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subscribe to cartoons and let the never-ending fun begin s [Music] [Music] posing for the yearbook like this do I look good oh yeah hey girls come on let's go to the cafeteria keep on posing Shaq you looked very funny he blushed how cute he likes you that's nonsense [Music] it was about time to do some cleaning fun look it seems that someone has thrown away a lot of books are you thinking what I'm thinking I'm gonna order an avocado hey look we're over here girls come on oh my what a mess I wonder who this belonged to I'm cracking up I wonder what year these pictures were taken wow check out that hairdo who is that she seems a little sad and the outfit doesn't suit her at all wait a second oh it's Miss collect it's Miss collects yearbook let me see you can't unbelievable it's true now we know why that pose reminded me of someone okay Daisy not everyone can pose as well as you do dress as well as you do oh I just had a great idea what if we do the camp yearbook yes that's a great idea [Music] besides narvy has a camera I'm sure the boys will help us come on yes that's weird no one signed it and Miss collect doesn't appear in the group picture poor thing in any case she didn't have any friends and that's why that's all this what is what are you doing with these things detention for you to the class to your dorm right right now [Music] I'm not going through this again what is this a yearbook what are they up to it was nice for the boys to lend us their camera now we need to get ready and wow I love your style can I borrow something for the picture I'm sure that will make me look perfect will you show us how to pose Daisy yeah me too and me of course I'll bring everything to the photo shoot and show you how to pose I'll see you on stage hey Daisy thank you very much for your help no problem that's what friends are for girls I'd like to propose an idea it's about the yearbook what do you think of I'm so nervous how can you be so calm thank goodness Daisy will let us borrow her accessories and she'll teach us how to pose relax we'll look beautiful come on [Music] yes I'll make sure you look pretty [Music] come on Daisy Focus this is your moment [Music] before we start I wanted to ask you what do you think if we do the yearbook for I'm here [Music] really wow she's a real bro Daisy did you bring us the things for the pictures of course it's all in the suitcase wait what is this don't think I'm wearing this ready who goes first me let's get started I'm going to give you a few tips on how to pose like a true star yeah sure [Laughter] this pose is called shoulders forward this is the winter post your hips back she's amazing she looks so good I can't stop taking pictures okay now it's your turn uh Ella go first let me see a big smile Ella you can do it that's it [Music] put your leg up higher up up up more to the side get off me what is this come on lady you can do it let's get started can I see that pose put your hand on your waist hips out wow the camera adores you stop I don't want to go on besides you lied to us you want to be the one to stand out and that's why you brought us those ugly things what are you saying I didn't put any of that in my suitcase oh sure a ghost put it in there I'm serious girls I don't know what happened I don't understand wait a second that's shadow [Music] let's go so it was shadow [Music] okay yes it was me it was so much fun you'll see the pictures you won't get away with it I won't let you ruin our yearbook nor our friendships by the power of friendship I'm so sick of you Daisy we shouldn't have doubted you I think we owe you an apology it's okay we're best friends forever and nobody can change that by the way girls I wanted to tell you that hi girls I can't believe it well you're missing our pictures right I look like a monster do I have a mustache how can this be possible even Daisy looks bad Shadow has something to do with this bye bye yearbook well I think they're really cool come here Shaq let's pose anyway they're so cool daisy you look awful will you sign it sure we now have a lovely souvenir thanks to miss collect that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about how about we I've got an idea we should give Miss collect a yearbook signed by all of us yes Stella I'm sorry what were you trying to say nothing let's go visit Miss collect yes let's go Miss collect we have a present for you here our yearbook it's signed by all of us a yearbook I don't want any oh how pretty you look very funny come on let's get a new crew picture with Miss collect foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] he'll get scared animals don't like things that make loud noises relax dreamy they're just fireworks it's okay it'll be spectacular you'll see [Music] are those fireworks we're setting them off you see I'm sure Rim didn't even notice be careful [Music] take it easy REM easy now everything's okay foreign [Music] [Music] was that a unicorn hmm shall we play another game yes hmm when I find out who [Music] still Ole Miss collect are you all right oh am I all right is that a horse dressed up as a unicorn did I just get hit by a horse dressed up as a unicorn probably because unicorns don't exist of course they don't also if I find out that you had anything to do with this and the fireworks I'll kick you all out expelled I like it we can no longer hide red Rim stays we'll hide him better and won't set off any more fireworks uh but we want to set them off well we don't it scares Rim it's not fair find a way so that Rim doesn't get scared so we can set off fireworks [Music] don't worry Rim we'll figure it out hey hey I've got the solution [Music] rise and shine [Music] nothing what big Hooves you've got I just came up with a great idea Miss dreamy and her Adventure mates come to the cafeteria immediately oh what happened here your wild little friend did his thing again what yes but miss collect that's impossible eunuch horses don't walk on roofs yeah well he left tracks all over the place so I followed the trail and caught him oh no Rim I already called the wildlife rescue center they'll come to pick him up tonight right after the fireworks that's not fair animals should be free yes it is and don't say another word we must set him free you