*3 HOURS* Lourd Asprec TikToks 2023 - Lourd Asprec Funny TikToks & Shorts

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foreign [Music] [Laughter] Miss Johnson and Emma they always smell like [ __ ] really Olivia and Ava step outside and wait in the holiday for me you know what just go to the office how about that are you for real Olivia do you have a charger I can borrow my phone's about to die I'm on five percent what does everyone come to me come to merger where's yours at I left it at home that's why I'm asking you here thank you oh my God Kayla I need my charger back my phone's about to die um what percent are you on really my phone's not charging I'll give it back to you once it's fully charged what percent are you on I don't give a [ __ ] if I was on 98 99 or 300 and you're at five percent that's my charger no because I go get your own charger how about that what do I look like the Apple Store let's go the Bell just rang everyone sat down ladies in the back this is not the time I'm not in the mood this morning I've been teaching for 25 damn years and I had never you know what I'm just gonna say it Doris gum in my coffee yesterday [Applause] can you believe that gum that's been chewed on inside of my coffee was it you Olivia no why is it always me [ __ ] I drank the coffee and almost choked on that gum you know what since everyone wants to laugh and nobody wants to own up to it we will be taking two quizzes and a test today how about that all right class welcome back how was Christmas break um I didn't get any gifts all I got was a Starburst candy that my dad got me from the gas station I spent Christmas in my room talking to myself um that's nice I'm so glad to be back in to see you guys again and also Emma zip it this is not the time to socialize we're gonna get the ball rolling and reel everything back in did you guys forget that the test will be coming up on the 11th we're gonna get back on track Olivia wake up today's not the time to be sleeping you had two and a half weeks you guys Christmas break is over I want everyone to turn around and face the front thank you you know what everyone take your books out we will be reading chapter five six seven and eight in a quiz tomorrow how about that good morning class how are we all doing today probably drink 800 cups of coffee this morning it's Friday come on did you guys wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning now I just want to go home foreign do you guys have any plans for the weekend because I know I do I'm gonna be sleeping she just hurry up and start teaching us yeah me too she's probably getting her paycheck after school that's why she's so happy you all are so quiet today you know what I'm gonna tell you guys the story back in my day Miss Johnson why are you talking like that are you okay Olivia why are you interrupting me please step outside the hallway for me please how about that you know page 45 what the Olivia yes what are you doing straightening my hair does anyone want me to straighten her too for five bucks no you're not straining nobody's hair and I meant what are you doing this is not the salon put it away I didn't have the time to do my hair this morning that's not my problem put it away Olivia oh my god oh [ __ ] give me 20 minutes okay you know what I'm done just go to the office how about that okay and I'll be training the principal's hair when I get there how about that best friend why are you acting like that are you mad yes you finally figured it out who is this person you posted on Instagram I don't know but it's somebody and you tagged her so I know you know her and you posted this picture yesterday it's nobody and you had the audacity to caption it I love you BFF are you serious right now why are you being so dramatic you can both be my best friend it doesn't work like that oh there she is Ava step outside and give it a wig back there how about that well why are you here me and my best friend were talking in class and student should be here too anyways Miss Johnson told us to be quiet and I said hold on and she said out of weight and I was like okay wait then and she said oh we'll go to the office Olivia this is your brilliant time getting sent here it's not my fault that I'm always here there's 27 students in that class and I'm always the one the one getting sent to the office hmm fan Behavior I'll be emailing and calling your mom call her and she's sleeping so she's gonna scream at you and I need to go to the bathroom I'll be holding my pee for two hours now no you're staying right there well I'm going how about that Hey Olivia take a seat take a seat okay Olivia I don't have time for this I want to go home and feed my children but no I have to deal with you because you're always getting stuck to the office put the chair down and sit oh thank you what did you do this time I was on my phone playing on my list and she told me to put my phone away and I said no and I told her to go shove an expo marker of her ass wow your attitude needs to change I'm not changing anything can I go to the bathroom I need to go pee no and I was gonna send you back to class but since you want to act like this I'll be calling your parents and I will be sending you home send me home I'll go home by myself and I'll call them for you how about that all right class moving on if you know the answer to question number nine raise your hand me I got it Miss Johnson hello I know the answer Olivia number nine Olivia what I didn't have my hand up I know you didn't but I chose you you said if anyone knew the answer to question number nine raise their hand if you wanted me to answer her what the [ __ ] didn't you just pick me watch your mouth Olivia and we're not moving on till you answer it 846 gallons of water oh you thought I was gonna get a wrong huh what you thought wrong and you can shove that question number 10 up your ass how about that out how about that all right question number six hello am I talking to myself if no one answers I'm pulling the sticks out Ava answer through it now you answer it do you not see me eating okay stick to this really again okay Olivia I don't know Kayla what was the question again I don't know I was sleeping what are we doing you know what this nobody wants to answer the question the test will be tomorrow how about that can I have a piece oh my God is that gum can I have one best friend let me have a piece wait I want one you should give me two so I can save one for next block oh my God are you [ __ ] serious uh are you serious Olivia can you go pick that up for me now I'm not picking anything up what am I your dog you know what let me try it again oh [ __ ] who did that that was him he's been trying to shoot that paper inside the trash but he can't cause it's trash that wasn't even me why are you gonna snitch all right let's do it again are you for real why is there crumpled paper balls everywhere who's doing that go pick that up what do you mean go pick that up I know that was you so go pick it up and throw in the trash correctly what was he even me bro I am not your bro you know what go to the office and before you leave go pick up all the crumpled paper balls everywhere how about that oh my God all right what's your name honey Olivia all right Olivia there's this little footprints on the floor and I want you to put your feet there and you can take your mask off because we are more than six feet away and smile and look at the camera please okay Hey Olivia your posture is awful please turn around and face your whole body this way please and put your hair behind your ears and no peace sign please oh my God I'm not putting my hair behind my ears my ears are too big there ma'am you look like a zombie getting ready to attack someone I need you to put your head up please and put both of your hands in your pocket why do we have to do all of that there I need you to tilt your head to the right just a little bit a little bit more more I'm gonna break my neck what is this a mug shot okay honey just face me please and smile smile with your teeth bigger out of my face the reasons and the causes of why the [ __ ] oh um did she just say the F word guys stop I did not say the f word I said the reasons and the causes of why the heck the animals are becoming endangered what did she say then [ __ ] Miss Johnson we literally heard you okay enough even if I said it it's whatever just don't tell your parents I'm gonna be telling my father my mother my sister my brother my aunt my uncle why are you guys so [ __ ] oh she just said it again maybe you should be the one that should go to the office how about that all right class today you will be taking the test please keep your eyes on your own paper and I hope you studied good luck I don't know how to do this can you be quiet [ __ ] now do you want this foot up your ass Miss Johnson I need help Olivia this is the test remember last week what tools did we use I don't know that's why I'm asking a hammer a what Olivia you know this I know it's up there what's up here is I want to go to lunch I'm hungry okay enough just do your tests I'm done you still have the back and you need to check them use the tools we used last week what tools a wrench okay you know what I'm done you're getting a zero how about that for that reason they will because the temperatures are what is that what is that noise I can't focus focus Lord you have enough in this class don't even yeah the astronaut's harder too is that you no did someone bring an animal in the class who is growling shut up why are you playing so loud I think someone didn't do the daily morning poops before they left the house okay what is that noise I think that's Olivia's stomach I don't know why it's doing that it's not stopping okay but why is it so loud there's an emergency alert system in there I don't understand how I was growling in class but never at home or when I'm out this is exactly why you don't need to eat breakfast in the morning breakfast never heard of her I have gum take it Michael that's not gonna do anything so keep it you need it I'm going through the nurses office how about that what are they gonna do give me an ice pack wait Olivia hmm what when you copied my test did you change some of the answers no oh my God you're like so dumb everybody not available did you say my name no she said octopus yes your name's Olivia right Olivia go she called you too you go first hello why what what is this paper no you wouldn't able to have the same exact answers every single one no explaining because this was in group project at all it's because we're the same questions yeah yes or because you posted then decided to copy I think it's just a coincidence you think it's my telepathy we're just so Instinct like Bluetooth and Miss Johnson we studied together great minds think alike right and Ava was going on this is the first time I've seen you do this is there something at home huh is everything okay at home yes okay if this happened again you both are getting a zero how about that what what that's the first thing you're gonna say huh where were you me no the aliens yes you I was at home you're gonna walk in here sit and pretend like everything is fine you left me all alone here what is wrong with you I was suffering I don't know anyone in this school and in this class bro you're so loud Lucas you have to shove those airpods up your ass I was texting you did you know that and you didn't reply back now once I thought you were dead Olivia I was only gone for a day oh yeah I also have to score 10 minutes early he had me standing in the hallways waiting for you all day you could have at least texted me that you were coming to school do you not here see taste and feel what I'm saying here I'm outside the whole day Ava Olivia Warrior I think I was gone for 10 years I was at lunch all by myself okay I get it so you know what I'm gonna do I'm not coming to school tomorrow so you can feel my pain how about that okay up next is Olivia Eva and Lord let's go Miss Johnson he's sleeping he's just like Lucas Ava wake him up do you want me to punch him what no tap his shoulder dude leave him alone his whole body and Lord I understand your homeschool almost your whole life I need to get up and present and take them airpods out oh my gonna do it later working koala and her group go my name is no stand up bro restart can y'all hurry up do you talk oh my bad so this is my group's presentation and so we didn't do half of it yeah and this one is Lord this is your slide go what are y'all doing I don't have all day it's like like I don't understand what they're saying I forgot to put the whole Ava stuff y'all have three weeks and you have nothing go sit down y'all are getting a zero how about that what I should be asking you that why are you here again Olivia I was eating my hot Cheetos I Miss Johnson told me to put it away and I said um nope because there was three other people in there that was eating food and someone's shopping three Donuts in their mouth hold on go ahead she came over to my desk and she said no and I said no why are you gonna keep it inside your drawer and eat it later for your lunch Olivia why didn't you just give it to her because I'm sure she should have gave it to you after class because I was hungry that was my breakfast I asked my mom this morning for McDonald's but she said no oh [ __ ] okay um uh do you want to call your mom I need to go pee I'll just call her in the bathroom assistant what are you doing can you stop no I'm freezing why is it so cold in here Mrs Johnson right what Olivia what are we inside the freezer can you please turn the thermostat up it's so cold it Elsa go in here or something no I'm not turning anything up and it's not that cold in here stop being ridiculous being ridiculous I'm about to get a damn frostbite Olivia you're the only one complaining no I'm not look at Emily and Emma they're about to lose their damn toes and the cheerleaders in the back are building a damn Igloo you know what Olivia since you want to keep complaining you can just go to the office I've had it how about that and before I leave I'm turning the thermostat up to 150 degrees how about that Olivia guess what why I went to sleep really early yesterday okay I have to say something what is it never mind oh I forgot to tell you what my mom said I might get a dog oh wow that's so cool wait I have a question what is it did you do the homework what are you doing for the weekend Olivia Olivia what do you want what are you doing for the weekend sleeping also Olivia Olivia what did I still have my airports in shut the [ __ ] well I just wanted to no you keep talking and talking I had them in for a reason and you want to start talking to me as soon as I put them on a Olivia so there's this guy it was this morning I don't even know where you were running so then on the back page that was so embarrassing [Laughter] and there was like seven people staring at you the three questions on the front you saw me falling why didn't you catch me I'm not catching you you want to fall too are you both done I think my back is broken okay move I can wait all day one of you move Olivia move I'm not moving she picked you to move no she didn't shut up it's either one of you moves or both of you are going to the office the last time I had to move to his return one two okay yeah move that right so the practice of the week okay YouTube get out do you want to be my best friend wait what about Olivia what about her aren't you guys like best friends I don't think so I don't even have any friends I thought you were absent what are you doing here come on really quick really oh hey best friend hey you want to know what I heard you say what maybe best friends I don't even know she has beat rice I wasn't talking to you uh it's Beatrice okay you want a cookie I never said that yes you did okay how did you hear that am I not enough like what am I to you a ghost and you were gonna replace move that thing over there I love you I was just kidding I'm not a slice of cake Ava we've been day once at the beginning and you know it I know so don't ever say you have no friends because I'm your best friend that's a mosquito okay you're my best friend you heard that beat rice I'm her best friend Olivia you need to leave repeat it Ava who's your best friend you are did everyone hear that okay that's all I have to say and that is exactly why the foreign [Laughter] the things that you will need to um are you okay yeah I'm just coughing oh my God I think she's going insane Olivia can you be quiet for once no Joshua you be quiet how about that Olivia is that you have to make all that noise back there no no it's Kayla it's not me Shut the [ __ ] is she crying or is she laughing Olivia what's so funny nothing okay I'll stop okay class can someone get the nurse Olivia get out how about that the reasons of the yes Olivia what can I go to the bathroom I don't know can you I don't know can you may I go to the bathroom no when Emily comes back she's been there for four hours what is she doing in there making 500 take talks Olivia you were just at lunch why didn't you use it during lunch why does all teachers think that we have this on and off switch on our bladder I didn't need to use it during lunch well that's your fault I'm in the middle of teaching so you can wait no I can't wait I have to go really bad do you want me to pee on this floor there is way too many people going to the bathroom all at once this is ridiculous so today before you leave class I'll be giving you two passes for the rest of the semester what I need to go and before I leave that bathroom I'm gonna drag Emily's ass back to class how about that all right good morning I want you to look at the board there's no sitting charts this week nope I am not sitting with her I'm staying right here let's go ladies in the back stop talking and get to where you're supposed to be at the front oh hell no I'm not sitting in the front I'm staying back here why did she move me with her Mr Johnson can you move me somewhere else she literally picks her boogers and flakes it across the room Olivia let's go move now and Ava no I'll put you in the front because you're talking about Non-Stop and Emma no you're sitting with her I'm not moving anywhere I don't like her you're gonna have to drag me if you want me to move Olivia if you don't move I'm sending you to the office and Ava let's go move to the front and Kayla no you're not sitting with your best friend you're sitting with Caleb where am I sitting at you know what Olivia Eva and Kayla all four of you can go to the office how about that can you stop chewing so goddamn loud this is not no ASMR I like the sound of the crunch well I don't the [ __ ] close your mouth [Music] I'm gonna shove them chips down your throat ladies what's the problem over here aren't you supposed to be working no I can't do anything with this [ __ ] chewing so loud what I'm not doing anything Olivia since you want to cuss in my class you can move up here why is it always me nope I'm not moving anywhere then you can go to the office and you can shove them checks up your ass and your ass how about that because that will also be on the test okay what time is it we are gonna stop there there's anyone have questions before we start backing up can we go already okay I'll meet you after class bye all right don't forget to study for the test have an amazing weekend wait hold on what about the homework really really why did you have to tell her stupid who wants to do homework on the weekend thank you for reminding me there's three homework sheets up here on my desk that you need to grab that is so much Olivia office now and then bring this with me how about that he is so hot who someone let me see what disgusting are you okay huh are you okay like in the head yeah he is not hot is it the prank where's the cameras it's not and yes it is I'm disappointed in you why he looks like a zombie there's a whole jump scare no he's not as long as you're happy but I have a crush and he goes to this school wait tell me he's so cute okay okay show me what what is that the guy yeah ill don't even he's fine yeah yours is ugly no yours is uglier I don't understand he's cute for you okay but you have a poor taste in men no you do too Eva what you have to look at me I'm listening I need your full