Text To Speech πŸ‘  @Amara Chehade TikTok | ASMR Cake Storytime | POVs Tiktok Compilations Part #99

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honey can you tell me what name you got above your head princess stop messing around I'm being serious what does it say no I'm not it really says princess whatever I'll just ask you when you get older hey princess where's your prince haha very funny we all know you're lying why would I lie about something like this it really says princess yeah in your dreams let's go guys are they bullying you because of the princess thing wait you don't believe me either I want to but the real princess is at the palace right now I don't even know anymore hey Mom hey honey can you turn on the TV for me sure should I order some food the palace has released a statement about the dethroning of the princess the queen has found out she's not her real daughter I don't even know if that's useful but okay good morning morning Mom I made you pancakes thanks actually I'm not feeling hungry I'm feeling a bit sick are you sure just eat one at least no thanks hey Amara hey oh one second my mom's just calling me aren't you gonna answer um no anyways let's just go to class okay cloth you're free to go home now hey you want to come mines nah I need to go home I have a lot of homework to do actually I can just do it at yours let's go hey you think I can sleep over tonight yes of course Amara your mom's downstairs she says she wants to talk to you share the same pain or share the same bank account as my soul mate if I actually had the same bank account as my soul mate I might be poor because he might not have money so I'll share the same pain hurry up tomorrow you gotta be there yes Mom be patient ouch puss with me he probably felt that hey Amara hey Jason why is your neck red I woke up and it was already like this maybe I got so strongly me in my sleep what I'm just joking I'll see you later maybe it was just a coincidence that he had the burnt mark on his neck what did you choose this morning to feel my soulmates pain you should have chosen to share your bank account I chose to share my bank account and look at me now I'm super rich hey Amara can I stay at your house no sorry you're a guy my mom would never allow that please I'm so afraid of my parents why is he afraid of his parents why is there so many bruises on your legs did you have a fight with someone these bruises are for my soulmate mom Jason didn't come to school today why is everyone looking at me you don't realize what's on your stomach what do you mean your stomach's bleeding let's go to the hospital quickly there's definitely something wrong with my soulmate choosing somebody who can't walk or can't see Mom what if I don't choose anything they're both equally bad don't worry after your soulmate meets you the cast will go away okay if so I'll choose can't walk guys are there any guys in school who can't walk no why in school we can all walk I have to meet my soulmate as soon as possible so you can walk again oh good luck Amara there's bad news what bad news if we don't meet our soulmates within 24 hours the curse will be permanent 24 hours yes Amara you can swim right yes sir I can will you represent our school by taking part in a swimming competition against another school another school yes that's right are you sure you want to compete against the other school don't you know about the swimming athlete guy he's really good really good very there's only one hour left if I don't meet my soul mate he won't be able to walk forever Amara I have amazing news your opponent from the other school can't move his legs you have a really good chance to win she must have a girlfriend has your soulmate lost anything not yet earrings at least his girlfriend has a good taste [Music] who has red lipstick these days I really need to get you some airpods never mind I found my soulmate he lost his ID has your soulmate lost anything yet just headphones so fast girlfriend again have you met the new girl yet no I didn't know anyone was you she's so cool hey I'm Amara how'd you knew why do you have my earrings oh my gosh I almost hit for the first day of school Amara you're what you're alive yeah why wouldn't I be look I don't have time for this I need to go um sir you didn't call my name it's okay if you forgot I just don't want you to Mark me in as absent oh my gosh go to the principal's office now Amara you are missing at the beginning of Summer and later announced that due to your disappearance what I need you to call the police what was the last thing you remember I was at my best friend's house you me and Alex she's here yeah room 304. room 304 hey this is impossible I thought I got rid of you I have a performance today wish me like a leg what are you doing you told me to break it no not actually Miss can you help me I really need to get an A on this test sure I'll do that for you there you go thanks look how much money I got give me some wait no not actually I was joking keep your money why is everyone acting so weird today hey give me your shoes hey take off your shirt excuse me why aren't you doing what I say everyone else is I'm so tired of being single dad can I go to an old boy school and all boys school I mean yeah if that's what you really want I already chose it I'm so excited anyways I'll see you later I need to go to my new school wait before you go you must know that boys it doesn't matter I already chose it bye wait it's important I can't wait to get to school everyone's definitely gonna be surprised because I'm the only girl there and I can finally get myself a new boyfriend guys look why is there a girl wearing our school uniform for God's sake Dave it's still morning don't worry about it but really wow she's so beautiful why does the toilet smell like pee because there's no girls here so we can pee freely wait what are you for real no I'm just joking can I have your number I'm just gonna go today we're going