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welcome to my Sunday live from my history of a family welcome everybody how are you today very excited today's a Father's Day so happy Father's Day to everyone okay happy Father's Day to every man amici kisses Natalya og in America LFS today Papa will be Boniface today papa a tutti Eppie Father's Day to everyone flour is Caputo pizzeria already with the question let's start right away no it's Moody Nokia Tony is right here Molino p.m. Tony I don't use Caputo I don't use the chick misogyny I use polynomial Tony but today I'm going to show you something very special I never did it before today we are going to make three different though freshest that is and polish and we are going to see which one is the best I mean show gvd monster or kuma father impasto khan under my father my past oka will be able to set go live it affects co-ed método polish c3 tribe excellent for Cossack windy continued at the aura a life nothing like okay guys so this lead is gonna be always in English in internal again some question before we get some people you're excited because I feel I shouldn't be sleeping today what's going on happy Sunday to everyone how can I mean it is just flowing around I don't know Thomas please comment again ask again the question videos please create video on mother East yes I'm going to loco bye yes happy Father's Day everybody look at this look what we got today we got three different the whole you need to make the best pizza dough at home Queen D guys polish we got drying East we got fresh cheese so get ready because at twenty people we're gonna start let's get some people in or get excited let's leave some thumbs up I mean she'll a shot on be like and Vito are W rating to ten is okay for Neapolitan pizza yes he's okay but please pay attention on this video because today we are going to talk about all the differences what is what and what how their works so we're gonna be full into this video because today it's gonna be special never did it before okay 200 people are you guys ready is there any benefit in seeding your flower no on gene stuff attended polish Baba Fernando by knowledge in Tina okay there we go guys let's start directly in the dole let's start to talk and I speak a little bit in English a little bit anytime if you guys have any question please comment here below in the meantime eat this little pyro and send this video to 10 friends thank you so much Thank You ciao ciao there we go so simply let's start with ingredients that you need to make the door you need the flour you need salt you need East which we here we have three different one we are dry trash and polish then you need a little bit if you make up pizza home you need a little bit over honey and little bit of olive oil and the last ingredient actually we say that the salt Oh unless simply this is the water the good water so right now let's get into understanding the polish technique because polish is my favorite polish is the best because it's a pre-formatted though made the day before I know that all of you knows that already so I'm gonna explain you how to make it because here is already made and ready to rock and roll Beto how long can the Polish be in the fridge 16 to 24 hours the Polish can stain in the fridge so let's get into the recipe of the Polish polish is made with I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you the exactly this remember this every 100 milligrams of water is one pizza so if you make 400 milligrams of water you have four pieces that needs to be clear I'm gonna say that in Italian - I mean sure Laura and moto simply shake on each intagram in the Aqua Quayle oh oh dear equivalent out on a pizza Quinney Serfdom Quattrocento milligram in the aqua abbiamo Quatro pizza we need sparrow kiss yo quiero with your Johnny my fidelity shelter polish with Quattro pizza so guys today we are going to make the Polish for actually did the recipes for the pizza dough for for pizza dough simplest let's say so we have 100% polish technique which is my favorite this polish is made with 400 grams of flour 400 milligrams of water and 5 grams of east we use the fresh yeast if you use driest simply it's F so 2 grams and a half or drive east let's say that's for the Polish then you make it overnight you put it in the fridge and you let it rest for overnight in the morning here we are here we are together give me a hug okay and I'm very sorry because I love a lot to show you something okay something the best thing you can make on your house okay in italiano Quattrocento and polishes the photo what rush into the media patrician to glam it if arena achieve a Grammy delay bit effects anonymity limit of fresco do a Grammy video Beto Seco st. Lucia miss Kavita tomb imitate an f3 go to talon op de la mattina a coochie qua Colinas your polish ok let's start right away so we're gonna put the the other recipes away for a little bit and put it on the side from poom poom-poom and now i'm gonna show you what to do to make the dough wheat polish look at this take a look of this polish take a look did you see school Oh bear nice okay it's not acid this is made that is really strong this one we activate the fermentation basically we give