Bluehost Wordpress Tutorial 2021 For Beginners (Bluehost Tutorial 2021)

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hey there my name is chris winter and welcome to my step-by-step guide on how to install wordpress and build a website using bluehost in this easy to follow guide i'm going to show you the exact steps you need to do to install bluehost but also build a really really nice website without knowing any code it's really going to be simple and you're going to have a fantastic website by the end of it and guys i've got to give you for watching this tutorial in the description box right below this video i'm going to put a link where you can download 20 of the best wordpress themes totally for free now these wordpress templates or themes look incredible and with just one click you can make your website look amazing you don't need to know any coding to use these templates either and the best thing is they're totally free now i'm not going to keep this link up for long so if you don't want to access these themes it'll be in the description box below right under this video so let's jump into it and get started building you a great website using bluehost so if you want to have this amazing looking website by the end of this video which is totally possible to do it's important that you watch every part of this video and follow every step if you do miss steps or you don't watch it the whole way through you'll probably have errors and these will be really hard to fix and you might have to pay someone to fix them for you so i'd highly recommend watching every second of this video because there are some really important steps in the middle to the end of this video which will be critical to making sure that your website works perfectly but if you do follow every step you're going to have an amazing looking website by the end of this video you can totally do it so what do you actually need to create a website well there are a few different steps the first thing is you need to have website hosting which is a place where your website's actually located every website has a website host like bluehost or dreamhost or hostgator and i'll have links in the description box below to where you can get a really good discount on these next you will need a domain name something like or it's a place where people can actually go to get to your website now these normally cost around about 10 to 50 dollars a year but with the host that i recommend in the description box below you'll be able to get these for free and then you just need to install wordpress on your website and i'll show you exactly how to do it it's super easy it's literally just like one click and it'll be installed so that's all you need to do you need hosting you need a domain name and you need to install wordpress and then once all that's done we can get onto the fun part which is designing your website and making it look awesome for today we're going to use bluehost as our website host so the first step is to click the link in the description box below right under this video and that'll take you to bluehost where you can set up your website that link's also pretty sweet because it gives you over a 50 discount on your hosting so it's the best link to use so once you've clicked that we can get started creating your website so let's now set up our wordpress hosting with bluehost and like i said before that link in the description box below is pretty sweet because it gives you a free domain name and also a pretty big discount from 7.99 to 3.95 so to get started we're going to hit get started and then you can choose the plan that you want honestly for most people you may as well just get the cheapest plan and save some money it's only 3.95 which is really good value the only other one i would recommend is this one here which is called plus and this allows you to have unlimited websites whereas the basic one only allows you to create one but if you're only planning on creating one website i'd probably go for this one so let's do that one once you're ready hit select so i'm going to search for something like chriswinter i is taken so i'll go for then you can hit next great that one's available so what i'm going to do now is put in my account information and then i'm going to choose which plan i want so the way it works with hosting is that it generally gets cheaper the longer you stay with the hosting company so you can see 36 months is 3.95 versus the 12 months which is 5.95 again it's totally up to you which one you want to have if you know you're going to have the website for longer than a year probably best to go for the longer version and save some money or if you just want to have the 12 month one you can do that that's what we'll do today now they're going to try and upsell you on a few things here like domain privacy and code guard you really don't need these so deselect these if you want yes and that'll save you a good fifty dollars then all you need to do is put in your card details and then we can agree to terms of service and now we can get onto the fun stuff designing your website let's hit submit awesome that's done now we can hit create your account as you can see we have our domain name here which we registered before now we can create a password to log into bluehost and that's done and then we can hit create great now we can log in so we'll log in with that password we just used and then they're going to ask you a few questions but i highly recommend just skipping this so we can go to the bottom and hit skip this step and then hit skip the step and then we will actually put a bit of information in here so what do we want to name our site something like chris winter's website and my website a tagline as well then you can say how comfortable you are hit continue and then they're going to install wordpress first it's super simple so wordpress is now installed how easy was that so all we need to do now is click on wordpress and this will take us to our wordpress dashboard where we can get started designing our website so we're here at your wordpress dashboard now and as you can see it's a little bit cluttered this is because hosting companies always add in all of this stuff that you don't really need so what i'd highly recommend you do is go to the left here where it says plugins and click this and then what we're going to do is delete these plugins so we're going to scroll down and then click this button and click here hit deactivate and then apply and then we're going to hit this button again and click delete what this is going to allow us to do is have a nice fresh start and it's not going to slow us down with this website with all of these plugins that we don't really need so once you're happy with that and you've done that what we're going to do is hit dashboard okay so we're here on our wordpress dashboard and if you've never been here before this is essentially the hub of your website it's the back end of your website where you can make all of your changes to how it looks to how you can post to how you can create pages add plugins so many great things you can do on wordpress this is one of the most up-to-date updates and we'll take you through pretty much everything in this tutorial but i think the very first thing we want to do is do the fun stuff first so we want to design our website get some really cool photos on there maybe even add like a video background or something will make the website look really cool so the very first thing that we want to do is actually go over here to the left hand column and go to plugins and then click add new so we're going to add a plugin called astra so we search for this at the top right astra and then hit enter as you can see the plugins over there on the left hand side if we click install now what this is going to do is install this plugin as you can see over 500 000 people have used this plugin before and it allows you to have fantastic themes totally for free for a lot of them once we've installed that you can click activate and you'll see that we are brought to the plugins page and now we can see our library so we'll click see library and what you're going to see now is that we have all of these fantastic themes or templates which are essentially websites designed for you so you don't even need to know any coding don't need to do any html css javascript they're all built for you there are so many themes here with astra and they can also use a plugin called elementor we'll talk about that a little bit more but as you can see there's pretty much a website for every different occasion so you can always have a look through here and you can see that there are just so