptians but it's the very river they're drowning the babies in you know in some ways I think my knee-jerk would be to run the office go toward the desert get away from the Nile River but it's amazing she puts the baby right in the very river they're drowning babies in that's undaunted amazing intrepid miss undaunted resolute courage that Jacques Jacques Abed shows and and see that's the thing I I have to be careful here especially as it is mothers but just one of the things that moms need to be careful of and you know we live in a day where there's all kinds of dangers let's just call them the river here in this story dangers Egyptians crocodiles drowning but she went ahead and put her child in that same River and some of you moms feel like you're doing that when you bring your kindergartner and drop them off to school as they run off to class and you're like what am i doing I'm entrusting my kids into the river of this Egypt this worldliness and and it seems difficult it's brutal Deb and I you know we think about this often you know dropping our kids off to kindergarten that was a tough dropping him off to first grade was tougher because kindergarten at least was only a few hours first grade was like man you're giving them the whole day and your little six-year-old is going off to a you know another world and and you know if your kids like our kids you know going to public school then you're worried about not an education but an in doc indoctrination there's such an agenda and you're and you're sending your kids off you like a whole Lord I'm putting them in the river of Egypt and and you can kind of freak out a little bit but kindergarten that's child's play first grade nothing eighth grade seventh grade middle school that was the worst I remember sending our kids off to middle school we thought oh no we're sending them to the very pits of hell which is true actually by the way junior high is pretty much the equivalent of the pits of hell I'll tell you I think middle schoolers have a tough if you're a kid going off to you know you know public school middle school you know there's so many pitfalls there the other kids who have not been trained by their parents to do the right thing and you're sending your kids off to that and that's where education goes really haywire they start doing the the secular sex ed which is so godless and so you know perverted and and then you got all the other things that are going on you know where they start getting into topics that you know whatever happened to reading writing and arithmetic it's suddenly more about you know how to use condoms and and and how you were you know we're before you know there was gue and then the prebiotic soup from GU to you and that's their education about the origins and and you know God didn't create the heavens in there and there's this total indoctrination that goes on and as a parent you feel like men I'm dropping my kids off in the river of Egypt here's the thing it's interesting because I get asked that question a lot of times you know Brett should should should we send our kids to public school should we send them to private school should we do homeschooling what should we do and I always answer yes well which one yep see because I I'm convinced that everybody needs to pray about what they should do and by the way he shouldn't be dogmatic about what other people should do with their children in my opinion I think there's a place at a time for example I'm really happy that we've by and large sent our kids to public school but there's a there's a difference we prayed about it every school year and we even tweaked it sometimes it was in eighth grade we took our kids out half day and homeschooled them the other half and the reason we did that is we wanted our kids to be in public school being salt and light which our kids were you see my kids were raised and it wasn't that I was as much especially by the time they're in high school I wasn't as much afraid about the indoctrination because my kids were a little smarter than that and they saw through the stupidity I'll never forget you know like I was more worried for the teachers honestly when Brooke or Joey or Casey if they tried to say something stupid you know my kids were respectful but there was one teacher that told my beautiful daughter Brooke you know who's saying up here this morning in high school told her you know you can't speak in class anymore and you don't know why you know cuz Brookes such an obnoxious person no Brookes like the sweetest person you ever meet but she's really smart and this goofy teacher was making the case that Muslim terrorism where they blow up children and women in the streets that's the same thing as Christian terrorism when Christians blow up abortion clinics and they were making this case equal saying religion all religions violent you know that kind of thing and you know Brooke rightly you know raised Arianna and just you know asked some good questions about now let's see how many how many abortion clinics have been blown up how many innocent people have been killed by terrorism you know Muslim Islamic terrorism and also do it does all of Islam reject blowing up people dude does all of Christianity reject blowing up an abortion clinic and like just really logical you know there's been a few abortion clinics gonna buy a bunch of crazy wackos and a lot of Christians would say yeah we don't we don't ascribe to that at all sixteen percent of Muslims around the world ascribed to violent jihad sixteen percent well that's just such a small percent 16 percent of two billion people in the world and how many is that more than that there are people in the United States I think if I do the math or it's close to that like that's a huge amount of people that are pro Islamic terrorism I think it'd be hard to find a few Christians in the whole nation that would call themselves Christians who believe in blowing up abortion clinics all that to say my daughter just raised the question sweetly and that's when this teacher said yeah you can't talk any more in the class so so you know I wasn't worried as much about Brooke Jo case but um but I was worried for their teacher because they were just the teachers were just saying