πŸ”΄ LIVE STREAM 🎬 Masha and the Bear πŸ»πŸ‘±β€β™€οΈ Over the Forest Border 🌲🌳

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uh [Music] wow [Music] what you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks sit sit sit sit sit sit sit means you sit down like this sit well finally [Music] and now speak speak speak speak [Music] speak [Music] and this time go fast i tell you that means you running backs like this look here it's easy [Music] uh [Music] oh this is perfect you have to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] you will not cheat again [Music] this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i didn't you guys don't believe me [Music] they didn't believe me [Music] i got you just look at them they look like me pretend to be me then no one believes the real me by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] okay [Music] uh [Music] so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] hey who's there hey i must i must introduce you to a bear [Music] there look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music [Music] ah so that is who he is yup you have to incubate it [Music] you bear have to be careful not to break the same and you and there have to break out of this egg and i'll be right back and right forth and back again [Music] hmm hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're good at this [Music] maybe you should play some music [Music] so that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food what this is for kids [Music] this is what kids really like to eat [Music] oh yes [Music] and now the dance of the little penguins what a scorching heat [Music] fair he is getting hotter and hotter you need to be cooled down [Music] [Music] we're just chilling out in here [Music] uh [Music] off you go [Music] don't be sad he'll come visit us [Music] bear look what else i found on our doorstep [Music] masha's spooky stories dear fellows today i'm going to tell you a very scary and terrible story about how one girl was afraid of doctors and the awful things that happened to her one day late late one night seema prepared some dinner to her toys from modeling clay she made black black cutlets she also made them some cream of wheat porridge she sat her dolls and began to treat them a piece for grandma a piece for grandpa one for mommy and so on in short zima had fed all the dolls for cooking and at the same time she ate herself too then it was a night sema laid in her bed but she could not sleep sima's stomach was gurgling like a swamp she should have told her mother as soon as possible but seaman was afraid that if she did her mom would immediately call the doctor and that would just be terrible it was better to suffer my stomach will be stronger for the eggs suddenly sema heard someone very close breathing hard seema got on the bed and tried to see who was there crying in the closet it seemed no one was there only the porcelain doll luisa sat in the corner and then in the moonlight sema noticed that luisa's big glass eyes were overflowing with tears suddenly someone moaned softly under siemens bed sema looked and there the teddy bear was lying and squealing oh my dummy my tummy and immediately from all sides her toys began to moan samosh got called an ambulance our stomachs are aching from your porridge and cutlets sema trembled all over what do you mean ambulance doctors this is the most terrible thing in the world if the awful doctor comes because of an emergency he'll immediately prescribe us all a terrible and bitter medicine [Music] he will make you all show your tongues and without mercy he will shove a spoon in your mouth and those who cry and resist the doctor will grab and take them away into the hospital but apparently the toys didn't care with whom or where they would go oh our bellies hurt they were crying and wouldn't quiet down and now sima's stomach was so twisted that before her eyes there were pink and blue stripes some orange spots and tons of green clouds also there were pink dragons eating donuts while flying around in the green clouds sema only had time to think look at all the donuts the dragons have eaten and then she flew somewhere else a long time or short time after sema finally woke up then she touched her stomach it didn't seem to hurt [Music] seema opened her eyes and didn't quite know how she ended up in a strange room with white walls with nothing to do sema hit the shiny button then bam the door open and the snow maiden came in all clean white and smiling [Music] well now she's going to wish me a happy new year thought seema but the snowman was not at all the snowmated she was a doctor and she didn't give sema bitter medicine at all she just patted her on the head touched her tommy and told sema it would be better to eat oranges not awful adventures of clay if you hadn't eaten all this stuff you wouldn't have been rushed to the hospital today well this hospital isn't that unpleasant thought seema the lady doctor isn't scary at all next time don't be afraid of her and just tell her what is wrong that is right no need to fear a doctor but a cook listen to me some of them cook without even reading a book [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] all right and now we can be properly introduced oh a lovely picture now find out all about your life in the circus [Music] don't you dare to fight with a child [Music] so who are you again [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] maybe he made a wrong turn [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey whiskers and stripes we finally found you [Music] there look what a great trick we can do [Music] tricky one [Music] and don't you ever get lost ah such a great trick goes to waste maybe we [Music] tour you write to me too while i'm on [Music] tiller go back your suitcase our circus is short of a clown [Music] tell me something sweethearts are you afraid of the dark i used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that i kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you once upon a time in the dark dark woods there loved a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening one day it turned to night and the woods grew very very dark the tiny tiny little bug started to become afraid one night while sitting under a leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth open way like a suitcase and there was another with sharp claws reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the dark closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out oh i'm scared scared mother please mother help me please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bug saw the animal's shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help i'm dying all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pixie pixies suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to her teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bub why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster i'm not a monster said the bug crying i'm a small i'm afraid [Music] then why am i not afraid as the pixie i'm also small yes but and the bugs started to whimper but look you have a bright lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough i'll have to conjure the small lantern for you waves cushion hedgehog one brush fish sponge two cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three hocus pocus lantern turn on and bam instead of having a lantern like the wood pixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug giggles he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp claws looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid of every night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the wood pixie just before falling asleep would smile as she gazed at a bright little star as it slowly flitted from branch to branch in the silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say good night sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] [Music] are you it can't are you the king really oh goodness gracious it's not a proper welcome for a king [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] but that's our bear allow me to escort you to his humble abode [Music] i would imagine that it's not fit for a king to just walk about [Music] it's not fit for a king to bend and pick berries [Music] it's not fit for a king no not but it's not fit for a king to fix cars like that not for [Music] oh it's not fit for a king to rub noses with bears [Music] kings are not supposed to wash dirty dishes and it's not fit for king to clean up masses i am telling you [Music] oh what are you thinking is it really proper for [Music] in my royal absence the crown will be temporarily bestowed on queen mariana 101 it's for me i'm the queen [Music] why am i waiting when i have a kingdom to rule wow [Music] [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] it's not fit for a queen to use her own feet i want a clean mobile a queen ball field [Music] uh [Music] you dare to raise your paw [Music] then i praise you for your service to me to the palace [Music] hmm it's not fit for a queen to have such a small house hey people all hands to the palace building [Music] [Music] see you can do it when i force you to okay you go and prepare a piece fit for a queen [Music] and you build me topiaries aviaries and fountains i have to check it to royal standards [Music] the people i'm ruling are actually [Music] wow this guy like a lot of great art what's good for the queen is what's good for her people i am so really majestic so magnificently imperial we are ready for our royal food [Music] what is up with you come on it's the queen's order you must obey your queen [Music] uh [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] while you're getting ready to have your dinner i am being thrown around and stuff don't you dare telling your queen to be quiet it's not fit for a queen to stand in the corner something happened to me the power has gotten to my head it's not good at all oh no [Music] i realized standing in the corner just now it's not fit for a royal to alienate their people [Music] today i'm going to tell you a very scary story after i'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still won't be able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers who you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep his batteries just wouldn't die so he decided to pass the time telling horrifying spooky stories stories about a black black hand and white white ghosts about a door to a dungeon a coffin on wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black hand he jumped scared in bed and looked all around and to his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long dirty and uncut disgusted the boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was sticking out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts he decided it was better to take his chances with the wolves and the strangers who he should never ever talk to he was running and screaming through the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coffin on wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was terrified he kept running and screaming suddenly he heard a loud voice coming from the coffin on wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire will come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a cat counselor's that said i'm wondering what are you doing mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly scary tails look around you have scared them all mr blackhand climbed under his bed mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the black foot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled the joke on me the director of the whole camp but i had to chase after you up and down the camp i ran out of gas well mr scary aren't you ashamed of yourself without a doubt the boy was ashamed he was really embarrassed of his behavior so he apologized to the boys in his dorm for the scary creepy things he had said before their bedtime he also promised to buy more guests at the camp director well he will do that when he gets his first job but i guess the director didn't believe him because he sighed heavily first thing in the morning he called the boy's parents to tell him the horrible story their son had told the others about a black black hand and a coffin on wheels and the horrible trick he had played the night before for some reason only his mother was frightened his dad on the other hand was not afraid but instead he promised to handle the situation [Music] wow [Music] what you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks sit sit sit sit means you sit down like this sit [Music] well finally [Music] and now speak speak speak speak [Music] speak [Music] and this time go fetch fetch i tell you that means you running back like this look here it's easy [Music] ah [Music] here this is perfect you have to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] you will not cheat again [Music] this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i didn't you guys don't believe me [Music] they didn't believe me [Music] [Music] [Music] by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] okay [Music] hmm [Music] so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] hey who's there hey i must i must introduce you to a bear [Music] there look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music [Music] ah so that is who he is yup you have to incubate it [Music] you bear have to be careful not to break the same and you and there have to break out of this egg and i'll be right back and right forth and back again [Music] hmm hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're good at this [Music] maybe you should play some music [Music] so that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food what this is for kids [Music] this is what kids really like to eat [Music] oh yes [Music] and now the dance of the little penguin [Music] what a scorching heat [Music] fair he's getting hotter and hotter you need to be cooled down now [Music] we're just chilling out in here [Music] uh [Music] off you go [Music] don't be sad you'll come visit us [Music] bear look what else i found on our doorstep [Music] so [Music] masha's spooky stories dear fellows today i'm going to tell you a very scary and terrible story about how one girl was afraid of doctors and the awful things that happened to her one day late late one night seema prepared some dinner to her toys from modeling clay she made black black cutlets she also made them some cream of wheat porridge she sat her dolls and began to treat them a piece for grandma a piece for grandpa one for mommy and so on in short zima had fed all the dolls for cooking and at the same time she ate herself too then it was nice sima laid in her bed but she could not sleep sima's stomach was gurgling like a swamp she should have told her mother as soon as possible but seaman was afraid that if she did her mom would immediately call the doctor and that would just be terrible it was better to suffer my stomach will be stronger for the eggs suddenly sema heard someone very close breathing hard seema got on the bed and tried to see who was there crying in the closet it seemed no one was there only the porcelain doll luisa sat in the corner and then in the moonlight sema noticed that luisa's big glass eyes were overflowing with tears suddenly someone moaned softly under seymour's bed seema looked and there the teddy bear was lying and squealing oh my dummy my tummy and immediately from all sides her toys began to moan samosh got called an ambulance our stomachs are aching from your porridge and cutlets sema trembled all over what do you mean ambulance doctors this is the most terrible thing in the world if the awful doctor comes because of an emergency he'll immediately prescribe us all a terrible and bitter medicine he will make you all show your tongues and without mercy he will shove a spoon in your mouth and those who cry and resist the doctor will grab and take them away into the hospital but apparently the toys didn't care with whom or where they would go oh our bellies hurt they were crying and wouldn't quiet down and now sima's stomach was so twisted that before her eyes there were pink and blue stripes some orange spots and tons of green clouds also there were pink dragons eating donuts while flying around in the green clouds sema only had time to think look at all the donuts the dragons have eaten and then she flew somewhere else a long time or short time after sema finally woke up then she touched her stomach it didn't seem to hurt [Music] zima opened her eyes and didn't quite know how she ended up in a strange room with white walls with nothing to do sema hit the shiny button then bam the door open and the snow maiden came in all clean white and smiling [Music] well now she's going to wish me a happy new year thought seema but the snowman was not at all the snow maiden she was a doctor and she didn't give sema bitter medicine at all she just patted her on the head touched her tommy and told sema it would be better to eat oranges not awful inventions of clay if you hadn't eaten all this stuff you wouldn't have been rushed to the hospital today well this hospital isn't that unpleasant that seema the lady doctor isn't scary at all next time don't be afraid of her and just tell her what is wrong that is right no need to fear a doctor but a cook listen to me some of them cook without even reading a book [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] all right and now we can be properly introduced oh a lovely picture now find out all about your life in the circus [Music] don't you dare to fight with the child [Music] so who are you again [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] maybe he made a wrong turn [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey whiskers and strides we finally found you [Music] there look what a great trick we can do and we can do this one and we can do this one too and even this tricky one [Music] don't you ever get lost ah such a great trick goes to waste maybe we should saw you in half [Music] i'll be the circus i'll ride you from my first tour you're right to me too while i'm on tour [Music] go pack your suitcase our circus is short of a clown [Music] tell me something sweethearts are you afraid of the dark i used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that i kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you once upon a time in the dark dark woods there left a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening when they turned to night and the woods grew very very dark the tiny time and little bug started to become afraid one night while sitting under a leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth opened way like a suitcase and there was another sharp cloth reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the dark closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out oh i'm scared scared mother please mother help me please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bug saw the animal's shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help i'm dying all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pixie suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to her teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bug why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster i'm not a monster said the bug crying i'm a small i'm afraid [Music] then why am i not afraid as the pixie i'm also small yes but and the bugs started to whimper but look you have a bright lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough i'll have to conjure the small lantern for you waves cushion hedgehog one brush fish sponge to cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three hulk is focused lantern turn on and bam instead of having a lantern like the wood pixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug giggles he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp claws looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid of every night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the wood pixie just before falling asleep would smile as she gazed at a bright little star as it slowly flipped from branch to branch in the silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say good night sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] [Music] [Music] are you it can't are you the king really oh goodness gracious it's not a proper welcome for a king [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] but that's our bear allow me to escort you to his humble abode [Music] i would imagine that it's not fit for a king to just walk about [Music] it's not fit for a king to bend and pick berries [Music] it's not fit for a king no not but it's not fit for a king to fix cars like that not for a king i tell you that is not what king should do [Music] oh it's not fit for a king to rub noses with bears [Music] kings are not supposed to wash dirty dishes and it's [Music] is it really proper for a king to fish for some fish and get mosquito bites [Music] on vacation ting line the in my royal absence the crown will be temporarily bestowed on queen mariana 101 it's for me i'm the queen [Music] why am i waiting when i have a kingdom to rule wow [Music] [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] it's not fit for a queen to use her own feet i want a queen mobile a queen ball field [Music] uh [Music] you dare to raise your paw [Music] then i praise you for your service to me to the palace [Music] hmm it's not fit for a queen to have such a small house hey people all hands to the palace building [Music] [Music] see you can do it when i force you to okay you go and prepare a piece fit for a queen [Music] and you build me topiaries aviaries and fountains [Music] the people i'm ruling [Music] wow this i like a lot of great art what's good for the queen is what's good for her people i am so really majestic so magnificently imperial we are ready for our royal food [Music] what is up with you come on it's the queen's order you must obey your queen [Music] uh [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] while you're getting ready to have your dinner i am being thrown around and stuff don't you dare telling your queen to be quiet it's not fit for a queen to stand in the corner [Music] something happened to me the power has gotten to my head it's not good at all oh no [Music] i realized standing in the corner just now it's not fit for a royal to alienate their people [Music] today i'm going to tell you a very scary story after i'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night and not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still won't be able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers who you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep his batteries just wouldn't die so he decided to pass the time telling horrifying spooky stories stories about a black black hand and white white ghosts about a door to a dention a coffin on wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black hand he jumped scared in bed and looked all around and to his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long dirty and uncut disgusted the boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was sticking out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts he decided it was better to take his chances with the wolves and strangers we should never