many and they look really good they're all responsive which means that they work really well for your website even if it's on a desktop on a tablet on an ipad or even on an iphone or any android phone now for this tutorial what i want to do is work with a free theme so you don't have to pay any more money other than the hosting the hosting itself is really cheap at around 3.95 so why pay for any more when they've got fantastic free themes so to search for a theme that's free all we need to do is go to the top here click all then we can search for free as you can still we as you can see we still have a number of fantastic themes that are totally free there are different themes for different occasions so this theme might be great if you are maybe running an adventure company this one here if you maybe have a store this one here would be really good if you are doing selling food or something like that and this one here if you've got a beauty product but as i said there are so many free themes don't be fooled into kind of buying themes all the time if you want to totally fine go for it but for not it's not for everyone now if you want to check out what a theme looks like you can actually simply just click on it and you can get a really good preview of what it's going to look like this theme here looks pretty good perhaps if you've got a restaurant and actually you can see on the right here that this has a home page design but it's also got an about us page design which is totally custom as well which looks really good it's got a menu as well so if you do have a restaurant for example this one's going to be perfect for you it's even got a contact us page so if you want to have your orders and things done that could work well let's go back and take a look at another theme this one here might work well for today this theme here is for a animal foundation but of course you could use it for anything this seems like it would work really well for pretty much all of the different websites they've also got an about us page they've got a campaigns page they've got a contributors page and they've got a contact page there really are just so many different themes you can use i think for today we'll use this theme here it's called sierra industry and it's going to work for a lot of different websites so hopefully it will work for you as well and what i would really recommend is that you work on your website at the same time as me following each different step so you can have your website up and running by the end of this video as you can see it's got a great home page with large imagery we've got different sections here nice big images calls to action and we've got so many different page templates so everything looks super custom we even got a products page right here a project page i think we can have a lot of fun with this theme so once you're happy with it and what i recommend you do now is click import complete site hit import and this takes around about a minute or two to install what it's going to install is elementor which will allow us to edit this website without using any code and it's going to create a great site for us to start with fantastic so as you can see it's imported successfully and now we can actually click this button view site and you want to be blown away with this because as you can see we've already got a full-on working site instantly created with a nice parallax hero image here with a button a text all of this is done ready for us to customize of course to our own liking and that's the great thing about this obviously this isn't going to be our website this is uh just a template with some basic images and things like that but the great thing is we can really jump in and make this our own with our own images our own text and it just saves so much time and this is a really nice way to start off with like i said before we're going to be using a plugin called elementor millions of people use this and it's absolutely the best way to edit your wordpress website the reason is because you don't need to know any code there are so many things you can do with it so the first thing you need to do is go to the top here and simply click edit with elementor it really is so easy now so as you can see we have this elementor panel on the left here which you can close and you can open as you like and we have all of these different sections and like placeholders text image that we can use but the great thing really is is that anyone can edit this website because it's so easy all you need to do is literally hover over here and you can change the text look at this it's like using a word document it's absolutely incredible so i think for this website we're going to create this for let's say a barber shop let's do that we'll call this baba brothers that sounds pretty cool what we can also do is have this top section here again super easy all we need to do is select we can delete that we could say welcome to barber brothers that sounds pretty good and then here we can even edit this button simply select it delete we could say c our packages so we could have this button perhaps going to see our packages so see our haircuts and things like this so simply like that without any code we've been able to have this fantastic section here so one of the great things with elementor is that it's really easy to get around and change things even things like images so we've got this great full screen image right here and you can see that we might want to change this because clearly this is nothing to do with our barber so to do this we'll open this panel up again we're going to right click over the image anywhere over the image and click edit section now what we want to do is go to the top and click style and you see this image here this is the current image if i click choose image it's going to open up this dialog box and i can simply upload any photo i've already got some really nice photos here that i've found before and i think i want to use this one as my hero image so i'm going to simply drag and drop this image and it's uploading automatically once i'm happy with that i can click insert media and you can see that we've got this great hero image already how good does that look within just a minute or two we've now got this great hero image looking really cool and we've got this awesome title as well now we have a background overlay as you can see it's a little bit dark you can change this if you want simply go to the left here and click on background overlay we can change the opacity so how bright it gets or how dark it gets i think we can have it a little bit brighter maybe around about that you could also change the color if you wanted so maybe you wanted this to be a little bit brighter or a bit warmer we can have that overlay like that i think we want it around about there maybe a little bit darker that looks pretty good there's so much you can do with this it really is fantastic now if you ever want to save your website it's really important you know this button here it's called the update button and it's essentially a save button click this and you can simply save your website it's important you do this because if you leave the browser before updating you might lose your changes so we don't want to do that let's now take a look at what the website looks like how good does this look already we now have this great parallax theme though so it looks like this is going up and down and the text is simply floating over this image we have a nice intro here we've got our packages button it really is looking cool so let's go down a little bit and take a look at this section here now to edit this again it's so easy all you need to do is simply hover over it and change the text so we can do this and we can literally just delete it you can even select it all and go welcome to barber brothers we give the best haircuts in all of let's say atlanta there you go i like it and of course you can have text here as well and i think what we can do is just get rid of some of this text it's a little bit too much text for me here as you see as i got rid of that text it simply moved it up that's so cool again we've got this button here which we can change we could change this to contact us now and it's as simple as that but what if we want to change this color of this button well again it's really easy all you need to do is click over here to where it says edit and you can see that we can now have our button over here on the left if we go to style we can change the background color of this button so i go here click on this little area we could change it to blue to green to black that one's a little bit difficult to see