to learn how to cook so you can be the dream husband in the future yes cooking class this is one of my favorite classes in school but why do all guys look so pale please choose your own group one group consists of two people and learn how to cook so you can be the dream husband in the future yes cooking class this is one of my favorite classes in school but why do all guys look so pale please choose your own group one group consists of two people why you all looking at me like that please be in my group I can't cook leave her alone she's gonna pick me don't listen to them come they sleep next to me is free whoa relax instead of fighting over me I can just teach y'all how to cook it's very easy why is there a girl in this class who allowed to hunt to school throw her out now why should we throw her out she's bad at teaching us how to cook than you are just get rid of her now I hate teenage girls are you sure you want to kick me out of the school that would be a very bad idea and why do you say that because I are you sure you want to kick me out of the school that would be a very bad idea and why do you say that because I chose to be in an old boy school I'm sure if you kick me out you'll get in trouble you chose what do you mean by that yeah it was one of my options that's weird usually people don't get to pick well anyway I think you're lying so I'm gonna have to report you to the principal don't miss I don't think that's necessary yes it is for now I'm sending you home until the principal makes a decision be quiet pack your stuff you're leaving hey Dad you're home early how was your first day I got sent home what why because apparently I'm not allowed to be on all boys school because I'm a girl well I tried telling you but you didn't listen boys schools usually don't accept girls so I don't even know how you go as an option well maybe I go as an option because they need me there I was able to help them today so maybe I'll be a good addition to the school true well what's gonna happen now the principal will make a decision whether I get to stay or switch school by tomorrow anyway I'm going to go to my room I have to study okay good luck honey the principal wants to see you okay you wanted to see me sir yes I'm very surprised to see a girl in the school how did you get here well one of my options was to go to an all-boy school I'm really sorry but I don't think we can keep you here it wouldn't be appropriate as you're the only girl here plus all our students here have top grades I don't think any girls can beat their grades because you know boys are small wait really is that the reason you don't want to keep me here yes the only way would be to test you and see if you get good scores on the exam in order to be a student hey you have to get 100 out of 100 so do you think you can do it okay I'll do it shortly I'll prepare your exam paper don't be upset if you can't do it oh I can trust me I'm gonna prove to you that girls can be smart too we're not just here to look pretty hey can I ask you something yes did you have to do an exam before starting in the school yes and did you have to get 100 out of 100 what no I only have to get 50 out of 100. so the principal did this on purpose because he thinks I can't get a good score all right thank you I'm gonna prove him wrong I'm so ready for this exam I've been studying all night here's your exam you have one hour I'll be standing here to make sure you don't cheat oh don't worry sir I don't need to cheat this is gonna be very easy for me here's your exam you have one hour I'll be standing here to make sure you don't cheat oh don't worry sir I don't need to cheat this is gonna be very easy for me you have two minutes left are you sure you don't want to read over your answer I already did one download the result in about two hours okay can I go to class now go ahead I'll call you when the results are in hey Amara how's your exam it was okay can you imagine the principal wants me to get 100 out of 100 in order to stay in the school what that's insane it's also impossible to get 100 out of a hundred No One Ever Knows the answer to everything well I was up all night studying yesterday so I hope I got all the questions right hey stop talking and focus on the lesson sorry Miss Amara the principal wants to see you about your results okay coming in I'm pretty surprised with your score I'm not gonna lie I didn't think you could do it because usually girls aren't smart what does that mean you broke the school record with the highest grade so does that mean I'm a student here now nope not yet what'd you mean that was the deal I have to test you at PE as you know boys are usually better at Sports and if you want to be a student here you can't embarrass us we often compete against other schools and what sport do you want me to play basketball considering you're high I'm not sure you can do it it's not too late to quit and switch schools no I want to do it okay practice starts at 5 pm today don't be late okay sir okay everyone I want you to try and score as many goals as you can why can't I get any in hey let me help you what's your name Chris and you Amara okay focus on what I'm doing since you're a beginner you have to stay not far away from the goal focus on the little box right there once you hear it just like this the ball should go straight through hey you have a try see I knew you could do it hey Chris get back to your team don't help her I have to go I'll see you later but hey don't give up you're doing good Amara come here yes sir I want you to score 20 goals without any misses if you can't do it you can't be a student when it goes without missing not even once not even once okay get ready the test house in three two one I have to stay awake for 24 hours that's easy honey remember the rules right never fall asleep until the time is up that's correct otherwise I don't know what can happen to you I don't understand why we can't sleep did you forget what