{ Really Easy } Pleated Mask With Tabs, 2 Versions. Only needs 1 piece of fabric.

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hope you're doing well um today I like to make a video and show you how I make my regular pleated mask and from this version I will also show you how to extend it and make it into like a sort of a combo mask with nose guard so this is the style I'm started to make in the beginning like around maybe April or when I started to make masks for donation it's basically just a regular pleated mask the most pleated mask I see out there people usually so they're elastic directly into the mask and I like to have option just in case if the elastic got broken or it's not long enough or short enough for people so I decided to use tabs instead of directly so they lasted into the mask I put four little tabs at the corner and just thread the elastic through these little loops and then tie sleep not to make them adjustable so that's something different from most the pleated mask out there and again it's the same it can be constructed with just one piece of fabric with a filter pocket opening toward the chin and in the past I will add a nose wire over here but I've seen it's fine now if you do two darts at the nose and at the chin this actually fits the face pretty well and in most cases you probably won't need a piece of metal in here you can certainly still do that you can sew a nose wire here and just don't do the pleats so you the option so let's just go through and I'm the material first for the fabric to made just a pleated mask without the no scar I cut my fabric at 8 by 17 so this side is 8 and the length is seventy inches and fold it in half and if you were making the note the pleated mask with the no scar I will cut the fabric a little longer to make it a by 19 it's out of the frame but you can tell just a little bit longer okay so let's put this one aside so if you measure from the bottom toward this point is 8 inches by 8 inches right here so that makes this a square so you make a mark 8 inches and then 2 inches from this side so make a line here and the same thing 2 inches from the edge here and there just stitch it from here to here and skip this point skip this area and then stitch again from this point to this point that would give you the filter pocket opening and after that as usual if you've watched my other video I like to trim the raw edge using pinking shears just to make a look prettier and also you won't fray as much later when you wash a mask in the sewing in the washing machine let's keep this area and start again over here like this and they'll train the raw edge using pinking shears or this way and it will prevent the raw edge from fraying too much when it's being washed in the washing machine over here so now it looks like this opening here we want to press open the seam so this is what I do and usually I just use my finger now to press it open but I thought all so far now my mouth it's a cool tool so I've been using it I'm not really using this for work anyway because I use my um graphic tablet so I just put the mouse to you to press the fabric open that's pretty handy like this the next step would be to stitch the line like stitch one line over here and then stitch another line over here so that would keep the two layers of fabric together but be careful when you do that you just want to stitch this two layer and not the back fabric so just sew slowly as you go and pull away the bottom layer as you sew and just take your time when you do that next step would be you want to position the pocket opening about one inch from the bottom like right here so this is gonna be tore your chin and this is gonna be tore your nose so we still have the mass on the run side out right now so earlier I forgot to mention this is the Matt one of the material we will need I used the twill tape but if you don't have twill tape you can use a bias tape or make your own bias tape or a piece of ribbon however you want so I cut a piece of toil tape about six inches and we'll be making to look for little tabs for the corner so six inches then we fold it in half try my scissor here and just make one cut first easy folding in half and make another cut oh I need to sharpen it up okay little pieces like this so what you want to do Lex is for each piece in half and just tucked at the corner like this you can see it were the opening but this will be in between the two layers of fabric like right against the edge of the fabric so you do that one and then you stitch along this edge about like a quarter-inch you seam allowance and when you almost hit this area but not quite do the same thing for this tab tuck it in and finish sewing it shot and do the same thing for this side again fold it in half the opening facing the opening of the fabric of the mask and just tuck it in in this position and stitch and then do this one again on this corner so I move on to the sewing machine fold it in half the opening and the opening of the mass facing the same direction and just tuck it in between the two Panos toward the top make sure the edges line up and we just sew I usually like to go back and forth a cup of time on top of the little tab just make it really secure seam allowance is about a quarter-inch so as you approach the end of the mask insert another tab toward the bottom same thing opening and opening facing the same direction targeting use your finger to make sure it's in the right spot we just go back and forth a couple times on top of the twill tape it looks like the other side okay then we move on to the next step