the we are going to give a natural it's possible the fermentation of this dog so guys pay attention I repeated this video is going to be I'm gonna leave this video an email monalee this live streaming in my video so you guys can check it out and let it down notes Vincent Romano yes you can keep the Polish in the mix ball yes thank you so much for Hanson in the question I don't want to get confused shower Lisa thank you so much for being waiting you've been waiting for a long time from yesterday I remember guys I wake up at 4 a.m. today and thinking about this this video so this one let's get back let me get Manuel why do you need to use honey and all your at Alma ok that's a good question all you needs to to cook better the pizza so when you cook in the low temperature the oil is needed to cook better the pizza the honey is for the color because when you're cooking and the low temperature the oven I don't have a don't even bro yo you need to some collar it was gonna get white so that's why is the honey and the honey also is good for helping the natural fermentation which use type of flour I use a zero-zero flour ok guys pay attention this is the number one pizza dough polish creamy pasta fatah con polish we got 400 grams of flour 400 milligrams of water and 5 grams a beast in this foolish simple so we're gonna add 220 grams of flour and 15 grams of salt in Italian a drink mo do a chant of intagram EDI Farina a queen Nisha Grammy masala a moon God show the audio so I'm gonna add a little bit of olive oil okay guys let's go ahead let's make this dough first thing to do here so let's add the salt this mixer all the salt discomfiture salad intagram masala vada monteforte well that I love my father very strong flour very strong the polish now let's set the flour little by little not too altogether let's say now let's make the dough that's how you make it so let's mix up everything the flour let's integrate everything once is not sticky anymore we can go ahead and start to work the dough on the counter this way it's much easier so let's go ahead and put on the counter I mean she died upon DVD take questo video go on DVD take questo video diamo Yama standard on Ostrom no string pasta dough bill my predicament integral Atala Farina nella I mean pasta okay guys we're gonna get o flour in the dough just like that let's mix it up everything guys please share share share share this way everybody can see the art of pizza making did you see I'm adding the flour little by little and you'll see this is not editing nothing so you'll see you're gonna be able to see real how it's made and this is no trick no secret so I'm adding the flour little by little Allah take a look so I'm what I'm doing is I'm putting the dough on top of the other one I'm gonna be some question if I can the recipe is five grams of freshest yes Vincent if you don't ever fresh cheese user to Gramps or dry East okay we are about to enter the flower let's take it all inside voila okay now is the real work it's the way to add the oil in the door or you add the oil in the beginning when you put the water or you add the oil when the dough is done I'm going to show you in a little bit thank you so much everybody for being here today is a Sunday it's a beautiful sound easy be Father's Day okay I mean she pushed wanna be honest yes that's true we're gonna wanna we want to take everything from the dog so he's almost ready if it's not clear our fresh I show you so do you see how always I'm flipping it because flipping it is more easy so I put the dough inside and then I open it distraction so we'll the left hand I put the dough in with your right hand and you pull it out you press amazing so now we need to be a little bit more fast this way the dough doesn't stick it's all there there so how do you see that is the dopes nice smooth a mushy pasta salad pronto cuando la Frieda I couldn't take butter he'll go away Carla's the entire Leisha this is a repeat this is my favorite though because it's made with Polish mala what is the hydration I mean the hydration is gonna be 72% I believe I need to do the math do you make a do to be a member his phone irony is a monthly or is a one-time payment is a monthly payment and their includes our weekly it's a weekly live video this is sushi for mirrors so I can help you out during the process of making the pizzas why do you add bobert in the egg in the egg okay sorry guys I don't know what was the question okay okay how we support you eat oh thank you so much you're really supporting me by by watching this video but if you wanna become a member go ahead and become a member all done being said thank you so much my friend is this dough for pizza napolitana it's for everything okay guys look you can see look at this in the meantime the water I was stuck in the dough he became nicely smooth let's bring a couple of times this way we make the gluten very strong okay okay okay okay voila at this point is the most important thing at this point is when it's when you're going to put the dough in a container just like that and at this point is when you add little bit of olive oil with all 100 that I finished I think you know me okay all you guys I ran out of uh I ran out of olive oil let me see