☄️ $6000 Ultra Hot ☄️30 Players MASSIVE Group Pull

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hey everybody it's brian christopher from bcslots.com we're here at aguacaliente in cathedral city we've got a massive group of 30 people all putting in 200 a piece at 6 000 and this is the very first time ever we're doing a group haul on ultra hot mega league get ready here we go you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] 11 800 mega 777 major 1250 miner and a 250 mini this is a volatile game it might take us a while to get a bonus or we might just jump right into it hopefully we're looking for four fireballs or three treasure chest symbols that's how you get a bonus hello hello tell me your name and something about yourself hi my name is jody parks i am from san lorenzo new mexico and i just was blessed with the birth of my second great grandson oh my goodness second great grandson congratulations to you all right due to local laws and gaming commission rules i'll be the one doing the spit on everyone's behalf we all put in 200 myself included but we all split it 100 equally at the end here we go you guys ready all right twenty dollars of spin it's a it's a one dollar denomination there's two balls four of those please let's find those fireballs those uh right there those pineapple rings those are wild come on line it up there's 10 bucks [Music] this is a 10 line game 10 lines but the the fireballs could be anywhere in the treasure chest only on the three middle reels anywhere all right 20 bucks back and last spin you ready here we go all right thank you very much oh my goodness so i forgot to mention that we do have six thousand dollars total the machine will only take three thousand at a time like another three thousand sitting on the side hey there hey how you doing good tell me your name and something about yourself my name is colleen and i'm from indianapolis indiana and i throw four days to get here shut the front door i love you guys let's do this all right well let's make it worth our journey okay let's try and make that gas money here we go line it up four fireballs four megalink cymbals looking for that ultra hot bonus [Music] all right 30 that's the win line it up oh all right one more spin here we go thank you so much thank you thank you thank you hello come on over how you doing tell me your name and something about yourself very nice all right sean right you said that's it all right sean here we go let's line it up buttercup see how long it takes us to get that delicious bonus come on first time doing this game like i said on a group well i'm very excited about that there's a treasure chest it's only on reels two three and four 20 bucks three mangoes 20 bucks come on oh very close one off all right one more spin here we go you can do it two two two [Applause] all right thank you very much we got twenty dollars in the end on that one no not so bad who's up next come on down hi there how are you hey i'm great tell me your name from lake elsinore liz from lake elsinore i've only been watching it for like a couple weeks that i've already got big campaign since then you're welcome great to have you lance all right cool here we go let's line it up buttercup fill that screens with wild come on come on by the way i know they're not pineapples okay i just the joke i love to like compare things two other things three of a four of a guy 30 bucks [Music] off of the treasure chest free games all right that was it all right thank you very much thank you so much come on over how we doing what's your name chuck from ontario oh cool jack russells are pretty cool dogs all right you ready let's line it up 10 spins at 20 of pops line it up buttercup we got a little something in there all right 1 30. good job finally got something of substance in there [Applause] 260. nice all right doing very well so far let's find those fireballs 20 bucks yeah last spin come on all right did a great job thank you so much welcome well done hey how you doing good brian how are you very well tell me your name and something about yourself uh dan from temecula and a shout out to my wife nancy all right dan hello nancy let's line it up who's gonna get us that first bonus today let's find it right here come on we're ready we're ready yeah let's get that band to win fill that screen with wild or fire links come on mega fire links what everyone call [Music] find it all right last spin coming in pretty all right thank you so much hi how are you very well tell me your name something about yourself my name is maria and i am an er health care worker now wow thank you so much for being an amazing helper during cove and my gosh all right maria let's do it too here we go let's find those megalinx come on asis 30 bucks two more oh yeah not yet [Applause] very close again and you got one more spin oh wow 2 000 my goodness look at that one all right still looking for that first bonus where is it hiding you guys let's find it i told it's a volatile game but hey one bonus gonna race all of our losses that's what we're looking for hi are you yapping over there first time spinner love guy because i missed you guys oh what was your name again all right terry here we go let's line it up 20 spins i think we have to use windex in a second let's do it shall we let's get some real real wind ducks out there here we go [Applause] there we go see how we do it amazing it's all about timing two two two any four two come on one more oh that's the closest we've been to free games we got 20 bucks out of here [Music] come on girl all right last spin here it goes oh it looks like a line there but she ain't only a 10 line game thank you terry whoever's next time