ever talk to he was running and screaming through the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coffin on wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was terrified he kept running and screaming suddenly he heard a loud voice coming from the coffin on wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire will come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a cat counselor's vampire voice that said i'm wondering what are you doing mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly scary tails look around you have scared them all mr blackhand climbed under his bed mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the black foot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled a joke on me the director of the whole camp but i had to chase after you up and down the camp i ran out of gas well mr scary aren't you ashamed of yourself without a doubt the boy was ashamed he was really embarrassed of his behavior so he apologized to the boys in his dorm for the scary creepy things he had said before their bedtime he also promised to buy more guests at the camp director well he will do that when he gets his first job but i guess the director didn't believe him because he sighed heavily first thing in the morning he called the boy's parents to tell him the horrible story their son had told the others about a black black hand and a coffin on wheels and the horrible trick he had played the night before for some reason only his mother was frightened his dad on the other hand was not afraid but instead he promised to handle the situation [Music] [Music] wow [Music] what you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks [Music] sit well finally [Music] and now speak speak speak speak [Music] speak rough [Music] and this time go fast fetch i tell you that means you running back like this look here it's easy [Music] ah [Music] here this is perfect you have to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] you will not cheat again [Music] this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i didn't you guys don't believe me [Music] they didn't believe me [Music] [Music] [Music] by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] okay [Music] hmm [Music] so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] like hey who's there hey i must i must introduce you to a bear [Music] there look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music [Music] ah so that is who he you have to is it [Music] you bear have to be careful not to break the same and you and there have to break out of this egg and i'll be right back and right forth and back again [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're good at this [Music] maybe you should play some music [Music] so that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food what this is for kids [Music] this is what kids really like to eat [Music] oh yes [Music] and now the dance of the little penguin [Music] what a scorching heat [Music] fair he is getting hotter and hotter you need to be cooled down now [Music] we're just chilling out in here [Music] uh [Music] off you go [Music] don't be sad he'll come visit us [Music] bear look what else i found on our doorstep [Music] masha's spooky stories dear fellows today i'm going to tell you a very scary and terrible story about how one girl was afraid of doctors and the awful things that happened to her one day late late one night seema prepared some dinner to her toys from modeling clay she made black black cutlets she also made them some cream of wheat porridge she sat her dolls and began to treat them a piece for grandma a piece for grandpa one for mommy and so on in short zima had fed all the dolls for cooking and at the same time she ate herself too then it was a night sema laid in her bed but she could not sleep sema's stomach was gurgling like a swamp she should have told her mother as soon as possible but seaman was afraid that if she did her mom would immediately call the doctor and that would just be terrible it was better to suffer my stomach will be stronger for the eggs suddenly sema heard someone very close breathing hard seema got on the bed and tried to see who was there crying in the closet it seemed no one was there only the porcelain doll luisa sat in the corner and then in the moonlight sema noticed that luisa's big glass eyes were overflowing with tears suddenly someone moaned softly under sema's bed sema looked and there the teddy bear was lying and squealing oh my dummy my tummy and immediately from all sides her toys began to moan it's got called an ambulance our stomachs are aching from your porridge and cutlets sema trembled all over what do you mean ambulance doctors this is the most terrible thing in the world if the awful doctor comes because of an emergency he'll immediately prescribe us all a terrible and bitter medicine [Music] he will make you all show your tongues and without mercy it will shove a spoon in your mouth and those who cry and resist the doctor will grab and take them away into the hospital but apparently the toys didn't care with whom or where they would go oh our bellies hurt they were crying and wouldn't quiet down and now sima's stomach was so twisted that before her eyes there were pink and blue stripes some orange spots and tons of green clouds also there were pink dragons eating donuts while flying around in the green clouds sema only had time to think look at all the donuts the dragons have eaten and then she flew somewhere else a long time or short time after sema finally woke up then she touched her stomach it didn't seem to hurt [Music] sima opened her eyes and didn't quite know how she ended up in a strange room with white walls with nothing to do sima hit the shiny button then bam the door open and the snow maiden came in all clean white and smiling [Music] well now she's going to wish me a happy new year thought seema but the snowman was not at all the snow maiden she was a doctor and she didn't give sema bitter medicine at all she just patted her on the head touched her tummy and told sema it would be better to eat oranges not awful adventures of clay if you hadn't eaten all this stuff you wouldn't have been rushed to the hospital today well this hospital isn't that unpleasant thought seema the lady doctor isn't scary at all next time don't be afraid of her and just tell her what is wrong that is right no need to fear a doctor but a cook listen to me some of them cook without even reading a book [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] all right and now we can be properly introduced oh a lovely picture now find out all about your life in the circus [Music] don't you dare to fight with a child [Music] so who are you again [Music] ready [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] maybe he made a wrong turn [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey whiskers in stride we [Music] look what a great trick we can do and we can do this one and we can do this one too and even this tricky one [Music] don't you ever get lost ah such a great trick goes to waste [Music] my first tour you're right to me too while i'm on tiller [Music] go pack your suitcase our circus is short of a clown [Music] tell me something sweethearts are you afraid of the dark i used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that i kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you once upon a time in the dark dark woods there loved a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening one day it turned tonight and the woods grew very very dark the tiny timing little bug started to become afraid one night while sitting under a leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth open way like a suitcase and there was another sharp cloth reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the dark closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out oh i'm scared scared mother please mother help me please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bug saw the animal's shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help i'm dying all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pixie to suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to her teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bub why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster i'm not a monster said the bug crying i'm a small i'm afraid [Music] then why am i not afraid as the pixie i'm also small yes but and the bugs started to whimper but look you have a bright lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough i'll have to conjure the small lantern for you waves cushion hedgehog one brush fish sponge two cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three hocus pocus lantern turn on and bam instead of having a lantern like the wood pixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug giggles he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp claws looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid of every night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the wood pixie just before falling asleep would smile as she gazed at a bright little star as it slowly flipped it from branch to branch in the silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say good night sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] [Music] [Music] are you it can't are you the king really oh goodness gracious it's not a proper welcome for a king [Music] one more time [Music] but that's our bear allow me to escort you to his humble abode [Music] i would imagine that it's not fit for a king to just walk about [Music] it's not fit for a king to bend and pick berries [Music] it's not fit for a king no not but it's not fit for a king to fix cars like that not for a king i tell you that is not what king should do [Music] it's not hmm for a king to rub noses with bears [Music] kings are not supposed to wash dirty dishes and it's not fit for king to clean up masses i am telling you [Music] oh what are you thinking is it really proper for a king to fish for some fish and get mosquito bites [Music] on vacation tingling in my royal absence the crown will be temporarily bestowed on queen mariana 101 it's for me i'm the queen [Music] why am i waiting when i have a kingdom to rule [Music] wow [Music] [Music] uh [Music] it's not fit for a queen to use her own feet i want a clean mobile a queen ball field [Music] huh [Music] you dare to raise your paw [Music] then i praise you for your service to me to the palace [Music] hmm it's not fit for a queen to have such a small house hey people all hands to the palace building [Music] [Music] see you can do it when i force you to okay you go and prepare a piece fit for a queen [Music] and you build me topiaries aviaries and fountains [Music] the people i'm ruling are actually not bad [Music] that's what i call a good fit [Music] wow now this i like a lot of great art what's good for the queen is what's good for her people i am so really majestic so magnificently imperial we are ready for our royal food [Music] what is up with you come on it's the queen's order you must obey your queen [Music] uh [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] while you're getting ready to have your dinner i am being thrown around and stuff don't you dare telling your queen to be quiet it's not fit for a queen to stand in the corner [Music] something happened to me the power has gotten to my head it's not good at all oh no [Music] i realized standing in the corner just now it's not fit for a royal to alienate their people [Music] today i'm going to tell you a very scary story after i'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still won't be able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers who you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep his batteries just wouldn't die so he decided to pass the time telling horrifying spooky stories stories about a black black hand and white white ghosts about a door to a dungeon a coffin on wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black hand he jumped scared in bed and looked all around and to his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long dirty and uncut disgusted the boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was taken out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts he decided it was better to take his chances with the wolves and the strangers who he should never ever talk to he was running and screaming through the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coughing on wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was terrified he kept running and screaming suddenly we heard a loud voice coming from the coffin on wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire will come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a cat counselor's vampire voice that said i'm wondering what are you doing mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly scary tails look around you have scared them all mr blackhand climbed under his bed mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the black foot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled a joke on me the director of the whole camp but i had to chase after you up and down the camp i ran out of gas well mr scary aren't you ashamed of yourself a doubt the boy was ashamed he was really embarrassed of his behavior so he apologized to the boys in his dorm the scary creepy things he had said before their bedtime he also promised to buy more guests at the camp director well he will do that when he gets his first job but i guess the director didn't believe him because he sighed heavily first thing in the morning he called the boy's parents to tell him the horrible story their son had told the others about a black black hand and a coffin on wheels and the horrible trick he had played the night before for some reason only his mother was frightened his dad on the other hand was not afraid but instead he promised to handle the situation [Music] uh [Music] okay [Music] what you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks sit [Music] sit well finally now speak speak speak speak [Music] speak [Music] like look this it's easy [Music] ah [Music] here oh this is perfect you have to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] so [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] you will not cheat again [Music] this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i didn't you guys don't believe me [Music] they didn't believe me [Music] [Music] [Music] by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] okay [Music] hmm [Music] so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] like hey who's there hey i must i must introduce you to a bear [Music] there look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music [Music] ah so that is who he is yup you have to incubate it [Music] you bear have to be careful not to break the safe and you and there have to break out of this egg and i'll be right back and right forth and back again [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're good at this [Music] maybe you should play some music [Music] so that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food what this is for kids [Music] this is what kids really like to eat [Music] oh yes [Music] and now the dance of the little penguin [Music] what a scorching heat [Music] fair he's getting hotter and hotter you need to be cooled down now [Music] we're just chilling out in here [Music] uh [Music] off you go [Music] don't be sad you'll come visit us [Music] bear look what else i found on our doorstep [Music] do [Music] masha's spooky stories dear fellows today i'm going to tell you a very scary and terrible story about how one girl was afraid of doctors and the awful things that happened to her one day late late one night prepared some dinner to her toys from modeling clay she made black black cutlets she also made them some cream of wheat porridge she sat her dolls and began to treat them a piece for grandma a piece for grandpa one for mommy and so on in short sema had fed all the dolls for cooking and at the same time she ate herself too then it was a night sema laid in her bed but she could not sleep sema's stomach was gurgling like a swamp she should have told her mother as soon as possible but seaman was afraid that if she did her mom would immediately call the doctor and that would just be terrible it was better to suffer my stomach will be stronger for the eggs suddenly sema heard someone very close breathing hard seema got on the bed and tried to see who was there crying in the closet it seemed no one was there only the porcelain doll luisa sat in the corner and then in the moonlight sema noticed that luisa's big glass eyes were overflowing with tears suddenly someone moaned softly under seymour's bed sema looked and there the teddy bear was lying and squealing oh my dummy my tummy and immediately from all sides her toys began to moan samosh got called an ambulance stomachs are aching from your porridge and cutlets sema trembled all over what do you mean ambulance doctors this is the most terrible thing in the world if the awful doctor comes because of an emergency he'll immediately prescribe us all a terrible and bitter medicine he will make you all show your tongues and without mercy it will shove a spoon in your mouth and those who cry and resist the doctor will grab and take them away into the hospital but apparently the toys didn't care with whom or where they would go oh our bellies hurt they were crying and wouldn't quiet down and now sima's stomach was so twisted that before her eyes there were pink and blue stripes some orange spots and tons of green clouds also there were pink dragons eating donuts while flying around in the green clouds sema only had time to think look at all the donuts the dragons have eaten and then she flew somewhere else a long time or a short time after sema finally woke up then she touched her stomach it didn't seem to hurt [Music] sima opened her eyes and didn't quite know how she ended up in a strange room with white walls with nothing to do sema hit the shiny button then bam the door open and the snow maiden came in all clean white and smiling [Music] well now she's going to wish me a happy new year thought seema but the snowman was not at all the snowmaiden she was a doctor and she didn't give sema bitter medicine at all she just patted her on the head touched her tummy and told sema it would be better to eat oranges not awful inventions of clay if you hadn't eaten all this stuff you wouldn't have been rushed to the hospital today well this hospital isn't that unpleasant thought seema the lady doctor isn't scary at all next time don't be afraid of her and just tell her what is wrong that is right no need to fear a doctor but a cook listen to me some of them cook without even reading a book [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] all right and now we can be properly introduced oh a lovely picture now find out all about your life in the circus [Music] don't you dare to fight with the [Music] so who are you again [Music] ready [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] maybe he made a wrong turn [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey whiskers in stride [Music] look what a great trick we can do and we can do this one and we can do this one too [Music] and even this tricky one [Music] don't you ever get lost ah such a great trick goes to waste maybe we should saw you in half [Music] i'll be the circus i'll ride you from my first tour you're right to me too while i'm on tour [Music] go pack your suitcase our circus is short of a clown [Music] tell me something sweethearts are you afraid of the dark i used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that i kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you once upon a time in the dark dark woods there loved a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening when they turned to night and the woods grew very very dark the tiny tiny little bug started to become afraid one night while sitting under a leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth open way like a suitcase and there was another sharp cloth reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the dark closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out oh i'm scared scared mother please mother help me please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bugs saw the animals shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help i'm dying all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pick to suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to her teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bug why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster i'm not a monster said the bug crying i'm a small i'm afraid [Music] then why am i not afraid as the pixie i'm also small yes but and the bugs started to whimper but look you have a bright lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough i'll have to conjure the small lantern for you waves cushion hedgehog one brush fish sponge two cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three hocus pocus lantern turn on and bam instead of having a lantern like the wood pixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug giggles he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp claws looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid of every night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the wood pixie just before falling asleep would smile as she gazed at a bright little star as it slowly flipped it from branch to branch in the silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say good night sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] [Music] are you it can't are you the king really oh goodness gracious it's not a proper welcome for a king [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] but that's our bear allow me to escort you to his humble abode [Music] i would imagine that it's not fit for a king to just walk about [Music] it's not fit for a king to bend and pick berries [Music] it's not fit for a king no no but it's not fit for a king to fix cars like that not for a king i tell you that is not what king should do [Music] it's not fit for a king to rub noses with bears [Music] kings are not supposed to wash dirty dishes and it's not fit for king to clean up masses i am telling you [Music] oh what are you thinking is it really proper for a king to fish for some fish and get mosquito [Music] king line the bites in my royal absence the crown will be temporarily bestowed on queen mariana 101. it's for me i'm the queen [Music] why am i waiting when i have a kingdom to rule [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not fit for a queen to use her own feet i want a queen mobile a clean ball field [Music] huh [Music] you dare to raise your paw [Music] and i praise you for your service to me [Music] hmm it's not fit for a queen to have such a small house hey people all hands to the palace building [Music] [Music] see you can do it when i force you to okay you go and prepare a piece fit for a queen [Music] and you build me topiaries aviaries and fountains [Music] the people i'm ruling are actually not bad [Music] that's what i call a good fit [Music] wow now this i like a lot of great art what's good for the queen is what's good for her people i am so really majestic so magnificently imperial we are ready for our