Caillou's Bunny | Caillou | WildBrain Kids

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[Music] qu quack qu quack quack quack I'm so excited to bring home a new pet today what kind of pet do you kids want to get a [Laughter] horse a horse might be a little too big for our house a goat that might be a bad [Laughter] [Music] idea yay can we get a bunny I think a bunny is [Music] perfect but which one I like that brown [Music] one oh oh what about you looks like someone made the choice for you let's call him nibbles yay nipples come here [Music] nibbles nipples Love Rosie it's my turn to play with [Music] him wait come back nibbles C you scare [Music] nibbles come on kids let's go build a hutch for [Music] nibbles nibbles is going to love his Hutch Caillou can you pass me the [Music] hammer I don't think nibbles likes me nibbles loves you Kai you but maybe you need to be a bit more gentle with him yeah let him come to you all done taada huh daddy need a hand let's try this again taada I'll go get nibbles [Music] nibbles it's time to see your Hutch Don't Run [Music] [Applause] [Music] Away gentle Pou gentle [Music] where are you going got you [Music] slow [Music] there you [Music] are nibbles come out and play Caillou try taking a step back H but I want to play with nibbles yes but you're really excited and being a bit loud you're scaring the little fella I'm scaring him imagine you were a bunny how would you like someone to come up to you try being slow and [Music] gentle give it a shot Caillou don't be scared nibbles I'm nice how you nice nibbles yes I did it I mean yes I did [Music] it I wish it would stop storming what was [Music] that it looks like the wind made the tree fall during the storm tree go back up I don't think so Rosie my swing can we fix it I'm sorry Caillou we have have to say bye to the tire swing too but I don't like saying bye where will Gilbert sit now the tree was always his favorite spot I remember the first time I brought Gilbert to the tree welcome to your new home Gilbert this is the [Music] garden oh Gilbert all this new stuff must be [Music] scary the tree won't hurt you Gilbert trees give a shade and you can sit under them when you're tired like this and from up in the branches you can see [Music] everything [Music] the tree wasn't only Gilbert's favorite it was Rosie's favorite too Rosie love tree Rosie love tree Caillou someone wants to meet [Music] you say hello to your little sister Rosie wow why is she crying don't worry Caillou it's normal for babies to cry how do we make her stop we just need to figure out a way to make Rosie feel better I know maybe it's too [Music] bright maybe a hug from her big brother will help hug from me but she's so little give it a try you're her Big Brother after all but I don't know how to be a big brother make sure to hold her head she stopped crying You've Got The Magic [Music] Touch [Music] see you're a great big brother already Caillou pH well my favorite memory of the tree is from way before then my favorite is the day we moved here and we planted the tree together wait we planted the tree I don't remember that where was I you weren't born yet you were in my belly a new house a new tree and soon a new baby that's a lot of new it's okay to worry when things feel so new but that that doesn't mean they won't be great we just have to take it one day at a time wa that's it mommy daddy [Music] wait that should do mommy Caillou would you like to do the honors we'd love to [Music] now we can make new memories with a new tree while always thinking fondly of the old [Music] memories Rosie [Laughter] help [Music] we're ready for the fair Mommy I want to ride the whirly chairs they make you so dizzy there I don't think we'll be able to go today mommy's not feeling very well but no fair I'm sorry you two are you sure you can't take us Daddy I'm sorry I have to [Music] [Applause] work don't be sad Caillou Rosie make [Music] better Rosie you just gave me an idea if we help mommy feel better maybe we can go to the [Music] fair oh what's this Dr Caillou and nurse Rosie are here to make you better mommy better I see lucky me patient mommy is ready now over huh that sure looks [Music] warm oh it's a orange juice vitamin C Dr Caillou's order very interesting we need bandages nurse Rosie Teddy Teddy will [Music] do we need 50 no 100 Teddy hugs Rosie of course tickle hug one tickle hug two tickle hug three tickle hug four 97 98 99 100 I'm up great work Rosie and Teddy now Mommy you rest and I'll talk with nurse Rosie in the hall that sounds like a great idea mommy not better no we we need to call in a a a BC we need some help who can we get to help Daddy nurse Daddy come in nurse Daddy called bright yellow go bright yellow over hm sorry Caillou Daddy's working but me and NSE Rosie need you and mommy and mommy [Music] over nurse daddy will be right there huh what uh-oh mhm uhhuh just as I thought what is it nurse daddy mommy has a serious case of the sniffle [Music] diff we're going to need tissues lots and lots of [Music] tissues oh okay okay thank you that's enough [Music] oh thank you for all your help today I'm sorry we couldn't go to the fair but you two oh the fair we were having so much fun we forgot all about it oh well maybe we should let Mommy rest just one more bit of medicine one love you School [Music] please looks like we have another patient Rosie uhoh what do you want to do Rosie we can go on the roller coaster go swimming spash or play games in the arcade quack