on over did you guys want to keep filling in the area over there there we go hi how are you doing hi greg really good what's your name tell me something about yourself cindy from san diego and i'd like to give a shout out to my gambling buddies of course it's kendall leah lindsay and valerie love it hey guys why aren't they here i know next time all right let's do it too here we go 10 spans times twenty dollars two hundred dollars a person looking for that first bonus still all right 50 bucks keep going mango 40 bucks nice another 20. your gambling buddies will be proud so far oh oh that looks good nice 150 and you got one more spin to go [Music] [Applause] all right good job you did your job you made more than two hundred dollars back beautiful james come on down how you doing is that you tell me something about yourself there james uh i'm here supporting my wife he was just up here awesome all right retired musician and still living the dream buddy living it up all right i hear your voice every day you're welcome you're welcome for that all right let's line it up here we go let's get a nice little bonus for you come on now 10 bucks one more one more that was a 250 dollar mini oh nelly two more let's find it poor guy has to hear my voice every day let's give him something good come on let's do it to it two two oh boy all right last spin rude i thought we had that one thank you so much thank you sure hey christy hi nice to meet you nice to meet you too what is that and this one's for a break oh my gosh i'm in love with baby yoda i love i don't know if you guys can see there's my little baby yoda what's that he's pressing the button he's pressing the button oh my gosh he is all right i'm going to use him to press my button now okay i didn't really hear anything from you tell me more about it hi i'm christy from yucca valley california and i was ahead of my kids and i'm excited i love your shirt i love your masks i love your pants i love you i don't even see the earrings all right come on baby yoda here we go all right baby yoda gave us ten dollars to start yeah he pays the taxes yeah come on line it up oh rude machine yes please brush it baby yoda come on grogo only takes one let's find it do it brother come on okay you got one more shot little guy let's do it to it here we go thank you that's very sweet of you thank you very much hi there how are you good how are you very well tell me your name something about yourself all right and you like dogs good good i could tell from the mouth she's like why do you know that that's very weird okay this is that's so cute we are due for that bonus you guys alive back there come on let's find it come on there we go gotta wake it up wake it up come on only takes one only takes one come on line it up buttercup one yeah there you go all we have to do is wake up a little bit energy going you know all right here can we go all right guys you're ready we've already got 170 out there let's find some more numbers you're ready here we go [Applause] all right we didn't waste any time with that one oh my gosh what else do you got [Music] nice all right we got 250 in hiding up there what else we got let's find some words please [Music] nice another 20. all right one more to unlock 250. drop it in oh my gosh we got three ultra hots and [Music] it you got waiting there we go two fireballs to unlock two ultra hots all right two more spins to go [Music] oh nelly only takes one one more spin you ready here goes all right let's add it up see how we did you guys [Music] it takes his time a little bit it's all good she's all ready to go now nice bonus [Music] [Applause] [Music] 700 [Applause] a very respectable bonus oh yeah you got more one more four more spins more to go all right back up at 2400 i told you guys one takes one spin let's keep it going come on guys [Applause] all right and the last spin coming in all [Applause] [Music] first time ever playing the game all right don't be scared don't be scared all right philippe here we go let's line it up 20 bucks mangoes 30 dollars 20 bucks i want to see those free games come on let's do it all right philly one more spin here we go oh sad thank you hi how are you good how are you great tell me your name and something about yourself uh julian from surprise and i need to give a shout out to my kids and my baby all right thank you so much you're ready yeah okay here we go 20 spins 10 spins times 20. all right you gotta clean it you gotta clean it all right here we go there we go line it up oh nelly [Applause] here we go regain zero of eight windex works yes here we go 20 bucks [Applause] [Music] 200. [Applause] [Music] all right so whatever lands with the fireballs to get that money but if you get four of them you're looking at the bonus and the bonus as well all right thank you another 40 bucks over 300 dollars [Applause] [Music] where's our fireballs at last spin there's a little something in there as well not a bad bonus a little windex goes a long way [Music] my windex goes further than just one spin yeah all right you ready here we go we're back at the 2500 you guys very nice we were under two grand good things come to those two weights mangoes again oh my gosh all right i don't know i don't know if i'm claiming enough for that let's try again [Music] [Applause] if it works i gotta start bottling this stuff you know all right that was your last spin there thank you so much [Applause] it worked out it worked out okay not bad hey how are you doing hi good how are you very well tell me your name tell me about watch you yourself the time beyonce brought me here oh come hang out today perfection i love it okay well let's line it up for you today here we