royal food [Music] what is up with you come on it's the queen's order you must obey your queen [Music] hmm [Music] whoa [Music] while you're getting ready to have your dinner i am being thrown around and stuff don't you dare telling your queen to be quiet it's not fit for a queen to stand in the corner [Music] something happened to me the power has gotten to my head it's not good at all oh no [Music] i realized standing in the corner just now it's not fit for a royal to alienate their people [Music] today i'm going to tell you a very scary story after i'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still won't be able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers who you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep his batteries just wouldn't die so he decided to pass the time telling horrifying spooky stories stories about a black black hand and white white ghosts about a door to a dungeon a coffin on wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black hand he jumped scared in bed and looked all around and to his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long dirty and uncut still disgusting boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was taken out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts [Music] he decided it was better to take his chances with the wolves and strangers we should never ever talk to he was running and screaming through the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coughing on wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was terrified he kept running and screaming suddenly he heard a loud voice coming from the coffin on wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire will come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a camp counselor's vampire voice that said i'm wondering what are you doing mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly scary tails look around you have scared them all mr blackhand climbed under his bed mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the blackfoot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled a joke on me the director of the whole camp but i had to chase after you up and down the camp i ran out of gas well mr scary aren't you ashamed of yourself without a doubt the boy was ashamed he was really embarrassed of his behavior so he apologized to the boys in his dorm the scary creepy things he had said before their bedtime he also promised to buy more guests at the camp director well he will do that when he gets his first job but i guess the director didn't believe him because he sighed heavily first thing in the morning he called the boy's parents to tell him the horrible story their son had told the others about a black black hand and a coffin on wheels and the horrible trick he had played the night before for some reason only his mother was frightened his dad on the other hand was not afraid but instead he promised to handle the situation [Music] [Music] uh [Music] hey [Music] what you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks sit sit sit sit sit sit sit means you sit down like this sit [Music] well finally and now speak speak speak speak [Music] speak rough [Music] like this look here it's easy [Music] do you want something nice and tasty to munch on here oh this is perfect [Music] you have to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] boys [Music] you will not cheat again [Music] this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i didn't you guys don't believe me [Music] they didn't believe me [Music] [Music] [Music] by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] hmm [Music] so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] like hey who's there hey i must i must introduce you to a bear [Music] there look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music [Music] ah so that is who he is yep you have to incubate it [Music] you bear have to be careful not to break the same and you and there have to break out of this egg and i'll be right back and right forth and back again [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're good at this [Music] maybe you should play some music [Music] so that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food what this is for kids [Music] this is what kids really like to eat [Music] oh yes [Music] and now the dance of the little penguin [Music] what a scorching heat [Music] fair he is getting hotter and hotter you need to be cooled down now [Music] we're just chilling out in here [Music] uh [Music] off you go [Music] don't be sad you'll come visit us [Music] bear look what else i found on our doorstep [Music] masha's spooky stories dear fellows today i'm going to tell you a very scary and terrible story about how one girl was afraid of doctors and the awful things that happened to her one day late late one night seema prepared some dinner to her toys from modeling clay she made black black cutlets she also made them some cream of wheat porridge she sat her dolls and began to treat them a piece for grandma a piece for grandpa one for mommy and so on in short zima had fed all the dolls for cooking and at the same time she ate herself too then it was a night sema laid in her bed but she could not sleep sema's stomach was gurgling like a swamp she should have told her mother as soon as possible but seaman was afraid that if she did her mom would immediately call the doctor and that would just be terrible it was better to suffer my stomach will be stronger for the eggs suddenly sema heard someone very close breathing hard seema got on the bed and tried to see who was there crying in the closet it seemed no one was there only the porcelain doll luisa sat in the corner and then in the moonlight sema noticed that luisa's big glass eyes were overflowing with tears suddenly someone moaned softly under seymour's bed sema looked and there the teddy bear was lying and squealing oh my dummy my tummy and immediately from all sides her toys began to moan samosh got called an ambulance our stomachs are aching from your porridge and cutlets sema trembled all over what do you mean ambulance doctors this is the most terrible thing in the world if the awful doctor comes because of an emergency he'll immediately prescribe us all a terrible and bitter medicine he will make you all show your tongues and without mercy it will shove a spoon in your mouth and those who cry and resist the doctor will grab and take them away into the hospital but apparently the toys didn't care with whom or where they would go oh our bellies hurt they were crying and wouldn't quiet down and now sima's stomach was so twisted that before her eyes there were pink and blue stripes some orange spots and tons of green clouds also there were pink dragons eating donuts while flying around in the green clouds sema only had time to think look at all the donuts the dragons have eaten and then she flew somewhere else a long time or short time after sema finally woke up then she touched her stomach it didn't seem to hurt [Music] sima opened her eyes and didn't quite know how she ended up in a strange room with white walls with nothing to do sema hit the shiny button then bam the door open and the snow maiden came in all clean white and smiling [Music] well now she's going to wish me a happy new year thought seema but the snowman was not at all the snow maiden she was a doctor and she didn't give sema bitter medicine at all she just patted her on the head touched her tummy and told sema it would be better to eat oranges not awful inventions of clay if you hadn't eaten all this stuff you wouldn't have been rushed to the hospital today well this hospital isn't that unpleasant that seema the lady doctor isn't scary at all next time don't be afraid of her and just tell her what is wrong that is right no need to fear a doctor but a cook listen to me some of them cook without even reading a book [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] all right and now we can be properly introduced oh a lovely picture now find out all about your life in the circus [Music] don't you dare to fight with the child [Music] so who are you again [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] maybe he made a wrong turn [Music] [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey whiskers in stride [Music] look what a great trick we can do and we can do this one and we can do this one too [Music] and even this tricky one [Music] don't you ever get lost ah such a great trick goes [Music] i'll ride you from my first tour you write to me too while i'm on tour [Music] go pack your suitcase our circus is short of a clown [Music] tell me something sweethearts are you afraid of the dark i used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that i kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you once upon a time in the dark dark woods there left a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening when they turned to night and the woods grew very very dark the tiny time and little bug started to become afraid one night while sitting under a leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth open way like a suitcase and there was another sharp cloth reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the dark closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out oh i'm scared scared mother please mother help me please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bug saw the animal's shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help i'm dying all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pixie to suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to her teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bug why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster i'm not a monster said the bug crying i'm a small i'm afraid [Music] then why am i not afraid as the pixie i'm also small yes but and the bugs started to whimper but look you have a bright lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough i'll have to conjure the small lantern for you waves cushion hedgehog one brush fish sponge two cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three hulk is focused lantern turn on and bam instead of having a lantern like the wood pixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug giggles he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp cloth looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid of every night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the wood pixie just before falling asleep would smile as she gazed at a bright little star as it slowly flipped from branch to branch in the silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say good night sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] [Music] [Music] are you it can't are you the king really oh goodness gracious it's not a proper welcome for a king [Music] one more time [Music] but that's our bear allow me to escort you to his humble abode [Music] i would imagine that it's not fit for a king to just walk about [Music] it's not fit for a king to bend and pick berries [Music] it's not fit for a king no not but it's not fit for a king to fix cars like that not for a king i tell you that is not what king should [Music] do it's not fit for a king to rub noses with bears [Music] kings are not supposed to wash dirty dishes [Music] [Music] is it really proper for a king to fish for some fish and get mosquito bites [Music] on vacation ting line the third in my royal absence the crown will be temporarily bestowed on queen mariana 101. it's for me i'm the queen [Music] why am i waiting when i have a kingdom to rule [Music] wow [Music] [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] it's not fit for a queen to use her own feet i want a clean mobile a queen ball field [Music] uh [Music] you dare to raise your paw [Music] and i praise you for your service to me [Music] hmm it's not fit for a queen to have such a small house hey people all hands to the palace building [Music] [Music] see you can do it when i force you to okay you go and prepare a piece fit for a queen [Music] and you build me topiaries aviaries and fountains [Music] the people [Music] wow now this i like a lot of great art what's good for the queen is what's good for her people i am so really majestic so magnificently imperial we are ready for our royal food [Music] what is up with you come on it's the queen's order you must obey your queen [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] while you're getting ready to have your dinner i am being thrown around and stuff don't you dare telling your queen to be quiet it's not fit for a queen to stand in the corner [Music] something happened to me the power has gotten to my head it's not good at all oh no [Music] i realized standing in the corner just now it's not fit for a royal to alienate their people [Music] today i'm going to tell you a very scary story after i'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still won't be able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers who you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep his batteries just wouldn't die so he decided to pass the time telling horrifying spooky stories stories about a black black hand and white white ghosts about a door to attention a coffin on wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black hand he jumped scared in bed and looked all around and to his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long dirty and uncut feel disgusting the boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was sticking out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts he decided it was better to take his chances with the wolves and strangers we should never ever talk to he was running and screaming through the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coffin on wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was terrified he kept running and screaming suddenly he heard a loud voice coming from the coffin on wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire will come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a cat counselor's vampire voice that said i'm wondering what are you doing mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly scary tails look around you have scared them all mr blackhand climbed under his bed mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the black foot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled a joke on me the director of the whole camp but i had to chase after you up and down the camp i ran out of gas well mr scary aren't you ashamed of yourself without a doubt the boy was ashamed he was really embarrassed of his behavior so he apologized to the boys in his dorm for the scary creepy things he had said before their bedtime he also promised to buy more guests at the camp director well he will do that when he gets his first job but i guess the director didn't believe him because he sighed heavily first thing in the morning he called the boy's parents to tell him the horrible story their son had told the others about a black black hand and a coffin on wheels and the horrible trick he had played the night before some reason only his mother was frightened his dad on the other hand was not afraid but instead he promised to handle the situation [Music] so [Music] [Music] wow [Music] what you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks sit sit sit sit sit sit means you sit down like this sit [Music] well finally and now speak speak speak speak [Music] speak rough [Music] like this look here it's easy [Music] ah [Music] here oh this is perfect you have to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] you will not cheat again [Music] this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i didn't you guys don't believe me [Music] they didn't believe me [Music] [Music] [Music] by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] hmm [Music] so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] like hey who's there hey i must i must introduce you to a bear [Music] there look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music [Music] ah so that is who he is yep you have to incubate it [Music] you bear have to be careful not to break the safe and you and there have to break out of this egg and i'll be right back and right forth and back again [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Music] we're good at this [Music] maybe you should play some music [Music] so that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food what this is for kids [Music] this is what kids really like to eat [Music] oh yes [Music] and now the dance of the little penguin [Music] what a scorching heat [Music] fair he is getting hotter and hotter you need to be cooled down now [Music] we're just chilling out in here [Music] uh [Music] off you go [Music] don't be sad don't come visit us [Music] bear look what else i found on our doorstep [Music] masha's spooky stories dear fellows today i'm going to tell you a very scary and terrible story about how one girl was afraid of doctors and the awful things that happened to her one day late late one night seema prepared some dinner to her toys from modeling clay she made black black cutlets she also made them some cream of wheat porridge she sat her dolls and began to treat them a piece for grandma a piece for grandpa one for mommy and so on in short zima had fed all the dolls for cooking and at the same time she ate herself too then it was a night sema laid in her bed but she could not sleep sima's stomach was gurgling like a swamp she should have told her mother as soon as possible but simon was afraid that if she did her mom would immediately call the doctor and that would just be terrible it was better to suffer my stomach will be stronger for the eggs suddenly sema heard someone very close breathing hard seema got on the bed and tried to see who was there crying in the closet it seemed no one was there only the porcelain doll luisa sat in the corner and then in the moonlight sema noticed that luisa's big glass eyes were overflowing with tears suddenly someone moaned softly under seymour's bed sema looked and there the teddy bear was lying and squealing oh my dummy my tummy and immediately from all sides her toys began to moan samosh got called an ambulance our stomachs are aching from your porridge and cutlets sema trembled all over what do you mean ambulance doctors this is the most terrible thing in the world if the awful doctor comes because of an emergency he'll immediately prescribe us all a terrible and bitter medicine [Music] he will make you all show your tongues and without mercy it will shove a spoon in your mouth and those who cry and resist the doctor will grab and take them away into the hospital but apparently the toys didn't care with whom or where they would go oh our bellies hurt they were crying and wouldn't quiet down and now sima's stomach was so twisted that before her eyes there were pink and blue stripes some orange spots and tons of green clouds also there were pink dragons eating donuts while flying around in the green clouds sema only had time to think look at all the doughnuts the dragons have eaten and then she flew somewhere else a long time or short time after sema finally woke up then she touched her stomach it didn't seem to hurt [Music] sima opened her eyes and didn't quite know how she ended up in a strange room with white walls with nothing to do sema hit the shiny button then bam the door open and the snow maiden came in all clean white and smiling [Music] well now she's going to wish me a happy new year thought seema but the snowman was not at all the snow maiden she was a doctor and she didn't give sema bitter medicine at all she just patted her on the head touched her tommy and told sema it would be better to eat oranges not awful adventures of clay if you hadn't eaten all this stuff you wouldn't have been rushed to the hospital today well this hospital isn't that unpleasant thought seema the lady doctor isn't scary at all next time don't be afraid of her and just tell her what is wrong that is right no need to fear a doctor but a cook listen to me some of them cook without even reading a book [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] all right and now we can be properly introduced [Music] oh lovely picture now find out all about your life in the circus [Music] don't you dare to [Music] so who are you again [Music] ready [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] maybe he made a wrong turn [Music] [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Music] hey whiskers [Music] look what a great trick we can do and we can do this one and we can do this one too even this tricky one [Music] don't you ever get lost ah such a great trick goes to waste maybe we should saw you in half [Music] whoa i'll be the circus i'll ride you from my first tour you write to me too while i'm on tiller [Music] go pack your suitcase our circus is short of a clown [Music] tell me something sweethearts are you afraid of the dark i used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that i kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you once upon a time in the dark dark woods there loved a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening when they turned to night and the woods grew very very dark the tiny tiny little bug started to become afraid one night while sitting under leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth open white like a suitcase and there was another sharp cloth reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the drive closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out oh i'm scared scared mother please mother help me please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bug saw the animal's shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help i'm dying all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pick to suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to her teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bug why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster i'm not a monster said the bug crying i'm a small i'm afraid [Music] then why am i not afraid as the pixie i'm also small yes but and the bugs started to whimper but look you have a bright lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough i'll have to conjure the small lantern for you waves cushion hedgehog one brush fish sponge two cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three hocus pocus lantern turn on and bam instead of having a lantern like the wood pixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug giggles he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp claws looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid of every night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the wood pixie just before falling asleep would smile as she gazed at a bright little star as it slowly flipped from branch to branch in the silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say good night sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] [Music] are you it can't are you the king really oh goodness gracious it's not a proper welcome for a king [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] but that's our bear allow me to escort you to his humble abode [Music] i would imagine that it's not fit for a king to just walk about [Music] it's not fit for a king to bend and pick berries [Music] it's not fit for a king no no but it's not