🔧 HOGWARTS Legacy: Dramatically increase performance / FPS with any setup! *BEST SETTINGS* ANY PC ✅

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how's it going everyone it is panjino here and in this video we're going to be covering the optimization guide and best settings for Hogwarts Legacy in this video we're going to be aiming to give you the best FPS possible whilst maintaining a good level of visual Fidelity so the game still looks fantastic solve most of the stuttering issues with inside of the game leaving you with a smooth responsive and fluid feeling game regardless if you're running on a desktop or a laptop whether your system is ultra high-end and brand new or a few years old and relatively low end in this video we'll be going over settings which you should apply for your system and how to adjust those settings to ensure that you get the best gameplay experience for yourself and your system with all of that and more coming after a short message from today's video sponsor gamer Subs is a keto friendly zero calorie zero sugar healthier energy drink replacement offering organic caffeine electrolytes six crucial 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your door completely free of charge so you can try before you buy if you like the product consider supporting the channel today using code pangino at checkout for 10 off or alternatively using the link in the description down below and a massive thanks to gamer subs for sponsoring today's video to kick off the optimizations whether you're using Windows 10 or 11 we're first of all going to jump into some really basic Windows settings to ensure that the game has access to all the resources possible on your system first of all navigate down to the bottom left hand side click your Windows button and type GPU space settings head to the graphics settings panel in Windows 10 this can look slightly different navigate over to change default Graphics settings with inside of here on Windows 11 you should have the option for optimizations for windowed games and I would highly recommend enabling this option as Hogwarts Legacy is a DirectX 12 exclusive title meaning that it's constantly going to be running any windowed mode whether that be windowed or windowed borderless so this optimization should help for those of you with Nvidia gpus you should see an option titled Hardware accelerated GPU scheduler you don't see the option that's completely fine it's more than likely not supported on your system turn this on for a few Advanced optimizations for those of you with a little bit more time on your hands I would first of all look to set up g-sync or freesync depending on what's available for your monitor GPU and PC it's fantastic to use on slower games such as Hogwarts Legacy where FPS can fluctuate quite a bit and you'll typically be running higher settings than you would on a competitive game when setting up g-sync or freezync make sure that you do cap your in-game FPS to 3 FPS lower than your monitor's maximum refresh rate for most of you that will be 144 Hertz monitors see your cap your FPS to 141 ensure that vsync has been turned on in either your Nvidia control panel or AMD Radeon panel and vsync has been switched off in-game for the best results for those of you on Nvidia gpus and somewhat modern PCS you could actually look to force resizable bar in Hogwarts Legacy for NVIDIA gpus this is relatively simple and easy to do and I'll have a video linked down below which will show you in depth how to achieve this in a couple of minutes all you need to do is make sure that resizable bar has been enabled on your motherboard's bios if available downloading and utilizing the Nvidia profile inspector tool to then Force resizable bar on for Hogwarts Legacy and any other games on your PC when playing single player games especially where settings are usually quite high and you're playing on higher resolutions GPU load is typically high with higher GPU load comes higher temperatures to combat this I would 100 recommend applying a custom GPU fan curve to ensure that you can set your GPU fans as high as possible for your personal preference to ensure that your GPU remains cool throughout longer gaming sessions will lead to higher boost clocks for your GPU equaling better performance for longer if you're looking to dive deeper in lowering your GPU temperatures you could also look into applying a GPU undervault and there will be a guide for this coming to the channel very soon could already be out so make sure that you do check out the videos Linked In the description down below for that for those of you looking to get the absolute best FPS possible there is an advanced FPS guide in which you can follow along with which you can find on screen now and Linked In the description down below inside that video we cover Advanced FPS optimizations in which you can apply to Windows games and other settings in which you can apply to your GPU and CPU to get the absolute best out of your system all of the in-game settings we're about to cover will apply to all of you watching this video whether you're on a desktop laptop high-end or low end system press Escape go to the bottom right hand side to the settings menu we can start off with the display options on the left hand side make sure that window full screen has been selected then navigate down to your upscale type which will be the first main setting we're setting up in this video if you do have an Nvidia RTX based GPU and you can select Nvidia dlss do this with dlss selected navigate down and utilize dlss Auto this does fantastic job of detecting the resolution in which you're currently rendering the game at and your GPU and sending the option which best fits you for the performance in which you're looking for I would also recommend setting the upscale sharpness down to zero it slightly softens the image but in my opinion adds to the aesthetic of the game and leads to a better looking image afterwards if you're on a GPU which does not support Nvidia dlss but the option we're going to be going with then is AMD FSR 2.0 with mdfsr selected go down to the upscaling mode but most of you watching start off by utilizing balanced navigate down to the upscale sharpness this is personal preference but I like to set this down to zero at 4K I'm happy to go all the way down to fsr2 Performance so that's the setting I'll be going with with that set up go ahead and press escape and go back to your game whether you're utilizing AMD fsr2 or dlss at this point don't pay too much attention to the overall FPS of the game we're only going to be paying attention to how the game looks if