maybe we'll change it to this green that's kind of cool or maybe this blue i think the blue is better that looks really cool you can even change the text color but i would probably stick with white over on hover it's going to change but you can even change this to hover over to green but i think we'll just keep it on blue again click update when you're happy with that we could even change this one but i think we'll keep this one as red now one of the cool things i think i said before was that with elementor and this website and the way that i'm doing it with this hosting in that is that it's really easy to use and one of the great things is that this is a responsive website now if you're not you new to if you're new to website design you might not know what that means well essentially what it means is that this website is going to look great on your desktop on tablets and phones and a great way to see this is simply by clicking on this button here it says responsive mode and with this you can simply see what it's going to look like on a tablet so say an ipad you can see it still looks really good you can even see how it looks on a mobile again really really good you can see that here it's all changed a little bit it's gone the font and things have changed really well compared to how it looks on a desktop it all looks fantastic let's go down a little bit and maybe edit this section here so the first thing i want to do is change this image clearly this has got nothing to do with the barber shop remember how we do this we right click anywhere over the image click edit section then we go to style and we go to choose image so again i want to bring in another photo perhaps we want to go for this photo here this looks good uploading it and then we're going to click insert media and as simple as that we now have our photo right here looking fantastic we can change that background overlay perhaps this time we want to have it just black that looks really good but i think it's a little bit too bright it's a bit difficult to read so let's go then again we'll make it a little bit darker that looks perfect let's click update and we're now halfway through editing this little section so we don't have products here but we do have services so let's change this to our services we could also perhaps write an introduction about our barbershop we have a wide range of services to make you look your best and why not include some of the services that we do so we could say haircuts from twenty dollars beard grooming from ten dollars and maybe we can also do head massage that sounds like a nice thing from thirty dollars and again you could add some a short product description here so you could talk about the haircuts and things that you you offer but i'm not going to go too much into that because i don't really actually have a bar but but i'm going to show you great ways to do it and you can have a little tagline here it looks really good so you could say we also offer a large a large discount for those who have served in the military i think that's a really nice thing to do and here in this button we could say see our discounts how good does that look so if we look at it here in full screen in like five minutes or even one minute we've created this awesome section which shows our services oh i've misspelled out there let's change that really quickly that's how quick it is to change we've got our haircuts our beard grooming and our head massage and we've even got this little section here which really shows off that you show that you have discounts for people in the military that looks really cool i like that a lot down here we can really go into some cool big images and also maybe show off other things that we do we could even perhaps show off some products that we're going to be selling maybe we sell some products in our store let's edit these so again we open up our panel we're going to go edit image we're going to choose the image let's bring in a few images so i'm going to go here and get back into my folders i've got a few products here do you know we can actually drag all of these photos in at once so simply we drag them all in select them all and drag and they're going to instantly upload it's super easy doing this as you can see they're uploading and then we can just select the one that we want to use first so let's use this razor here click insert media and there it is let's do one here as well edit image choose image and we'll bring in this shaving brush how about this one we'll do this one as well edit image choose image and we'll use this aftershave so i added these other images as you can see it looks really really good and of course what we can do is add in a title for them we could say premium razor how about this oil free moisturizer and maybe that's got a rooney name on it so rooney shaving brush we could also have a short description here the best razor you can buy trust us we love it and we're free moisturizer this is our favorite moisturizer our classic rooney shaving brush again you could obviously go into more detail with these but you can see that we have a really nice little layout here what about if we want to have the product title here i think we should have one so we could say products to purchase in store c out so now if we look at this you can see that we have our little title here and then we've got our products to purchase in store and that means that people are going to be able to see these and know okay when i go to this hair salon or barbershop i can buy these but we have a few more products don't we let's try and duplicate this again with elementor it's really easy to actually duplicate duplicate things so we simply select the selection right click and click duplicate look at this we now have six products how good is that we didn't even have to do anything any coding we simply copied and pasted it pretty much so again let's edit this one because we don't want to do this one again we'll choose image we'll bring in this change this one we'll bring in this one and which one do we need now choose this one it's the this one and again changing the name really easy so we've got what's this grooming kit aftershave balm and soy wax candle really nice now if you ever want to make these centered for example you can do that you simply click on the center you can see that that looks probably even a little bit nicer let's do that again for these ones it's so quick to change these things and after all this work let's make sure we click update so let's take a look at our website see how it's looking remember in all of this time we've now built a really cool home page which is really starting to take shape we've got this great hero image with this parallax effect scroll down we have a nice introduction this could be for your own website but this one here is just for the barber brothers which we've created a nice little introduction with a button here i love this section here with our services you can see that they've got the haircuts the beard grooming and the head massage then also the offering the military discount and then if we scroll down now we're going to start making some money and really informing people that we have these products in store this looks really really good you know i'm thinking that we might want to add these subtitles or these little descriptions here also to the middle let's do that again we know how to do this we simply click on it and then style center style center and we do the same for all of these isn't it amazing how quick you can do this i don't know if any of you guys have made websites in the past but when i started making websites it was all done with coding css html this would have taken a long time so quick these days next up we have a really cool little section this is a call to action so what a call to action is is essentially a way to share a message so i think we could say something like uh we're open every day of the week to give you a great haircut simple as that again all you needed to do was click on it and do it like that how about this we can change this button and we'll change it to opening times no it's a little bit long uh time our hours there you go so if people want to come here they're going to be able to see that they're open every day and they can also see our hours we can change that later on and add in our opening hours now let's close this for a second and take a bit of a look i think we actually want to have this here slightly higher now how we're going to do this well it's really easy all you need to do again open this little panel open and do you see this button here this is a button which will allow us to drag this so i