oh there is some yeah well it's okay see don't panic you know don't panic if you run out of olive oil it's not a big deal let's put some one I put some olive oil on the top of the cross now we're gonna put it inside here voila and now at this point let me wash my hands one second guys washing my hands in the meantime please like this video like this video there we go Oh okie dokie okie dokie Wow thank you so much thank you so much being sent for the donation that's it thank you I really appreciated my friend for the support you are huge thank you okay so now let's get a a let's calm down a little bit let's get back the dome is ready to go ahead and rest the first time so we now we're gonna let it rest for one hour the lead see I use it easily to cover up I'm not using this box today because I want to show you that you also can use a regular mixer so I cover there and we gotta let it rest for one hour let's pretend is one hour but I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make you spit I'm gonna speed it up so now let's make the the dough let's talk about fresh cheese and race and we're gonna make the dough for if you're using a fresh cheese or dry ice I mean Shoji Alaura I order a temple if are impossible Kanye veto Seco oh yeah veto the birra echo super so guys this dough is called direct dough this is nothing to do with polish the wonder women this is the dough with the freshest adres so let's talk about drying and fresh cheese it's very simple I put three dough but honestly you don't need to change anything is the same exactly recipe if you use it rice or if you're using fresh is yes is the same exactly recipe Dmitry elastase again title check that we need honey my father should navigate and reduce are a phenomenon a cool out don't you problemo so to talk to twist at once we show them en twice okay Rob okay guys there we go so what's the difference the difference when you're going to make the rest of it with fresh cheese or dry the only difference is the Easter change the freshest is less strong than dry East so I'm gonna show you if you are using fresh is what to do first that's what you're gonna do get 100 milligrams of water okay so if you're using fresh yeast let me let me let me make it clear first let's do the rest of it first so write down this we need 400 milligrams of water 400 milligrams of water the good water 15 grams of salt and then we have 155 grams every in one sec 155 times 4 is we have 600 20 grams of flour then we have 10 grams of honey and a little bit of olive oil and then we have the east so let's pay attention to what I do if you using fresh cheese guys today in this time actually I want you to be participate with me please comment here below you want me today to make the dough with freshest or you want me to do to make the dog with the driest come in here and then I'll see that's what we're gonna make today and then in the meantime I'm going to show you what you do if you use your freshest so take 100 grams from the 400 grams so we have 100 milligrams of water then we're gonna add that 5 grams of fresh yeast and then we're gonna melt it in the in the in the water just like that ok dry dry dry everybody wants to dry ok that's ok everybody wants to dry and we're gonna make the the recipe to wait to dry thank you sir macho binya let's see if you using freshest just in case for the people they're using freshest okay guys remember let's put 100 milligrams in the you know littlekappa let's melt the freshest in the water you gotta melt it really well just like I'm gonna show you right now in one second okay like you can see is nice and melted voila that's that's what do you do if you're using fresh yeast you're gonna melt the freshest and then you're gonna add 100 milligrams which is this one plus 300 milligrams and then you do the same thing that we're gonna do so let's keep the fresh yeast on the side please if is that something is not clear comment right now man I right I'm gonna read dry is please because yeah I'm gonna do it with the trace 100 milligrams of 100 milligrams guys milligrams in grams are almost the same level okay okay I was reading for some comments okay we don't have something comments for the freshest at Kochi quoi okay there we go I'm gonna speak quantifier now you see that pizza aura aura Libya Mali you see I mean I wish our change in quantity a Grammy pair only came to Grammy the aqua okay guys let's put on the side the de fresh cheese so there was clear you melt the trashy's being 100 grams of water and then you're gonna put it together with the recipe so forget about the fascist now let's get into the sorry one so I can make this cup into the recipe voila okay quanto a bit of X cos x and Oh cinque drama Giovanni Cinque Grammy okay in this case we're gonna make the dough we're gonna make the dough with the dry yeast I'm gonna speak in Italian - because some people in Italy there are follow me right now you talk about a little bit of fresh cheese okay same shot adab to alfresco trendy dye Quattrocento milligram Adela fortune - Grammy train the cheap will get immediately to a loss charlie Nellie nella boy ultimate comment abdomen estates Alicia that is some of the fedora five grams of fresh yeast be used yes