you are happy with how the upscaling tech looks in your system fantastic if it's too blurry try adjusting the FSR setting or dlss option to one higher than what it's currently set to if you're really happy with how the game looks still you could potentially even lower the mdfsr setting you're using to something even lower I'm going to be sticking with dlss Auto with that then selected navigate down to frame generation if you're on a system that supports this and you can change the setting to on do it regardless of anything it will instantly give you a two times FPS increase due to the way the technology Works via frame insertion every other frame so if you're playing the game currently at 60fps you enable this setting you'll be getting 120 FPS instantly it won't do anything in terms of improving system latency but on a single player title like this the overall perceived smoothness is going to be increased drastically leading to a much better feeling game to quickly test and see if you can enable this setting on your GPU even if it's grayed out head into your Windows settings search for GPU space settings you should then see the option for Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling if you see that option make sure it's switched to the on position if you've switched it on now restart the system restart the game jump back into this setting if the frame generation mode is then available turn this on immediately regardless of anything next up is NVIDIA reflex low latency if you're an RTX based GPU going on if you're on a GTX based system go with on plus boost vsync I'd recommend switching off in this game as a can introduce further stuttering within side of the game and it's not recommended if you want a smoother experience utilize g-sync or freesync alongside an FPS cap I would highly recommend not utilizing the FPS cap built with inside of the game I would only use this as a last resort if you don't want to cap your FPS utilizing the Nvidia control panel or AMD Radeon panel by all means set an FPS cap but inside of it and I would recommend capping to your monitor's maximum refresh rate so 144hz go with 144 frames per second if your system supports HDR I would 100 recommend enabling this going into the image calibration mode and running through those sliders as it will greatly add to the overall experience and it will only cost you a couple of frames at most field of view is completely personal preference motion blur I wouldn't usually recommend turning this on but I find it's great here if you don't want to know turn it off depth of field again I would recommend having on to add to the overall experience but if you would like a sharper looking game go with off chromatic aberration again adds the overall aesthetic turn this off if you want a sharper looking game and I would always recommend switching film grain off make sure that your main GPU has been selected at the bottom you won't notice a massive difference in overall FPS at this point as we haven't gone through the main settings but just make sure that you are happy with the visual Fidelity of the game currently if you're happy fantastic if you're not jump back into those settings fiddle around with the motion blur depth of field and get those settings where you want them this time navigate down to the actual in-game Graphics options by default the recommended settings are going to be enabled for your GPU unfortunately though this doesn't seem to take into account the resolution in which you're playing at for the most part the in-game settings in this game are fantastic you aren't actually going to miss out on much visual Fidelity going to the lowest Graphics preset compared to ultra for nearly every single person watching this video for the quickest and easiest in-game settings take this slider set this to medium go to the bottom right and apply those settings for those of you on quite old systems or very low end systems that are struggling at this point I would 100 recommend going with the low preset and sticking with the low settings but there is a few settings in which I would adjust inside of the medium preset depending if you're on a medium end system all the way up to an ultra hind system scroll down to texture quality if you're on a medium end system stick this to medium or potentially even low if you're on a high-end system to ultra high end go with high what you then want to do is match your population quality to match the texture setting in which you've just set so for me that's high last but not least I'll navigate over to shadows I'm going to be keeping mine at Medium as these are quite taxing on performance but you could set these to match your texture setting of low or high depending on the sort of system in which you're running on we then have our Ray tracing options by all means if you want the best performance inside of this game I would 100 recommend giving up Ray tracing altogether and switching all of these settings off the FPS Boost from this is absolutely massive and I would argue that you would get a better gameplay experience from the overall smoothness of having this turned off than having this enabled but if you are someone that definitely wants to jump into Ray tracing and enable the tech these are the options which I would go with if your GPU does support Ray tracing first of all enable raytraced Reflections disable Ray traced shadows and disable ambient occlusion if you want to go for high-end Ray tracing settings you could also enable the Shadows but they do take away a lot from FPS and the ray tracing Reflections don't tax performance too heavily I would then recommend setting your ray tracing quality up to ultra if you are utilizing any Ray tracing settings otherwise even if you're on a 40 90 with frame generation enabled if you just want the highest FPS possible I would give up Ray tracing and turn all options off once completed go to the bottom right to apply settings if you've adjusted Ray tracing settings you will need to restart your game so press spacebar to accept make sure that you do have any applications closed such as Google Chrome everything that is not 100 necessary to have open on your system don't have it open if you're still looking to get better fps past this point I would 100 recommend navigating back to the graphics preset section all of your settings which are currently set to medium switch these down to low apply those settings jump back into the game and see how your performance is if you're still looking for more FPS take yourself over to the display options navigating down to your upscaling mode and try lowering this setting to something