【大雪の車中泊】最強寒波! 吹雪に遭遇する車中泊 。Mt.SUMI AURA 薪ストーブ【Relaxing nature ASMR】

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Can you hear the difference between footsteps in snow of different temperatures? This is the sound of steps in wet snow. Please listen and compare it with the sound of my steps in past videos. While I was building the snow wall, a blizzard came. The wind direction changed, so I moved the clear screen to the other side. Thanks to the wall of snow, almost no wind comes in. Making it was the right choice. It looks like there will be a blizzard tonight. Before then, let's fire up the AURA as usual. Today's snowman is smaller than usual. But I feel different when he’s around versus not around. He's a reliable companion! It's wet, so I'll dry it by the wood stove. Being able to dry wet items during winter camping really makes a huge difference. I also have extra jackets and underclothes. Now, let's relax until dinner. A wood stove rack is really useful. I brought candles that my daughter made a year ago. It's been a year, and their shape has changed, but the day has finally come to use them. There are endless ways to enjoy snow. The snow that melted from the heat of the wood stove looks like a waterfall. But that’s better than it piling up. With this connected, it looks like a hideout, right? I love this space! Where did the snowman's eyeball go? When I brushed away the snow, it was just covered with more snow. I was relieved that the eyeball was safe, so I had a glass of a local Iwate sake called “Yukikko.” Yukikko is only sold in the winter, so you should try it at least once. Although it has a cute name, “yuki” meaning snow, it’s a strong drink. Lastly, we’ll have udon noodles. The air is steamy. These flames like the aurora borealis are really pretty. I thought there was something on it, but there was nothing. For some reason, just like last time, I ended up making pudding again. Please laugh when you have pudding for dessert twice in a row, too. Good night. Good morning. It was windy during the night, but I was able to sleep without any problems. It suddenly got sunny outside. The inside of the car is warm from the electric fan heater. Breakfast is a banana sandwich with chocolate whipped cream. It's delicious of course! How was this trip with the heavy snowfall? This year, in addition to the panel van, I’m also thinking of traveling using a tent. Wouldn't it be fun to combine a tent and a wood stove? I'm also planning a trip with my dog ​​Jill which we didn’t do last year. I get excited just imagining Jill running around inside the tent. See you on the next trip.
Channel: Small base camp
Views: 3,510,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 岩手県, smallbasecamp, daihatsu, hijet, hijettrack, ハイゼット, ハイゼットトラック, ハイゼットパネルバン, vanlife, 車中泊, 軽キャン, 軽キャンピングカー, バンライフ, 軽トラ, minitruck, minitrucks, keitra, keitruck, 車中泊仕様, パネルバン, 軽トラック, キャンピングカー, DIY, camp, キャンプ, ソロキャンプ, ポータブルバッテリー, 軽バン, solocamp, 軽自動車, 軽バン車中泊, ポータブル電源, ASMR, japan, japanese, carcamping, カーキャンピング, relaxing, nature, sounds, japanesevanlife, camper, woodburningstove, campervan, japan camping, スモールベースキャンプ, Mt.SUMI, Mt.SUMIAURA, AURAVer2, マウントスミ, マウントスミオーラ, 薪ストーブ, 雪中キャンプ, snow camping, winter camping, ハヤチネメイド, hayachinemade
Id: 6WzYKP13zvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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