okay guys let's start the recipe so here we're gonna put four four hundred milligrams of water good water 200 and we have 400 milligrams of water guys this is no editing this is very simple we're gonna put the two grams of dry yeast voila we have two grams or drying East scores everything people couple minute minute then we need to add the 10 grams of the honey that need the Annie is to make some color on the door when you're going to cook a low temperature also it helps the fermentation the sugar and then we're gonna add a little bit of olive oil there we go about 10 grams of olive oil well I ran out a little bit but don't worry now let's mix everything up we're gonna melt the East especially since right and then we're gonna melt also the honey so when I read some some of your comments here okay it's Neapolitan style no my friend this is no no no no no eggs no milk Neapolitan style is very simple this is a very genetic dose of genetic genetic generic no the water is the room temperature aqua temperature ambient amici okay look at this now we melt the east now we're gonna add F amount of flour right here we are using 620 grams of flour I mean sistema Sandow Seicento integrally Farina we know John Romita non-literary precision you don't need to be precise to put that let's put that form on top flour let's mix everything out once everything is together the flour mother is though is fantastic depends so now we're gonna make we're gonna melt everything together just like that once is everything together just like this we're gonna go ahead and add the salt we have 15 grams of salt now same thing we're gonna mail to the salt there we go we're gonna integrate everything and now let's go ahead and it said the rest of the flour one end you pull put the flour in and one end you turn that's it very simple very simple voila now we're gonna try to integrate everything just like that okay now at this point because when everything is integrated let's put everything down to clean it up really well voila that's it now let's start the recipe let's start to make the dough so the Collier repeat is the same thing you're gonna integrate everything and in a little bit I'm going to talk about friends between the polish dry least and freshest what makes the difference so guys please go ahead and share did you see same same texture when this video is done go ahead and watch it again guys for the people new happy Father's Day koala patient Walley proteges dovabear della mia Farina bad tanto tanto importantly routine and hurried along so no pero the song Queenie she % oh hey grandma is metric measurements of weight and old imperial measurement or weight is 1 ounces and yeah well answers I don't prefer to do answers because it's not precise like the grams oh thank you so much Serafina Grazia Grazia Bella doughnuts unit opens forgive me mother-in-law grazie grazie Bella but I do not see only very helpful thank you ok so now see the dough is getting together the goal do again is to make the dough nice and smooth so what I'm doing is I'm flipping over and then I'm making the I'm creating the gluten English law such ow come stai voila there we go guys so now when everything is together let's finger a little bit don't you just get the dough like this and the juice this you have to flip it over take a look flip it over inside then st. a show you bed or like this and then you flip it over inside across across okay a little trick if you wanna make the gluten stronger you have to rest the dough for ten minutes what I'm doing is I'm pushing the dog in the on top and then I'm pressing or you do this with your left hand you put the dog and right and you're pushing it right and left hand you pull and then that's how you go English shows are I'm great going to the hospital next week hope don't miss any of your show thank you so much and good luck Vincent English no say Vito can you do one life making pasta Madre egg that's a long video if I do that okay there we go take a look take a look of the dough so now same thing let's go ahead and let's put it in the pan and we can already rest for 1 hour in this case we don't put any oil because we had to do the oil in the in the door I mean she's not even German audio sopra a la semana pasada paramotor temperature ambient air okay guys there we go I'm gonna put this one here I'm gonna put the dough rest for one hour there of course always with a little top close it now let's go ahead let's get back to the dough which polish let's pretend that this dog was rested for one hour so it's approximately the same thing because I'm gonna show you what I want to show you is this they stick the dough let's put it down see always on top the top on top don't get mixed up simply after one hour just take the dough couple of times and then close it closer closer you see the dough is much smoother so now at this point let's let it rest for about 10 minutes with the cover on top leave it on the counter let's cover on top and we're gonna go ahead and making the balls I'm gonna show you right now let me wash my hands if you guys have any questions please call me today about myself here okay wash well thank you so much for the donation bit mean sound thank you because it rots it