can count on us to rescue Rim we're sorry dreamy but we don't want to be kicked out we have to go but girls what are we gonna do I know I have an idea come closer hmm I wonder what they're up to [Music] ouch careful she could hear us we have to wait for narvie and Shaq to come be ready Miss collect huh I I wasn't sleeping someone is touching the fireworks what no way I made it very clear that nobody should touch them I'll be right there come on now done let's go [Music] I feel terrible for dreamy after all Rim is our friend you're right but look at the mess he made my plan is perfect hey that voice sounds familiar I'll leave tracks all over the place and Miss collect will expel you oh this is all Shadow's fault we have to tell dreamy let's go we made it Rim now you're free kicked out in one two three where are you I'm following your prince you won't Escape oh no Miss collect Run free Rim we'll see you soon [Music] will always [Music] I [Music] will never forget I love him so much since he's the best [Music] I love him so much cause he's the best the power of friendship oh no not those lights again [Music] well done yeah there you are huh you disobeyed many rules we have on campus you brought an animal you ran you touched the fireworks Miss collect the horse already left if you follow the tracks you'll see that he left campus I don't care I have no other option but to kick you out no please oh this is my fault so please only kick me out I brought the horse Miss collect don't kick her out I'm sure we can find a solution yes we could do work as punishment clean the classroom and make very very delicious meals whatever even a massage hmm are you really sure hmm this is horrible I almost prefer having been kicked out come on dreamy I've been running around the woods all day because of you my feet are shattered [Music] [Music] [Music] the ghost student part one did you hear that be afraid good morning don't worry dear students it was only a Halloween prank [Music] of course let me remind you that the Halloween decoration class will start shortly hey how cool let's go girls each pair will make a Halloween costume with toilet paper you need to be very imaginative but no pranks what have I told you obviously we have to make a mummy a mummy with a roll of toilet paper it is too obvious isn't it we have to be more original the snow monster which is scarier I prefer from mummy from ancient Egypt it is more exotic and quite scary too hmm monster mummy monster who's arguing my idea is better that's what you think oh well your argument reminds me of a mysterious story that happened on campus many many years ago it's the story of the ghost student the decorations she made were impressive all she wanted was to be the best her pumpkins were unbeatable too perfect and she could work wonders with a piece of paper and some balloons she knew it she felt Superior to and scorned the rest she didn't have any friends but didn't care because she was the best until the day of the craft show contest arrived she was convinced she would win with her Sinister spiderweb but something terrible happened that she wasn't expecting her backpack with all the necessary stuff mysteriously disappeared anxious she tried to borrow stuff from the other contestants could I borrow a piece of paper from someone please could I borrow some scissors but no one lent her anything because she always made fun of everyone she never had any friends again and she was left completely alone oh since then she comes to campus on Halloween night every year from the after World to ask for help to be able to finish her giant spider web but miss collect why are you trying to scare us the coast student I think it doesn't sound that scary no it's not scary at all you scared me it was only a little prank well well time's up see you at the next craft show so that's the game right the ghost student I've just had an idea [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] raspberry yummy the balloon started to burst and I was scared to death girls don't you see it what has just happened to us is linked to the story Miss collect told us that's true the ghost student made pumpkins and balloons like yours and the material that disappeared is the same that she needed to finish her giant spiderweb this is starting to get scary Don't Be Afraid ghosts don't exist I bet it's Miss collect trying to return the prank on us do you reckon I think so and I'll prove it we've discovered your wicked plan my Wicked plan consists of sorting my collection of 5000 porcelain figurines before six o'clock they are very heavy and you're holding me up with your accusations your plan was to play a prank on us with that story about the ghost student as if I didn't have anything else to do I'm too busy at the moment prove it where have you been between 10 a.m and 12pm today um she's been telling me to do tasks since 8am you should have seen how she yelled at me when I almost dropped a figurine careful and you girls have you finished Whispering come on Navi hurry up [Music] who's the prankster then stop please your teeth chattering is keeping me awake what's wrong with you Ella I'm scared but if the ghost student turns up it's me I couldn't sleep she can't either she's scared to death it's getting done [Music] [Applause] [Music] why are you we're not going anywhere [Applause] it's the ghost student time ah [Music] first your teeth and now this noise it's impossible to sleep I can't believe it I can't believe it the ghost I bet it's special effects Connie is right what's that shadow [Music] spider webs I almost peed my pants wait [Music] wait [Applause] you know that guys [Music] [Music] the TV crew is coming the TV what TV it's on its way hello a TV crew is coming to Camp a TV crew is coming to Camp a TV crew a TV crew is a TV crew maybe it's because of my songs right you're so funny Daisy they're coming to film the talent Camp it will become famous and we will be seen as trendy I'm going to appear on TV everything has to be perfect we need to prepare something hmm I got it we'll put on a show yeah I can see one of my heads and we can create choreography yes yes but a spectacular one like when the cheerleaders end their routine with a pyramid oh yeah right anything else a pirouette with a double jump to the top I