stupid stuff but that's why I love sending my kids to public school because they were able to be salt and light and also we saw in our own kids different potential and different things that they were good at Joey for example you know I was always a people person and I thought bringing him home to the home school would have really hurt him he's he's the guy that when he was 12 12 years old he could walk up to a group of men full grown men and just start talking to him about its intelligently fun stuff to talk about and I remember men just going man you know your son's like you know he's like one of us as that he would just stand around talking about fun things and and just kind of a people person and I didn't want to like forth that with you know doing that I wanted him I want to Joey my son to be able to walk up to a bunch of guys cussing like sailors and rough around the edges and not go who did they cussed my virgin ears can see behind me Satan like I didn't want my son to be that guy I wanted him to be the guy can walk up to a bunch of cussing guys and just talk freely to them and not be intimidated by them and and Joey sure is that to say the least and and it's so cool to see how the Lord use that now the reason I say all this because you know I love that we as parents got to see the various giftings and talents within our kids early and the decision and prayer that we put into public school home school private school it was more about Lord what are you doing in each of our kids what's your plan and purpose and it's so cool to see how the Lord kind of worked that out and that's what I would say you know don't just mom don't just be driven by the fear well I'm putting them in the river of the world of Egypt hey God's bigger than that God can put a hedge of protection around your kids even in these kovin 19 days where there's dangers and iPhones and and there's teachers and agendas and there's all kinds of evil and wickedness around us and you could go crazy being worried about all that stuff or you could be like yeah covet and have resolute courage knowing that God is greater than Egypt and I love that in those perilous times of Egypt even they're very similar I think in some ways to the perilous days we live in and mom you can put your courage you can put your trust in the Lord I love that she was a woman of great intrepid miss number four on our list of things we're looking at in Yaakov ed she was a woman of insight industry intrepid ness and then forcefully she was a woman of great influence Oh the Millennials get excited and influencer Gen Z Oh an influencer see that's a funny name the word influencers come to mean something that I don't think it means what they think it means because I've noticed that everybody's an influencer in these days of 2020 and I think that what does a real influencer look like it's not somebody with a social media account where they got you know a hundred thousand followers just because they bought them from those weird companies that try to get you to buy social media followers and all that an influencer is something different you want to know an influencer looks like Yaakov ed oh well she a CEO was she a career woman did she have a staff and did she make a big mark in the world with her great you know intelligence and intellectual acumen no she was an influencer because she raised the most powerful and amazing important leader perhaps in the whole world in all of the world's history Moses was on that grade of leader I think he was think about it he's the guy God chose to lead two and a half million people on a camping trip through the wilderness for 40 years with no food or water readily available can you imagine that's a leadership feet right there and getting a whole nation of people moved to go to the promised land that like that's a giant thing and Moses did it because well we'll see how she she influenced him and I'll explain that you know what I love about this story by the way is that she was able to have an influence in his life at all you know it could have gone down where the princess gets the baby and just hire some other slave to take care but isn't it great the Lord worked out where Miriam said I know what a Hebrew woman who's nursing right now huh and she could take care of Moses and so the princess said yeah bring her in so not only does she she gets to do something she would have done for free but she actually goes and does it and and the princess is paying her to do it a slave getting paid to do to be the mother of her own child like it couldn't have worked out better but all that's to say the princess now go take this kid you know and and and and raise him up but he's gonna be called my son she says in the story the son of Pharaoh's daughter and so what does Yaakov ed do she takes her son off gets paid for it and and what is she doing I'm convinced that she put all of her energy and effort into loving on caring for and building within his character in his you know his demeanor and in his makeup putting in integrity me this and a sense of loyalty to his own people I think that that Jakob EDD had huge influence on Moses how do I know that well if you think about you know what a lot of you mothers are worried about understandably is the influence of the world you know my kids are being influenced by the world well you've got to do counter influence you've got to push back on that the world's saying this you've got to say that and that's one of the things when our kids were in public school we spent as much time trying to deprogram all the wacko teaching they were getting at public school we had to try to spend equal amount of times as if we were homeschooling them to share with them what really was true I love that y'all camed she just didn't sit around saying I hope the Lord covers Moses she did probably do that but she also did what she could I think she taught him and trained him about the world and about I think she even taught him about the Messiah Jesus who would be coming well how do you know that would you keep your finger here and exodus chapter 2 and go with me to Hebrews the book of Hebrews it's in the New Testament toward the end of the New Testament and and the word Hebrew is another word for Jew