another nazione really really appreciate it very helpful fantastic yeah because we told this donation I'm working with a project that thanks to you I'm able to do I'm going to talk this about in my future videos I really thank you to everybody for the for the donation today and the other days thank you so much okay now Laura now we need to make the boss so you need a sheet back you know she penned just like that thank you so much English dosa for other donations mesh there like button please yes Grazia so you need a ship and take everything out because in a little bit we're gonna make the dual and match the dough balls I'm gonna show you how and we're gonna talk about the different that makes the Polish the difference between the fresh freshest and rice equity Wow my baby kena okay plastic wrap let's get I'm gonna read some question Billy bucket okay I get my phone to read your question thank you so much for the lights guys you guys are the best there we go I'm gonna read some of your questions Vincent yes Marino can Tony Nestor the flower let me get the light sorry one second guys like this is why the live videos are tough the live videos are little tough okay Giovanni brillo Queen in UK al-khalili abt Sachi Concilio ginger oh Allah Farina IDO Cola a turkey a lorry on Concilio Mesopotamia Vita Seco additionally Shaughnessy guys the dry is these guys asking some people puts the driest in the flower no you need to melt the dry yeast to F to give an affair to effective better your dough so don't do that Thomas add a bit of flour on your hands and the door yes that's it the dough is sticky great info from panel 800 school art teacher girl thank you so much for becoming a member of my channel every week new live video for members exclusive Gracia rabies toys between we say a milligram speak milligrams of ramps since you use it well milligrams and grams are about grams and milligrams about to say it's not that much different because try to put 10 grams and try to put 10 milligrams in the window in the weight and scale you'll see is gonna be about the same thank you so much ladies toys for your donation my daughter always follow your amazing kids channel guys if you have a time go check it out baby's toys here is gonna put the link here below check out because it's a great teeth channel I just open up also myself I kids channel for my daughter and then that's the name is Zoe kids toys and my friends will just donate if I box thank you so much ready toys you are the best please leave a link here and then we're gonna check it out chubby toe cap referee she polish or bigger polish bigger lead polish and big a leak without that comment the multi percent we should have father Beto milligrams and milliliters are not the same yeah that's different I'm talking about milliliters and Gramps I'm get a little bit confused grams and mili mili liters are about the same yes OneTouch meanly grams are one gram yes so melee melee oh my god a couple with all this melee little bit ago okay let's do this to make it easy okay mini leaders melee leaders are about to say of a milligram of grams so sorry so if we get 100 melee melee leaders of water everybody's getting confused here if you get me 100 milligrams of water equals 100 grams of flour is the same way Vincent milliliters and grams are the same yes that's what I'm trying to say not milligrams milligrams is totally different situation hopefully we got it oh my god okay then 10 minutes passed by and let's go ahead let's make this getting confused guys ready oh so sorry having fun a little bit guys 10-15 minutes passed by let's go ahead and let's make the pause there we go take a look see please rest here head the dough head the dough to make a rest a little bit smooth so what we do now simply let's put a little bit of flour on the tray just like that a little bit of flour on top you guys pay attention because this is the same thing all you you see polish or you use your dry yeast or your you see fresh cheese bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bah is the same ready set me bottoms are and sure okay great let's get back to the to the story so remember what I say therefore one on each 100 grams let's say milligrams or water each 100 milligrams of water makes one dough balls okay so let's go ahead and see how we make the balls you have a two ways to make the balls or you do this you can always remember guys to keep the dough on top the top on top don't you cannot make the boss from here it needs to be on top I miss you want a fatality paulina is the super them in pass the development it is so prashanta meant a windy let's make the box so we flip over here we go flip it over and then here from the top we're gonna make the boss we're gonna pull but not too much we're gonna create a balloon and voila and the ball needs to be made or 250 grams of dough ball cannon pure air always put some space to finger from here to finger from here and to finger from the dough now let's make another one always I suggest to you to measure the dough ball slip earlier when I sell admission to schemata Grammy okay see we're gonna close the ball and then we're gonna cut it with your with your fingers you're gonna cut and cut then let's go ahead and