attention what guess what Olivia I just said what okay so last week where it was last week no two days ago right I woke up but out of bed I think it was eight nine ten thirty ish mind you I was still so tired because I slept like really late took a shower did my skincare are you listening I love you I've been listening okay and then my breakfast it was avocado toast but that's besides the point and what did you say nothing just continue wash the dishes with a fork spoon and plate you know yes Olivia are you mad no just hurry up I'm telling you and then I vacuum and then I forgot guess what I forgot I don't know what to put chapstick on my lips because it was dry and crusty but again that's besides the point so after that I threw the trash out and then I was thinking are you telling me about your life it's been 40 minutes okay so just tell me what happened I was getting to that just tell me I looked out the window and saw beautiful clouds that's it what the [ __ ] wait so our Hearthstone actually looked like the red heart emojis no I have a question what Antarctica is a country right is it I'm gonna let you answer that one I don't know is it a country or a state oh wow you know what never mind but we're living on Earth right no Mercury I've actually been thinking that because it got so much better outside because we're so close to the Sun if I'm a little worried about you I don't know when I was doing math yesterday and isn't one plus one equals eleven because look that's 11 right oh my God you're like really stupid I know I'm right and everyone is not so you know I've always wanted to eat clouds what the [ __ ] because I feel like they taste like marshmallows there's something wrong with you remember that cat that turned into water because of the air running from the lights of the room huh what do you mean huh are you okay did you know if you're ever drowning just breathe underwater did you bump your head into a wall or something and when it rains why is there water coming out of the sky like why not candy and okay I think we're down here making my brain hurt my pee is about to come out just make sure you do both sides am I Invincible I've been raising my hand just say her name Miss Johnson and on page Olivia that was too loud Olivia try a gamble with a lower voice no I'm not trying anything I need to go to the bathroom do you want to be on the floor okay hurry up and make sure you take the bathroom pass where's the bathroom pass Olivia if it was a snake it would have bit you it's right there where you have five seconds to grab it or you're not going anywhere you're talking about this yep you want me to take this yes what the [ __ ] watch your mouth you're telling me I'm bringing dance with me to the bathroom that's the bathroom pass does it need to take a shower no just carry it with you do you have a different bathroom pass nope oh my God it's too heavy you know why you're not going how about that where I'm going how about that this case the way okay what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] can someone check if she's okay you do it why are you sitting next to her is that thing all right did you just called her a thing Olivia is everything fine oh you all saw that yes the whole world saw it what just happened a demon came out from her body you fell from the sky yeah you fell off of a building just like someone pushed me off a plane yeah probably wasn't on the push to you wait did I jump off a cliff Olivia you're in class I know damn classical my heart rate is going 100 miles per hour Miss Johnson I Can Do Anything help her Ava I'm not a doctor I thought I was gonna die okay Olivia go get a drink and come back when you're ready Eva what puffer fish I puffer fish you have a puffer fish no you know what never mind oh my God watermelon Eva are you being serious I don't know what you're saying watermelon look at him I don't have a watermelon don't bet oh you yes finally what the hallway it's pineapple and carrot look who the [ __ ] about the country you don't know who pineapple and carrot is just say their name you want their government name while everyone is listening to us know what forget it they got they left you're giving me a headache do you even know who's Skittles kiwi banana language is come on it's not that I have to remember it's not it's not reverse I'm still waiting that's too many you're the one who made up the names what the [ __ ] why don't you just say that they're in front of me oh you look very dumb don't talk to me reasons why Olivia put the food away how many times do I have to repeat myself that there's no eating in this class oh my God there it's away [ __ ] in the other side and then Olivia can you put the phone away for me please if I see it again you're putting it up on my desk if I see another phone out you will be going to the office the difference I love the idea when I come up here and teach the class now then stop talking okay class spit it out there's no chewing gum in my class Olivia you know what I'm done just go to the office and you can spit it out over there how about that where is she at I don't see her anywhere all right I need you guys to take a piece of paper out and you will be where are you are you serious what do you mean you're at home I thought you were coming to school I literally came to school because of you no bye and I want you guys to write the five reasons of why and when you are done Olivia where's your paper at I'm getting it thank you and also class can you just come to school what do you mean you're watching Netflix and eating ice cream who am I gonna talk to next Rock Olivia put your phone away now bye what I don't want to be here oh is that so well you can go to the office how about that Julia uh just think your name makes me want to puke I just can't stand her like I just cannot stand her okay that's it I have this one class with her and she's so annoying right she's after me once oh my God her breath her breath what about it it smells like a toilet full of [ __ ] really yeah I think there was an animal decomposing in there that's crazy and her squeaky voice I just can't be around her I hate her so much yeah let it all out go on she's like this man like Julia can you shut the [ __ ] that's so funny last week we took a question she kept asking me dumb questions I guess her brain as well was that 993 Motorola left my phone I just want to shove my whole foot up her ass Chloe guess what what like you want to know what's so crazy and funny what is it I'm actually really like very good friends with Julia like me and her are close but you know she's an amazing person right what did I say again I love cupcakes no you said you hated Julia hey no I love her hmm she's really cool I want to be friends with her what is she doing trying to push a baby yes Emily do you want to help me deliver it okay seriously what are you doing I'm trying to take off my ring and it won't come off here let me see let me help you Ava you have to twist it ow what the [ __ ] it didn't work okay then just let go cause you're gonna break my finger why don't you just put cooking oil wait you want her to put it in the pan after and cook it no Emily just shut the [ __ ] Olivia cooking oil is actually smart though oh yeah let me just get cooking all out of my backpack here I have some ocean to put some on it Riley that is so much you put so much okay try to take it off now oh my god did it come off no give me a Kleenex I'm wiping this off this disgusting why don't you just chop it off can someone punch her face for me it's turning purple breathe that way please Miss Johnson do something okay let me go get my chainsaw I'm going to the hospital how about that I love you look at this video that's funny I know right look at this one that's hilarious I love this video wait watch this one I can relate so much that's me every day hold on look at this picture that's so cute where is it okay I found the other way this is my lizard ah she looks lovely and this one is my dog adorable this is so cool you have to watch this 50 minute video if I'm not watching how to feed spiders what the actual fun okay but you but you're gonna buy this dress that's so pretty Ava okay get it thank you oh watch this video it's so funny it's so crazy look at this one oh my God look at this I have to go poop wait look Eva enough what are you gonna show me next your feet uh you know what don't talk to me ever again how about that why are you crying Corey broke up with me like what did I do wrong really I mean I would too if I was with you what are you talking about because you're annoying I hate you I'm just being honest did I tell you about my dog what he died two days ago good Olivia what the [ __ ] I didn't like the dog anyway every time I came over to your house it's always barking it's all out for no reason and that dumb [ __ ] bit me you don't feel bad for me no I'm actually happy Olivia look Tyler's in the hallway he's so cute you're always so negative he's not cute I don't know what you tastes and guys but you're disgusting what he's fine no he looks like a naked mole rat anyways you like my outfit no take it off Olivia wearing class I'm not taking it off well when you get home throw in the trash because it's ugly you're so mean no I'm just telling the truth I was gonna wear the other jeans but it didn't fit me maybe because you're fat I don't know do you like my shoes no they look hideous I don't know why you keep wearing them you need to burn it when you get home you're done you're done you can walk home you're not getting away from me after school how about that Where Have You Been um I was sick I was only gone for a day why what happened you missed a lot we had four quizzes and two tests and we also did two projects huh oh yeah also Nicki Minaj performed in the cafeteria yesterday and Ariana Grande performed in our classroom and also you missed seven fights seven fights also Mitch Johnson almost got fired because she got caught sleeping in the bathroom and get this there was a tiger and an elephant roaming in the whole race isn't that crazy oh my god there was also someone in the roof of the school doing jumping jacks Olivia come over here and get your eight missing homework you have an 11 in my class wait what last I checked I had a 94 and now it's down to 11 and all of this happened in one day what the f what the hell did you even trip going up the stage what in the [ __ ] [Music] going on over there I think something's wrong with the both of them let's step outside this is ridiculous is this the room I'm supposed to go to well well hello there Kayla yes take a seat did y'all miss me Kayla your breath please don't Kayla why are you here she failed PE is that true yes because every day the course would be like Run Cave now come on run run two more laps and I was running out of breath and so I would just be like how about you Ryan why is it so high in here I don't know Emma maybe because it's summer and there's the sun right outside pointing at us can someone turn on the AC of course Emma go buy one really quick then come back here and then you can turn it on the only reason I'm here is because I failed my finals because photomath isn't working so if you because of this problem but we will soon I don't understand why this call is so obsessed with us like they just can't get enough so they have to invite us back right it's giving fan behavior I'm not the one who needs to pass I graduated and you know what I'm gonna give y'all a science packet and no one is leaving this room until it's finished how about that foreign what is going on I'm gonna miss you guys so much did someone die Emily why are you crying you ditch class almost every day oh but this is like the last day of school okay I would be crying too but tears of joy why is she crying Who's Gonna Miss Her everyone hated her in this class [Music] laughs everybody next year what the hell I hope you always still remember me are we moving to different planets you guys are gonna make me cry Olivia go to the office how about that now I'm coming home yeah because you texted me now oh my gosh you guys so there's this place okay what did he say he was all next to the arm to come over because I'll drive over there if you want me to oh my gosh you guys so there's this place was he being serious yes but I told him my parents are sleeping because it was 4am in the morning you guys so there's this place that hey about 2 am in the morning and y'all are doing this why not and it's a little just climb the window climb the window your window is really high what is he Spider-Man he said he'll have every monster no matter how high this will be with me what so there's this place he said he wants to watch the movie and eat popcorn um no I don't think he wants to do that I think he wants to do something else like Olivia stop hello are you done are you both done are you okay okay no I'm not okay I didn't really hear you you didn't hear me what was it I wanted to show you guys this amazing place that I wanted for the three of us to go to for vacation but now nobody's going how about that Miss Johnson Miss Johnson Miss Johnson what and please lower your voice I have to say you're in a few times for you to hear me like what the [ __ ] watch your mouth what did you need I need help I'm questioning time come over here and say baby so I can take a look at it did you even use the question no I want you to give me the answer key for all of them yes I write 546 million times it makes no sense okay what did you get ten uh go back to your desk and try again no I'm not doing that I have a headache okay if Ashley has 20 apples then she gives me my five and Ash's friend has 16 oranges and she gets my three how many does he have now I don't know that's why I need help and are you rapping I love you I just read the question Miss Johnson you rereading it did not help at all you're on the right track but the wrong turn keep pushing you got this keep pushing I'm not pregnant Olivia that was the easiest question where's your notes I didn't take any right but I know you know it's up there no nothing's up here it's empty hello okay you know what just work on that when you get home no I'm burning this when I get home how about that sorry I had you guys waiting hi Mom hey you how are you she's asking you a question I'm good that's great can I get your name really quick you don't know your name Olivia okay do you have any allergies do you no gray so what seems to be the problem here her arm has been causing her a lot of pain I'm sorry to hear that is it the left or the right arm her left one okay and how long has it been causing you pain um a week all right it does it hurt if you move stretch at all Olivia I don't have your arm but yes it does okay one more thing when's your date of birth in February 11 and what year 2022 Olivia you were not born in 2022 okay you know what how old are you she's 21. okay everyone the Bell just rang sit down laughs oh oh what happened Olivia did you hit your foot oh it hurts someone called the ambulance Kayla can you shut up we don't need the ambulance for everything Olivia what are you doing on the floor I hate my foot because of this trash can okay stand up no I'm gonna lay here as long as I want but this is you this one reactions do you want this foot of her ass Caleb do you want me to drag you outside did her breaking pieces Kayla help her go check her feet or something how about you I'm not touching that smelly ass feet who put this hair if this wasn't here I wouldn't have fallen I hate you why were you in front of me okay go sit down no I'm not saying that I'm going to the nurse's office how about that please make sure y'all are doing your work yeah because I was hungry I was like who the ate my pizza and my sister goes no me while she was holding a freaking pizza good job Ava why are you writing random words and why is there flowers and noodles all over your paper this is not our class I don't know I'm just thinking notice what I walked past you six times six times I am doing my work okay where is it right here this is lesson one burn seven where's your notebook oh my God here I'm actually working where's the work it's a bank I don't see anything we're in you see down the board solve that for me right now uh no Focus there what is that are you serious what have you been doing this whole time have y'all been paying attention because we just went over this you are not leaving until this is done no because so like it's literally the um the way to the thing right because when you say the the the um when you literally say the um thing you know no I don't know see the reason yeah for example situation because how do I waste like in different things for the okay how did I do that when I sleep and um running but it's weird food so therefore it's the um Olivia what are you trying to say spit it out because no one talks about it talks about what because of the moon but it's downstairs and it's crazy because like um when you're literally about to like win okay I'm done I'm not doing this either way come back it's confusing because so you know how like when the thing just like yeah at it oh yeah I get it you do no I don't know what you're trying to say to me okay so actually when you um like how do you like about dragons and you like because you like look like like Olivia what the [ __ ] it will also make a what you shut up there's seven things that will you say my name no then who the hell is saying it okay who is saying my name nobody no somebody's saying it it's getting annoying it's probably your mom's voice calling you to watch them damn dishes it's not funny who said it no one said your name Olivia it's dead people just ignore them what communicate with them Olivia communicate with who the spirits it will okay what is going on back there I'm listening to music and someone keeps screaming and Whispering my name it's probably her crazy ex I'm confused Olivia that's someone saying your name yes and I'm hearing laughing noises oh hell no just the demons this is why you hate this class and you know what I'm leaving how about that are you okay I've been really stressed out really why I don't know I've been sad lately and I don't know what to do well don't be sad be happy I mean everything's gonna be fine I forgot to tell you but my cat died two weeks ago oh no I'm so sorry I really am and then two days ago my hamster died like what is happening I guess they're all dying I mean I'm sorry about that like what happened do you feed them no I let them starve until they start walking like skeletons yes everybody feed them what do you think sorry and I'm here if you need anything and I failed the test yesterday in math I got a 3 out of 65. plus my grandma has two more days to live and what are you doing sorry I'm just like this I can't help it but go on I was saying I can't handle all of this it's so sad yeah it is sad I was gonna tell you this morning but my dad has been in the hospital for two days now what what happened he was on the roof and he fell and his foot broke why are you laughing what the [ __ ] yeah because I was trying to tell her something important and her friend keeps talking over me so I was just like shut the [ __ ] up [Music] why is everyone looking at me like I just committed a crime wait a minute huh hold on did she just yeah she did Emma did you just curse yeah why I've never heard your curse before it's like I just saw a hole hit inside of you wait say another one no y'all are being so weird it's like I'm looking at a whole different person when I heard her say that my heart stopped why are y'all still looking at me like y'all saw a ghost or something wait did you just hit on accident no I actually said it was that like your hidden talent why does it feel so illegal to hear your curse are y'all being for early I'll never heard me curse no because this is you mother trucker what the fork can you say another one I'll give you some snacks no but it's like a dog okay I think I'll stop saying now like oh my where are you since school is just starting a lot of people are gonna be late okay Ava please tell me you're joking everyone is still in the hallway trying to find their class what do you mean to drop this class after we had it together I don't know anyone in this class you're gonna leave me here all by myself is