happened to David right you all have a time that you should not sleep under any circumstance what happens if we do sir it's different for everyone some disappears some get sick and some even dies in their sleep mom I slept 40 minutes only at least you'll survive I just got three days take this honey I made you coffee I hope it helps I can't believe it I have to go three days without sleep Oliver got 10 days but this is impossible Rebecca fell asleep yesterday and her skin peeled it's horrible honey how long did they give you they gave me 10 hours okay hurry up and go sleep while you still count oh my gosh no that's impossible don't scare me what happened a month without sleep Mom that's 720 hours honey that's impossible please open page 306. hey are you okay more or less I haven't slept in four days today we will learn a new topic don't sleep don't sleep Amari you're falling asleep I wonder how many mistakes I've made huh zero that means I've never done anything wrong right I'll just put it on private so that my friends don't think I'm arrogant you're the one who let my food burn in the oven right I told you to take it out on time no it wasn't me mom why do you always accuse me I know you have a lot of mistakes that's why you put on private right no I put it on private because stop making excuses excuse me sir am I in this class well it depends how many mistakes um a hundreds that means you're in the lowest class D class D why is Class A EMT apparently only one person can enter Class A it's the person with zero mistakes they'll give that person something something special like what don't worry about it because it's definitely not you you're the one who stole all the exam answers no sir it wasn't me she's lying her mistakes are private I'm sure she just says that to not get accused that's not true you're all wrong okay if you didn't cheat make your mistakes on public to prove yourself okay sir she must have a lot of mistakes okay if you didn't cheat make your mistakes on public to prove yourself she must have a lot of mistakes how comes it's not working right you must be lying there but sir my mistakes are on zero that's it I'm giving you a detention I'm gonna give you 10 assignments I'll collect them tomorrow make sure you do all of them okay mom look the teacher gave us 10 assignments good maybe I'll erase some of your mistakes since you have so many but I don't think I've ever done anything wrong I'm ashamed of you our neighbors are talking about you all the time and how bad you are fix yourself yes Mom Amara why are you cooking it's bad oh I forgot to turn off the stove you keep making mistakes I'm tired but how comes my mistakes aren't increasing sis why can't the number of my mistakes be published the number of your mistakes are zero right how do you know I haven't told you yet because mine's the same although I do mistakes all the time but why can't we put ours in public like everyone else because no one's supposed to know that we make mistakes and still have zero mistakes if they find out about this era they'll fix it and we'll be just like everyone else okay well good thing it didn't work because I tried putting mine on public you tried putting yours in public oh no well it usually takes 24 hours before it goes public wait what you need to help me how do I remove it I don't want mine to go in public don't worry I know a guy this is the guy you know he's a kid hey don't be rude otherwise I won't help okay fine hey drink this it should reset your decision so did it work yep all you need to do is pick private and you should be fine okay now every time you get the option just continue to press private like that your number will never be public okay thank you so much please let it be an easy job expose people's secrets this job was made for me hey bestie how are you gonna earn money by exposing people's Secrets shocking that's very like you I know has any gossip appeared yet not yet well that explains a lot wait how'd I do this oh easy did you guys hear apparently Mr Johnson had an affair with Jenny what do you mean wait for real I know it was you I don't know what you're talking about okay it was me wait there's another one what is it you will see guys I don't know who spread this but I promise I don't have a sugar daddy I'm rich what would this school be without you you're a genie wait one of my dad's appears you can't expose family secrets someone Amara listen to me I leave it alone too late zombies or vampires well zombies because my favorite movie is a zombie movie why did you pick zombie honey why can't I pick zombies if future zombies the whole city will be filled with zombies gosh what did I do what's that sound someone shows zombies and now zombies are arriving at our city so we have to hide now yes I'm tired of running are you the one who draws zombies yes how did you know please don't tell anyone if anyone finds out I chose zombies I'll be killed immediately calm down I came in to give you a drink because it will be useful for you is that so thank you so much hey um we have to hide come on why do you sound like that hurry up hamara she's about to turn into a zombie yes I'm coming everyone gather here why are we all in this class sir because I'm gonna distribute food for what since you can't get out of here eat this so you don't stop okay thank you so much why do I feel dizzy why am I so pale Amara you're not about to turn into a zombie are you I don't know I'm going to the toilet what the hell happened why does my face suddenly look like a zombie sir I saw the zombie come in here this is our only safe place we can't have zombies in here how do we get rid of her this is bad I'll just drink from the spots where that old lady gave me maybe he can help me not turn into a zombie you have three seconds to leave this place three two one my soulmate will lose his sense of taste or sense of smell I'll choose taste poor soulmate he can't taste any food I have to quickly find him so