let's make a circle always guys the top needs to be on top top that's it now we're gonna put rail always two finger apart this is a little bit too small to finger apart Allah so now the other ways is this to measure the door but the same let's say of course you have one though there is a little bit smaller because if we are gonna make the dough for 251 is go small and then what I do with the smaller one I make body style pizza little bit Tina crossed so this is how you make the ball see what I did flip it over the top needs to be down then you're gonna closer like this close it on top this is the easy way then you're gonna close it like that like a balloon then grab everything and then try to close it just like that voila see then flip it over again with your finger just like that like that try to close so you're gonna pull back the door pull back go back into your is nice and smooth so now we're gonna go ahead and place it right there voila same thing with this one flip it over then we're gonna close it like a balloon this is a repeat is a little bit smaller because we're gonna make a body style with this now let's press it it needs to be closed to keep the air that's it now same thing we pull a bit towards you pull it back towards you Oh Joseph thank you so much thank you so much for your amazing donation $50 thank you so much I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart thank you thank you so much I really appreciate it tell me more tell me more about you thank you like and subscribe Thank You Joseph really appreciate it so now let's get back to the ball see with your left and with your fingers middle finger go ahead and close it dad say voila so now let's put a back here there we go let me ask you some question over here Vito after the Panda game is over will you ever visit one of olive oil processing facility yes I'm planing already in body to do that it's a lot harder to toss the dough for sure tossing doesn't activate yeah No to anything okay there we go guys this is the dog we put it like that now what you do very important or let me say it hi guys I find the audio I thought there was no longer in the house so that's how you do let's make it easy some olive oil okay watch this okay feel the neighbor olive oil in my case I disappear you go ahead and put some flour on top but it's better if you may keep its own to get some oil and put it on top of the door just like that just a little bit not too much this way the dough will integrate this the soil and then it's gonna come out much better when you're cooking a little bit lower temperature done voila don't leave because now we're gonna talk about the fermentation process buongiorno papa look who easier look who is everybo today is a Father's Day at the Father's Day to everybody guys but you know Papa check out our new channel which is my channel to Zoe kids toys because we made some amazing video if you wanna see me in a different way you go ahead and subscribe on the channel you're gonna be able to see me in a and another level yeah next akashi yes yeah yeah it's fun and if I can find that I put me or not - McQueen I'm gonna link it the link below the pizza in a little bit ok nothing suspect of a hospital all of our Muppets hello guys there we go primary Lincoln Elementary quickly sure oh geez you're shorter okay guys we put some olive oil on the door Specter puppy and now we're gonna go ahead and closer Polina okay give me one second let's get a second she wants to see next to me next to me you mean there we go Oh OOP top voila aspectus unsellable Sam Oh blah oh thank you so much English Llosa MP Father's Day grazie pelo de nazione okay now guys pay attention we're gonna put plastic make sure is no air in the door because the air is gonna make it the dough dry and then you're gonna go ahead and throw away the dough so we don't want to make that we don't want to throw away the dog say she thinks there's a little ball no no okay guys now it's closed let's close a little bit better spective up it what you don't pass suspect let's close that voila there you go now see we closed the the pizza dough just like that very nicely and then pay attention to this this is way with the Polish when you make the Polish this one two hours at room temperature is ready guys amici do we over a temperature ambient s aliphatic or polish and a prompter because a tabular data segmentation Adel Delory prima so guys the Polish was already fermented so two hours is more than enough if you don't use it place it in the fridge after two hours they reach the point of fermentation so now let's get let's get the dough they made it with the dry yeast which is about the same or concerning almost the same with the freshest so pay attention because a little bit different on the timing because that's a direct dough nice let's pretend again that this one was one our resting let's put it back down here now this one gently second Jimmy so gently don't make it too much this one you can't stay like that now we are ready directly to make the balls on this one so same thing we gonna get it we chopped apart and make the boss just like that then closer closer closer see this is more it seems a little bit more strong in your hands but definitely