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- Okay. - And to Shuangjing. Yeah, four to ten. - Four to ten? - Yeah, and the switch stop is (speaking in foreign language). - Okay, cool (speaking in foreign language). (laughing) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat guitar music) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Let's go! - Excuse me, hey sorry, do you speak English? - Uh yeah, a little (nervous laughter) - A little bit, are you a student here? - Eh, yeah. Okay, I'm doing a little study today. I wanted to see how good people at Peking University speak English. Are you a freshman, sophomore, first year, second year? - Third year. - Third year? Okay, what are you studying? - Studying environment, and um, environment. - But do you think English is hard? Is it hard to learn? - I think if you need to get professional, it is kind of I think is hard. But if for the communication, I think we just need to understand each other, it's okay. - Okay (speaking in foreign language) - Oh (speaking in foreign language), I think (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (laughter) - Okay, all right. (speaking in foreign language) - Ah! (giggles) (speaking in foreign language) - But, back to the video! Yeah, what's your major? - I major in math. - Math, okay. Your English is pretty good. Do you guys have to take English classes here? - Uh. No, because I studied math at the University of at another university. - Okay. (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) - Whoa! (laughter) Wow! (speaking in foreign language) - I came here with a friend and he got called to go meet a teacher and I'm kind of lost here, inside. - Ah, where do you want to go? - Somewhere warm? - Warm? - Is there like-- (speaking in foreign language) (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) Oh hi, hello hello. (laughter) Oh hi! (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Wow! (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) - But? What happened? (speaking in foreign language) So what year are you here, right now? - Year three. - Year three, okay. What do you study? - Chemistry. - Chemistry, okay. Do you guys still have to take English classes? - Oh, well it depends on the exam you take when you get into the school. And they will give you a grade and depending on your grades you take a different number of classes. As for me, I just have to take one English class. - Would you say that people in general here at Peking University speak English okay, or? - I'd say just so so, ya know. 'Cause most Chinese students, they don't have a very good, I'd say, language environment. - Your English is really good, so I have a question. I had somebody tell me this word and I don't really understand what it means. - Oh, um. Let me find a proper way to express this. It's a phrase which means people who don't speak much, but they have lots going on in their head. - Okay, is that a good thing or a bad thing? - No, it's kind of how people, you know, some people they are cool and they don't talk much but they actually they can be very humorous you know, when you get to know them. It's not a word that's good or bad. It's just a neutral word which describes people. - Okay, all right. (speaking in foreign language) (laughter) - 'Cause um, I (stuttering) I think this word is just-- Well, maybe a little. - So this might have been a little mean. (speaking in foreign language) You're like Peter Parker outside, but you're like Spider-man inside. (speaking in foreign language) Oh, what are you doing in here? - I'm waiting my boyfriend. - Oh, okay, cool. - Ah, oh, it's so far. (giggles) And to Shuangjing, yeah four to ten. - Four to ten? - Yeah. And the switch stop is (speaking in foreign language). - Okay, cool, (speaking in foreign language). (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) - How's his English? (laughter) Well, what are you studying? - I study Korean. - Korean? - Korean language and culture. - Okay, but you're Chinese? - Yeah. - Okay. Everybody says this is the best university in China, right? I'm curious, does everybody here speak English? - Yeah, pretty much like-- - Yes, we're from very young. - But have you like studied abroad? - Oh no no no, thank you! (laughter) - Really, so you've only studied English in China. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But do you spend time with like foreigners or anything? - Oh, not really. (nervous laughter) - What? I don't believe that you've like never studied abroad. - In high school, I planned to go abroad. I studied English really hard, for such a reason. - Okay, cool, all right. (speaking in foreign language) (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) - Really, okay I wanna find them. I wanna find them. (speaking in foreign language) What do you guys study here? - Accounting. - Account-- Your English is really good. - (nervous laughter) Thank you. - Are you Chinese? - Do you see that building? The one behind this one. - The second one over there, yeah? - The gray one. - The gray one. - Everything's gray here. - No, I mean the lighter gray. - Okay. Learning English hard do you think? - No. (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) Wait, why do you have like a Dongbei accent? (speaking in foreign language) - Taiwan. - Taiwan. (speaking in foreign language) (laughter) - Oh, you're Korean! - Yeah. - Oh, okay! (speaking in foreign language) (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) All right, what are you studying? - Ah, we study neuroscience. - Okay, all right. You guys all speak English here at the university? - No, we're Chinese, so we communicate with other with Chinese. (laughter) - Do you guys, I mean do you ever hang out with foreigners? - Yeah, sometimes. - 'Cause your English seems pretty good. Have you studied abroad ever? Have you ever studied in a different country? - No. - No? Okay, (speaking in foreign language). (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) (laughter) (speaking in foreign language) (laughter) Thank you. (speaking in foreign language) Chris English zero six. (speaking in foreign language) See you guys next time. (speaking in foreign language) Bye bye.
Channel: 口语老炮儿马思瑞 Laoma Chris
Views: 2,172,343
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Keywords: 北京大学, 北大, 中国学生, Chris Max, social experiment, pranks, prank, 外国人, 歪果仁, 英语口语, 马思瑞, 老外, 中文十级, 美国人说汉语, 英语, 外国人说中文, english, 英文, chinese students, 英语发音, esl, 英语词汇, 语音语调, 中国人, 外國人, 單詞, 老外说中文, 測評, 高材生, 中国大学, chinese university, chinese universities, 整蛊, best chinese students, top students, top students in china, 中国高材生, 社会实验, 马斯瑞, 街采, 街访, 街头采访, 采访, 口语老炮儿马思瑞, 中国学生友好吗, talking to chinese students in english, 中国学生英文, 中国学生英语, 中国人说英语, 中国人英语, 中国人英语口音, 街頭採訪, 街訪, 整蠱, 中國人, 中國學生, 中國大學生, 口语, 口語, 英語, 搞笑, 爆笑, laoshu50500, jaykeeout, xiaoma
Id: 2gtpggG9TGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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