that he can taste food again I have to make a nice drink and get all the boys to try it you should make a drink that doesn't taste good because if it doesn't taste good you'll be able to find them straight away because they'll all be making faces except him because he can't taste that's an amazing idea is it done yet what did you put in it I put chicken livers and some that's enough I don't want to hear the rest you better hurry up and tell the boys at school to try okay hi guys I have a nice drink do you want to try it that's disgusting what is this that means none of you are my soulmate hi Dave actually I've liked you for a long time and I hope you said that this drink is delicious here try it hmm why is your reaction like that you can't taste it right what is this drink tomorrow why does it taste so weird Amy what is it now I've ordered all the boys in school to try my drink and all of them can taste it that means my soulmate isn't in the school right just be patient you just told a few people to try it not the whole world you're right um why is Gemma crying it turns out that her soulmate passed away really I'm getting more and more worried about my soulmate Amara stop it he's fine there's gonna be a concert in our school what concept there's a very popular artist who's going to come to our school and sing he's very popular yeah you're coming right yeah I'll come maybe it will distract me a bit because I can't stop thinking about my soulmate just be patient it's already so crowded but why hasn't the artist showed up yet sir I heard that every concert he looks very soulmate and he's done a lot of Concepts today so he's feeling tired and fainted several times really he fainted I'm gonna go see him no no one's allowed in the private room I'm so tired of waiting there's still some people who haven't tried your drink and since everyone's gathered here why don't you just offer it to them good idea guys please try my drink no we heard from the other students that's disgusting and you're making everyone drink it you're so weird I can't believe no one wants to try my drink anymore how am I supposed to ever find him huh no entry what room is this is the artist everyone's waiting for he looks so handsome while he's sleeping hey why did you come in here didn't you read the sign I'm sorry is that water I'm so thirsty no don't drink that so refreshing uh what does it taste like it tastes like vomit it's really bad sorry I tried warning you but thanks thanks for what nothing I'll tell you later oh Emma why is there a huge land for the guy's toilet it's because of your drink Omar it made everyone sick because of my drink yeah you shouldn't have given it to them then who is my soul mate it wasn't the famous guy and none of the guys I gave my drink to either Amara I have important news for you what is it the cast of the senses will disappear when you meet your soulmate but all of the guys I gave this drink to can taste my drink how am I supposed to know which one of them is my soulmate you have to go and ask them guys before you met me and drank from the strength I made could you taste anything yes we've always been able to taste oh okay thanks wait oh my gosh aren't you that famous guy the one who's time for us what are you doing here I couldn't taste anything before I met you but after that drink even though it was disgusting I could taste again does that mean you're my soul mate yes I believe so I finally found you so you saw me is famous that's so cool I wish I had the famous one mom what are these choices above my head you have to choose between eating a shrimp and taking out your ponytails I'm allergic to shrimp so I'll choose to let go of my ponytails you can't honey the magic ponytails for my ancestors if you let go bad things will happen so just eat the shrimp okay Mom oh look it's the blanket with the ponytails I know right she never does anything oh you're not tired of talking about me all the time hey the blind girl has the courage to answer now class we will hold the poetry reading competition next week can I join sir how are you gonna join your blind you can't read I can memorize it I'm sorry Amara but you can't take part in this competition but sir it's a shame you're not used to the school why am I blind why can't I just be like the other kids at school hello excuse me I'm new do you know what the library is uh it's in I'm sorry I didn't know you were black that's okay I'm Chris by the way I'm Amara look it's the blind girl let's have some fun hey Pony give it back it's right here take it she's so stupid hey stop you guys are really mean who the hell are you you don't need to get involved he's kind of handsome you know do you want to be friends I don't want to be friends with evil people like you oh he's so arrogant Amar let's go thanks Chris for helping me that's okay I'm your new friend after all wow I have a friend you really don't have any other friends no they all think I'm weird because I'm blind they call me blind Pony calm down from now on I'll always be on your side my throat feels weird what's wrong because my mom made me eat shrimps and I'm allergic to it it was either that or I had to let go of my ponytails why don't you let it loose she says something bad will happen if I do I'm curious why don't we try to remove the ponytail no we can't do that that's risky what if you're blind because of the ponytails what no that's crazy I've been blind ever since I was a child Chris but you've also had those ponytails since you were a child you're right just take them off hamara I'll take care of you I guess it's worth a try Chris Amara can you see yes I never thought I'd be able to see again but it's weird why has my mom made me blind all this time there must be a reason did your mom ever give you anything else mom makes me apple juice every day but it tastes weird well make sure you don't drink the apple juice anymore we don't know what's behind all of this okay Chris mom I'm home