0 Overall Team vs. 0 Overall Team BUT in MLB The Show 21

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today is the special day that we take the og of all og challenges here on the channel a historic concept that was created here by yours truly and taking it into a brand new game here on mlb the show 21 as the ever so popular zero overall versus zero overall challenge today is going down as you guys see the los angeles dodgers roster compiled of mr no stats zero overall across the board i mean it does say one but you get the point everybody on the bench as well zero stats across the board and as you guys would presume same exact scenario with the rotation and on the flip side we're not going to be planning as a normal team because yeah we would lose so we are going to be taking on the team that should be a zero overall like because it just makes the most sense because they're the orioles we're gonna go dodgers versus orioles today two teams same exact ratings i just want to see how funny a zero overall team is on mlb the show bro i just have a feeling it's gonna be so silly like this isn't about showing off my competitiveness this isn't about showing off my gamer skill this is just about having a good time and being silly oreos dodgers now for the memes where should we play this at i don't think we should play this at a real stadium if like this has you know the meme vibes towards it so i feel like we need to have one of my mimi created stadiums that we need to play this game at but the question is is such an important question where do we play the game at there's so many stadiums if i could fit the bill for this like i feel like this is horrible looking corn field just fits the mole like this feel just kind of got destroyed a few times from prior videos prior like experiment creations so uh looks like something to come out of a laboratory let's use it for today's zero overall video we are putting quick counts on though just makes everything go by smoother i guess the pitcher's name isn't no stats it's no pitch i guess i don't have to have my batting lineup in any particular order bro this stadium is so ugly like i don't know what happened to the field like i was just editing one day and the field just kind of happened i guess all our pictures are gonna be chunky and why does the guy batting look so huge and not this again bro now we have the umpire massaging the batter's shoulders these are always so funky here he comes again he's trying to show him how to hit what is happening we have a batting tutorial from the umpire bro that's got to go on the thumbnail like that just has got to go on the thumbnail why are we watching the umpire try to hit now we have the catcher coming in swing those hips brothers bro why does he look like he's drunk hitting what what's happening oh brother you played the war zone update lately ah yeah they're pointing at something they have got something in their sight this is just absolutely phenomenal this is just an absolute phenomenal viewing experience all right i've had enough had enough fastball at 84 mile per hour okay fair play fair play little curveball here unfortunately it's going to be overall to have many pitches to choose from and we strike him out and he drops the okay that's that's what we're gonna expect today he's a catcher by trade but because of his zero fielding rating he's probably gonna drop a lot of pitches thank god we tagged him if the first like two or three minutes of this video doesn't epitomize what we're gonna partake in today i don't know what else does thank god he actually caught that one can we at least get like a perfect one two three first inning though like that would make me so happy all right don't boot it good throw a little little ugly but it's effective now how these little suckers are gonna be hitting this baseball one two count quick count not in our favor here like okay that was so slow bro but i felt like i went through the freaking hyperbolic time chamber when that ball left to bring a pitcher's hand until it hit the mitt that was so slow i feel like we can just get the ball in play here man if we just get the ball and play everything should be okay i think that's gonna get down that might be inside the parker he caught that now i probably should have mentioned since we did pick this stadium i do think it's like 300 foot to left field this field has just turned into an absolute meme absolute abomination in any card all right there goes the perfect game can we po wow he's still gonna attempt to bunt though i should be able to throw him out a second this should be an easy double plate get the ball off bro hey why are they continuing to sacrifice bunt didn't work the first time it's not gonna work the second okay and it did work we've got to get this double plate reaction time is so slow oh barely just barely and we missed it oh no oh no tag them i think we completely whipped on the tag i can't believe we actually missed that freaking tag we've gotta calm down now we might get outscored like come on 2-1 all right get two strikes on him we got to make this man whiff right here he'll probably the catcher will probably miss if he whiffs just tag the base tag the base tag it tag it let's get out of here we've yet to give him a run how i don't really know like there's no way he makes us throw right okay thank you bro can i get down bro that's beautiful that's poetry emotion i still know where the infield starts and the outfield begins but i guess we're here to learn together now think about it i think it's actually 280 to left field so maybe it is possible to hit a home run but very unlikely why don't i power swing a few times with my heavy zero power and once again bro like that change up feel like that takes six hours to get the home plate oh god it is a once you count right down the middle there's just no way that's got to get down that's got to be 104 runs that might be out okay it's not out but kids being inside the park home run because they're so slow in the outfield as well they have awful arm i'm gonna go all the way because more than likely bro look at that throat look at that throat i'm gonna beat him home i'm gonna beat him home i'm gonna beat him home what was that i'm so high bro inside the park home run just like that electricity strikes the ballpark three nothing ball game it's actually the pitcher hitting it's not any worse than the rest of the other guys here and uh can we can we beat this out low throw make him pick it out make him pick it out it's beauty it's an absolute beauty all right so this isn't really what i meant to get in and he's out all right i know you guys know i'm infatuated with simming some of these games i do want to see like if we send an inning we'll actually send two innings two innings ground out walk double oh no strikeout strike it let's go how about hitting here strikeout strikeout single we score a run we might actually be better off we scored another ride we might actually be better off simming the game than actually playing let's try one more running one more inning okay they're probably gonna get some runs right an error that's predictable the zero overall they scored a run they scored another run it's always fair right because i simmed they might actually tie this up there's only one out oh no oh no boys oh no it's nine five ten five what do you mean oh he has no energy left boys