can simply go like this and drag this section wherever i want i can put it right here watch this i'll drop this and it's right there now so rather than it being down here now it's all the way up here so easy to do you can do that with any section you could move this for example below here and that's as simple as that so easy with this again click update i'm going to keep reminding you guys so you don't stuff it up accidentally so let's now go to the other pages so you can see up here we have this menu let's go to the about page of course this is one of the most important pages let's go to the about page of course this is one of the most important pages on any website it's actually the most visited page after your home page and that's because people want to know all about you now you can see that we have a really nice custom template here this is one of the most beautiful templates i've used on wordpress and i can't believe that it's free isn't that cool now normally what you would do is edit the page up here but because we've got elementor we can actually edit it directly here and it will look exactly how it looks so we can click edit with elementor and you can pretty much do this anywhere on the website you'll see that it loads up now and what it's going to do is allow us to edit directly on the actual page it's so cool so the first thing i think we want to do is change this image here now remember how we do this we right click on the image click edit section go to style choose image and we'll find one of the images we had we'll go to here i think this one's going to be a good photo let's drag this one in again it's uploading click insert media and there it is it's a nice parallax photo showing off the guy's cool tattoo it looks really cool now if you want to have this in a different position you can literally just put this in the top center for example and it moves the background image up a bit or the bottom center we could even move it to the bottom right it doesn't really make a difference i think center center will work you can even change how big it is as well there's lots of different things you can do you can change the content to be larger or smaller and you can even do things like change it to a gradient or a background video that's actually something we'll do in a little bit let's click update and let's change this here i want to change this to our story because i think that means a little bit more than about us again we've got a nice subtitle here we could change this to we've been around since 1989 i like that let's change the size there how good does that look and then we could have a little title here you can see you can have your own text here but it's easy to change things like titles and make it bold or underlined it's so easy i'm not going to go too much into actually writing the text here but i think you'll appreciate that because there's no need to but i do like that you can have a really nice little story here with some big text here that looks really cool let's go down and we've got another really cool feature here if we just update this and take a look at how our website looks you'll see this and it looks so cool if we go to our about page first off we're going to see this background in which we have in our story and then this text here but watch this did you see that animation we'll refresh this again i'll show you once more how cool does that look it's a really great eye-catching way to show off different things about your website or your business we can edit this so what would we like to do here something like how many haircuts we've done let's do this so all we need to do is have the starting number so let's go with zero and let's go how many haircuts would we do a year probably 1200 something like that and if we update this and take a look this number here should go to one thousand two hundred oh didn't just yet maybe it was too high let's go to one hundred yeah there you go there's a limit on the actual numbers so we'll go with something like 90 haircuts a week something like that so what we can do is we'll write here haircuts the next one let's do another one let's go with uh 60 uh beard trimmings i don't know and let's go with uh one 100 110 uh head massages oh god what are we talking about here don't you see that that's really cool so again let's update this now and let's have a look at how cool this looks and there we go it seems like it's working now all you need to do just to make sure you get this right is make sure that you have this title here it goes in the title section here we were getting a little bit ahead of ourselves so that's okay let's have a look now if we refresh this and there you go doesn't that look awesome that is so cool that's probably one of my favorite parts about creating a website like this so we've got some cool facts the numbers speak for themselves i'm going to keep that looks really good 90 haircuts beard trimmings and 110 head massages something like that you could add it to however you want so we've got some more text here i'm not even going to bother actually editing this now you can do it yourself but you could really have pretty much anything you want here and look again we have a nice call to action here which we can easily change but we have a really cool about us page here this just looks incredible next up let's edit our products page now we do have some products we're not going to sell them online because that's a whole another kettle of fish selling products and having inventory and thing things i'd probably recommend shopify for that but here we can definitely talk about some of the products that we have so again what do we do we edit with elementor it's so easy to do you can see it's loading up and we're going to change this page here change this image choose another one let's see what we've got here maybe this one click insert media and there we go it really does look cool with that that uh parallax name doesn't it click update just to make sure it's saved and then we can say something about our products we stock all of the best grooming products there you go something like that change that there and then maybe here we can add another couple of images i don't know what let's have a look maybe maybe we'll put these in could put this photo and maybe we'll put this photo in as well that looks pretty cool to me i like it how it's a little bit faded there as well it really makes you look at the text here it looks cool again you could have some of your more information about your product so we could say our products the best for you and then again you could write information about your products so we would have our shaver grooming kit what else do we have uh moisturizer i don't know and a shaving brush really cool it really does look fantastic this so here it just shows that each page could be used for anything i've done this about products but does it need to be about products no this could be about our story it could be about our opening times could be absolutely anything and of course it's going to be different for your website so let's click update again let's go to our website and see how it's going so we've got our about page which we edited before looking cool since 1989 and with this great animation here our products which we've done and we've got this nice photo here and then talking about the things we've got and let's have a look at this projects one what could we use this for oh i like this one a lot maybe this is going to be we could use this for our team members photo so like i said before it doesn't always have to be what the template has it could be anything you want it's so easy to do so what do we do again guys we go edit with elementor as you can see it's loading up here we're just going to go through the basic steps again and then we're going to do some really cool things coming up so stay tuned don't leave just yet i would really want to make your website go from 50 cool all the way up to 120 cool so let's change this let's do something special here all right we're going to do something special here okay rather than adding a photo here let's go to youtube now you're probably saying chris why are you going to youtube well we're going to find a really cool barber video maybe a video about a perfect shave let's copy this link here and what we're going to do is right click again edit section go to style but this time rather than changing the image let's choose video let's watch this let's put this video link in copy and paste and see what happens here look how cool this is if we change the start time to say 40 seconds and go to 200 you're gonna see that we now have a really cool background