πŸ“—πŸ“—MUST HAVE SHOPIFY APPS 2022 - Best Shopify Apps To Increase Sales πŸ“—πŸ“—

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this video is brought to you by entrepreneur t-shirts Co the world's number one t-shirt store for entrepreneurs and hustlers for a very limited time you can get a massive 20% off your first purchase by using the discount code hustle click the link in the description box below this video to see the full range of clothing now yo what's up everyone my name is Chris winter the friendly entrepreneur and in this video I want to share with you my top 5 must-have Shopify apps for 2019 I use all of these apps and I think that they're really really important to have if you're gonna be setting up any new store they're pretty much going to be work with any store that you've got whether it's a drop shipping store it's your own product whether it's a print-on-demand these are all gonna really help you make more sales know more about your customers and just overall have a better experience now I've been using Shopify for probably five years and they really the apps these days really have improved they're a lot more flawless and I've got a couple of really good ones so definitely stay tuned now I'm a relatively new channel if you haven't seen me I make videos about Shopify making money online and all this kind of good stuff so please do subscribe if you if you can I would absolutely love that I'm gonna be making lots of videos about Shopify and I'm also going to be making a video about the best money making apps on Shopify it very soon so definitely subscribe for that but anyway I don't wanna waste your time let's jump into it with the first app let's go this now with the first app and the first one is called lucky orange now it's got a really weird name but don't let the name fool you this is definitely one of the most powerful Shopify apps I've ever used it's incredible so what is lucky orange well essentially it allows you to see exactly what your customer is doing on your website through a number of different ways so you can see things like heat maps which really shows where most people are hovering their mouse where they're kind of looking at with their eyes you can also see full-on like recordings of what people are doing on your website you can also see where they're clicking the most where they're scrolling their mouse but I think the best way for me to show you is actually to jump into my websites and I'll go to like your owns right here you can see it right here you can see that we can actually have all of the different like times in which people are actually on this website so you can see right here this is a person from America who's come from Tempe Arizona Paulo Jesus if this is you you can also see where they've actually come from so this one here was from an ad that's really cool and you can see other things like this you can see that this one was from one of my youtube videos and then you can actually see how long are they spent on the website so here if this one spent seven minutes they've had a high number of activity 16 pages and what's really cool is if we click play so we'll just watch this right now and you're going to see that this is actually going to show you a full video of what the person actually did so it looks like this person here was on a mobile and they've come to this site here directly they're looking through the photos and they're looking through all of the different photos just swiping you can see that that's gonna be their finger touch and then he's scrolling down right here maybe reading the description so it's really interesting to see maybe okay are they looking at the description for a long time are they even looking lower than this are they gonna click download now are they gonna go back it looks like here they've now gone to the menu so they're going to go to another section they're gonna check out the other items look I'm not going to go too much through this but you can actually see if we go here we can actually see all of the times even when they've gone up through to the cart so that's lucky orange an incredibly powerful app it's kind of I always find it a little bit funny that this is kind of legal but it clearly is so definitely get this one this one here's $10 a month and it's totally worth it you can get higher plans if you've got a lot more traffic but for most people ten dollars a month is going to be good and even if you end up just using it for like a month say you can get a really good idea of how your customers are actually using your website and it's a great great great way to kind of have a bit of a look it's essentially going behind someone's shoulder and seeing what they're actually doing on the website without kind of you know having to do any kind of testing or anything like that so lucky orange is great as well I'll put a link in the description box below for this one okay so the next app is called in cut-up so and it's definitely one of my favorite upso apps in fact it's my favorite upsell app it's the only one I would really want to use these days I'll show you exactly what it is and the reasons why I like it this is one of my websites entrepreneur t-shirt Co we sell you know motivational and entrepreneur t-shirts I'm actually wearing one right now my entrepreneur definition shirt I'll put a link in the description box below but essentially what I like about this is that it's a upsell plugin that doesn't have pop-ups so it doesn't distract the people and it's not easy to close out of so let's say we like this shirt here this is the hustle Cola shirt we'll add this one to the cart but I want to get you to buy two shirts because obviously it's always good to do that so you can