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I want some of what they were having.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/blownawayaway 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

super wholesome! Imo-nim was so cute

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/gimmea_jumpbutton 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
oh hello I love you Korea someone's applying for a visa today Judy's party started [Music] Red Dead - precious upon Ryan Reynolds knee Meehan go get on there by enemy Hangang you ramzan otaku better food - red carpet hangs at Anakin and Kira joy a gay ham Karen Haas women Sam ship finish Egan introduced el-sheikh Des Moines Omaha shot on the chingu imminent Castle joy I get a thorough doin huh Mugen Sugarman dodgy worship Davao pushes off gotcha Fred Harvey Topanga [Music] welcome to Korea it's very nice to be in Korea is your personally a first time in fantastic because we're on a boat right now heading to the red-carpet event we are so you're came to see a bit of Seoul during the interview a lot of this we've never done any to be on a boat before hello this is a good car I know I know our games been lacking but we step down oh hi Brian she said to call her emo emo we means aren't in Korean okay she guys actually my friends aren't coincidentally so oh really also fitting yeah go but he's like a home-cooked affair a lot I dig this all right let's get stuck in shall we this is called sure John Buchi John but you're just perfect which is a boy yeah basically you just rip it up with your chopsticks house house traditionally done and this is kind of equivalent what you'd call a Korean pancake okay one of my favorite ever ways to have Andrew ensue is a traditional Korean rice wine ah miss McCauley and have in these metal bolts really traditionally you drink it out of it yeah you drink out of these you have it with John which is Korean pancakes I love it they sound good and I work in Hollywood and I won't eat anything unless someone's cut it up for me already okay so thank you it's very good right you can dip it in a bit Oh oh thank you they have some of this now right taste it yeah good for it what's that like really good so much didn't I just say oh hey Marty so yeah it's a natural amazing I'm gonna pull you a little bit of nut Polly now that's fizzing a bit it's a little bit easier I'm gonna warn you because this is gonna taste unlike anything you've ever tried before yeah how do you know what I've tried that's true I've had some mental years so we'll see oh it's sort of like a it's it got a little like sake vibe to it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like a little bit more fermented though or something yeah no wonder that it's um that's good though it's definitely fermented differently this was rice wine yeah right hmm I like that a lot it's really good together yeah I've never been a guy who puts liquid in his mouth while cueing yeah but that's the first and I'm not gonna stop yeah so good this is the basic okay from there we're gonna move on to kimchi Jon thank you I feel like we're stepping it up a notch does it look it looks does it's a little spicy oh maybe they're spicy this is kimchi okay you may have tried no of course many times I love kimchi well this is made from kimchi so it's a kimchi pancake thank you for adding it up all you very well show you that I have a lot of handlers that do that normal really okay in a bit mmm that is also very good mm-hmm is one of my personal favorites I couldn't see why yeah it's also better let's just go one more of these yeah you're good Wow Wow now let's get this party started okay we'll try and I'll get you two in trouble before your red carpet event that's fine and I have two livers okay extra ones surgically installed Wow okay and everybody's doing it oh really yeah that's the new Hollywood thing yeah yeah there's our friends those are emergency harvestable organs Oh keep that we hang out with it oh yeah another of my favorite ever Korean pancakes is him a page on him or pattern yeah okay that seafood spring onion pancake oh thank you anymore they must meet anymore it looks like some shrimp in there maybe call best shrimp in air sometimes some squid well like that I'm just gonna cross out I'm just gonna cut this up myself oh you're gonna jump because I got my big boy pants on today yeah you do oh look at this with the shrimp that's my favorite really good one mmm thank you food oh it's hot you just gotta push through he push through the pain huh hmm it's like molten lava not reacting at all but it really gali dead inside right now that's a bite right there yeah be right over the edge okay I saw my grandpa well enough to say those things to my father I'd always wanted to say me but I'm back now again my soul has we entered my body so that's amazing yeah Wow really good you're a fan of the hammer pajeon exam tastic all right now I think you can't come to a way to Korea without trying a little bit of soldier yes I have tried this you've tried searching more times try so doing Korea is up are you ready yeah there's this something you just fire right back or do you sip it or what do you do often people will just fire it right back huh you don't have to I suggest since you have a red carpet event just give it a little sip a little sip okay okay that's great that's really good okay that's really good you like that yeah smooth beautiful but the way that often Koreans will drink soju a unique way is they'll mix it with Korean beer whoa so I don't have you know mixed a drink with cream be able or with being at since I was little kid like that so this is soldier this is mech - this wood saw make Saul back yeah so maybe it sounds like sumac which is a poison I honestly did not know that okay I mean depending on who you talk to this could be considered as all the poison so we'll just give it a taste there we go don't you must work out I wasn't a little bit beer and I'm gonna do is we're just gonna stick a shelf so dream it you have to sport right in you know question why don't you just make this mixed in one bottle pre-mixed right that is a good question I mean somebody just got rich off of this YouTube video cheese pleasure yeah so make poison I don't love this because I'm not a beer drinker but uh but okay so you're gonna stick to yeah well the rice wine is really good though are you haven't soju I think I like okay you I sold you man yeah definitely definitely is that considered a good thing like is that it like if I said to someone in Korea like go into a bar so I'm a soju men would you say like wow you must be very Bureau they say dad is one hell of a fried-chicken literally an entire chicken that's been fried I can tell by the shape that's the traditional style yeah fried chicken yeah you should call it yen I think that yeah normally you should grab a leg good board yeah we just met okay you okay with this I'm great with this with