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listen to stories from your favorite series now [Music] supermodel [Music] [Music] this fruit is delicious the fantasy babies will love it oh just one this is not the time to eat in the icy World a problem there's going to be Connie why don't you help her I'm sure tilo's cooking wait for me Tina smells really good are you almost done saru well if you don't stop moving I'll never finish oh no babies I can't be creative this way I need silence okay please can I have some dino soup it'll be ready in a couple of hours oh but isn't there anything to eat around here huh I'll play some music to help me Focus Phoebe got a vision so that is going to happen I had a premonition and what's gonna happen the vision was vague but I'm sure it's serious there's no time to waste huh the prince and princess I'm gonna check if they're okay good I'll try to concentrate to figure out what will happen oh no she's moving again why can't a baby just stay still she's perfect the best model from all the worlds maximum concentration they're still unripe you can't eat them yet SAR once ate a green one and spend three days flying nothing bad will take place right in that space what why do you keep moving do you need to pee hang on oops well it won't take long look at her face this statue is gonna look funny [Music] foreign you're right they're a bit sour don't swallow them oh what a strange feeling I feel like you're floating it's so cool prince princess this better be urgent because I was in the middle of sorting all my pacifiers are you okay Tina has had a vision something bad is going to happen do you know what it is are the stalactites polished the doors locked the pets groomed yeah well I don't know what could go wrong let me see [Music] hang on a moment is that Tina did she freeze her so it seems and sorry doesn't know that if someone's kept Frozen for too long they'll stay like that forever that's what Tina saw on her magic ball we have to help her careful we don't know how long the effect can last don't go too high whoa watch out or you will go down finally but it's missing sorry my model no sorrow wait you have to do frost Tina foreign [Music] why are they chasing me hooray I'm ready I see babies sorry listen to us hey hey I think the effect is watch out I'm coming thank you Phoebe and I'm sorry Mia I should have listened to you for protecting my model I can see you really appreciate art you have to defrost Tina otherwise she'll stay like that forever why didn't you tell me earlier it's exactly what we were telling you [Music] I'm so cold sorry Tina I only wanted to finish my statue why what happened here the statue is surreal it looks amazing thank you but I know there's something missing I'm sure the next one will look better [Music] now it looks perfect it's lovely I love it make one for me the dino soup is ready I want some I want some I go first oh no my statue I'm sure this is what I saw in my vision [Music] [Music] the special ticket when Tutti Frutti bang was frozen wow there's a lot I hope they don't melt in this school I doubt it oh [Music] why is no one coming to have ice cream I don't get it they're delicious should we do something for them to come yes should we pretend we are sick or we can throw a party or we can make more ice creams well maybe not them hmm [Music] you've given me an idea Betty what if we had something inside an ice cream a surprise a lucky surprise oh exactly a ticket a special ticket exactly and whoever finds it will be allowed to visit the factory and they will be able to make the ice cream they want yeah but what if they break something but only a baby will go in the one who finds the ticket and they are our friends why would they break something you are right let's make the ticket vaddy and I will make it yes I think I still need something else oh I know we need something golden hmm your cookie Betty ready oh huh wow look it's perfect and unique let's go [Music] here it is wow it's beautiful and it's Unique take it Betty hide it you've given me an idea but be careful okay it's very important that we make sure that no one sees us very good Betty now we only need to call the rest of the babies I'll call them we go [Music] who is it oh is there a lucky ticket hidden in an ice cream and whoever finds it will be allowed to visit the factory and make their own ice cream oh what it has to be mine oh no one came I knew it wouldn't work look how many ice cream I'm sure it's this one I want it it's for me ice creams hey hang on a moment don't forget that the winner must turn up with the golden ticket at the factory this afternoon [Music] I'm so nervous who has the special ticket me I've got it I've got it I've got it dreamy how lucky You've Won let me see congratulations welcome to the ice cream factory hey I found the special ticket what it's the same ticket how is that possible it is unique I've made only one I swear can I have a look ah I have the ticket no I've got it no I got it what are we gonna do now uh we'll have to let them all in all of them huh okay but we'll line up and go in and the most important thing make sure you don't touch the red button [Music] [Music] if you find the special ticket hidden somewhere then you can make your own ice cream if you're lucky and you find it you will have the chance to taste new flavors that you thought didn't exist enough out everyone now the factory has stopped working but we haven't touched anything and we all have the special ticket but I only made