love the idea Lady it's excellent we don't have much time I was told the TV crew would arrive late afternoon I have to make many calls everyone must come hello yes hi what do we do now rehearse a few years later and we meet again I know I'm awesome shall we meet on the pier in 10 minutes sure do you think it'll be long before they come I hope not yes of course everyone from the TV crew should come you guys come on are you ready for your show go and rehearse uh-huh a show did she mean a class no idea shall we do a magic show right a show the perfect occasion to cause Mayhem let's see wonderful see you all on the stage in a couple of hours for the dress rehearsal lady remember the final jump oh could it be the mayor yes hello don't you dance well I'm just not good at dancing but I thought I could make some cookies to ensure that you have lots of energy well done you make the cookies and we dance and sing which is what really matters oh turn hey making cookies is also important I see an argument coming I'm not sure if this is the best trick I bet the girls are preparing something much easier [Music] now lady uh it's very high it's part of my choreography climb up what do you mean part of yours oh I can't hold on excuse me sorry disaster you're going to ruin my number excuse me your number what's worse I have a sore throat I hope I don't lose my voice hi girls look Daisy I've made these ginger cookies which can help clear your throat um ginger cookies are you sure it will help you see my cookies can be important too yes yes of course let me try my voice what enough I'm I'm leaving we're leaving too we're fed up come on girl the TV crummy bye bye show okay let's start the rehearsal first performance hi girls I think we all got a bit tense earlier right come on we almost got it let's rehearse fine I'll perform solo keep practicing you can do better [Music] Shaq make me vanish um I'm the one who vanishes this is a disaster you need to rehearse and now my greatest hit her greatest hit wait a second why aren't you on the stage I've decided to sing alone alone no way we need your group choreography for a great performance you'll do it as a group yours will be the grand finale remember that the future of the camp depends on all of us we're going to appear on TV [Music] the campus is crowded where is the TV crew oh I can't see the cameras admit so many people cameras what have I missed the girls won't turn up look they won't even talk to each other [Music] Shadow girls it was shadowed she put the spice in my cookies what so it wasn't you Connie I'm sorry girls I was so nervous about the performance that I forgot that the most important thing was to do it together [Applause] I was very mean to all of you a little bit but now we need to perform Shadow can't get her own way besides do you know what together we can do it best friends forever and now please welcome narvie and shock I'm gonna make him vanish well it looks like we need to start with easier tricks what a disaster [Music] what leaving you know that guys [Music] [Music] look girls that they're a shadow ready to shine together again the power of friendship no not that way it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] impressive and the lights at the end were amazing but it's so strange that the TV crew didn't show up package delivery um what's this package it's the TV our TV has arrived shall we watch a movie sure the call about the TV it was about this TV foreign [Music] [Music] it's strange that Miss collect hasn't said anything on the megaphone today right she's probably dusting her porcelain in animal figures collection guys attention please it's as if she had hurt us our class president went um to Hawaii to take a surf course and I need someone to replace her a surf of course oh I see the new past president on top of having the honor to be my assistant will receive Food vouchers free smoothies and we'll be allowed to choose the music on Camp wow wow free food and smoothies anyone interested must submit their applications in my office being class press is the best you can really make a difference I'm running as candidate me too and me but girls what for deep down you know that I'll win no you won't they'll vote for me because I'm the best at problem solving no way I'm sure they'll vote for me we'll see about that [Music] what a mess this is gonna be a very heated election [Laughter] that's great we have three candidates let the campaign begin let us find a president who makes their reasons right [Music] it won't be time for worries [Music] at the class if you vote for me I'm gonna teach you my tea at every class if you vote for me I'm gonna tell a lot of story in the library [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh no my favorite porcelain figure has disappeared it reminded me so much of my kitty and what's worse we're in the middle of a campaign what I'm is most about her is when she brought me my slippers and she was never above her she'd sleep under my bed and eat my leftovers is she talking about the previous press to sleep under her bed to bring her slippers I don't want to do any of that it wasn't such a good idea to run as candidates are you thinking what I'm thinking this collect we no longer wish to be reps we withdraw thank you not so fast once you decide to run you can't withdraw but but come on enough of your nonsense you're going to make me angry and trust me you don't want to see me angry no um of course not hmm that's what I thought besides remember that tomorrow is the great debate so don't forget that each of you must give me an envelope with your best proposal none of this would be happening if you hadn't had the idea of running as class president it was Phoebe's idea no it was yours well done girls carry on fighting I'll soon be able to put my master plan into action to make you stop being friends and have you all expelled from camp [Music] my proposal is to double the number of classes mandatory uniform for everyone joking not allowed with this I'm losing for sure that's what you girls think but I'm going to change your proposals I'm so wicked [Music] [Applause] oh there you are I thought I'd lost you hello little kitty the debate is about to start Jenna is the best candidate she has great ideas oh please everyone knows that