πŸ”₯ 2024 PC Gaming is Cheap! πŸ”₯ $750 &, $1200 1440p Build, $1900 4K | Best PC Build 2024 February

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welcome back to PC Builder I'm Jason this is our first episode of our best gaming PC build 2024 series and it's February we have seen four four new gpus launched and we've seen some big price cuts across the GPU market and component prices continue to go down making 2024 another great year to build a gaming PC we've got three amazing builds in this video a $750 1440p gaming PC build is absolutely going to rock a 240 HZ 1440p gaming PC build for just $1,200 and we've got a mega $1900 4K premium build with an RTX 470 TI super remember if you get value out of this video give it a like makes a huge difference to the channel and of course subscribe click that Bell icon that way you get notified when we release cool content hey with that let's jump into it before that this video is sponsored by vipd key say goodbye to crazy expensive Windows 10 licenses and that terrible activate Windows 10 Watermark right now use the links in the video description head over to vipd key and get a Windows 10 home or Pro OEM license for a great price pick your product license then use the PC Builder discount code pc25 for an additional 25% off go to the activation settings on your PC put in the code and boom you have a fully licensed Windows 10 for a crazy low price which can be upgraded for free to Windows 11 use the links in the video description below let's jump in that $750 1440p gaming PC build in 2024 that's right $750 1440p you're going to get leas 60 FPS and some of these gpus I'm going to show you you can do quite a bit better than that let's talk a little bit about the overall build though because you can actually do this for around $700 we'll show you some ways to kind of cut some Corners if you don't have quite that much money and I will say I just hit Refresh on this thing the SSD price popped up to $56 and that is actually the cheapest one tab mvme SSD out there so yeah if you're thinking about building a gaming PC in 2024 I wouldn't wait too long especially all the gpus are out the mostly CPUs out but the SSD and the RAM prices are more than likely going to keep going up and they've gone up pretty steeply let's jump in this build let's start off where else the GPU you're going to have four different options right now at least at the beginning of 2024 I want to start with the one that I really strongly prefer that is the RX 6700 XT 12 GB GPU there's also the 6750 XT 12 GB GPU $335 up to about $370 now I've allocated $330 for the GPU because some of the gpus are a little bit cheaper but this is the one I would pull the trigger on probably going away in at least in the US pretty quickly the GPU that's replacing it and I've actually used in the build itself is the RX 7600 xt6 Gaby $329 you actually get a pretty good card for this I I'm not enthralled with $329 but honestly $750 build 10 20 bucks one way or the other is not going to kill you on the GPU and this does have 16 gigb of vram you know is it going to be useful versus a 12 we can argue about that but it does have av1 encoding and while av1 encoding is not widespread right now as a time I'm filming this widespread support should be hitting this year in 2024 so we should see that on Twitch which is on YouTube Etc on the Intel side you've got the arc a770 just something to consider does have 16 gigs vram it's about $300 you can find a couple different models in there fact that bifrost one often comes down to like $279 $100 off at time so just keep your eye on that I will say Arc another massive driver update another massive bump in terms of their performance but you know there's still a little bit of fussy cards and day one game support not quite there yet of course on the Nvidia options you just don't have much at this price point because their cheapest 16 or 12 plus gigabyte GPU is the RTX 362 gab it's $280 to $300 and then you got to go up almost $450 for the 460 TI 16 GB but this is your Nvidia option they're still out there if you want them let's talk about those gpus in terms of their performance let's start off with the lowest performance one which is the RTX 360 now this is Tech spot 76 600 XT review so relatively fresh data and this is a 12 game average at 1440p across a wide range of titles that are pretty tough to run at ultra settings so you can always turn things down to high of course this is think of this as your like minimum FPS you're going to get most titles you're going to get quite a bit more the RTX 360 good for just about 60 FPS down there 12 gigs of vram I do like it there especially over the 6650 XT which is only 8 gigs of vram but coming up we got the arc a770 63 average FPS no slouch pretty good 1% lows as well at 52 there but I really do like that 6700 XT 76 average FPS 64 and 