OLD SKOOL!! Oxy-Fuel Welding (with @mancubwelder)

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hey guys happy Monday today we're gonna kick it old school I got some drawings to work on and the meantime mancubs gonna keep you guys entertained with some oxy fuel welding on square groove butt joints have fun hey guys today we're gonna be using a oxy fuel torch doing a little gas loading right here open root square but on carbon steel so I already clean a mill Scott mill scale off right here guys you see it I did on both sides just a little coupons would cut out on the quickie plasma table we had scrap laying around someone bring this up to here I'm gonna use it eighth inch filler I like my my gap eighth inch so my set this pot right in here said that just like that all this is is a eighth inch filler wire took off of like er 70s - six just clip half of it and just bent it then uh I'm one kilo weight right here so when I'm tacking this won't push back so make sure these plates are even up here I pull this filler wire out that moved a little bit and I want to make sure I'm maintaining this eighth inch cuz if you don't maintain that eighth inch your gaps gonna close up and you won't get penetration you'll get may see lack of fusion on there on the brute side so I'm gonna like this torch up we're gonna get our gear on and I'm ready basically put to tax right here quarter inch quarter inch of 3/8 on one side and I keyhole at the end then I'm gonna flip it around and quarter it in a basically same thing quarter into three eighths all right number three tip right here I got to split I only open two acetylene and the reason you could tell just open the selling is you see the smoke coming out right here so we want to slowly open the oxygen before we do that we got to put these number four lens number four shades on so we're gonna put them on the reason we gotta wear these because we can't see that neutral flame properly because it's so bright so we're gonna open the oxygen very slowly it gets it's very sensitive so you're gonna bring this back see how it's coming back it's coming back it's got a long feather right now and see that cone is shaping out so that's little bit too much cheap for me I'm going to bring it back like three sixteenths to a quarter inch then we'll close my oxygen a little bit that's how I like mine about three sixteenths quarter inch so right there that's why I like I tack a little warm so I want my edges melding good and melt that edge of that plate so we're ready to weld here I'm going to put two tacks and go to quarter inch quarter inch to 3/8 on one side when I stop won't leave a keyhole there and I'm gonna flip the plate around and do the same thing quarter inch quarter inch to 3/8 keyhole well make sure I'm comfortable I'm gonna hold this torch ad 90 this way and we'll go about 35 to 40 so I'm gonna sit here one about this cone eighth inch to uh anythings away from the base note here we'll come over here and eat this just start seeing these plates melt all right see how it's melting right there add that filler wire in it's gonna take a little while heat it up it gets too hot just pull away or turn your heat down you only got two options here so I'm going to increase my angle try to keep your tip right at the center all you gotta do just all right guys you notice there was some popping there it can be two things I already checked my settings that's one number two is dirty tip so I'm going to go ahead and grab a torch tip cleaners and go ahead clean all the debris out I got this tax right here I'm gonna come over here I usually flip this around I like running Mike I like running like running into a keyhole when I'm stopping so I'm not eight inch right here I want to open it up to eighth inch so I'm gonna grab this wedge and we'll beat it open a little bit we're a cinch cuz I want to maintain that eighth inch if I don't maintain that eighth inch it's gonna close up on me and I won't get no penetration take a little bit close you ask if you're consistent you're gonna have a good consistent weld if you're not consistent your welds gonna be ugly not have penetration it's gonna look bad so go ahead grab this torch light up and we're gonna go ahead tack this quarter inch 3/8 tack someone turn this acetylene on like this turn the oxygen back on we're gonna get a neutral flame again I usually have an eighth inch 3/16 cone so we're going to sit here in tack this place I want to have a neutral zero this way about thirty degrees angle this way all right come over here about the edge of the plate and make sure it's nothing real good keep it eight things away your tip add that filler metal window we're just gonna bridge it across is come on this side note this plate slow so wait just wait for it I'll stay here and just go about 4 inch 3/8 well mixer is always appeal there before I let off I want to make sure there's a good keyhole so I always want to run into a good keyhole I'm gonna start by a things back from this keyhole I'm going to warm up the plate see how there's a keyhole we want to try to keep this keyhole about an eighth inch away or stick out the cone this is nice and slow got read just a little bit here if my angle is of my torts wrong I started tugging the other side of plate keep 8th inch away see that keyhole you want to keep that you know you're breaking the walls down good all right all right it's nice and slow take your time see how that keyholes hugging the plate towards me it means I gotta Center my torch up to the center of the joint so that keyholes needs to be in the center which I always keep 3035 degrees are 35 to 40 excuse me yeah barely add your filler wire I'm using r6e filler wire how you use 45 but this what we had laying around the shop all right I always try to keep a key hold when there's a key hole you know you're breaking down your walls good all right dip it in the leading edge of puddle to keep my filler rod about this angle all right I'm coming up to the end you see right there so I'm going to kind of heat up this whole area and what make sure it's all melted do a little circle see how it's all melting then I want to add filler wire in there the adding filler wire you keep adding it build it up all right then when I move forward a little bit and we're gonna pull pull away there's our root so I'm gonna flip this over a pair of pliers it's hot remember flip it over and we're gonna inspect our root either take a wire brush and clean it or get get all the mill scale flakes off so overall it looks alright I got a couple spots that wasn't penetrate all the way through the race now I got that is my gap closed up I noticed I need to maintain at least an eighth inch with that filler rod this filler rod right here our spacer will drop through there so next time I'll make sure I maintain that eighth inch or turn might need up I can do that also so we're gonna flip this back over always use pliers don't use your gloves you're gonna mess your gloves up almost straightness back out so I'm a wire brush and clean this up then we're gonna run out either a single pass or two bead cap so I'll probably right here I'll probably use a 3/32 rod and do little manipulation and fill that up right there because just a little bit below the base metal so I'm gonna grab 332nd rod and one this you could do either one pass or to pass so I'm gonna do a single pass low we've put little manipulation back and forth like little baby circles someone get on the edge of the plate make sure puddle is hitting both of the sides of the baseball here it's a little traffic pattern having just dipping it in pull it back out I'm waiting for a little bit we want to bring that second bead works above the base metal here it's nice and slow so you want to do like this your beats should be a little bit wider than the previous world it's slow III well I like to move slow but this is how I got taught so I'm going to do it just like this here they could do a single bead fast like this or you could do a double two little small ones make sure you're tying in them on the sides really good all right increased my angle a little bit always cool your plate down in between passes hopes it from getting overheated creak that plug back again alright never melt your filler wire always get your base metal for no at first all right I'm just dabbing in the leading edge of the puddle if you guys don't have a torch if you guys don't have a welding rig at home or stick machine Meg or anything this is pretty strong and get away with this do exhaust you do a whole bunch of different things with this it's plate skiing a little warm at the end so I'm gonna pull back let it cool down come back in create that puddle again my edge is a little low there someone add a little bit that's it alright make sure your torch is always off your gas is off you want to waste your guess what take them off put my glasses on you always wanna have your safety glasses on and the stuff is hot come back and get right on your eye so we're just winging this up it's actually pretty good it's not bad just all cleaned up pretty good so that's it guys so any little practice I haven't done it since oh nine but I mean getting the concept and doing it you're fine just repetition over and over then you'll be really good back to Jason guys well guys still with us thanks for watching make sure to LIKE and subscribe to the channel follow us on Facebook and Instagram and until next time make every well better than your last okay when you do it you gotta keep a straight face when it lacks all right [Applause]
Channel: Weld.com
Views: 96,900
Rating: 4.8208709 out of 5
Keywords: welding, weld.com, mig monday, tig time, how to weld, learn how to weld
Id: veInbSZ_-qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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