Lala is the funniest no way Phoebe is always helping us all get along I don't know what's got into you girls anyway I will now read the three candidates proposals Phoebe's proposal is to make sleeping the official sport on Camp unbelievable that wasn't my proposal Jenna's proposal is to close the library and open a club with cotton candy walls that you can eat what is going on here what this is all your fault and Lala's proposal is to give a phone to each student but they're not even allowed in class you've changed my proposal the three proposals are great I'm simply the best I created a real mess if I'm lucky I'll make sure the three of them win I can't wait to see how this ends this is the last one and we're done [Music] let's count the votes our new cam new car is wait a minute you weigh Ty a three-week tie no and the winner is shadow shadow look girls it's that shadow again we should have never competed with each other now we have to be stronger than ever to defeat her let's go get her girls the power of friendship I'm so tired of you yes we're the best best friends forever we have to make a plan it'll be best if you take turns to act as president Sorry Miss collect we no longer want to be a class press no and we don't care if you get upset we are not interested in eating your leftovers and bringing you slippers bringing my slippers today must be International Madness day but I just wasn't aware we heard you say it on the phone huh now I get it I wasn't talking about the former president I was talking about my kitty who had to stay with my niece oh okay in that case there's no problem with taking turns to act as Prez red girls hmm the campus has never had three presidents before let alone three friends where's my phone where are The Swinging hammocks open the club now oh dear run let's go let's collect and abandon us you'll have to figure it out I'm going to video call my cute kitty [Music] you know that guys [Music] [Music] the ghost student part two it's the girls help oh The Ghost student [Music] Miss collect was right the ghost student has come to get one of us I don't know all of this is very straight did you hear that in horror movies ghosts always catch the main characters and take them into the woods that's true it's possible that the ghost pupil has taken Ella to the woods okay this is what we'll do some go to the woods and the rest of the dorms wouldn't it be better to stick together in horror movies something bad always happens to the main characters when they separate no not at all it's a great idea we can do a better search by splitting up besides codes don't exist and I'll prove that Daisy come with me oh no no no I'm never going back in that room hey lady you're coming with me let's go to the woods girls we must find Ella yes but it's just that we're very scared relax I have the perfect remedy [Music] the end you're right Daisy music helps a lot I know my music has a soothing effect what's the matter are you okay my teeth chatter when I'm nervous that's weird it looks like nobody's here it seems that Ella isn't in the woods someone turned on the lights please are you in here girls I'm here it's the ghost student that wants to leave the closet I'm here wait a second if this is a ghost then why doesn't it just go through the door Ella girls we found you three damn let's get the others trick or treat what was that girls uh it's said to wait for a week or treat what it said don't eat don't eat it doesn't make sense tricks or trees there wasn't any ghost student it's Shadow she locked us up what does she want well at least we're together yeah yeah you're crushing me oh I'm sorry girls we have to let the rest know so that we can get help shout as loud as you can hey we're here girls remember do not separate understood don't worry [Music] up here on the tree hello [Music] uh girls where's Connie hmm it's way too quiet I wonder if they're preparing another one of their tricks for Halloween hey girl we're here oh nothing this is useless they can't hear us oh wow this outfit is so cute seriously lady now what I'm staying optimistic here's another friend Bonnie wait are we inside the closet yes and there's really nice clothes in here lady I mean it this is not the time Let's Stay Together it's getting dark [Music] [Applause] it's getting down [Music] [Applause] [Music] anywhere [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey did you hear that yeah it's coming from there it's our friends let's find them it's Shadow again don't mess Away With Friends cause there's no way to beat us stronger than you are goes [Music] to you [Music] it goes [Music] shadow [Applause] the power of friendship no I'm very sorry Daisy if we hadn't argued about what monster to make in that class none of this would have happened I'm sorry too no idea was better than the other they were just different well it seems that we'll finally be able to celebrate Halloween I knew that things would work out of course of course actually who told us that the ghost didn't didn't exist are you saying that you never believed in it no are you sure you were the first one to run away Lala by the way Daisy can I borrow one of your outfits you have a lot of clothes sure whichever you want I'm a ghost student give me your Halloween decorations or I'll take you to the other side [Music] I love Halloween [Music] [Music] [Music] crystals dance boys and girls tomorrow is science day we'll host two very special events the music festival for students and the robotics class with a famous scientist Anne Droid [Music] oh Crystal you dance great you look professional it's not a big deal listen uh narvie and I have written a song and tomorrow we will play it for science day why don't you take care of the choreography I think that's a fantastic idea Yahoo we'll send you the song right away perfect it's gonna be great a robotics class that's awesome I would love to build a chef robot for my healthy food recipes I'd like one that cuts my hair I want a skeeter unicorn robot huh don't worry Rim you're unique you don't need to skate hi girls what's up hey Crystal we were thinking of going to the robotics class to build a robot are you in sure although I had something to do come on I'm sure it's not that important it's gonna be great okay girls tomorrow let's robotize