see right here I've got the hustle collar t-shirt and now I've got this little thing here in my cart that says there's a dual notification so you can add my cart qualifiers for a one-time deal add the hustle DMC t-shirt for just $19 95 and if all I can need to do is click this accept one time deal and what it's going to do is now add that into the cart and it's going to allow you to get that complete upsell without ever distracting the person and now it's in the cart so I'll just quickly show you what it looks like in the backend so this is the backend on another one of my websites into the presets you can see that this is the offer right here it's it's free for one offer but you can pay something like 14 dollars a month and you can do up to 25 different separate offers but I'll quickly show you right here it's got a lot of settings in which you can change so you can say that I want this item to to pop up when another item is in the cart so we've got it right here you can change how it looks you can change all the text you can change it to maybe except do add to downloads Add to Cart so many different things in which you can do it and what I really like about it like I said before is that it's not one of those kind of annoying pop-ups which kind of scare users off often because there's just so much like in-your-face kind of thing it's just there it's it's easy just to click one Add to Cart and then it goes straight to checkout highly recommend encode up so you're gonna be making a lot of money with this app I'll put it in a link a link in the description box below to okay so the next must-have app is called SEO image optimizer this one's got nearly six thousand reviews on Shopify four point seven reviews and it's a really basic app but one that you should install in pretty much all of your Shopify sites so essentially what this does is changes the alt tags and the title tags on all of your images without you having to do it yourself so it's a really really easy lightweight plugin to add one click install gets it up in less than 30 seconds and you can start improving your SEO it's pretty much one of these set and forget kind of apps I'll show you quickly on one of my websites here this is it it's really basic so essentially all you're gonna do is you can add the product title this is going to be in the image the ODE tag as well and then you can add something else so what I've got here is I've got a few other kind of keywords that I want in pretty much all of my images so what it's going to do is go through all of your images and whenever you upload an image this is going to be what the the tags are for it so let's say if it was going to be for one of these presets it might be till dreams Lightroom preset that's going to be the product title and then you're going to have this after it as well so I think you guys understand that you can just click sync images it does it automatically anyway but if you've just done some updates you can do it as well again this is one of those really basic apps it's free its lightweight doesn't really slow down your website at all but it's going to make a big difference and it's going to allow you to get your products and your product images even found in things like Google search and Google Image Search so again one of these really nice lightweight apps that I pretty much install on all of my Shopify sites ok so the next app is called privy it's a super popular app it's really basic really allows you to do pop-ups and kind of exiting 10 pop-ups as well but it doesn't need a lot nicer way than a lot of the other kind of sites and apps as well I'll just show you quickly what it example of what it would look like if we jump to my entrepreneur t-shirts website I've got one that comes up pretty much after we run about three seconds and you can see it here on the website now this pop-ups come up and you can see that I've and you can see now on the website this pop-ups come up and i'm going to be giving away a $10 gift card pretty much 21 who enters in there details so this app is great for capturing emails so if I click here I can add my name Chris and then we'll add a test email at gmail.com then I can click this and then essentially people are going to get their free coupon for $10 off the great thing is you can really customize the design so I've added this background added all this text right here you can add images as well and if I click send me my coupon you can see that it's just going to load now and then it automatically comes up and there you go so the person now has a a coupon code that they can copy and paste and use it at checkout and also I've also got their email address as well which is really cool super useful for building your email lists they've also got other things like where you can spin a wheel for exit intents which is another really kind of fun way of gamifying getting your email addresses but it's a really great app works super well their free plan is really quite good if you want to use their paid plan it works as well but it's a little bit more expensive but one good thing about that is that you can also start to send automated campaigns as well with pretty and their paid plan sorry but yet highly recommended I really do like privy as well no not that I really like and one that you guys should definitely check out is called digital downloads and this one here is made by Shopify themselves what it essentially allows you to do is upload files and attach them to your products and then essentially you can sell them as a digital download so one thing that I do is use these to sell my Lightroom presets which I sell on my interests of presets calm website so if you look right here this is the back end of the digital