one how is that possible hang on a minute why do the jellies have oh the printer oh jelly they did it so can we make our ice creams please please okay but only if you help me get the factory working again it was incredible I had a great time yes we're looking forward for you to visit us but it was a bit of a disaster we were unlucky with the ticket but we are lucky to have you as a friend from now on we'll come and visit more often and to get ice creams [Music] [Music] [Music] the magical bracelet come on Hannah ready to skate with the board let's go [Music] can you take these presents to the icy world we can't we have pastries in the oven this is a spoon for tilo cushion for sorrow and a fantasy stone for Phoebe okay see you we have to get back to the pastries of course we'll deliver them come on Hannah [Music] Mia's gift wait Mia's present is missing oh no they're gone [Music] they know these are magic Stones which are very powerful [Music] let's go [Music] awesome well done very good look how graceful wow what a jump oh no I don't want Faye to fall down huh let's have a break candy you are brilliant Faye would you like some too no FEI you'll get a stomach ache hello we bring presents presents yes from the valley babies these two are for saru and tilo and this one is for you Phoebe wow what about me I love it it's perfect to sit down while I create my sculptures this stone is beautiful is there anything for me I don't know we are only the delivery team oh are you okay Mia the valley babies forgot about me maybe it's because they don't like my power but your power is incredible then why didn't I get a present hey wait here [Music] Mia I have a present for you for me a special present for a very special baby it's a magic bracelet only for babies with it you can become invisible but use it only when you need it thank you Phoebe can I try it on for a bit please please I don't know if it's only for a bit maybe there won't be a problem I'll try it on then I'll keep it for when I need it okay wow wow I have my special power now wow wow Mia you should stop what fake the bracelets only for babies why didn't you warn me hey don't do it [Music] my special bracelet my snowboard hey [Music] don't be naughty look what you've done Faye no they're not candies [Music] from the right Hannah Crystal and Stella from the left I've got you no you've got me oops sorry what if they stay like that forever no way I know what to do wow Mia that's amazing Rexy you guys are troublemakers hey come here stop once and for all you're being very naughty don't be like that she only wants to have fun you have to understand her and play skate or have candy like everyone else well I'm scared she might get hurt I love her very much say you only wanted to have fun with your friends I'm sorry from now on I'll let you play more often have it I don't need to be special I love my Powers babies Mia's present you'd forgotten I couldn't come earlier because I had pastries in the oven wow what a disaster for me wow seats from the valley that's for you to plant flowers from the valley which are very nice thank you very much I love it here wow wow thank you [Music] [Music] babies cry babies [Music] cry babies ice cream surprise when Tutti Frutti Bay was frozen this would be the final move in my birthday dance check it out [Music] all right now it's your turn that's it very average oh we're gonna have to practice a lot are you okay huh what is that wow pretty color this apple must be delicious now it tastes like strawberry not like grape wow it's a surprise fruit not only tastes like pear look there's another one and another and another I know I'll make surprise fruit ice cream for my birthday this will beep any dance excuse me wow it tastes like bananas wow now like raspberry that's impossible let's see I want to try it [Music] banana apple I love it yes I've created a surprise ice cream that's so cool I'm sure everyone will love it I'll be right back what fruit did you use one that I found at the lake all right let's get more well the thing is there aren't that many and I wanted to keep some for my birthday party wow that's a good idea hey I'm back what's such a good idea Grace wants to set aside the surprise fruit to make ice cream at her birthday party Isn't that cool uh oh well I just invited everyone to come and try it now but we won't have any surprise fruit left okay so we can make a few with this fruit and the rest would surprise things like uh spicy or salt yeah great idea come babies let's make ice cream oranges oil banana with curry and what do I put on the strawberries of course sugar lots of sugar [Music] listen up listen up I have surprise ice cream surprise ice cream wow it glows I never seen an ice cream like this before it's a surprise you'll see it's so good hey it doesn't taste like strawberry it tastes like pear I love pear it tastes so good this rocks hey I also want one yeah and I want another oh but mine are all gone hey but I have some too wow yay what does this taste like ice and what's in this one soil yuck mmm so yummy I want another one hey I also want one it seems to be working the taste of this one doesn't change but it's delicious let me see it's very sweet what did you put in it um it only has strawberries and sugar lots of sugar too much sugar is bad for your belly and your teeth oh no I didn't know it's just that I only had strawberry and sugar oh my belly this is a disaster the babies are sick because of me don't worry I think I've got some medicine for the belly pain I