don't forget the microchips what do I have to do Saint Crystal oh message from narfi we hope you like the song Oh a song hey what a great song wait a minute this is the song of Crystal it's time let's go to the robotics class why don't you take care of the choreography I think that's a fantastic idea I have to rehearse the choreography for tomorrow what excuse do I make now for the robotics class hmm what if huh I've got an idea oh lying to her friends again that's so bad I love it Crystal we're calling you oh I'm here oh gosh you look terrible are you all right I think I've got something I feel so sick look it looks like the jelly wants to party come on now is not the right time well I feel very sick we have to talk to Miss collect foreign she has red and green dots on her face you say oh no that's a symptom of the Wild Fever The Wild Fever The Wild Fever of the forest is a very strange virus those who get infected go wild and do strange things once a girl climbed the tallest pine tree in the forest and she stayed there all day howling like a wolf they had to bring her down with a helicopter let's start the dance oops the dorms are over there [Music] okay now time to rehearse just turned up the volume ah it doesn't work what's wrong with this thing there's so much noise they're gonna discover me wait what is that it's coming from Crystal's room let's go Crystal are you okay what the just a moment ago Crystal was weak and without energy that's strange she's caught the Wild Fever of the forest foreign oh thank goodness you've come I'm very sick yeah poor thing I'm sure you have a high fever I knew it they're fake time to turn up the volume how could you Crystal you lied to us what are you saying I can't hear you girls we're seeing that you are a liar Long Live bad vibes thanks to you my power grows what's happening no idea my feet move on their own do you like it it's the bad Vibe soundtrack Crystal are you okay it's the Wild Fever oh no look at Miss collect what a crazy way to dance her hips are gonna break Good Vibes make me weak let's see if you keep laughing now [Music] whoa I can't bear it anymore I'm exhausted huh wait a minute it doesn't affect you jelly we need your help make the music stop [Music] oh sorry I'm sorry girls I didn't want to go to the class because I was rehearsing a choreography for science day I should never have lied to you it's okay Crystal besides I think we can still make it to the robotics class but tomorrow I'm gonna be sore for so much damage here they're a pain this lady again lady I'm Shadow whatever your name is everything's your fault let's get her Girl the power of friendship [Music] what everything's over at last well are we going to that class yes I can't wait to meet the scientist and Droid they say she has a mechanical arm and she looks like a robot hey Crystal how's the choreography going I'm sorry guys I'll go back to rehearsals when the class is over don't worry the festival is tonight do you want to listen to The Final Mix [Music] wow what a great Rhythm [Music] huh they will have the wall fever of the forest I must play before it's too late [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] um I've got you I was looking for you here I made it myself in a cooking class and all the ingredients are organic you like it huh I'll bring you more [Music] no Rim you know you can't come they can't see you here or Miss collect will kick you off Camp as soon as I can I'll bring you more it's too late see you tomorrow rim okay [Music] good morning tomorrow is visiting day everything has to be perfect the food that I prepared for the visitors is spectacular uh-huh remember to keep the food fresh and the most important check that the fridge is at the right temperature and the food is kept perfectly fresh for our guests three two one eat healthy to be strong [Applause] hi girls have you seen any apples I haven't found any for days yes and that's not the only thing missing some of my freshly baked cupcakes have disappeared too well I think someone is spying on me through the window someone with colorful hair [Music] how's someone going to spy on you but how can you explain the Shadows through the window a fan of yours oh so you like to keep secrets from your friends huh I think I'm gonna have some fun I'll make sure that horse gets kicked out and you'll go after him [Music] huh [Music] oh [Music] my cupcakes have disappeared has anyone seen my strawberries where are my apples come on girls I think that we're gonna catch the feet it's time to find out who the thief is let's form three groups timay will go to the food truck Team B to the dorms and team C that's us food is in good hands yeah okay but don't mess it up guys I I I have to go to set some traps for the thief rim oh poor thing but you have to hide they're looking for the thief who ate everything and they'll find out it's you team a with me the thief has to be hiding somewhere Team B I'm sure we'll find the Thief over there pretty sorry it's just for a while I'll take these apple cores to make a trail for them to follow and it'll lead them to the wrong place then we'll think of a good Hideout so they can't find you foreign come on girls I'm sure the thief is over here oh no they're here already hey look apple cores come on girls the thief has to be inside let's go they will find me here [Music] that's what you think it's so dark in here look the trail leads inside that's where the thief must be but there we can't get in there it's not allowed these must be inside come on let's go help me oh no they're gonna come in I have to do something come on girl dreamy Let There Be Darkness oh great the lights are out dreamy are you the Beast to the apples what about my cookies no wait it wasn't me I can explain wait a minute if there's no light that also means that let me see what's happening the generator is not broken it's just unplugged Yes we made it but how can we lift the generator hmm that's a good question how ma'am is it you wow you're so big doing here that's why I took the apples to give them to Rin but I know nothing about the rest don't be mad at me but why didn't you tell us about Rim I thought that you would make him go back and that's why I tried to hide him but dreamy Rim is great there's nothing wrong about you two staying