that went bad real quick i need to bring in somebody else we're now down by five runs we've got to score quick and to be fair to both sides i don't have to sim this one and hopefully we score we don't bros we don't let's make sure at least we get that guy out i mean there's no point in warming them up they're gonna suck anyway why do they always bunk it's the weirdest thing i've ever seen that's that's probably why bro jesus it's just it shouldn't be that complicated three two count right down the middle make him swing a miss he's probably actually gonna base hit off that we're gonna miss that aren't we yeah actually got that i thought for sure i thought for sure he was gonna drop that please bro please don't let him get another run unless in the inning easy easy easy we gotta start freaking getting some runs bro that third or fourth inning whatever it was it screwed us come on come on beat it out beat it out let's go if we lay down a little bun are gonna be able to at least like okay he made the catch i was what if they're gonna drop it every time i was gonna see if maybe we can squeeze out a few cheap like little cheesy runs can you please just make a bad throw thank you for making a bad throw i probably could have answered third but like i'll take that bro oh that's gonna get down i think i think that's gonna get down that that's gonna get down that's beauty that's an absolute beauty now i i am thinking [Music] he missed attack you okay there's so much going on in the base pass i i really don't know what would be successful here i really don't know what would be considered successful and i guess we scored a run once again so much was unnecessary he's dead he just died the pitcher's dead poor god he's gonna beat it out too so funny that's the first time i've hit a pitcher get down son get down that couldn't have felt good bring out the training staff hey actually took it out i mean i guess zero overall it does come with a zero injury rating needs some runs though i think that one's gonna get down that one's gonna roll to the wall and i think we're gonna actually be able to score a couple runs i might actually try once again to see if we can score all two runs or the rest of the runs oh come on brother he missed the tag come on get down get down okay all right good throw calm collected don't make them don't make them do that why so many butts you bunch of weirdos dude oh you missed the ball and now yeah i was stuck in the animation all right not the best of scenarios here bros first and second they're bunting and uh can we at least get one out just one and we we can't two two count this would be a huge strikeout about it awful man it's freaking getting intense here boys getting intense in this year overall match up and we're gonna get him to go down and swing in oh my one more batter one more freaking batter give me a one two quick count one one quick count come on now let's get out of here chunky boy give me a strike two call this could be the difference in the game right here potentially my dudes hit with a little curveball action oh oh gotta have it i'm inside come on now sit him down sit him down oh please catch this like bro i beg you don't don't mess up hold my heart come on keep down get down get down there's no way he's making that play to the wall come on inside the parker that's gonna be one run we're gonna make this a one run ball game and depending on this throw i'm gonna send this guy home okay no i'm not turn around okay so that was my bad he's gonna catch that isn't he he played it perfectly one final pitch to get out of the seventh you have plenty of time to get one more run can we make this catch can my catcher do it he did it that is just insane that's got to be four bases there's no way he makes that catch these guys are making some gold club plays out there this is insane that gives us six outs boys six outs to come back when we lose to a zero overall team are you serious bro i just wanted to test something out oh two-run bomb all right bros things just got freaking serious we gotta score three runs and we have less than six outs to do it how did zero hit a home run bro and he just perfectly places that like there's just what what does that killing ass okay this is some of the weirdest stuff i've ever done oh no we can't have them score again bro that was so unfortunate that was so unfortunate one more strikeout please hide inside needs to swing here uh we'll catch the corner i'll take it gotta have it here gotta have it please good throw don't don't come on just get the throw off get the throw off all right as long as it's effective doesn't have to be pretty i'll just get down we probably can turn this into three i i actually think we might be able to turn this one into three i need to make sure i don't do anything funky here nothing stupid i mean if i can get the run i get to run and i feel like i can get the run here i am being so stubborn can that one get down at least bro it's not he's gonna make that catch we are down to a four out i gotta stop being stupid there's no way he makes his throw i just don't believe it i don't believe it it's gonna be in the dirt that's gonna be an easy little single it should have been a run that's got to get down there's no outfielder in the world that makes that play especially not you new pitcher in hopefully doesn't give up any more runs because we're already strapped as it is i mean to be fair it's been part of my freaking stupidity that's got us to the point that we're in and that also is a reason why no way sacrifice funds here he actually did i've got to get the runner out a second right that throw is so slow i'm making just such bad decisions i've got to get the punch out here i've got to at least get the out at third did you drop that did he make that out we got that out we got that out of there that's all that matters all that matters all right come on this has got to be easy double play easy double play make the throw you more wrong why are you taking so long might be the biggest that bad of the game right here strike two come on let's limit the damage here limit the damage high and inside let's catch the corner we catch the corner let's get three runs boys got to hit got to hit here concentration that's got to get down okay goddamn that's gonna be two i think that actually could be i'm not gonna go home i'm not gonna do it i'm just not going to how did he make that throw i just hate myself it's got to get down bro gotta have runners gotta have runners we got runners okay this could be inside the parker like okay i'm i'm done trying to get the extra bass it really doesn't matter that much although here just learn from my mistakes there's no mistakes here this has got to be a home that counted oh my god this is a full camera i'll take a walk if i can get a walk these need extra base runners right now that's the ball that's a ball we get the tie and run up to the plate boys that's all that matters might be the most important moment of the channel ever right here like this is not gonna end like this it's not gonna end like this it ended like that
Channel: RBT
Views: 273,194
Rating: 4.9100866 out of 5
Keywords: mlb the show, the show, mlb, challenge, rbt, game, gameplay, funny, team, mlb challenge, mlb the show 21
Id: pV5--KFIjA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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