right now we just stitch both sides and right now every step is the same for both masks it's just one is a little longer because um we have a nose guard and this little area that we stitch it up so we lose a little bit of inches over here so other than that it's exactly the same so far okay so move them aside let's take care of the basic pleated mask first so the next step is from this pocket opening we will turn the mask right side out and because we have this little taps at each corner he makes it really easy just find those tabs and just pour on them they were made the corner really crisp right now so this is gonna be for your this area it's gonna be for your chin and the nose is gonna go here so it turned to the front and then we'll make the pleats so what I usually do in the easy way is just fold this mask in half with the back side to back side and fold it in half and you can press by hand or you use your iron to press it make a line and then you fold it from top you open it up and fold it toward the line you just made do the same fold it down so on the front you should have three lines like these and you just make your please I usually just eyeball it and make it make sure it's even and when I measure the height of my mask usually around like three and through or three and a quarter and that's it and you just clip them flip them and then we'll pan however you want and then you will just stitch it up over here and stitch it up over here so it's pretty basic like how you usually will make you a pleated mask for this one okay let me just play this really play this really quick since we already have this pre these are just kind of pretty shoe deal square okay so just each it up says yep I mean that's it and for the one with the nose guard it's gonna look like this when it's open we turned a mess again right side out to say okay so remember this is the opening is toward the bottom so hopefully you can see so with the back side facing you and make sure the openings at the bottom so we're gonna be folding the nose car so you fold the top down and we want to make sure like two inches so this flap this panel is gonna be two inches it's about right then you just top stitch along the edge with the seam allowance about a quarter inch in like over here I'm not gonna putting any nose wire for this mask but if you wanted putting any nose wire you do that first you would just insert your nose wire and then just sew around it to secure it but I find out with this style I don't really need one you still hug around my face pretty well so I'm gonna bypass that step if you feel like you have the need just go ahead and do it so you're putting a nose wire if you want and then with top stitch a quarter inch seam allowance up on this edge just do it really quick right here looks like this right now so and then the next step fold this little pen oh we just created toward the top and line up the both edges and we just clip them to keep that position the middle because we'll be stitching on the side so then this is the front same thing as we just did you just create a pleats now so fold it mask back side to back side half press really well you can do that with the iron but I'm too lazy so I'm just gonna do it by hand and then fold it to the middle those lying you just use them as a guy and just make you please I just eyeball it the top the width of this is about like three and a quarter inches you just keep clipping clip all your pleats okay I'm not gonna do all of them right now so and then we same thing with the other last when we just stitch it off right here stitch it up right here finish stitching both sides for the regular pleated mask and it looks like this and earlier I think I told you the measurement wrong for this one's gonna be a little wider so it's about like a three and a half not three inches or three and a quarter but like about three and a half inches tall it's gonna be a little wider then the other one if you can see in comparison cuz this one this one has a no scar this one doesn't so that's why this one's gonna be a little wider because the no scar right now it's hidden behind this panel okay so we cannot be stitching up this one now this is how the back looked like so the panels I can fold it down up and we clip them to secure this position just just stitch it up like one line along the edge I have my little fork standing by just in case it needs a little help going through the machine and the seam allowances right here is a quarter inch see right now he needs a little help and just appreciate you backstage this machine usually can handle multiple layer pretty well so it's not stitch up for the side okay so we do the others I have both masts stitched up on the edges so you probably can tell from the front which one is which so this is the one with the nose guard the back looks like this remember we fold this little panel like that and we stitch it up with all the pleats and this one it's just your regular pleating mask so they look very similar at the front and the sides ended up being about two three and a half inches tall this one might be a little taller than this one but it's okay it won't work so it looks like these when you open it up you see the nose flap no scarring on the top so we have one more step well before we do the ties so usually we see the pleated mask usually stops right here but I found now if you make if you take time to do another step it will make this mask fits so much better which is adding two darts in the middle on the top and the middle like right down here at the chin area so to do that you