knew it here it is take a look I'm sure it tastes disgusting no one won't want to drink it and if they don't drink it they won't get better what can we do what if we mix it with some ice cream that's it we'll make a medicine to cure the belly ice cream but there's no more left well we do have the surprise fruit and what about your birthday if my friends are sick then why would I celebrate my birthday come let's go help the babies [Music] it's perfect ah it works we're back and we have more surprise ice cream no we don't want more surprise ice cream you'll see this one is good for you hey my belly isn't itching anymore and it tastes like pineapple and now raspberry mine is banana flavored and now it tastes like melon it's the best ice cream in the world yeah but what's in it surprise yeah yeah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Bay is Frozen The cold is coming through the hole in the great tree it's our old home come on move your feet let's go a hole into another world calm down this is so cool but is it cold there here I go wow this is amazing my heart is racing come on babies come down what awesome pajamas Tina yes but I can't see anything over here don't worry about that follow me it's so dark and it's so cold are we there yet I can smell the dinos soup the soup the dinos cooked I love it look we have a ride is it here where the cold is leaking out from what a mess this problem we have to address never told us about your world Tina and Dina what a lovely place and everything's frozen yes it's all Frozen I wonder where's my cousin cousin cousin Phoebe come here there's nothing to fear [Music] Stella you're back and you too Dina yeah you know we're worried the cold of icy world is leaking into our world we're worried too take a look everything's melting here don't worry we'll fix it together I'm Connie and they are dreamy Jenna and Crystal I'm so glad to meet you come I will introduce you to my friends that's it that's issue it looks don't you think Sony [Music] we've got visitors visitors nice to meet you please excuse her you know we never have visitors she's very shy come on let's meet the rest tilo we have visitors visitors girls it's been so long who are your friends I'm Connie they're Crystal Shanna dreamy would you like some of Dino's soup it'll help you get warm although it's not that cold here lately it smells great it smells great and it tastes even better delicious can I have some more Did anyone say visitors hello welcome wow wow they have powers oh oh that was my welcome present it's okay no worries sorry for leaving like that before I had to put on my tutu to perform a special welcome dance for you come on the skating guess not as Frozen as it used to be but it's great anyway and this is way better wow [Music] how beautiful I love skating this never happened to me it's because the ice is thawing there's a huge hole and the cold is leaking out that's why we came here the ice is melting but in our world everything's freezing don't worry saru we'll get some help we can't let the cold leak out anymore or our world will melt we're gonna go see the princess and the prince they know everything they got eyes everywhere prince and princess where are they there in the castle wow I can't wait to meet the prince and princess oh well they know I took a flower [Music] why are they waving at the statues no idea where was The Prince and the princess be huh welcome to icy world oh Tina Dina Stella I'm so glad to see you again and you too and yes Connie we know everything oops we know you came here because you're worried about the cold leaking out silence Stella the cold from Icy world is leaking out and freezing other worlds and our world will melt it's leaking out through the hole I'm scared and ready to go this is the hole that started all this nests we don't know how to close it but we'll try our best there's not much time left we have to stop the cold we must find a solution soon or the world's balance will disappear forever are you ready babies yeah [Music] [Music] wow welcome to icy World here the ice is melting but in our world everything's freezing we're gonna go see the princess and the prince we must find a solution soon are you ready babies yeah the perfect solution we don't have much time we need to keep in the cold but what can we do that hole is very big wow you like it huh this is a very special magical pit that holds all our history wow what happened when the meteorite fell we froze it as a team oh wow what happened to the robot plague we just connected them as a team and when the baby ghost appeared we screamed and escaped oh as a team okay okay as a team but how do we close the hole to keep the cold inside hmm with a door a door the bridge is very big so the door will be very big yes with the huge Arch a door that opens and closes and an arm wow well babies ready to work as a team yes we'll be team number one and movie number two team number three we're gonna do great no no here are the instructions you must all read them instructions cool together I think they didn't understand them they need to work as a team not in teams relax they'll do fine [Music] [Music] to protect our world from the outside heat and to keep the coals from leaking we will build a door to keep and we will see worlds and we'll do it for our friends [Music] [Music] does anyone want a little bit of dino soup to boost their energy yes yeah working as a team is very tiring hey don't forget about us but let's secure the door first our door first no hours first