I Discovered A New Strategy To Winning On Slot Machines At Coushatta Casino Resort

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what's up guys welcome back to another video how y'all doing guys today I had an idea for a new style of video this isn't my normal format that I'm going to be doing today but I was thinking on my drive home from work today we basically live in a world of slot machines that are all not all but mostly perceive progression now so what I mean by that is you see how these firecrackers are lit up and it's like it's a about to get the bonus right so here's my idea today we're only going to be going to slot machines that have these perceived progressions that are about to hit so this might be a new strategy that could work for you to actually make money on slots normally yall know I just kind of I'm a free bird I just go to whatever machine start playing it but today we have a plan and this is what we're going to do we're going to play the perceived progression slots that are close to hitting I'm going to put my free play in guys guys and I'll be right back all right guys we have my free play in the machine for $55 so we're going to start off on this uh bzu zfu I think it's called but we're going to go with the one cent denam and the 264 bet so it's a good bet you know I like the $2 bet range so we're starting off with free play I think I already told yall that let's get a win on this and we can the goal is is after we get a bonus from this we move on to the next machine so uh so I'm sorry guys I was flusher so after we get a bonus we move over to the next machine and we keep doing that every time we get a bonus we move on to the next one and we just keep playing these proceed progressions all right I hope I explained my idea well enough for everyone to understand but we do need to turn up the volume on this oh the m volume's match all right come on the goal is a bonus do it do it do it do it oh my goodness that would be [Music] it come on this out of all the machines over here do it do it do it oh this one this was the one most lit up so 12 bucks nothing all right we're down to 26 bucks there we go good little line hit [Music] 615 do it please oh [Music] man 525 we'll take it we need the fireworks oh [Music] Lord nothing [Music] there oh it's teasing me that's the real yeah it is guys I was just recognized that's awesome all right come on oh man do it do it do it we'll get a mini for 30 okay we got wait do we get the do we get the blue as well though bonus do we keep we got the double up so we get the mini twice which is $60 we do guys all right if you're enjoying the content remember to like And subscribe my plan is working so far oh God it just started by itself $12 this is a good bonus already this is already 72 bucks mini is 30 on this [Music] game okay another $150 come on let's get a minor in there a minor is worth 60 bucks keep going another [Music] $150 Keep It Coming fill them up give me one up top come on up top up top right here yes reset come on do this one yes that's nine bucks that was added this one three to that one guys this is a great bonus we didn't get the Zone boost but minor we got a minor for 60 give me another minor oh my God reset reset reset come on do it yes yes come on give me more oh my [Music] goodness oh don't do it one spin on each one come on reset one of them reset yes okay this one's done with but we still have this one come on another $150 let's hit the one right here or up [Music] there oh man come on oh that's it guys this is a great bonus though 60 that Miner really took it up a notch this might be over 200 bucks maybe not quite but we're close all right first machine first bonus $177 and we had 424 in there so we're cashing out with $180 $812 guys that's a great start I'm going to go find another machine that's almost about to hit the bonus like that and we're going to play that one I'll be right back all right guys we're back on the next machine it is this the quick hits I just made a video on this the other day but this thing is literally maxed out and I have a little story to tell y'all too so whenever I walked away from the machine earlier I left my ticket in the machine so I left my ticket in the machine didn't cash out and I wasn't gone like 1 minute I swear cuz I ran back over there after happen but somebody was already on the machine playing it and they put their money in with mine but then they they acted like oh you're good they acted like they didn't know that my money was in the machine they're like but then they ended up admitting it to me and then I was like I mean I just I just SW my money back you know and he's like well we're going to have to work something out I'm like I mean I could go I could go get security and I could just get my money back like I'm not trying ask you for anything extra I have video proof of how much I had in there security can look at the footage guys if that ever happens I get it that somebody might leave some money in machine they never come back but if they come back do the right thing the right thing is to give the people their money back we're not here to scam each other the casino is already pretty much whipping our butt we got to stick together don't take other people's money do the right thing really it it's somebody's hard earned money that they're already coming over here and risking and probably going to lose it's not cool to do that to each other so do the right thing give somebody their money back and I ended up getting my money back guys but I let them keep the dollar and 24 C all right so with all that being said this quick hit re or quick hit link is all the way maxed out we're going to go with a $3 bet just like we did the other day all right let's get the volume up come on we're so close to hitting [Music] it I want a triple pop how about that come [Music] on come on oh man all right we're getting a lot of uh whole lot of nothing right now oh my car's not in the machine as well all right hang on I'm going put my card in while I'm spinning card's going in and it didn't work so we do it again all right we're in now come on oh all right we need to hit [Music] something oh guys we got the reals up bonus all right so we got a bonus on this one we are getting bonuses we're growing our money one bonus per machine that's the rule let's hope this is big we need some massive wins one more yes okay we win all that we're up to $14 we started off at 180 so I would like to win more than what I started with we got 13 from that we're up to 27 come on [Music] okay four of them we need five to hit the the number value at the top last spin though come on $35 so are we are we profiting I think we're profiting a little bit not much we're at 180 now we're at 83. 