together really girls yes you're the best come on Rin lift the generator [Applause] Darkness will rule the camp and you won't stop you again that horse won't ruin my plans he's a unicorn the strongest one and the most beautiful and he has a hearty appetite Rim stays with us because he's our friend the power of friendship I'm sure Shadow was the one who stole all our things we're sorry dreamy it's okay don't worry but remember we have to hide him well miss collect can't find out he's here on Camp the food for the visitors hmm everything was so good the food is safe in our bellies at least look it's working again do you think we'll get in trouble for eating everything attention students I hope everything's ready because visitors are coming in 15 minutes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes in the last episode it's like the one in my nightmare how could I forget it you were best friends why is color coming back to Magic tears world best friends forever I'm having a good time with you girls yeah me too but we should go back we're giving the boys an advantage in the game the boys huh especially Navi right all the boys Crystal what if we travel for all the worlds of magic tears maybe we find the clue of what's happening I don't wanna walk my Superstar feet can't take it anymore oh come on what world does Daisy live in hey we won the vote you better believe that we have to get back to the camp or we'll be in great trouble Jamie just look around can't you tell something's wrong everything looks faded you'd better assume that something bad is going on in the world so we're not going back to the camp until we fix it yeah yes that's right that's not what we voted for [Music] well again that's the laugh for my nightmare but what nightmare I had a nightmare and I could hear that laugh everywhere uh better not find out the what that is uh are we leaving now if we find my cousin Tina's crystal ball I'll be able to find out what's going on and how to get out of here yes yes let's go to Tina's house let's get the crystal ball for you here oh no you're coming with us [Music] well I have fun let's start searching look a diamond pacifier when we were babies we used to spend the day looking for this it's perfect as a pendant hey I prefer the bow tie they look perfect with the top hat here it is catch Phoebe magic crystal ball show me what's wrong with this land even if I have to do a headstand well you'll have to do a headstand then she's right I can see something a giant Apple an apple where are apples here Tutti Frutti Bay oh [Music] what was the way look at Nila let's follow her [Music] oh wow I didn't remember it was so so stinky depressing this is horrible look there's so many jellies oh they look really sad I'm sorry oh this is just disgusting this could have been an apple it's impossible to find anything here oh what happened here raspberry Lake it's Robin do you remember when we had to rescue Mel we almost drank the whole lake it was so tasty not like now do you remember the day the jelly sneaked into the factory it was a total disaster but we had so much fun fixing it together so much friendship makes me sick I'm going to make you stop laughing maybe I've been a bit of a diva I'm sorry are we friends but first I'll take you to the beach so you can wash yourself done you have to find the Apple we saw in Tina's crystal ball oh I can't take it anymore I give up the Apple hold on please where's Jenna we need her to fly there's no time quick let's form a human chain just a little more come on all together come on girls hold on I'm almost there oh no the branch one three one two three [Music] [Applause] thank you for saving him Jenna thank goodness you're fine thank you girls foreign [Music] now this is my Tutti Frutti bag colorist come back and it smells great what do you want [Music] all right we're finally going back home sure we just had to be friends again and work as a team like when we were babies friends forever although that doesn't explain that mysterious laugh who cares colors come back to the world and we're going back at last although I'm gonna miss you we're leaving to keep growing up we can't be babies forever but we'll meet again soon snowy let's go we have to win the game in the special prize but before we go one last flight bye [Music] bye you let me know if something happens okay I wish you could come with me REM this is not over yet wait that was uh nothing Byron I'll miss you I will turn the camp into a place full of darkness and Gloom [Music] wow you look incredible what are you doing here dreamy run quick or the boys are gonna win if anyone discovers you're here they'll make you go back come on you have to hide come on you're late but don't run one two and three flags we've got our winners the special prize is for you guys oh we were so close but we only had one never mind now we have each other again yeah we're the best and as a constellation prize here are some cakes a makeup set this is a special prize Well I like it I don't surprise really then have some cake hey now you'll see I like this place I'm going to destroy friendships and we are living truly truly friends [Applause] [Music] [Music] we have arrived at the camp this afternoon we have some great games at the camp the winners will get a special prize it's a magic wing portal return to Magic tears huh where are we I've been here before me too it looks familiar but it was more colorful wasn't it it's like in my nightmare that's why the jelly was asking for help hey this was my house wow and here's my house too we did so many things when we were babies can we leave now this is so boring yes we were here when we were babies and we're not babies anymore let's get out of here that's true Crystal it's not like before neither are we I can see that we all have changed let's find Connie and the rest and go back to the camp you're right also we reversed it in the challenge well first or in second place huh wait over here we have to follow Connie's peanuts Trail let's go Connie we're here is it really you lulu huh snowy I missed you so much snowy now I remember everything we used to live in Magic teams it's been so long since I've seen you I've lived near here in a really cool Igloo surrounded by snow wow I used to snowboard and still do and I lived