ours will look better oh it's very small let's try ours huh it's also small I'm sure our door will will also be small it's not working they're all small hmm very hard I don't understand we followed the instructions to do it you did it very well but each penny the manual was for a different part of the door [Music] now you just need to put them together do you know how as a team and last this one goes here so now we're just missing the final touch the knob hmm the knob that wasn't in the instructions [Music] that is the prettiest door I've ever seen and we've built it as a team [Music] the tears of our world give the final touch to our Creations they make them perfect I see world is called again this door will help keep the cold inside and little by little everything will go back to normal thank you friends really helped us the wreck is completely Frozen [Music] thank you [Music] not now Betty it's delicious [Music] yes the fantasy world is getting its color back [Music] [Music] babies cry babies [Music] cry babies who will be chosen when Tutti Frutti Bay was frozen and finally watermelon and pineapple wow it tastes of bananas and grape [Music] hey I'm making watermelon pineapple and why don't we make something without pineapple for a change but the ice cream is tastier with pineapple it's tastier with grape watermelon pineapple banana grape watermelon pineapple banana pineapple oops this is a disaster we have to decide who's in charge of the factory I'm in charge of making the ice cream but I want to be in charge okay let's let the babies vote to choose who takes charge of the factory okay relax babies vote for Pia what are you doing Pia why are you handing out posters with your face on it for you guys to choose me and not Grace I want to take charge of the factory but Grace wants that too so the babies have to choose one only one but what does the person in charge do if you choose me I'm here I am vote for Grace [Music] here's the other candidate hi Pia I have an idea let's organize a debate to see who is best okay let the best one win that's me no that's me today we will decide who takes charge of the factory [Applause] it's going to start ready to ask questions to our friends if you like Pia press on her face to vote for her but if you prefer Grace press on Grace's face to vote for her hey not yet only when you're happy with their answers oh so this is a debate we ask questions and they answer them the winner of the debate will be the one with the highest score ready the first question is asked by Scarlett from Storyland what is your favorite frozen fruit pineapple favorite I love them all okay Kawali asked from her Caravan how will you know which ice creams we like well I'll ask the babies which is their favorite one why choose a flavor when you can have them all me me go ahead Crystal can you make an ice cream with sea flavor uh no too salty of course I can if you can imagine it I can create it any other questions anyway yes me at the factory sometimes there are lots of fruit left over that rot what would you do to avoid throwing the fruit away oh that's a very important question [Music] well we could give it to our pets and you Pia um we'll use the leftover fruit to make a special ice cream with all the flavors a tutti frutti ice cream it looks like we have the highest score already the person who will take charge of the Ice Cream Factory is Pia yes thanks for voting for me hey girls from now on I'll take charge of everything you can relax [Music] pineapple again we have to go to the factory to talk right now yeah no this is a disaster but what's going on here being in charge is very hard and I can't do everything on my own yes besides we've had enough of pineapple yes you're right but I don't have any new ideas but we can help you shall we be a team again please of course don't worry and now girls let's sort out this mess together yeah [Music] Pia we said we are team oh sorry [Music] come on babies [Music] [Applause] in the last chapter every single World why don't we start a band yeah I can play the guitar and I'm the drums I can play the piano wow now they really sound good [Music] the tears music unites us part two traveling through every world and playing our music everywhere together we'll write so many songs [Music] music you're missing a Beat there are so many babies this was supposed to be a rehearsal okay okay show is over huh over already you know Rockstar rehearsals are without audience hey but when we're ready we'll let you know and where can we watch your music video music video we don't have a music video yet but we're about to finish shooting it really music video yes Lizzy our music video ah our music video bye bye that's not fair I want to see more of the tears but what are we gonna do we don't have a music video huh are you thinking what I'm thinking don't worry we'll shoot it in no time that's it we'll do it together that's right because we are the tears what a surprise this is gonna be yes but I like the tears more than YouTube no I like them more me more no me more this place is perfect Hi how are you doing the tears [Music] to leave us some space do I look good okay babies are you ready to shoot the music video One Two Three time to get together and sing the friendship songs that was close come on babies again from the top look these videos we just recorded are so cool there's only one thing left to do hi baby hello we need your help wow these are some really awesome videos yes they're gonna love this music video Lady wake up