she okay what about science what do you mean they changed it um is everything all right over there they did that on purpose knowing that you and I are best friends and we always get in trouble when we're together oh yeah she looks very okay and happy Miss Johnson can you put my best friend Ava in third block science class I'm sorry but I'm not a guidance counselor we still have peace I can block all right crying no okay that's just very happy what do you mean to switch that you switched it to Art Ava we have no classes together Olivia I'm gonna need you to put your phone away please Ava we don't even have lunch together you know what I'm just gonna move the whole different School how about that Ava remember last week yeah we were at the mall and you were walking down the escalator oh yeah then you tripped and fell the news started rolling down you and me both were laughing so hard okay hold on I don't remember any of this are you kidding me no Ava last week at the mall I don't know [ __ ] what are you talking about we were at the mall we both were going on the escalator and you fell I did yes this was just a week ago how can you not remember I'm so confused you are so slow you fell and everyone was looking at us and we both were just laughing her the whole time I just don't remember this was only a week ago how do you not remember a week ago two means like four months I came out with you a week is a long time to remember something you falling on the escalator you can't remember that I just don't know what never mind [ __ ] right now did you get 14. twice to read for 14 years did you get the homework done no I said check her phone oh my God nope Olivia office now how about that we should have walked over here every time you go to a party you're always drinking apple juice I read chapters four and six what's wrong with apple juice anyways I have to tell you something you're pregnant no stupid so you know how I went home early yesterday because I had a migraine yeah why when I came home and 25 minutes later someone was in front of my house knocking on the door okay but you should who was it take a guess a kidnapper what no it was Jacob I'm confused because I thought what do you want I don't know he was biting his lips and looking at me Ava it was so awkward and I was like why are you here and then what did he say he wanted the answers from the homework we did two days ago [Laughter] but after I gave him the answer she asked if he could come in the house and hurry up tell me we went upstairs to my room and we um what the [ __ ] Eva I think they were listening to us the whole time why is it so quiet what are you all looking at hello I woke up really late because I slept at 4am me too and my mom was mad at me because I missed the bus yes because I really want that dog it's so cute that is why it is also very good to know that what are your plans for Saturday you should get the yellow and purple one because yeah because two days ago she was the one that told me that she was oh my God y'all need to shut up everyone in this class is to zip their mouth and who is she talking to you better not be me I'm talking to everyone in this class because no one is listening to Miss Johnson Jessica you were the loudest one in here she's waiting for us to stop talking y'all are so rude I wasn't waiting but okay because I don't know about you guys but I'm trying to learn that teacher doesn't even like you Miss Johnson told us to be quiet 55 times um no I did not say that Jessica thank you but I can handle it can someone put tape on her mouth talking and talking like be quiet for once I'm about to shove my foot up her ass y'all are so disrespectful you were the loudest one don't even what are your plans for Saturday this is just so enough Jessica you're not the teacher just go to the office how about that where is she at e oh my gosh she's right there best friend come on let's go hey best friend hey girl uh who the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] who's who oh her well she's new in this school and we're friends now and I'm gonna go with her to her next class hi you're friends now what about me your best friend and how long have you guys been friends for Olivia can you stop being so dramatic and I don't know two weeks two weeks and you didn't tell me we're done how about that okay no one is leaving this class until you answer the exit ticket I gave you what I don't get it I don't know why is this exit ticket harder than the lesson that we just took get it I'm gonna be late to my next class okay Sarah you may go MIA you may go Elizabeth and Sophia you may go [ __ ] do you know the answer I was sleeping the whole time what makes you think I have to answer I was on FaceTime with my best friend the whole time Miss Johnson why did you make this question so hard uh-uh I'm leaving I don't got time for this [ __ ] nope I'm leaving too I'm not getting my party again both of you come back here and sit down you know what Anna lock the door how about that okay if everyone could pass the homework to the front that would be great [ __ ] [ __ ] forgot to do mine did you do yours yours duh but I'm not giving you the answers this is why I never liked you 25 26. there's only 26 papers in here and there's 27 of you in this class Ava did you do your homework my dog ate it girl you don't even have a dog can you shut up Ava I can't continue our lesson if I don't have everyone's homework so it's either you did it or you didn't what are you all looking at okay I didn't do it oh wow Ava do you know you have 43 missing assignments I don't care can I go to the bathroom no but you know where you can go to the office how about that [Laughter] oh my God I can't sleep is that you I'm trying to [ __ ] sleep and all I hear is you laughing from the past two hours shut up stupid ass [ __ ] uh first of all [ __ ] I wasn't even acting out loud and second hell are you in my room get out mom because that will also be on the test okay what time is it we are gonna stop there there's anyone have questions before we start backing up can we go already okay only draft the class bye all right don't forget to study for the test have an amazing weekend wait hold on what about the homework really really why did you have to tell her stupid who wants to do homework on the weekend thank you for reminding me there's three homework sheets up here on my desk that you need to grab Olivia office now and then bring this with me how about that best friend go look at the tick tock I sent you I already saw this you did okay hold on let me send you another one there oh I saw this yesterday and I didn't find it funny at all what about this one I already saw this too there's this channel Tech talk and I saw this video there I sent it to you I saw this two weeks ago watch the tick tocks I sent you yesterday no why are you always sending me 30 to 60 videos every day I don't have time to watch all of that what is this homework did you even watch the tech talks I sent you this morning no okay let's go the boundless rang everyone sat down ladies in the back this is not the time I'm not in the mood this morning foreign I've been teaching for 25 damn years and I had never you know what I'm just gonna say it Doris gum in my coffee yesterday [Applause] [Laughter] can you believe that gum that's been chewed on inside of my coffee was it you Olivia no why is it always me [ __ ] I drank the coffee and almost choked on that gum you know what since everyone wants to laugh and nobody wants to own up to it we will be taking two quizzes and a test today how about that all right we are gonna be playing Kahu and please use your real names bro watch this hold on don't start yet who is bend over and stinky puss now whoever's doing that please stop I keep getting it wrong bro I don't know any of this stop looking at my screen Jacob you're always doing that I wasn't even looking bro why is it lagging I can't play oh my God this only the new Wi-Fi wait is this going to go on the test because I'm getting this all wrong okay moving on oh I got that wrong let's lower down the brightness last one wait what is it it's red it wasn't red I was in first place and I'm a sixth place now because of you all right winners grab your candy Emily that's supposed to be mine dumb [ __ ] all right question number six laughs hello am I talking to myself if no one answers I'm pulling the sticks out Ava answer it no you not see me eating okay stick to this oh my God please don't pick me not the sticks really again okay Olivia I don't know Kayla what was the question again I don't know I was sleeping what are we doing you know what this nobody wants to answer the question the test will be tomorrow how about that where is she at I don't see her anywhere all right I need you guys to take a piece of paper out and you will be where are you are you serious what do you mean you're at home I thought you were coming to school I literally came to school because of you no bye and I want you guys to write the five reasons of why and when you are done Olivia where's your paper at I'm getting it thank you and also class can you just come to school what do you mean you're watching Netflix and eating ice cream who am I gonna talk to next block Olivia put your phone away now bye what I don't want to be here oh is that so well you can go to the office how about that all right class today you will be taking the test please keep your eyes on your own paper and I hope you studied good luck laughs can you be quiet [ __ ] now do you want to split up your ass Miss Johnson I need help Olivia this is the test remember last week what tools did we use I don't know that's why I'm asking a hammer a what Olivia you know this I know it's up there what's up here is I want to go to lunch I'm hungry okay enough just do your tests I'm done Olivia you still have the back and you need to check them use the tools views last week what tools a wrench okay you know what I'm done you're getting a zero how about that what are you doing can you stop no I'm freezing why is it so cold in here Mrs Johnson right what Olivia what are we inside the freezer can you please turn the thermostat up it's so cold did it also go in here or something no I'm not turning anything up and it's not that cold in here stop being ridiculous being ridiculous I'm about to get a damn frostbite Olivia you're the only one complaining no I'm not look at Emily and Emma they're about to lose their damn toes and the cheerleaders in the back are building a damn Igloo you know what Olivia says you want to keep complaining you can just go to the office I've had it how about that and before I leave I'm turning the thermostat up to 150 degrees how about that foreign yes what are you doing straightening my hair does anyone want me to straighten her too for five bucks no you're not straining nobody's hair and I meant what are you doing this is not a salon put it away I didn't have the time to do my hair this morning that's not my problem put it away Olivia oh my god oh [ __ ] give me 20 minutes okay you know what I'm done just go to the office how about that okay and I'm just training the principal's hair when I get there how about that good morning class how are we all doing today why is she acting like that she probably drank 800 cups of coffee this morning it's Friday come on did you guys wake up in the wrong side of the bed this morning no I just want to go home foreign do you guys have any plans for the weekend because I know I do I'm gonna be sleeping she just hurry up and start teaching us yeah me too she's probably getting her paycheck after school that's why she's so happy you all are so quiet today you know what I'm gonna tell you guys a story back in my day Miss Johnson why are you talking like that are you okay Olivia why are you interrupting me please step outside the hallway for me please how about that the reasons of the yes Olivia what can I go to the bathroom I don't know can you I don't know can you may I go to the bathroom no when Emily comes back she's been there for four hours what is she doing in there making 500 take talks I love you you were just at lunch why didn't you use it during lunch why does all teachers think that we have this on and off switch on our bladder I didn't need to use it during lunch well that's your fault I'm in the middle of teaching so you can wait no I can't wait I have to go really bad do you want me to pee on this floor there is way too many people going to the bathroom all at once this is ridiculous so today before you leave class I'll be giving you two passes for the rest of the semester what I need to go and before I leave that bathroom I'm gonna drag Emily's ass back to class how about that okay Ava it's your turn to come up here present I don't want to uh it's your grade not mine oh my God um my name is Ava and this is my I can't even hear her huh Miss Johnson can you tell her to speak up please Ava we can't really hear you honey speak up just a little bit louder um this is my presentation one of the reasons why can you repeat what you said I wasn't paying attention oh my God can y'all just let her present the reason why why can you guys hear her good no all I heard was her name uh-uh I didn't hear anything Ava I'm gonna need you to speak louder my name is Ava and I will be talking about why everyone in here should shut down okay Emily it's her turn to read okay long ago Miss Johnson what does that say lived oh okay thank you oh my God are you serious Mrs Johnson can you pick someone else no follow along King and uh princess Olivia be quiet no she's reading so slow you're being so disrespectful get out my class you know what go to the office how about that oh my God can I have some I love those chips best friend remember when I gave you Takis you better give me one of those bags girl you better give me some and then Kevin Went to is that food I want some oh my God I even think I chip out the bag yet you order some damn piranhas [ __ ] how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that about that about that how about is that how about that how about that and then it talks about how oh my God Mrs Johnson I wasn't finished with all of that just copy off of a friend no I can't even read anyone's handwriting in this class this is why you're gonna stop chit chatting and let me guess you were on your phone huh I wasn't chit chatting and I don't have my phone because you sent me to the office to bring it up there remember and can you please stop going so fast I literally only have five letters on this paper five letters why do you only have five letters I just said it you're going so fast you know what I'm not doing this how about that okay next up to present is Ava your turn to come up here um my name is Ava Miller and this is my I can't even hear her what can you speak uh please Ava can you speak a little bit louder um this is my presentation on can you repeat what you said I wasn't paying attention can y'all just let her present oh my God why is she whispering can you guys hear her no I didn't even hear anything she said to be honest Ava speak louder please I will be presenting the classes of the American rebel how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that oh that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about day how about that how about that how about that how about that how about fat how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that about that does it taste good what that damn pencil you've been chewing on for a whole hour now yeah it tastes good you want some no [ __ ] you're disgusting can you stop that what can you mind your own [ __ ] business I can't because you're chewing that damn pencil so loud Mr Johnson yes Olivia can you move Ava somewhere else she's showing like a goddamn account eating that damn pencil to get some damn Hershey bar you're the one talking so you move up here how about that and the essay will be okay I'm done Olivia move to the back seat please I'm done talking over you oh my God since you made me move I'm not doing any work like I said it's your grade not mine so it's totally up to you if you want to make that choice what can you stop stop what looking at me yeah can you look the other way are you deaf Mr Johnson can I move to the front she keeps looking at me it's getting annoying you're staying there till the end of the class [Laughter] okay turn to page 46. Olivia please take your earbuds out he bought a phone just for pictures of this wet Olivia pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet Emma tap her shoulders for me okay make it stop touching me [ __ ] what really you have your earbuds and while I'm in the middle of teaching put it away oh my God see this is why I hate this class okay class on page 46 you will be reading macaroni in a pot that's some random out Olivia grab my class and go to the office how about that office again you know what I'll just go and it's gonna take me a little long to get there and why is that because I need to use the bathroom how about that Samantha what is this sleep all day every day go wash them dishes and fold them damn clothes Mama it's literally so early and I'm so tired tired how the [ __ ] are you tired from playing on your phone all night get up and clean this whole house how about that and I'm not saying it again in class page 26 will also be I know because I'll wait why are you looking at me do you have something you'd like to share to the whole class that it's so important that you have to talk over me huh oh my God no because I'll tell you what I can just go sit down in my desk and hand you guys all the papers without having to explain what you guys have to do for this assignment I already know how to do this you've been up there talking for hours and hours nobody's even listening to you Jada I am so tired of your mouth the talk back the arguing all that has to stop see me after class you know what go to the office how about that Mrs Johnson I've been raising my hand for five minutes can you not see me what Olivia can I go to the nurse's office you just went 10 minutes ago it's because my stomach is still hurting and I have a really bad headache and all she did was ask me what I ate for breakfast and gave me a damn peppermint this is your third time going Olivia oh my God I know it's because all she gave me was a [ __ ] bad Aid and an ice pack I could literally be giving birth to a baby and I have a bone sticking on my arm and all she would say is honey go back to class you're fine watch your mouth stop cussing in my class and you're not going how about that no I'm going and you can shove this ice back up your ass how about that can you please stop that stop what the whole breathing thing it's annoying blow your nose or something I'm tired of hearing it you've been doing that for the past 30 minutes I'm not doing anything this is how I breathe you don't like it you can move somewhere else I'm not moving anywhere [ __ ] Mrs Johnson can you please tell Kayla to move why what is she doing to you she's breathing too hard and it's getting annoying she doesn't have to move you can move come on over here are you serious okay class once I had the test you may begin here you go does anyone have a pen or a pencil I can borrow yeah I got one here is this mine I swear at the same exact one it's not yours I literally just bought that today where's the one that let you borrow yesterday huh I don't know I gave you back to you remember no you didn't and why the [ __ ] is your teeth marks on it that's because it's mine oh my God you know what give it back to me you're freaking disgusting and no I'm keeping it the [ __ ] [ __ ] are you serious what what do you mean what can you choose your mouth closed [ __ ] no this is how I like to chew my gum you don't like it you can move it's so loud are you a [ __ ] cow why are the lights still on who's gonna turn it off I'm not turning it off Olivia you need to get up and turn the lights off oh my God I'm already in bed and I'm laying down and I'm so tired so whoever is closer to the light switch can turn it off that means you Samantha uh-uh I'm not turning it off mom oh my God what do you need can you turn the lights off so you called me in your room just to turn the lights off no I'm not turning anything off oh my God okay class today we are working in