fit for a king to fix cars like that not for a king i tell you that is not what king should do [Music] it's not fit for a king to rub noses with bears [Music] kings are not supposed to wash dirty dishes and it's not fit for king to clean up messes i am telling you [Music] oh what are you thinking is it really proper for a king to fish for some fish and get mosquito bites [Music] on vacation ting line the third in my royal absence the crown will be temporarily bestowed on queen mariana 101. it's for me i'm the [Music] why am i queen when i have a kingdom to rule [Music] wow [Music] [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] it's not fit for a queen to use her own feet i want a clean mobile a clean ball field [Music] you dare to raise your paw [Music] then i praise you for your service to me [Music] hmm it's not fit for a queen to have such a small house hey people all hands to the palace building [Music] [Music] see you can do it when i force you to okay you go and prepare a piece fit for a queen [Music] and you build me topiaries aviaries and fountains [Music] the people i'm ruling are actually not bad [Music] that's what i call a good fit [Music] wow now this i like a lot of great art what's good for the queen is what's good for her people i am so regally majestic so magnificently imperial we are ready for our royal food [Music] what is up with you come on it's the queen's order you must obey your queen [Music] whoa [Music] while you're getting ready to have your dinner i am being thrown around and stuff don't you dare telling your queen to be quiet it's not fit for a queen to stand in the corner [Music] something happened to me the power has gotten to my head not good at all oh no [Music] i realized standing in the corner just now it's not fit for a royal to alienate their people [Music] today i'm going to tell you a very scary story after i'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still won't be able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers who you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep his batteries just wouldn't die so he decided to pass the time telling horrifying spooky stories stories about a black black hand and white white ghosts about a door to a dention a coffin on wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black hand he jumped scared in bed and looked all around and took his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long dirty and uncut few disgusted the boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was taken out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts [Music] he decided it was better to take his chances with the wolves and strangers we should never ever talk to he was running and screaming through the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coughing on wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was terrified he kept running and screaming suddenly he heard a loud voice coming from the coffin on wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire will come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a cat counselor's vampire voice that said i'm wondering what are you doing mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly scary tails look around you have scared them all mr blackhand climbed under his bed mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the black foot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled a joke on me the director of the whole camp but i had to chase after you up and down the camp i ran out of gas well mr scary aren't you ashamed of yourself without a doubt the boy was ashamed he was really embarrassed of his behavior so he apologized to the boys in his dorm the scary creepy things he had said before their bedtime he also promised to buy more guests at the camp director well he will do that when he gets his first job but i guess the director didn't believe him because he sighed heavily first thing in the morning he called the boy's parents to tell him the horrible story their son had told the others about a black black hand and a coffin on wheels and the horrible trick he had played the night before for some reason only his mother was frightened his dad on the other hand was not afraid but instead he promised to handle the situation [Music] uh [Music] wow [Music] what you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks sit sit sit sit sit sit means you sit down like this sit well finally and now speak speak speak speak [Music] speak rough [Music] like this look here it's easy [Music] ah [Music] here oh this is perfect you have to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] boys [Music] you will not cheat again [Music] this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i didn't you guys don't believe me [Music] they didn't believe me [Music] [Music] [Music] by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] uh [Music] so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] like hey who's there hey i must i must introduce you to a bear [Music] there look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music [Music] ah so that is who he is yep you have to incubate it [Music] you bear have to be careful not to break the safe and you and there have to break out of this egg and i'll be right back and right forth and back again [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Music] we're good at this [Music] maybe you should play some music [Music] so that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food what this is for kids [Music] this is what kids really like to eat [Music] oh yes [Music] and now the dance of the little [Music] what a scorching heat [Music] fair he is getting hotter and hotter you need to be cooled down now [Music] we're just chilling out in here [Music] uh [Music] off you go [Music] don't be sad don't come visit us [Music] bear look what else i found on our doorstep [Music] masha's spooky stories dear fellows today i'm going to tell you a very scary and terrible story about how one girl was afraid of doctors and the awful things that happened to her one day late late one night seema prepared some dinner to her toys from modeling clay she made black black cutlets she also made them some cream of wheat porridge she sat her dolls and began to treat them a piece for grandma a piece for grandpa one for mommy and so on in short zima had fed all the dolls for cooking and at the same time she ate herself too then it was a night sema laid in her bed but she could not sleep sima's stomach was gurgling like a swamp she should have told her mother as soon as possible but seaman was afraid that if she did her mom would immediately call the doctor and that would just be terrible it was better to suffer my stomach will be stronger for the eggs suddenly sema heard someone very close breathing hard seema got on the bed and tried to see who was there crying in the closet it seemed no one was there only the porcelain doll luisa sat in the corner and then in the moonlight sema noticed that luisa's big glass eyes were overflowing with tears suddenly someone moaned softly under siemens bed sema looked and there the teddy bear was lying and squealing oh my dummy my tummy and immediately from all sides her toys began to moan samosh got called an ambulance our stomachs are aching from your porridge and cutlets sema trembled all over what do you mean ambulance doctors this is the most terrible thing in the world if the awful doctor comes because of an emergency he'll immediately prescribe us all a terrible and bitter medicine [Music] he will make you all show your tongues and without mercy it will shove a spoon in your mouth and those who cry and resist the doctor will grab and take them away into the hospital but apparently the toys didn't care with whom or where they would go oh our bellies hurt they were crying and wouldn't quiet down and now sima's stomach was so twisted that before her eyes there were pink and blue stripes some orange spots and tons of green clouds also there were pink dragons eating donuts while flying around in the green clouds sema only had time to think look at all the doughnuts the dragons have eaten and then she flew somewhere else a long time or short time after sema finally woke up then she touched her stomach it didn't seem to hurt [Music] sima opened her eyes and didn't quite know how she ended up in a strange room with white walls with nothing to do sema hit the shiny button then bam the door open and the snow maiden came in all clean white and smiling [Music] well now she's going to wish me a happy new year thought seema but the snowman was not at all the snow maiden she was a doctor and she didn't give sema bitter medicine at all she just patted her on the head touched her tummy and told sema it wouldn't be better to eat oranges not awful adventures of clay if you hadn't eaten all this stuff you wouldn't have been rushed to the hospital today well this hospital isn't that unpleasant thought seema the lady doctor isn't scary at all next time don't be afraid of her and just tell her what is wrong that is right no need to fear a doctor but a cook listen to me some of them cook without even reading a book [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] all right and now we can be properly introduced [Music] oh a lovely picture now find out all about your life in the circus [Music] don't you dare [Music] so who are you again [Music] ready [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] maybe he made a wrong turn [Music] [Music] um [Music] good [Music] in hmm we finally found you [Music] there look what a great trick we can do and we can do this one and we can do this one too anymore this tricky one [Music] don't you ever get lost ah such a great trick goes to waste maybe we should saw you in half [Music] i'll be the circus i'll ride you from my first tour you write to me too while i'm on tiller [Music] go pack your suitcase our circus is short of a clown [Music] tell me something sweethearts are you afraid of the dark i used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that i kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you once upon a time in the dark woods there loved a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening when they turned to night and the woods grew very very dark the tiny tiny little bug started to become afraid one night while sitting under a leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth open way like a suitcase and there was another sharp cloth reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the drive closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out oh i'm scared scared mother please mother help me please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bug saw the animal's shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help i'm dying all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pig to suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to her teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bug why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster i'm not a monster said the bug crying i'm a small i'm afraid [Music] then why am i not afraid as the pixie i'm also small yes but and the bugs started to whimper but look you have a bright lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough i'll have to conjure the small lantern for you waves cushion hedgehog one brush fish sponge two cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three hocus pocus lantern turn on and bam instead of having a lantern like the wood pixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug giggles he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp claws looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid of every night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the wood pixie just before falling asleep would smile as she gazed at a bright little star as it slowly flipped from branch to branch in the silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say good night sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] [Music] [Music] are you it can't are you the king really oh goodness gracious it's not a proper welcome for a king [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] but that's our bear allow me to escort you to his humble abode [Music] i would imagine that it's not fit for a king to just walk about [Music] it's not fit for a king to bend and pick berries [Music] it's not fit for a king no not but it's not fit for a king to fix cars like that not for a king i tell you that is not what king should do [Music] it's not fit for a king to rub noses with bears [Music] kings are not supposed to wash dirty dishes and it's not fit for king to clean up messes i am telling you [Music] oh what are you thinking is it really proper for a king to fish for some fish and get mosquito bites [Music] on vacation king line the third in my royal absence the crown will be temporarily bestowed on queen mariana 101. it's for me i'm the queen [Music] why am i waiting when i have a kingdom to rule [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not fit for a queen to use her own feet i want a clean mobile field [Music] uh [Music] you dare to raise your paw [Music] then i praise you for your service to me [Music] hmm it's not fit for a queen to have such a small house hey people hands to the palace building [Music] [Music] see you can do it when i force you to okay you go and prepare a piece fit for a queen [Music] and you build me topiaries aviaries and fountains [Music] the people i'm ruling are actually not bad [Music] that's what i call a good fit wow now this i like a lot of great art what's good for the queen is what's good for her people i am so regally majestic so magnificently imperial we are ready for our royal food [Music] what is up with you come on it's the queen's order you must obey your queen [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] while you're getting ready to have your dinner i am being thrown around and stuff don't you dare telling your queen to be quiet it's not fit for a queen to stand in the corner [Music] something happened to me the power has gotten to my head it's not good at all oh no [Music] i realized standing in the corner just now it's not fit for a royal to alienate their people [Music] today i'm going to tell you a very scary story after i'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still won't be able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers who you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep his batteries just wouldn't die so he decided to pass the time telling horrifying spooky stories stories about a black black hand and white white ghosts about a door to a dention a coffin on wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black hand he jumped scared in bed and looked all around and took his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long dirty and uncut few disgusted the boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was sticking out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts [Music] he decided it was better to take his chances with the wolves and the strangers we should never ever talk to he was running and screaming through the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coughing on wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was terrified he kept running and screaming suddenly he heard a loud voice coming from the coffin on wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire will come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a cat counselor's vampire voice that said i'm wondering what are you doing mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly scary tails look around you have scared them all mr blackhand climbed under his bed mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the black foot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled a joke on me the director of the whole camp but i had to chase after you up and down the camp i ran out of gas well mr scary aren't you ashamed of yourself without a doubt the boy was ashamed he was really embarrassed of his behavior so he apologized to the boys in his dorm the scary creepy things he had said before their bedtime he also promised to buy more guests at the camp director well he will do that when he gets his first job but i guess the director didn't believe him because he sighed heavily first thing in the morning he called the boy's parents to tell him the horrible story their son had told the others about a black black hand and a coffin on wheels and the horrible trick he had played the night before for some reason only his mother was frightened his dad on the other hand was not afraid but instead he promised to handle the situation me [Music] uh [Music] wow [Music] what you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks sit sit sit sit sit sit means you sit down like this sit [Music] well finally and now speak speak speak speak [Music] speak rough [Music] like this look here it's easy [Music] ah [Music] here oh this is perfect [Music] you have to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] you will not cheat again [Music] this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i didn't you guys don't believe me [Music] they didn't believe me [Music] [Music] [Music] by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] hmm [Music] so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] like hey who's there hey i must i must introduce you to a bear [Music] there look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music [Music] ah so that is who he is yep you have to incubate it [Music] you bear have to be careful not to break the same and you and there have to break out of this egg and i'll be right back and right forth and back again [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Music] we're good at this [Music] maybe you should play some music [Music] so that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food [Music] what this is for kids [Music] this is what kids really like to eat [Music] oh yes [Music] and now the dance of the little penguin [Music] what a scorching heat fair he is getting hotter and hotter you need to be cooled down now [Music] we're just chilling out in here [Music] uh [Music] off you go [Music] don't be sad don't come visit us [Music] bear look what else i found on our doorstep [Music] do [Music] masha's spooky stories dear fellows today i'm going to tell you a very scary and terrible story about how one girl was afraid of doctors and the awful things that happened to her one day late late one night seema prepared some dinner to her toys from modeling clay she made black black cutlets she also made them some cream of wheat porridge she sat her dolls and began to treat them a piece for grandma a piece for grandpa one for mommy and so on in short zima had fed all the dolls for cooking and at the same time she ate herself too then it was a night seema laid in her bed but she could not sleep sima's stomach was gurgling like a swamp she should have told her mother as soon as possible but seaman was afraid that if she did her mom would immediately call the doctor and that would just be terrible it was better to suffer my stomach will be stronger for the eggs suddenly sema heard someone very close breathing hard seema got on the bed and tried to see who was there crying in the closet it seemed no one was there only the porcelain doll luisa sat in the corner and then in the moonlight sema noticed that luisa's big glass eyes were overflowing with tears suddenly someone moaned softly under siemens bed sema looked and there the teddy bear was lying and squealing oh my dummy my tummy and immediately from all sides her toys began to moan samosh got called an ambulance our stomachs are aching from your porridge and cutlets sema trembled all over what do you mean ambulance doctors this is the most terrible thing in the world if the awful doctor comes because of an emergency he'll immediately prescribe us all a terrible and bitter medicine he will make you all show your tongues and without mercy it will shove a spoon in your mouth and those who cry and resist the doctor will grab and take them away into the hospital but apparently the toys didn't care with whom or where they would go oh our bellies hurt they were crying and wouldn't quiet down and now sima's stomach was so twisted that before her eyes there were pink and blue stripes some orange spots and tons of green clouds also there were pink dragons eating donuts while flying around in the green clouds sema only had time to think look at all the donuts the dragons have eaten and then she flew somewhere else a long time or short time after sema finally woke up then she touched her stomach it didn't seem to hurt [Music] seema opened her eyes and didn't quite know how she ended up in a strange room with white walls with nothing to do sema hit the shiny button then bam the door open and the snow maiden came in all clean white and smiling [Music] well now she's going to wish me a happy new year thought seema but the snowman was not at all the snow maiden she was a doctor and she didn't give sema bitter medicine at all she just patted her on the head touched her tummy and told sema it would be better to eat oranges not awful adventures of clay if you hadn't eaten all this stuff you wouldn't have been rushed to the hospital today well this hospital isn't that unpleasant thought seema the lady doctor isn't scary at all next time don't be afraid of her and just tell her what is wrong that is right no need to fear a doctor but a cook listen to me some of them cook without even reading a book so [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] wow [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] all right and now we can be properly introduced [Music] oh a lovely picture now find out all about your life in the circus [Music] don't you dare to fight with the child [Music] so who are you again [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe he made a wrong turn [Music] [Music] uh [Music] good [Music] whiskers in hmm we finally found you [Music] there look what a great trick we can do and we can do this one and we can do this one too [Music] anymore this tricky one [Music] don't you ever get lost ah such a great trick goes to waste maybe we should saw you in half [Music] i'll be the circus wow i'll ride you from my first tour you write to me too while i'm on tour [Music] go pack your suitcase our circus is short of a clown [Music] tell me something sweethearts are you afraid of the dark i used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that i kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you once upon a time in the dark dark woods there loved a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening when day you turned to night and the woods grew very very dark the tiny tiny little bug started to become afraid one night while sitting under a leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth open went like a suitcase and there was another with sharp claws reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the drive closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out oh i'm scared scared mother please mother help me please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bug saw the animal's shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help i'm dying all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pixie to suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to her teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bug why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster i'm not a monster said the bug crying i'm a small i'm afraid [Music] then why am i not afraid as the pixie i'm also small yes but and the bugs started to whimper but look you have a bright lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough i'll have to conjure the small lantern for you waves cushion hedgehog one brush fish sponge two cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three hocus pocus lantern turn on and bam instead of having a lantern like the wood pixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug giggles he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp cloth looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid of every night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the wood pixie just before falling asleep would smile as she gazed at a bright little star as it slowly flipped it from branch to branch in the silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say good night sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] [Music] [Music] are you it can't are you the king really oh goodness gracious it's not a proper welcome for a king [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] but that's our bear allow me to escort you to his humble abode [Music] i would imagine that it's not fit for a king to just walk about [Music] it's not fit for a king to bend and pick berries [Music] it's not fit for a king no no but it's not fit for a king to fix cars like that not for a king i tell you that is not what king should do [Music] [Music] are not supposed to wash dirty dishes and it's not fit for king to clean up messes i am telling you [Music] oh what are you thinking is it really proper for a king to fish for some fish and get mosquito [Music] on bites ting line the third in my royal absence the crown will be temporarily bestowed on queen mariana 101 it's for me i'm the queen [Music] am i waiting when i have a kingdom to rule [Music] wow [Music] [Music] it's not thick for a queen to use her own feet i want a clean mobile a queen ball field [Music] [Music] you dare to raise your paw [Music] then i praise you for your service to me [Music] hmm it's not fit for a queen to have such a small house hey people all hands to the palace building [Music] [Music] see you can do it when i force you to okay you go and prepare a piece fit for a queen [Music] and you build me topiary saviors and fountains i have [Music] the people i'm ruling are actually not bad [Music] that's what i call a good fit [Music] what's good for the queen is what's good for her people huh i am so really majestic so magnificently imperial we are ready for our royal food [Music] what is up with you come on it's the queen's order you must obey your queen [Music] [Music] wow [Music] while you're getting ready to have your dinner i am being dethroned around and stuff don't you dare telling your queen to be quiet it's not fit for a queen to stand in the corner [Music] something happened to me the power has gotten to my head it's not good at all oh no [Music] i realized standing in the corner just now it's not fit for a royal to alienate their people [Music] today i'm going to tell you a very scary story after i'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still won't be able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers who you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep his batteries just wouldn't die so he decided to pass the time telling horrifying spooky stories stories about a black black hand and white white ghosts about a door to a dention a coffin on wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black hand he jumped scared in bed and looked all around and took his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long dirty and uncut still disgusted the boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was taken out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts he decided it was better to take his chances with the wolves and the strangers we should never ever talk to he was running and screaming through the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coughing on wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was terrified he kept running and screaming suddenly he heard a loud voice coming from the coffin on wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire will come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a cat counselor's vampire voice that said i'm wondering what are you doing mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly scary tails look around you have scared them all mr blackhand climbed under his bed mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the blackfoot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled a joke on me the director of the whole camp but i had to chase after you up and down the camp i ran out of gas well mr scary aren't you ashamed of yourself without a doubt the boy was ashamed he was really embarrassed of his behavior so he apologized to the boys in his dorm the scary creepy things he had said before their bedtime he also promised to buy more guests at the camp director well he will do that when he gets his first job but i guess the director didn't believe him because he sighed heavily first thing in the morning he called the boy's parents to tell him the horrible story their son had told the others about a black black hand and a coffin on wheels and the horrible trick he had played the night before for some reason only his mother was frightened his dad on the other hand was not afraid but instead he promised to handle the situation hey [Music] wow [Music] what you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks sit sit sit sit sit sit means you sit down like this sit well finally [Music] and now speak speak speak speak [Music] speak rough [Music] look here it's easy [Music] ah [Music] on here [Music] for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] so [Music] foreign [Music] you will not cheat again [Music] this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beer [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go you think i did it all i didn't do it i didn't you guys don't believe me they didn't believe me [Music] just look at them they look like me pretend to be me then no one believes the real me by the way who are you which black hole of the universe [Music] [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] hmm [Music] so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] oh hey who's there hey i must i must introduce you to a bear [Music] there look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music [Music] ah so that is who he is yep you have to incubate it [Music] you bear have to be careful not to break the same and you and there have to break out of this egg and i'll be right back and right forth and back again [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] [Music] and you call this incubating to incubate you have to be in not out we're good at this [Music] maybe you should play some music [Music] so that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food [Music] what this is for kids [Music] this is what kids really like to eat [Music] oh yes [Music] and now the dance [Music] what a scorching heat [Music] fair he is getting hotter and hotter you need to be cooled down now [Music] we're just chilling out in here [Music] uh [Music] off you go [Music] don't be sad don't come visit us [Music] bear look what else i found on our doorstep [Music] masha's spooky stories dear fellows today i'm going to tell you a very scary and terrible story about how one girl was afraid of doctors and the awful things that happened to her one day late late one night seema prepared some dinner to her toys from modeling clay she made black black cutlets she also made them some cream of wheat porridge she sat her dolls and began to treat them a piece for grandma a piece for grandpa one for mommy and so on in short sema had fed all the dolls for cooking and at the same time she ate herself too then it was a night sema laid in her bed but she could not sleep sima's stomach was gurgling like a swamp she should have told her mother as soon as possible but seaman was afraid that if she did her mom would immediately call the doctor and that would just be terrible it was better to suffer my stomach will be stronger for the eggs suddenly sema heard someone very close breathing hard seema got on the bed and tried to see who was there crying in the closet it seemed no one was there only the porcelain doll luisa sat in the corner and then in the moonlight sema noticed that luisa's big glass eyes were overflowing with tears suddenly someone moaned softly under seymour's bed seema looked and there the teddy bear was lying and squealing oh my dummy my tummy and immediately from all sides her toys began to moan samosh got called an ambulance our stomachs are aching from your porridge and cutlets sema trembled all over what do you mean ambulance doctors this is the most terrible thing in the world if the awful doctor comes because of an emergency he'll immediately prescribe us all a terrible and bitter medicine [Music] he will make you all show your tongues and without mercy it will shove a spoon in your mouth and those who cry and resist the doctor will grab and take them away into the hospital but apparently the toys didn't care with whom or where they would go oh our bellies hurt they were crying and wouldn't quiet down and now sima's stomach was so twisted that before her eyes there were pink and blue stripes some orange spots and tons of green clouds also there were pink dragons eating donuts while flying around in the green clouds zima only had time to think look at all the donuts the dragons have eaten and then she flew somewhere else a long time or short time after sema finally woke up then she touched her stomach it didn't seem to hurt [Music] seema opened her eyes and didn't quite know how she ended up in a strange room with white walls with nothing to do sema hit the shiny button then bam the door open and the snow maiden came in all clean white and smiling [Music] well now she's going to wish me a happy new year thought seema but the snowman was not at all the snow maiden she was a doctor and she didn't give sema bitter medicine at all she just patted her on the head touched her tummy and told sema it would be better to eat oranges not awful inventions of clay if you hadn't eaten all this stuff you wouldn't have been rushed to the hospital today well this hospital isn't that unpleasant that seema the lady doctor isn't scary at all next time don't be afraid of her and just tell her what is wrong that is right no need to fear a doctor but a cook listen to me some of them cook without even reading a book [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] all right and now we can be properly introduced [Music] oh a lovely picture now find out all about your life in the circus [Music] don't [Music] so who are you again [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] maybe he made a wrong turn [Music] [Music] bye [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look what a great trick we can do and we can do this one and we can do this one too and even this tricky one [Music] don't you ever get lost ah such a great trick goes to waste maybe we should saw you in half [Music] i'll be the circus while i'm on tiller [Music] go pack your suitcase our circus is short of a clown [Music] tell me something sweethearts are you afraid of the dark i used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that i kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you once upon a time in the dark dark woods there loved a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening one day you turned to night and the woods got very very dark the tiny tiny little bug started to become afraid one night while sitting under a leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth open way like a suitcase and there was another sharp cloth reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the dark closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out oh i'm scared scared mother please mother help me please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bug saw the animal's shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help i'm dying all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pick to suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to your teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bug why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster i'm not a monster said the bug crying i'm a small i'm afraid then why am i not afraid as the pixie i'm also small yes but and the bugs started to whimper but look you have a bright lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough i'll have to conjure the small lantern for you waves cushion hedgehog one brush fish sponge two cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three hocus pocus lantern turn on and bam instead of having a lantern like the wood pixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug giggled he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp claws looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid of every night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the wood pixie just before falling asleep would smile as she gazed at a bright little star as it slowly flipped from branch to branch in the silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say goodnight sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] [Music] [Music] are you it can't are you the king really oh goodness gracious it's not a proper welcome for a king [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] but that's our bear allow me to escort you to his humble abode [Music] i would imagine that it's not fit for a king to just walk about [Music] it's not fit for a king to bend and pick berries [Music] it's not fit for a king no not but it's not fit for a king to fix cars like that not for a king i tell you that is not what king should do [Music] uh oh it's not fit for a king to rub noses with bears [Music] kings are not supposed to wash dirty dishes and it's not fit for king to clean up messes i am telling you [Music] oh what are you thinking is it really proper for a king to fish for some fish and get mosquito bites [Music] vacation ting line the third in my royal absence the crown will be temporarily bestowed on queen mariana 101. it's for me i'm the queen [Music] why am i waiting when i have a kingdom to rule [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not fit for a queen to use her own feet i want a queen mobile a queen ball field [Music] you dare to raise your paw [Music] then i praise you for your service to me [Music] hmm it's not fit for a queen to have such a small house hey people all hands to the palace building [Music] [Music] see you can do it when i force you to okay you go and prepare a piece fit for a queen [Music] and you build me topiaries aviaries and fountains [Music] oh [Music] the people i'm ruling are actually not bad [Music] that's what i call a good fit wow now this i like a lot of great art what's good for the queen is what's good for her people i am so really majestic so magnificently imperial we are ready for our royal food [Music] what is up with you come on it's the queen's order you must obey your queen [Music] uh [Music] wow [Music] while you're getting ready to have your dinner i am being thrown around and stuff don't you dare telling your queen to be quiet it's not fit for a queen to stand in the corner [Music] something happened to me the power has gotten to my head [Music] it's not good at all oh no [Music] i realized standing in the corner just now it's not fit for a royal to alienate their people [Music] today i'm going to tell you a very scary story after i'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still won't be able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers well you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep his batteries just wouldn't die so he decided to pass the time telling horrifying spooky stories stories about a black black hand and white white ghosts about a door to a dention a coffin on wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black hand he jumped scared in bed and looked all around and took his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long dirty and uncut the boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was taking out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts he decided it was better to take his chances with the wolves and the strangers who he should never ever talk to he was running and screaming through the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coughing on wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was terrified he kept running and screaming suddenly he heard a loud voice coming from the coffin on wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire will come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a cat counselor's vampire voice that said i'm wondering what are you doing mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly scary tails look around you have scared them all mr blackhand climbed under his bed mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the black foot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled a joke on me the director of the whole camp but i had to chase after you up and down the camp i ran out of gas well mr scary aren't you rough rough [Music] and this time go fetch fetch i tell you [Music] look here it's easy [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] oh this is perfect you have to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i didn't you guys don't believe me they didn't believe me [Music] [Music] just look at them they look like me pretend to be me then no one believes the real me by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we have so good to know that we're not alone in the universe wow [Applause] [Music] hey who's there i hey i must introduce you to a bear [Music] bear look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music hmm [Music] so that is who he is yep you have to incubate it [Music] you bear have to be careful [Music] again [Music] so [Music] hmm hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you call this incubating [Music] maybe you should play some music [Music] so that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food [Music] what this is for kids [Music] this is what kids really like to eat [Music] oh yes [Music] hmm [Music] and now the dance of the little penguins [Music] what a scorching heat [Music] fair he's getting hotter and hotter you need to be cooled down now [Music] we're just chilling out in here [Music] off you go [Music] don't be sad you'll come visit us [Music] bear look what else i found on our doorstep [Music] masha's spooky stories dear fellows today i'm going to tell you a very scary and terrible story about how one girl was afraid of doctors and the awful things that happened to her one day late late one night seema prepared some dinner to her toys from modeling clay she made black black cutlets she also made them some cream of wheat porridge she sat her dolls and began to treat them a piece for grandma a piece for grandpa one for mommy and so on in short zima had fed all the dolls for cooking and at the same time she ate herself too then it was a night sema laid in her bed but she could not sleep sima's stomach was gurgling like a swamp she should have told her mother as soon as possible but seaman was afraid that if she did her mom would immediately call the doctor and that would just be terrible it was better to suffer my stomach will be stronger for the eggs suddenly sema heard someone very close breathing hard seema got on the bed and tried to see who was there crying in the closet it seemed no one was there only the porcelain doll luisa sat in the corner and then in the moonlight sema noticed that luisa's big glass eyes were overflowing with tears suddenly someone softly under seymour's bed seema looked and there the teddy bear was lying and squealing oh my dummy my tummy and immediately from all sides her toys began to moan samosh got called an ambulance our stomachs are aching from your porridge and cutlets zema trembled all over what do you mean ambulance doctors this is the most terrible thing in the world if the awful doctor comes because of an emergency he'll immediately prescribe us all a terrible and bitter medicine he will make you all show your tongues and without mercy he will shove a spoon in your mouth and those who cry and resist the doctor will grab and take them away into the hospital but apparently the toys didn't care with whom or where they would go oh our bellies hurt they were crying and wouldn't quiet down and now sima's stomach was so twisted that before her eyes there were pink and blue stripes some orange spots and tons of green clouds also there were pink dragons eating donuts while flying around in the green clouds sema only had time to think look at all the donuts the dragons have eaten and then she flew somewhere else a long time or a short time after sema finally woke up then she touched her stomach it didn't seem to hurt [Music] seema opened her eyes and didn't quite know how she ended up in a strange room with white walls with nothing to do sema hit the shiny button then bam the door open and the snow maiden came in all clean white and smiling [Music] well now she's going to wish me a happy new year thought seema but the snowman was not at all the snow maiden she was a doctor and she didn't give sema bitter medicine at all she just patted her on the head touched her tummy and told sema it would be better to eat oranges not awful inventions of clay if you hadn't eaten all this stuff you wouldn't have been rushed to the hospital today well this hospital isn't that unpleasant that seema the lady doctor isn't scary at all next time don't be afraid of her and just tell her what is wrong that is right no need to fear a doctor but a cook listen to me some of them cook without even reading a book [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] huh [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] all right and now we can be properly introduced [Music] oh a lovely picture now find out all about your life in the circus [Music] so who are you again [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ding ding dong ding ding dong [Music] maybe he made a wrong turn [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] hey whiskers in stride we finally found you [Music] there look what a great trick we can do and we can do this one and we can do this one too and even this tricky one [Music] don't you ever get lost ah such a great trick goes to waste maybe we should saw you in half [Music] while i'm on tiller [Music] go pack your suitcase our circus is short of a clown [Music] tell me something sweethearts are you afraid of the dark i used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that i kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you once upon a time in the dark dark woods there left a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening when they turned tonight and the woods grew very very dark the tiny time and little bug started to become afraid one night while sitting under a leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth open way like a suitcase and there was another sharp cloth reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the dark closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out oh i'm scared scared mother please mother help me please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bug saw the animals shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help i'm dying all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pixie to suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to her teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bug why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster i'm not a monster said the bug crying i'm a small i'm afraid [Music] then why am i not afraid as the pixie i'm also small yes but and the bugs started to whimper but look you have a bright lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough i'll have to conjure the small lantern for you waves cushion hedgehog one brush fish sponge two cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three hocus pocus lantern turn on and bam instead of having a lantern like the wood pixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug giggles he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp claws looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid of every night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the wood pixie just before falling asleep would smile as she gazed at a bright little star as it slowly flitted from branch to branch in the silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say good night sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] with his presence [Music] are you it can't are you the king really oh goodness gracious it's not a proper welcome for a king it's not fit for it to arrive with no welcoming committee [Music] royal magic street come on now please go back and arrive one more time [Music] [Music] but that's our bear allow me to escort you to his humble abode [Music] i would imagine that it's not fit for a king to just walk about [Music] it's not fit for a king to bend and pick fairies [Music] it's not fit for a king no no but it's not fit for a king to fix cars like that not for a king i tell you that is not what king should do [Music] [Music] with bears [Music] kings are not supposed to wash dirty dishes and it's not fit for king to clean up masses i am telling you oh what are you thinking is it really proper for a king to fish for some fish and get mosquito bites [Music] the crown will be temporarily bestowed on queen mariana 101. it's for me i'm the queen [Music] why am i waiting when i have a kingdom to [Music] rule royal majesty made me his favorite queen [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not fit for a queen to use her own feet i want a queen mobile a queen ball field [Music] [Music] you dare to raise your paw then i praise you for your service to me to the palace [Music] hmm it's not fit for a queen to have such a small house hey people all hands to the palace building [Music] hmm [Music] see you can do it when i force you to okay you go and prepare a piece fit for a queen [Music] and [Music] [Music] what's good for the queen is what's good for her people i am so really majestic so magnificently imperial we are ready for our royal food [Music] you must obey your queen [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] while you're getting ready to have your dinner i am being thrown around and stuff don't you dare telling your queen to be quiet it's not fit for a queen to stand in the corner [Music] something happened to me the power has gotten to my head it's not good at all oh no [Music] i realized standing in the corner just now it's not fit for a royal to alienate their people [Music] today i'm going to tell you a very scary story after i'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still won't be able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers who you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep his batteries just wouldn't die so he decided to pass the time telling horrifying spooky stories stories about a black black hand and white white ghosts about a door to a dention a coffin on wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black hand he jumped scared in bed and looked all around and to his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long dirty and uncut disgusted the boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was sticking out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts he decided it was better to take his chances with the wolves and strangers who we should never ever talk to he was running and screaming through the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coffin on wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was terrified he kept running and screaming suddenly he heard a loud voice coming from the coffin on wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire will come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a cat counselor's vampire voice that said i'm wondering what are you doing mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly scary tails look around you have scared them all mr blackhand climbed under his bed mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the black foot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled a joke on me the director of the whole camp but i had to chase after you up and down the camp i ran out of gas well mr scary aren't you ashamed of yourself without a doubt the boy was ashamed he was really embarrassed of his behavior so he apologized to the boys in his dorm the scary creepy things he had said before their bedtime he also promised to buy more guests at the camp director well he will do that when he gets his first job but i guess the director didn't believe him because he sighed heavily first thing in the morning he called the boy's parents to tell him the horrible story their son had told the others about a black black hand and a coffin on wheels and the horrible trick he had played the night before for some reason only his mother was frightened his dad on the other hand was not afraid but instead he promised to handle the situation [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] what you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks sit sit sit sit sit sit sit means you sit down like this sit [Music] well finally [Music] and now speak speak speak speak [Music] i tell you [Music] look here it's easy [Music] uh [Music] oh this is perfect you have to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i did it you guys don't believe me they didn't believe me [Music] just look at them they look like me pretend to be me then no one believes the real me by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] [Music] we so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] hey who's there hey i must i must introduce you to a bear [Music] bear look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music [Music] ah so that is who he is yep you have to incubate it [Music] you bear have to be careful not to break the safe and you and there have to break out of this egg and i'll be right back and right forth and back again [Music] so [Music] hmm hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you call this incubating [Music] we are good at [Music] this maybe you should play some music [Music] so that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food [Music] what this is for kids [Music] this is what kids really like to eat [Music] oh yes [Music] hmm [Music] and now the dance of the little penguins what a scorching heat [Music] fair he is getting hotter and hotter you need to be cooled down now [Music] we're just chilling out in here [Music] off you go [Music] don't be sad don't come visit us [Music] bear look what else i found on our doorstep [Music] masha's spooky stories dear fellows today i'm going to tell you a very scary and terrible story about how one girl was afraid of doctors and the awful things that happened to her one day late late one night seema prepared some dinner to her toys from modeling clay she made black black cutlets she also made them some cream of wheat porridge she sat her dolls and began to treat them a piece for grandma a piece for grandpa one for mommy and so on in short zima had fed all the dolls for cooking and at the same time she ate herself too then it was a night sema laid in her bed but she could not sleep sima's stomach was gurgling like a swamp she should have told her mother as soon as possible but seaman was afraid that if she did her mom would immediately call the doctor and that would just be terrible it was better to suffer my stomach will be stronger for the eggs suddenly sema heard someone very close breathing hard seema got on the bed and tried to see who was there crying in the closet it seemed no one was there only the porcelain doll lisa sat in the corner and then in the moonlight sema noticed that luisa's big glass eyes were overflowing with tears suddenly someone moaned softly under seymour's bed seema looked and there the teddy bear was lying and squealing oh my dummy my tummy and immediately from all sides her toys began to moan samosh got called an ambulance our stomachs are aching from your porridge and cutlets sema trembled all over what do you mean ambulance doctors this is the most terrible thing in the world if the awful doctor comes because of an emergency he'll immediately prescribe us all a terrible and bitter medicine [Music] he will make you all show your tongues and without mercy it will shove a spoon in your mouth and those who cry and resist the doctor will grab and take them away into the hospital but apparently the toys didn't care with whom or where they would go oh our bellies hurt they were crying and wouldn't quiet down and now sima's stomach was so twisted that before her eyes there were pink and blue stripes some orange spots and tons of green clouds also there were pink dragons eating donuts while flying around in the green clouds zima only had time to think look at all the donuts the dragons have eaten and then she flew somewhere else a long time or a short time after sema finally woke up then she touched her stomach it didn't seem to hurt [Music] seema opened her eyes and didn't quite know how she ended up in a strange room with white walls with nothing to do sema hit the shiny button then bam the door open and the snow maiden came in all clean white and smiling [Music] well now she's going to wish me a happy new year thought seema but the snowman was not at all the snowman she was a doctor and she didn't give sema bitter medicine at all she just patted her on the head touched her tummy and told sema it would be better to eat oranges not awful inventions of clay if you hadn't eaten all this stuff you wouldn't have been rushed to the hospital today well this hospital isn't that unpleasant that seema the lady doctor isn't scary at all next time don't be afraid of her and just tell her what is wrong that is right no need to fear a doctor but a cook listen to me some of them cook without even reading a book [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] all right and now we can be properly introduced [Music] oh a lovely picture now find out all about your life in the circus [Music] don't you dare to fight with a child [Music] so who are you again [Music] [Music] [Music] ding ding dong ding ding dong [Music] maybe he made a wrong turn [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] hey whiskers in stride we finally found you [Music] there look what a great trick we can do and we can do this one and we can do this one too i need this tricky one [Music] don't you ever get lost ah such a great trick goes to waste maybe we should saw you in half [Music] while i'm on tiller [Music] go pack your suitcase our circus is short of a clown [Music] tell me something sweethearts are you afraid of the dark i used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that i kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you once upon a time in the dark dark woods there loved a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening when they turned to night and the woods grew very very dark the tiny time and little bug started to become afraid one night while sitting under a leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth open way like a suitcase and there was another sharp cloth reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the dark closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out oh i'm scared scared mother please mother help me please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bug saw the animal's shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help i'm dying all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pick to suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to her teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bug why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster i'm not a monster said the bug crying i'm a small i'm afraid [Music] then why am i not afraid as the pixie i'm also small yes but and the bugs started to whimper but look you have a bright lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough i'll have to conjure the small lantern for you waves cushion hedgehog one brush fish sponge two cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three hocus pocus lantern turn on and bam instead of having a lantern like the wood pixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug giggles he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp claws looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid every night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the wood pixie just before falling asleep would smile as she gazed at a bright little star as it slowly flitted from branch to branch in the silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say goodnight sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] [Music] with his presence [Music] are you it can't are you the king really oh goodness gracious it's not a proper welcome for a king it's not fit for it came to arrive with no welcoming committee [Music] your royal magic street come on now please go back and arrive one more time [Music] [Music] but that's our bear allow me to escort you to his humble abode [Music] i would imagine that it's not fit for a king to just walk about [Music] it's not fit for a king to bend and pick fairies [Music] it's not fit for a king no no [Music] should do [Music] [Music] with bears [Music] kings are not supposed to wash dirty dishes and it's not fit for king to clean up masses i am telling you oh what are you thinking is it really proper for a king to fish for some fish and get mosquito bites [Music] in my royal absence the crown will be temporarily bestowed on queen mariana 101 it's for me i'm the queen [Music] why am i waiting when i have a kingdom to [Music] rule his royal majesty made me his new favorite queen [Music] it's not fit for a queen to use her own feet i want a queen mobile a queen ball field [Music] you dare to raise your paw [Music] and i praise you for your service to me to the palace [Music] hmm it's not fit for a queen to have such a small house hey people all hands to the palace building [Music] huh [Music] see you can do it when i force you to okay you go and prepare a piece fit for a queen [Music] [Music] oh [Music] the people i'm ruling are actually not bad [Music] what's good for the queen is what's good for her people i am so really majestic so magnificently imperial we are ready for our royal food [Music] you must obey your queen [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa [Music] while you're getting ready to have your dinner i am being thrown around and stuff don't you dare telling your queen to be quiet it's not fit for a queen to stand in the corner [Music] something happened to me the power has gotten to my head it's not good at all oh no [Music] i realized standing in the corner just now it's not fit for a royal to alienate their people [Music] today i'm going to tell you a very scary story after i'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still won't be able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers well you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep his batteries just wouldn't die so he decided to pass the time telling horrifying spooky stories stories about a black black hand and white white ghosts about a door to a dention a coffin on wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black hand he jumped scared in bed and looked all around and to his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long [Music] the boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was sticking out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts he decided it was better to take his chances with the wolves and strangers we should never ever talk to he was running and screaming through the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coughing on wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was terrified he kept running and screaming suddenly he heard loud voice coming from the coffin on wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire will come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a cat counselor's vampire voice that said i'm wondering what are you doing mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly scary tails look around you have scared them all mr blackhand climbed under his bed mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the black foot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled a joke on me the director of the whole camp but i had to chase after you up and down the camp i ran out of gas well mr scary aren't you ashamed of yourself without a doubt the boy was ashamed he was really embarrassed of his behavior so he apologized to the boys in his dorm for the scary creepy things he had said before their bedtime he also promised to buy more guests at the camp director well he will do that when he gets his first job but i guess the director didn't believe him because he sighed heavily first thing in the morning he called the boy's parents to tell him the horrible story their son had told the others about a black black hand and a coffin on wheels and the horrible trick he had played the night before for some reason only his mother was frightened his dad on the other hand was not afraid but instead he promised to handle the situation [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] what you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks sit sit sit sit sit sit sit means you sit down like this sit well finally [Music] and now speak speak speak speak [Music] i tell you [Music] look here it's easy [Music] hmm [Music] oh this is perfect you have to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you oh not cheat again [Music] last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i didn't you guys don't believe me [Music] they didn't believe me [Music] just look at them they look like me pretend to be me then no one believes the real me by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] [Music] so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] hey who's there hey [Music] look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music [Music] ah so that is who he is yep you have to incubate it [Music] you bear have to be careful not to break the same and you and there have to break out of this egg and i'll be right back and right forth and back again [Music] so [Music] hmm hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you call this incubating [Music] we're good at this [Music] maybe you should play some music [Music] so that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food [Music] what this is for kids [Music] this is what kids really like to eat [Music] oh yes [Music] hmm [Music] and now the dance of the little penguins [Music] what a scorching heat [Music] fair he's getting hotter and hotter you need to be cooled down now [Music] we're just chilling out in here [Music] contact you go [Music] don't be sad you'll come visit us [Music] bear look what else i found on our doorstep [Music] masha's spooky stories dear fellows today i'm going to tell you a very scary and terrible story about how one girl was afraid of doctors and the awful things that happened to her one day late late one night seema prepared some dinner to her toys from modeling clay she made black black cutlets she also made them some cream of wheat porridge she sat her dolls and began to treat them a piece for grandma a piece for grandpa one for mommy and so on in short zima had fed all the dolls for cooking and at the same time she ate herself too then it was nice sema laid in her bed but she could not sleep sima's stomach was gurgling like a swamp she should have told her mother as soon as possible but seaman was afraid that if she did her mom would immediately call the doctor and that would just be terrible it was better to suffer my stomach will be stronger for the eggs suddenly sema heard someone very close breathing hard seema got on the bed and tried to see who was there crying in the closet it seemed no one was there only the porcelain doll luisa sat in the corner and then in the moonlight sema noticed that luisa's big glass eyes were overflowing with tears suddenly someone moaned softly under seymour's bed sima looked and there the teddy bear was lying and squealing oh my dummy my tummy and immediately from all sides her toys began to moan it's got called an ambulance our stomachs are aching from your porridge and cutlets sema trembled all over what do you mean ambulance doctors this is the most terrible thing in the world if the awful doctor comes because of an emergency he'll immediately prescribe us oh a terrible and bitter medicine he will make you all show your tongues and without mercy he will shove a spoon in your mouth and those who cry and resist the doctor will grab and take them away into the hospital but apparently the toys didn't care with whom or where they would go oh our bellies hurt they were crying and wouldn't quiet down and now sima's stomach was so twisted that before her eyes there were pink and blue stripes some orange spots and tons of green clouds also there were pink dragons eating donuts while flying around in the green clouds zima only had time to think look at all the donuts the dragons have eaten and then she flew somewhere else a long time or short time after sema finally woke up then she touched her stomach it didn't seem to hurt [Music] seema opened her eyes and didn't quite know how she ended up in a strange room with white walls with nothing to do sema hit the shiny button then bam the door open and the snow maiden came in all clean white and smiling [Music] well now she's going to wish me a happy new year thought seema but the snowman was not at all the snow maiden she was a doctor and she didn't give sema bitter medicine at all she just patted her on the head touched her tummy and told sema it would be better to eat oranges not awful inventions of clay if you hadn't eaten all this stuff you wouldn't have been rushed to the hospital today well this hospital isn't that unpleasant that's sema the lady doctor isn't scary at all next time don't be afraid of her and just tell her what is wrong that is right no need to fear a doctor but a cook listen to me some of them cook without even reading a book [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] all