1% lows kind of just different performance here than everything else but it is selling through it may not exist much longer at least new you probably continue to find it used and then we've got the 7600 XT 67 average FPS not that far away 57 on the 1% lows look at the difference on the 1% lows between the 7600 XD the 7600 with 8 GB and the RTX 460 with only 8 GB it's a golf an absolute golf do not buy 8 GB gpus in 2024 especially for 144b gaming let's jump to the rest of the build now honestly the best CPU for gaming right now at the budget level continues to be the rising 5600 for $131 after the promo code here that is an insane value yes you could look at the I5 12400 F it's about 20 bucks more and then the b660 motherboards are also more and it's the same performance I would stick with this this is an insanely performative gaming CPU you can save a little bit of money here by going like with the ryzen 50500 or the I3 1200f I probably would spend the $40 or $50 you're going to see the level of performance at the gpus that we're talking about here and it comes with an included stock cooler that's absolutely adequate for it and that's what we're going to go with today for the mother board unfortunately my favorite board seems to be sold out right now which is the azrock b550m Pro 4 however the gigabyte b550m ds3h AC that means it comes with Wi-Fi on the board $99 right now absolutely great board in future you can put a 5700 x3d a 5800 x3d on this board as well you can get going right now for $99 for the ram we're not going to do anything special here it's this ddr4 3200 cl16 if you want to spend $15 more dollars you there's a g skill kit I'll link down in the video description this 3600 C 16 give you a very slight bump in performance honestly I probably put it into replacing the stock cooler instead but this is a great kit of ram you can get the RGB version for not much more for theop you just want to get the cheapest nvme SSD you can right now I that's the crucial P3 honestly these drives are going up in price pretty rapidly this drive and similar drives last year and not even that far last year but like as recently as the holidays and Black Friday we're going for like 40 bucks sometimes down in the $30 range so they've almost I want to say come up like 50 60% in price and we are expecting and we are being warned that SSD and RAM prices probably will see yet another bump in prices so if you need an SSD for your build I would go ahead and pick one up for the case I went with a bit Phoenix Nova mesh amazing case it's got three included argb fans you can get it either all white or all black and it comes with a mesh front panel it comes with a great top we did our 7600 and 7800 XT build in this recently and it's a phenomenal case I just can't understand how they make this so cheap for the power supply I just went with the MSI mag a550 BN that's $50 watt $49 you can get the 650 watt for like 10 bucks more if you want to just kind of leave yourself a little bit of headro in the future to pick up a bigger CPU or GPU combo but this is phenomenal value right now for $49 it's CTI rated on the PSU cultist list not much more to say other than grab it so all told there's our 700 well now $760 1440p gaming PC build depending on the GPU you pick and the CPU you pick this can get as little as like $680 or it can go up just a little bit to more like 775 either way you're getting a phenomenally performative 1440p gaming PC in 2024 let's jump through some great gaming monitor deals budget 1440p gaming monitors in 2024 if you haven't watched our best gaming monitor 2024 video we go through all this but let me pick out a couple of my absolute favorites right now especially if you're doing that $750 build or $700 version of it these are great mons to pair with it because they're so cheap but they're so performative starting off with the ASRock Phantom not going to say all that nonsense up there it's a curved VA 1440p 165 HZ panel it's been reviewed it's absolutely phenomenal it's very bright 550 nits by the way comes with cable management too it comes with a Wi-Fi antenna it basically ASRock is this is their first generation of gaming monitors they're buying name recognition by selling these things probably below cost right now so check these monitors out they are phenomenal values of course if you're looking for flat IPS instead my recommendation at the budget level continues to be the AC Nitro XV 271 U $199 it's it would come up just about 10 bucks from where it was at1 189 but $199 it's still an automatic buy especially if you're on a budget and you want flat IPS I will only say this about it it's it's 250 nits of brightness if you feel like that's not quite enough for you there's a 300 nit version It's the xv272u but it's going to cost you another 40 bucks so if you can live without that i' I'd pocket the money