quack no let's do the Ducks later I think we should what was that it's Gilbert [Music] run quick let's hide over here we'll be safe here from Gilbert but we need someone to protect us who can keep us safe Teddy I know Teddy we have to get to him in the living room ready Rosie [Music] ready go oh no momy's blocking our [Music] way run [Music] [Applause] now vacuum it's going to suck us up Caillou go this way no this way is [Music] better go on without me save yourself no Caillou are you okay yes Mommy I'm fine how did this get here uh uh did you see Rosie we defeated the vacuum Gilbert is no match for us Caillou he was scared off by a vacuum cleaner but I I wasn't you he's right behind me isn't [Music] he that was close we should be okay if we just stay very still huh [Music] who we did it [Music] there gber play watch out Rosie gilber play Caillou youber play how are we going to get up [Music] there daddy climb not now Rosie I'm [Music] thinking Gilbert's coming what are we going to do Rosie Rosie that's it we can climb up and get to Teddy good idea [Music] Rosie there's Teddy I think we should actually what do you want to do Rosie you've been right all [Music] day that's right Gilbert didn't like the vacuum v vro vro vro vro [Music] v sorry I didn't listen to you earlier your ideas were right the whole time want to play some more in my room I promise to listen this [Music] time we can even feed the Ducks we play ducks quack [Music] [Music] quack [Music] careful Caillou that tree is Too Tall you could hurt yourselves sorry [Music] Daddy quick rosie come on where the scary lion go it's going to eat me Caillou are you all right I'm fine Daddy it's just part of the adventure oh Gilbert your paw is stuck Caillou what did I say about climbing the tree look at what happened to gilbertt I I I thought it was just me I didn't know Gilbert was it's important to think about others Caillou what you do can affect more than just yourself [Music] okay what the you okay Gilbert what is it don't worry Gilbert I won't let anything happen to [Music] you Gilbert Gilbert has a small break in his leg so we'll need to bandage him up and make sure he gets plenty of rest for a few weeks but he's going to be okay he's going to be just fine fine but to help him get better he's going to need a little help doing the things he would normally do oh I can do that I'm great at [Music] helping Gilbert don't do that the bandage is going to make your leg better H I think it'll be better for Gilbert's leg if we give him a cone cone like an ice cream cone yum no this is a special cone Gilbert can wear to stop him chewing his [Music] bandage rise and shine sleepy head [Music] taada Gilbert be careful Caillou cats can't drink orange juice like we do try to think about things that Gilbert likes release the dragon release the [Music] Dragon oh yeah that's not a dragon it's a scary [Music] T-Rex what's the matter Bud Gilbert doesn't want to play anymore I tried playing dragon dinosaurs everything he didn't even like the breakfast I made all he wants to do is sleep K you remember when you broke your arm it was frustrating trying to do things you normally did wasn't [Music] it the best way you can help Gilbert is by putting yourself in his shoes but Gilbert doesn't wear shoes I mean imagine what it's like to be Gilbert so you can try to [Music] help Gilbert's leg looks all better you must have taken really good care of him I just imagine what Gilbert was feeling and it was easy to [Music] help [Music] [Music] huh no well come back [Music] ball stuck don't worry Rosie super Caillou will get your ball uh somehow Gilbert can you get the ball [Music] please Gilbert sa B oh super Gilbert that is here you go wow you and Gilbert aren't just any superh Heroes you're kindness superheroes kindness superheroes what's that well all heroes save people from bad guys but kindness superheroes do kind things for people too just to make their day a little better H I like the sound of that what do do you think [Music] Gilbert ready to be kindness superheroes Gilbert then let's go [Applause] [Music] woohoo [Applause] [Music] tickles no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] yay [Music] gilber [Music] well I'd say we've done a super job at being kind today sure somebody help wait it's not safe let the prows handle this come on super Gilbert there's no time to [Music] waste help help don't worry we'll get you safely back to the beach quick the sharks are coming closer come on super Gilbert what's wrong you've got to save him from the Sharks Caillou even superheroes get scared sometimes and super Gilbert really doesn't like water remember oh sorry Gilbert that's okay but maybe super Gilbert can help in another way [Music] thanks for saving us I thought we were going to be a shark dinner yeah and thanks for drawing us too W you were great Gilbert you did your best even though you were afraid that's super briak and kind you both did so many kind things today and I was thinking no kindness superhero is complete without a cape so taada wow thanks [Music] mommy follow me please but I don't want to go to a new restaurant Daddy I want to go to another trust us Caillou you're going to like this one [Music] look [Music] [Music] I'm hungry good things come to those who wait I don't know if I can wait Daddy [Music] hey how about me I want [Music] good it's good but I'm still hungry good things come to those who [Music] wait [Music] no wait Caillou that's oh spicy that's really spicy red here drink