BEST FIT MASK | DOCTOR APPROVED | EASY DIY face mask designed by ENGINEER. Simple Mask by Dora Cary.

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hi everyone this is Dora carry of orange dot quilt today I want to share with you tips and shortcuts of making my mask this is the simple mask the pattern is available in my shop and we'll talk more about that but let me show you this is a triple layered mask with padding and two layers of quilting cotton it's very comfortable fits well to most faces you can custom fit it by changing the length of the elastic loops and it's super super cool let me show you how much it covers everything from under the chin all the way up to the nose and here super comfortable if you wanna make make a mask like that just join me for just few minutes and I'll share super quick and easy tips to make this mask see a little history about how this mask came to be mid March 2020 dr. Garry Goodman the medical director of the intensive care unit of the children's hospital admissions than Viejo California approached me with the request to create about a mask so um I asked what the requirements will be and my engineer and industrial designer self jumped at the challenge of creating this mask the requests were better coverage so my mask covers really from the neck all the way up to the top of the nose your face and from ear to ear triple filtration so I used two layers of quilting cotton and one layer of padding and a possibility to shape the nose bridge so that the mask seals completely that's what makes a mask efficient other than the triple air filtration and protection it's important to not bring air into the mask from the gaps around the face and the mask so this mask fits perfectly and this aluminum flat wire is a great addition to the fit of this mask so that's why this mask is amazing super comfortable the materials needed for my simple mask patterns are actually by pattern available at this link so you also can find the link in the comments we are also going to need fabric pen inches by six and a half inches a piece of body that will be happy with the template in the pattern a flat aluminum wire 1/4 of an inch by three inches two pieces of binding and to be sit around for the last week make sure that when you when you print the pattern you print it at 100 some scale for adults and 75% scale for children also you're going to need a ruler a pair of scissors the marking pants and pins all right let's jump right into making the mask in the pattern I do mention that we should make a tube first but ever since I learned that actually making the tube a little bit later and placing the batting and the flat aluminum wire inside the fabric works much better so we are going to take our piece of fabric fold it in half on the 16 on the long side finger crease this and then we're going to place the batting with the longest flat side against the fold that we have just against the crease that we have just made and we're going to place our flat aluminum wire in the center of this so to measure the center you can just make a notch in your template or like here in a template you can actually notch this out and then place it on top of your mask and just place the flat aluminum wire where the notches or place the notch I mean the template a little bit down and place the aluminum wire there to make sure that it's in the center now we are going to close this and pin the flat aluminum wire in place so I'll show you how this looks really quickly is going to look like this so pinned a flat aluminum wire on all sides to make sure that when you take it to the sewing machine is not going to move around on you at the same time that we do this I advise you to also mark the main fold line the main fold line is marked on the template and it's a very important line for our pattern so to mark the main fold line we're going to draw a line two and a half inches from the top of the mask and the top of our mask is going to be the place where the flat aluminum wire is so two-and-a-half inches down we mark our main fold line and then three and about three to three and a quarter inch down from there from the center of the mask one inch to each side we are going to Mar another little line this little line is a tip from me it's very useful on one hand it has the purpose of holding the batting in place when in the mask on the other hand it has the purpose of showing you which one is the inside of the mask as you're making the mask it's very important to know at a glance which part is the inside and how we determine which one is the inside we want the flat aluminum wire to be actually sitting on the padding towards on the side towards us so the padding should be between us and the flat aluminum wire when we put the mask on so that's the inside of the mask where the batting is placed between us and the flat aluminum wire all right so now we are going to take this mask as is to the sewing machine and we are going to stitch around the flat aluminum oil and we are going to stitch the main fault line is going to look just like this make sure your double stitch here and then around the flat aluminum wire and the simple stitch through the main fold line and we are going to now fold the mask on the main fold line and take it again to the sewing machine and stitch it again what this is going to do is going to give structure to our mask right now it's kind of kind of flimsy but once we do that look at it it looks really great to begin with and that's always going to look in a profile and it has structure it's not flimsy anymore at this point we are ready to make the tube that's that one tube we were talking about so to make the tube we are going to turn the mask right side to right side so the raw edges are lined up and then we're going to take this again to the sewing machine and we're going to have this so we stitch the quarter inch line closing off the edges and now we're going to turn our tube right side