I'll leave both of them linked down in the video description either one is a phenomenal value let's jump in that $1,150 1440p 240 HZ gaming PC build in 2024 let's just call it $1,200 1440p 240 HZ 2024 gaming PC build because honestly I see a couple deals in here that may not be live when you go to buy this stuff so I'm going to give you about $45 basically to kind of come up to that $1,200 at $1,200 it's a phenomenal performer absolutely phenomenal performer you will not find better let's start off where else let's start off with the GPU honestly to me at this price point you really have one option if if you haven't seen our best GPU for gaming 2024 video we go through this in great detail but at about the $ 500ish price point get an RX 7800 XT 16 GB just don't even consider the 470 look if you absolutely have to have Nvidia for whatever reason I would probably pick up the 470 or 470 super as my alternative it just feels really bad to only get 12 gigs of vram for about5 to $600 in 2024 especially we know games like Allen wake 2 and other on relase titles May Eat up more than 12 gigs of vram even at 1440p on high settings on release now eventually some of these games do get patched and the vram usage gets optimized and goes down but when the game comes out you want to be able to play it and 16 gigs of vram is going to give you that freedom right now I really like the gigabyte gaming OC one that's the one we have that's the one that Tech testers separate Outlet tested and found that is probably one of the better performers in terms of the cooler you have a lot more overclocking Headroom if you actually want to go ahead and overclock it there and just MSRP model too so it's just kind of all around a great one the azrock Challenger one looks really nice though it's got some tasteful RGB on it it's a Twan slightly shorter model there's a number of these you can pick up right around for $499 up to about $520 depending on if you want the like the white one the azrock one things like that let's talk about performance because it's basically going up against the RTX 4070 super and the 4070 the 4070 super right now selling for 600 bucks basically $100 more and the 470 nons super still selling for like $40 or $50 more than the 7800 XT which to me is just Bonkers it should be a cheaper GPU it's got less vram it has less performance I don't know what Nvidia is really trying to pull there other than the 4060 TI would also have to drop in price as well and I don't think they want to reshuffle all those prices right now this is texbo RTX 4070 super review so very very fresh data here you can see the 470 super yes rasterized performance slight layout performance actually pretty decently on the 7800 XT it's about 12% but again the 12 gigs of vram is the real problem with the 4070 super just like it was with the 4070 TI there's nothing wrong with the 4070 TI 12 GB performance in terms of the frames it can push the problem is when it exceeds the vram buffer you introduce an artificial ball neck there and games either crash they don't load textures you're just not going to be able to get the same gaming experience and it's kind of frustrating because it could have been easily avoided by adding more vram to these gpus but this is the market we have and I would go with the 7800 XT here these are hard to run titles at ultra settings like the last this part one you're getting almost 100 FPS even at those crazy crazy settings you're going to get tons and tons of frames with titles like csgo and other kinds of firstperson Shooters out there I ledge punch through the rest of the build honestly The Horizon 7600 or 7600 X which everyone is cheaper we're going to do away with the included stock coolers don't even worry about getting the stock cooler not getting it right now unfortunately it was at Amazon it is sold out at Amazon at $199 you can't even get it shipped from Amazon or sold from Amazon right now backordered New Egg I'm fingers crossed you can get this the 7600 X is just about $20 more so again I've given you a little bit of cushion this is a phenomenal performative gaming CPU this is really what I would get the 13 600k the 14 600k have gone back up in price are almost $300 not worth it absolutely not worth it unless you need a hybrid gaming system and massive production professional level production machine otherwise 7600 is also very capable of any of those tasks as well way more than the 5600 or any of the previous six course this is the gaming CPU that I would focus in on 7800 X3 to me it's almost $200 more that's money you could dump into your GPU I probably would stay away from that at this price point you can always upgrade to an 8,800 X or 9800 x3d whenever they come out either later this year or later next year we are going to do away with that included stock cooler it's just basically not really going to