even lower until you find that fine balance of performance for your system and visual Fidelity so to go over everything for my system and what I would recommend for most people even if you're not planning on playing a 4K or you have a higher end system than me I'm going to be utilizing Nvidia dlss at Auto zero percent sharpness Reflex on vsync off frame rate uncapped but capped at 141 FPS utilizing my Nvidia control panel field of view standard motion blur on depth of field on chromatic aberration on film grain off my preset has been set to medium and I've then customized the texture quality to high population quality to high me personally I'm actually going to be switching Ray tracing off for those of you looking to make use of Nvidia dlss there is one very important step you need to look to apply the game has launched with a slightly older version of dlss version 2.3 dlss 2.5.1 is actually available and we can manually swap over that file within about 20 seconds for improvements to overall game stuttering improvements to the visual Fidelity of dlss and performance improvements in general navigate inside of the description down below to the techpowerup.com dlss link alternatively you can just Google this depending on when you're watching this video and when the video Comes live there could be even newer versions available so what I would recommend doing is downloading the latest version at the top of your screen regardless of which version it is at the time of you watching this video scroll down select the nearest server to you open up the zip folder and it should look very similar to this minimize the web browser drag this folder over to the side go to steam epic or whatever your game is installed right click on the game inside of steam head to properties local files or out go inside of engine plugins runtime Nvidia dlss binaries third-party win64. go over to the right hand side to the zip folder for the latest version of dlss you downloaded drag it into the game's version and replace the file in this destination go back to the game launcher and hit play for a few bonus optimizations in which you can test out quickly and easily to help prevent some of the stuttering issues with inside of the game first up what we can do is take ourselves to the bottom left hand side type exploit space protection enter the system settings navigate over to the program settings then select add a program to customize navigate down to choose exact file path inside of this section you need to navigate to where Hogwarts Legacy has been installed once selected navigate down to hogwartslegacy.exe then select open what we then need to do is scroll down towards the middle section where we'll be able to find control flow guard or CFG select the option to override system settings for this and we're then going to turn this off once that's been completed go to the bottom to apply that will disable core Integrity constantly scanning Hogwarts legacy.exe when it's running this is typically an issue with DirectX 12 titles so if you do experience any stutter or slowdowns on other DirectX titles definitely give that optimization a go another application fix in which we can utilize this to navigate down to Hogwarts Legacy inside of steam or any launcher go to the file directory for this by going to browse local files browse find hogwarts.exe right click have a go down to properties metability disable the full screen optimizations navigate down to change our DPI and override the high DPI scaling Behavior select OK apply and OK for those of you on an Nvidia graphics card you could also experiment around with increasing the Shader cache size for the GPU head inside of the Nvidia control panel navigate up to the adjust image settings with preview ensure the middle option has been selected then go down to apply then go to the left hand side to manage 3D settings scroll down you find Shader cache size and experiment around with increasing this from either default all the way up to 100 gigabytes or potentially unlimited this could take up more space on your local disk C drives to make sure that you do have enough space in your C drive or if you notice that your C drive is getting quite large you might want to decrease the shadow cache size but this could be helpful for Hogwarts Legacy and potentially solving some of the stuttering issues you're experiencing last but not least for an experimental fix and performance uplift we can add in additional lines into our game config files to help the game potentially run smoother if you would like to experiment around with this take yourself to the bottom left hand side search for percent app data percent then press enter go to the top to the navigation bar select app data then go to local scroll down to the H section and find Hogwarts Legacy once inside the main folder go to saved config Windows no editor find engine.ini and double click but you then need to do is scroll down to the bottom but it should end with paths in the description down below there'll be a paste bin Link in which you can simply right click all of the information with inside of the paste bin once you've copied all of that come to the bottom line of your engine.ini then just simply press Ctrl and V or right click and paste this in once completed go to the top left to file save if at any point you would like to take those optimizations out to the engine.ini and restore it back all you need to do is scroll all the way down to the bottom of the file scroll all the way up to where it says paths equals and everything underneath this just simply remove and there you guys have it if you have enjoyed this video please do consider leaving a like and let me know of your results down in the comment section down below and the graphics presets and specs in which we're using if you have enjoyed this content consider checking out the two videos on screen now for further fps optimizations to your PC and I'll see you over there
Channel: Panjno
Views: 141,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy fps boost, hogwarts legacy settings, hogwarts legacy optimization, hogwarts legacy fps fix, hogwarts legacy pc settings, hogwarts legacy fps, hogwarts legacy best settings, best hogwarts legacy settings, best hogwarts legacy settings for fps, best graphics settings for hogwarts legacy, best pc settings for hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy settings guide, hogwarts legacy pc optimization, hogwarts legacy fps increase, hogwarts legacy fps drops pc, hogwarts fps
Id: Fwycb-3aH80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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