we're shooting [Music] it's time to get together but record me too hey I want to be in the shop too I made my hair make room for me we're all going to appear in the music video Don't Worry Baby Oh no susu's camera without the music video what are we gonna say to the babies we will disappoint our fans yeah is that the music video of the tears everywhere together [Applause] but how our fans made it secretly for us thank you so much babies the music video made is awesome we really like you we both do this is the world's best music video traveling through every world playing our music everywhere together we'll write the tears what a good vibe I can't wait to see them live [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] music's our way to say we're friends forever [Music] music [Music] [Music] cry babies [Music] spot it's your annual shot and now time to relax oh sure where's the cookie [Music] you picked right how clever is my little dog [Music] gie on the freezer today is your annual shot we don't want to have fleas right huh wait a minute what's this twig doing here that's not good for the flowers then the perfume is not good either problem solved what was that oh it's a little dog that's a big bump we'll take good care of you we'll keep him you'll need a name but uh which one kiwi pity maybe um I know bumpy spot spot don't worry Dottie I'm sure he'll come back what's the matter we have to help Gotti what aren't those spot cookies look the cookie Trail leads into the cotton candy Forest oh no poor spot you'll be really scared [Music] we're having so much fun with bumpy hi I'm here already it's Rose I'm sure she's bringing some great new perfumes let's go oh it's so hot here in Tutti Frutti Bay are you thinking what I'm thinking rice smoothies but we'll have to find spot uh I'll have to carry on without them spawn spot where are you hiding so I guess you're bumpy I have a perfume for you um this one it has golden raised because you're as bright as the sun exactly love flowers because you're lovely and cute and sweet dreams incredible you know all the flowers you would be a great helper to create perfume good boy bumpy you have an incredible nose we're gonna create millions of perfumes huh spot quick quick Connie and Bernie spot is here spot look how good he looks you're so cute bumpy who's that baby and uh what has she done a spot and why is she calling him bumpy hi sorry but I think you're getting confused I'm Dottie and this is my dog his name is spots come here spot come with me we have to go back home hi I'm Mila and this dog is not spot he's bumpy we found him alone and dizzy in the forest and now he's staying with us but what are you talking about his name is spot and he's acting weird I'm sure that something has happened to him come on spot you must have a fever he came here scared because he has to get his shot and he doesn't like it well he seems to be happy here he spends the day snipping flowers yes he has a great sense of smell and he's a very good friend too my best friend we love him so much don't you yes and he loves me too there must be something wrong with spot with bumpy but why do you call him bumpy because when we found him he had a bump oh that's it I'm sure he lost his memory from when he got hit maybe if you do something you used to do together he'll remember who you are come on bumpy play with Dottie Dottie is good the cookie come on Scott where's the cookie but don't leave are you nervous spot Rock-a-Bye dog gy on the treetop Come On Spot remember me [Music] I love you so much oh I missed you so much spot what is it now oh sure here's another cookie you really like it huh thank you so much for taking good care of spot especially you Mila we'll come visit you at the Cotton Candy Forest and play together sometime okay goodbye bumpy take care [Music] perfumes for your friend oh thank you so much I'll keep them in my case oh so much stuff there's not enough space this out this out this wait spot look daddy there's fun [Music] guys [Music] the strange effect of the perfume I'm already here I have the bottles I just washed them so the smell of flowers is kept as pure as possible you're so funny Ava really don't wait to see what I can do [Music] wow hurry capture the scent of the flowers strawberry cotton candy Aroma I will create a very special perfume with it hey organize a special market for the babies I'll get everything ready I will make a sign full of flour and it won't get bored with me it smells so good hi Rose what are you doing hi I'm preparing a very special perfume a special perfume yes yes you'll see I'll help you we'll help you too oh no no no you better help get the market ready I'm the only one who can do this where was I oh yes [Laughter] a little bit of melon scent daisy flowers smile it smells so good and of course a bit of strawberry cotton candy this perfume is very special it enhances your skills it will be very impressed [Music] and Sophia is so neat and Ava you're super funny here it is it's a new special perfume besides smelling phenomenal it enhances your skins oops it has run out I made too little but don't worry I'm gonna make more hey careful Rose wow what a beautiful Market hi babies Rose has created a special perfume that enhances our skills but it has run out and she left to make more how cool we want some too how strange Mila is very clumsy I love to mess everything up uh we don't know what's wrong with her but I think we better leave no no no no don't leave look Ava's very funny Ava are you okay babies