out and the mask is starting to shape up at this point we want to press everything press the steam then again we will take it to the sewing machine and reinforce this bottom stitch it's going to look like this so we reinforce it again stitch it but at this the same time we're also going to stitch the chin line and we are going to cut all the corners to cut the corners I'm going to take my template and make sure that my shaping pocket is facing is orientated in the same direction with this shaping pocket meaning up so then we are going to place the pocket in one and corner at a time we are going to make sure that our mask and the edges that mask edge and the edge of the template will be lined up and then we are going to take the scissors and snip off that corner just so we're going to do this all around the mask for every corner we're going to line up the sides of the template to the sides of the mask and we're going to snip everything all right so our mask at this point will look like this we have everything sewn everything is ready to be folded the edges are cut and these edges are very important they're going to shape our mask so how in the pattern I say that you need to mark a lot of things in order to fold this mask so I have all these folding lines and marks which is what I did originally but actually you do not need to mark anything all you need to do is just use the edge of your bearing and the corners that you just created here in the mask to fold this mask very easy on both sides we're going to find the edge of our bearing and we can feel it actually and the corners of our mask to fold so let me demonstrate to demonstrate we are always going to fault the mask towards the inside of the mask and again the inside of the mask is going to be this part and this is the outside so the folding line will fold the mask towards the inside so we fold the mask towards the inside we're going to use accordion folds which means that if one fold goes this direction the next one will go in the opposite direction so we're going to fold the bottom of the mask first and then the top of the mask over the bottom so let's start with this side we're going to find the edge of the batting fold the mask against that edge of the padding so that the two these two sides are lining up they are parallel and lining up and then at the corner at this corner of the mask we're going to fold everything backwards and that's going to be the first fold then we're going to fold the top of the mask over the bottom at the corner we flip it everything up and everything should be lined up everything like that we're going to clip take it to the sewing machine do a stitch line through here same on the other side find the edge of the batting fold-up fold-down at the corner bring the top of the batting down over that first fold find that corner point and fold everything up accordion fold I have a separate folding only video tutorial so look for that if you need more details about the folding do you see how our mask is already shaping up really pretty now as we as I said we're going to take this to the sewing machine and we are going to stitch with a stitch line to stabilize everything and what's left to do is to attach the elastic cord we're going to pin the elastic cord as close to the edge of our mask as possible it's going to look just like this see with two pins on each side of the elastic cord we're going to pin and then we're going to take a binding strip place it right on top of it Center it and we're going to stitch we're going to stitch here about 3/8 of an inch from the edge double double stitching on top of the elastic cord it's going to look just like this so double stitching on top of the elastic cord making sure that the elastic cord is really really sturdily attached and all that stuff to do now is to finish the binding we're going to turn the edges in clip we're going to press this a little bit turn it about a quarter of an inch in press it again and then turn it around and clip it a very important tip here when we take this to the sewing machine we're going to stitch this binding closed now you have to be very careful that the elastic is away from your needle so you do not want to catch the elastic again so I usually keep the elastic in my right hand as I'm stitching this binding closed and it's look it looks like this so that's how the binding looks the elastic is not caught see you can see and our mask is almost finished we're going to do the same in the other stuff in the other side of the mask and there you have it the masks are done thank you so much for listening to me if you have a directional fabric make sure that it stays it's orientated in the right direction on the front of the mask the on the inside of the mask is going to be upside-down but who cares there you go fun very effective protective masks thank you for listening I hope you're going to make one for you and your family one more thing again a reminder this is where you can download the free mask pattern if you have any questions send me a line at orange dot quilts at I will answer and then quilters dream budding is the padding that I use in my kids and I will I do have kids in my shop check out the link below all kinds of good things in there but if you want to make these masks and you don't know where to get materials I've got you
Channel: Orange Dot Quilts
Views: 1,473,896
Rating: 4.8415823 out of 5
Keywords: Orange Dot Quilts, face mask, simple mask, orange dot quilts, diy mask, mask tutorial, protective equipment mask, PPE mask, cloth mask, cotton mask, video instructions for mask, personal mask, resusable mask, dora cary, surgical mask, washable mask, easy mask, Diy, coronavirus, covid-19, simple mask pattern, created by dora cary, PPE, simple mask tutorial, best fit mask, dora cary simple mask, free mask pattern
Id: UaZBm_V8Flg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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