is not light and fragrance like when you make the Polish chubby on Pocket oh man there we go this one perfect like you can see see we had the same amount of the other one three and a half basically and this one we're gonna use it to make the body style pizza or a lot of momentum but same way exactly of the other one let's put a little bit of flour expecta bi-metal f1 career perfect now let's put it in the in the in the dough container just like that pay attention see the top needs to be on Southwest there we go so in this this one we're gonna make a little bit different but I repeat if you're using a home oven and low temperature put a little bit of flour on top and I'm sorry if you're using a low temperature go ahead and put oil on the door now the same thing we're gonna go ahead and close it she she's gonna use that to play closer make sure is everything closed and now we're gonna talk about the timing I appreciate everybody to be here with me today perfect okay the warmer water always room-temperature water okay guys pay attention to this because I'm gonna explain everything in one shot if you are using grains or freshest is the thing exactly timing because we didn't put extra dry so we didn't put dry freshest and we didn't put any so same level we put two grams of dry yeast on this one and if you gonna use the fleshies was at five grams so it doesn't change that much now then we made the bones child ramen 84 thank you so much for the donation you're the best thank you so much really appreciate it so guys this one is the direct dough with driest or freshest so at this point that we made the box we closed it it needs to be at room temperature for 6 hours 6 to 8 hours depends on the room temperature if it's hot check after 4 hours check and then if he's ready you can use it or if it's not ready you don't know if is ready you don't want to use it black in the fridge so you can put the whole thing in the fridge on that will stop the fermentation it start to grow in the dough so if you have any question please comment rate drop on me to drop off of the zoo egg cow is a pager you know so goddam the the we are a cemetery fecundity forum we didn't see me coming a lot see the block and matron in show Canali and would have enough surely link we soft openness and that a security them in disorder well they still use honey in olive oil in the polish though if using a pizza oven yes yes user honey and honey go see in the recipe of the polish so I'm gonna I'm gonna say also since you want to know the polishing made with 400 milligrams of water 400 grams of flour 5 grams of fresh yeast or 2 grams of dry yeast and 10 grams of honey so let's get back to this this recipe the direct though so like I say six to eight hours at room temperature if he's hot about four hours and check when the dough is double up the side is about together the dough is ready to go in the fridge or to block it or to use so let's see the difference the difference about the Polish Susanna say dry is voice the equalist on Tonya wife is Katerina prima did not want no no he able to shake of a saint pray chocolat okay put a DVD remove a difference a Koosh ball like you can see not really don't really see okay like you can see the polish one it's a little bit already seat and compared to the subsidies ones will be art because this one i explained to you the benefit of the polish the benefits of the foolish is okay the benefit of the polish is that we pre activate the fermentation that makes your pizza much lighter and fragrance compared to a direct door and then if you think about it is the same thing instead of waiting six hours you eat only two actually is much faster and then heat the Polish it's even faster so please try to make this home and please tag me on Instagram and we're about to finish this miss lime explain a little bit in Italian for my friends to amici quickly recap italiano in pony later on impossible to be sufficient you fragrant a Pew Mont important purely zero onto someone's quindi a policy circles English etc co2 or hospitality make the fat request or polish Lola shadow to supreme past oh they don't shut any figurative elemental talent and give Italia tutor not a boy quiz surrender Alan passed from on to finish here the fragrances you know Chima Tara so time to do the treasure okay how many times can a knock the dog back down if it's too much one time one time if it goes too much you gotta go at one time okay guys we are done with with the live video please guys leave a thumbs up share this share this video if you can't check out the the other channel that I have and if you have any question please right now I'm gonna wait about ten minutes five minutes I'm gonna with funniest to see your question answers to all of you okay see phenomena in Polish the mystery people SAT sheep are living to patrol massimo singapore you've entered up you super sorry schita a commission aliphatic the a cheetah right after demanding thank you so much guys for all the support for the donation i really appreciate it from the bottom out from me and thank you for my daughter too and then AP Father's Day born Boniface today Papa legacy do you refrigerate forage yeah you make it one hour at room temperature and