cut it for the 7600 it's okay but for 20 bucks come on $20 let's get this I've done the all white thing by the way the thermalite Assassin 120 SE obvious obviously all the stuff I'm going to show you also comes in Black if you want to go a different direction on that I just happen to like all white builds because that's the one that we recently built this is a great a phenomenal cooler $20 if you want to go Alternatives out there I'll list a couple down in the video description as well like the Deep cool AG uh 400 allwhite one that we used I really like that cooler as well for the motherboard there's a lot of really good b650 options right now anywhere from about $120 up to about $160 I went ahead and went with the azrock B 650m pro RS now the Wi-Fi version of this unfortunately looks like it literally just sold out as I started to film this because I was going to go with that it was only $10 more for $139 but for $129 you can do this otherwise you can always get a Wi-Fi dongle on and I'm sure that board will come back into stock but this is this phenomenal one especially if you don't need Wi-Fi it's got tons of rear panel connectivity to it the vrms are super solid you will be able to put a super high core count CPU on this in the future it's got the bio slashback for you pretty much it's got everything that you need for the ram hey look at this silicon power ddr5 32 GB kit now this is 6,000 seal 30 speed this is what you want to get and it's an RGB kit it's nice tasteful white Kit the team group kit that I often recommend right now is more like $110 you can also look for there's a gskill uh kit as well the tri Neo Z5 out there also with RGB another great kit for about $112 so anywhere between about100 and about $115 you can find a number of ddr5 6000 se30 32 GB kits and that's what I would grab for the drive again I'm just going cheap on the nvme here there's no reason to do anything other than that if you're just gaming if you're going to do super high level performance stuff then yes invest more in your SSD otherwise when SSD prices go up like this and there's a big gap between the higher performance and regular performance ones I don't see any reason to spend the extra money if once it exceeds like 2030 $40 The crucial P3 is plenty one tab for gaming you will never notice the difference for the case look you have a lot of options here for the microatx form factor I really do like the Deep cool CC 360 I think it's cool looking case bit Fenix Nova MH that we just did in our previous build also an option here three included argb fans glass side panel to it it's got good build quality good airflow to it overall just a really nice case for about 60 bucks for the PSU good news is these are lower power draw components I mean the 7800 XT does draw more power than the 4070 but the 7600 ryzen 7600 really really super power efficient CPU you really only need about 650 Watts but unfortunately for whatever reason 650 watt just seems to not be really there in the market I was looking for B tier or a tier on the PSU cultist list I found the gigabyte uh ud750 GM very good units B tier rated it's not pcie Gen 5 or anything like that but you don't need that for this build I would just pick this up for $85 so there it is all told $1,155 right now and again if if the CPU discount isn't there and you got to spend another 20 or 30 bucks on that some of the other discounts aren't there you could probably get this done easily for $1,200 and you're going to get a phenomenally performative 1440p gaming PC capable of driving 240 Herz in all those competitive titles at competitive settings at 1440p which is really really insane for 2024 especially when you think about how far we've come $1,200 just a couple years ago would not have got you anywhere near this level performance so for me two thumbs up let's jump into some great 1440p 240 HZ gaming monor deals right now now honestly the 240 HZ continues to just be all over the place but there are some really good values right now and I absolutely love the AOC CQ 27 G3 Z 27 in 1440p 240 HZ curve VA panel really reminiscent to the Samsung Odyssey G7 which I used to call the best gaming Hunter on the planet just really really nice motion handling great color gamut to it$ 299 are so tough to beat if you are looking for flat IPS good news is the gigabyte M27 q-x back at its normal price of $3.99 had been sold out forever since it came into stock and honestly its competitors right now are also kind of all sold out so you really can't find any flat IPS much less than $400 that's not a bad price right now for it and I'd probably pick it up for that if you're looking for something even more premium yeah the Samsung Odyssey G6 has replaced The Odyssey G7 in its lineup basically it's a 240 HZ curv VA panel it's got amazing motion handling it's got the great response times to it and