so it's a book to the Jews about the Jews for the Jews and the author of Hebrews chapter 11 writes a chapter called the Hall of faith the Hall of faith of Hebrew people in the Old Testament that did amazing acts of faith so turn there with me Hebrews chapter 11 now as you're turning there to Hebrews 11 let me ask you if you could say what was Moses's greatest feat of faith that he did like if you were gonna put him in the Hall of faith you know what what would what would he be best known for you know I heard Little Richard died yesterday and everybody started talking about his songs that he's saying and and which songs were most influential and how is he gonna go down remembered and all this stuff and you know we have our Rock and Roll Hall of Fame we have on earth but if Moses is in the Hall of faith what act of faith many people say well man he stuck his rod out over the Red Sea and who the Red Sea went open and the people window amount of faith or maybe when Moses struck the rock and the wilderness and water came out and he brought water to the people mad major faith or when Moses did this or that is the other thing there's a lot of things but you want to see what God sees as Moses is greatest act of faith it's right here in the Hall of faith on record for us in Hebrews chapter 11 we'll start here in verse 23 Hebrews 11 23 it says by faith Moses when he was born was hid three months of his parents because they saw he was a proper child again that's that a woman of insight she saw that he was a proper child there was something special about him that's more evidence of that by the way and middle of verse 23 they were not afraid of the Kings commandment that's that you know you know intrepid miss that resolute courage that we saw and verse 24 by faith Moses when he was come to years he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter now the words uh there is not in the original text of the of the Greek original New Testament the translator put the words up there just to try to help it make sense I think maybe they damaged the text by putting a vow there I'll tell you why because it should read he refused to be called son of Pharaoh's daughter the reason that's important is because it's not as much relationship as much as it is a title son of Pharaoh's daughter would mean sort of Prince of Egypt and that's what the original text says he refused to be called son of Pharaoh's daughter do you remember Pharaoh's daughter in Exodus chapter 2 said he shall be called son by the son of meme basically a Prince of Egypt Josephus the ancient historian writes about this by the way he was two thousand years you know further back in history than we are which is interesting because he was closer to that history than we are and he writes a lot about Moses he writes in his history about how Moses conquered the Ethiopians for the Egyptians he was like a war hero for Egypt back when he was twenty years old he led a conquering army and brought all kinds of wealth back from Ethiopia and and was raised to be the next pharaoh he was next in line to be pharaoh now the works of Josephus not armchair reading four volumes but this ancient guy writing from the Roman Empire a Jewish guy he writes a lot about Moses and and what's interesting is you start to kind of see parallels from what the Bible says about Moses so you can't say that you know Josephus was 100% accurate all the time necessarily but you can you can kind of say that it's just interesting so he was raised in Egypt to be a Prince of Egypt if you would and so what does it say it says by faith when he came to here he refused to be called son of Pharaoh's daughter and it goes on choosing verse 25 rather to suffer affliction with the people of God dungeon to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season it's funny how the Bible gives it that oh there is pleasure in sin but for a season fair Moses knew that he said I'm not gonna go and do sinful stuff just for short fleeting fun I'm gonna rather suffer in fact check out what he says there in verse 26 he was esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward by faith he forsook Egypt not fearing the wrath of the king for he endured as seeing him who is invisible isn't it interesting that Moses goes down in the Hall of faith for his character and his commitment to purity righteousness and holiness and and it says that he would rather you know forsake the riches of Egypt for Christ greater riches now you say brenton Christ wasn't even alive when Muslim how did he know about Christ greater riches what does this author know you know talking about Christ and Moses and his knowledge of Christ could it be that Yaakov ed taught him all this that Egypt was worldly and you don't want to get tangled up in the world so B don't forget your heritage you are a Jew being raised by your mother a Jew and these are your people and sure there's gold in Egypt and there's all this but it's better to suffer knowing that the Messiah is coming for the Jews and you can lead these people like like she I believe Yaakov ed was the one who instilled within Moses these commendable feats of faith it isn't that interesting that that it's not mentioning really the you know the all the other great things as much as the most that's talked about about Moses is that he forsook Egypt he wasn't a worldly person but he rather chose to go with God's plan God's Way and that's how he goes down as a man of faith I think that's important because that is perhaps one of the greatest influencers that I can think of who cares about all the other influencers so you came up with a way to make money quick and you learned how to you know get people to help you with your business and all that stuff whatever a mom influencing her kids to do something awesome and follow Jesus that's the influencer that I love I'm so thankful I had a mom that was that kind of an influencer and still is I'm so glad my wife has been a wonderful mom for my kids she's gave her everything to trying to really influence our kids like Yaakov ed influenced Moses and I love that that a lot of you moms out there are doing the same thing and that's commendable Yaakov ed where did he learn to think this way Yaakov ed taught him you