groups and I will be the one assigning it are you serious I swear she better put us in the group together you me and Emily I know right I [ __ ] hate this [ __ ] with her and her groups just cross her fingers all right so Olivia you will be working with Sarah and Julia hell no I'm not working with them and why is that because I don't want to and I just don't like them and half the time they're not even working they're always sitting there like Olivia don't be rude and you're just gonna have to work it out I'm not working anything out because last time I got in a group with them Sarah was making her burgers and eating it and Julia was smelling her toast right in front of me Olivia I've had it with you go to the office how about that Beach Haven was about 70 miles off of Chloe can you read where I left off um girl I don't know I wasn't paying attention either uh uh can you tell me what page we're at because I was reading ahead of you guys and I lost myself no you weren't you were talking to your friend over there like always you know why just tell us what happened what happened what happened I don't know I was on my phone I just woke up what's going on [ __ ] can you at least tell me what page we're on 25 we're on page 25 Chloe oh my God I was in can you just pick someone else you're always speaking me you know what you're staying here for 10 minutes of your lunch how about that mama I don't feel good and I have a headache it's that damn phone Olivia it's the phone you're always on that thing 24 7. how can you not take a break from staring at your screen all day huh you know what bring that phone over here let me see it mom why do you always blame the phone for everything what about my headache I don't know go drink some water Okay who wants to take that attendance for me down to the office me wait I'll do it can I take it please no I want to do it oh my God me I raised my hand first can I do it of course Olivia okay and then on the other side you will be drawing a cat and a dog after that you will get another piece of paper Olivia is there a problem yes you've been up there for an hour talking about this project are you not tired yet I have to explain it do you know what to do no and I'm not doing it draw a cat and a dog what are we in first grade that's not the point of this Olivia then what's the point because I'm falling asleep and class is almost over and no one's even listening to you Samantha is over there on her phone Kayla and Anna and two other people are over there sleeping everyone wake up this is not no bedtime story and Olivia go to the office how about that can I help you no then what the [ __ ] are you looking at Olivia please watch your mouth no not until just to stop staring I'm not even staring at you and how would you even know I was staring at you if you weren't staring at me I wasn't who the hell wants to stare at you you look like Dora [ __ ] okay that's it Olivia go to the office see this is your fault [Laughter] and on page 11 you guys will be ah what are you guys doing packing up now we still have two minutes of class time so I want everyone to take their notebooks back out put them on your desk and look up here Mrs Johnson there's literally two more minutes left before the Bell Rings exactly two more minutes for me to teach and ladies why are we lining up at that door are you guys in second grade no sit back down oh my God the Bell is literally about to ring Mrs Johnson I'm aware of that and no one is leaving my class until the girl mappers are picked up the hot Cheetos in the ground that you guys keep eating in my class five one the Bell just rang now now now everyone come back here the bells does not dismiss you I do the Bell does not dismiss you I do don't watch the battle for I'm gonna miss the bus so if I miss the bus you're gonna drive me that okay next up to present is a leather turn to come up here all right so the topic that I chose was health and [Laughter] and the nutrition what is so funny ladies why are we laughing I'm sorry and I will also be talking about the reasons of Olivia this will be your final grade for the quarter white people need to start okay that's it Olivia go take a seat you're getting a zero are you serious oh my God okay no I was like what the [ __ ] are you all looking at oh my God why does this thing keep breaking uh does anyone have lead I have 0.7 I need 0.5 anyone hello do you no Olivia what do I look like you go to school supplies you asked me for food gum and ChapStick yesterday so don't ask me anything because I'm not your go to Walmart Emma Ava do you have lead I have 0.7 I need 0.5 why does everyone have 0.7 Ms Johnson do you have lead um let me check I have 0.9 Olivia you need to start buying your own stuff okay let me go to store really quick then Olivia sit down exactly you know what just go to the office how about that was normal excuse me hey excuse me hello yes what do you need can you please read in your head I can't because if I don't read it out loud I'm not gonna understand anything well can you move somewhere else I like this spot you can move you're not reading to the whole [ __ ] class why are we talking it's because of this [ __ ] again watch your mouth and you can go to the office how about that foreign oh my God look at this oh my God and then on the other side Olivia she was telling Olivia Olivia can you tap her shoulders for me don't touch me [ __ ] what I'm getting tired of your attitude stop talking while I'm talking you know what since you want to talk so much why don't you share to the whole class oh okay Kevin cheated on Samantha with this girl named Kiana so after school Samantha is going to beat her ass and then nope Olivia leave my class and go to the office how about that you literally said to share to the whole class you know what I'll just go but before I leave I just want to say I hate you and this class how about that okay [Music] oh hell no foreign [Laughter] best friend do you have a bathroom no I [ __ ] in the backyard and wipe my ass with leaves wait really no are you dumb of course I have a bathroom oh my God Mom's home Samantha mom's home in the house is not cleaned no she's not you're lying can you get out my room why would I be lying dumbass did you wash the dishes and fold the clothes oh my God we're gonna take the trash out hurry up because she's oh hey Mom hi Mom how was work hi Mom how is work wow I walked in the house and I stepped on this and there's dishes in the kitchen let me guess the clothes are not folded and nobody took the trash out huh I forgot I'm sorry um yeah me too I forgot forgot how can you forget I worked so hard for this family and you guys had all day with nothing to do and you couldn't even manage to wash the dishes and I can't even come back to a clean home Mama I'll do it right now yeah me too you guys can never do anything without me having to tell you the reasons and the causes of why the [ __ ] oh um uh did she just say the F word guys stop I did not say the f word I said the reasons and the causes of why the heck the animals are becoming endangered what did she say then [ __ ] Miss Johnson we literally heard you okay enough even if I said it it's whatever just don't tell your parents I'm gonna be telling my father my mother my sister my brother my aunt my uncle why are you guys so [ __ ] oh she just said it again maybe you should be the one that should go to the office how about that best friend why are you acting like that are you mad yes you finally figured it out who is this person you posted on Instagram I don't know but it's somebody and you tagged her so I know you know her and you posted this picture yesterday it's nobody and you had the audacity to caption it I love you BFF are you serious right now why are you being so dramatic you can both be my best friend it doesn't work like that oh there she is Ava step outside and give her that wig back there how about that why is she just standing there wow I was gone for a day from my meeting and come back to a horrible sub note and I just want you all to know out of the 25 years of teaching I had never had a class like this wait Miss Johnson what are you talking about what am I talking about the sub from yesterday as a matter of fact I just got an email today and she said she will never sub for this class again because of how you guys treated her what is wrong with me as a teacher may I use the bathroom really no not right now 27 students in this class and only three listened to the sub can you believe that I am so disappointed oh yeah the project I was supposed to be due next week is now gonna be due tomorrow how about that wait what girl what are you doing six seven counting using my fingers what does it look like I'm doing you need your fingers to count do you want to do it for me and I seen you do it too she shut up ladies why are we talking Mrs Johnson Emma is using her fingers to count stop laughing and finish your quiz and Emma this quiz is literally so easy why do you need to use your fingers for no it's not I've been stuck on the same problem for 30 minutes I don't understand any of this you know why I'm not doing that how about that and Olivia [Music] hahaha what mom mom come here what do you need bring your ass over here what you got five seconds five four no who the [ __ ] is chewing so loud thank you what is this [ __ ] doing excuse me ma'am hello are you calling me yes can you shut the [ __ ] up hey watch your mouth watch your mouth no you told her that because I'm over here trying to focus on this geometry [ __ ] and all here over there is her big ass mouth laughs [ __ ] you better shut up before I shove this foot up your ass and on page 16 you will be Olivia wake up and then you will get a piece of paper and write all of this oh my God are you okay that's what you get now pay attention and look up here I literally just hurt my head and you're not gonna even ask if I'm okay oh sweetie are you okay better no and can I go get a drink before I fall asleep again no after I'm done talking and on page 18 I want you to write me a full are you kidding me you know what Olivia go sleep in the office how about that who the [ __ ] is chewing so loud what is this [ __ ] doing excuse me ma'am hello are you calling me yes can you shut the [ __ ] up hey watch your mouth watch your mouth no you told her that because I'm over here trying to focus on this geometry [ __ ] and all here over there is her big ass mouth [ __ ] you better shut up before I shove this foot up your ass good morning class how are we all doing today probably drank 800 cups of coffee this morning it's Friday come on did you guys wake up in the wrong side of the bed this morning no I just want to go home do you guys have any plans for the weekend because I know I do I'm gonna be sleeping could you just hurry up and start teaching us yeah me too she's probably getting her paycheck after school is why she's so happy you all are so quiet today you know what I'm gonna tell you guys a story back in my day Miss Johnson why are you talking like that are you okay Olivia why are you interrupting me please step outside the hallway for me please how about that good morning class how are we all doing today why is she acting like that she probably drank 800 cups of coffee this morning it's Friday come on did you guys wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning now I just want to go home do you guys have any plans for the weekend because I know I do I'm gonna be sleeping can she just hurry up and start teaching us yeah me too she's probably getting her paycheck after school is why she's so happy you all are so quiet today you know what I'm gonna tell you guys a story back in my day Miss Johnson why are you talking like that are you okay Olivia why are you interrupting me please step outside the hallway for me please how about that Mrs Johnson I've been raising my head for five minutes can you not see me what they need now Emily what I'm busy you're busy and you're asking me what I need are you not the teacher here I need help with this hard ass question that you keep giving us every single day well you can come up here so I can help you oh my God okay I can't tell you the answer but I can read it for you if angle a plus b plus C equals 180 and angle a equals 90 then what is the value of 10 B plus c huh I still don't get it I came over here for your help and all you did was read it to me as if I can't [ __ ] read it for myself you want to speak to me like that well you can go on and head to the office and they can help you how about that okay class true or false is water wet Riley um girl I don't know why you're always asking me to stay true [ __ ] uh I think it's true okay now explain why it's true um wait never mind I changed my answer it's false okay then explain why it's false Riley can you just pick someone else already there's literally 27 people in this room and you're always picking me I can't find him what are you doing there's this guy I'm trying to find on Instagram and I don't even think he has social media oh you should have told me wait what what's his name um Jacob Richardson give me one second I'm so confused what are you doing okay so I promise Instagram wait how did you do that I have waste okay next I found his Twitter oh my god he has some spicy photos on there how are you doing this it's easy and I found his family on Facebook what he has a Spotify account you also found his Spotify account I found his Snapchat it's on his Tech talk bio what the [ __ ] where is that and I put it where did you put what my ring Olivia I'm missing my ring where did you lose it are you dumb if I know where it was I wouldn't be looking for right now Olivia Ava your ring is on your finger what oh there it is this whole time it was on your finger are you kidding me okay now I'm losing my phone have you seen it why are you losing so many stuff I don't know help me find it anybody the bet is about to win we're gonna be late to our next class we're not going until we find it try calling it you're getting on my nerves wait someone's calling me hello wait it's my phone yes we found it Ava what the [ __ ] um I'm losing my keys why are you losing everything I put it in my pockets did you look in your bag it's not there are you searching the air why are you just sitting there even the keys are in your hair oh I forgot I'll put them there yeah she's like yeah just want the best for you I know yep I'm just gonna wait Jacob wake up I wasn't even sleeping bro who took my phone I left it on the table what is that smell is everyone farting in here I need everyone to wait who my best friend and my ask [Music] for everyone enough oh my God looked at me first the both of you stop Mom I don't want to be here and Jessica you're in summer school because you ditch class almost every day where do you go to Antarctica and party with the Penguins to be honest I really don't have to be here I finished school I graduated I need to use the bathroom really bad no Ava is the bathroom your best friend okay then I'll do it right here okay let's stop looking at me my laptop the both of you out about that are you going to Jacob's party after school I don't know I've been thinking about it are you I saw his mom at the store last week and I was like hey did I tell you about my dad he didn't let me hang out with my friends last week really I'm sorry I keep looking at your shoes they look so good once you get it I got it like two weeks ago when I got my haircut wait should I get a haircut I've been thinking about getting one to be honest I like it that way and oh my god did I tell you I almost drowned three days ago Yes I jumped in the pool it was like 12 feet you know all the way down to the bottom but I survived that's how my dad met my mom oh really yes because he saved her from drowning did I tell you about my neighbor this morning he was staring at me when I threw the trash out this morning my cat was inside my trash can oh my God this morning I was so sleepy and fed my dog cat food why would you do that I didn't know I ran out of dog food so I went to the store and got some more you guys still called me last night Kevin yesen is like do you want to drive with me my new car have you seen Kayla's car it's so cute I was with her when she bought it really yes and she was farting all day but we're talking about a party we were the reasons and the causes of why the [ __ ] oh um uh did she just say the F word guys stop I did not say the f word I said the reasons and the causes of why the heck the animals are becoming endangered what did she say then [ __ ] Miss Johnson we literally heard you okay enough even if I said it it's whatever just don't tell your parents I'm gonna be telling my father my mother my sister my brother my aunt my uncle why are you guys so [ __ ] oh she just said it again maybe you should be the one that should go to the office how about that okay today we are going to talk about what we would do there is a fire in the building I'm running home as fast as I can and if you're my way I'm gonna push you go to the nearest window and jump now we will come down and line up quietly you want you only happy and joyful while we burn land up quietly is the fire sleeping if everyone starts screaming I won't be able to take attendance to see who's missing take attendance while the fire eats us what if everyone starts running and someone behind you trips and falls that's their fault that should have run faster you know what we're gonna hide under our desk what is the fire doing playing hide and seek you are also leaving everything behind in class including your backpacks Ms Johnson do you want to pay for my airpods makeup brush curling iron lashes my name is Johnson do you also want to pay for my phone because I'll bring the whole chair and desk if I have to I'm not leaving my 80 backpack here again we'll calm down because I want to open the door until we are in a single fight line what if a student was burning you're gonna tell them to calm down honey she's gonna tell them to stop drop and roll how about that okay class today's just work day get all your missing work done and wait hold on Miss Johnson are we supposed to do a quiz today or I think two quizzes why did you have to tell her wait which quiz the one that had 25 questions and the other one I think had 30. oh yeah you're right what class I guess we're taking a quiz today serious oh yeah and also did you say that we had to finish the book that we were yesterday chapters one two three four and maybe five are you sure I don't think I yes you did you told everyone everyone that is so much and also Miss Johnson didn't sound like a little project like a project she never said that I don't think I signed that but since you reminded me I will give you guys a project all right thank you I want to shove this foot so far up her ass and Miss Johnson the homework that we had shut up how about that Where Have You Been um I was sick I was only gone for a day why what happened you missed a lot we had four quizzes and two tests and we also did two projects huh oh yeah also Nicki Minaj performed in the cafeteria yesterday and Ariana Grande performed in our classroom and also you missed seven fights seven fights also Mitch Johnson almost got fired because she got caught sleeping in the bathroom and get this there was a tiger in the elephant roaming in the hallways isn't that crazy oh my god there was also someone in the roof of the school doing jumping jacks what the f Olivia come over here and get your eight missing homework you have an 11 in my class wait what last sudden I checked I had a 94 percent and that was down to 11 and all of this happened in one day what the [ __ ] okay moving on what's the answer to number three oh 52. good job Jessica number four 146. I was gonna answer that wow Jessica amazing all right who got number five number five is 720 728. what is wrong with you um what do you mean um what do you mean why do you keep answering the questions when you know damn well I want to answer it I didn't know style you did know I barely know anything let me take this spot what is going on want me to participate right tell her to stop yelling out the answer you can answer number six no that's too hard let go of my hair Olivia how about that how the hell did you even trip going up what in the [ __ ] [Music] what is going on over there it's stomach is hurting I think I think something's wrong with the both of them the both of you get off the floor you know what step outside this is ridiculous [Applause] what the [ __ ] oh my God are you okay who is making that noise is she all right Olivia talk you're squeezing yourself Olivia breathe because of Miss Johnson I think you need to call the ambulance Olivia are you okay why is everyone asking if she's okay does she look okay I think she's turning into a dinosaur can someone help her why is everyone just staring at her Ava help her what do you want me to do Kayla open her lungs okay what the [ __ ] Olivia I thought you were dying what was that it was nothing it looked like he got freaking stabbed I got that all the time but I'm fine now I thought you were having a heart attack I was about to go to SWAT team I can't find him what are you doing there's this guy I'm trying to find an Instagram and I don't even think he has social media oh you should have told me wait what what's his name um Jacob Richardson give me one second I'm so confused what are you doing okay so I found his Instagram wait how did you do that I have ways okay next I found his Twitter oh my god he has some spicy photos on there how are you doing this it's easy and I found his family on Facebook what he has a Spotify account you also found this Spotify account I found his Snapchat it's on his Tech talk bio what the [ __ ] Olivia did you see that hold on all right Lucas what bruh what bro I'm not your bro I need you to shut the [ __ ] hey let's not please [Music] why is it taking us so long to read one paragraph a paragraph I'm not even that reading a sentence yet there's something wrong with your two brain cells what is she okay wake up because of the problems and obstacles that he had what is she doing she's an autopilot and now the environment that he is living she's been doing that for the past 30 minutes why isn't that entering my brain okay Olivia sit down what are you doing over there I'm reading the words but I can't read the words what that made no sense I'm losing my two brains of stuff you know what I'm done how about that thank you okay Olivia what are you looking at me no her the one who's banging her head against the door yes you um I just wanted to ask um uh Olivia um spit it out damn it okay uh do you still like me like I just wanna know who you duplicate it's only been 10 minutes since we've last talked wait really just kidding it's not funny but yeah I think it's been four months you don't hit me up anymore me that's you Olivia used to FaceTime me almost every day and you used to call me almost every day and now I'm just a little cockroach Pat I love you I swear and you just disappeared I thought you got kidnapped or something I actually miss you Olivia because remember for life good morning class I said good morning good morning there happy [ __ ] thank you I thought I was in this room by myself Miss Johnson I have a question what's that what is so good about this morning huh it's always a good morning every day living up I woke up at 6am in the morning do you know what really that is early bird gets the worm right now whatever in the world is just sleeping I'm up my brain is even flushing it and you have the nerve to say good morning come on guys pick up the energy what's going on energy almost everyone in this house I sleep in the two people over there in the back over there crying and Miss Johnson what is that on the board that has numbers on the sides a triangle which you will be solving in a minute it's early in the morning and you're asking us to stop a triangle why don't you solve it you're built like a triangle oh I get it it's Monday we're all in this together at 7 30 in the morning what do we look like roosters and why are the weekends going by so fast what is this 30 minute breaks you know what I'm giving on seven homeworks how about that are you okay Tyler broke up with me I knew it I knew it was gonna be about a guy Ava who the hell is Tyler um ah I love them what in the [ __ ] what is this is this a joke what this thing broke your heart can you stop I'm sorry but you're too created super crying over this really him there's better pictures of him now now there's that this is embarrassing I don't know what to do says you're out here doing charity work okay I get it Ava he looks like a roach can I have my phone back you're too gorgeous and you're worth so much more I can't believe you're crying over that this is the 16th time he broke up with me he's toxic I know what I mean we're gonna look for a guy who's gonna treat you better how about that let's go look where in the hallway uh what do you mean oh oh as in I can't help you with that wait what why because I'm depressed too I've been crying myself to sleep every night me too how long do you cry um an hour you probably two to three hours is that normal yeah I think well I really like this I don't know I don't think I'm okay I'm fine but I'm dying in the inside yep I guess we're twins I stressed out too Ava huh we're jumping off a cliff oh wow you're really going through it I got so many issues I do too have you tried unaliving yourself Olivia what the [ __ ] no I'm just asking because I have many times my surprise I'm still here talking to you well every day I'm trying my best to stay alive that's good I have a question what do you cry when you're in the shower duh there's something wrong with this that's why we were meant to be best friends yeah you're right okay why didn't you guys to do next is glue it in your notebook Olivia what that is way too much no it's not you're only supposed to put a dots that's not enough well you're being wasteful how about that is it your glue no I bought it so I can use it however I want how about that Beatrice you're putting way too much no I'm not I said that that goes a long way now it goes a short way that that does nothing Riley are you painting the paper what are you doing Miss Johnson if I don't put enough it's gonna sign off my notebook Kobe the glue is not an ice cream topping I said a DOT Miss Johnson that that is not enough we'll make it enough how about that now about that Kayla what are you doing I'm letting the glue dry in my hand so I can peel it that looks like never mind are you going crazy go wash your hands no because it's almost dry okay yeah I'm on my last show with you okay then get more straws Miss Johnson you see that weird bump that that looks ugly Michael why are you just sitting there I don't know what we're doing okay you know what I'm done you can throw that paper away make your own notes how about that okay it's been 20 minutes what did you get for number one um I got ten that's wrong no it's not okay Emily what did you get I got 11. what a dumb [ __ ] Beat Beatrice stop I forgot how to divide I got 11 too exactly beat rice Miss Johnson I got ten I also got ten I'm the smartest person here so no one gives a [ __ ] I don't know how to do this Ava what did you get I couldn't even solve it because why is there a bunch of letters next to the number just say you're stupid Jessica do you want me to beat your ass is the answer 10 or 11 I'm confused Olivia I want to show your answer uh give me a minute she's erasing it just say it I got 865. what the [ __ ] she needs to go back to third grade Beatrice you got her back four times I wouldn't be talking damn four times Olivia you're like way off your face is way off how about that Olivia can you explain how you got that I'm too lazy so now class Olivia is the only one that got the answer right how the [ __ ] [ __ ] you're the one that has the big forehead shut up your breath stinks stop talking to me you're so ugly you need chapstick cause your lips are Jarred in the Sahara Desert it's not even dry and you have a 14.6 in this class are you doing your homework sweetheart and you need braces because your teeth are throwing up gang signs didn't you buy white Air Forces it looks dirty did you soak them in [ __ ] you need to clean them [ __ ] shut up and you've been wearing those for three years no I haven't you're so ugly go look in the mirror and tell me if you see a zombie I know right she's so ugly and hideous what did you say I was just agreeing with you that she's ugly and has a big forehead no it doesn't work like that only I'm allowed to do that because I'm her best friend yeah but I was just [Music] [Laughter] what is it look at this [Laughter] it's not so funny yeah Olivia can you not no because they just hit me in my lap what the [ __ ] I already saw it stop touching me enough look at this other one get off my hair why aren't you laughing it's not that funny can you stop acting like an animal foreign what are you doing are you okay put it down because they will need the so make sure that you for that specific play um okay oh [ __ ] for Beatrice give her CPR no I'm not doing that I think she's having a malfunction yeah I know that's the demon inside her trying to get out Olivia are you okay yes Miss Johnson she's doing amazing oh my God you guys just dying oh she's turning into a zombie um what the [ __ ] okay how is everyone's first day of school going great talk and it seems like we're actually missing three more people you're late yes because I've been looking for this not everywhere going up and down up and down and nobody out there wasn't helping everyone to save you hold up right oh another one why are you late the hallway is crowded as [ __ ] right and everyone keeps pushing me and stepping on the back of my shoes sorry to hear that a trip upstairs why is that do people not know how to walk okay calm down go sit down hi why are you so late I was looking for a hallway Crush but I couldn't find one so okay yeah go sit down mom pick me up I hate everyone here okay you first say your name and say three fun facts about yourself I'm Olivia and I like to eat sleep and breathe air I'm Ava I like crying I complain every day and I have no Dad okay you know what what did you guys do over summer I brought it in my room all day what the [ __ ] Olivia which picture looks the best one two three or four hmm okay and don't lie I'm not but I would say one are you sure yes I like it I don't know what do you mean you don't know why don't you like the fourth one they all look good by my opinion one looks the best okay thank you Kayla what which one do you think is cute this one this one this one or this you're going way too fast I really like three [Laughter] are you sure it's because four is disgusting no we just look really good in three you know what Emily I just sent you four picks tell me which one you like the best okay uh I don't really like none of them sorry no don't talk to me ever again I mean you can do better now you could look better the [ __ ] everybody saying to pick can you pick one the second one I love that now I'm getting stressed because you said the second one Olivia said the first and Kayla said three like what the [ __ ] just pick one why is it the longer I said the picture it gets uglier you know I'm not posting anything about that oh my God I can't see anything what does that first one say what is the setting of the story the time and place okay thank you make sure y'all are writing all of this down can I just copy your notes no do not see me writing I still have this whole page to fill up okay then what does the second one say why do you keep asking me ask someone else Kayla what does the second one say what we're going swimming never mind Miss Johnson I can't see the board oh I'm sorry here I'll bring the board to you thank you I was kidding did you actually think I was gonna do that you chose to sit back there with your best friend so deal with it why can't you see don't you have eyes no we don't where are they I got this how am I supposed to write notes Miss Johnson where are your glasses Olivia in my backpack and even if I did wear them I still wouldn't be able to see and I hate wearing them well I don't know what to tell you I'm gonna bring some binoculars tomorrow you're right so small what do I look like an ant okay go to the office how about that nope I'm going home how about that Ava I have a question what's that what was your first impression of me Oh I thought you were a [ __ ] really I thought you were really annoying and I still think you're a [ __ ] but who cares I like that about you what else um Oh I thought you were really mean and you look like you eat people oh my god really yeah like I also thought you were a bullying that you were gonna beat me up beat you up what do you look like Optimus Prime I don't know because your face was like this because I thought you were going to be this annoying [ __ ] okay your turn what did you think of me when first man oh I hated you like I didn't like you you also hated me what yeah like I thought you were weird as [ __ ] are you serious what else um you were very quiet and now you're like a machine that doesn't stop talking but you're literally the sweetest like look at us we're best friends now right we've been best friends for so long and so crazy yeah cause what are we for life she looks so sad oh my God I love you oh my God what's wrong Olivia are you okay yeah I'm just tired are you sure you're okay I don't know I just feel weird Hey Olivia honey do you need to go to the nurse no no it's Johnson I'm good thank you so bad she's crying don't worry about me you won't understand is there anything I can do to help no I don't think I'll ever be happy again I think I'm losing my voice I'm here if you need anything there's some snacks on my desk if you need it thank you Miss Johnson we're all here if you need anything and we love you I swear you better not be faking this [ __ ] I'm really sad you're so ugly can you stop now I know where I'm not giving you a ride after school how about that who the [ __ ] Chloe you should move because someone sits there no um who are you the queen just kidding I'm Chloe you're in my seat get up please really no one was sitting here when I got here so I said that every day ever since school started what everyone said there's no assigned seats so I'll go sit somewhere else you're in my chair and table you're in my property did you pay for the seat and does it have your name on it I don't think so yes I've been 50k and it doesn't have your name on it either this is my seat now just sit right there it's empty nope well I'm not moving so bye bye you're not moving because I'll move you oh I'm so scared I'll give you three seconds to move three she's gonna turn you into this she's gonna feed you to her animals if you don't get up two she's gonna throw you out that window if you don't move if you don't get up she's gonna Hulk smash you one okay I'll move I'll move I'll move I'm gonna write my name on the chair how about that wait Olivia I gotta tell you something what um you know what what never mind nope you have to tell me tell you what what you were gonna say I said never mind you're so annoying I hate it when you do that it's whatever never mind Olivia then what's the point of you bringing it up if you're not gonna tell me you're acting like it's a big you always do this never mind like no finish X when I say never mind I mean never mind I'll probably tell you later there's no later what if I get sucked up my tornado later what if a dinosaur eats me later whatever Olivia what the [ __ ] I'm not gonna stop bothering you if you don't tell me it really doesn't matter then why did you stop talking then what are you hiding about tell me you know what no come back here Olivia sorry but tell me I was just gonna ask if you wanted to go to Alaska later oh my god oh I'm sorry and yes no I don't want to anymore how about that good morning everyone my name is Miss Miller and I'm Gonna Be Yourself for today because Miss Johnson is sick Olivia I love your hair it looks different yeah I straightened it yeah she does allows it taking attendance is koala here who's that koala that's an animal no kawaila you mean Kayla that's me what the [ __ ] okay it's over here it's Ava it's three letters Ava sorry Olivia what did she say that's like the easiest name in the world it's beat rice here did she say she's beating you mean Beatrice thank you Mikhail ma'am it's Michael okay what about slow now do you look like a troll to you Miss Myler it's Chloe my name is Miss Miller oops [ __ ] Get Out relay are you here it's Riley Jessica how about that I like your ring oh thank you do you want to know something but promise me not to tell nobody I promise this ring gives me powers really yeah but I can only use it when I'm in danger so yeah she works at the hospital wait you guys y'all know my mom was the first person to touch the Sun what no way wait how would that work it was a long time ago but she had this special suit oh but guess what everyone what my mom is getting me an iPhone for my birthday my dad invented iPhones what I thought you said your dad worked at McDonald's no I didn't SMS sister is the owner of McDonald's okay wait if your dad is the owner where is your iPhone I'm not allowed to bring it to school but guess who's coming over to my house this weekend who Ariana Grande there's no way yeah she's my cousin oh my God yeah and Taylor Swift is my great grandmother's daughter sister my brothers You're so confusing I think she's lying I'm not lying do you have a picture with her no but I need to say something what is it I think my dog can talk and fly you know what I think what there's something wrong with you Ashley can you take pictures of me please yeah sure why are you tilting the phone I don't know don't tell it because all the pictures are gonna look like this okay yeah just keep taking it don't stop are we done we just started no we're not done oh my God actually you're not even holding and looking at the phone right I am let me see what the hell are these you're taking pictures of my neck take more hair you only took three I want like 300. I swear if all those pictures are blurry what are you even doing what is this let me see actually he's taking a picture of me not the tree none of this look cute look like a blobfish well that's you not the pictures they're all blurry I always talking about my own body and take my damn pictures oh my God let me take it here take more you see it are they good no I'm so tired I know me too because what the [ __ ] I think a demon entered inside her is she transforming into a dinosaur Olivia bro can you shut up I'm trying to sleep you're always sleeping back there Lucas you shut up um is she getting possessed 25 years of teaching have I ever seen this oh my no one cares Miss Johnson can you do something happier you guys I'm getting scared what is going on ah oh my God that was a good stretch what the [ __ ] do I have a crap there's something wrong with her oh it hurts okay it's gone what just happened so dizzy I just saw Sparkles uh do you need water no I'm good Ms Johnson you can keep teaching Olivia when did you get glasses I got them yesterday Olivia take them off can you still see me wait I can't kill them where'd you go yes I can still see you can I see them really quick yeah sure how many fingers am I holding up are you serious four okay what about this one Ava I'm not blind I love you how many fingers am I holding up 628 two Ashley how about now what are y'all doing I can still see it's just blurby why do you need glasses then so I can have a special ability to see the dinosaurs outside wait Emily give it to me oh my God why is it like that wait I want to try how can you stay with this what are y'all doing those are expensive you're gonna break it okay my turn what I want to try oops sorry I can't see anything let me see it everyone's fingerprints are the damn lenses [ __ ] you're the one that has the big forehead shut up your breath stinks stop talking to me you're so ugly you need chapstick because your lips are Jarred in the Sahara Desert it's not even dry and you have a 14.6 in this class are you doing your homework sweetheart and you need braces because your teeth are throwing up gang signs didn't you buy white Air Forces it looks dirty did you soak them in [ __ ] you need to clean them [ __ ] shut up and you've been wearing those for three years no I haven't you're so ugly go look in the mirror and tell me if you see a zombie I know right she's