video playing automatically it's so cool you can do this with so many parts in this theme if we again we're going to go through maybe find a better spot for this let's do this and we'll see if we can get him when he's maybe doing a shaving or something like that let's see what we've got there we go look how cool this is now we have a really vibrant exciting background kind of video playing and it's so cool to have that at the top i mean people are going to be impressed with that so let's change this here to our team and we can go down and maybe we can add a few pictures of our team members so let's do this we know how to do this and let's see if we've got a good photo i've got a photo here maybe this guy here can be one of our barbers click insert and then we've got one here as well let's go edit image there choose image bring him in and go insert and look at that that image is now in here and it looks really really cool so what we could have here for example again we can change it to how we want so let's say uh this guy's name is i don't know uh brad uh head barber i don't know and then we could have this guy here called uh steve uh head massager i don't know of course you could have some information here as well uh and i think we could delete this here to make it look a little bit cleaner and it's just so easy to do this so you can see now instead of this being about the industry that it was before we now have a really cool background video here and we've got this information about our barbers and we could do it here as well and again super easy if you like for example we don't need this so let's delete it to delete it all you do is go to the top here delete section how good is that so let's update and take a look at what this website's really looking like so we're going to go to projects up here which will change in a bit it's actually now our team so you can see we have this cool video man that looks cool we go down here and you can see that we have our team members right here brad and steve and of course it just looks really cool again you've got that call to action which you really should be using to make sure that you're getting people contacting you if you need speaking of contact let's now change our contact page so go to contact we'll click on edit with elementor so what we want to do now is quickly edit this section we're not going to do a video section here this time we'll edit section go to style choose image which image do we want to use this time how about this one here i think we'll go with that click insert media and we've got our contact page so let's change this to find us instead i like that and you can see we have our contact us you can find us in many locations i don't know what you could write there anything you want click update and then one really cool thing is that even here we can add a map so rather than just having an address here like you can see we have the address here which is cool we can change this what about changing the map so to do this all you need to do with elementor is click on the map and then go to the top here and you've got a little button here that says edit we can even change the location so all we need to do is simply go let's say because we said atlanta before didn't we atlanta usa there we are it shows exactly where we are it's so cool like that and people can literally drag around here zoom in zoom out you didn't even have to do anything but just do that we can have this to be a default zoom level if you want as well if you want to get it really close maybe we'll go even closer in here and you can change how big you want this to be let's make it a little bit bigger that's a little bit too big i think around about there so people can really have a look where to go so as simple as that you are able to add a map like that let's make it a little bit smaller you can change the style and do all different settings as well but i think that really helps so clearly we're for some reason in georgia state capital but maybe that's where they get her haircuts from so it's pretty amazing what we've done already like really this is absolutely incredible let's just take a quick overview again now like i said uh maybe i'm not sure if i have said this before but it's a really good idea if you you're following along with me i highly recommend following along if you need to start the video over again do that because things like the hosting and stuff are generally the more difficult thing as you can see it's so easy to create this website but if you ever do need to pause the video and like take it at your own pace please feel free to do it we've kind of gone along pretty quick here but you can see we've got this amazing hero image up here with the the title and the this uh button and a nice about us section but of course we do have our other about us section we've got this really cool services page a nice call to action we're showing off some of the products that you can buy in our store and then we've got all these other pages we've got this about us page which kind of tells our story it's got cool photos at the top says when we were starting and i love this i think you guys love this too this cool animation that shows that we do 90 haircuts 60 beard trimmings 110 head messages you could you could also have that and type in per day for example it might make a bit more sense then we've got our products page which is cool we show that we stock all these things our projects page which is actually our team page and remember this one here has got that very cool video at the top shows off our barbers really does get nice and personal then we've got the contact page really good because it shows that we can contact us and then people can literally find where they want to go you know one thing i would like to do i thought it was so cool that video with the grooming why don't we add it here we can even add it on a home page so again we're going to go copy link and then what we're going to do is go edit with elementor then we're going to go right click edit section i'm going to go to style and then we're going to change this background type here from classic not gradient not slideshow let's do it to video so we'll make this right like that we'll change the time i think we decided it was around about 100 seconds in maybe and 300 out and you can see that now on our home page we have a really really cool background video you can even change the height that this is so as you can see that this is a relatively large image here maybe it's a little bit too big we can change this you go to layout on the top here and we can change it to fit to screen do you see what i did there so rather than it being super big now it's a perfect height this website is really coming along perfectly imagine coming to this website and seeing a cool background video with a really nice uh you know image and showing off how cool your your barber shop is you definitely want to go here i really like this but remember what we need to do we need to go here click update make sure we save it this is looking really really cool so there are a few other things that i would like to show you in the wordpress dashboard as well this is quite important because we've done a lot of the fun stuff now but we need to do some things to get found online and also just to make the whole website work really well so if we go to wp admin you add in w your stored name and then you go to wp admin you can go to your dashboard there's a few other things that i'll just quickly show you so for example if you ever want to create a blog post all you do is go to posts and you can create a post here so for example let's go add new and a blog post i think you guys know is a way to talk about things you know it's different to a page it's more of perhaps for like a blog and we can change different things so easily we could add a title here and say our latest hair cutting techniques we won't go too much into this because we've done mainly the website and then we could just literally write some text so let's just bring some from here this is going to be it we can publish this now and then view the post and you can see now we have our first blog post as simple as that we can also create pages as well if you want to get back to the home page you just go up here to dashboard and we've got pages here it's very similar to creating a post for example you can create a new one we could create one called our methods and again you just create whatever you want so add this in hit publish and then we can look at it right here there we go like i said before these pages aren't as kind of nice as the other ones so what i would recommend is