I need your help I made a mistake it seems that the perfumes affect us doing the exact opposite and I'm not the best at making perfumes anymore now I get it that's why Ava Mila and Sophia are behaving like this so how are you gonna fix it well I don't even know we'll help you no no no no I'm a perfume expert I'll come up with something Rose okay okay don't worry it's just science but it's so easy hmm [Music] I'll call it fashion flower [Music] okay not that one it's melon flower oops this one will work princess perfume huh well yes frog princess you know making perfumes is more than just mixing Aromas and each baby has his own but now I've lost my inspiration don't say that we may not have your talent we may not be the best at making perfumes but we will never leave a friend behind [Music] Rose what ingredients would you use to enhance your skills well scent of lavender Vines and roses [Music] there's something missing but what is it ah I know it's strawberry cotton candy aroma [Music] hey look I'm a perfume Jesus again quick let's prepare more for Mila Ava and Sophia yeah this is a disaster what are we gonna do it's over don't worry we have found the solution huh what happened here what a mess this is a jiffy you're funny baby look these perfumes are for you you are the best friends anyone can have thank you Rose hey look I mean [Music] [Music] [Applause] the tears the band part one here you go honey licorice smoothie so you won't lose your voice oh thank you Lizzy by the by the way what a beautiful dress it is right Scarlett made it for me I also ordered some new clothes I can't wait for them to arrive uh Daisy I got everything ready for the concerts that will take us around every World uh-huh aren't you excited yes it's just that I think we're missing something but Daisy I've got everything under control we're here we've brought some colorful cupcakes mmm they smell so good this one's for you Daisy it's a strawberry one my favorite oh I just love your dress it's so beautiful incredible oops sorry so are you gonna tour through every world yes that's it we'll bring good music to every single world I want to go can we go with you no no no no Daisy is a solo artist let's go you need a rehearse but they could try I'm sure they could play something yes I can play the guitar and either comes I can play the piano that's it why don't we start a band what really yes so you can come with us and Tour all around the different worlds will we be famous like you yes all together we have a music band we have a music fan Daisy you don't even know if they play well trust me I think it's just what we need will sound great I'll take care of the instruments I'll take care of the clothes I'll make ice cream for everyone and I'll bring my first AIDS kit yeah this is not gonna work out we're almost ready Lizzy now we help by adding the golden details aren't they great yes you look like a band but what about the instruments that's the most important thing it's all under control delivery for Daisy thank you fancy just in time huh wow how cool they're awesome you see now we're a real band you think so hi it's time to rehearse I just read a very special song on three we start ready one hey don't leave come on we're not that bad first of all I said we start on three and you have to tune the instruments what is tune ah you have to match the tones with the notes [Music] oh one two three now we're talking it's not bad but what's the band's name uh dancing doggies Rocky flowers what about flying cupcakes they're not bad but it has to be a special name and catchy something that represents you as a group I've got it the tears I don't want to miss it where are you going they started a band the cheers are you coming oh I'm in me too it's gonna be great look how many babies we're gonna be an incredible band and this is just the beginning well okay maybe it wasn't a bad idea to start a band after all sorry I didn't trust you but you did you really helped us a lot don't start until I say so one two three oh goodness they sound terrible wait you'll see Lady start with the guitar great daddy met you with the drums awesome keep that Rhythm and now Connie the piano hmm wow now they really sound good [Music] cry babies cry babies [Music] the curse of the castle today is the big day everything is in order now only the most important thing is left to be done put the dragon's Jewel in a safe place I'm done it's so difficult that no baby will be able to open it that's great I don't want that cursed Jewel to ruin the big party it will be an amazing party everyone's going to be happy it will be such a special day it's time to celebrate the music and flowers we're ready everything will look so amazing hey saru we want to make a dance routine for the prince and princess that's a great idea let's go I'll help you not this one not this one either this one the perfect dance routine for the prince and princess the Dragon Dance not everyone can do it and come on please please please okay all right yes now let's see you hold hands you bend down you rise up no it turned cutie snowy Crystal and I need to rehearse this dance is very important come on go play it smells so good The Prince and princess's speech is about to start we got it the prince and princess are going to speak let's go cutie snowy where did they go let's go there's no time it's about to start cutie snowy [Music] welcome to the big prince and princess party cutie snowy that little noise it's cutie they have to be somewhere over there there they are