72 all right the rule is one bonus per machine so I'm not going to keep going even though the extra spins and firecracker quick hits are up we got to move on to the next one so I'm going to go find the next machine and guess what I cashed out my ticket this time we're moving on all right guys we are now on the sandbow pandas guys last time I played this game I got absolutely wrecked and I swore I'd never play it again but we're gonna do it for this video this pan is about to pop that one's kind of big let's get a bonus oh God it quick spaned on me let's get a bonus get a big win hopefully it doesn't take too long to hit a bonus on this thing and hopefully we can hit a [Music] bonus where's the volume at volume's maxed out come on on this one you definitely want to get a double pop triple pop the bonuses by themselves come on one more like the sticky free games and the extra free games those are good together the jackpot free games obviously could be good by itself but you really want the extra free games with either one of those extra free games one or the other one or the other all right we have not hit crap on these things come [Music] on [Music] [Music] 260 [Music] come on Sand Bal [Music] pandas all [Music] right what are the pandas doing they need to help me out come on more yes do it oh my God okay [Music] $380 we're down below our 100 guys well it's all started on free play actually so we're below our free play come on the sticky WS just got pretty big so hopefully we're getting close come on another one oh he's massive guys he's absolutely [Music] massive okay and that Panda just grew some please please let me hit it oh okay that should be a good win in with the sand bow symbols $6 all right it's okay coins we need the coins guys [Music] [Music] $140 come on bonus [Music] come on coin coin coin 360 okay that's a good win right 640 it's two bets we really need some coins though [Music] 3 another 640 come on coins where are the coins the Panda's getting big guys oh five of a kind there 1180 all right that's our best win so far on here [Music] the coins all right I don't want to get those people on camera with you know try to come in a little [Music] bit coins yes one more do it and Oh I thought that would be it we got $50 left I'm trying to figure out how big these pandas can actually get they got a pop we got 42 bucks we're going to need a big [Music] bonus oh [Music] man all right don't pop it [Music] the pandas are all [Music] massive I think that Panda just grew some more all right okay that looks like a decent win 520 not as much as I thought it was oh Lord okay1 $12 80 I thought that was much larger coins coins [Music] coins all right come on [Music] pandas how do we win we get no we didn't get anything there with all those Wilds oh no we got the free games with nothing oh dude that's worst case scenario you got to get the free games with something [Music] else [Music] $4 extra free game okay 1740 okay another free game we want to hit those sand bow symbols 2060 come on S [Music] B uh 382 oh man all right that really drained our uh our bank account for sure oh I accidentally did a backup spin all right all right we're cashing out with $46 52 and guess what guys I'm cashing out my ticket didn't forget this time and I won't be forgetting anytime soon it was crazy it's like I had to beg for my my money back almost but I was when I said security I get security it it changed completely just do what's right guys do what's right and you'll be you'll be all right in life and good things will come back to you there's no need to scam people but you know what I found the next machine we're going to [Music] play and it's the M mummy it has got oh come on it's got the cash collect all the way built up it's glowing we're going with a 225 bet hopefully we get a bonus quick and we can make it back the profit that we [Music] had we can randomly get the bonus on this with a mummy coming across the screen [Music] too come on all right we just built up the free games that's glowing [Music] now come on right 615 that's not a bad win come on free [Music] games oh man [Music] come [Music] on oh Lord down to [Music] $19 they're all glowing [Music] now come [Music] on do it do it do it do it all right that's a 315 thought it was going to be more than $3.15 right there okay that's really good huh $22.35 we're back up to 31 we're alive baby do it do it that would be massive $112.50 I wonder if that's the max the max coin you can get on this bed or Max uh [Music] Jewel come on free [Music] games I would love uh luck has [Music] arrived come [Music] on [Music] all right guys we got 182 in the machine I'm going to try to get one more bonus on this game to finish off the video so I'm going to put $100 in if we don't get a bonus off of that I'm done but we're going to try to get one more bonus we got to keep the strategy going all right we'll be right back all right guys we're back we have the new 100 in the machine and we're going to go with oh I didn't change it I'm going to go with the $3 bet to finish this off I was doing the $3 beted on the sand Bal I figured I'd do it on this game as well oh and we get a luck as arrive please cash collect that's the best bonus please cash collect oh it's a jackpot it's a jackpot all right and the rule is guys only one bonus so we're basically going to finish we're the minimum I can get here is $10 so we're going to finish with not losing any money technically cuz we started on free play and we lost the money on sbal I should have known better than to go to sand Bal but I tried it guys I tried it still did me dirty give me the grand all right 10 bucks we made 57 CS all right we'll take it guys we're Cashing Out actually $4.97 so we made $5 profit out of all of this we started off a free play so I don't count any of that as a loss but if you're enjoying the content guys remember to like And subscribe I appreciate everybody who watches what do we learn today we learn you should always give your money or give the money back to who it belongs to that's the right thing to do guys don't scam each other in the casino I get it and you walk up on the money you're excited like oh somebody left their money behind that's somebody's money at the end of the day you know and if I really needed to I could have went to security got them the roll back footage I could have got my money back that way we ended up settling it out he gave me all my money back he didn't want to but he did and that's what happened guys thank you for watching the video like And subscribe and I'll see y'all next time bye
Channel: The Reel Kid
Views: 77,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: betting strategy slot machines, slot machines, coushatta, coushatta casino resort, betting on slot machines, betting strategy in casino, best way to bet on slot machines, betting max on slot machines, slot machines big wins
Id: AHycmFjUlYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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