generally using these page templates as the way to create your your page you can see that this looks so much more rich so much nicer it really does look nice there are a few other things you can look at in the dashboard that are really really important so if we go to settings here for example you go to a setting called permalinks what you probably want to do is have a look at these and make sure that you do have it by day and name or you can even just change it to post name if you want to have the date here you can have it you can simply change it to post name or you can even have it as the plain text but for most people for example if we were to go to forward slash about it's a bit nicer to share that rather than share chris forward slash pe123 it works a little bit better in the end as well so you can click save changes there are other little things that you can change as well if you go to settings and you go to general you can change the site title so currently it's just set up as chris winter because this is my test site but for example this is what's going to show up if you search for if you did search for chris winter or the barbershop or whatever this is going to be the very uh first thing in the site title and you can also have a tagline so we could say this is a great looking website you can have the admin email address and you can change things like the time zone so when posts and that are done one thing that's also really important and stay with me here because we're actually going to get some really cool things like plugins which can really make your website cool but it is important that i do show you this if you go to users one thing you want to do is go here and click on edit this is going to allow you to change things like your name and your password this is really important because you want to have your password secure for when you log in so you can change your name here you can change the nickname again nickname is what is going to allow you to enter into your website but you need to change your password as well you can just generate a new password or you can use your own but again really make sure you do that as well so another thing we can do is change the menus and this is something that i probably should have touched on a little bit earlier but if you're still with me good on you for doing that because this is really important that we change these so stick with me here let's just have a quick look at our website and i'll show you what the menus really are so the menus are essentially the navigation so when you go to a website a really cool looking website like this one for example you've got your menu up here so where people can get to your pages and stuff you've also got a footer menu here as well which we will want to change as well but first we're going to change this main menu so we don't need to change much because we actually did use most of the pages as they are but if you do want to change one for example our projects one we changed that one didn't we we want to call this our team simple as that click save menu it's going to save and then we can go to our website once it saves it's taking it's taking its time let's refresh this you can see that this is now changed to our team and doesn't that look great that's the way to do it but what if we wanted this our team to be right here well that's not too difficult either you can simply drag and drop it it's really that simple so if i save this menu again reload the page now our team is right here you can even create this as a child menu so essentially it's going to be a drop down i'm not sure how this template does this but i think it's pretty should work so if we refresh this again you can see now we have a drop down look at this we've got this little arrow here and it comes up as a drop down that's pretty cool but i think we have the space to keep it like that let's click save menu again we'll reload this page and it's good what about if we wanted to create a new menu item well it's not particularly difficult you can literally just go here and you can choose either to have a page or a post or a custom link or even a category so for example we had that hair cutting technique we can literally select this and go add to menu and now it's come up right here i'm going to show you something this is probably going to be a little bit too long and it's going to kind of stuff up our menu so i'll save this we'll have a look at how it does it here you can see that the menu is too big here so let's change this even though it's got that post title we can still change it to uh techniques for example click save menu and if i go here reload this now we have techniques and i click this it's going to take us to that blog post isn't that cool i think it's really cool now another thing we can do is actually change the logo for example so up here we've got the sierra business one of course we don't want to have this unless your actual business is fortunately called sierra business but to change this it's really quite easy all we do is go to appearance on the left here then go to astra options so remember astral is the theme that we installed once we've clicked this you can see that we now have the ability to upload a logo so click upload logo now i don't actually have a barbershop logo but i can use pretty much anyone that we've got so let's change the logo i'll see if i've got another one right here uh for example we've got this logo here i can use this one see if this works so click that and select but you would simply just drag and drop it it seems like it's going to be a little bit big but we'll see and let's see if this has changed and as you can see now as we reload this we now have a new logo now that logo there is too small and it doesn't really particularly fit but that is a way of doing it so you can really see that it's super easy to change things like the logo so if you ever want to get there you can go to transparent header we can make this a little bit bigger actually i think that'll look a bit better so let's make it about there click publish again reload and as simple as that we now have a new logo there i don't know why it's called mountain but i think that's from an older website that i've made but you can see if you had your own logo it's going to look really good like that if we go back to about you can see it goes all the way across the website and it really does keep that branding really quite good now another really cool thing that you might want to check out is the plugins now wordpress is famous for its plugins essentially what a plugin is is a way to add some functionality to your website so rather than just having the base website which is really good there are so many things that people can create to make it look good one of my favorite ones and i think one that you should all install is called jetpack now this one here will allow you to have custom stats so analytics for your website so for example if someone comes to your website you can see how many people have come to your website but there are so many different plugins which would take a little bit long for me to possibly show you but we can take a look at some of the most popular ones this one here is a contact form which will allow you to have that contact form which i showed you this one here is called yoast c seo and seo is essentially a way of being found in google it's called search engine optimization and you simply just install it now and what it's going to allow you to do is change a few of your things like your titles and your descriptions to really make sure that people when they search for barbershop in atlanta that you come up you can install that one as well you can have an anti-spam editor this one here allows you to make sure that people aren't spamming your website if you want to sell things online you can use woocommerce it's a very popular kind of plugin as well which allows you to sell your products online and do e-commerce there's that jetpack one that i found and told you about before we have elementor again we know about this one because we've been using it for the last hour or so and you can see it's active so we don't need to install it and over five million people have used it really is great we've got wordpress importer now you need to see this now this is important you see how this has five stars with over 5000 ratings this one's only got three stars for me i probably wouldn't use this because you want to make sure that the plugins that you use are really really good duplicate post is just a basic plugin which allows you to duplicate posts you've got a backup one here which will allow you to backup your website