so ugly and hideous what did you say I was just agreeing with you that she's ugly and has a big forehead no it doesn't work like that only I'm about to do that because I'm her best friend yeah but I was just so upgraded everyone's tests sit down I love you you're not going to the bathroom is she gonna tell us or is she gonna stand there all day like a statue you know what never in my 25 years oh here we go again never in my six thousand does she want an award or something of teaching had a class like this I'm not mad I'm just disappointed the class average was at 35. what is wrong with this class we have three and a half weeks to learn just for everyone to fill the tests tell me what am I doing wrong I couldn't even write and copy any notes when you were teaching and why is that because you kept hitting next snacks in every slide 400 miles per hour and I couldn't keep up Olivia I wouldn't be laughing because you got a 5 out of 40. that's not bad at least I got a five yeah three for putting your name and two for putting the date I'll be calling each and every one of your parents oh yeah there is no retakes how about that right and that is also the reason why [Laughter] has also Changed by stop she's gonna hear us what is going on are they getting possessed and then shut up [Laughter] Olivia and Ava get out and wait for me in the hallway you know what just go to the office how about that [Laughter] okay I'm so excited to be back teaching all of you especially that everyone is here now I don't want to be here it's like I've been present first things first what did everyone do over summer why is every teacher asking what we did over summer like who cares I stayed at home all day and did nothing I was in bed all day watching Tech talk wow very productive I know right all right you all want to do a worksheet because I think we're already behind behind it's the first day of school that I don't even remember how to add are you serious what's one plus one um 11. it's not a grade I just want to see where you are I forgot how to divide it I forgot how to subtract and multiply I still count with my fingers I still don't know how to do fractions what what the [ __ ] I don't even know how to read a clock um I forgot how to hold a pencil if you give me that worksheet I'm gonna give it back to you blank how about that starting tomorrow I'm gonna start giving out homework and maybe even a test how about that are we both just gonna stay here all day like this yes cause you're getting in my nerves I'm not even doing anything I'm telling you the truth no you're not it's obvious you're lying what how because you keep laughing and smiling how am I supposed to believe you I'm like this all the time I can't help it I'm not lying okay they're not coming in the eyes without laughing okay I swear you better not laugh I'm not exactly I can't control it yeah because you're lying no because you're the one making me laugh your face looks funny what that makes no sense yeah cause you were starting for my soul and you look so damn serious it's like you want to throw me out a window or something I'm asking you a simple question and you keep laughing I laugh at everything you should know me by now exactly so you're not telling me the truth I am okay one more chance look at me with a straight face Ava I love your hair oh thank you I read that it and added some extensions anyways I have to tell you something what is it I won't be at school tomorrow I'm gonna be here I mean I'm not gonna be at school tomorrow what why I have a doctor's appointment why do you need to go uh because my arm hurts anything is broken are you magically gonna turn to a doctor and fix it for me when are you coming back at lunch no I'm not coming back I'll be here the next day what oh my God your other friends I have no other Friends Olivia you have Maria don't you have said friends Maria I hate that [ __ ] I don't like her I know I'm gonna hang out with them okay they make new friends no and who am I going to talk during class tomorrow um the people in class I hate everyone here Ava you need to calm down you're acting like you're never gonna see me again I'm just gonna go sit in the bathroom the whole time how about that you guys it is way too loud yeah because I already told her that and then I was like wait she said you had to give it back to me oh my God hurry everyone look up here no one that said that I want to fight you I want to fight you I want to fight you okay enough what is wrong with you guys and all my years of teaching I've never had a misbehave class it is way too loud in here and then who made her cry probably Olivia no I didn't shut up you guys never listen I use the bathroom go ahead and Kayla put your phone away I will take it home with me I'm heading up to here in this class is she okay if I hear another word you will be getting sent to the office stop talking Olivia to the office how about that why don't you bring this every day No don't touch that she that's mine Mom are you okay I didn't mean to I'm sorry stop touching face off my mom gave it to me I'm so confused me and my mom was cleaning the bathroom and um she saw snake in the toilet and she started screaming and she gave this to me to spray on the snake and it did nothing did you think it was a disappearing spray you both left and I thought it was harmless so I threw the snake at her she got scared and shook the way back to me while were y'all playing with the snake it's not a basketball he kept throwing at each other because I didn't want the snake and um it both bit us what did you think it was gonna do kiss you I'm surprised that you did it and this was the last thing she gave him [Music] I would spray in my mouth for breakfast lunch in there because I can just taste her what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] why were y'all even throwing this next to each other like it was a boomerang stop asking me questions about that where is find it there's something in my skin is there a bed bug in there foreign what is she doing Olivia what are you doing did you take a shower yes okay class whatever we Miss Johnson I think there's something inside of her it's not going away Olivia do you need to go to the nurse's office no I'm good no we need to go and stay there how about that best friend go look at the tick tock I sent you I already saw this you did okay hold on let me send you another one there oh I saw this yesterday and I didn't find it funny at all what about this one I already saw this too there's this channel Tech talk and I saw this video there I sent it to you I saw this two weeks ago the cops I sent you yesterday no why are you always sending me 30 to 60 videos every day I don't have time to watch all of that what is this homework did you even watch the tech talks I sent you this morning no hmm so welcome to summer school the same people who didn't do any work and didn't pay attention in my class mom can you please hurry up and get this over with over with honey you're just getting started I really don't want to be here do you want to graduate in time Jessica Emily I thought you were smart or are you here I'm here so I can get more credits and finish school early you want a cookie you are all here because you guys have an IQ of a spoon and I'm only here because I need extra money Olivia why are you here I forgot how to multiply and divide and maybe also add best friend you're here too duh we're both stupid Ashley why are you here you're the one that failed me Miss Johnson I told you to want my grid up just a little bit and you didn't I even gave you box of chocolates you didn't do any work in my class and those chocolates tastes like [ __ ] we're taking a test a test we just started what the f all right time's up discuss your answers to the person next to you um hello why are you just sitting there looking at me I don't know because you're looking at me ladies what is going on she's just sitting there like a statue not talking you weren't talking either I don't even know you I love you she's a new student her name is Sophia I don't want to do this so just pretend we're talking she sees us why is no one talking I said discuss your answers not sit there and have a staring contest so what did you get for the answer I don't know and I don't have one okay I don't know either I guess five more minutes this is so awkward oh my God why is it so quiet in here exactly to explain your answers how about that and so in that case the answer will be what 15. okay I said 15 15. what is she doing 15 elephants 15 Dolphins 15 bananas 15 monkeys 15 pink watermelons 15 dancing Barbies 15 what 15 purple apples 15 pies what the [ __ ] class 15 what 15 dancing giraffes 15 flying cats I'm so confused it is not rocket science to figure it out 15 come on 15 watt class 15 seconds 15 pigs the Grays damn it degrees 15 degrees why didn't you just say that Miss Johnson because I wanted to know if you're listening and learning and you know what test will be tomorrow and if you fail not my problem how about that why is it so quiet in here I am so tired yeah I know me too what in the [ __ ] what was that I think that was Olivia was that you um no that sounded like a burp no that sounded like a demon talking in someone's throat Olivia do you have a frog inside your throat or something no Ava why would I be keeping a frog inside my throat do I look like a pawn to you are you okay yep what was that am I that sounded like a far back came from someone's throat okay it was me but how did y'all even hear that uh because it was loud and it's almost like the whole universe heard it are you good like is there something in your throats what do you mean is there something in my throat what do you think is in there instruments I think she's like hiding a monster in there or something okay enough I don't care you want to shut up and stop looking at me hey I want to turn to chapter four oh my God reading again we've been reading for the past two weeks I'm losing my brain cells you know what you can go first Olivia how about that the next video issue rapping Olivia slow down this is not a race this is how I read but how can I read slower what the [ __ ] okay you're done pick someone else don't pick me I will shove this foot up your ass um Emma I hate you I can't even hear her who's someone else I hate reading okay we're gonna stop there what happened in chapter four something's wrong with this class I didn't get anything quiz it is all right good morning class we will be [Music] um Hey Olivia hold on give me a second [ __ ] uh are you okay I think she's having a heart attack Olivia do you need to step out for a second no I'm fine why is there so many damn stairs and why the school have to build it that long it's because it's a school Olivia girl did you do a pacer test on them stairs I think you need to go to the nurse's office hold on can someone carry me over there alright class we will be going over what we would do if school shooter enters the building and yes Olivia run what else have response to do crumble the paper and throw it at them no you will hide what is this hide and seek what if I'm in the hallway Nancy shooter what am I gonna do give them a box of chocolates for them not to shoot me but you won't be in the hallway so you will stay in here and I will turn off the lights also make us disappear we will be in a corner so if the answer we will be throwing Cherry Stables I don't know something heavy what are read The Avengers hiding in the corners whatever reason pack tuna I'll be jumping out that window no one is leaving the building and if it happens I will cover for you guys okay Superman stay in here what is the shooter gonna do take attendance I don't know about y'all but I'm gonna run and turn to a damn cheetah you know what everyone heads down how about that no because we were at the store and we were looking for you I saw you running I called you I was getting apples and you shh then oh hell no who was that yeah who said that was it you Emily or was it her I'll bite your fingers stop pointing at me oh now the person don't want to speak she's quiet now she's scared we can't even laugh or talk what is this the quiet game yeah it was me I knew it was you you're always so [ __ ] you're always in our business we were at the store we were looking for you let go of her hair [Music] let's run to her up the wall what is she the Incredible Hulk enough and got Miss Johnson the bell rang nope no one is leaving until you pick up 10 scraps from the floor what does she think would look like a human vacuum let's go start picking up because we can all be in here all day and make sure you show it to me oh my God what is this is this a roach ladies in the back the hot cheetos are not gonna move themselves well I don't got time for this one two three four Ms Johnson isn't there generous in this school and don't they have a vacuum yes but it's not their job to clean up behind you then what do they do all day they tag around the school I don't know Chloe you may go good job here I'm done Emma those are small rocks not scraps go back there's no more trash there's nothing everyone took it all good job Olivia you may go there's literally so many germs in my hand I can see them nope I gotta go I'm not missing my bus Ashley come back here because you were taking forever and we were all waiting for you I know right I called you a million times it's because everyone is crowding the whole way and I'm just like move move and then Miss Johnson was like where have you been laughs because of the shut up shut up oh [ __ ] really again this is the seventh time I've sold the four of you to stop talking Emma I thought you were better than this and Ava I can't believe you're friends with them I've been friends with them since second grade period I don't have to do any of this I graduated I'm done the four of you go to the office how about that I saw this roller coaster and I was like hmm let me try that so I'll wait it in line for like 25 minutes last time I rode one I had to wait for like an hour so then it was my turn I sat down and I was like and then he's like are you all ready in my seat belt we're still up and I was like wait hold on and then he said I'm kidding I was like no don't do that and then we both started laughing oh what was that a snake it was gum yo I'm putting this on Snapchat did that thing just come out your mouth Yes it was an accident y'all look Elizabeth [Music] did you pick it up Olivia yes can everyone stop looking at me now enough I'm gonna stick this also the balls how about that I love you look at my new boyfriend isn't he so hot what is that what do you mean nothing um that's him your boyfriend yes isn't he's so cute yeah yep like just look at him yeah he's fine hey but you can do so much better what was that nothing I said okay good for you thank you oh my God I think me and him were meant to be let me see him again he looks so so fine he looks like a zombie what nothing I feel like you're lying no I'm not he's really cute right I just want to like put this picture on the frame and put it on my room and even the case you haven't met is interesting what was that never mind I mean as long as you're happy right oh I'm really happy it's so hot okay I'm gonna go to the bathroom oh my gosh right so I went to the mall and bought a few stuff and all stuff good morning class how was everyone's weekend why is everything so hot so happy literally Monday what's happening did everyone get a reboot my weekend was so great because I went to the zoo and saw dinosaurs what the my weekend was amazing because me and my friends had a sleepover in the roof all right well that's amazing what about you Olivia I slept for 48 hours without ever waking up and I came to school and I don't want to be here and I'm still tired sorry well we are playing a game and also I love you please wake up honey or you can step out in the hallway for me now I'm going home how about that all right class we have a new student his name is Jacob wait where where is he where who hi Jacob hi Jacob hi zaddy um hi what's up hey Jacob um don't never sit next to that girl she's and you can come sit next to me if you want now Olivia he's staying right there oh okay girlies okay we will be working on a project and you need a partner can I be partners for Jacob Jacob be my partner no I want to be partners with Jacob he even said it girl no he did not say that no he's working with me so I can help him no but I don't care so don't have a girlfriend yeah she goes to this school that's my boyfriend all right class good luck and when you're done turn it in you may begin I don't know any of this what done I'm done finish me too how is everyone done I'm still a number one be quiet and how are you all finished that was fast go and get your quiz and read the questions carefully again that was easy [Music] all right waiting on one person don't rush Olivia take your time you know what I'm just gonna guess done I already knew he was gonna come over and also that okay that told you four times stop talking what do you not understand because I was just telling her that there's no jest I don't care I don't get paid enough to no Kayla that is so disrespectful even make me please stop I wasn't even doing anything do you want to go to the office yeah because this is why [Laughter] what's so funny back there nothing quit right one in the three of y'all come up here and teach the class this is why you guys are failing my class and Kayla I'll ask all my patients for you okay then find it oh okay out and go to the office how about that hey um hey what the [ __ ] Olivia leave her alone I just want to talk to her hey how are you what was that are you okay I just want to be your friend okay now who is doing that stop talking to me all I said was hey whoever's doing that stop what are you a police dog I just want to talk what why are you like quiet and shy there's nothing to be shy about you are not sure anymore do you really think me being Shanghai is a switch I'm just saying like I've heard you say probably like 17 words the whole time you were in this class I don't care and I don't even know you I mean we can be friends no shut up do you just wanna enough is that you Emily the both of you out how about that oh I just cannot stand her wait best friend who that girl Kayla I don't like her either what she needs to do is brush that damn wig Miss Johnson are we doing the test today we're doing the test today how are we gonna do a test when we just did one yesterday dumbass wasn't that enough for you no Kayla we're doing it next week what are you looking at your breath what is the smell like that smell like what I brushed my teeth this morning ladies am I gonna have to move you guys they're just mad they're both failing this class oh hell no the girls are fighting Olivia get real quick back how about that all right what's your name honey Olivia all right Olivia there's this little footprints on the floor and I want you to put your feet there and you can take your mask off because we are more than six feet away and smile and look at the camera please okay Hey Olivia your posture is awful please turn around and face your whole body this way please and put your hair behind your ears and no peace sign please oh my God I'm not putting my hair behind my ears my ears are too big there ma'am you look like a zombie getting ready to attack someone I need you to put your head up please and put both of your hands in your pocket why do we have to do all of that there I need you to tilt your head to the right just a little bit a little bit more more I'm gonna break my neck what is this a mug shot okay honey just face me please and smile smile with your teeth bigger out of my face I was in front and I was waiting 10 minutes because the line was wrong and you're just gonna cut in front of me I did not cut in front of you you were not even in the line I was in the line how did you not see me are you blind I even tapped your shoulders I did not see you and I didn't cut in front of you I was already there before you why are you standing up for because this is a threat because we can all rise not the only one who has feet no because you started raising your voice no I didn't what do you want a WWE match and you need to back up because I can still smell your morning breath