go ready for another fireball bonus come on megalinx ooh that's nice 40 bucks better than nothing that's right thirty dollars another ten let's find those fire links come on all right last spin coming in all right thank you thank you thank you thank you hi how you doing how you doing very well tell me your name and something about yourself my name is thomas i'm from phoenix arizona and shirt pretty much sums it all up don't choose your channel i couldn't quite see it all right let's do it here we go looking for the good one here that's right looking for that mega mega mega ultra hot mega link bonus come on he takes now right you know it only takes four mega lengths or three oh nelly look at that thousand come on baby nice 40 bucks all right one last spin coming in all right thank you so much all right hi hi brian i'm julie from silverton oregon and i have four beautiful grandkids and i have a wonderful wife so shout out to my wife sandy hey sandy thank you all right here we go you ready line it up come on let's get that bonus again come on fireballs we can do it drop it in come on let's see it come on big one thirty dollars come on there we go one spin that's all we need that's right come on only takes one one spin there you go 40 bucks in the last spin okay come on let's do it come on thinking thank you beautiful beautiful i need some fantastic oh my gosh hi how you doing good tell me your name and something about yourself um ted from san diego and uh i'm here for faith to prove wrong all right let's do it okay let's do it because you gotta have faith faith faith oh nelly looking for those four fireballs those four mega link symbols come on i want to prove it wrong too i'm like i'm ready i'm all in i'm all in come on now ants i'm so invested for you this is like very stressful for me now oh thousand dollar one yes please all right you got one more spin do it drop it all right thank you very much 20 on the end right there goes on next hey guys guys move all in fill in the space over here spread out there we go lots of room hi how are you tell me your name and something about yourself victoria from lake elsinore california beautiful place beautiful uh anything fun about you wants to share with us i'm really nervous you're really nervous nothing to be nervous about we're all in this together let's line it up you can just blame me either way so we're good here we go do it blame brian [Music] 490 dollars plus an ultra hot babe oh daily that's pretty good all right let's get all set up here yeah that jumped up a lot they are 500 600 already [Music] i know how to get rid of nervous very quickly all right you ready here we go all right 40 bucks [Music] [Applause] 800 major on shop [Applause] you're good all right go [Music] do it to it oh nelly you got that 300 now [Applause] two more spins bang bang baby here we go [Music] one more spin to keep us alive [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh all right it looks pretty good let's see how good it is [Music] nice comeback you guys [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] and with that you guys we are back up on top again big win [Music] it's like i say always it only takes one spin to win and there it is right there [Music] beautiful all right [Applause] i guess we'll be back in a few seconds again gotta wait for that money to hit our pockets all right just got paid out on a scale of one to ten how nervous are you right now i'm quite detained this is still nervous okay it's all good i'm doing my best here let's work it out we got this we got this let's line it up all right come on man goes line it up that was a pretty good first spin i gotta say you know not bad not bad especially we were down like a lot of money and now back up on top just like that so hot so hot come on you can do it what else you got for us show us some love here all right one more spin here we go all right you use it all up in the first bit thank you hey brother come on over how you doing how's it going you're good are you nervous i'm good hello you're good all right cool tell me something about yourself there alex alex williams from lagos from california and uh she always has to go and it's gonna walk up next to him she's a good luck charm for all of us i'll make sure you bring her more often then okay all right here we go let's line it up 10 spins oh my gosh that's hot that's hot 40 bucks in there time for another bonus come on all you guys watching at home make sure you let me know in the comments what games you want to see us doing next group holds on i would love to know i got one more spin coming in all right thank you very much [Applause] all right amanda's coming on over hello amanda how are you i'm good how are you very well [Music] she likes fireball yes [Music] you got to wipe it down already all right here we go line it up buttercup ten bucks one oh nelly two one oh baby there's that mini right there hiding for 250. now we got one more spin and yeah here we go all right thank you how you doing there i'm good i'm good ed from beaumont retired mailman and i'm ready for [Applause] all right uh [Applause] come on now [Music] all right one more spin coming in all right thank you ten dollars on the end over there hi how are you doing sparkles tell me your name is tony betterson christina from lancaster and i have two kids and you have two kids yeah jacob and amaya we are born gamblers oh wow they're in trouble sure thank you i'd cash out but i'm not a quitter all right no one's going anywhere today here we go let's line it up yes get that bang bang going bang bang bonus come on anything i'm saying that major is still growing up to 814 now come on find it all right thank you