know so really the truth is raising our children in Egypt that's that's what we're doing we're raising our kids in these days of worldliness godlessness and it's a little scary and sometimes you think your kids just aren't gonna get it they're not going to do it but that's where we come to point number five Yaakov dad was not only a woman of insight industry intrepid dis and influence but number five Yaakov ed was a woman of endurance endurance I know it's not an eye but I ran out of eyes so you can say endurance if you want to endurance what do you mean she was enduring well you know even though it was threatening even though they were still slaves even though it was 40 years old when Moses finally forsook Egypt by the way Moses his life can be broken into three 40-year chunks the first years forty years he was in Egypt becoming somebody the next 40 years of his life he spent in Midian as a shepherd becoming nobody and the last 40 years of his life he spent the 40 years leading everybody to the Promised Land it's amazing how the Lord prepared Moses he was 80 years old when he started to lead the people of his Iran lived about 120 years old but all that to say you know it Moses forty years old when he decided to leave Egypt wonder how old your kids are gonna be you know maybe your kids are seeming like they're a little worldly and you feel like a failure as a mother hey don't forget proverbs 22:6 says train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it you know just keep building within your kids as lovingly and carefully as you can I don't think he's trying to pound it in their heads okay you're gonna worship Jesus whether it kills you no don't don't do that it's got to be something where you lovingly are teaching your kids to follow Christ and not force-feeding them but lovingly continually consistently showing them Jesus and then when they are old they're not depart from it I wonder I wonder if Yakov had ever thought oh no I've lost my son like I wonder you know if Josephus was correct when Moses comes to the Palace of Egypt with all the Ethiopian captives and and all the plunder from the Ethiopian battle that Moses led as a commander at 20 years old and everybody's like Moses is our guy he's the next principle I was like oh now I've lost him but see the Lord had his hand upon him and the Lord covered all those things for Yaakov it she was one who was a woman of great faith if you ask me who did what she could in the most difficult of situations and the Lord honored that and blessed that and eventually when he was old he came to and the Lord used Moses mightily so on this Mother's Day on covet 19 Mother's Day a day where there's danger and confusion and consternation and and question you as a mom rather than freaking out faith out you know just put your faith out there and okay Lord I'm gonna put my trust in you I'm gonna take what I have whatever I have meager it might just be some slime and some pitch but I'm gonna use slime and pitch in a basket and I'm gonna make whatever I can I'm gonna build that Ark of salvation by the way the word ark in the Bible is always a type of salvation you got the Noah's Ark you've got the Ark of the Covenant and you've got the Ark of Moses here in this story all pictures of salvation and moms you have that privilege to build that Ark of salvation for your kids it might just be made up of some twigs and slime and that's okay and the Lord will take it from there just do what you can in these coronavirus days do what you can and leave the rest up to the Lord and your kids will be in good hands there it is that's a little Mother's Day sermon for you I'd like to end with this because I always bring the Gospel message into all my sermons and on this Mother's Day wouldn't it make your your mother glad if you accepted Christ on this Mother's Day it wouldn't be great if you called your mom you mean you're watching this in Texas or in Florida or somewhere and you're not sure if you're a Christian and you're just kind of tuning in thinking okay what is this this windbag have to say about Mother's Day and you're like but here's the thing you know maybe your mom did try to teach you about Jesus but you know your school they gave you all the stupid stuff and said Jesus wasn't even a really a man and they give you the historical Jesus and all the stuff which is totally false I hope you understand that there's so much information out there that's just totally false but the main thing that you need to understand is that it's not about our cure it's more about sin the Bible says the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life God God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life it's it's um it's this thing where you and I were sinners and we owe this debt to the Lord he's righteous he demands righteousness but he's also loving so what does he do he provides the way the truth of life for anyone who believe and it always is interesting with people of God is love and he would he'll save everyone he will he's provided the way through Jesus Christ but you are responsible for accepting that way for choosing to follow and believe Jesus Christ that's up to you if you're gonna do that or not and what happens it's really simple Romans 10:9 and 10 says if we can you know if we first of all recognize we're sinners that means repentance you say I'm a sinner and I've sinned against the Lord I've done things in my life that are contrary to God and acknowledging that you've missed that mark that's repentance and then and then if you confess with your mouth believe in your heart Jesus that he died on the cross was buried rose from the grave being this the payment for your penalty that's what the cross was all about your payment your debt God says I'll pay your debt and you will be free you'll be saved and he died in our place the wrath that should have been for me was put on him and anyone who will that's why the Bible says oh the Lord would that none should perish but everyone would have eternal life that's the heart of God and so he's made it easy you and I we could be saved by God's grace that means undeserved unearned unmerited favor that God wants to show you it's free for the taking and you just accept and confess