Epic 12 Hour Off-Road Adventure Above Moab

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foreign [Music] all right guys we're in Moab Utah and today we are doing what is known as the trifecta it is the longest off-road route you can do in the Moab area and consists of three Trails poison spotter Golden Spike and gold bar rim it's definitely going to be a challenge we've got Matt and carer from Ozark Overland Adventures of course check out this damage that Matt did to his truck yesterday on cliffhanger there but I've actually done all the repair that's needed already with this dirty and dangerous sticker yeah as y'all did how many miles yesterday 250. I don't know 250 miles a mile I've also got Rob over here Revere Overland and Rob is only on what 33s or 35s Rob's on 35s on a fairly unmodified Wrangler stock suspension yes yes suspension so this this vehicle is going to have the most challenge of course we've got the trail Destroyer 600 horsepower Hemi on 40s [Music] all done well done all right very close to that rock on the right you're very good you got it you're lined up well I'm super excited we're out here doing this guys let's have some fun after making our way through the first rock obstacle on the trail we started our climb up the mountain on some spectacular terrain I love some great scenery on my adventures and this route should offer plenty of that ahead as we get high above Moab actually I had no idea at this point just how incredible this day was going to be this is my favorite trail out here it used to be clipping her until yesterday right on it's got a good bit of a mild fun obstacles I'm definitely jealous you got those photos of your truck coming down the cliff on your obstacle it looks sick I know I've said this a few times but this trip is where we're really going to be putting the trailer story to the test on some of the best challenges that Moab has to offer tap on the control on [Music] is that Robin the bypass what what who does that finish people take bypasses I guess with a couple of warm-up obstacles out of the way we're ready to tackle this thing truth be told I didn't know anything about the trifecta going into this mad just said we should do it and it sounded like a challenge I love a good challenge thank you high five yeah all right guys we're about maybe 20 minutes into this Trail so far of Trail one of three we're doing good so far yeah this is a good time it's beautiful out here it's getting warm I might even take off my hoodie but if you want to pick it up dirtyandangers.com since we got on top of the canyon the train leveled out a bit and we were just cruising I run a fun four high sections so get ready to roll thanks slow down this is not smooth I've never been more happy with my suspension setup than right there just ahead we've arrived at the waterfall a tricky Corner ledge that can be a bit slippery from all the sand [Applause] all right there you go and just past that this steep rock climb around another corner thank you [Music] there you go well done [Applause] all right so this obstacle is called The Wedge it's kind of a v-notch obstacle place should be fun I like fun that likes fun just don't slip off the edge good advice Matt I will not slip off the ledge [Music] foreign [Music] one of the most important things about any challenge I take on is the crew that I'm with Rob Matt Kara and their friends who came along with us are some of the best people you could have adventuring with you and that's giving me a lot of confidence over here to get this done what are you doing I'm watching the story till now gotta be quiet man that's a good part all right we're at the top of poison spiders so we're uh we're making progress here next we're heading over to Golden Spike I wonder if you can see all this dust on my lens better we're right off of there cleaned it right up so we're heading over to Golden Spike after this and then gold bar rim to complete the trifecta insert dramatic music sir thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we just stopped for lunch we're up on Golden Spike it's beautiful out here it's a little a little windy a little cold but the sun does feel super warm I'm gonna have some lunch and then we'll be carrying on along with slick Rock here what is this this is my patch talk to me Goose oh sweet I'll stick this on my Hot Heads headliner whoop that's me goose I love nuts can I eat some of your nuts those will be the best nuts you've ever had they are great wow those are really good nuts right they're two different things yeah I mean I can Overland without the this is called the launch pad I don't think I need to explain why nothing but Sky baby [Music] you can really see how steep this is when you look straight down [Music] I've done some pretty steep climbs over here before but I'm fairly certain this is Rob's first time doing something like this yeah yeah man you need more licorice than anybody I've ever seen [Music] this [Music] is called Skyline Drive Summit [Music] makes you feel teeny tiny doesn't it I'm more concerned about going down stuff like this is why Utah and Moab in particular captures the hearts of off-road enthusiasts you get to do things that feel like they should not be possible the last time I was here I didn't get to do everything that I wanted to because of the limitations of my vehicle but this time I get to really experience this in my big green machine killing the game foreign stock Rubicon it's just 35s has the least amount of clearance but didn't even touch the skid plates on the way down it's a perfect line it's not bad at all making it look easy Rob [Music] [Music] another funnel of the Clyde this Trail is great man that uh that big hill yeah the some something I don't know what it's called whatever it's called the American flag on the top yeah it's way cool [Music] I think the whole Trail is about to get a little more fun this is a really cool obstacle because it's got this little pool where you wet your tires before you come up the Slick Rock this adds a little extra interesting Factor all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa that was exciting [Music] [Applause] all right it's 3 P.M now we started this Trail around 9 A.M so we've been on the trail for about six hours I think maybe we're close to the halfway point so we still got a waste of note to go although we're I mean we're past most of the most difficult obstacles doing all three of these trails in one shot is uh it's definitely it's a marathon that's what it is we're doing good [Music] [Music] Matt has gotten himself turtled here on the rocks I'm uh I'm a little turtle a little little turtle just gonna get a little pull backwards from my beloved for our Prime very good [Applause] back tire is going to come up we're gonna slider good [Music] we made it up to the Overlook about a thousand meters above