so if you ever lose it or something like that you can simply upload it again really quickly this one here allows you to import google analytics into your dashboard another seo one right here this one here's an interesting one this is wp supercache and essentially what caching is going to allow you to do is speed up your website now as you can see if we look at our website right now it's already really really quick it's a super fast website it's a super fast theme even with some heavy kind of things like a video background it's still really really quick but maybe you want to add this if you find that your website is getting a little bit slow super cache is definitely one you've got mailchimp here which is a way to send out mail and kind of newsletters and things and there are just so many different plugins there's probably hundreds of thousands of wordpress plugins you can have a lot of fun but probably the most important thing i would say is to not install too many plugins it can be really easy to get excited about it but just keep it to the bare minimum for the things that you really need so like i said this website is absolutely stunning i think that this if you can uh create a website like this for whatever you want whether it's a blog whether it's for your products whether it's for a personal website or for a company if you can do this yourself which i know you can you're gonna be onto an absolute winner this website here would cost ten thousand fifty thousand dollars for an agency to build but for you you're going to be doing it for around about 3.95 per month for hosting and that's it like i said before this is a totally free theme you just needed to know how to customize it and i've showed you how to do that and look at it we've got this great video background right here we've got an awesome about us section with a button here we've got this services section showing off whatever you want to show off so for example if you had a yoga studio you could show off your yoga classes or if you had life coaching you could show your life coaching prices we've got an also nice section here with them some text and some discounts we've also got a section here which is a nice call to action with our buttons and then we're showing off our nice products here with a good grid with some cool photos again we've got our menu here which we now know how to change it's also called navigation you can click on the about part and it comes up with this cool our story with a nice photo at the background got this section here which says we've been around since 1989 and one of our favorite parts here the cool little animation here showing really how many haircuts and beard trimmings and head massages we do if we go to the next part we've got our team which is really sharing the team members and again how good does it look here with this background video you could find any video on youtube and simply install it yourself the great thing is it doesn't slow down the website because it's simply loading it from youtube rather than uploading your video which would really slow down the website if we scroll down we've got these high quality images now these images i did i just want to let you know i got these from and if you don't have any images yourself this is a great place to go to allows you to download and use all of these images high quality stock images totally for free they're usable it doesn't cost you anything and i just wanted to share it with you because it's a great resource i'm not getting paid by these guys or anything but i just simply typed in like barber and you can see some of the photos and things that we pretty much had we've used all these so if you don't have any photos you can use them look this is the one that we found before you can simply just drag and drop it and look how high quality this image is it's really great you don't even need to kind of credit people with it but it's a good idea to do that as well but for example if you had a yoga studio i like to use that example because there's lots of yoga photos you can see that look they have all these free images that you could use a really cool way to find great photos this is a great background image here i love this one you could definitely use that for a few things or like i said if you had a yoga pose you can get these really high quality images that you can simply use you might have your own images but if you're stuck jump onto unsplash i love using unsplash if we go down here we can see that we've got the next one which are products we talk about our shaving brushes and things our contact page which shows uh where to find us with this map i really like that and then of course if you wanted to post to a blog post or something we did that so if we jump back let's now just quickly have a look at some of the other themes because i want you to do this before i really want you to jump in and get started with this website i want you to jump onto the hosting get the hosting and get into wordpress because by the time that you've watched this video uh you could have made your own website you might have been putting it off for a while i think you should get in and jump in and do it so if we go to installed plugins over here on the left here we can look at these libraries so we're in starter template and library so like i said there are free themes and there are paid themes it really doesn't matter like i think that free theme was absolutely awesome and i want i don't want you spending too much money i want you to be doing this all for free so let's look at the three things we've got this outdoor adventure one i really like this theme i think it's a brilliant theme for many people it's got a kind of a similar layout to the one we used before but it's got things like this uh two grid here but it's really nicely designed and it's got multiple pages like an about page a services page projects and contact but again remember we've got this projects page it doesn't have to be about projects it could be about anything but i do like this one this looks really nice i might use that in my next tutorial we've got this mountain theme probably one of my favorite ones although the one that we use today is probably my favorite now it's got a nice about us page a services page and a contact page then you've got things like this which is maybe a bit more corporate it shows off different courses and things like that it's got a nice circular image here different information about the courses what people are going to say a beauty page for cosmetics so if you were to sell maybe you had a beauty product or if you were like a spa or something this is a really nice one this is a really pretty page you can actually preview this as well all you need to do is go to preview and you can actually see that it's already pretty much designed for you straight away i like this one a lot this is a fantastic theme if you ever want to have like a really clean bright and airy theme this one will work really well another one here simply natural may be good if you've got selling plants or if you're selling something natural this one here is good if you're selling clothes i've used this one as well and like i said before we've got this restaurant theme here really good because this one's also got a menu built in so if you do have you know things where you've got multiple things that you're selling this is a really good one i like that one for a menu you've got another one here for a yoga definitely good if you want to create a yoga theme multiple custom pages which is something i really like then this one here i like this one because i i like dogs but you can see this is one for pets but again this one here could work for pretty much anything if we take a look at a preview of this you can see this got a nice big background image nice button here where you could download the app look at the the way that it changes color here you could just change this picture here to anything we could have this is our barber theme just change the text you know how to do that now and did you see that animation how the phone popped up so let's say that you have an iphone app or something you could use this theme here it's got a button here for the google play store where you could download it and also for the iphone app store and you can get some reviews here but this one's really nice this is a beautiful theme as well and again you know now isn't that cute with the dog you know now how to do this you've got the power how to do this and if you ever want to please feel free to come back and use my my free tutorials that's what i'm here for i'm here to help you with these tutorials so you can get