that and believe that Jesus died was buried rose from the grave it says you will be saved safe from what death and hell eternal death and hell that's what the Bible says people made a cartoon out of that but it's real the Bible says it's real don't just believe the people that make cartoons follow what the Bible actually says and it says you can either go to heaven or you go to hell and it's cut up to you whether you're gonna acknowledge your sin before God repent and confess your own salvation through Jesus Christ it's right there for the taking we'd love to help you with that if you'd like to do that you can do it right now you can say Lord I am a sinner I believe in your son Jesus Christ that he died and he's buried and he rose from the grave and I accept that work of salvation for me and just humbly receive the forgiveness of your sin before God that's what God wants to do to you today that's what your mother would be I bet you there's a lot of mothers out there praying I Oh Lord give my son ears to hear prayers of moms are powerful I wonder if maybe your mom or your grandma's praying for you right now and wouldn't it just make her Mother's Day for you to actually repent and finally give in and say ok I need the Lord I need to be forgiven not one person have I ever really known who's accepted Christ and regretted it everybody that I know and I know thousands and thousands of Christian people who are just so glad that they finally repented people that were once drug dealers people that were prostitutes people that were all wrapped up in all kinds of sin best decisions they've ever made was to repent of those sins and to accept Christ doesn't mean they're perfect from this day forward you're a perfect person nope it means you're perfectly forgiven for all your sins that's the gift of God that's the gift of salvation you know you can just do that and call it a day but also we'd like to hear from you if you would like to you'll see a number at the bottom of our screen here and you can you can sort of just let us know if you want just text that number and write new believer and that would let us know that you've accepted Christ it makes us glad we don't have a tally sheet or anything like that but we do like to know if people are hearing the gospel message and also if you'd like to hear from us we're not gonna flood your email with all kinds of junk email or do all that stuff that so many other groups do but but if you need anything we'd love to help just to be a help for you if you need a Bible we'll send you one if you need some counsel or some encouragement we got pastors we'll call you and you can talk with them or or you can FaceTime them or zoom with summer whatever we can do to help out man we'd love to chip in so that that's available so you can call the church office you can text you can do whatever you want there but but communicate with us let us know I mean that make us happy well all that to say may all of you moms and grandmothers may your hearts be warmed may understand even though we're living in dangerous times greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world we can put our trust in the Lord let's pray and Lord we're thankful that we get to have your word be the lamp unto our feet and the light that's to our path and we admit Lord these days the path is crooked and there's tricky dark places but we're so thankful for the illumination that comes from your word lord I pray that you've encouraged the discouraged Lord for the moms or just thrown up their hands because of the things that are going on in the world I pray that you'd build them up with great resolute courage even this morning knowing that if they just take the small things that they have and use them that you'll take the ticket from their Lord we're thankful that you're able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we would ask or even think about so we put our trust in you bless the moms bless the grandmas today on this Mother's Day in Jesus name we pray amen amen well we have thousands of people watching right now and it's always fun let's see a few photos of people who've been joining us and we'd like to see who you are alright happy mother's day it says they're good-looking crew I miss seeing you guys only see these kiddos walking back in the foyer when we used to meet in the church building but a nice good to see you guys oh yeah look at this got the crew and what do they got their little chickens in their hands that's awesome little chicks joining us for church service that's great nice stuff all right what do we got there I mean like the mic monitor so small I can't only see what's going on there but I see a plant some flowers some tulips they just look oh they're honoring mom I got it they're rubbing your feet feeding your food got the pooch and the flowers that's great I love that family by the way great people right there happy Mother's Day best way to celebrate by worship the Lord our Great Creator amen to that and look at you guys you're singing along with David that's cool nice-looking crew Church time there's Betsy and and the kids and man it's great to have you guys there with us and and I'm right there with you worship the Lord that's great good stuff and got the kids and they got their cozy blanket and there is that is that a little bunny rabbit no donkey I'm not sure what kind of stuffed animal that is but I think you should name him Berger furred whatever the animal is called in murga furred there you go first church service Wow that we got a fairly newborn right there that's that's great welcome to the church family happy baby cool stuff well it's great seeing all the people who are joining us out there and we're glad you're with us and don't forget Wednesday night Bible study 7:00 o'clock Wednesday night don't forget prophecy update this Friday night 7 o'clock we'll be getting online for that and then we'll just see a until then may the Lord bless you talk to you later
Channel: Lean-into-God
Views: 120
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: mCfcWRtaShE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 32sec (4892 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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