your hand that's very good Korean fried chicken and often what you do is you dip in a little bit of salt by that watching my sodium 41 no wow you look younger than your age come on Oh Johnny please please I've had four drinks he got me already Wow think Korean fried chicken really good yeah with a pestle Mac that's very nice this is very nice Korea and I are getting along great yeah yeah did you have anything else planned field trip uh tomorrow I have a lot of interviews they don't lead you a lot of time yeah they don't pay for you to come here to just hang out I'll drink anything wonderful wait a second they did I'm so glad we got the opportunity we know we know you must be extremely busy with interview so we wanted to use the time we had to give you a little taste I need to come back tomorrow we'll just do this all day let's don't get booked yeah this has been sort of a child of yours yeah the last 10 years 14 years since he doesn't 14 years about three years ago we got the green light for the first one and then here we are on the second one everyone's really do come true they do come here but as well I think it feels a bit like with the character it's a bit hard to tell where Ryan Reynolds ends and where does Deadpool begin mmm I think one of the reasons I was wanted to get it made as it felt a little bit like an alter ego or like a second skin to me like I just felt so comfortable in that kind of mode where I sort of meta and he's sort of breaking the fourth wall addressing the audience and breaking the fourth wall right now for free okay there's a lot of things about him that I really admire especially as a self-loathing Canadian I think but we're both Canadian we were both the same age in the comics - yeah everything is same height yeah and now you'll hear in Korea and I'm here in Seoul Korea what's it been like traveling as part of this whole experience it's pretty great you know that thought that you get to kind of fly around to all these different countries you get didn't really get a like a nice dose of them even though you're only there for a couple of days you get to usually you're paired up with people that if you experienced like this this is an amazing experience like I wouldn't you know had a chance to do this if I wasn't doing this with you so thank you Josh good um what's great about is that you can always go back you can I see you afterwards I can all go home alone alone my wife and my kids will be like this I saw this insole crowns amazing so you know it's looking to come back to this in real time would you be nice I'm kind of feeling the the booze a little bit right now you're feeling it yeah can't quite tell if I'm peeing but it's I can follow it it's in my blood right yeah that's obviously dead poison extremely you know r-rated character was very r-rated yes but you've used that character in so many different ways and I think one of them that I was really surprised I'm like really excited happy to see what you also use them in for charity oh for sure yeah wait Wilson the character of Deadpool has cancer so in the first home that was kind of a discovery to me all these kids reached out loud you know these kids who that were struggling with cancer and dealing with cancer was obviously a serious stuff and you know they found some solace in this fictional stupid larger-than-life character and so we really welcome them in we welcomed into the set into the experience with Deadpool and has been truly one of the great privileges of my life is being able to kind of welcome those kids into that world and give them an experience there wasn't a single kid we turned away anyone that wanted to come to sat they they came about so cool to see I think in every way they're always kind of a really refreshing character even though he's completely outrageous you don't necessarily always agree with the stuff he says but it's just to refresh it hard he's innocent though it's like a kid there's nothing mean-spirited about yeah but he's just absolutely over the top and of course he's totally outrageous and that's what I love about it you know what we didn't try was this you want to give it a try yeah try anything what is this one this is mu kimchi so it's actually radish there's been kimchi - oh well hello radish that's been kimchi welcome to my mouth oh that's very good yeah like that you really like that Oh fresh and like yeah I would imagine kind of healthy yeah yeah yeah well that's why I love about Korean food I mean even when you're having fried stuff you get these side dishes that is so fresh spice beautiful flavors that's amazing I feel like in the UK especially when we do like healthy food the guy's poisonous mayonnaise I assume but now it was a jug of beer right yeah exactly yeah but separated so it's sort of well boy hard to get down with a straw right yeah yeah I got you got a spoon for that yeah just I'm you know I enjoying it no no none at all no one else but we got to get through it yeah yeah mayonnaise I'm gonna drink itself okay it tastes great honey does it tell me that's incredible they make eating healthily and Alysha sting like to personally thank Korea for inventing food like this Thank You Korea from the heart of my bottom I love actually there was one thing I would say do you want to give a message to any other Korean fans out there watching this video I love you Korea I love you Seoul I just love being a part of this culture even though it albeit somewhat brief I'm so excited to beat her and thank you for welcoming Thank You Josh and Ollie guys for creating this incredible meal you know thank you very much that was incredible thank you now just in case you don't get a chance to go out and get any soldier we have actually River Oh we've brought your box I'll put this in my carry-on I am never gonna get this in my wallet I don't know how long you have left in Korea but you can make it dead share it with the people you can make this vanish into my body okay yes and we actually also just got a little present for your daughters Oh My Jesus the the humble it's like a traditional beautiful little Korean dress so whatever one year old on for three year old you guys are very very kind on the road yogi guys annyeong bye guys all right these are like McDonald's will go nuts for this are you kidding me well just the colors alone will like that they love it and then they'll fight a little bit they'll fight over each other's Oh No [Music] you
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 11,430,573
Rating: 4.9574447 out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 댄, 단, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자, 데드풀, 데드풀2, deadpool, deadpool2, deadpool 2, 데드풀 2, 막걸리, 파전, 소주, 김치전, makgeolli, pajeon, soju, kimchi, jeon, 한강, hangang, han river, seoul, 서울, ryan reynolds, reynolds, 라이언, 레이놀즈, 내한, 통닭, korean fried chicken
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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