some water my tongue is burning that's Wasabi Caillou you're only supposed to have a tiny bit of it this will make it better I don't want anything else that's new oh this looks [Music] amazing yummy no way it's delicious Caillou you should try some I promise it's not spicy you won't know if you like it until you try [Music] it is there a kids menu afraid not but I can make something just for you what's your favorite thing to eat oh can you make grilled cheese a little of this and this isn't grilled cheese are you [Music] sure cheese can you fly the cranes back to me can't I just eat them I'm really hungry uh uh uh good things come to those who wait but I promise this will be the best grilled cheese you've ever had [Music] oh [Music] amaz you okay Ro Rosie oh sorry Rosie I got carried [Music] away [Music] huh look huh what is it your grilled cheese [Music] sir [Music] yummy it's delicious of course it is because good things come to those who [Music] wait uh H would you like to try mine Caillou well I like it you won't know until you try [Music] it it's called tempura how about some of my [Music] fish what else would you like to try everything coming right up [Music] once upon a time there was a little boy named K Mommy Mommy huh what Caillou did you sell the cow yep I traded her for some [Music] beans beans mhm these are magic beans mommy oh oh Caillou his mommy didn't believe him but Caillou knew the beans were magic so he planted them in the garden the next day a huge beanock grew reaching up into the clouds so Caillou climbed it all the way to the very top to see what was [Music] there [Music] whoa but all he found at the top of the beam stock was a big scary [Music] Giant caou caou Caillou what all the noise you're supposed to be helping Rosie go to sleep Caillou be stuck be stuck sorry Daddy I'll tell a different story all right good night you two good [Music] night okay this is the story of Little Red Rosie little red Rosy Hood was taking a basket of food to her Grandma's [Music] house on the way she ran into the big bad [Music] wol scary wolf go [Applause] away oh no Rosie I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you uh let me find another story [Music] um rosil loocks found a house in in the woods she was tired and hungry so she knocked on the door the door was open and there was no one [Music] around hello huh rosil loocks found a table with bowls of yummy spaghetti on it the first Bowl was too [Music] hot and the second bowl was too [Music] cold but the third Bowl was just [Music] right rosil locks was tired so she looked for somewhere to sleep she found three beds the first was way too big and Squishy the second was too hard but the third bed was just right but just then the three bears that lived in the house came home who's been sleeping in our beds being stuck the Bears were really mad at rosil loocks for sleeping in their [Music] beds but they decided to let her sleep the [Music] end night Rosie [Music] well what happened [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] next he hey C you Grandpa what set you're playing with my marble set looks complicated it's super fun what's in the bag a toy I played with when I was little it was your daddy's too oh a train set wo this is so cool Grandpa no i' make this things Zoom all over the house when I was your age from the kitchen to the living room to the backyard right I wasn't supposed to make it Zoom around the house in backyard I want to zoom it around our house trains don't all want to go fast Caillou sometimes they want to slow down and take in the view let's build a a slow and steady track in a safe simple Circle oh uh [Music] okay maybe then it can go up here and a loop to Loop and fire confetti I don't think this train can do Loop Loops but a can go around a Bend well have fun I promised mommy I'd clean up before she gets home okay bye [Music] daddy and there Tada yeah a little normal Circle for our little normal train and now the best [Music] part see isn't that nice Caillou I can watch it all [Music] day [Music] how's it going in here oh Grandpa's asleep nice job with the train cou I kind of wish it went faster Grandpa wouldn't mind it going a little [Music] faster can I Try Daddy sure cool I wish we could make the track longer like my marbles at Grandpa wouldn't mind it a little [Music] longer [Applause] wa yeah we it might have gone a little too long should we take it down yeah but maybe we can see if it works first ready daddy ready [Music] Caillou [Music] it's [Music] [Applause] working [Music] yay Gil [Music] bird final [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stretch what is it surprise my train I guess it did want to go fast what happened in here I think we had a bit too much fun
Channel: WildBrain Kids
Views: 294,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #caillou, #cartoon, caillou, caillou Christmas, caillou and rosie, caillou cartoon, caillou english, caillou full episodes, caillou gets grounded, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou holiday movie, caillou pizza, caillou remix, caillou song, caillou theme song, caillou theme song remix, caillou wildbrain, cailou, cajou, calliou, cartoon cartoon, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, cartoon video, childrens cartoon, classic caillou, kayo, slime, 까이유
Id: Ssl2IIgW_yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 17sec (2957 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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