in Tutti Frutti Bay we should stop by later and get a cry juice yes they were so good do you remember and we were all good friends and Stella kids narvy once yes you're right nobody remembers that yeah really a necklace for me but don't fight it's okay Lulu it's the thought that counts the truth is I've really missed this me too [Music] stop REM I'm not an ice cream [Music] oh what's going on why is color coming back to Magic tears World it can't really there's no service what am I gonna do without my phone you said you were sick of so many calls and you wanted to disconnect well yes disconnect but not that much I have to take care of some important things well I think we should go back and win that special prize we should win it we have one more flag than you [Music] just one flag you have nothing to do I would love to visit Tutti Frutti Bay but maybe we should go back or we won't be in first place but we can't leave yet we must do something to bring color back who cares about that boring challenge magic tiers world needs us but we're not babies anymore so why don't we fix it as adults let's vote on it those who want to leave raise your hand one two five those who want to stay raise your hand one two four what about Lala I don't know Lala no pressure but everything depends on you don't you want us to stay or come back so we can still win the special prize well I guess we're basically adults now I don't want to get as expelled from the camp and I'm sure leaving is prohibited six votes to four we're going back to the camp but I don't want to I don't like the results it's fair besides maybe we can come back later [Music] mm-hmm [Music] what was that Rim Where have they all gone this is strange it's nothing it's just the wind come on let's go back that's not the wind that laugh it's like the one in my nightmare winged heart let me get to the other side wait huh no this is not the camp what can we do to get out of here I remember there was a spy glass I'm sure we can spot another portal from there let's go we can't fit all here oh no all the worlds look faded really let me see even Tutti Frutti it's terrible we must do something no we must go back before it starts to affect us and how do we go back genius hey okay just calm down do you want to touch my stone that turns negative energy into positive let's see if there's any portal though just after I see if there's any part of the world still with color don't push no you don't it wasn't me neither hey don't pull the spy glass I'm not pulling of course you are is that a Cotton Candy Forest yeah no wait wait we must help her but how of course these have powers I can turn things into ice cream here Phoebe one specially for you another one for Jenna thank you [Music] wow what is all that wow so many things oh thanks snowy oh Faye I thought I'd lost those stones they're so cool oh a fossil from fantasy Mountain thanks Betty they look so yummy how will my beloved Tutti Frutti baby oh great Lulu I really needed it do you remember the magic tear that was the best thing in the world I think the best year was that of Tutti Frutti Bay with the naughty jellies oh I miss them so much always so happy me too but the one we saw in the forest looked very worried we're here because of her they always made us feel great this world was special everything was beautiful and smelled amazing how could I forget it you were best friends of course we were trimmed that tickled [Music] this may not have turned out the way I wanted but you won't beat me I haven't seen the girls for a while will it be a prank [Music] s [Applause] [Music] [Music] party on Camp the horoscope says that I'm not going to be popular anymore I'm sure I'm already losing followers I have to do something come on lady don't take the horoscope so seriously good morning future talents ready to enjoy your favorite classes no phones and no night parties they're not allowed that's it I'll host an extravagant party to get my popularity back tonight yeah party people at the camp will lock me [Applause] [Music] hey Daisy hey hey yes I can let's go uh are you coming to the party oh oh that party I can't I have something more important to do today I want to ask Daisy out to get an ice cream the three of us could go and then you can make up an excuse to leave us alone well I prefer to go to the party but [Music] hey Daisy would you like to get an ice cream with me I Come and sing at my party tonight but who wants to go to that boring party when you can my party don't worry lady you can count on me come on we have to tell everybody and you too don't even think of showing up no wait a minute what I meant was oh I wanted to go a party huh this is my chance I'll make sure that party is a disaster Darkness will prevail [Music] time to go to bed and remember no parties they're not allowed I'm going to sit here and watch [Music] come on Jack maybe if you apologize they'll let us in the party what are you doing here wasn't this a boring party uh Shaq has something to say to you Shaq yes it's a boring party but Daisy is here I think you're jealous of my awesome party hey he just wanted to apologize well then until he apologizes Shaq is not invited jealous we'll have our own party it'll be better than yours and hmm we'll see about that hmm what's wrong with Shaq it's nothing ready to have fun yeah a camera can I have it sure I've also brought my prank kit Daisy a picture [Music] it seems the boys are having a great party why don't we check it out no way no party would be more fun than this one Connie turn up the music let the party begin [Music] they look so good Connie I don't know if I should try the chocolate or the strawberry one this one I think I'm gonna have to liven up the party [Music] Sing Don't Stop the Party [Music] huh [Music] uh oh I'm dreamy what have you done it wasn't me I'm sure it was crystal in one of her pranks me don't worry it wasn't that big of a deal we were having so much fun but you had to mess it up but it wasn't me yeah sure come on girls you are ruining the party are you calling me a liar maybe I'm going to the other party then Crystal no I love it foreign let's create disco lights with this flashlight [Music] what's wrong fix it okay okay easy [Music] ah can we go into the party now wait there's a light coming maybe it's