your websites up and running this one's really nice i like that one let's just take a few look at a few more this one here would be good if you're say an accountant maybe a personal page here you can see that you've got a nice professional looking website i like this one as well and this one here has even got a contact form so for example you can get in touch with a to get a quote for your accounting work now it's also good to look to see and to make sure that they do have many page templates like you don't have to have it but as we've seen it really looks cool when you've got multiple kind of custom pages i like this one as well and things like changing the colors and stuff is so easy to do we didn't go into it too much in this tutorial but that's okay this is the one that we used if you ever want to know you can just favorite it by the way this is called sierra industry definitely one of my favorites and that's probably what i would recommend you use just use this so you can copy exactly what i've done and just change it a little bit now if you're going to do a wedding kind of thing this one's a nice one this is a basic one pretty much just like a home page template so if we have a look at this you can see that this is only got one page template so it's just a one-page website pretty much but it's still really nice look at this you've got mark and sally save the date the story bit of information about these people and we know how to change these images you could get this website up in five minutes got a quote here some little things about like what to wear parking and stuff are you attending this is an rsvp maybe some photos of the couple these probably come up in a light box they do you can scroll across there when and where and again we know how to do this map don't we it's really cool and sometimes you know keeping the website nice and simple is a good idea you don't have to have three thousand pages why not just have five pages or one page like this wedding website's done right here if it gets the uh the information across it's totally good so like i said before if you do want to use any of these all you need to do is click import complete site don't do it if you've already done it because you'll lose your site but you can just simply click import complete site and you can start over fresh that's why it's good sometimes to have multiple websites which you can use on your hosting so rather than getting that you know 3.95 per month hosting you can get the 4.95 or 5.95 whatever it is hosting and you can use multiple websites you can create multiple maybe you could even make websites for everyone else get paid to do it that's a good idea this is another one that i really do like this is called the mountain or airbnb template this is a really pretty one this is probably the other one that i would definitely test out because it's so so clean it's got that big nice hero image here got the about us section different amenities so things you can get in your place breakfast swimming pool that parallax effect which really looks nice a gallery here which you can slide along packages different packages this is a really clean template definitely one that i would check out as well and a nice section here and it's probably got some different all right so this one here this is interesting here so this is a one page website but it also has multiple pages so if you see this when i click this it's actually just going to scroll down isn't that cool so we go to amenities it scrolls all the way down to amenities gallery scrolls down i love this kind of site this is a really nice one as well so that's the different themes that you can use with astra so wow guys look at what we've done we've created a awesome website using elementor using our hosting and using wordpress with the astra theme this is one of the best websites i've probably ever made and hopefully you've been able to do it and you know how to do it as well we went through this relatively slowly so i think you could get this up and running in about 20 minutes if you wanted to but you can also follow along with me and do this in an hour an hour and a half but this is really if i went quick we could probably do this in 20 10 minutes if we scroll down we see that we've got this awesome video background we've got this great text up here and a button here and we've also got this menu which we made remember doing that that was really cool you've got your logo up here your custom logo and if we scroll down we've got this nice about us section which you can use for anything you want we've got another button here and then if we go down here we've got a parallax section so the image stays put but the website moves down this here is fantastic and shows you your services which you can use for absolutely anything we've also got a section here which shows our discounts but again you could link that to anything if we go down we've got a call to action again we're open every day for the week to give you a great haircut you could link to the hours if you go down here we've got a grid section showing off the products that we're selling this could be anything that you wanted to post it could be blog posts it could be about your team this could be really good to show off different team members but we're using it to show the products then we've got the footer but if we go to the next pages we've got our about page remember doing this we've got a great photo at the top here we changed this from about to our story and we've also got this cool section here one of our favorite parts this awesome animation which shows how many haircuts beard trimmings and head massages we do and then some more information here we've got our team section which i think is really important to share who's actually part of this team and again we've got this great video background which we used you don't have to have that but i think it looks really cool it shows that you've got an advanced website and you know what you're doing we've got these great photos here remember these were from if you want to check them out we've got our names of the people here looking really cool we've got another page here another custom page this one here just talks about the products but this could be for anything that you want and then we've got the contact page which is actually really important so people can find you you've got your address here you've got a contact form which you could set up easily if you wanted to and then you've got this really cool map which you can zoom in and zoom out so people can find you really well then of course you can link to anywhere else you want but look at what we've done in this time we've set up hosting we've created a website and we've done something that you might have been putting off for a whole long time now if you have got this far i would love it if you uh do subscribe and like the uh the video i'm a little bit tired now actually this is quite a lot of time talking but hopefully you appreciate it uh if you do use the hosting please do use the link in the description box below that's an affiliate link and i'll get a very small commission if you do end up signing up with that hosting package but hopefully you did enjoy this and if you want more tips on how to create websites how to sell things online how to make money online please do stick around to my channel because i make lots and lots of videos and congratulations on making your website you rock now if you do want to check out bluehost i have links in the description box below where you can go get it for the best price and it also helps the channel because they are an affiliate link hopefully you can use them as well now if you did enjoy this video please do hit the thumbs up button because that's really appreciated and helps this video get spread across youtube and also subscribe if you're into into this kind of video hope you guys have a great day good luck with your websites and i'll see you in my next video bye
Channel: Chris Winter Tutorials
Views: 35,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluehost Wordpress Tutorial 2021, Wordpress Tutorial For beginners Bluehost, Bluehost 2021, Bluehost Tutorial, How To Make A Wordpress Website For Beginners, Wordpress Tutorial 2021, Wordpress Tutorial, Wordpress Tutorial For Beginners 2021, Website Tutorial Beginners 2021, How To Make A Wordpress Website 2021, How to make a website 2021, Wordpress Install 2021, How To Install Wordpress 2021, Chris Winter, Stock Investing, Affiliate Marketing, Shopify, Dropshipping
Id: dG0bmozea6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 50sec (4610 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.