right and now we can be properly introduced [Music] oh a lovely picture now find out all about your life in the circus [Music] don't you dare to fight with a child [Music] so who are you again [Music] [Music] [Music] ding ding dong ding ding dong [Music] maybe he made a wrong turn [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] we finally found you [Music] there look what a great trick we can do and we can do this one and we can do this one too and even this tricky one [Music] don't you ever get lost ah such a great trick goes to waste maybe we should saw you in how [Music] while i'm on tour [Music] go pack your suitcase our circus is short of a clown [Music] tell me something sweethearts are you afraid of the dark i used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that i kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you once upon a time in the dark dark woods there left a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening when they turned tonight and the woods grew very very dark the tiny time and little bug started to become afraid one night while sitting under a leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth open way like a suitcase and there was another sharp cloth reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the dark closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out oh i'm scared scared mother please mother help me please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bug saw the animal's shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help i'm dying all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pixie suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to her teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bub why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster i'm not a monster said the bug crying i'm a small i'm afraid [Music] then why am i not afraid as the pixie i'm also small yes but and the bugs started to whimper but look you have a bright lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough i'll have to conjure the small lantern for you waves cushion hedgehog one brush fish sponge two cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three hulk is focused lantern turn on and bam instead of having a lantern like the wood pixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug giggles he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp cloth looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid of every night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the wood pixie just before falling asleep would smile as she gazed at a bright little star as it slowly flipped from branch to branch in the silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say good night sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] [Music] with [Music] really oh goodness gracious it's not a proper welcome for a king it's not fit for it to arrive with no welcoming committee [Music] your royal magic stream come on now please go back and arrive one more time [Music] [Music] but that's our bear allow me to escort you to his humble abode [Music] i would imagine that it's not fit for a king to just walk about [Music] it's not fit for a king to bend and pick fairies [Music] it's not fit for a king no no but it's not fit for a king to fix cars like that not for a king i tell you that is not what king should do [Music] [Music] with bears [Music] kings are not supposed to wash dirty dishes and it's not fit for king to clean up masses i am telling you oh what are you thinking is it really proper for a king to fish for some fish and get mosquito bites [Music] in my royal absence the crown will be temporarily bestowed on queen mariana 101 it's for me i'm the queen [Music] why am i waiting when i have a kingdom to rule [Music] his royal majesty made me his new favorite queen [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not fit for a queen to use her own feet i want a queen mobile a queen ball field [Music] you dare to raise your paw [Music] and i praise you for your service to me to the palace [Music] hmm it's not fit for a queen to have such a small house hey people all hands to the palace building [Music] huh [Music] see you can do it when i force you to okay you go and prepare a piece fit for a queen [Music] [Music] [Music] i like this a lot before [Music] the people i'm ruling are actually not bad [Music] what's good for the queen is what's good for her people i am so really majestic so magnificently imperial we are ready for our royal food what is up with you come on it's the queen's order you must obey your queen yes [Music] so whoa [Music] while you're getting ready to have your dinner i am being dethroned around and stuff don't you dare telling your queen to be quiet it's not fit for a queen to stand in the corner [Music] something happened to me the power has gotten to my head it's not good at all oh no [Music] i realized standing in the corner just now it's not fit for a royal to alienate their people [Music] today i'm going to tell you a very scary story after i'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still won't be able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers who you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep his batteries just wouldn't die so he decided to pass the time telling horrifying spooky stories stories about a black black hand and white white ghosts about a door to a dention a coffin on wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black hand he jumped scared in bed and looked all around and to his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long [Music] the boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was sticking out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts he decided it was better to take his chances with the wolves and strangers we should never ever talk to he was running and screaming through the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coughing on wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was terrified he kept running and screaming suddenly he heard a loud voice coming from the coffin on wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire will come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a cat counselor's vampire voice that said i'm wondering what are you doing mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly scary tails look around you have scared them all mr blackhand climbed under his bed mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the black foot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled a joke on me the director of the whole camp but i had to chase after you up and down the camp i ran out of gas well mr scary aren't you ashamed of yourself without a doubt the boy was ashamed he was really embarrassed of his behavior so he apologized to the boys in his dorm for the scary creepy things he had said before their bedtime he also promised to buy more guests at the camp director well he will do that when he gets his first job but i guess the director didn't believe him because he sighed heavily first thing in the morning he called the boy's parents to tell him the horrible story their son had told the others about a black black hand and a coffin on wheels and the horrible trick he had played the night before for some reason only his mother was frightened his dad on the other hand was not afraid but instead he promised to handle the situation [Music] much [Music] um [Music] what you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks sit sit sit sit sit sit sit means you sit down like this sit [Music] well finally [Music] and now speak speak speak speaks [Music] i tell [Music] [Music] look here it's easy [Music] uh [Music] this is [Music] you perfect to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] uh you will not cheat again [Music] up you go this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i did it you guys don't believe me [Music] they didn't believe me [Music] [Music] just look at them they look [Music] by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] [Music] so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] hey who's there hey i must i must introduce you to a bear [Music] bear look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music [Music] ah so that is who he is yep you have to incubate it [Music] you bear have to be careful not to break the same and you and there have to break out of this egg and i'll be right back and right forth and back again [Music] so [Music] hmm hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you call this incubating [Music] we're good at this [Music] maybe you should play some music [Music] so that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food [Music] what this is for kids [Music] this is what kids really like to eat [Music] oh yes [Music] and now the dance of the little penguins [Music] what a scorching heat [Music] fair he is getting hotter and hotter you need to be cooled down now [Music] we're just chilling out in here [Music] contact off you go [Music] don't be sad you'll come visit us [Music] bear look what else i found on our doorstep [Music] masha's spooky stories dear fellows today i'm going to tell you a very scary and terrible story about how one girl was afraid of doctors and the awful things that happened to her one day late late one night seema prepared some dinner to her toys from modeling clay she made black black cutlets she also made them some cream of wheat porridge she sat her dolls and began to treat them a piece for grandma a piece for grandpa one for mommy and so on in short zima had fed all the dolls for cooking and at the same time she ate herself too then it was a night sema laid in her bed but she could not sleep sima's stomach was gurgling like a swamp she should have told her mother as soon as possible but seaman was afraid that if she did her mom would immediately call the doctor and that would just be terrible it was better to suffer my stomach will be stronger for the eggs suddenly sema heard someone very close breathing hard seema got on the bed and tried to see who was there crying in the closet it seemed no one was there only the porcelain doll luisa sat in the corner and then in the moonlight sema noticed that luisa's big glass eyes were overflowing with tears suddenly someone moaned softly under siemens bed sema looked and there the teddy bear was lying and squealing oh my dummy my tummy and immediately from all sides her toys began to moan samosh got called an ambulance our stomachs are aching from your porridge and cutlets seem a trembled all over what do you mean ambulance doctors this is the most terrible thing in the world if the awful doctor comes because of an emergency he'll immediately prescribe us all a terrible and bitter medicine he will make you all show your tongues and without mercy he will shove a spoon in your mouth and those who cry and resist the doctor will grab and take them away into the hospital but apparently the toys didn't care with whom or where they would go oh our bellies hurt they were crying and wouldn't quiet down and now sima's stomach was so twisted that before her eyes there were pink and blue stripes some orange spots and tons of green clouds also there were pink dragons eating donuts while flying around in the green clouds zima only had time to think look at all the donuts the dragons have eaten and then she flew somewhere else a long time or short time after sema finally woke up then she touched her stomach it didn't seem to hurt [Music] seema opened her eyes and didn't quite know how she ended up in a strange room with white walls with nothing to do sema hit the shiny button then bam the door open and the snow maiden came in all clean white and smiling [Music] well now she's going to wish me a happy new year thought seema but the snowman was not at all the snow maiden she was a doctor and she didn't give sema bitter medicine at all she just patted her on the head touched her tummy and told sema it would be better to eat oranges not awful adventures of clay if you hadn't eaten all this stuff you wouldn't have been rushed to the hospital today well this hospital isn't that unpleasant that seema the lady doctor isn't scary at all next time don't be afraid of her and just tell her what is wrong that is right no need to fear a doctor but a cook listen to me some of them cook without even reading a book [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] huh [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] all right and now we can be properly introduced [Music] oh a lovely picture now find out all about your life in the circus [Music] don't you dare to fight with a child [Music] so who are you again [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] ding ding dong ding ding dong [Music] maybe he made a wrong turn [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] hey whiskers in stride we finally found you [Music] there look what a great trick we can do and we can do this one and we can do this one too [Music] anymore this tricky one [Music] don't you ever get lost ah such a great trick goes to waste maybe we should saw you in half [Music] while i'm on tiller [Music] go pack your suitcase our circus is short of a clown [Music] tell me something sweethearts are you afraid of the dark i used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that i kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you once upon a time in the dark dark woods there loved a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening when they turned tonight and the woods grew very very dark the tiny time and little bug started to become afraid one night was sitting under a leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth open went like a suitcase and there was another sharp cloth reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the dark closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out oh i'm scared scared mother please mother help me please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bug saw the animal's shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help i'm dying all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pixie to suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to her teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bug why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster i'm not a monster said the bug crying i'm a small i'm afraid [Music] then why am i not afraid as the pixie i'm also small yes but and the bugs started to whimper but look you have a bright lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough i'll have to conjure the small lantern for you waves cushion hedgehog one brush fish sponge two cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three hocus pocus lantern turn on and bam instead of having a lantern like the wood pixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug giggles he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp claws looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid of every night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the wood pixie just before falling asleep would smile as she gazed at a bright little star as it slowly flipped from branch to branch in the silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say good night sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] [Music] [Music] are you it can't are you the king really oh goodness gracious it's not a proper welcome for a king it's not fit for it came to arrive with no welcoming committee [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] but that's our bear allow me to escort you to his humble abode [Music] i would imagine that it's not fit for a king to just walk about [Music] it's not fit for a king to bend and pick fairies [Music] it's not fit for a king no [Music] but it's not fit for a king to fix cars like that not for a king i tell you that is not what king should do [Music] [Music] with bears [Music] kings are not supposed to wash dirty dishes and it's not fit for king to clean up masses i am telling you oh what are you thinking is it really proper for a king to fish for some fish and get mosquito bites [Music] in my royal absence the crown will be temporarily bestowed on queen mariana 101 it's for me i'm the queen [Music] why am i waiting when i have a kingdom to rule [Music] his royal majesty made me his new favorite queen [Music] it's not fit for a queen to use her own feet i want a queen mobile a clean ball feel [Music] [Music] you dare to raise your paw [Music] then i praise you for your service to me to the palace [Music] hmm it's not fit for a queen to have such a small house hey people all hands to the palace building [Music] huh [Music] see you can do it when i force you to okay you go and prepare a piece fit for a queen [Music] i like this a lot [Music] the people i'm ruling are actually not bad [Music] what's good for the queen is what's good for her people i am so really majestic so magnificently imperial we are ready for our royal food [Music] you must obey your clean [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] while you're getting ready to have your dinner i am being dethroned around and stuff don't you dare telling your queen to be quiet it's not fit for a queen to stand in the corner [Music] something happened to me the power has gotten to my head it's not good at all oh no [Music] i realized standing in the corner just now it's not fit for a royal to alienate their people [Music] today i'm going to tell you a very scary story after i'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still won't be able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers who you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep his batteries just wouldn't die so he decided to pass the time telling horrifying spooky stories stories about a black black hand and white white ghosts about a door to a dention a coffin on wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black hand he jumped scared in bed and looked all around and to his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long dirty and uncut disgusted the boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was sticking out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts [Music] he decided it was better to take his chances with the wolves and the strangers who he should never ever talk to he was running and screaming through the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coughing on wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was terrified he kept running and screaming suddenly he heard a loud voice coming from the coffin on wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire will come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a cat counselor's vampire voice that said i'm wondering what are you doing mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly scary tails look around you have scared them all mr blackhand climbed under his bed mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the black foot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled a joke on me the director of the whole camp but i had to chase after you up and down the camp i ran out of gas well mr scary aren't you ashamed of yourself without a doubt the boy was ashamed he was really embarrassed of his behavior so he apologized to the boys in his dorm for the scary creepy things he had said before their bedtime he also promised to buy more guests at the camp director well he will do that when he gets his first job but i guess the director didn't believe him because he sighed heavily first thing in the morning he called the boy's parents to tell him the horrible story their son had told the others about a black black hand and a coffin on wheels and the horrible trick he had played the night before for some reason only his mother was frightened his dad on the other hand was not afraid but instead he promised to handle the situation [Music] uh [Music] what you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks sit sit sit sit sit sit sit means you sit down like this sit [Music] well finally [Music] and now speak speak speak speak [Music] [Music] look here it's easy [Music] ah [Music] this is perfect [Music] have to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you will not cheat again [Music] up you go this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i did it you guys don't believe me [Music] they didn't believe me [Music] just look at them they look like me pretend to be me then no one believes the real me by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] i heard [Music] so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] hey who's there hey i must i must introduce you to a bear [Music] bear look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music [Music] ah so that is who he is yep you have to incubate it [Music] you bear have to be careful not to break the same and you and there have to break out of this egg and i'll be right back and right forth and back again [Music] so [Music] hmm hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you call this incubating to innovate you have to be in not out we're good at this [Music] maybe you should play some music [Music] so that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food [Music] what this is for kids [Music] this is what kids really like to eat [Music] oh yes [Music] and now the dance of the little penguins [Music] what a scorching heat [Music] fair he is getting hotter and hotter you need to be cooled down now [Music] we're just chilling out in here [Music] contact off you go [Music] don't be sad you'll come visit us [Music] bear look what else i found on our doorstep [Music] masha's spooky stories dear fellows today i'm going to tell you a very scary and terrible story about how one girl was afraid of doctors and the awful things that happened to her one day late late one night seema prepared some dinner to her toys from modeling clay she made black black cutlets she also made them some cream of wheat porridge she sat her dolls and began to treat them a piece for grandma a piece for grandpa one for mommy and so on in short zima had fed all the dolls for cooking and at the same time she ate herself too then it was a night seema laid in her bed but she could not sleep sima's stomach was gurgling like a swamp she should have told her mother as soon as possible but seaman was afraid that if she did her mom would immediately call the doctor and that would just be terrible it was better to suffer my stomach will be stronger for the eggs suddenly sema heard someone very close breathing hard seema got on the bed and tried to see who was there crying in the closet it seemed no one was there only the porcelain doll luisa sat in the corner and then in the moonlight sema noticed that luisa's big glass eyes were overflowing with tears suddenly someone moaned softly under siemens bed sema looked and there the teddy bear was lying and squealing oh my dummy my tummy and immediately from all sides her toys began to moan samosh got called an ambulance our stomachs are aching from your porridge and cutlets seem trembled all over what do you mean ambulance doctors this is the most terrible thing in the world if the awful doctor comes because of an emergency he'll immediately prescribe us all a terrible and bitter medicine [Music] he will make you all show your tongues and without mercy he will shove a spoon in your mouth and those who cry and resist the doctor will grab