stop I'm sure it's one of Sky's Jewels we'll keep it safe now let's go oh what was that anyway I don't want to miss the party let me see huh it's so cool it's a dragon like the Dragon Dance oh [Music] uh-oh have you seen Connie and Crystal they've made the coolest surprise prince and princess dance routine but where did they go oh I'm lucky another gemstone for my collection [Music] but how is that possible [Music] don't run Crystal Connie I'm Connie huh I think I'm seeing double hey babies I was waiting for you stop Connie and Crystal but which ones stop stop them to be having a good time right Nia prince and princess you have to come here there are two connies and two crystals what we are here babies Oh what is the dragon's Jewel doing there oh no the curse of the Dragon what curse it happens when a baby who's not a prince or a princess touches the jewel then identical baby appears we need to break the curse but how hmm there is one thing that clones can't do and it will make them disappear the dance of the Dragon the dance of the Dragon but that's the dance Connie and Crystal have been practicing to surprise you wow and yet another gemstone [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] great you did it the curse is lifted [Music] we need a new combination what a beautiful gem huh it's perfect to complete my collection oh no [Music] [Music] it's cold what's wrong today I can't thing [Music] and this cold hey careful you're gonna get wet the lake is Frozen the whole Tutti Frutti Bay is Frozen foreign I knew the ice would hit Tutti Frutti Bay [Music] wow look at our houses how cool I love it could we eat them no ouch raspberry lake is frozen and the fruit and My Cry smoothie too everything is I'm so cold do you think the fantasies did this with their powers I'm here incredible everything is Frozen and and it's so cold but the house looks so cool I like this Frozen Tutti Frutti Bay uh yes but it's too cold don't worry babies I ordered Scarlet some new warm pajamas for you hey who are you oh don't worry about me better worry about that huh who's that baby and what did she mean about that the waterfall and the flavor Factory are both Frozen [Music] shall we play tag to get warm Tutti Frutti Bae is Frozen Frozen how's that even possible it's so cold here too you again but who are you I'm Shauna and this is my pet shy Shanna knows everything and she doesn't even need a crystal ball like Tina I could tell you're struggling with this cold so I will order Scarlett some winter clothes for you too yay oh gosh Kira we've never received so many orders in such a short time and they're ordering many more well it really must be cold here give me a hot bottle tonight's gonna be a long night there are so many babies that need warm clothes come here I have something important to tell you I know where this cold is coming from it's Lake you through the great fantasy tree oh you're making that up the cold comes out of the freezer she's right don't you remember when a hole opened in the tree but with the help of Stella and the special pacifiers we managed to close it forever or maybe not Shawna is Right Tina has seen there's a hole through it's the cold leaks out it's very big oh but why is cold coming out I don't understand Shanna Shanna [Music] it doesn't work we'll have to go up and fix it but I can barely move with this cold hi I'm already here huh you again but who are you sorry I was in a bit of a rush I'm Shauna here you have your new pajamas nice to meet you give me one new pajamas so we won't be cold Shannon [Music] great it works grapes pineapple watermelon and strawberry the perfect mix for a cry juice but the fruit is frozen let's see I'm sure it's not that bad you can't make crackers like this oh no if we can't make crab juice we'll have to close down the factory no I want to make cry juice [Music] the milk with the fruit tastes like an ice cream we're gonna make the best ice creams in all the worlds thank you Shanna Shanna where did you go now the cold is coming through the hole in the great tree it's our old home come on move your feet there are some princes there that I want to meet let's go maybe we should wait until it's not so cold we baby stores are already used to this is cold I'm back and I have something for you this one's for Connie this one's for dreamy and this one's for crystals [Music] you look great thank you Shanna Shanna [Music] and are there more babies there is it too far how many worlds are there too many questions you'll find the answers down there [Music] [Music] the cotton candy Forest perfumes part one okay I love the perfume I would love to meet the babies that make it I'm sorry Lulu but there's only one drop left [Applause] [Music] whatever happened must be horrible because that scream was terrible Lulu has put on my laptop a perfume I know how you feel but don't worry it's not that big of a deal okay maybe I've been a bit dramatic but it smells so good and you can also order it online they'll bring it to your front door right away yes I made an order it shouldn't take too long here it is I'm sure it's my perfume and mine too and mine oh hey you forgot mine my order hasn't arrived oh my perfume they forgot about me if the mystery you want to unravel to the cotton candy Forest you'll have to travel but it's too far away Cotton Candy Forest do you know how to get there take me take me take me please please please okay okay we're going to the cotton candy Force but you better get your feet ready because it's a very long trip ready [Music] so here we are it smells so good I love it so much the trees the flowers everything smells great oh we've got a visit who are you I'm Evan did you come to visit us do you live here where do you come from do you create the perfumes what are you intending for okay okay Ava they're lady and Lulu I'm dreamy and he's Rim how nice to meet you I love your perfumes this is amazing Cotton Candy Forest is an incredible place it's so cool that you came here let's go get the rest I'm sure they'll be very happy [Music] hey we have visitors lady and Jimmy and their pets Lulu and red hi I'm Mila nice to meet you what a beautiful house and the greenhouse is awesome and um everything smells incredible uh you know she really loves perfumes and how do you create the perfumes my perfume oh that's easy when you oh it's always the same she's gonna run over you it's not the first time Rose are you okay I'm okay everything's all right don't worry Rose [Music] uh you know I'm unstoppable [Music] wow Rose is a perfume Master look this is how the perfumes are made let me tell you what we're gonna do we'll create a new perfume for you there are so many smells to discover under the sun creating perfumes is so much fun Wild Rose with a little touch of cotton rainbow Jasmine with vanilla Essence wow the aroma produced by the flowers is the purest entrance of the perfumes if a single drop lands on you you'll keep that small forever that's why you need to know how to mix them you'll see let's create some spring wildflowers perfume here's enough for several bottles great I'll help you Lulu sorry we don't have any perfume left at home the order never arrived uh oh that's Sophia's job and today she's not in a good mood everything's on everything Sophia we are visitors [Music] hi sorry about the mess I'm not always like this usually everything's tidy but I mistook the perfumes orderless for the special presents one oh this never happened before but there are so many otters uh I'm sure we can find a solution of course I've got a great idea together we'll fix it to be continued foreign [Music] [Music] y came to the cotton candy forest in search of her lost perfume we don't have any perfume left at home there she met Sophia a happy flower with the little organization problem this never had for we'll fix it the cotton candy Forest perfumes part two so what idea to organize this place we'll set up an assembly line assembly line yes each one will take care of one thing that way we'll finish sooner yay thank you for helping me so you can show me every place in Cotton Candy Forest good idea we just have to make sure that each baby gets the right perfume and then stick the label on it I'll check the order list I will smell each baby's perfume and I'll take care of sticking the labels we'll finish very quickly yay lady dreamy are you ready the first one is for Angie Starry orange perfume Violet lavender pink clouds Starry orange done next one we're tidying up the space everything goes in its place Tina poetry perfume smell smell it smells so good come on quick perfume for Tina for Tina uh I'll stick the label how cool will be touring cotton candy first in no time the assembly line works great for dirty sweet strawberry perfume oh wait no no was that for Ella No tropical daisy flower daisy flower then daisy flower perfume foreign daisy flower for Ella I'm so dizzy everything smells the same lady narvy fancy Daisy did you know that Ella's favorite ice cream is banana but she doesn't want to tell Nana didn't you say nana nana no well no no we've got it yes but what do I have to deliver all this yes and look how tidy everything is well yes it looks very tidy okay then here I go oh would you like a little push great now you can show me around cotton candy Flores [Music] [Music] the orders were all wrong you messed up with the labels again the babies have received the wrong perfumes and I'm really exhausted we're so sorry we did it so fast that we ended up doing it wrong yes I couldn't wait to go and see cotton candy for us it's such a special place and you are so cool we didn't pay much attention but it won't happen again will you forgive us of course we're friends flowers [Music] wow there won't be any mistakes this time let's go with so many orders we really have to pay attention the last one we'll take care of that now it's time for you to rest Lula in the room will take you to the beach for Angie [Music] package for Ella I'm here and for Connie we're already here we managed to deliver all orders on time Everything went perfect oh thank you so much babies if you ever have that many orders again you know what to do give us a call yes together we are the perfect team finally I will be able to smell my perfume huh where is it huh Lulu I will catch you [Music]
Channel: Kitoons in English
Views: 175,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoons for kids, animation, for children, videos for kids, kids videos, children cartoon, cry babies magic tears, magic tears, cry babies, cry babies new, toys for kids, kids channel, animation for kids, Full episodes, cry babies new episodes, full episode cry babies, cry babies compilation, cry babies video full, cry babies in english, crybabies, cry baby, cry, baby cry, kitoons, kitoons in english, crybaby, cry-baby, cry babies full episodes in english, babies, happy flowers
Id: 1Qc4dqr2-3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 3sec (4803 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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