Moab [Music] this spot is called The Overlook and you can see why we're looking down on Moab right there from way up on Golden Spike can you hear me I don't think so you can see through there oh yeah all there let's take a little peek no thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy cow the view behind us yeah being up here really does make you feel small and it's incredible up here the views in every direction are outstanding [Music] thank you [Music] on your hatch is open again is there not like a badge or something on that it's a feature that gets too hot back there it auto events I'm gonna say the latches were extra after the hammy swap you couldn't afford that [Music] [Music] that window it's a little wonky yeah [Music] stay straight for now all right now turn hard there you go as the technical sections of golden spike get more challenging it's taking us longer and longer to get through this part of the trifecta it's getting close to Sunset we're not even close to being finished all right one down huh one down one to go yeah it looks like a bit of a drop eh well it's a drop with a off-camber little thing yeah come at an angle here I mean it's doable I've done it before there may be a bypass here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're about to come up you're about to come up on the driver's side whoa whoa whoa was not a fan of the line that Matt took here and I decided to look for another route down all right well Sean's picked a different line he didn't like my line it was pretty wonky oh I mean it has potential [Music] straighten up go straight little passenger there you go a little more passenger we're passenger there you go more passenger there you go turn more and more more there you go there you go [Music] I am one with my machine [Music] fun times it is a little passenger all right a little driver hold that nice line no driver you're gonna come down real hard out here your driver's side you drop cool driver good all right turn hard drive a little more driver you were looking good there you go there you go there you go you got it you got it all this one yeah you don't like the one I'm taking but yours or you prefer the one over there I did not like the look of that one the one over there is gonna rip your bumper off yeah yeah you used to have a factory member of the river this this line in your Jeep to me is way sketchier than that one well I mean I'm a little taller than you but I don't want to suggest the wrong thing here I don't want to be on the wrong side of History you know you've got to choose his own path driver Rob had concerns about this obstacle in his nearly stock Rubicon and rightfully so it's definitely a tricky one with the angles so we took as much time as we needed to get him through it safely good he's dead about to drop off there you go gently slid on the bumper all good yeah baby nice one Rob well done sir thank you this Trail is a blast [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign Don't Look Down this Trail is just full of incredible viewpoints I think this one's even better than the last one it is look at these guys we're standing up over top of the highway into Moab here looking out over Arches National Park over in that direction we're just parked on the side of this Cliff that I don't know what you're feeling right now on camera um overwhelmed emotional can't believe we get to do this for a living it's pretty awesome [Music] here is felt like a special trip and even doing what we do you don't get to go to places like this every day looking down at the world in all its Glory [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] guys we've made it to the golden crack right now you can see Matt is in the crowd I'm in the crack the golden crack is one of moab's most iconic spots I don't know if there's a better photo to get than this right here foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] happened here as well whereas I was crossing over I noticed that we passed 200 000 subscribers on the channel 200 000 subscribers congrats bro thanks guys foreign [Applause] setting as we come across the Golden crack in the golden hour pretty awesome Cara is in the crack [Music] this is probably the most comfortable crack I've ever been in here it's basically like a recliner crack it's not bad it was so much fun what like with this view in the background come on we are here this is awesome this is awesome yeah and beautiful like what an adventure eh you got that you got that you got that thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] from there [Music] [Applause] there you go Rob yeah all right now give it a little bit of a bump and pull go up a little bit come on come on oh yeah yeah nice up all right love me some good night Wheeling oh [Music] driver [Music] thank you driver there you go come on Come on Barbie hold that whoa whoa all right it is 8 30 p.m and uh We've made it to Gold Bar Rim so we've got one more Trail to run we figure another hour or two and uh now we're night wheeling and we're having a blast so let's keep going nighttime wheeling and Moab is a completely different animal depth perception becomes an issue there are drop-offs large holes and not to mention just taking the wrong path completely which we did several times to be honest I absolutely love it [Music] [Music] that is steep oh what's the chain four maybe this rock yeah it's right here yeah it was right here right it was a nice little help for rock so it was the chain to help you get some grip right there I have no idea all right foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] like County Road soon don't we uh we got a little bit goes for a little bit longer but we've been on this Trail for 12 hours now we're still not done the trifecta is a mentally draining run we are still rock crawling down this hill I'm super exhausted I just want to go to bed we did it we did it we completed the trifecta it only took us 12 hours 12 and a half hours maybe close to 13 hours I'm completely like mentally wiped exhausted I just want to sleep and I think that's what we're gonna go do we're gonna uh we're gonna keep going so if you're not already subscribed do me a favor hit the Subscribe button your Jeep killed it yeah Elizabeth your wife Elizabeth my wife yes it did awesome yeah it hung in there I'm surprised how well it did pretty capable there's a long one catch you next week laughs
Channel: The Story Till Now
Views: 132,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ejs2023, Jeep, Jeep Gladiator, Jeep wrangler, 4x4, off-road, moab, poison spider, golden spike, gold bar rim, trifecta, overlanding, adventure, wheeling, easter jeep safari, moab utah, off road, jeep trail, easter jeep safari 2023
Id: 36QejZd4ARk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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