Daisy come on ah you're here come on don't be mad I'm sure Crystal just wanted to liven up the party look uh-huh it looks like someone put a cupcake inside the trumpet then Crystal didn't do it I'm gonna go find her so I'm sorry I knew it wasn't you someone put the cupcake inside the trumpet someone we have to tell the others hey what hang on ah that's it I'll wake up Miss collect and she will expel everyone because of the party okay you huh whoever you are you can ruin our party but you'll never ruin our friendship it doesn't matter what happens we'll always be together that light no I will be back oh what was that exactly and who is that lady I think when we joined forces the strength of our friendship activated the power of our necklaces oh what I didn't fall asleep I didn't fall asleep what are you doing we just brought you a pillow so you can be more comfortable all right [Music] well look at you it looks like you're having fun after all okay you were right your party's awesome hey look the party has been a success popularity level 100 well sad would you like to go out for ice cream together oops [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the reunion at camp lady wake up we have arrived at the camp Oh what a nightmare it felt so real we have arrived foreign [Music] you know Connie I think we're gonna have Many Adventures here let's go I'm sorry uh it's okay did you see that it's ridiculous they don't even greet each other I don't know maybe hi narvie hi Ella hi uh-huh I'm leaving don't they remember us maybe we've changed a little wow the cafeteria is so cool and look everything's organic food will there be a cooking class I'll finally expand my recipe book hi dreamy hi Krista don't you remember us we used to play together when we were babies baby she says well nice try and trying to make friends but I don't care about baby stuff oh why can't we all still be friends like before don't worry about them we'll be best friends forever to relax are you okay I'm Daisy yes yes uh nice to meet you I'm Shaq well uh see you uh in class yes sir see you in class uh well I guess I have to go bye see you class oh Shaq can you hear me yes I think you can welcome to my Camp I mean to the talent camp where we'll give Wings to your talent with our exclusive classes and my infinite patience important we've got some unbreakable rules no running to the classes and no phones at the camp ah there always has to be rules and no with the assignment of the dorms I hope we're together just please and Phoebe store number two Ella Daisy Stella and Crystal okay okay so number one lady Lala and Connie yay awesome and with Lala it's gonna be fun I'm going to choose a bed first no I will oh do you want to see a trick I love it it's so beautiful and it smells great rock paper scissors to choose bed first rock paper scissors yes I want one I choose the top bed well I know a card trick wow you really did a great job your site does look good too Lala is coming tell me is this the card you were thinking of no do you want some peanuts uh that's because it was this one well you never told us to think of any card in the first place still as fun as always important if you don't want to get expelled right away you never leave the camp and now let's move to the good news this afternoon we have some great games at the camp the winners will get a special prize we have to win we have to get that prize no they have set us apart this is terrible take it easy it's just for the evening also we can get to know the rest of our peers and after we'll talk about it just try to stay positive oh okay like I said the first team that arrives with the three colored flags at the fountain will win to find the flags you'll have to solve The Riddles the first one is if music is your thing look for the best place to sing and now you can start searching I'm sure they'll be on the stage good idea come on I think it has to be in Miss collect's office no I'm not going to play any gig either and couldn't it be Daisy's dorm she definitely knows how to sing no no and no I don't want to sing I want to rest okay we can try one place first and then the other one okay let's go to Daisy storm first no to miss collect's office here it is look at your faces it's fake it was just a prank that's not even funny Crystal we have to win that prize she's so boring I've got it yes finally come on crystal stop it great Crystal Yahoo we've got one already we're gonna win hey there's a little note if you want to win the prize search for a place where the trees block the sky through the forest come on it has to be Miss collect's office let's go I want to win that super prize me too that's why we have to go to Daisy's dorm wait that is I can't believe it it's a jelly what an imagination that doesn't exist what is that jelly you're talking about it's true don't you remember it's a magic tear no we can't be real something's wrong she seems scared I think she's asking for help [Music] ah it's a magic wing portal yes of course and I can turn stuff into ice cream like when I was a baby girls is that a magic portal to wear let's find out wait for me how cool hey look aren't these Connie's peanuts a magic portal this is incredible we have to go through but how I've got it hmm winged heart let me get to the other side what is a noun did you get bitten by a mosquito or something don't you remember one step left one step right fantasy portal shines full of light wow where will that take us you'll see you're gonna freak out [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Kitoons in English
Views: 208,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoons for kids, animation, for children, children cartoon, cry babies magic tears, magic tears, cry babies, cry babies english full episodes, cry babies new, kids channel, Full episodes, cry babies new episodes, full episode cry babies, cry babies compilation, cry babies video full, cry babies in english, crybabies, cry baby, cry, baby cry, kitoons, kitoons in english, bff, bff cry babies, cry babies bff, bff episode, bff new episode, bff edit, cry babies edit, kristal
Id: 5ExlXzvCFPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 26sec (5246 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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