you put it in the fridge other lines really embody now no no basically we still in Los Angeles and we have the flight to go back next month we're gonna go in Italy unfortunately this situation of the corona virus brought us to go and blow us to this decision and we're gonna stay there for a minute and see what happened with the business and everything and we're gonna get back on track if I do four balls so I think it's two for the day after oh okay if you're that's a good question if you are planning to do that for the day after just when it gets to you have to divide two different containers one you wait by the door one you wait that the dough gets a point of there is ready and you go ahead and blocker in the fridge boom and that's good for the day after and the other two you use it but of course you're gonna divide that by two right how long does this sound true before making the ball no customer I really get is evil we know Phyllis thank you so much for your donation I really appreciate it she said she was eating the scoop that we could they Instagram does not seem Angela polyposis momager the dough actually they can eat the dog because he's good I used to eat the dough when it was two years old sorry two years or two or three years old when I was the maid my father was making the pizzas I was living that pause that though what's a jelly okay guys why she's on I wonder how long does the sub true before making the balls the what South true Oh before making the ball and how long does this sound prove prove before making the boss I'm sorry simile please please repeat again the question because it's not very clear my pizza yeah they're fantastic now thanks Victor fantastic I'm really happy for that you got the the pizza and the bread ready ready perfect for you I'm happy because the goal of this channel is to make the things the most easy as possible the most with the passion I'm trying to give you my passion to you which the option is the best for you the polish the Polish is the best like you can see right now it's all really proofing nicely amazing powerful utilization will appreciate it really means a lot to me thank you mr. Ferrante polish the hospital very primitive a sala consilina salió leo a disaster Nora pre-clear elefante a do post eternal Torah especially political party una volta pronto polish they were spit terribly or a prima nocta pronto Oh Joseph thank you so much I really appreciate it my friend I really appreciate it sorry a big donation thank you so much I really appreciate it I mean it's a lot big Lansing really glad you're safe say thank you say thank you Justin she will one day thank you just exclusively simona eco-chic wa hello John is crucially fine polish Connolly fact very sorry Nora contracted ambiente a duplicate load even elementary net figure is Dallas edition 11 t cuatro duo Pelosi filing past o novel turkey impossible for three awfully pandinus una volta a impasto loadable Ashura rip oh sorry Nora nobody can fight a Paulina hey I'll trade you order an imposter pronto spit okay Chiana crystal crystal is pasta Joseph - really thank you guys I mean it means a lot to me all your donation today's video Thank you Thank You Vincent to thank you Sara everybody really a lot please send me an email and we keep in touch Grazia Grazia gotta polish Molly thought that she would be gentle Costa Chica % ii ii ii ii see if polish shall fall to the attention of the shin guard your photo polish my other than that you've got the strength of doctor say AB AC l-- impasto non-important impasto we polish the best early photo simple chain to foreshadow a leader chain - Kamini aqua chain two Grammys arena stick minute okay guys I think we are about to oh thank you so much for Billy to becoming a new member every week a new live video for the members God say Manuel grazie ha 9 guys thank you so much I really appreciate it I'm about to go and today stay with my daughter because this Father's Day and then I enjoy the time with her I repeat though everything is thanks to you for any pizza for cinema for no no pizzas you guys thank you so much I really appreciate it please comment below like this video and keep follow me I really appreciate you all support big ox na na young chow down Bichette oh no question whenever a limb passed gratia gratia Lisa thank you so much really you've been there for all the releases that epochal made that you receive a cure in video grazie I know you follow all video and I really appreciate it thank you and Maria if yours their Maria Rosa oh oh I was about to tell you Maria good luck at the hospital and please keep him posted somewhere grazie grazie - everybody donal thank you so much Joseph for the big donation and thank you everybody so I'll see you at the next one I'm thinking to post the next video on - on Wednesday next week and I'm working on the Neapolitan style on the new york-style ciao amici ciao a tutti each video on presto Gracia 7-element comentate Sato ciao tutti amazing
Channel: Vito Iacopelli
Views: 82,328
Rating: 4.9442701 out of 5
Id: CyZcKRhdpHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 52sec (3772 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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