it's got everything that made the G7 really really good I there's some slight panel differences really nothing to write home about $4.49 you can actually pick up the 32in version for $490 that's maybe the best value let's jump to that $1900 4K premium build in 2024 and you are going to get amazing frame rates you're going to get amazing visuals from this four and I finished out at $1,874 so about $25 difference now this is a super premium build it's got liquid cooling it's got other things I'll show you some areas if you want to shave off about $100 you could do that pretty easily here including at the GPU may even shave off another $100 I'll show you that in just a moment in fact let's start off with that GPU what are my options here well honestly I I really like the RTX 470 TI super I went through this in our best GPU for gaming 2024 video again I'll leave it link down in the video description at 4K if you intend to play at 4K then dlss that's where that really gets leveraged uh rate tracing this is a good card for rate tracing cuz 16 gigs of vram that was the problem with the 4070 TI was only 12 gigs of v it wasn't the rasterized raw performance it was the artificial 12 gigabyte bottleneck so we've kind of opened that up now with 16 gigs and listen $7.99 it's not terrible price to me this is what the 4080 should have been from the beginning about an $800 card at this level of performance with 16 gigs of vram but I do want to tell you I went in to check the 7900 XT price and wow look at that look at that $6.99 that's spicy AMD is really getting spicy here with the price cuts on the 7900c I think they're beginning to react they're probably seeing some initial Market data on how all this is selling versus their cards and if we see this coming in $699 this is a good model too the sappire pulse is a very very good model so this could portend bigger price cuts to come by AMD in order to compete at $6.99 yeah it's tough to say let's take a look at some of the performance data here I mean here's the 12 game average from Tech spot now this is the RTX 470 TI super review God I I hate the name I love the card you can see though at 4K the 7900 XC does outperform it not by a ton but pretty good now these are really tough to run games at ultra settings so if you turn them to high you're going to get an amazing uh experience obviously you can turn on dlss number of these titles as well you can turn on FSR obviously for 7900 XT as well and you're going to get pretty good performance in addition to that and I do like the LSS and FSR upscaling at 4K doesn't really help at 1440p and doesn't even really exist at 1080p the other thing I will say is really interesting if we kind of rewind a little bit 470 super versus 7800 XT three FPS difference wow that just shows you the 7,000 series does perform better as the resolution goes up versus the 4,000 series from Nvidia it was exactly the opposite last generation that being said I still like the ti super 70ish FPS is pretty good I could see someone going with the 7900 XT if you don't really care about Ray tracing though let's punch to the rest of the build honestly at this price point ryzen 7800 x3d I just Intel just can't really compete the 14700 K possibly worth looking at here it's the same price as CPU the motherboards are a little bit more expensive the coolers you need a bigger cooler you're going to need a bigger power supply for this so you're going to spend a lot of money Elsewhere on it and if you have like super highlevel professional production workloads out there yeah but honestly if you're just an amateur or you just want to do regular video editing this is still an8 core CPU this is still going to kick some butt 7800 x3d is just really to me the hands down Choice it's way easier to cool it's going to give you higher gaming performance uh with with fast gpus and I actually think this is an appropriate level of GPU to pair the 7800 x3d and just plunk down the extra 200 bucks for the CPU for the motherboard we're just going to go with it amsi mag b650 tomok Wi-Fi I decided to go a little bit more premium on the motherboard you could use one of those cheaper like $1 15130 boards no problem with this CPU that's the great thing about it but I decided let's get something with a little bit more premium features to it looks cool the Mac blat this is the MSI mag Tomahawk if you like the assus stricks the white one the B 650-a board out there it's like $218 right now $220 another good alternative there's a number of really really good Alternatives right around $210 to about $230 out there this is one I really like the ram we went with my tforce Delta kit I can never get away from this kit now the the price has come up about $20 about $20 since I started recommending it you know late last year but it's probably because it was so much cheaper than all the other ddr5 