🤒 OMG....Spinning $88 on DOUBLE BLESSINGS in High Limit (duh)

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hey guys it's brian christopher from bcsloss.com and we're here in the high limit at agua caliente and i found a double blessings machine and i don't have brit with me so shh we're going to try 10 max bet spins dollars at spin let's see how we do [Music] all right i'm here alone in the high limit room always a dangerous combination you know how it is uh brit usually uh tells me how to do these things and i usually abide but when shane here well watch out all right guys i thought i'd give it a shot i teased it with her yesterday and she was like don't do that um so this is either going to be a blane brit or blaine bryant episode i don't know let's find out how we do 900 in that's just enough for 10 spins at 88 to spin the max bet you can do on this game but look at what you could win my friends mini miner major grin now i was here yesterday someone clearly hit that mini because it was at like 160 yesterday or something like that the other ones have not been touched that's a big old grand big old major and an okay a minor as well let's see how we get on all right 88 max i've never done this before on this one i don't think no okay oh gosh there goes 88 dollars all right goodbye nice meal next spin i got we made a profit 95 okay feeling a little better eight more to go we're looking for three of those in the first three reels if we get that i will lose my stuff but um i'm hoping for some good line hits period or maybe get that pot to close all right keep going close that pot no not yet [Music] okay i've lost count about where we're at right now let's see we've probably done we had 900 we've done five spins then right i think that makes sense all right so five more fish ouch line up those dragons come on okay 45 hit go go go does not close the pot but we did get a nice head for 360 dollars so we've had let's see it's 360 we've got a 90. so we probably only have like one more spin really here it is and because i didn't keep track of counts we'll give it one more just in case here we go oh that would have been so good if those fishes kept on going all right we'll leave it there 540 double blessings all right i just verified we did do 10 spins for sure um but we still technically have enough for another five if we wanted to so let's give it a shot guys let's see if we can get our hands on one of those numbers five more spins double blessings high limit one two twenty dollars three [Music] go go go all right got our money back spin four last spin go go go all the way across 290. we did okay look at that guys we're at 500 dollars so technically we have enough for five more spins oh nelly this is this is difficult huh alright go one two oh my gosh the game does not get any easier when your max bat three go no four where's my wilds down to our last band 60 remaining i guess we can do one of these almost lost my lunch darn oh well fun to do once hashtag blaine bryant that was double blessings all right time to continue on with double blessings i put 500 dollars in and we're doing the 17.60 bed 10 cents four dollars three of those chinese characters on the first three reels needed for the bonus oh yeah all right down 200 on her right now go go go nice hit beautiful all the way across 432 line hit that's we're talking about i love that all right keep going if only we hit that one on the max bed that would have been that would have been a hand fan i'm sure that would have been five times that amount yeah would have been yep come on give me some double blessings 12 bucks give me a gong gong gong in my life baby just breathe brian just breathe we are back where we started line it up [Music] another 15 or something like that all right we're jumping right in the bonus get ready that's a good one it looks like davis grow a little bit there they go 24 bucks grow grow grow oh dear close that pot even that'd be great one more spins we're halfway through the bonus coins six dollars we need a much bigger bonus come on three more spins rude come on dragons all the way across dragon dragon dragon last spin ouch that was pretty painful [Music] okay that really sucked the biscuit that was a 9x bonus wow you know you wait your whole life for something like that it feels like then you get a bonus like that it's so rude well if that pot closes one time we could be over a hundred thousand dollars richer let's give her one last pin all right well we gave it our all guys cash down about even that was double blessings hey guys don't forget hit that like button and subscribe to our channel we upload videos every day of the week and go live at least once or twice a week as well cash machine time here at agua caliente let's do it 300 dollars and ten dollars a spin off we go two dollars when you get to win what you see whatever lands is yours i want to see some zeros do it come on baby 10. boy if we landed a 10 there they're living 150 bucks all right we're up 20 bucks let's keep going pants five dollars let's try and get this machine to go angry if it gets angry it turns red and it gives you a guaranteed win [Music] [Music] a lot of dead spins happening come on [Music] all right we're down a hundred dollars here it goes double zero [Music] all right got our bat back we'll take it [Music] oh my neighbor got something big over there you got the whole orchestra playing for them what'd they get brad huh 500 again oh my goodness [Music] oh nelly can you imagine that could have been 2500 oh my gosh oh baby five double zero [Applause] oh nelly ten dollars the best you can get ten five double zero ten thousand five hundred dollars [Music] we're due for a big one all right we're down 200 final hundred ends [Music] fiverr eight more spins remaining [Music] do it to it i'm pulling the crank now the heavy crank though [Music] five dollar bills last three spins line it up [Music] all right we got five more spins out of here okay we got six more now to go we needed to get angry like really bad come on get angry girl okay now i'm angry last two spins and finale all right took it all guys cash on eight dollars around on cash machine it's time to move out of the casino and online and join me tonight for an online slot session starting at four o'clock pacific seven o'clock eastern on my bryan christopher online channel join us at online.bcs we'll see you tonight wonderful tall fortunes we're playing with some indian dreaming today let's see how we do uh we're doing 300 in and five dollar bets this machine actually has ten dollar max bat they don't usually but let's go for it here we go ten dollar max bet usually max bet on these ones is five i'll take it let's get that bonus though oh my gosh it worked out for us look at the very top up there 200 line hit buffalo nice all right that's one way to do it glad we upped her bet and now we're up 170 dollars oh nellie needed one more there for the bonus we got a lot of queens in there though 40 line hit in queens oh and there's a bonus all right we're still up 170. now i'm not holding my breath these bonuses are usually a little a little flaky on us but hey on occasion if you can line up a hit like we did with those buffaloes and throwing a multiplier we could be really rich here we go all right four dollars to start [Music] oh almost re-triggered [Music] line it up halfway through the bonus there's that 5x multiplier line it up though a couple dollars [Music] [Music] one more spin [Music] all right 23 bonus overall and off we go again [Applause] [Music] try and get a little there we go [Applause] almost got it again now what you really want is super free games those three bonus symbols with the circles around it [Music] then your bonus can be actually super [Music] special [Music] [Music] a couple buffaloes in there 10 hit and we are down to 400 so we're still up 100 i say we stick to it trying to get another bonus or another big hit oh almost got it [Music] three totten poles 10 bucks oh rudy rudy rudy [Music] seven dollar hit okay we got a bonus 12 50 to start get ready here goes can we line up those multipliers just missed a a second jack in there darn oh two dollars and nine [Music] come on multipliers [Music] now we got the kings and the jacks to line up a little bit 750 10 all together i think [Music] two more spins all right 23 about the same as last time pretty well let's try a few a few more i'm a little too far there brian settle down there you go [Music] two wilds on shop they don't line it up but we did get four buffaloes to line up for fifty dollars those buffaloes like us up to 422 let's do two backup spins and last spin all right not a bad run in the end you guys started with 300 cash down up 103. that was a wonderful tall fortunes [Music] more more chile yeah let's do it here we go 250 buckaroos in there four dollars a spin gotta find three bags for the bonuses here's one and you can even get two bags to land in one spot which i'm down for right now let's do it nineteen aces if you get six chili's you also get a bonus it's a very rare bonus to get too well they're both really pretty rare in my opinion but uh i played it so many times i didn't even know there was a chili bonus until i hit it i was like what the heck come on bags of money get in my pocket oh that's good eleven dollars those things pay come on line it up one more did we get it so clearly you need more than six maybe it's nine you wanna check for me while i'm doing this maybe it's nine thousands no it has to collect them during the free games but not in but when it's not the free games how many do you need though i'm confused maybe i just lied to everybody right now oh look at that we have two bags set off you need set what game do you need seven of ever for the wheel feature that is that's rude man [Music] this is the only game in history where you need seven of something for a bonus pretty tooty all right the more you know down a hundred dollars three [Music] it's better to know than not know though one more ten dollars not a lot of big hits in the game like we haven't done more than a three exit yeah i don't think [Music] until now no 10 50 again [Music] do it oh that's good that's it for sure that's a five of a kind 26 okay we're getting up there what's that a six and a half x win more more chili's please [Music] oh wow that was good it doesn't line up or does it that's rude if it was the five of kind would have been a huge [Applause] pretty shooty oh that's how you get the bonus all right now i know well i'll cash out of the 100 i think there's some fireball for five bucks four more spins and let's spin on more more chili all right we'll cash out there 103. that was more more chilly just landed the bonus here on dollar store maybe we got a 250 dollar mini on a five dollar bed nice i started with a 500 ticket in there so we got our money back let's get some more come on nelly fill her up buttercup thank you there is a 1250 miner out there
Channel: Brian Christopher Slots
Views: 100,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brian Christopher slots, slot machine win, big win, huge win, gambling, how to win on slots, how to play slot machines, gambler, casino, pokies, brain Christopher, bcslots, gambles, rudies, brian christopher, slot machine, bonus, free slots, free slot games, slots of vegas, slots lv, bryan christopher, how to beat slots, Double Blessings, Cash Machine, Wonder 4 Tall Fortunes, More More Chilli
Id: OaWEiqeEFTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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