Jessica please sit down what are y'all doing ask her that because we were just talking and she set up like she was Hulk I'm gonna smash you you're just scared I'm not scared of you I will mop the floor with your ass and throw you on top of the roof how about that enough how about that then Mama cooked some brownies it was delicious and moist uh oh my God it was good because the brownies was really moist can you not please don't say that word what word brownies no not that moist oh my God what the [ __ ] what is going on the word is just so I don't know how to describe it all I said was moist but now what you need to do is sit down and do your work how about that I can't do it anymore he keeps hurting my feelings and huh I thought you were done talking to him I went back because I love him and he doesn't even look like he loves me okay then break up with him I know but it's so complicated and he's so toxic ah I hate him then leave why are you telling me what to do and it's crazy because she cheated on me a month ago he cheated on you and you're still with him laughs I just can't get over him then get a ladder a ladder I'm being serious I've told you one two three four five six seven a billion times to leave him and you're still with him what else do you want me to do get you a leash still stop going back to him he said he'll never do it again you never listen to me find another guy that would treat you better because you deserve better I don't know you're getting on my nerves he said sorry though you know what I don't want to hear it how about that okay class I'm gonna go to the bathroom really quick I'll be back round three I'm trying to sleep shut down is anyone recording this guys I'm making a fort who wants to join me recovery complete I'm making potions there's a wig on the floor yeah I'm Jacob this is not back to me Olivia girl you're not done give her a round four here going to the bathroom to wash my face who wants to come it's coming okay what in the zoo that's not how you even do it it's supposed to be on the left not right oh my God she said if it's red you put it in the laugh are you dumb she didn't even say that she said that you're getting on my nerves what is going on over here miss John said Why do you always put me with her I do not like her don't do anything you're always on your phone and you're not even doing this right this is why we never win anything okay enough you both need to stop and work on this together I'm not working with her and her breath stinks and when you open your mouth open it that way and not my way you are so rude and you know what I think you have lies because you keep scratching your head every five seconds are you both not gonna stop you might as well just rip that paper because you did it all wrong you know what you both are getting a zero on this game how about that see this is because of you [Music] Ava [ __ ] what what do you want are you down to ditch what I said do you want a ditch ditch okay I'm done are you sure you better not be lying because last time you said no and changed your mind the very last minute no I'll do it I promise yeah oh my God should we do an experience yeah this is an experience where are we going let's go to the bathroom and you know no why do I always go there it's things and remember the teacher caught us can we do something else okay be quiet here eyes um what about the park no remember the police caught us okay um what about the mall oh my god let's do it I'm so excited hold on I don't really want to go are you [ __ ] kidding me just kidding foreign were talking in class and shooting should be here too anyways Ms Johnson told us to be quiet and I said hold on and she said I'll wait and I was like okay wait then and she said oh we'll go to the office Olivia this is your billionth time getting sent here it's not my fault that I'm always here there's 27 students in that class and I'm always the one the one getting sent to the office hmm fan Behavior I'll be emailing and calling your mom call her and she's sleeping so she's gonna scream at you and I need to go to the bathroom I've been holding my pee for two hours now no you're staying right there well I'm going how about that thank you can you stop tubing so goddamn loud this is not no ASMR I like the sound of the crunch well I don't the [ __ ] close your mouth [Music] I'm gonna shove them chips down your throat ladies what's the problem over here aren't you supposed to be working no I can't do anything with this [ __ ] chewing so loud what I'm not doing anything Olivia since you want to custom my class you can move up here why is it always me nope I'm not moving anywhere then you can go to the office and you can shove them chips up your ass and your ass how about that uh best friend look at this picture of my dog oh my God she's so cute ladies look up here okay I'm sorry but look at her eyes isn't that cute yeah you're right what nothing I'm just looking at your dog no you're not let me see my phone hold on let me see it why do you have pictures of Jacob on your phone AKA your crush no way down there's someone else's pictures it's your phone one of my friends used it I think girl stop like oh I just cannot stand her wait best friend who that girl Kayla I don't like her either laughs what she needs to do is brush that damn wig test today yesterday wasn't that enough for you no Kayla we're doing it next week what I brushed my teeth this morning ladies am I gonna have to move you guys they're just mad they're both failing this class oh hell no the girls are fighting Olivia give her a break back okay this is getting ridiculous do you not listen Olivia I said put your phone away hmm um what phone it's a calculator my bad I'm getting second hand embarrassment I thought you were on your phone Olivia right you are so evil for that she just made herself look dumb next time make sure you check the other students in here who actually is on their phone make sure I can see you using your calculator so I don't think that you're on your phone no and next time mind your own business please well that was awkward and my fault maybe you should be the one that should go to the office how about that why can't you do it I'm not doing it I did it last time Emily what about you nope I'm not feeling this one I need the grade okay yeah just do it oh my God okay fine hurry up but hold on I didn't even start yet [ __ ] how many questions are there 25 and I don't understand any of these questions you need you want to do it huh since you're in a rush okay now just shut up we're gonna get caught almost done I'm just going this way when hey I get it okay I'm done make sure y'all get some wrong so it doesn't seem like you cheated what did you get what is it I got three out of 25 [Laughter] this is why I didn't want to do it first it's not bad I have to go to the bathroom I'll be back where is she at e oh my gosh she's right there best friend come on let's go hey best friend hey girl at who the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] who's who oh her well she's doing this school and we're friends now and I'm gonna go with her to her next class hi your friends now what about me your best friend and how long have you guys been friends for Olivia can you stop being so dramatic and I don't know two weeks two weeks and you didn't tell me we're done how about that can we go to class now can you just wait and hold on I gotta say hi to my friends oh my God here we go again Olivia hey girl oh my God Kayla I love your outfit can you hurry up we're gonna be late just wait give me a few more minutes Samantha hey Anna come here Ava Ava I'm leaving I don't got time for this [ __ ] about that all right class moving on if you know the answer to question number nine raise your hand me I got it Miss Johnson hello I know the answer Olivia number nine Olivia what I didn't have my hand up I know you didn't but I chose you you said if anyone knew the answer to question number nine raise their hand if you wanted me to answer why the [ __ ] didn't you just pick me watch your mouth Olivia and we're not moving on till you answer it 846 gallons of water oh you thought I was gonna get a wrong huh what you thought wrong and you can shove that question number 10 up your ass how about that out how about that reasons why Olivia put the food away how many times do I have to repeat myself that there's no waiting in this class oh my God there it's away [ __ ] and the other side and then Olivia can you put the phone away for me please if I see it again you're putting it up on my desk if I see another phone out you will be going to the office the difference Olivia do you want to come up here and teach the class now then stop talking okay class spit it out there's no chewing gum in my class Olivia you know what I'm done just go to the office and you can spit it out over there how about that foreign [Laughter] we are not doing this and Olivia since you guys want to pass notes when I'm teaching why don't you share to the whole class um where is it oh I said that it smells so bad in this class and Ava said that it's probably Miss Johnson and Emma they always smell like [ __ ] really Olivia and Ava step outside and waiting to hold me for me you know what just go to the office how about that what I should be asking you that why are you here again Olivia I was eating my hot Cheetos and Miss Johnson told me to put it away and I said nope because there was three other people in there that was eating food and someone shoving three Donuts in their mouth hold on go ahead she came over to my desk and she said no and I said no why are you gonna keep it inside your drawer and eat it later for your lunch Olivia why didn't you just give it to her because I'm sure she should have gave it to you after class because I was hungry that was my breakfast I asked my love this morning for my clothes but she said no oh [ __ ] okay um uh do you want to call your mom I need to go pee I'll just call her in the bathroom all right class welcome back how was Christmas break um I didn't get any gifts all I got was a Starburst candy that my dad got me from the gas station I spent Christmas in my room talking to myself that's nice I'm so glad to be back in to see you guys again and also Emma zip it this is not the time to socialize we're gonna get the ball rolling and wheel everything back in did you guys forget that the test will be coming up on the 11th we're gonna get back on track Olivia wake up today's not the time to be sleeping you had two and a half weeks you guys Christmas break is over I want everyone to turn around and face the front thank you I also told them that and you know what everyone take your books out we will be reading chapter five six seven and eight and a quiz tomorrow how about that okay class make sure you keep your eyes on your own tests and if I see that your phone is out you will get an automatic zero you may begin Ava bring your phone up here on my desk now oh my God I don't even have my phone really really okay y'all do my work I don't even know how to do this [ __ ] I didn't tell you to do your work I said bring your phone up here on my desk now what do you not understand what I don't understand is why the [ __ ] am I the only one that you always see on my phone because Danielle is over there making tick tocks and Sarah is over there on FaceTime with the ugly ass boyfriend you know what Ava since you're gonna do all this you can bring that phone and your stuff to that damn office how about that okay and before I go I just want to say that I hate this class and I'm switching and I never [ __ ] like you [ __ ] period the [ __ ] Mom I'm done with the dishes can I go now I also need you to take that trash out why is it not what do you think you're doing I'm not watching that oh my God just wash it it's literally a spoon a fork a cup a bowl and a plate exactly and I literally just got done washing dishes and you're gonna come here after I finish ma why can't you just wash it you're being so dramatic mom what what do you need I'm trying to watch TV and all I hear is Mom Mom you know what I'm tired of this [ __ ] oh no it's okay shut up do you want some water do you need a hug everything's gonna be okay stop [ __ ] I don't know what you want me to do do you want me to pet you like a dog or something why are you crying can I have some oh my God it's literally a Pop-Tart wow remember when I gave you half of my Donuts dumb [ __ ] you're always asking me for food when I'm so hungry oh my God you're so selfish oh my God here what the [ __ ] am I gonna do with this never mind I don't want it oh my God okay here why is she just wow I was gone for a day from my meeting and come back to a horrible sub note and I just want you all to know out of the 25 years of teaching I had never had a class like this wait Miss Johnson what are you talking about what am I talking about the sub from yesterday as a matter of fact I just got an email today and she said she will never sub for this class again because of how you guys treated her what is wrong with me as a teacher may I use the bathroom really no not right now 27 students in this class and only three listened to the sub can you believe that I am so disappointed oh yeah the project that was supposed to be doing next week is now gonna be due tomorrow how about that best friend uh-uh hey excuse me what did you just call her best friend who's asking me [ __ ] and now she's not your best friend she can be your friend but that's my best friend the [ __ ] I've known her for two years no and I've known her for 300 years how about that oh my God we can both be her best friend no the [ __ ] what is this a KFC share box I don't really care I'll call her best friend whenever I want call her best friend again I dare you okay best friend [Music] okay Kayla it's your turn to read it all right then next week is that the temperature inside what the f what is she in the competition or something Kayla slow down this is not a race slow down I wasn't even reading that fast but okay I'm about to shove that book up her ass Kayla pause all right class did you guys understand anything no she was reading 95 miles per hour all I understood was the title of the book you know what you guys read the book then how about that and for this assignment you will be working with a partner oh my God best friend best friend I know she did not best friend [ __ ] you know what Kayla what oh so you turned around when I called your name is that your new best friend now are you serious I want to work with Ava today I'm sorry but we can do a group of three if you want no I'm not doing a group of three and I'm not giving you a ride after school how about that and Ava call her best friend again I'm gonna shove this foot up your ass oh my God it's just for today now shut up it's just for today Mrs Johnson yes Olivia I don't have a partner since my best friend decides to partner up with someone else that's all right I'll be your partner and then on page 16 you will be oh [ __ ] really Olivia put it away and that's your first warning so if I see it again you're putting your phone up here on my desk what it's away okay so class on page 16. and then you will be okay that's it Olivia come up here and bring me your phone and put it on my desk now no please I'll put it away you know what there is way too many people in this class using their phones while I'm teaching do you really think you're invisible and I can't see you so starting tomorrow you're gonna put your phone in the phone hotel and if you don't do that you're going to the office how about that can I have a piece oh my God is that gum can I have one best friend let me have a piece wait I want one you should give me two so I can save one for next block oh my God serious what on the other page you will be Olivia why are you late again there was a fight in the hallway and I wanted to watch it really yes so Keanu is putting on Samantha's hair right and it turns out it ain't even her real hair so she threw her wig down the stairs and Samantha nope Olivia stop talking and Ava get back to work see what you did there you disrupted other people's learning and seriously seriously what this is your fifth time being tardy Olivia oh my God I don't even hear the bellowing Mrs Johnson the bell rang 15 minutes ago oh sorry I forgot I think I had my earbuds in Olivia I'm done go to the on that class welcome back to school just put your mask on right now I can't breathe please everyone has their mask on except you okay have asthma Olivia just pull the face mask up it's that easy because I'm not asking you I'm telling you and it's a rule for this school and I'm not doing it and can I call my mom because you're getting on my nerves Mrs Johnson no but you know what you can do go to the office how about that oh my God anyways you know what I hate when I'm mad don't talk to me don't text me just leave me the [ __ ] alone but no it's the opposite then they ask you some dumbass question like are you mad No [ __ ] I'm happy what do you think Mama do you need help cleaning the house because I'll wash the dishes no it's fine I got it okay just call me when you need me okay I will what are you doing taking selfies why I just spent three hours cleaning this whole house I wash the dishes for the laundry clean the toilet throw the trash out and vacuum the house while you're in your room enjoying your time taking selfies what is this I'm the maiden you're the princess mom I literally asked you if you needed any help and you said no but I'll help you right now no I don't need your help it's all done now but you know what you can do shove those selfies right up your ass what can I help you um no then what the hell are you staring at boo oh my God you scared me what is going on over here Jessica keeps looking at me I'm about to shove this foot up her ass I've been staring at you oh my God and how would you even know I was staring at you for insteading on me staring at you in the first place foreign how about that so um my ex texted me yesterday okay and what did he say he said that he wants me back [Laughter] are we doing this again really it's just I still see something in him at this point just go blind I just don't know what to do the 1500 billion time I told you to block him stop texting him and stop going back to him but no he did a complete opposite I just can't get over wait you know what yeah just go back to him were you really yes you guys are literally the cutest couple he loves you oh my god when should I text him now we need to do it now and before you go home buy him some flowers thank you so much I needed that advice and then after that ask him if he wants to go out to dinner okay I'll do that yeah in this class Mrs Johnson and then yes in this class I turned in all my work you're not the only person in here that turns into work I still have to grade 350 students Papers Plus the relate work then why are you assigning it and 350 students what are you gonna grade mine I don't know probably next week next week there is no next week my mom will take my car and then have we do 26 different chores at that house then take my phone and ground me the longer you take the more punishments I get well I'm reading you next week end of conversation I need you to grade mine today I just got a divorce last week Olivia I'm not doing this with you today uh okay and I ask myself every day when I get home if I'm gonna graduate or not I need my grades ready today or my mom will whoop my ass you know what I'm done just go to the office how about that and grade my work how about that [ __ ] okay class I'm gonna go get some markers I'll be back wanna fight me you wanna fight me let go of my hair let go [Music] and I know we were perfect but I've never anyone wants to congratulations okay what the all right Clash of bank account again for the last time so take your Chromebooks out I won last time so I already know I'm gonna win this one too I already know it the code is up there you have 30 seconds hold on this thing is freezing again use your real name or you will be sent to the office hold on Miss Johnson what's the code up there I don't know Olivia what is it I have 10 seconds hurry up and don't get it wrong I'm in first place it's blue it wasn't blue it was yellow I hate you that's what you get for making me get it