My BIGGEST WIN EVER on Triple Jackpot! 😱 High Limit Slots at Aria Las Vegas ⭐️

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[Music] thank you hey guys Brantley from Cowboy slots here at triple jackpot at the Aria in Las Vegas have 575 dollars in this machine this machine has been pretty good um pretty good to us recently so gonna start it on five dollar denom it's uh two credits ten dollars a spin uh let's see if we can't get some of those triples on the line and again we started with 575 dollars come on Triple if we get anything really good or get a good triple combo we'll up it to ten dollars there we go 50 bucks nice little return oh come on triples triple triple seven that's what I'd really want to see or triple triple triple or how about triple triple anything come on Triple jackpot have not yet decided what I'm going to take this down to but we'll reevaluate it as we go along come on do it uh we still get paid for the Triple though 20 bucks can't complain it's better than nothing most common uh triple combination is that triple single bar single bar all right triples let's go there we go got a little ammo come on triples triples on the line please oh come on pew pew [Music] I have hit some great jackpots on this game not necessarily this particular machine I have had a couple jackpots on this uh this machine in particular but on this game I've hit some good jackpots on it so it's a good game to play because those triples can really get you ahead for sure [Music] come on do it do it oh my come on that would have been over 10 grand on five dollar denom go got a little ammo come on triples uh why could you not have been up [Music] it's always exciting when that first triple drops because you never know what it's going to be oh come on that would have been a great combo I have hit that combination before I have hit the triple triple three bar um on ten dollar denom that was 7 500. I'll put a link to that video um if it's out yet I'll make sure to try to publish that video first but if uh I'll put a card up in the top right hand corner of your screen to see that all right we need some ammo and we'll go ahead and keep going I was thinking about stopping it at 200 but we'll keep on going see if we can't get a little lucky here on Triple jackpot come on there it is all right so that's 300 bucks that brought us up 455 pretty much almost back to where we started it's a good thing about these lower volatile games can get you up pretty quick we got some ammo keep going another great thing about these low volatile games is you can sit here and you can play them and you can earn some really good points on your card so if you're trying to rack up your points stick with low volatile games they'll rack up a lot quicker it's going to use a triple on that third reel come on do it do it do it do it do it yes there we go sweet we're up to five six five fifty five now so we're up over what we started do it boom boom oh come on there it is sweet we're up to 825 dollars in the machine now all right guys I put 500 in I've got 800 in here now so I'm gonna go ahead we're gonna cash out we're gonna take our little profit here and we are going to move on and try something else but this was Triple jackpot here at the Aria thanks so much for watching all right guys we are here at triple jackpot again uh I hit this uh was not recording for seven thousand two hundred dollars let's watch that clip and then we're gonna do something crazy 7 200 on Triple jackpot ten dollar genome here at the Aria was not recording when I hit this bad boy I should have been maybe next time all right guys so since I did just hit that jackpot I still have 70 left in the machine and I also have a voucher here for twelve hundred and seven dollars this is what we're gonna do since we're up and I've got all that extra cash in my in my pocket there we're gonna do something a little crazy we're gonna go 25 denom this is gonna be fifty dollars a spin and again this is a really low volatile machine so this could possibly happen again and on a 25 spin let's see if we can't get a better jackpot we are gonna play this all the way down so fifty dollars to spend with 12.77 in the machine Let's get a jackpot Now 50 to spend does go really really quickly so if we get down too low maybe I'll reevaluate oh let's get that same combo again would normally not recommend doing this however because the last jackpot was so large we're pretty much this is play money at this point so maybe we'll get something good come on do it there it is we got a jackpot another one fifteen hundred dollar jackpot all right guys we'll get this paid out and we'll be right back all right guys well this is a great run on Triple jackpot we just got paid out that 1500 jackpot so we've got 7 200 jackpot 1500 jackpot and stole a thousand left in the machine like I said we're running this all the way through let's see if we can't get another one fifty dollars to spend how about a triple triple red seven oh wow that would have been incredible if it would have hit right after I said that but you never know could still be possible do it there we go that right there is 750 dollars let's keep it going like I said this is just play money this is fun money that we're working with because we've got the jackpots so we're just having fun with it excuse me see if we can't get another jackpot here [Music] if not we might cash out a little early but maybe try something different there we go another 750 dollars we're up to two thousand two thousand one hundred and twenty seven in the machine [Music] not quite sure what we'll stop it at like I said we're just having fun today plus earning some good comps here on my MGM card which has kind of been the goal of the trip 1777 is what we're at these triples do drop a lot on this machine boom boom that'd be nice it's one of the things that I like about triple jackpot not too many casinos have these machines left oh come on not too many casinos have these machines left but they're really low in volatility very easy going so that's 250 dollars right there taking it nice and slow just enjoying the game it's kind of one of the good things once you are up on your trip and you're doing well you can kind of just sit back relax just enjoy the game have fun which is what you should be doing anyway you should always be having fun when you gamble always gamble with an entertainment budget here we go another 250 oh I see the triples hiding down there be nice if all three of them landed it is possible especially on this game would love to get a triple red seven triple or any combination of those another 1500 jackpot here we go got some ammo keep us going come on oh second time that has happened that is what I want triple triple red seven do those triples do drop a lot and you do get paid for the single triple which is nice about this game triple oh nice little jackpot if that was a triple come on triple seven wanna see you on the line got some ammo more ammo to replace those bars with triples Mark and I are having a lot of fun here at Aria today he is behind me playing pinball doing really well it's been a great day here come on triple triple triple seven triple oh [Music] do it oh come on that would have been another 1500. well at least I'm earning points on my card always sit here and burn through this fifty dollars a spin now that would been phenomenal Coulda Woulda shut up all right a little ammo and more ammo come on let's get it that's actually a really common combination on this game this is the triple single bar [Music] oh man like that you not have been down do it do it oh come on again with that [Music] that's what I want triple triple seven [Music] all right we're winding down here to the end very fun session on this triple jackpot I gotta say this is one of my favorite games I do enjoy playing it I wish more casinos had it if you see one of these games don't pass it up it's pretty low in volatility great game to play that would have been a wonderful combo to end this end this video on don't think we'll get another jackpot within the next couple of spins I got two more spins left all right last spin all right guys that was a wonderful session on Triple jackpot uh really really great machine again uh walked away with two really nice jackpots from this machine anyway guys thanks so much for watching we're gonna go try something else thanks so much for watching check out these other videos and be sure to subscribe to the channel for more slot tips it's always free visit for free guides and a whole lot more catch you on the next episode [Music] thank you
Channel: Cowboy Slots
Views: 490,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slots, slot machine, jackpot, casino, myths, facts, inside, secrets, poker, roulette, gambling, massive, win, winner, lottery, high limit, how to, tech, true, false, wins, huge, reviews, tips, better, best, worst, behind the scenes, revealed, jackpots, low limit, budget, tribal, indian, bingo, server, tricks, unlocked, live play, live action, action, big, cowboy, skill, machines, winning, payout, payback, percent, player, club, card, horse racing, wager, sports, betting, bet, online, Travels, how it works, IGT, Aristocrat, Konami, bally, BC
Id: Yz6N-aN2C1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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