πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚The Greatest Gameshow Fails Of All Time!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #1

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fine thank you what's your story well I I'm in young girl's pants I manufactured his name a famous rubber Joe cops I said name a time that most people get up and being the Einstein that you are you said morning our survey said now that wasn't bad enough they said name a time but most people go to bed you said of course night survey said an old woman's breasts things a fag names something in your house you would yell out of it stop working probably spouse name an animal whose eggs you probably never eat for breakfast hamster hamster name something made of leather yes a purse you're gonna be slightly embarrassed when I finish this question of course name something made of leather that a cowboy uses what a girl should know about a man before she marries him just got in Lin what were you what would you say his name he's what his name most of the electricity in our home flows from the blank to the what from the plug to the vibrator name something London is famous for I'm thinking pasta name a kind of bear maybe want the place to find in the trunk of your car and pickles tell me a slang term that means wife bitch Oh [Applause] name something a teenage boy can do for hours at a time masturbate something usually does only once a week like not something that has to warm up before you use it sir how about your wife hey better prayed for snow on her wedding day yes I did it was 32 degrees and no snow on my wedding day but I had eight inches on my honeymoon then the part of the body everybody has only one of Sarah Victo how many decades what your husband say his mother has lived Gloria tan decades gentlemen how many decades has your mother lived Daryl you have a troubled look on your face what's the matter well I don't know what a decade is birthday so she'd be good it's four years a decade you big ten decades what will your husband say is his favorite thing to squeeze in the supermarket Jay I say is meat name a part of the body that gets bigger as adults get over Freddie penis frame something a man has that he'd be upset if someone else used it how about his jockstrap give me a slang name for policemen dick [Music] let me see what he said name a state that begins with the letter M Mexico name something you might accidentally leave on all night your shoes name a piece of clothing wives buy for their husbands hotter tops name something people take with them to the beach turkey sing you buy in a supermarket turkey stuffed turkey game you could play in the bath vennett scuba diving I'm gonna tell me what is your favorite part of our newlywed game set Jim probably a wife number two describe these words that begin with the letters s T a coming your neighbor as you wish you had the beautiful life [Music] doesn't you have pretty nipples and pretty a hundred people to name a game you can play in bed steep ice by ice ogre fish love something you squeeze peanut butter [Laughter] real or fictional name a famous Willy Willy the Pooh every day temperature everybody disrobe in something you feel before you buy it excited full your time starts now a group of pill pushers Sena burglar would not want to see what he breaks into a ha ducky grandma [Applause] name a yellow fruit orange a vegetable you marinate grapes name something that comes in pairs Fred bananas something you wouldn't try even once sex on the train just a hundred people to name a famous Arthur penny Shakespeare off the Shakespeare something you might buy that could turn out to be phony of course phony horse scat gentlemen other than popcorn what is your favorite thing to nibble on at the movies Steve I'm gonna get shot during what months of pregnancy does a woman we begin to look pregnant September something that can kill a lively party most romantic sounding musical instrument mounted people like the Romero family on our show Paul is the concertina Steve what do you do I sell frozen bull semen for artificial insemination [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 4,272,199
Rating: 4.3048954 out of 5
Keywords: Wheel Of Fortune, jeopardy, wheel, Of, Fortune, Jeopardy Fails, Ultimate, Gameshow, Fail, Compilation, #1, [2017], Greatest, Family, Feud, Deal Or No Deal, Deal, No Deal, Bloopers, Outtakes, Outakes, Funny fails, Newlywed Game, Steve Harvey, Pat Sajak, Vanna White, Wayne Brady, Drew Carrey, Gameshow Fails, TV Moments, Waldrobe Malfunction, Richard Dawson, Ray Combs, Stupid Answers, Most, Worst, Embarrassing, Gone Sexual, Gone Wrong, Gone, Funniest, Epic, Worst Fail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2017
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