and take them away into the hospital but apparently the toys didn't care with whom or where they would go oh our bellies hurt they were crying and wouldn't quiet down and now sima's stomach was so twisted that before her eyes there were pink and blue stripes some orange spots and tons of green clouds also there were pink dragons eating donuts while flying around in the green clouds sima only had time to think look at all the donuts the dragons have eaten and then she flew somewhere else a long time or short time after sema finally woke up then she touched her stomach it didn't seem to hurt [Music] sema opened her eyes and didn't quite know how she ended up in a strange room with white walls with nothing to do sema hit the shiny button then bam the door open and the snow maiden came in all clean white and smiling [Music] well now she's going to wish me a happy new year thought seema but the snowman was not at all the snowman she was a doctor and she didn't give sema bitter medicine at all she just patted her on the head touched her tummy and told sema it would be better to eat oranges not awful inventions of clay if you hadn't eaten all this stuff you wouldn't have been rushed to the hospital today well this hospital isn't that unpleasant that seema the lady doctor isn't scary at all next time don't be afraid of her and just tell her what is wrong that is right no need to fear a doctor but a cook listen to me some of them cook without even reading a book [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] huh [Music] huh [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] all right and now we can be properly introduced [Music] oh a lovely picture now find out all about your life in the circus [Music] don't you dare to fight with a child [Music] so who are you again [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ding ding dong ding [Music] maybe he made a wrong turn [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] hey whiskers in stride we finally found you [Music] there look what a great trick we can do and we can do this and we can do this one too [Music] and even this tricky one [Music] don't you ever get lost ah such a great trick goes to waste maybe we should saw you in half [Music] while i'm on tour [Music] go pack your suitcase our circus is short of a clown [Music] tell me something sweethearts are you afraid of the dark i used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that i kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you once upon a time in the dark dark woods there loved a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening when they turned to night and the woods grew very very dark the tiny time and little bug started to become afraid one night while sitting under a leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth open went like a suitcase and there was another sharp cloth reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the dark closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out oh i'm scared scared mother please mother help me please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bug saw the animal's shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help i'm dying all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pigs to suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to her teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bug why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster i'm not a monster said the bug crying i'm a small i'm afraid [Music] then why am i not afraid as the pixie i'm also small yes but and the bugs started to whimper but look you have a bright lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough i'll have to conjure the small lantern for you waves cushion hedgehog one brush fish sponge two cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three hocus pocus lantern turn on and bam instead of having a lantern like the wood pixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug giggles he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp cloth looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid of every night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the wood pixie just before falling asleep would smile as she gazed at a bright little star as it slowly flipped from branch to branch in the silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say goodnight sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] [Music] [Music] are you it can't are you the king really oh goodness gracious it's not a proper welcome for a king it's not fit for it to arrive with no welcoming committees [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] i that's our bear allow me to escort you to his humble abode [Music] i would imagine that it's not fit for a king to just walk about [Music] it's not fit for a king to bend and pick fairies [Music] it's not fit for a king [Music] should do [Music] [Music] with bears [Music] kings are not supposed to wash dirty dishes and it's not fit for king to clean up masses i am telling you [Music] is it really proper for a king to fish for some fish and get mosquito bites [Music] in my royal absence the crown will be temporarily bestowed on queen mariana 101 it's for me i'm the queen [Music] why am i waiting when i have a kingdom to rule [Music] his royal majesty made me his new favorite queen [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not fit for a queen to use her own feet i want a queen mobile a queen ball field [Music] [Music] you dare to raise your paw [Music] and i praise you for your service to [Music] to the me hmm it's not fit for a queen to have such a small house hey people all hands to the palace building [Music] hmm [Music] see you can do it when i force you to okay you go and prepare a piece fit for a queen [Music] [Music] the people i'm ruling are actually not bad [Music] what's good for the queen is what's good for her people i am so really majestic so magnificently imperial we are ready for our royal food [Music] you must obey your queen yes [Music] whoa [Music] while you're getting ready to have your dinner i am being dethroned around and stuff don't you dare telling your queen to be quiet it's not fit for a queen to stand in the corner [Music] something happened to me the power has gotten to my head it's not good at all oh no [Music] i realized standing in the corner just now it's not fit for a royal to alienate their people [Music] today i'm going to tell you a very scary story after i'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still won't be able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers who you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep his batteries just wouldn't die so he decided to pass the time telling horrifying spooky stories about a black black hand and white white ghosts about a door to a dention a coffin on wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black hand he jumped scared in bed and looked all around and to his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long dirty and uncut disgusted the boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was taking out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts he decided it was better to take his chances with the wolves and the strangers who he should never ever talk to he was running and screaming through the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coughing on wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was terrified he kept running and screaming suddenly he heard loud voice coming from the coffin on wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire will come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a cat counselor's vampire voice that said i'm wondering what are you doing mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly scary tails look around you have scared them all mr blackhand climbed under his bed mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the black foot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled a joke on me the director of the whole camp but i had to chase after you up and down the camp i ran out of gas well mr scary aren't you ashamed of yourself without a doubt the boy was ashamed he was really embarrassed of his behavior so he apologized to the boys in his dorm for the scary creepy things he had said before their bedtime he also promised to buy more guests at the camp director well he will do that when he gets his first job but i guess the director didn't believe him because he sighed heavily first thing in the morning he called the boy's parents to tell him the horrible story their son had told the others about a black black hand and a coffin on wheels and the horrible trick he had played the night before for some reason only his mother was frightened his dad on the other hand was not afraid but instead he promised to handle the situation [Music] uh [Music] what you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks sit sit sit sit sit sit sit means you sit down like this sit well finally [Music] and now speak speak speak speak [Music] look here it's easy [Music] huh [Music] this is perfect you have to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] up you go this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i didn't you guys don't believe me [Music] they didn't believe me [Music] just look at them they look like me pretend to be me then no one believes the real me by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] oh [Music] so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] wow [Applause] wow [Music] hey who's there hey i must i must introduce you to a bear [Music] bear look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music [Music] ah so that is who he is yup you have to incubate it [Music] you bear have to be careful not to break the same and you and there have to break out of this egg and i'll be right back and right forth and back again [Music] so [Music] hmm hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you call this incubating you have to be in not out we're good at this [Music] maybe you should play some music [Music] that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food [Music] what this is for kids [Music] this is what kids really like to eat [Music] oh yes [Music] and now the dance of the little penguins [Music] what a scorching heat [Music] fair he's getting hotter and hotter you need to be cooled down now [Music] we're just chilling out in here [Music] don't be sad you'll come visit us [Music] bear look what else i found on our doorstep [Music] masha's spooky stories dear fellows today i'm going to tell you a very scary and terrible story about how one girl was afraid of doctors and the awful things that happened to her one day late late one night seema prepared some dinner to her toys from modeling clay she made black black cutlets she also made them some cream of wheat porridge she sat her dolls and began to treat them a piece for grandma a piece for grandpa one for mommy and so on in short zima had fed all the dolls for cooking and at the same time she ate herself too then it was a night sema laid in her bed but she could not sleep sima's stomach was gurgling like a swamp she should have told her mother as soon as possible but seaman was afraid that if she did her mom would immediately call the doctor and that would just be terrible it was better to suffer my stomach will be stronger for the eggs suddenly sema heard someone very close breathing hard seema got on the bed and tried to see who was there crying in the closet it seemed no one was there only the porcelain doll luisa sat in the corner and then in the moonlight sema noticed that luisa's big glass eyes were overflowing with tears suddenly someone moaned softly under seymour's bed sema looked and there the teddy bear was lying and squealing oh my dummy my tummy and immediately from all sides her toys began to moan it's got called an ambulance our stomachs are aching from your porridge and cutlets seem sema trembled all over what do you mean ambulance doctors this is the most terrible thing in the world if the awful doctor comes because of an emergency he'll immediately prescribe us all a terrible and bitter medicine he will make you all show your tongues and without mercy he will shove a spoon in your mouth and those who cry and resist the doctor will grab and take them away into the hospital but apparently the toys didn't care with whom or where they would go oh our bellies hurt they were crying and wouldn't quiet down and now sima's stomach was so twisted that before her eyes there were pink and blue stripes some orange spots and tons of green clouds also there were pink dragons eating donuts while flying around in the green clouds zima only had time to think look at all the donuts the dragons have eaten and then she flew somewhere else a long time or a short time after sema finally woke up then she touched her stomach it didn't seem to hurt [Music] sima opened her eyes and didn't quite know how she ended up in a strange room with white walls with nothing to do sema hit the shiny button then bam the door open and the snow maiden came in all clean white and smiling [Music] well now she's going to wish me a happy new year thought seema but the snowman was not at all the snow maiden she was a doctor and she didn't give sema bitter medicine at all she just patted her on the head touched her tummy and told seema it would be better to eat oranges not awful inventions of clay if you hadn't eaten all this stuff you wouldn't have been rushed to the hospital today well this hospital isn't that unpleasant that's sema the lady doctor isn't scary at all next time don't be afraid of her and just tell her what is wrong that is right no need to fear a doctor but a cook listen to me some of them cook without even reading a book [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] oh [Music] huh [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] all right and now we can be properly introduced oh a lovely picture now find out all about your life in the circus [Music] don't you dare to fight with the child [Music] so who are you again [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ding ding dong ding [Music] maybe he made a wrong turn [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] hey whiskers and strides we finally found you [Music] there look what a great trick we can do and we can do this one and we can do this one too [Music] and even this tricky one [Music] don't you ever get lost ah such a great trick goes to waste maybe we should saw you in half [Music] while i'm on tour [Music] go pack your suitcase our circus is short of a clown [Music] tell me something sweethearts are you afraid of the dark i used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that i kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you once upon a time in the dark dark woods there loved a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening one day it turned tonight and the woods grew very very dark the tiny time and little bug started to become afraid one night while sitting under a leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth open way like a suitcase and there was another sharp cloth reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the dark closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out oh i'm scared scared mother please mother help me please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bug saw the animal's shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help i'm dying all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pixie to suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to her teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bug why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster i'm not a monster said the bug crying i'm a small i'm afraid [Music] then why am i not afraid as the pixie i'm also small yes but and the bugs started to whimper but look you have a bright lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough i'll have to conjure the small lantern for you waves cushion hedgehog one brush fish sponge two cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three hulk is focused lantern turn on and bam instead of having a lantern like the wood pixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug giggles he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp claws looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid of every night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the wood pixie just before falling asleep would smile as she gazed at a bright little star as it slowly flipped from branch to branch in the silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say good night sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] [Music] are you it can't are you the king really oh goodness gracious it's not a proper welcome for a king it's not fit for it to arrive with no welcoming committee [Music] your royal magic stream come on now please go back and arrive one more time [Music] [Music] but that's our bear allow me to escort you to his humble abode [Music] i would imagine that it's not fit for a king to just walk about [Music] it's not fit for a king to bend and pick fairies [Music] it's not fit for a king [Music] should do [Music] [Music] with bears [Music] kings are not supposed to wash dirty dishes and it's not fit for king to clean up masses i am telling you oh what are you thinking is it really proper for a king to fish for some fish and get mosquito bites [Music] in my royal absence the crown will be temporarily bestowed on queen mariana 101 it's for me i'm the queen [Music] why am i waiting when i have a kingdom to rule [Music] wow [Music] his royal majesty made me his new favorite queen [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not fit for a queen to use her own feet i want a queen mobile a queen ball field [Music] you dare to raise your paw [Music] and i praise you for your service to [Music] to me palace [Music] hmm it's not fit for a queen to have such a small house hey people all hands to the palace building [Music] huh [Music] see you can do it when i force you to okay you go and prepare a piece fit for a queen [Music] [Music] i like this [Music] the people i'm ruling are actually not bad [Music] what's good for the queen is what's good for her people i am so really majestic so magnificently imperial we are ready for our royal food [Music] you must obey your clean [Music] [Music] while you're getting ready to have your dinner i am being thrown around and stuff don't you dare telling your queen to be quiet it's not fit for a queen to stand in the corner [Music] something happened to me the power has gotten to my head it's not good at all oh no [Music] i realized standing in the corner just now it's not fit for a royal to alienate their people [Music] today i'm going to tell you a very scary story after i'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still won't be able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers who you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep his batteries just wouldn't die so he decided to pass the time telling horrifying spooky stories stories about a black black hand and white white ghosts about a door to a dention a coffin on wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black hand he jumped scared in bed and looked all around and to his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long dirty and uncut disgusted the boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was sticking out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts he decided it was better to take his chances with the wolves and strangers who he should never ever talk to he was running and screaming through the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coughing on wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was terrified he kept running and screaming suddenly he heard loud voice coming from the coffin on wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire will come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a cat counselor's vampire voice that said i'm wondering what are you doing mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly scary tails look around you have scared them all mr blackhand climbed under his bed mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the blackfoot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled a joke on me the director of the whole camp but i had to chase after you up and down the camp i ran out of gas well mr scary aren't you ashamed of yourself without a doubt the boy was ashamed he was really embarrassed of his behavior so he apologized to the boys in his dorm for the scary creepy things he had said before their bedtime he also promised to buy more guests at the camp director well he will do that when he gets his first job but i guess the director didn't believe him because he sighed heavily first thing in the morning he called the boy's parents to tell him the horrible story their son had told the others about a black black hand and a coffin on wheels and the horrible trick he had played the night before for some reason only his mother was frightened his dad on the other hand was not afraid but instead he promised to handle the situation [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks sit sit sit sit sit sit sit means you sit down like this sit [Music] well finally [Music] and now speak speak speak speak [Music] and this time go fish [Music] look here it's easy [Music] ah [Music] this is perfect you have to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] [Music] christmas [Applause] [Music] up you go this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i didn't you guys don't believe me [Music] they didn't believe me [Music] just look at them they look like me pretend to be me then no one believes the real me by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] uh [Music] so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] wow [Applause] wow [Music] hey who's there hey i must i must introduce you to a bear [Music] bear look what i found on our doorstep [Music] someone really has an ear for music [Music] ah so that is who he is yep you have to incubate it [Music] you bear have to be careful not to break the same and you and there have to break out of this egg and i'll be right back and right forth and back again [Music] so [Music] hmm hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you call this incubating you have to be in not out we're good at this [Music] maybe you should play some music [Music] so that how you become a daddy we will be eating now we will be having good food now [Music] no kids don't eat this kind of food no kids don't like this kind of food [Music] what this is
Channel: Masha and The Bear
Views: 1,696,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LIVE STREAM, Masha, Masha And The Bear, Masha and Bear, Masha`s Tales, Over the Forest Border, all masha and the bear episodes, animated cartoon, bear, cartoon, cartoon live stream, cartoons for kids, english episodes, kids cartoons, live, live cartoon, live stream masha and the bear, marsha full movie bahasa Indonesia, masha and the bear 2022, masha and the bear live stream, masha and the beer, masha i medved, mawa kawa, маша, маша и мСдвСдь
Id: RvAWnvFqk5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 655min 43sec (39343 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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