🇫🇷 【法國】帶大家感受下巴黎三大街頭騙案 - 法國巴黎特別篇 - Willy Lee

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Yesterday I was in Paris The Tower Eiffel gave me a great impression Other than that is the street scams in Paris Yesterday I have experienced three different street scams So, today before I bring you to visit Paris, I would like to bring you to experience with me how the street scams work. The first common scams take place under the Tower Eiffel When you are lining up for the ticket Someone will ask you to sign and told you this is a charity You have to sign in order to support it Of course after you sign you have to donate money We can see there are some people holding their signature board Let see if they ask me for the signature Can you see them? Show it to you more clearly (Can you sign?) Sorry? What is it? (This is supporting deaf ...) What is it? I know English, What is it? (Go go go) What is it? (Go!) Sign? As you can see, how they ask me to sign After you sign, they will ask you to donate You can see how she react in front of the camera No need to explain Firstly when you signing the paper someone will open your bag behind you or stole the wallet from your pocket After that you lost them because they stole your stuff while you are not pay attention Secondly, you may ask to donate after you sign the paper the amount may more than 10 Euros They usually ask you: Do you speak English? You can just ignore them Compare to those scam, this one is the least threatening as you ignore them They wont bother you anymore The second street scam take place one the gradient of the Sacré-Cœur There are some people who try to grab your and and try to put their "lucky strap" to your hand While you can't untie it, and they will ask you for money (Exercise me?) Sorry? (Nice people) Where are you from? Hong Kong How about you? (Jaipur) No, no, no (I give you this) No, I don't need this (For you, for you) No, it's OK (Please) No, it's OK After he tie the thing to your hand, he will ask you for money Don't listen to his "Good people good people" They will try to grab your hand Like yesterday Yesterday it's not that easy like today They grabbed my hand very tight yesterday Until I shout to him: Stop Fxxking grab my hand then he release me That's why I think this one is the most dangerous scam in the street Only this scam has body touch with you and you are not strong enough to escape If you see them put your hands inside your pocket If they talk to you Ignore them If they already grab your hand You shout at them ask them stop grab your hand They will let you go Don't let them put their strap on your hand Otherwise, you have to pay them money Very lucky that I found the third street scam behind me As you can see there are three boxes There is a small ball inside one of the box They will mix the position of the box again and again you have to guess where is the small ball You have to give 50 Euros as wager If you win, you will get the doubles If you lose Your 50 Euros will belong to them As you can see All of them are the same group of people, they all are the chanters (You know?) (Open up just show me) (Yes) (Great! The money is yours) (Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do) (I know, here is 50) (No) (You know?) (This or this?) (No camera OK?) Let me explain how they cheat you There are 3 to 4 people play as player They pretend to play and win the money and they keep win and lose and you will think how easy is the game And he will ask you try it for free If you play real you have to give him 50 Euros Once you give them money They already switch the small box to another box While you are sure that the ball is inside the box you chose After you open it There is nothing and you just lose 50 Euros As you can see one of the "player" ask me stop filming He is one of them obviously If you are interested to watch don't stay long Because while you are watching some pocket picker will steal your wallet from you bag So everyone be careful Don't cheated by them and have to be careful of the stuff while watch their "show" After I show you three different street scam, Don't be cheated by them in Paris My name is Willy Lee Hope you have fun in Paris
Channel: Willy Lee
Views: 1,108,762
Rating: 4.8248792 out of 5
Keywords: Willy Lee, Travel, Travel Vlog, Paris, France, 巴黎, 法國, 街頭騙案, Street deception, Cheat
Id: iwnL9GShChI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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