6000 cl30 32 gigabyte kits out there it's RGB it's never done me wrong and in fact the last kit I got I believe had Expo timings on it in addition to the XMP remember there's no difference for uh for ryzen 7000 between Intel XMP and ryzen XO timings you can use either one the boards are all set up to use either one it's just a lookup table basically $19 is great or you can go with a cheaper kit for the cooler I really like the vetru v240 liquid CPU Cooler 240 M we used the 360 version in our 7800x 3D build when it launched worked really well nice and quiet I like the look of it that was an all white one I went with a black theme build this time so I selected the black one it worked really really well kept the 7800 x3d nice and cool $65 is an insanely cheap price two thumbs up for the drive I just went with something simple here silicon power 2 tbte unfortunately drives with Dam on them are like 4 or 50 bucks more now we are seeing price inflation in the SSD Market hit pretty rapidly remember for gaming there's really no difference for most of you out there you're not going to notice the difference between a dless drive like this and a drive with Dam unless you are moving tons and tons of files out there all the time in in a more professional setting so I would snap up something like this $15 while you can still get them listen for the case there's a lot of options out there right now this is a pretty good $95 after the promo code the Deep cool ch56 we did our uh 7950 a and 490 video editing build in the white version this case the digital so it has the digital readout on it it's only like 20 bucks more for the digital if you want to do that really really good and and they look amazing it's all meshed that comes these are 140 mm fanes are great if you don't like deep cool for whatever reason the lean Lee Land cool 216 also on sale right now I think it's like $95 another really really good option out there to look at for the power supply I went with the Deep cool PQ 850m this is a I believe it's B tier on the PSU culus list possibly a tier $99 right now for $ 850 wats which is two thumbs up psus uh some of the psus I had been recommending seem to have sold through during the holidays they haven't either come back on the market maybe they're not coming back we'll see in the meantime this is one of the models that I am keeping my eye on especially $850 Watts for $99 right now is pretty good option so like I said all told $1,874 111 if you want to get a cheaper motherboard if you want to go air cooling instead and if you want to get the 7900 XT it's a $100 difference right there so if you want to save a couple hundred bucks and come a little bit closer to like $1,650 you probably could do that out there but for $1,874 you're going to get an insanely performative and amazing looking gaming PC out there capable of pushing really high frame rates capable of doing high-end rate tracing if that's your jam able to take advantage of all the dlss and all the kind of great feature set out there so I absolutely love this build let's jump in some great 4K options out there and honestly 4K gaming monitors continue to fall in price and I absolutely love the MSI mag 274 UPF now this is a 27 in most of the other 4K monitors are 28 in so slightly larger but $3.99 3.99 I mean that's the price of 240 HZ 1440p right now you can get 4k 144 Herz great panel here by MSI if you do want that extra inch in the 28 the MSI mag 281 URF actually slightly better picture quality too I believe so 144 Herz refresh rate 449 these continue to be just such great value of course we are expecting 4K 240 HZ gaming monitors coming later this year but if you want 1440p 360 Herz I almost said 240 cuz 360 so so my blowing here you are the alien wear aw 272 5df this is an OLED 360 HZ 1440p gaming monor so it's got all that innate goodness of OLED baked into it including incredible HDR to it incredibly immersive gameplay and 360 Herz I just don't even know how they're making these things for $8.99 remember everything is linked down in the video description check out those links for current pricing and availability in your region and if you got value on the video give it a like cuz it makes a huge difference to Channel especially this guy right here and of course subscribe click that Bell icon that way you get notified when we release cool content speaking of cool content did you check out our best GPU 2024 video I'm going to put it right here you can check it out we go through all the GPU features Intel AMD and envidia which one's best for you in 2024 and we'll catch you on the next one
Channel: PC Builder
Views: 18,097
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Id: -jPF3faDuNU
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Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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