wrong the last time how about that oh my God please get it right Jacob please wake up I wasn't even sleeping I'm about to buy this cool Apple brand new Wi-Fi why is it always lagging look over here again I'm gonna snatch that wig out your head last one first place how about that right so just use the tools we used last week give me a second hey what part of stop talking and do your work do you guys not understand anybody's right next to me and I can't even hear her ah give it back to me girl she doesn't have it Olivia does okay nope Emily and Kayla go leave my class and go away in the hallway for me please I'm done you know what just go to the office how about that and Olivia what you're always raising your hand all the goddamn time uh I need to go to the bathroom do you want me to be behind your desk you just went to the bathroom this is your fifth one Olivia I'll wait Emma get off the table you know why everyone Sit down you're such a good example thank you why can't you guys ever listen um I still need help honey I know but you are breathing in my ear go sit down really quick this is ridiculous so you know what I will be uploading for your assignments in Google classroom and expect that to be done today how about that all right good morning I want you to look at the board there's no sitting charts this week nope uh-uh I am not sitting with her I'm staying right here let's go ladies in the back stop talking and get to where you're supposed to be is that the front oh hell no I'm not sitting in the front I'm staying back here why did she move me with her Mr Johnson can you move me somewhere else she literally picks her boogers and flakes it across the room Olivia let's go move now and Ava no I'll put you in the front because you're talking about Non-Stop and Emma no you're sitting with her I'm not moving anywhere I don't like her you're gonna have to drag me if you want me to move Olivia if you don't move I'm sending you to the office and Ava let's go move to the front and Kayla no you're not sitting with your best friend you're sitting with Caleb where am I sitting at you know what Olivia ever am I Kayla all four of you can go to the office how about that good morning class there's five questions on the board that you need to write down you have five minutes [ __ ] I don't have a pencil Kayla do you have a pencil I can borrow no because I gave you like 25 billion pencils and I didn't get them back not one what are you doing with them are you eating it you're so rude and yeah I shove them all up my ass Ava do you have a pencil no I need a paper and a pencil Emma do you have a pencil now why are you always asking me for stuff yesterday you asked me if I had any food gum ChapStick and then stapler and hairspray what am I your go to Walmart what is the upward everyone's attitude today Mrs Johnson do you have a pencil I can borrow Olivia this is cool not a birthday party he needed a pencil every day how are you gonna I just need a damn pencil you know what I'm gonna do this how about that all right question number four me I know the answer no you've answered too many times someone else no one is even raising their hand they're looking at you like some statue anyone but Emily you only taking the test in five minutes this is a review for you guys not me Miss Johnson I got it Olivia number four why is it every time there's an easy question you pick someone else but when it's hard you're always faking me this is not hard okay then solve it Kayla Emily clearly knows the answer why can't you pick her because she knows all of this and you guys don't Emma I don't know I have a headache just from looking at these questions Emily just answer it it's me how do you guys not know that all right class we have some new students in class everyone say hi all right ladies why don't you introduce yourself my name is Jessica and I really don't want to be here and I'm so hungry I want some McDonald's the other girls can have her Jessica please introduce yourself the right way and hurry up because we have work to do um what else oh yeah but the new iPhone 12 I just can't bring you to school and whose breath is that is that you [ __ ] don't start because I will mop the floor with your ass Kayla watch your mouth and Ashley go ahead wait where are we oh never mind um my name is Ashley and I'm the baddest [ __ ] nope she's slow the other girls can have her too no you're not Olivia is Olivia how about that [Music] Olivia what why do you keep talking I've told you multiple times to watch the movie you're being destructive while everyone else is trying to watch it who's everyone because almost everyone in here is sleeping shut up this movie makes no sense what does it make sense you said we were gonna do a lab of Mentos and soda and watch explode why are we watching a movie about polar bears and Penguins that's because we're going to be comparing this lap to this movie wait what [Laughter] Ms Johnson can you turn the lights off why are the lights always on every time you're watching a movie no is she scared that she's gonna see a ghost or something Ava wake up I am on my last draw with you um okay then buy more you know what we're not doing a lab we're doing a quiz how about that all right today you will be taking the test here you go get one and pass it make sure you keep your own eyes on your own test if you don't you will get a zero once you're done come up to my desk and head it to me and go back to your seat quietly why is she still told please do not talk and make any noises once you're done because others are still taking it is she gonna talking oh my God we get it if I see your phone out you will get a zero if I see you're talking you will get a zero if I see I'm Miss Johnson we get it I know Olivia I'm just making sure everyone knows what to do can she shut up remember to read each question carefully does anyone have questions we we left you know what Olivia you can take your test out in the hallway since you want to interrupt my class how about that and then on page six Olivia put the food away I didn't eat breakfast that's not my problem put it away now and I mean now oh my God is me eating hurting anyone there's no eating in my class Olivia did I not mention this on the first day of school can you just put it away no shut up do you want to tell her that you're eating too dipping your hands in your backpack every four seconds when she looks away so that you can eat your ta kiss yeah no shut up Olivia you have three seconds to put it away three two one out Olivia and you know where to go that's fine I'll be calling your parents have a piece oh my God is that gum can I have one best friend let me have a piece wait I want one you should give me two so I can save one for next block oh my God are you [ __ ] serious oh my God I need to go pee Oh my God stop knocking I'm using the bathroom are you almost done you've been in there forever I need to go pee no I'm not almost done I'm taking a [ __ ] and you were just in here 10 minutes ago no the [ __ ] I wasn't hurry up get out I can't poop oh my God is that your [ __ ] and today we will be working in Partners oh my God best friend best friend come sit over here ah Olivia and Emily what are y'all doing you said we're working in Partners right yeah that I will be assigning oh my God are you serious yes so Olivia you will be partnering up with Sophia hi really her again she literally just sits there in silence and she doesn't even know anything I always have to do all the work well you're gonna have to work it out Sofia get your ass over here you know what just go to the office how about that can I have my earbuds back yeah you what is this what's what do something in there what is it really it came out of your ear and asking me what is it that's not from me my ears ain't dirty that's yours [ __ ] I clean my ears every day why are you being so dramatic just use it I'm not using that you're giving me money to buy a new one money do I look like a walking bank to you okay question number six Ava oh my God I just answered number three I'm not no I use the bathroom no you should have gone during your lunch time Olivia number six what did you get I didn't raise my hand it doesn't matter if he raised her hand what's the answer to number six Olivia I don't know I don't know I don't know is that an answer why are you always picking me can you pick someone else already Mrs Johnson there's 29 students in this class and you're always picking me that's because you never pay attention and I'm still waiting for an answer I hate this class why am I in this class I don't want to be here why did I get put in this class oh my god oh well you can go to the office since you don't want to be here how about that all right class I need everyone to pass their homework to the front oh my God Ava did you do your homework yes and I'm not giving you the answers please no it's all in your notes the answers are all in there I didn't do the notes because I was sleeping I didn't say after four in the morning doing my homework just for you to copy them are you dumb I'm sorry I'm stupid but we're all trying to pass this class I'll give you three dollars no I don't want your money you should have been listening instead of chit chatting okay Olivia I don't see yours in here I didn't do it because I was trying to learn this one Tech talk dance I love you when I put this in a Gradebook your gradient here will be an f ah you have to tell the whole class see this is because of you okay class question number eleven what is two plus two who wants to answer that one Alex says what about you I don't know pick someone else why are you always picking me I swear to God this [ __ ] better not pick me how do you guys not know what two plus two is dumb [ __ ] how about you answer it the [ __ ] yeah shut up either your answer or shut the [ __ ] up watch your mouth and someone better answer question number 11 or we are not moving on can you just give us a different question Miss Johnson because everyone here is dumb as hell and don't know what two plus two is excuse me everyone [ __ ] I will mop the floor with your ass no I'm not doing a different question everyone in this class can just fail the test and Sir if you're sleeping back there you need to wake up because this is not nap time and Emma bring your phone up here on my desk now ah what does that smell who in here took a [ __ ] in that toilet and didn't Flash mom that was Samantha [ __ ] that was not me that was probably you or Emma shut the [ __ ] up my [ __ ] don't smell like that that was Kiana the [ __ ] first of all that was not me that was Olivia [ __ ] I will shove this fort up your ass that was not me that was stop ah what is this since nobody wants to own up to that big [ __ ] in the toilet all y'all can clean it up how about that ah what does that smell who in here took a [ __ ] in the toilet and didn't flush mom that was Samantha [ __ ] that was not me that was probably you or Emma ah shut the [ __ ] up my [ __ ] don't smell like that that was Kiana the [ __ ] first of all that was not me that was Olivia [ __ ] I will shove this fought up your ass that was not me that was stop ah what is this since nobody wants to own up to that big [ __ ] in the toilet all y'all can clean it up how about that best friend so what are you gonna be doing this weekend um I might go to the movies what about you hold on just looking what oh really again Emily go move in the back seat please oh my God can I finish our conversation first now move now there okay class flip oh yeah I wasn't done talking to my best friend but anyways I'm gonna go get my nails done and Kayla I'm not saying it again clean your room there's gonna be people coming over and what is that smell mom again why do I have to clean my room every time someone comes over are they all going in my room ah and if I come back in this room and it's not cleaned you're grounded how about that espresso Febreze in here your room smells like [ __ ] and on page 11 you guys will be ah what are you guys doing packing up now we still have two minutes of class time so I want everyone to take their notebooks back out put them on your desk and look up here Mrs Johnson there's literally two more minutes left before the Bell Rings exactly two more minutes for me to teach and ladies why are we lining about that door are you guys in second grade no sit back down oh my God the Bell is literally about to ring Mrs Johnson I'm aware of that and no one is leaving my class until the gar mappers are picked up the hot Cheetos in the ground that you guys keep eating in my class five four three two one the Bell just rang now now now everyone come back here the bells does not dismiss you I do the Bell just not dismiss you I do don't watch the battle for I'm gonna miss the bus so if I miss the bus you're gonna drive me home how about that [Laughter] oh my God I can't sleep is that you I'm trying to [ __ ] sleep and all I hear is you laughing from the past two hours shut up stupid ass [ __ ] uh first of all [ __ ] I was even laughing out loud and second hell are you in my room get out mom I have a [ __ ] headache I'm losing all my [ __ ] braces with all this [ __ ] [ __ ] over here we got cyan over here we got Matt what the [ __ ] is one plus one also don't forget to turn it in or it will be marked late I'm not doing any of this who the hell wants to do all this work huh who because it sure is not me [ __ ] how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that about that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that about that how about that how about that how about that how about that of that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that how about that the [ __ ] is this my shirt Kayla is this mine can you not open my door like that and what are you talking about the shirt you're wearing on Instagram that you just posted um no that's my shirt I just bought that yesterday no you didn't I was literally trying to find the shirt yesterday and I couldn't find it and that's why my closet is always a mess because you're always going in there using my clothes without asking where's the shirt at under this hoodie [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God oh my God it's right there I better kill this [ __ ] you know what where the [ __ ] is my slippers at dumb [ __ ] you think you're gonna come in my room like that you thought oh come on [ __ ] let's go that's what you get for climbing in my balls dumb [ __ ] so everyone wanted an update on what happened to me especially that damn spider first things first the spider was not even that big and I over exaggerated the spider was literally like that like that big if you know what I'm talking about anyways the spider was still alive it literally dodged the two hits from the plunger so my mom came upstairs to check on me and she didn't even know what was going on because all she heard was mom you know what I mean so you already know I had to kill that [ __ ] myself so I hurried and looked for something to kill it with and finally I killed that spider with my slippers [Laughter] oh my God anyways is it just me and it better not just be me or don't you all hate it when you're talking especially in the middle of a conversation audacity to talk over you and interrupt [ __ ] I will slap the uh are you serious Olivia can you go pick that up for me no I'm not picking anything up what am I your dog you know what let me try it again oh [ __ ] who did that that was him he's been trying to shoot that paper inside the trash but he can't because it's trash that wasn't even me why are you gonna snitch all right let's do it again are you for real why is there crumpled paper balls everywhere who's doing that go pick that up what do you mean go pick that up I know that was you so go pick it up and throw in the trash correctly it wasn't even me bro I am not your bro you know what go to the office and before you leave go pick up all the crumpled paper balls everywhere how about that oh my God are you for real Olivia do you have a charger I can borrow my phone's about to die I'm on five percent what is everyone where's yours at I left it at home that's why I'm asking you here thank you oh my God Kayla I need my charger back my phone's about to die um what percent are you on really my phone's not charging I'll give it back to you once it's fully charged what percent are you on I don't give a [ __ ] if I was on 98 99 or 300 and you're at five percent that's my charger no because I go get your own charger how about that what do I look like the Apple Store Hey Olivia take a seat take a seat okay Olivia I don't have time for this I want to go home and feed my children but no I have to deal with you because you're always getting set to the office put the chair down and sit oh thank you what did you do this time I was on my phone playing on my list and she told me to put my phone away and I said no and I told her to go shove an expo marker of her ass wow your attitude needs to change I'm not changing anything can I go to the bathroom I need to go pee no and I was going to send you back to class but since you want to act like this I'll be calling your parents and I will be sending you home send me home I'll go home by myself and I'll call them for you how about that and on page 11 Olivia what's in your mouth gum what else would it be a cockroach yeah no spit it out you can't chew gum in here oh my God I literally just put this in my mouth 10 seconds ago Emma and Ava can foreign good what about you Emma Olivia they were not chewing gum you were the only one so it's either you spit it out or you can go to the office there okay class and then out Olivia go to the office how about that Mama do you need help cleaning the house because I'll wash the dishes no it's fine I got it okay just call me when you need me okay I will what are you doing taking selfies why I just spent three hours cleaning this whole house I wash the dishes for the laundry clean the toilet throw the trash out and vacuum the house while you're in your room enjoying your time taking selfies what is this I'm the maiden you're the princess mom I literally asked you if you needed any help and you said no but I'll help you right now now I don't need your help it's all done now but you know what you can do shove those selfies right up your ass I am so hungry what the [ __ ] are you always in here whenever I need to go to the kitchen uh I don't know because I'm hungry no because every time I see you you're in here opening the fridge the drawers and all the damn cabinets and you're always taking forever can you hurry up and get out no you'll get out I was here first the [ __ ] [Applause] ah nope [ __ ] oh hell no oh my God what the f no I'm leaving Ava go to the office now you know what go to the nurse's office go go and stay there what are they gonna do give me an ice pack and a peppermint no we need to call your parents and tell them you need to go home how about that go oh my God can I have some oh my God it's literally a Pop-Tart wow remember when I gave you half of my Donuts dumb [ __ ] you're always asking me for food when I'm so hungry oh my God if you're so selfish oh my God here what the [ __ ] am I gonna do with this never mind I don't want it oh my God okay here Taylor for the last time get off that damn phone go wash the dishes or do something Mom I literally just got done washing dishes five minutes ago I don't know what else you want me to do it's literally so boring in this house boring when I was your age I didn't have a phone without [ __ ] here we go again when I was your age I didn't have internet and my ass was always outside playing and you're always in this [ __ ] room okay I'll wash the dishes [ __ ]
Channel: Shorts Co
Views: 1,077,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, tiktok video, tik tok, tiktoks, tiktok reaction, tiktok reacting, reaction, shorts, shorts compilation, funny shorts, lourd aprec, lourd asprec tiktok, lourd asprec 3 hours, lourd asprec tiktok video, lourd asprec tiktok compilation, lourd asprec tiktok new, lourd asprec shorts, lourd asprec funny shorts, lourd asprec shorts 2023
Id: qSJyz8foosY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 30sec (12210 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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