downloads essentially it allows you to connect to your product feed and then all you need to do is upload a zip file and then can attach it so when someone checks out rather than getting their postal address they just simply get a link to download the file and then you get paid for it so this can be a really good idea if you want to be starting to sell digital products you might want to sell courses you might want to have something like presets like me you might want to sell an e-book all of these kind of things this is a free app and it's made by Shopify so it works really quite well it's definitely one of my favorite kind of apps that you can use just as a bit of a bonus if this might this might be your kind of side hustle it's always good to have a digital download again you could even offer something for free and again to try and like get some email captures as well so highly recommended digital downloads by Shopify it works really well it's pretty much on autopilot once you've uploaded the file everything's done for you so definitely check that one out ok another app that I really like to use and if you're on social media especially Instagram is called inter feed it's a free app and its really really good essentially it allows you to have a feed of your Instagram on your website super easy it's just a little bit of code that you can just add to anywhere on your website and you can see right here I've added it to my entrepreneur t-shirts website what you can do is just really adjust it the way that you want it to look so you can adjust the padding right here in between these photos you can adjust how many photos you want on in between on each column on each row you can adjust whether or not if you click it it'll take you to the Instagram photo I don't actually have that enabled right now but you can see as I hover it's got that nice little Instagram logo this is a super easy app to work at to use it's really lightweight and it just works it's one of these nice apps that really just works so if you're not if you don't have a lot of photos on your website this can be a really good way to add a bunch of photos directly from your Instagram and updates whenever you add more photos it's definitely one that I really do like for example on my entrepreneur t-shirts one here I've added people taking selfies with all of the different t-shirts that you can buy so it's a nice way maybe that you could have your clients or your people that bought your products and you can share them it's a really good way to kind of have that essentially social proof on your website so this one's called insta feed it's free definitely worth checking out okay another app that I think pretty much everyone should have on their Shopify website is called product reviews and it's actually made by Shopify again it's a fantastic app now there are paid shopper Foot Shopify review apps but I actually think that this one's really good and it's free so why not use it so you can see it here on my website you can actually have these little stars on the just under the thumbnails on each of the products but the main part is on the actual review section as underneath I've adjusted it a little bit with the CSS but you can see a couple of the different reviews people have left you can adjust all of the different star ratings how they're going to look the colors and you can also let people review obviously on your website so for example if you click write a review someone can add their name their email cheemo calm you can also add in your own kind of custom fields so let's add an order number in here they can choose a rating so let's do four stars then they can do it title and this is where they write the review and then you can submit it and then that goes in four to be on the website so it's a really good way to kind of get that social proof if you don't have reviews on your website you really should be because it really does make people trust the website a whole lot more essentially if you think about amazon.com one of the major reasons why that websites so good is that they've got so many reviews they've got hundreds of thousands if not millions of reviews on all of their products it really makes you think mmm if you come to a different website you come to your Shopify website you think yeah okay is this good is it legit okay I've seen these reviews it's definitely one to check it out I've found that the Shopify app review app works really well it's relatively basic it's quite a lightweight app which is good there are other ones that you can use like your PO it's pretty popular as well but I actually just find that the the Shopify one works probably a little bit easier for me because you don't have to stuff around too much it's pretty much a set and forget kind of thing it's definitely a great app so there you go guys there are a couple of my must-have apps for 2019 hopefully you got this far and if you did love it if you leave a thumbs up cuz that's always appreciate it and definitely make sure to subscribe because I'm going to be making more and more Shopify content very soon that's it for me I'm gonna go have a coffee and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Chris Winter Tutorials
Views: 612,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chris Winter, Stock Investing, Investing, Stock Broker, Best Stock Brokers, Make Money Online, How To Invest Your Money, Best Stocks To Buy, Passive Income, Best Shopify Apps 2022, Best Free Shopify Apps 2021, Best Shopify Apps for sales 2022, Shopify App 2022, free Shopify Apps, free shopify app, best shopify sales apps, best shopify app 2022
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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