5 Building Demolitions That Went Horribly Wrong

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when done right building demolitions can be a spectacular sight they fall to the earth in a magnificent fashion and to be honest the whole process should be pretty straightforward after all if you're dealing with something as massive as taking down a building then the guys in charge better know what they're doing right whether it's due to incompetence or a complete accident no one could have foreseen there have been plenty of demolitions gone terribly wrong over the years from buildings failing to fall to completely flipping over here are five building demolitions that went horribly wrong in 2009 there were plans to destroy a derelict building in Ken kiri Turkey the building used to be an old flour factory that was first built in 1928 80 years later officials decided it was time to tear it all down with the building standing at an impressive 80 feet the plan was to implode the structure in order to create a new shopping center however things didn't go as planned as the building did not fall to the ground as expected instead it toppled over to its side not only did the building fail to be demolished but it completely rolled over onto its roof coming dangerously close to flats housing dozens of citizens it could have left many people injured but fortunately no casualties were reported the only thing it left in its wake was a massive cloud of dust the building itself remained in pretty good shape and experts had to find another way to get it out of the way to make room for new construction there's a reason why people need to keep a safe distance away from the demolition you can never know where the building may end up in 2018 there were plans for a controlled explosive demolition to take out an obsolete silo in Denmark hundreds of people gathered together to watch the silo come down and as you can see at the beginning of the video there was a wide open space where the silo was supposed to fall the math was correct however due to outside circumstances the silo began to tip in the other direction the construction crew must have started panicking when the silo began tipping and ultimately falling towards the library [Applause] fortunately no injuries were reported manager Kenneth wedge was later quoted as saying I simply do not know how it may have gone so bad it was an embarrassing fumble as the team planned this demo for months the silo should have absolutely fallen in the proper direction but things didn't go to plan wedge would go on to say I will put my head on the block we've prepared half a year for this the library next to where the silo fell did sustain some minor damage but nothing that couldn't be fixed ultimately it's just one of those freak accidents at least no one was hurt in May of 2013 a controlled demolition was planned in Brisbane Australia the silo that was set to be destroyed was a half century old and was once used as a storage facility for a local beer brewer the crew was all set they packed the structure with 100 kilograms of explosives which should have been enough to send it toppling to the ground however when the charges went off the silo remained standing Albion leaning to the side apparently a building failing to topple over is a risk with these kinds of jobs Troy McCracken who works for Southern Cross demolition later told the news there's always that chance that it does hold up like it did there's a fine line between too much and not enough explosives so what do you do when you create the Leaning Tower of Pisa in the middle of a field well you get back to work the demolition team had to work for an additional 40 minutes with their back hose to give the silo the extra push it needed to fall completely to the ground from there it took several weeks for the nearly 4,000 tons of rubble to be cleared away from the site before the land could be returned to its owner something that really surprised me is how one piece of heavy machinery was able to push over a building of that size it just doesn't seem possible I guess the building was really just that close to falling it just goes to show that when you have a problem the best solution can be to simply roll up your sleeves and give the issue a little nudge in the right direction [Music] it's one thing to end up with a failed demolition with the structure leaning to one side it's another thing entirely and honestly rather impressive to have a demolition where only half the building falls to the ground while the other half remains standing get ready to scratch your head in puzzlement as this demolition in Li sho China doesn't go how the team likely planned [Music] [Music] while half of the building fell to the ground and erupted in a cloud of dust the other half remained standing as later learned in media reports the building breaking into was actually intentional sort of the demolition crew wanted the building to break into to make it easier to crumble to the ground however the plan was for both halves to fall simultaneously it was an experiment that went hilariously wrong but fortunately there was a solution for this issue much like the silo and Australia the demolition crew had to bring in a crane to demolish it fully once everything was cleared out of the way it was finally time to begin preparations for a new real estate project set to take place on that land however for a glorious yet short chunk of time onlookers were treated to the leaning tower of Leisha don't get us wrong having half of a building leaning to the side in a busy city is definitely a precarious situation you don't want to find yourself in but from an on lookers perspective it's an amazing sight to behold [Music] an old smokestack was set to be demolished in Ohio in 2010 a group of spectators including many children had gathered to watch the structure come down the plan was for the implosion to have the smokestack fall toward the east however due to an undetected crack on the south side of the tower the implosion caused everything to fall to the southeast this meant that the smokestack fell on top of power lines as well as a building housing backup generators naturally downed power lines is not something you want to be near which sent everyone in the vicinity scrambling for safety it's a pretty incredible and almost unbelievable clip those people just happened to be right in the way of the power lines which they never thought would be a problem people screamed for others to get out of the way the power lines in the area were destroyed with some of the lines even falling in the area where individuals were standing seconds earlier luckily no injuries were reported however officials later estimated that about 4000 customers in Springfield Ohio were left without power due to the incident but the story doesn't end there the power company ended up suing the demolition company due to negligence that resulted in over 19 million dollars in damages while the demo company had originally said the faulty implosion was a result of an undetected crack the lawsuit alleged that the failure was also contributed by a failure to adequately cut a rebar as well as the method in which the explosives were used the lawsuit was later settled in 2014 demolitions don't always go as planned while it can be frustrating for the teams involved sometimes you have no other choice but to throw your hands up into the air and say well we messed up as long as not too much damage occurred and everyone remains healthy a botched demolition is not the worst thing in the world if you enjoyed this video and want to see more like it then be sure to leave us some future video suggestions in the comments down below thanks for watching this episode of underworld and be sure to tune in next time [Music] you
Channel: Underworld
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Keywords: Underworld, Underworld channel, Top 10, Top 5, Facts, viral, recent discoveries, mystery, scary, 2020, building demolition, 5 building demolitions that went horribly wrong, building demolition gone wrong, building demolition fail, building demolition fails, building demolition accidents, fails, demolition, building, demolition excavator, demolition gone wrong, demolition fails, demolition fail, world's, fastest, building demolitions, demolitions gone wrong
Id: Z_dsU2xjJM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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