honey I missed you you didn't take off your pigtails did you no Mom good honey I made you Apple Juice drink it okay hurry up it will soon be afternoon mom I'm going to a friend's house okay be careful did you drink the apple juice yes Mom look there's the blind girl again but why is our hair down hey guys I can finally see you why aren't you blind I'm normal now oh so you've been fooling us all this time yeah she only did it for the attention you freak Chris where are you hey Amara sorry I'm late are you okay what's that drink this is the apple juice I've been talking about I've been drinking it ever since I was a kid that doesn't seem like apple juice to me the color is off what color is Apple just supposed to be like yellowish from now on you have to be careful with your mom come to my house I want you to meet my dad okay Dad this is my friend do you know what that drink is huh where did you get this drink from my mom gave it to me that drink isn't just a normal drink this drink is this drink is prohibited they cannot be drunk they used to be only one person who could make this drink people try to get the recipe but it wasn't possible why was it impossible may I know what your mom's name is Grace Grace she was my father's assistant she's the only one who can make that potion the effect of that person made people forget their memories then what should we do that so that her memory can come back you have to make your mom drink this once she does you'll get your memory back okay I'll go give my mom the drink now thank you you're welcome mom I'm home honey where where are you I went to our friend's house friends yes I brought you this drink they said it's very good for the health okay I'll drink it you really think I'm this stupid I know what you're up to you're trying to trick me Mom you should drink from that bottle now who gave you this answer me from now on you can't go anywhere you know what you're the reason I'm blind why are you so mean to me I'm your daughter you ask too many questions come with me let go of me this is the only way I can keep you from going out ever again I have to call Chris hello Chris my mom locked me up okay Amara I'm coming there right now okay I'm waiting Amara Chris hey who's this Grace you what are you doing here going into what you've done and drink from the bottle I gave to your daughter before I call the police okay I'm gonna drink from it now Amara what's wrong with you I remember everything you're not my mom huh I have to make five people become friends what is this Mom yes if you make fat people become friends our whole family will be rich and famous that's my dream ever since childhood so what are you waiting for come on quickly accept the channel okay I have to make my mom my friend mom are you looking for me what do you need Mom I have to make you my friend in order to complete this challenge okay if that's the case I'll be your friend now I didn't expect it to be this easy okay who's the second person huh but it was my enemy how am I gonna be friends with her did you just say my name do you want to be friends with me but I swear we've hated each other since childhood you must have bad intentions no I don't I promise okay I'll be your friend but I have some conditions what are your conditions you have to pay for my school lunch for the whole year and if you don't I won't be your friend if I don't pay for her lunch I won't get the rewards so I have no other choice yes fine I'll pay for your lunch here's for today's okay we're finally friends Charlotte do you want to be my friend um yeah sure you seem like you're kind I don't see why not how come it's this easy okay who's next teacher but my teacher is really messed up how can I be friends with her what's wrong Amara do you want to be my friend I'll be your friend but only if you clean up this whole class in three minutes three minutes okay done wow that was quick well done we're friends yay thank you so much Miss okay one more person I wonder who it could be dads but I haven't seen my dad ever since I was little I have to ask my mom for help Mom I wanted to ask you about my biological father how many times have I told you not to speak about it but Mom in order for us to be a rich and famous I have to be friends with him he's the last one okay in that case come with me yes I can finally meet my dad thanks Mom but remember no hugs okay okay um Mom where's that he's right there honey Mom where's Dad he's right there honey um come on just hurry up you have to become friends with I don't see anyone don't be ridiculous he's right there in front of you I don't see anything is she hallucinating whatever I'll just act like I saw him oh yeah he's right there I can see him now yes now we're gonna be rich and famous so what happened did you meet your dad not yet just ask your mom for help well I tried but I couldn't see him where's his location come let me show you you can see ghosts right please tell me if my dad is here okay just wait a minute I can't see anyone there's no ghosts okay that means my mom was just hallucinating what am I gonna do now I can help you you can how you can just skip your dad but you're gonna have to be friends with other people and the challenge is going to be harder skip my dad do you still want to continue the challenge yes then you have to trust me I hope she knows what she's talking about it's loading again hello Amara how are you long time no see Oh I thought you moved out of the city do you still want to be my friend but we hate each other are you sure you want to be friends yes of course I'd love to be your friend in that case okay we can be friends now that you're my friend I want to invite you for dinner at my house sure I'll come but after I finish my homework okay
Channel: Chicken idea Gameshorts
Views: 333,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2oN0pDHr8ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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