fold the mask front side to front side fold it in half you want to make sure it's really right in the middle you don't want it to be off otherwise you will feel weird when you wear it later so with your fabric marker you just want to directly go to the Machine with marking the first you can do it but if you if that if you don't feel comfortable doing that you can do with your marker you just draw the line here you see I have this little triangle same thing at the bottom make sure it's really in the middle you just draw a line like up like these and on your machine you just stitch this line and stitch this line and that's your dark you really won't feel that yeah you will have this little fabric hanging here after you're done but you really don't feel it against your nose or your chain so it's not uncomfortable to have that on the backside of the Macs so let me just do this really quick on the machine okay make sure it's right in the middle we just take the nose start so looks like these look like this at the front it's the top and bottom you fold the masking half the profile it looks like this so this little dart will help the mask hang on to your nose so you won't want to slide down as easily and this Ching dart will help the max hug her on your change so much better okay in with the one you probably don't with the nose guard but you probably don't need it for the nose part because this panel is already hanging when you look at the profile when you fold it in half it already has this angle so you probably don't need another dart for it but for me I don't have a lot of nose bridge so adding a dart will help it the max to stay on my face so much better so for this one you can bypass the nose start but still do one for your chin okay so then we'll move on to the final step I know step which is threading the elastic through these little tabs so I like using this elastic I got like a few days ago I've been really happy with it it's basically a little tiny rope shaped elastic which is 5:30 seconding width so they're pretty thing and stretchy and really soft so it's pretty comfortable around a year we're a mask with this as year loop a whole day yesterday and I'm I felt fine so this is good so you know if you watch my video before I like to tie sleep knots for all of my year loops because I just like to have the flexibility of having the year loops being adjustable in length so I cut this elastic at 8 inches low but you might want to experiment with your elastic you might be you might need to be a little longer or shorter but I cut mine at 8 inches which works fine for me so you need a hair clip and just kind of elastic through the eat the hair clip then go through one of the loop which side you're going from this side this side doesn't matter so and I will include a link to to the graphic of how to tie a slipknot in the video description so this is how I do it with this short and on the bottom tie the knot you you grab it and you kind of make a look like this and thread the end of elastic wrap it around this two line and go through this loop once and then twice you type and make the first knot like these and you can grab onto this knot to make it move not and if you look at the graphic it will make better sense you might be a little confusing watching me doing this right now so let's move on to this side don't wait a little bit and just poor and then you have your adjustable ear loop like these just pull out hold on to the knob and you just pull it to make you longer or shorter and you feel worrying about this and what I usually do is I apply for a check you can't see the logo anymore but I would just apply just a little bit that will stop the end from fraying later so you just applied it to all the ends and just let it dry for 15 or 20 minutes and you're good to go and I've washed them in the washing machine using regular cycle and they're they're fine they they didn't pray at all so get the fray check for the elastic okay so we have done the same thing for the the other mask which is your regular pleated mask it looks like these and this is the wild with the nose guard it looks like this just depends on which one you prefer i'ma try and see how I mean how they work for you okay thank you and don't shut the video yet I am gonna show a little bonus clip after this okay so here's the bonus clip or tip and maybe a lot of you already know about this but I have just recently learned about this trick so see this pool right here it's actually thread for surgery and it has 3,000 yards of 100% polyester thread in retail for like 349 full price it's so much cheaper than buying this regular smaller spool this one is 300 yards I think I forgot the exact price but maybe I want to say at least 399 so actually this little guy costs more than this big guy that's tame time it has ten times more than thread so but the wall actually work with this thread holder and what I've done is I put a regular spool here and then just push put this big guy on top of it so you might want to give this a try next time save a lot of money and that's even just retail price and I know there are some website online you just google you can buy even a lot cheaper then 349 okay so it's today's tip and thanks for watching hope you give both max a try and let me know if you liked it and stay well I'll talk to you later bye bye
Channel: Flora Chang
Views: 4,968
Rating: 4.8730159 out of 5
Keywords: mask, mask tutorial, pleated mask, cloth mask, 3d mask
Id: 0tHbcuKubAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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