thank you thank you the elephant needs some love all right go for it there we go [Applause] oh there you go hey yeah welcome up there brad all right that's all good what's your name kathy from rancho santa margarita hey kathy nice to see you nice to see you too tell me something about yourself there kathy hey you're gonna be first time grandparents in the summer congratulations that's so exciting all right let's do it here we go ready for another bonus right now i think yes come on girl oh rudy come on okay two more come on one more thank you very much kathy all right hey how you doing good man what's your name tell me something about yourself paul first group pool bang bang we're gonna get this all right let's do it bang bang bang gonna get a bang bang there we go [Applause] we just got a bang but not a bang bang there come on come on drop those big fireballs times all right last one let's go do it [Applause] all right thank you so much look at that two on the end right there come on down how you doing how you doing tell me your name something about yourself my name is captain i live in los angeles oh very nice thank you very much all right you ready let's line it up here we go cathy catherine yeah all right let's do it let's get it come on [Music] drop it in oh that was a miner that just went by 12.50 it's easy only takes one let's find it [Music] there's that mini for 250 hiding there too two two all right one more spin all right thank you catherine hi there how are you good thank you tell me your name something about yourself uh gigi i'm known for brethren all right he's good to go he's good to go now all right three hundred dollars now on let's land all those fireballs that are going round and round around ten dollars [Music] all right thank you very much guys we got to keep the energy going come home there it goes this has helped us last time let's find it let's find it hi there tell me your name something about yourself um me too all right whoa nelly here we go [Applause] let's find it [Music] i tell you every time i get the energy going again beautiful all right you guys we need to drop four fireballs to get the bonus in the bonus here we go [Music] all right 40 bucks [Music] all right keep going [Applause] one fireball off the bonus to bonus nice hit though very good six more spins to go come on fireballs dollars [Music] [Applause] i forgot about those didn't get any last night that's crazy come on minnie just went by [Music] yeah come on come on come on we are halfway through the bonus we're at 500 dollars [Applause] [Music] let's find those four fireballs drop them in come on free games free games free games [Music] [Applause] another 90 bucks we're at 600 dollars [Music] come on four fireballs drop it in drop it and drop it in [Applause] [Music] three games come on girl another 50 bucks three more spins we're at 700. [Applause] all right seventy dollars there next to free game there [Music] hands another eighty dollars around eight hundred two more spins come on fireballs come on free games [Music] yes okay a little bit extra on the end there 94. [Applause] beautiful 946 bonus [Music] [Applause] nice one there we go wow is the schnauzer did we need that one or what wow all right good job how many more spins we got brett seven so we got seven more it was only a third one all right let's keep it going we're not done with you yet come on uh-huh you guys like that one just remember what the energy does right all right oh nelly let's keep it going keep it going all right one more spin for you here it is all right well done good job [Applause] hey how you doing tell me your name something about yourself yeah all right let's do it to it let's find it a little bit of [Applause] everybody's fun right all right just you and me now all right let's do it to it here we go there's a win thirty dollars come on now do it four fire balls let's drop it in 20 bucks one off one off two two one all right we're getting up there we're getting warmer we're getting warmer i can taste it let's go 20 bucks [Music] [Applause] wow oh my gosh all right last spin for you here it is all right thank you very much [Applause] all right kids so i am the last spinner today let's see if we can turn it around in the very end and get some money back here [Applause] missing those two right there rude come on forty dollars i'm the one feeling nervous now oh nelly it's a big number all right two more it's time for the last spin of the group [Music] okay let's add up all our money and see just how we do all right all right guys that was ultra hot mega length we all started with 200 today and we're going home with 170 dollars back in our pocket they're happy that's not so bad thirty dollars down for all that fun and enjoyment hey if you guys at home want to join us for eight weeks group ball go to bcslots.com we'll see you next time thank you guys so much bye guys [Applause] 88 scatter pay [Music] this one starts right away here it goes watch watch watch youtube massive best symbol guys all the way across shut the front door oh my gosh i've never seen that ever ever ever
Channel: Brian Christopher Slots
Views: 140,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brian Christopher slots, slot machine win, big win, huge win, gambling, how to win on slots, how to play slot machines, gambler, casino, pokies, brain Christopher, bcslots, gambles, rudies, brian christopher, slot machine, bonus, free slots, free slot games, slots of vegas, slots lv, bryan christopher, how to beat slots
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 34sec (2794 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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