π» Notion Tour | How I Organize My Life and Work *literally game-changing*
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Jules Acree
Views: 118,708
Rating: 4.9683404 out of 5
Keywords: digital journal, free template, get things done, how i organize my life, how i organize my life with notion, how i plan and organize my life, how i use notion, how to get your life together, how to use notion, my notion setup, notion, notion aesthetic, notion set up, notion template, notion tips, notion tour, notion tour 2021, notion tour aesthetic, notion tutorial, notion workspace, om and the city, organization system, organize your life, plan with me, productivity
Id: G8Q1g4skPoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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