🔥 Gas Welding with Filler Wire

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welcome to worldcom we've had a lot of people comment we did a oxy-acetylene Welding and I put some stuff out about oxy acetylene welding and people seem to really enjoy it and they like the looks of it everything I just want to show you how simple it is and how fun it is I want to do part of this with no filler wire I just want to float this weld pool and then the last part of it a lot of people have asked Oh what are you using for filler wire if you use one and we use RG 65 it's just a plain oxy-acetylene filler wire this is 1/16 you know we joke around about doing stuff with baling wire and coat hangers and all kinds of stuff I don't have a good wire coat hanger I haven't seen one in years but I guarantee you we used to do a lot of stuff with just coat hangers anything clean them up a little bit betting wire is kind of fun it's soft and pliable so let me let me get my gloves and my my shield on here and we'll tack these up and have some fun be right back welcome back I have bead blasted this is 3/16 material and you know it's pretty rusty crusty stuff but it's okay I'm pretty sure we did the last demo on the same type of material I went ahead and bead blasted him I should probably take care of that with a sander but it's been sheared so I'm gonna I'm gonna leave it alone easily clean these up with the grinder do not want to be welding on rust this is kind of like tic welding you really want to clean things up I want to set these up with maybe just a whisper of gap so I'm probably going to light my torch and put a little dot right here on the corner and set these up over here where I can create this corner joint so you can see I've got my filler wire that's kind of fun I guessed at that what did I miss by eight of an inch all good things I'm using a number two tip today I have my pressure set at 3 acetylene five on the oxygen again just for review three types of flames associated with oxy-acetylene carburizing neutral oxidizer we like neutral flames around here for most everything we do I have this sitting right on the table so that means I'm gonna get the table nice and hot and on then I'll forget about it and stick my hand on under something I'm gonna lean things up on the fire brick here and just clicking and I get that free heat tone right down to within about 1/16 or so away from the material and just put a dot on there that way when I set these up I should be able to make this just wash over just a little bit and the liquid weld pool will jump across [Applause] and if that didn't happen I want to go to plan B and lean the far tip that I have in my nan porch hands you notice I didn't I didn't jump when the Jesus came on I'm gonna go to plan B lean this up on the brick and I am gonna add some kilowatt mmm [Applause] I'm gonna go clean this I'll be right back I want to start out and see if I can't make this go I may need it go to a bigger tip yet but I want to see if I can make this go without filler wire first so I'm gonna reheat my tack there we go home this material is not I'm looking inside the molten part on the edges and I've got a little bit of scum floating on here so for the most part it's doing what it's supposed to do but this material was not the best to start with we wanted to keep it real and grab some stuff that we would probably have laying around our shop it's moving it's just a little sluggish is all I'm gonna go up in another inch and a half or so and I am just moving this back and forth enough to heat the edge up make it kind of melt and fall back into the weld pool the weld is actually coming out a little flat and that's okay but we're teaching ourselves here to manipulate the very end of this sort real close to TIG welding just using a different heat source you can think of the end of this flame has been the tipping assumption for the most part we're heating up a larger area obviously than we would be with - tungsten arc welding and I'm gonna stop right there I want to turn the part over and start from the bottom and come up with filler wire and then we'll compare the two I really don't think I want to grab a hold of that I thought I had a pair of pliers over here I bet that camera girl ran off with them somewhere okay we're gonna start out and do the same thing but I'm gonna I want to see if I can't get this to go a little quicker I don't expect things to clear out as far as the Ione you call it pond scum or whatever was floating in there but it should be a little rounder in the weld area since I'm adding filler wire I do want to go with a little stronger flame and just barely get that settling whisper on the end of it throughout here freehand for sure hopefully we don't have any big pops I'm thinking we will though judging from this sparkle show that's starting to come up so we progressed up the weld a little quicker by adding filler wire and I had a stronger flame man if you don't stay warm on a cold winter day do some gas welding that's not bad super saturated with heat let me go cool this off and I'll I'll run a bead a wire wheel on it real quick and we'll compare the ride back I went and cooled this off and I walked over to the pedestal grinder that has the big wire wheel on it very lightly very lightly buffed this off I thought this was you know I was flat down here and I really started getting the hang of it as things started progressing up here I like this up here because it's nice and round and since we were adding filler wire that's what we should get this stayed pretty flat but a real nice ripple pattern in it again when you're not having a filler wire in your hand you could you know you can kind of stay real steady when you're out here in space I was moving a little bit but you know to put stuff together I used to build a lot of stuff when I first started welding this is what I was introduced to I teach it here at the college at the same time as gas tungsten arc welding because it's the same hand-eye coordination and torch manipulation and we'd built some cool stuff with it thin wall tubing some all I'd say up to like eight inch I remember building duck blinds for some of the school administrators avid duck hunters and we built some kind of created some projects and put it all together with oxy-acetylene that was kind of fun I think I mentioned in the past I've repaired artwork around town here that was put together back in the 40s or 50s and it rusted out it's supposed to be rusted but it didn't last forever and I actually sat down here in the shop and repaired it all with oxy-acetylene so you know what can you put together with it well you can put together some pretty big stuff people still use oxy-acetylene for or I want to say bit tipping building things up putting carbide on things for wear-resistant still useful yeah it's a little slow but still I think it's fun it's old-school and I'm all about the old-school stuff so yeah I hope this helped it was educational if you have questions about anything anything I can help with please contact us thanks for watching well calm Bob Moffat with Kali college I try and do like mrs. Doubtfire hello
Channel: Weld.com
Views: 241,735
Rating: 4.8923283 out of 5
Keywords: welding, weld.com, mig monday, tig time, how to weld, learn how to weld
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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